
Defines functions parse_snpeff make_binary_matrix remove_unknown_alleles get_ancestral_alleles get_major_alleles make_all_tree_edges_positive

#' Make tree edges positive
#' If tree edges are zero or negative, makes them a very small positive number
#' (1/1000th of the smallest edge length). This is to prevent
#' \code{\link[ape]{ace}} from breaking. A warning is thrown. Returns a tree
#' with all positive edge lengths.
#' @param tree (\code{ape phylo}).
#' @return tree: (\code{ape phylo}). Tree now has only positive edge lengths.
#' @noRd
make_all_tree_edges_positive <- function(tree){
  if (sum(tree$edge.length <= 0) > 0) {
    warning(paste0("All non-positive branch lengths changed to small positive ",
                   "number to be able to perform ancestral reconstruction."))
    # Change any edge lengths that are zero to a very small number (so ancestral
    # reconstruction doesn't break)
    tree$edge.length[tree$edge.length <= 0] <-
      min(tree$edge.length[tree$edge.length > 0]) / 1000

#' Get major alleles
#' Finds the major allele (most common allele) for each variant position in an
#' allele matrix.
#' @param allele_mat Matrix. Allele matrix. Rows are variants. Columns are
#'   samples.
#' @return major_allele: Character vector. Gives the major allele for each
#'   position. Names are the genomic loci. Values are the nucleotides.
#' @noRd
get_major_alleles <- function(allele_mat){
  check_is_this_class(allele_mat, "matrix")
  major_allele <- apply(allele_mat, 1, function(x) {
  names(major_allele) <- rownames(allele_mat)

#' Get ancestral state of alleles
#' Finds the most likely ancestral allele for each variant position in an allele
#' matrix using \code{\link[ape]{ace}}, given a rooted tree. Returns the most
#' likely ancestral allele, its probability, and the tree used to perform
#' ancestral reconstruction.
#' @param tree (\code{ape phylo}). Rooted tree.
#' @param mat Matrix. Allele matrix. Rows are variants, columns are samples.
#' @return list of two elements:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{ar_results}{Data.frame. Data.frame of most likely ancestral allele
#'     for each row in allele matrix and probability that that is the ancestral
#'     state. Rows are variants. First column is the allele. Second column is
#'     the probability.}
#'     \item{tree}{phylo. Tree used for ancestral state reconstruction.}
#'   }
#' @noRd
get_ancestral_alleles <- function(tree, mat){
  check_is_this_class(mat, "matrix")
  check_setequal_tree_mat(tree$tip.label, colnames(mat))


  mat <- mat[, tree$tip.label, drop = FALSE]

  tree <- make_all_tree_edges_positive(tree)

  # Get ancestral state of root
  ar_all <- t(future.apply::future_apply(mat, 1, function(tip_states) {
    tip_state <- unique(tip_states)
    if (length(tip_state) > 1) {
      ar <- ape::ace(x = tip_states, phy = tree, type = "discrete")
      states <- ar$lik.anc[1, ]
      tip_state <- names(states)[which.max(states)]
      prob <- states[which.max(states)]
      c(tip_state, prob)
    } else {
      c(tip_states, 1)
  ar_all <- data.frame(ar_all)
  colnames(ar_all) <- c("ancestral_allele", "probability")
 ar_all$ancestral_allele <- as.factor(ar_all$ancestral_allele)

  return(list(ar_results = ar_all, tree = tree))

#' Remove unknown ancestral states
#' Removes rows from variant matrix where the reference allele (ancestral allele
#' or major allele) is unknown (- or N).
#' @param allele_mat Matrix. Allele matrix. Rows are variants, columns are
#'   samples.
#' @param alleles Factor. Vector of reference alleles (ancestral alleles or
#'   major alleles)
#' @param ar_results Data.frame. Results from ancestral reconstruction
#' @param o_ref Character vector. Original reference alleles. Length = Number of
#'   genotypes.
#' @param o_alt Character vector. Original alternative alleles. Length = Number
#'   of genotypes.
#' @param snpeff NULL or list of character vectors. If list, then length(list) =
#'   Number of genotypes. Each list entry can have one or more SnpEff
#'   annotations.
#' @return A list of six objects:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{allele_mat}{Matrix. Rows are variants. Columns are samples.}
#'     \item{ar_results}{Data.frame. Variants with unknown ancestral states
#'     removed. Rows are variants. If ancestral reconstruction was performed:
#'     first column in ancestral allele & second column is probability. If no
#'     ancestral reconstruction performed: the only column is the major allele.}
#'     \item{removed}{Character. Vector with names of removed samples.}
#'     \item{o_ref}{Character vector. Original reference alleles. Length =
#'     Number of genotypes with unknown alleles.}
#'     \item{o_alt}{Character vector. Original alternative alleles. Length =
#'      Number of genotype after remove genotypes with unknown alleles.}
#'     \item{snpeff}{NULL or list of character vectors. If list, then
#'     length(list) = Number of genotypes with unknown alleles. Each list
#'     entry can have one or more SnpEff annotations.}
#'   }
#' @noRd
remove_unknown_alleles <- function(allele_mat,
  check_is_this_class(allele_mat, "matrix")
  check_is_this_class(alleles, "factor")
  check_is_this_class(ar_results, "data.frame")
  if (length(o_ref) != length(o_alt)) {
    stop("o_ref and o_alt need to have same length")
  if (length(o_ref) != nrow(allele_mat)) {
    stop("o_ref & o_alt need to have an entry for every mat row")
  if (!is.null(snpeff)) {
    check_is_this_class(snpeff, "list")
    check_is_this_class(snpeff[[1]], "character")
    if (length(snpeff) != length(o_ref)) {
      stop("If not null snpeff needs to have an entry for every row in mat")

  unknown <- alleles %in% c("-", "N")
  removed <- rownames(allele_mat)[unknown]
  if (length(removed) > 0) {
                  "positions removed because ancestral allele is unknown"))
  return(list(allele_mat = allele_mat[!unknown, ],
              ar_results = ar_results[!unknown, , drop = FALSE],
              snpeff = snpeff[!unknown],
              o_ref = o_ref[!unknown],
              o_alt = o_alt[!unknown],
              removed = removed))

#' Make binary matrix from allele matrix
#' Returns a binary matrix of variant presence/absence created from an allele
#' matrix and a reference allele (ancestral allele or major allele) vector that
#' can be used in bGWAS. The reference allele is 0 and the non-reference allele
#' is 1.
#' @param allele_mat Matrix. Allele matrix (split by multi-allelic site). Rows
#'   are variants. Columns are samples.
#' @param n_ref Character vector. New reference allele after re-referening.
#'   Either major allele or ancetral allele. Length = Number of genotypes.
#' @param o_ref Character vector. Original reference alleles. Length = Number of
#'   genotypes.
#' @param o_alt Character vector. Original alternative alleles. Length = Number
#'   of genotypes.
#' @return list of two elements:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{bin_mat.}{Matrix. Binary matrix of variant presence/absence.}
#'     \item{n_alt.}{Character vector. Alternative allele after referencing to
#'      the major allele or ancestral allele.}
#'   }
#' @noRd
make_binary_matrix <- function(allele_mat, o_ref, n_ref, o_alt){
  check_is_this_class(n_ref, "factor")

  if (length(o_ref) != length(n_ref)) {
    stop("o_ref and n_ref need to have same length")

  check_is_this_class(allele_mat, "matrix")
  if (length(o_ref) != length(o_alt)) {
    stop("o_ref and o_alt need to have same length")
  if (length(o_ref) != nrow(allele_mat)) {
    stop("o_ref & o_alt need to have an entry for every allele_mat row")

  # make matrix of reference allele that's the same size as the allele matrix
  ref_allele_mat <- replicate(ncol(allele_mat), n_ref)
  # initialize binary matrix
  bin_mat <- allele_mat
  # if allele is the reference allele, code it as 0
  bin_mat[bin_mat == ref_allele_mat] <- 0

  # initialize n_alt (new alternative allele)
  n_alt <-  rep(NA, length(o_alt))

  # assign new alternative (after new reference)
  for (i in 1:length(o_alt)) {
    if (n_ref[i] == o_alt[i]) {
      n_alt[i] <- o_ref[i]
      n_alt[i] <- o_alt[i]

  # iterate over each row in bin_mat
  for (j in 1:nrow(bin_mat)) {
    bin_mat[j, bin_mat[j, ] != n_alt[j]] <- 0
    bin_mat[j, bin_mat[j, ] == n_alt[j]] <- 1

  # update rownames and colnames of  binary matrix
  rownames(bin_mat) <- rownames(allele_mat)
  colnames(bin_mat) <- colnames(allele_mat)

  # make binary matrix numeric
  class(bin_mat) <- "numeric"
  return(list(bin_mat, n_alt))

#' Get SnpEff annotation for each alternative allele.
#' @param alt_allele Character vector of alternative allele that matches the
#'   snpeff annotation (original allele, not re-referenced alternative allele).
#'   Length = number of genotypes.
#' @param snpeff_split List of character vectors. Each character vector contains
#'   snpeff annotations extracted from vcf. Length(list) = number of genotypes.
#'   Length(individual vector) = number of alternative alleles at that site.
#' @return A list of two objects:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{pred_impact}{Character vector. Predicted functional impact.
#'     Length = number of alleles.}
#'     \item{gene}{Character vector. Gene names (locus tag or symbols from
#'     SnpEff annotation). Length = number of alleles.}
#'   }
#' @noRd
parse_snpeff <- function(alt_allele, snpeff_split){
  check_is_this_class(alt_allele, "character")
  check_is_this_class(snpeff_split, "list")
  check_is_this_class(snpeff_split[[1]], "character")

  if (length(alt_allele) != length(snpeff_split)) {
    stop("alt_allele and snpeff_split should have one entry per genotype")

  pred_impact <- rep(NA, length(alt_allele))
  gene <- rep(NA, length(alt_allele))

  for (i in 1:length(alt_allele)) {
    annot <-
      snpeff_split[[i]][grep(paste0("^", alt_allele[i]), snpeff_split[[i]])]

    if (length(annot) == 1) {
      pred_impact[i] <- unlist(strsplit(annot, "[|]"))[3]
      gene[i] <- unlist(strsplit(annot, "[|]"))[4]
    } else if (length(annot) == 0) {
      pred_impact[i] <- ""
      gene[i] <- ""
    } else {
      multi_annots <-
        unlist(strsplit(annot, ",")) # would occur if overlapping genes
      pred_impact[i] <- paste(sapply(multi_annots, function(s) {
        unlist(strsplit(s, "[|]"))[3]
      }), collapse = "|")
      gene[i] <- paste(sapply(multi_annots, function(s) {
        unlist(strsplit(s, "[|]"))[4]
      }), collapse = "|")

  return(list(pred_impact = pred_impact,
              gene = gene))


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