
Defines functions R2_glmm

Documented in R2_glmm

R2_glmm <- function(model, over_disp=FALSE){
    inherits(model, "lmerMod"),
    inherits(model, "glmerMod"),
    inherits(model, "glmmTMB")))
  tr <- function (m) {
    if ((dim(m)[1] != dim(m)[2])) 
      stop("m must be a square matrix")
    return(sum(diag(m), na.rm = TRUE))
  if (inherits(model, "glmmTMB")){
    tmb_call <- model$call
    tmb_call$doFit <- FALSE
	tmbf <- try(with(model$frame, eval(tmb_call)), TRUE)
	if (inherits(tmbf, "try-error")) {
	  tmb_call$data <- base::merge(eval(tmb_call$data), model$frame, sort=FALSE)
	  tmbf <- eval(tmb_call)
   # tmbf <- with(model$frame, eval(tmb_call))
    weights <- tmbf$data.tmb$weights
    cond_reTrms <- tmbf$condList$reTrms
    theta <- exp(getME(model, "theta"))/sigma(model)
    Lambda <- t(cond_reTrms$Lambdat)
    Lambda@x <- theta[cond_reTrms$Lind]    
    beta <- getME(model, "beta")
    beta <- beta[setdiff(names(beta), c("betad", "betazi"))]
    family_n <- model$modelInfo$family$family
    if (family_n=="binomial") yobs <- unique(tmbf$data.tmb$yobs)
    link_n <- model$modelInfo$family$link
    covB <- vcov(model)$cond
    weights <- model@resp$weights
    Lambda <- getME(model, "Lambda")
    beta <- getME(model, "beta")
    if (inherits(model, "lmerMod")) family_n <- "gaussian" else family_n <- model@resp$family$family
    if (family_n=="binomial") yobs <- unique(model@resp$y)
    if (inherits(model, "glmerMod")) link_n <- model@resp$family$link
    covB <- vcov(model)
  X <- getME(model, "X") 
  Z <- getME(model, "Z") 
  XZ <- cbind(X, Z)
  if (family_n != "gaussian"){
    if (family_n =="binomial" && all(yobs%in%c(0,1))){
      prior_weight <- switch(link_n,
                             "logit" = 3/(pi^2),
                             "probit" = 1,
                             "cloglog" = 6/(pi^2))	
      if (inherits(model, "glmmTMB")) {
        weight_fun <- function(eta, mod){
          family_fun <- mod$modelInfo$family
        y_hat <- as.vector(XZ%*%c(beta, getME(model, "b")))
        prior_weight <- as.vector(weight_fun(y_hat, model))*tmbf$data.tmb$weights 
        if (length(tmbf$data.tmb$size) > 0) prior_weight <- prior_weight*tmbf$data.tmb$size
      }else prior_weight <- model@resp$sqrtWrkWt()^2 
  }else prior_weight <- weights
  n <- nrow(X) 
  Zt <- t(Z)
  s <- sigma(model)    
  G <- Matrix::tcrossprod(Lambda)*(s^2)
  V <- Z%*%G%*%Zt+diag(n)*(s^2/prior_weight)
  P <- diag(n) - matrix(1/n, n, n) 
  theta_V <- tr(V%*%P)/(n-1)
  theta_Xbeta <- t(beta)%*%t(X)%*%P%*%X%*%(beta/(n-1)) - tr(t(X)%*%P%*%X%*%covB)/(n-1)
  if (over_disp) {
    theta_Zu <- tr(P%*%Z%*%G%*%diag(c(rep(0, n), rep(1, nrow(G) - n)))%*%Zt)/(n-1)
  }else theta_Zu <- tr(P%*%Z%*%G%*%Zt)/(n-1)
  Omega_full <- theta_Xbeta+theta_V
  Omega_beta <- theta_Xbeta/Omega_full
  Omega_u <- theta_Zu/Omega_full
  Omega_beta_u <- Omega_beta+Omega_u
  if (!over_disp) {
    if (inherits(model, "glmmTMB")){
      u_ind <- c(ini=0, cond_reTrms$nl)
	  u_ind <- cumsum(u_ind)
      u_indn <- names(u_ind)
      u_ind <- c(ini=0, sapply(getME(model, "Ztlist"), function(x) x@Dim[1]))
	  u_ind <- cumsum(u_ind)
      u_indn <- sub("\\.\\(Intercept\\)$", "",names(u_ind))
      names(u_ind) <- u_indn
    Omega_u_list <- vector("list", length(u_indn)-1)
    names(Omega_u_list) <- u_indn[-1]

    for (i in 1:length(Omega_u_list)) {
	  contInds <- (u_ind[i] + 1):(u_ind[i + 1])
	  theta_Zu_i <- tr(P%*%Z[, contInds]%*%G[contInds, contInds]%*%Zt[contInds,])/(n-1)
      Omega_u_list[i] <- theta_Zu_i/Omega_full
  }else Omega_u_list <- NULL
  cod_v <- c(Total=Omega_beta_u_percent, Fixed=Omega_beta_percent, Random=Omega_u_percent,  unlist(Omega_u_list)*100)
  R2 <- paste(round(cod_v, 2), "%", sep="")
  names(R2) <- names(cod_v)
  cat("# Adjusted R2 for Mixed Models\n")

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