covariatemeans <- function (model, modelterm=NULL, covariate,, covariateV=NULL, data=NULL, level=0.05, Df=NULL, trans=NULL, transOff=0, responsen=NULL, trellis=TRUE, plotord=NULL, mtitle=NULL, ci=TRUE, point=TRUE, jitterv=0, newwd=TRUE) {
if (is.null(modelterm) || all(modelterm%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
modelterm <- covariate
if (!is.null(covariateV) && length(covariate) > 1){
stopifnot(is.matrix(covariateV), dim(covariateV)[2] == length(covariate))
colnames(covariateV) <- covariate
vars <- unlist(strsplit(modelterm, "\\:"))
ctr.matrix <- Kmatrix(model, modelterm, covariate, covariateV, data)
KK <- ctr.matrix$K
pltdf <- ctr.matrix$fctnames
response <- ctr.matrix$response
preddf <- ctr.matrix$preddf
mp <- mymodelparm(model)
bhat <- mp$coef
if (!setequal(modelterm, covariate) & {
agg_formula <- formula(paste(covariate, "~", paste(vars, collapse="+")))
min_df <- aggregate(agg_formula, preddf, min, na.rm=TRUE)
names(min_df)[ncol(min_df)] <- "min_value"
max_df <- aggregate(agg_formula, preddf, max, na.rm=TRUE)
names(max_df)[ncol(max_df)] <- "max_value"
pltdf <- merge(merge(pltdf, min_df, by=vars, sort=FALSE), max_df, by=vars, sort=FALSE)
pltdf <- pltdf[pltdf[[covariate]] >= pltdf[["min_value"]] & pltdf[[covariate]] <= pltdf[["max_value"]], ]
KK <- KK[as.numeric(rownames(pltdf)),]
# We'll work only with the non-NA elements of bhat
KK <- KK[, mp$estimable, drop=FALSE]
pltdf$yhat <- as.numeric(KK%*%bhat)
pltdf$ses <- sqrt(base::diag(KK %*% tcrossprod(mp$vcov, KK)))
if (is.null(Df) || all(Df%in%c("NULL", ""))) {
if (inherits(model, "lme")) {
Df <- terms(model$fixDF)[modelterm]
}else if (inherits(model, "lmerMod")) {
Df <- try(median(df_term(model, modelterm, covariate), na.rm=TRUE))
if(inherits(Df, "try-error")) stop("You need provide Df for this model!")
}else Df <- mp$df
if (Df==0) stop("You need provide Df for this model!")
if (inherits(model, "glm") && is.null(trans)) trans <- model$family$linkinv
if (inherits(model, "glmerMod") && is.null(trans)) trans <- slot(model, "resp")$family$linkinv
if (inherits(model, "glmmTMB") && is.null(trans)) trans <- model$modelInfo$family$linkinv
Mean <- LL <- UL <- xvar <- factors <- bky <- NULL
if (is.null(trans)) {
pltdf$Mean <- pltdf$yhat
pltdf$LL <- pltdf$yhat - qt(1 - level/2, df = Df) * pltdf$ses
pltdf$UL <- pltdf$yhat + qt(1 - level/2, df = Df) * pltdf$ses
pltdf$Mean <- trans(pltdf$yhat)-transOff
if (identical(trans,"log")$linkinv) || identical(trans, exp)) pltdf$Mean <- exp(pltdf$yhat+pltdf$ses/2)-transOff
pltdf$LL <- trans(pltdf$yhat - qt(1 - level/2, df = Df) * pltdf$ses)-transOff
pltdf$UL <- trans(pltdf$yhat + qt(1 - level/2, df = Df) * pltdf$ses)-transOff
# pltdf$yhat <- pltdf$ses <- NULL
pltdf$yhat <- NULL
if (setequal(modelterm, covariate)) pltdf$factors <- factor(1) else pltdf$factors <- factor("paste", c(pltdf[, vars, drop=FALSE], sep=":")))
colnames(pltdf)[colnames(pltdf)==covariate] <- "xvar"
# delete empty factor combinations
if (!is.null(data)) mdf <- data else mdf <- model.frame(model)
if (length(setdiff(response, names(mdf)))!=0) mdf[,response] <- eval(parse(text=response), mdf)
mdf <- cbind(mdf, preddf[, !names(preddf)%in%names(mdf), drop=FALSE])
ndf <- data.frame(table(mdf[, vars, drop = FALSE]))
if (any(ndf$Freq==0)) {
ndf0 <- ndf[ndf$Freq==0, , drop=FALSE]
ndf0$factors <- factor("paste", c(ndf0[, vars, drop=FALSE], sep=":")))
pltdf <- pltdf[!pltdf$factors%in%ndf0$factors, ]
if (is.null(mtitle) || mtitle%in%c("NULL", "")) mtitle <- paste("Fitted and observed relationship with", (1-level)*100, "% CI")
if (is.null(trans)) {
mdf$bky <- mdf[, response]
if (length(setdiff(response, names(mdf)))==0) { ## Transformed y before modelling
if (inherits(model, "glm") || inherits(model, "glmerMod") || inherits(model, "glmmTMB")) {
if (inherits(mdf[, response], "factor")) {
mdf$bky <- as.numeric(mdf[, response])-1
}else if (!is.null(dim(mdf[, response]))) {
mdf$bky <- mdf[, response][,1]/rowSums(mdf[, response])
response <- "Probability"
}else mdf$bky <- mdf[, response]
if (any( identical(trans, function(x) x, ignore.environment=TRUE), identical(trans, I, ignore.environment=TRUE))) {
if (inherits(model, "glm")) mdf$bky <- ifelse(mdf$bky >=1 | mdf$bky <= 0, NA, model$family$linkfun(mdf$bky))
if (inherits(model, "glmerMod")) mdf$bky <- ifelse(mdf$bky >=1 | mdf$bky <= 0, NA, slot(model, "resp")$family$linkfun(mdf$bky))
if (inherits(model, "glmmTMB")) mdf$bky <- ifelse(mdf$bky >=1 | mdf$bky <= 0, NA, model$modelInfo$family$linkfun(mdf$bky))
response <- "Response"
mdf$bky <- trans(mdf[, response])
response <- paste("Transformed", response)
}else{ ## Transformed y within modelling
response <- regmatches(response, regexec("\\(([^<]+)\\)", response))[[1]][2]
if (length(setdiff(response, names(mdf)))!=0) {
if (is.null(responsen) || all(responsen%in%c("NULL", ""))) stop("Please provide suitable name for response variable using option 'responsen'!")
response <- responsen
mdf$bky <- mdf[, response]
if (all($bky))) point <- FALSE
if (setequal(modelterm, covariate)) mdf$factors <- factor(1) else mdf$factors <-"paste", c(mdf[, vars, drop=FALSE], sep=":"))
names(mdf)[names(mdf)==covariate] <- "xvar"
pltdf[, c("Mean", "LL", "UL")] <- lapply(pltdf[, c("Mean", "LL", "UL")], as.numeric)
if (!trellis) {
if (newwd)
if (setequal(modelterm, covariate)) {
plt <- ggplot(pltdf, aes(xvar, Mean))+
labs(title=paste(mtitle, "\n", sep=""), x=paste("\n", covariate, sep=""), y=paste(response, "\n"))+
if (ci) plt <- plt + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL), alpha = 0.2, data=pltdf, stat="identity")
if (point) plt <- plt + geom_point(aes(x=xvar, y=bky), position = position_jitter(width = jitterv, height = jitterv), data=mdf)
plt <- ggplot(pltdf, aes(xvar, Mean, colour=factors))+
labs(title=paste(mtitle, "\n", sep=""), x=paste("\n", covariate, sep=""), y=paste(response, "\n"))+
if (ci) plt <- plt + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL, fill=factors), alpha = 0.2, data=pltdf, stat="identity")
if (point) plt <- plt + geom_point(aes(x=xvar, y=bky), position = position_jitter(width = jitterv, height = jitterv), data=mdf)
plt <- plt+guides(col = guide_legend(modelterm), fill=guide_legend(modelterm))
if (length(vars)==1) {
if (newwd)
plt <- ggplot(pltdf, aes(xvar, Mean, colour=factors))+
labs(title=paste(mtitle, "\n", sep=""), x=paste("\n", covariate, sep=""), y=paste(response, "\n"))+
facet_wrap(~ factors)+
if (ci) plt <- plt + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL, fill=factors), alpha = 0.2, data=pltdf, stat="identity")
if (point) plt <- plt + geom_point(aes(x=xvar, y=bky), position = position_jitter(width = jitterv, height = jitterv), data=mdf)
plt <- plt+guides(col = guide_legend(modelterm), fill=guide_legend(modelterm))
if (setequal(modelterm, covariate)) plt <- plt+ theme(legend.position="none")
if (length(vars)==2) {
if (newwd)
if (is.null(plotord) || all(plotord%in%c("NULL", ""))) plotord <- 1:2
fact1 <- (vars[plotord])[1]
fact2 <- (vars[plotord])[2]
plt <- ggplot(pltdf, aes(xvar, Mean, colour=factor(eval(parse(text = fact1)))))+
labs(title=paste(mtitle, "\n", sep=""), x=paste("\n", covariate, sep=""), y=paste(response, "\n"))+
facet_grid(eval(parse(text = paste("~",fact2, sep=""))))+
if (ci) plt <- plt + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL, fill=factor(eval(parse(text = fact1)))), alpha = 0.2, data=pltdf, stat="identity")
if (point) plt <- plt + geom_point(aes(x=xvar, y=bky), position = position_jitter(width = jitterv, height = jitterv), data=mdf)
plt <- plt+guides(col = guide_legend(fact1), fill=guide_legend(fact1))
if (length(vars)==3) {
if (newwd)
if (is.null(plotord) || all(plotord%in%c("NULL", ""))) plotord <- 1:3
fact1 <- (vars[plotord])[1]
fact2 <- (vars[plotord])[2]
fact3 <- (vars[plotord])[3]
plt <- ggplot(pltdf, aes(xvar, Mean, colour=factor(eval(parse(text = fact1)))))+
labs(title=paste(mtitle, "\n", sep=""), x=paste("\n", covariate, sep=""), y=paste(response, "\n"))+
facet_grid(eval(parse(text = paste(fact2, "~",fact3, sep=""))))+
if (ci) plt <- plt + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = LL, ymax = UL, fill=factor(eval(parse(text = fact1)))), alpha = 0.2, data=pltdf, stat="identity")
if (point) plt <- plt + geom_point(aes(x=xvar, y=bky), position = position_jitter(width = jitterv, height = jitterv), data=mdf)
plt <- plt+guides(col = guide_legend(fact1), fill=guide_legend(fact1))
return(invisible(list(plt=plt, pltdf=pltdf)))
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