
Defines functions predhy.predict

Documented in predhy.predict

#' @title Predict the Performance of Hybrids
#' @description Predict all potential crosses of a given set of parents using a subset of crosses as the training sample.
#' @param inbred_gen a matrix for genotypes of parental lines in numeric format, coded as 1, 0 and -1. The row.names of inbred_gen must be provied. It can be obtained from the original genotype using  \code{\link{convertgen}} function.
#' @param hybrid_phe a data frame with three columns. The first column and the second column are the names of male and female parents of the corresponding hybrids, respectively; the third column is the phenotypic values of hybrids.
#' The names of male and female parents must match the rownames of inbred_gen. Missing (NA) values are not allowed.
#' @param parent_phe a matrix of a phenotypic values of parent.The names parent_phe must match the rownames of inbred_gen. Default is NULL.
#' @param method eight GS methods including "GBLUP", "BayesB", "RKHS", "PLS", "LASSO", "EN", "XGBoost", "LightGBM". Users may select one of these methods. Default is "GBLUP".
#' @param model the prediction model. There are four options: model = "A" for the additive model, model = "AD" for the additive-dominance model,model = "A-P" for the additive-phenotypic model,model = "AD-P" for the additive-dominance-phenotypic model. Default is model = "A".
#' @param select the selection of hybrids based on the prediction results. There are three options: select = "all", which selects all potential crosses. select = "top", which selects the top n crosses. select = "bottom", which selects the bottom n crosses. The n is determined by the param number.
#' @param number the number of selected top or bottom hybrids, only when select = "top" or select = "bottom".
#' @return a data frame of prediction results with two columns. The first column denotes the names of male and female parents of the predicted hybrids, and the second column denotes the phenotypic values of the predicted hybrids.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## load example data from predhy package
#' data(hybrid_phe)
#' data(input_geno)
#' ## convert original genotype
#' inbred_gen <- convertgen(input_geno, type = "hmp2")
#' pred<-predhy.predict(inbred_gen,hybrid_phe,method="LASSO",model="A",select="top",number="100")
#' pred<-predhy.predict(inbred_gen,hybrid_phe,method="LASSO",model="AD",select="all")
#'  }
#' @export
predhy.predict <- function(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe, parent_phe=NULL,method = "GBLUP", model = "A", select = "top", number = "100") {
    gena <- infergen(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe)$add
    gend <- infergen(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe)$dom
    y <- hybrid_phe[, 3]
	if (is.null(parent_phe)) {
    print(message("no phenotypic values of parent"))
  }else {
    parent_phe <- as.matrix(scale(parent_phe))
	pena <- infergen(parent_phe, hybrid_phe)$add
    pend <- infergen(parent_phe, hybrid_phe)$dom
    if ((method == "PLS") | (method == "XGBoost") | (method == "BayesB") | (method ==
        "LASSO") | (method == "GBLUP") | (method == "RKHS") | (method == "LightGBM") |
        (method == "EN")) {
        if (method == "PLS") {
            predict.pls <- function(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe, parent_phe=NULL,model = NULL) {
                if (!requireNamespace("pls", quietly = TRUE)) {
                  stop("pls needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
                    call. = FALSE)
                # library(pls)
                predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                predparent_gen <- as.matrix(predparent_gen)
                phe_name <- NULL
                ynew <- NULL
                if (model == "AD") {
                  x <- cbind(gena, gend)
                  pls.fit <- plsr(y ~ x, ncomp = 5, validation = "CV")
                  nn <- as.numeric(which.min(tt <- RMSEP(pls.fit)$val[1, , ][-1]))
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[,i] + predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1, ha2)
                    yhat <- predict(pls.fit, newdata = X, ncomp = nn)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
				if (model == "AD-P") {
				x <- cbind(gena,gend,inbredphe)
				pls.fit <- plsr(y ~ x,ncomp = 5, validation = "CV")
                nn <- as.numeric(which.min(tt <- RMSEP(pls.fit)$val[1, , ][-1]))
                for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[,i] + predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,ha2,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(pls.fit, newdata = X, ncomp = nn)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "A") {
                  x <- gena
                  pls.fit <- plsr(y ~ x, ncomp = 5, validation = "CV")
                  nn <- as.numeric(which.min(tt <- RMSEP(pls.fit)$val[1, , ][-1]))
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[,i] + predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2)
                    X <- ha1
                    yhat <- predict(pls.fit, newdata = X, ncomp = nn)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "A-P") {
				x <- cbind(gena,inbredphe)
				pls.fit <- plsr(y ~ x, ncomp = 5, validation = "CV")
                nn <- as.numeric(which.min(tt <- RMSEP(pls.fit)$val[1, , ][-1]))
                for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[,i] + predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(pls.fit, newdata = X, ncomp = nn)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
            print("Predict by PLS...")
            if (model == "A") {
                print("additive model")
                predict_pls <- predict.pls(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL, model = "A")
                Results <- predict_pls	}
			else if (model == "A-P") {
                print("additive-phenotypic model")
                predict_pls <- predict.pls(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe, model = "A-P")
                Results <- predict_pls}
			else if (model == "AD-P") {
                print("additive-dominance-phenotypic model")
                predict_pls <- predict.pls(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe, model = "AD-P")
                Results <- predict_pls}
			else {
                print("additive-dominance model")
                predict_pls <- predict.pls(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL, model = "AD")
                Results <- predict_pls
            print("Predict by PLS...ended.")
        if (method == "XGBoost") {
            predict.xgboost <- function(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = NULL) {
                if (!requireNamespace("xgboost", quietly = TRUE)) {
                  stop("xgboost needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
                    call. = FALSE)
                # library(xgboost)
                predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                predparent_gen <- as.matrix(predparent_gen)
                phe_name <- NULL
                ynew <- NULL
                if (model == "AD") {
                  x <- cbind(gena, gend)
                  xg <- xgboost(data = x, label = y,
                                   set.seed(123),verbose = FALSE)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1, ha2)
                    yhat <- predict(xg, X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
				if (model == "AD-P") {
                  x <- cbind(gena, gend,inbredphe)
                  xg <- xgboost(data = x, label = y,
                                   set.seed(123),verbose = FALSE)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1, ha2,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(xg, X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "A") {
                  x <- gena
                  xg <- xgboost(data = x, label = y,
                                   set.seed(123),verbose = FALSE)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X <- ha1
                    yhat <- predict(xg, X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
			if (model == "A-P") {
                  x <- cbind(gena,inbredphe)
                  xg <- xgboost(data = x, label = y,
                                   set.seed(123),verbose = FALSE)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(xg, X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
            print("Predict by XGBoost...")
            if (model == "A") {
                print("additive model")
                predict_xgboost <- predict.xgboost(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = "A")
                Results <- predict_xgboost}
			else if (model == "A-P") {
                print("additive-phenotypic model")	
				predict_xgboost <- predict.xgboost(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe,model = "A-P")
                Results <- predict_xgboost
			else if (model == "AD-P") {
                print("additive-dominance-phenotypic model")	
				predict_xgboost <- predict.xgboost(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe,model = "AD-P")
                Results <- predict_xgboost
			else {
                print("additive-dominance model")
                predict_xgboost <- predict.xgboost(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = "AD")
                Results <- predict_xgboost
            print("Predict by XGBoost...ended")
        if (method == "BayesB") {
            predict.bayesb <- function(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = NULL) {
                if (!requireNamespace("BGLR", quietly = TRUE)) {
                  stop("BGLR needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
                    call. = FALSE)
                # library(BGLR)
                predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                predparent_gen <- as.matrix(predparent_gen)
                phe_name <- NULL
                ynew <- NULL
				if (model == "AD") {
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X1 <- rbind(gena, ha1)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X2 <- rbind(gend, ha2)
                    yNa <- as.matrix(rep(NA, nrow(ha1)))
                    yNA <- c(y, yNa)
                    yNA <- as.matrix(yNA)
                    eta <- list(list(X = X1, model = "BayesB"),list(X = X2, model = "BayesB"))
                    fm <- BGLR(y = yNA, ETA = eta, verbose = F)
                    yhat <- fm$yHat
                    y <- as.matrix(y)
                    yhat1 <- yhat[-c(1:nrow(y))]
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "AD-P") {
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X1 <- rbind(gena, ha1)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X2 <- rbind(gend, ha2)
                    yNa <- as.matrix(rep(NA, nrow(ha1)))
                    yNA <- c(y, yNa)
                    yNA <- as.matrix(yNA)
                    eta <- list(list(X = X1, model = "BayesB"),list(X = X2, model = "BayesB"),list(X = P1, model = "BayesB"))
                    fm <- BGLR(y = yNA, ETA = eta, verbose = F)
                    yhat <- fm$yHat
                    y <- as.matrix(y)
                    yhat1 <- yhat[-c(1:nrow(y))]
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "A") {
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X <- rbind(gena, ha1)
                    yNa <- as.matrix(rep(NA, nrow(ha1)))
                    yNA <- c(y, yNa)
                    yNA <- as.matrix(yNA)
                    eta <- list(list(X = X, model = "BayesB"))
                    fm <- BGLR(y = yNA, ETA = eta, verbose = F)
                    yhat <- fm$yHat
                    y <- as.matrix(y)
                    yhat1 <- yhat[-c(1:nrow(y))]
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
				if (model == "A-P") {
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- rbind(gena, ha1)
                    yNa <- as.matrix(rep(NA, nrow(ha1)))
                    yNA <- c(y, yNa)
                    yNA <- as.matrix(yNA)
                    eta <- list(list(X = X, model = "BayesB"),list(X = P1, model = "BayesB"))
                    fm <- BGLR(y = yNA, ETA = eta, verbose = F)
                    yhat <- fm$yHat
                    y <- as.matrix(y)
                    yhat1 <- yhat[-c(1:nrow(y))]
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
            print("Predict by BayesB...")
            if (model == "A") {
                print("additive model")
                predict_bayesb <- predict.bayesb(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL, model = "A")
                Results <- predict_bayesb}	
			else if (model == "A-P") {
                print("additive-phenotypic model")
                predict_bayesb <- predict.bayesb(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe, model = "A-P")
                Results <- predict_bayesb
			 else if(model == "AD-P")  {
			 print("additive-dominance-phenotypic model")
                predict_bayesb <- predict.bayesb(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe, model = "AD-P")
                Results <- predict_bayesb
			else {
                print("additive-dominance model")
                predict_bayesb <- predict.bayesb(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = "AD")
                Results <- predict_bayesb
            print("Predict by BayesB ...ended")
        if (method == "LASSO") {
            predict.lasso <- function(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = NULL) {
                if (!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
                  stop("glmnet needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
                    call. = FALSE)}
                # library(glmnet)
                predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                predparent_gen <- as.matrix(predparent_gen)
                phe_name <- NULL
                ynew <- NULL
				if (model == "AD") {
                  x <- cbind(gena, gend)
                  fit0 <- cv.glmnet(x, y)
                  lambda <- fit0$lambda.min
                  ffit <- glmnet(x, y, lambda = lambda)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1, ha2)
                    yhat <- predict(ffit, newx = X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "AD-P") {
                  x <- cbind(gena, gend,inbredphe)
                  fit0 <- cv.glmnet(x, y)
                  lambda <- fit0$lambda.min
                  ffit <- glmnet(x, y, lambda = lambda)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,ha2,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(ffit, newx = X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "A") {
                  x <- gena
                  fit0 <- cv.glmnet(x, y)
                  lambda <- fit0$lambda.min
                  ffit <- glmnet(x, y, lambda = lambda)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X <- ha1
                    yhat <- predict(ffit, newx = X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
				if (model == "A-P") {
                  x <- cbind(gena,inbredphe)
                  fit0 <- cv.glmnet(x, y)
                  lambda <- fit0$lambda.min
                  ffit <- glmnet(x, y, lambda = lambda)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(ffit, newx = X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
            print("Predict by LASSO ...")
            if (model == "A") {
                print("additive model")
                predict_lasso <- predict.lasso(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL, model = "A")
                Results <- predict_lasso}
			else if (model == "A-P") {
                print("additive-phenotypic model")
                predict_lasso <- predict.lasso(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe, model = "A-P")
                Results <- predict_lasso	
			else if (model == "AD-P") {
                print("additive-dominance-phenotypic model")
                predict_lasso <- predict.lasso(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe, model = "AD-P")
                Results <- predict_lasso	
			else {
                print("additive-dominance model")
                predict_lasso <- predict.lasso(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = "AD")
                Results <- predict_lasso
            print("Predict by LASSO ...ended")
        if (method == "LightGBM") {
            predict.lightgbm <- function(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = NULL) {
                if (!requireNamespace("lightgbm", quietly = TRUE)) {
                  stop("lightgbm needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
                    call. = FALSE)
                # library(lightgbm)
                predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                predparent_gen <- as.matrix(predparent_gen)
                ynew <- NULL
                phe_name <- NULL
                if (model == "AD") {
                  x <- cbind(gena, gend)
				  dtrain <- lgb.Dataset(data=x,label=y)
                     params = list(boosting_type = 'gbdt',objective="regression",
                                   learning_rate=0.03 )
                     fit <- lgb.train(
                       params = params,   
                       nrounds = 500 ,
                       verbose = -1) 
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1, ha2)
                    yhat <- predict(fit, X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
				if (model == "AD-P") {
                  x <- cbind(gena, gend,inbredphe)
				  dtrain <- lgb.Dataset(data=x,label=y)
                     params = list(boosting_type = 'gbdt',objective="regression",
                                   learning_rate=0.03 )
                     fit <- lgb.train(
                       params = params,   
                       nrounds = 500 ,
                       verbose = -1) 
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,ha2,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(fit, X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "A") {
                  x <- gena
                  dtrain <- lgb.Dataset(data=x,label=y)
                     params = list(boosting_type = 'gbdt',objective="regression",
                                   learning_rate=0.03 )
                     fit <- lgb.train(
                       params = params,   
                       nrounds = 500 ,
                       verbose = -1) 
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X <- ha1
                    yhat <- predict(fit, X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
			if (model == "A-P") {
                  x <- cbind(gena,inbredphe)
                  dtrain <- lgb.Dataset(data=x,label=y)
                     params = list(boosting_type = 'gbdt',objective="regression",
                                   learning_rate=0.03 )
                     fit <- lgb.train(
                       params = params,   
                       nrounds = 500 ,
                       verbose = -1) 
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <- t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(fit, X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
            print("Predict by LightGBM ...")
            if (model == "A") {
                print("additive model")
                predict_lightgbm <- predict.lightgbm(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = "A")
                Results <- predict_lightgbm
            else if (model == "A-P") {
                print("additive-phenotypic model")
                predict_lightgbm <- predict.lightgbm(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe,model = "A-P")
                Results <- predict_lightgbm
            else if (model == "AD-P") {
                print("additive-dominance-phenotypic model")
                predict_lightgbm <- predict.lightgbm(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe,model = "AD-P")
                Results <- predict_lightgbm
			else {
                print("additive-dominance model")
                predict_lightgbm <- predict.lightgbm(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = "AD")
                Results <- predict_lightgbm
            print("Predict by LightGBM ...ended")
        if (method == "EN") {
            predict.EN <- function(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = NULL) {
                # library(glmnet)
                predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                predparent_gen <- as.matrix(predparent_gen)
                ynew <- NULL
                phe_name <- NULL
                if (model == "AD-P") {
                  x <- cbind(gena, gend,inbredphe)
                  fit0 <- cv.glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0.5)
                  lambda <- fit0$lambda.min
                  ffit <- glmnet(x = x, y = y, lambda = lambda, alpha = 0.5)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,ha2,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(ffit, newx = X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
				if (model == "AD") {
                  x <- cbind(gena, gend)
                  fit0 <- cv.glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0.5)
                  lambda <- fit0$lambda.min
                  ffit <- glmnet(x = x, y = y, lambda = lambda, alpha = 0.5)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,ha2)
                    yhat <- predict(ffit, newx = X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "A") {
                  x <- gena
                  fit0 <- cv.glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0.5)
                  lambda <- fit0$lambda.min
                  ffit <- glmnet(x = x, y = y, lambda = lambda, alpha = 0.5)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X <- ha1
                    yhat <- predict(ffit, newx = X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
				if (model == "A-P") {
                  x <- cbind(gena,inbredphe)
                  fit0 <- cv.glmnet(x = x, y = y, alpha = 0.5)
                  lambda <- fit0$lambda.min
                  ffit <- glmnet(x = x, y = y, lambda = lambda, alpha = 0.5)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X <- cbind(ha1,p1,p2)
                    yhat <- predict(ffit, newx = X)
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
            print("Predict by EN ...")
            if (model == "A") {
                print("additive model")
                predict_EN <- predict.EN(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = "A")
                Results <- predict_EN}
			else if (model == "A-P") {
                print("additive-phenotypic model")
                predict_EN <- predict.EN(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe,model = "A-P")
                Results <- predict_EN
			else if (model == "AD-P") {
                print("additive-dominance-phenotypic model")
                predict_EN <- predict.EN(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe,model = "AD-P")
                Results <- predict_EN
			else {
                print("additive-dominance model")
                predict_EN <- predict.EN(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = "AD")
                Results <- predict_EN
            print("Predict by EN ...ended")
        if (method == "GBLUP") {
            predict.GBLUP <- function(fix = NULL, fixnew = NULL, inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL, model = NULL) {
                n <- nrow(hybrid_phe)
                if (model == "AD") {
                  gena <- infergen(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe)[[1]]
                  ka <- kin(gena)
                  gend <- infergen(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe)[[2]]
                  kd <- kin(gend)
                  parm <- mixed(fix = fix, y = y, kk = list(ka, kd))
                  v_i <- parm$v_i
                  beta <- parm$beta
                  va <- parm$var[1]
                  vd <- parm$var[2]
                  ve <- parm$ve
                  ka21 <- NULL
                  kd21 <- NULL
                  phe_name <- NULL
                  predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                  pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                  predparent_gen <- as.matrix(predparent_gen)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ka2 <- tcrossprod(ha1, gena)/ncol(gena)
                    ka21 <- rbind(ka21, ka2)
                    hd1 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[, i] - predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2))
                    kd2 <- tcrossprod(hd1, gend)/ncol(gend)
                    kd21 <- rbind(kd21, kd2)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  if (is.null(fix)) {
                    fix <- matrix(1, n, 1)
                  } else {
                    fix <- as.matrix(fix)
                  n1 <- nrow(kd21)
                  if (is.null(fixnew)) {
                    fixnew <- matrix(1, n1, 1)
                  } else {
                    fixnew <- as.matrix(fixnew)
                  G21 <- ka21 * va + kd21 * vd
                  pred_phe <- fixnew %*% beta + G21 %*% v_i %*% (y - fix %*% beta)
                  row.names(pred_phe) <- phe_name
				if (model == "AD-P") {
                  gena <- infergen(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe)[[1]]
                  ka <- kin(gena)
                  gend <- infergen(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe)[[2]]
                  kd <- kin(gend)
                  parm <- mixed(fix = fix, y = y, kk = list(ka,kd,kp))
                  v_i <- parm$v_i
                  beta <- parm$beta
                  va <- parm$var[1]
                  vd <- parm$var[2]
                  ve <- parm$ve
                  ka21 <- NULL
                  kd21 <- NULL
                  phe_name <- NULL
                  predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                  pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                  predparent_gen <- as.matrix(predparent_gen)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ka2 <- tcrossprod(ha1, gena)/ncol(gena)
                    ka21 <- rbind(ka21, ka2)
                    hd1 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[, i] - predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2))
                    kd2 <- tcrossprod(hd1, gend)/ncol(gend)
                    kd21 <- rbind(kd21, kd2)
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
					kp1 <- tcrossprod(P1, inbredphe)/ncol(inbredphe)
                    kp2 <- rbind(kp2, kp1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  if (is.null(fix)) {
                    fix <- matrix(1, n, 1)
                  } else {
                    fix <- as.matrix(fix)
                  n1 <- nrow(kd21)
                  if (is.null(fixnew)) {
                    fixnew <- matrix(1, n1, 1)
                  } else {
                    fixnew <- as.matrix(fixnew)
                  G21 <- ka21 * va + kd21 * vd + kp2 * vp
                  pred_phe <- fixnew %*% beta + G21 %*% v_i %*% (y - fix %*% beta)
                  row.names(pred_phe) <- phe_name
                if (model == "A") {
                  gena <- infergen(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe)[[1]]
                  ka <- kin(gena)
                  parm <- mixed(fix = fix, y = y, kk = list(ka))
                  v_i <- parm$v_i
                  beta <- parm$beta
                  va <- parm$var[1]
                  ve <- parm$ve
                  ka21 <- NULL
                  phe_name <- NULL
                  predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                  pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ka2 <- tcrossprod(ha1, gena)/ncol(gena)
                    ka21 <- rbind(ka21, ka2)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  if (is.null(fix)) {
                    fix <- matrix(1, n, 1)
                  } else {
                    fix <- as.matrix(fix)
                  n1 <- nrow(ka21)
                  if (is.null(fixnew)) {
                    fixnew <- matrix(1, n1, 1)
                  } else {
                    fixnew <- as.matrix(fixnew)
                  G21 <- ka21 * va
                  pred_phe <- fixnew %*% beta + G21 %*% v_i %*% (y - fix %*% beta)
                  row.names(pred_phe) <- phe_name
				if (model == "A-P") {
                  gena <- infergen(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe)[[1]]
                  ka <- kin(gena)
                  parm <- mixed(fix = fix, y = y, kk = list(ka,kp))
                  v_i <- parm$v_i
                  beta <- parm$beta
                  va <- parm$var[1]
                  ve <- parm$ve
                  ka21 <- NULL
                  phe_name <- NULL
                  predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                  pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    ka2 <- tcrossprod(ha1, gena)/ncol(gena)
                    ka21 <- rbind(ka21, ka2)
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
					kp1 <- tcrossprod(P1, inbredphe)/ncol(inbredphe)
                    kp2 <- rbind(kp2, kp1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  if (is.null(fix)) {
                    fix <- matrix(1, n, 1)
                  } else {
                    fix <- as.matrix(fix)
                  n1 <- nrow(ka21)
                  if (is.null(fixnew)) {
                    fixnew <- matrix(1, n1, 1)
                  } else {
                    fixnew <- as.matrix(fixnew)
                  G21 <- ka21 * va + kp2*vp
                  pred_phe <- fixnew %*% beta + G21 %*% v_i %*% (y - fix %*% beta)
                  row.names(pred_phe) <- phe_name
            print("Predict by GBLUP ...")
            if (model == "A") {
                print("additive model")
                predict_GBLUP <- predict.GBLUP(fix = NULL, fixnew = NULL, inbred_gen,
                  hybrid_phe, parent_phe=NULL,model = "A")
                Results <- predict_GBLUP
           else if(model == "A-P") {
                print("additive-phenotypic model")
                predict_GBLUP <- predict.GBLUP(fix = NULL, fixnew = NULL, inbred_gen,
                  hybrid_phe,parent_phe, model = "A-P")
                Results <- predict_GBLUP
            else if(model == "AD-P") {
                print("additive-dominance-phenotypic model")
                predict_GBLUP <- predict.GBLUP(fix = NULL, fixnew = NULL, inbred_gen,
                  hybrid_phe,parent_phe, model = "AD-P")
                Results <- predict_GBLUP
			else {
                print("additive-dominance model")
                predict_GBLUP <- predict.GBLUP(fix = NULL, fixnew = NULL, inbred_gen,
                  hybrid_phe, parent_phe=NULL,model = "AD")
                Results <- predict_GBLUP
            print("Predict by GBLUP ...ended")
        if (method == "RKHS") {
            predict.rkhsmk <- function(inbred_gen,hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = NULL) {
                # library(BGLR)
                predparent_gen <- t(inbred_gen)
                pred_name <- colnames(predparent_gen)
                predparent_gen <- as.matrix(predparent_gen)
                ynew <- NULL
                phe_name <- NULL
                if (model == "AD") {
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X1 <- rbind(gena, ha1)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X2 <- rbind(gend, ha2)
                    yNa <- as.matrix(rep(NA, nrow(ha1)))
                    yNA <- c(y, yNa)
                    yNA <- as.matrix(yNA)
                    M <- scale(X1, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
                    D <- (as.matrix(dist(M, method = "euclidean"))^2)/ncol(X1)
					M1 <- scale(X2, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
                    D1 <- (as.matrix(dist(M1, method = "euclidean"))^2)/ncol(X2)
                    h <- 0.5 * c(1/5, 1, 5)
                    ETA <- list(list(K = exp(-h[1] * D), model = "RKHS"), 
                    list(K = exp(-h[2] * D), model = "RKHS"), list(K = exp(-h[3] * D), model = "RKHS"),list(K = exp(-h[1] * D1), model = "RKHS"), 
                    list(K = exp(-h[2] * D1), model = "RKHS"), list(K = exp(-h[3] * D1), model = "RKHS"))
                    fm <- BGLR(y = yNA, ETA = ETA, verbose = F)
                    yhat <- fm$yHat
                    y <- as.matrix(y)
                    yhat1 <- yhat[-c(1:nrow(y))]
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
				if (model == "AD-P") {
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X1 <- rbind(gena, ha1)
                    ha2 <- t(abs((predparent_gen[,i] - predparent_gen[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    X2 <- rbind(gend, ha2)
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    yNa <- as.matrix(rep(NA, nrow(ha1)))
                    yNA <- c(y, yNa)
                    yNA <- as.matrix(yNA)
                    M <- scale(X1, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
                    D <- (as.matrix(dist(M, method = "euclidean"))^2)/ncol(X1)
					M1 <- scale(X2, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
                    D1 <- (as.matrix(dist(M1, method = "euclidean"))^2)/ncol(X2)
                    h <- 0.5 * c(1/5, 1, 5)
                    ETA <- list(list(K = exp(-h[1] * D), model = "RKHS"), 
                   list(K = exp(-h[2] * D), model = "RKHS"), list(K = exp(-h[3] * D), model = "RKHS"),list(K = exp(-h[1] * D1), model = "RKHS"), 
                   list(K = exp(-h[2] * D1), model = "RKHS"), list(K = exp(-h[3] * D1), model = "RKHS"), list(X = P1, model = "BayesB"))
                    fm <- BGLR(y = yNA, ETA = ETA, verbose = F)
                    yhat <- fm$yHat
                    y <- as.matrix(y)
                    yhat1 <- yhat[-c(1:nrow(y))]
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
                if (model == "A") {
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X1 <- rbind(gena, ha1)
                    X <- X1
                    yNa <- as.matrix(rep(NA, nrow(ha1)))
                    yNA <- c(y, yNa)
                    yNA <- as.matrix(yNA)
                    M <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
                    D <- (as.matrix(dist(M, method = "euclidean"))^2)/ncol(X)
                    h <- 0.5 * c(1/5, 1, 5)
                    ETA <- list(list(K = exp(-h[1] * D), model = "RKHS"), list(K = exp(-h[2] *
                      D), model = "RKHS"), list(K = exp(-h[3] * D), model = "RKHS"))
                    fm <- BGLR(y = yNA, ETA = ETA, verbose = F)
                    yhat <- fm$yHat
                    y <- as.matrix(y)
                    yhat1 <- yhat[-c(1:nrow(y))]
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
			if (model == "A-P") {
                  for (i in 1:(ncol(predparent_gen) - 1)) {
                    ha1 <-  t((predparent_gen[, i] + predparent_gen[, -(1:i)])/2)
                    X1 <- rbind(gena, ha1)
                    X <- X1
					p1<-as.matrix((predparent_phe[,i] + predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2)
					p2<-as.matrix(abs((predparent_phe[,i] - predparent_phe[,-(1:i)])/2))
                    yNa <- as.matrix(rep(NA, nrow(ha1)))
                    yNA <- c(y, yNa)
                    yNA <- as.matrix(yNA)
                    M <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
                    D <- (as.matrix(dist(M, method = "euclidean"))^2)/ncol(X)
                    h <- 0.5 * c(1/5, 1, 5)
                    ETA <- list(list(K = exp(-h[1] * D), model = "RKHS"), 
                    list(K = exp(-h[2] * D), model = "RKHS"), list(K = exp(-h[3] * D), model = "RKHS"),list(X = P1, model = "BayesB"))
                    fm <- BGLR(y = yNA, ETA = ETA, verbose = F)
                    yhat <- fm$yHat
                    y <- as.matrix(y)
                    yhat1 <- yhat[-c(1:nrow(y))]
                    ynew <- c(ynew, yhat1)
                    test_name <- paste(pred_name[i], pred_name[-(1:i)], sep = "/")
                    phe_name <- c(phe_name, test_name)
                  ynew <- as.matrix(ynew)
                  row.names(ynew) <- phe_name
            print("Predict by RKHS ...")
            if (model == "A") {
                print("additive model")
                predict_rkhsmk <- predict.rkhsmk(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL,model = "A")
                Results <- predict_rkhsmk
            else if (model == "A-P") {
                print("additive-phenotypic model")
                predict_rkhsmk <- predict.rkhsmk(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe,model = "A-P")
                Results <- predict_rkhsmk
			else if (model == "AD-P") {
                print("additive-dominance-phenotypic model")
                predict_rkhsmk <- predict.rkhsmk(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe,model = "AD-P")
                Results <- predict_rkhsmk
			else {
                print("additive-dominance model")
                predict_rkhsmk <- predict.rkhsmk(inbred_gen, hybrid_phe,parent_phe=NULL, model = "AD")
                Results <- predict_rkhsmk
            print("Predict by RKHS ...ended")
        if (select == "all") {
            Results_select <- as.data.frame(Results)
            colnames(Results_select) <- paste("all_", nrow(Results), sep = "")
        } else if (select == "top") {
            Results_select <- as.data.frame(sort(Results[, 1], decreasing = T)[c(1:number)])
            names(Results_select) <- paste("top_", number, sep = "")
        } else if (select == "bottom") {
            Results_select <- as.data.frame(sort(Results[, 1], decreasing = F)[c(1:number)])
            colnames(Results_select) <- paste("bottom_", number, sep = "")
    } else {
        stop("Please choose a predict method: GBLUP, BayesB, RKHS, PLS, LASSO, EN, XGBoost, LightGBM.")
    }  # End of all predict methods

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predhy documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:34 a.m.