
Defines functions PloterrAll PloterrWD PloterrSC PloterrAS PloterrTW PloterrLT PloterrLR PloterrBA PloterrEX

Documented in PloterrAll PloterrAS PloterrBA PloterrEX PloterrLR PloterrLT PloterrSC PloterrTW PloterrWD

#' Plots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T, Likelihood, Score, Logit-Wald, ArcSine)
#' @param n - Number of trials
#' @param alp - Alpha value (significance level required)
#' @param phi - Null hypothesis value
#' @param f - Failure criterion
#' @details  Plots of error, long term power and pass/fail
#' criteria using 6 base methods (Wald, Wald-T, Likelihood, Score, Logit-Wald, ArcSine)
#' @family Error for base methods
#' @examples
#' n=20; alp=0.05; phi=0.05; f=-2
#' PloterrAll(n,alp,phi,f)
#' @export
##### 10. Expected length for a given n and alpha level for 6 base methods
  if (missing(n)) stop("'n' is missing")
  if (missing(alp)) stop("'alpha' is missing")
  if (missing(phi)) stop("'phi' is missing")
  if (missing(f)) stop("'f' is missing")
  if ((class(n) != "integer") & (class(n) != "numeric") || n<=0 ) stop("'n' has to be greater than 0")
  if (alp>1 || alp<0 || length(alp)>1) stop("'alpha' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (phi>1 || phi<0 || length(phi)>1) stop("Null hypothesis 'phi' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if ((class(f) != "integer") & (class(f) != "numeric")|| length(f)>1) stop("'f' has to be numeric value")

  #### Calling functions and creating df
  errdf=  errAll(n,alp,phi,f)
  alpdf=  errdf[,c(1,3,4)]
  vdfa=data.frame(value=alpdf$delalp ,mark="Increase in nominal error" ,Fail_Pass=alpdf$Fail_Pass ,method=alpdf$method)
  vdft=data.frame(value=thetadf$theta ,mark="Long term power of test",Fail_Pass=thetadf$Fail_Pass, method=thetadf$method)

  ggplot2::ggplot(full.df, ggplot2::aes(x = method, y = value, fill = Fail_Pass)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Error, long term power and pass/fail for base methods") +
    ggplot2::labs(x = "Method") +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(mark ~ .,scales="free_y") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "identity")


#' Plots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using Wald method
#' @param n - Number of trials
#' @param alp - Alpha value (significance level required)
#' @param phi - Null hypothesis value
#' @param f - Failure criterion
#' @details  Plots of error, long term power and pass/fail
#' criteria using Wald method
#' @family Error for base methods
#' @examples
#' n=20; alp=0.05; phi=0.05; f=-2
#' PloterrWD(n,alp,phi,f)
#' @export
##### 10. Expected length for a given n and alpha level for 6 base methods
  if (missing(n)) stop("'n' is missing")
  if (missing(alp)) stop("'alpha' is missing")
  if (missing(phi)) stop("'phi' is missing")
  if (missing(f)) stop("'f' is missing")
  if ((class(n) != "integer") & (class(n) != "numeric") || n<=0 ) stop("'n' has to be greater than 0")
  if (alp>1 || alp<0 || length(alp)>1) stop("'alpha' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (phi>1 || phi<0 || length(phi)>1) stop("Null hypothesis 'phi' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if ((class(f) != "integer") & (class(f) != "numeric")|| length(f)>1) stop("'f' has to be numeric value")

  #### Calling functions and creating df
  errdf=  errWD(n,alp,phi,f)
  errdf$method = as.factor("Wald")

  alpdf=  errdf[,c(1,3,4)]
  vdfa=data.frame(value=alpdf$delalp ,mark="Increase in nominal error" ,Fail_Pass=alpdf$Fail_Pass ,method=alpdf$method)
  vdft=data.frame(value=thetadf$theta ,mark="Long term power of test",Fail_Pass=thetadf$Fail_Pass, method=thetadf$method)

  ggplot2::ggplot(full.df, ggplot2::aes(x = method, y = value, fill = Fail_Pass)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Error, long term power and pass/fail for Wald method") +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(mark ~ .,scales="free_y") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "identity",width=0.5)


#' Plots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using Score method
#' @param n - Number of trials
#' @param alp - Alpha value (significance level required)
#' @param phi - Null hypothesis value
#' @param f - Failure criterion
#' @details  Plots of error, long term power and pass/fail
#' criteria using Score method
#' @family Error for base methods
#' @examples
#' n=20; alp=0.05; phi=0.05; f=-2
#' PloterrSC(n,alp,phi,f)
#' @export
##### 10. Expected length for a given n and alpha level for 6 base methods
  if (missing(n)) stop("'n' is missing")
  if (missing(alp)) stop("'alpha' is missing")
  if (missing(phi)) stop("'phi' is missing")
  if (missing(f)) stop("'f' is missing")
  if ((class(n) != "integer") & (class(n) != "numeric") || n<=0 ) stop("'n' has to be greater than 0")
  if (alp>1 || alp<0 || length(alp)>1) stop("'alpha' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (phi>1 || phi<0 || length(phi)>1) stop("Null hypothesis 'phi' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if ((class(f) != "integer") & (class(f) != "numeric")|| length(f)>1) stop("'f' has to be numeric value")

  #### Calling functions and creating df
  errdf=  errSC(n,alp,phi,f)
  errdf$method = as.factor("Score")

  alpdf=  errdf[,c(1,3,4)]
  vdfa=data.frame(value=alpdf$delalp ,mark="Increase in nominal error" ,Fail_Pass=alpdf$Fail_Pass ,method=alpdf$method)
  vdft=data.frame(value=thetadf$theta ,mark="Long term power of test",Fail_Pass=thetadf$Fail_Pass, method=thetadf$method)

  ggplot2::ggplot(full.df, ggplot2::aes(x = method, y = value, fill = Fail_Pass)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Error, long term power and pass/fail for Score method") +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(mark ~ .,scales="free_y") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "identity",width=0.5)


#' Plots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using ArcSine method
#' @param n - Number of trials
#' @param alp - Alpha value (significance level required)
#' @param phi - Null hypothesis value
#' @param f - Failure criterion
#' @details  Plots of error, long term power and pass/fail
#' criteria using ArcSine method
#' @family Error for base methods
#' @examples
#' n=20; alp=0.05; phi=0.05; f=-2
#' PloterrAS(n,alp,phi,f)
#' @export
##### 10. Expected length for a given n and alpha level for 6 base methods
  if (missing(n)) stop("'n' is missing")
  if (missing(alp)) stop("'alpha' is missing")
  if (missing(phi)) stop("'phi' is missing")
  if (missing(f)) stop("'f' is missing")
  if ((class(n) != "integer") & (class(n) != "numeric") || n<=0 ) stop("'n' has to be greater than 0")
  if (alp>1 || alp<0 || length(alp)>1) stop("'alpha' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (phi>1 || phi<0 || length(phi)>1) stop("Null hypothesis 'phi' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if ((class(f) != "integer") & (class(f) != "numeric")|| length(f)>1) stop("'f' has to be numeric value")

  #### Calling functions and creating df
  errdf=  errAS(n,alp,phi,f)
  errdf$method = as.factor("ArcSine")

  alpdf=  errdf[,c(1,3,4)]
  vdfa=data.frame(value=alpdf$delalp ,mark="Increase in nominal error" ,Fail_Pass=alpdf$Fail_Pass ,method=alpdf$method)
  vdft=data.frame(value=thetadf$theta ,mark="Long term power of test",Fail_Pass=thetadf$Fail_Pass, method=thetadf$method)

  ggplot2::ggplot(full.df, ggplot2::aes(x = method, y = value, fill = Fail_Pass)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Error, long term power and pass/fail for ArcSine method") +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(mark ~ .,scales="free_y") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "identity",width=0.5)


#' Plots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using Wald-T method
#' @param n - Number of trials
#' @param alp - Alpha value (significance level required)
#' @param phi - Null hypothesis value
#' @param f - Failure criterion
#' @details  Plots of error, long term power and pass/fail
#' criteria using Wald-T method
#' @family Error for base methods
#' @examples
#' n=20; alp=0.05; phi=0.05; f=-2
#' PloterrTW(n,alp,phi,f)
#' @export
##### 10. Expected length for a given n and alpha level for 6 base methods
  if (missing(n)) stop("'n' is missing")
  if (missing(alp)) stop("'alpha' is missing")
  if (missing(phi)) stop("'phi' is missing")
  if (missing(f)) stop("'f' is missing")
  if ((class(n) != "integer") & (class(n) != "numeric") || n<=0 ) stop("'n' has to be greater than 0")
  if (alp>1 || alp<0 || length(alp)>1) stop("'alpha' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (phi>1 || phi<0 || length(phi)>1) stop("Null hypothesis 'phi' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if ((class(f) != "integer") & (class(f) != "numeric")|| length(f)>1) stop("'f' has to be numeric value")

  #### Calling functions and creating df
  errdf=  errTW(n,alp,phi,f)
  errdf$method = as.factor("Wald-T")

  alpdf=  errdf[,c(1,3,4)]
  vdfa=data.frame(value=alpdf$delalp ,mark="Increase in nominal error" ,Fail_Pass=alpdf$Fail_Pass ,method=alpdf$method)
  vdft=data.frame(value=thetadf$theta ,mark="Long term power of test",Fail_Pass=thetadf$Fail_Pass, method=thetadf$method)

  ggplot2::ggplot(full.df, ggplot2::aes(x = method, y = value, fill = Fail_Pass)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Error, long term power and pass/fail for Wald-T method") +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(mark ~ .,scales="free_y") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "identity",width=0.5)


#' Plots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using Logit Wald method
#' @param n - Number of trials
#' @param alp - Alpha value (significance level required)
#' @param phi - Null hypothesis value
#' @param f - Failure criterion
#' @details  Plots of error, long term power and pass/fail
#' criteria using Logit Wald method
#' @family Error for base methods
#' @examples
#' n=20; alp=0.05; phi=0.05; f=-2
#' PloterrLT(n,alp,phi,f)
#' @export
##### 10. Expected length for a given n and alpha level for 6 base methods
  if (missing(n)) stop("'n' is missing")
  if (missing(alp)) stop("'alpha' is missing")
  if (missing(phi)) stop("'phi' is missing")
  if (missing(f)) stop("'f' is missing")
  if ((class(n) != "integer") & (class(n) != "numeric") || n<=0 ) stop("'n' has to be greater than 0")
  if (alp>1 || alp<0 || length(alp)>1) stop("'alpha' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (phi>1 || phi<0 || length(phi)>1) stop("Null hypothesis 'phi' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if ((class(f) != "integer") & (class(f) != "numeric")|| length(f)>1) stop("'f' has to be numeric value")

  #### Calling functions and creating df
  errdf=  errLT(n,alp,phi,f)
  errdf$method = as.factor("Logit Wald")

  alpdf=  errdf[,c(1,3,4)]
  vdfa=data.frame(value=alpdf$delalp ,mark="Increase in nominal error" ,Fail_Pass=alpdf$Fail_Pass ,method=alpdf$method)
  vdft=data.frame(value=thetadf$theta ,mark="Long term power of test",Fail_Pass=thetadf$Fail_Pass, method=thetadf$method)

  ggplot2::ggplot(full.df, ggplot2::aes(x = method, y = value, fill = Fail_Pass)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Error, long term power and pass/fail for Logit Wald method") +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(mark ~ .,scales="free_y") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "identity",width=0.5)


#' Plots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using Likelihood Ratio method
#' @param n - Number of trials
#' @param alp - Alpha value (significance level required)
#' @param phi - Null hypothesis value
#' @param f - Failure criterion
#' @details  Plots of error, long term power and pass/fail
#' criteria using Likelihood Ratio method
#' @family Error for base methods
#' @examples
#' n=20; alp=0.05; phi=0.05; f=-2
#' PloterrLR(n,alp,phi,f)
#' @export
##### 10. Expected length for a given n and alpha level for 6 base methods
  if (missing(n)) stop("'n' is missing")
  if (missing(alp)) stop("'alpha' is missing")
  if (missing(phi)) stop("'phi' is missing")
  if (missing(f)) stop("'f' is missing")
  if ((class(n) != "integer") & (class(n) != "numeric") || n<=0 ) stop("'n' has to be greater than 0")
  if (alp>1 || alp<0 || length(alp)>1) stop("'alpha' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (phi>1 || phi<0 || length(phi)>1) stop("Null hypothesis 'phi' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if ((class(f) != "integer") & (class(f) != "numeric")|| length(f)>1) stop("'f' has to be numeric value")

  #### Calling functions and creating df
  errdf=  errLR(n,alp,phi,f)
  errdf$method = as.factor("Likelihood Ratio")

  alpdf=  errdf[,c(1,3,4)]
  vdfa=data.frame(value=alpdf$delalp ,mark="Increase in nominal error" ,Fail_Pass=alpdf$Fail_Pass ,method=alpdf$method)
  vdft=data.frame(value=thetadf$theta ,mark="Long term power of test",Fail_Pass=thetadf$Fail_Pass, method=thetadf$method)

  ggplot2::ggplot(full.df, ggplot2::aes(x = method, y = value, fill = Fail_Pass)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Error, long term power and pass/fail for Likelihood Ratio method") +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(mark ~ .,scales="free_y") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "identity",width=0.5)


#' Plots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using Bayesian method
#' @param n - Number of trials
#' @param alp - Alpha value (significance level required)
#' @param phi - Null hypothesis value
#' @param f - Failure criterion
#' @param a - Beta parameters for hypo "p"
#' @param b - Beta parameters for hypo "p"
#' @details  Plot of Bayesian Highest Probability Density
#' (HPD) and two tailed intervals using error due to the difference of achieved and
#' nominal level of significance for the \eqn{n + 1} intervals
#' for the Beta - Binomial conjugate prior model for the probability of success \code{p}
#' @family Error for base methods
#' @examples
#' n=20; alp=0.05; phi=0.05; f=-2;a=0.5;b=0.5
#' PloterrBA(n,alp,phi,f,a,b)
#' @export
  if (missing(n)) stop("'n' is missing")
  if (missing(alp)) stop("'alpha' is missing")
  if (missing(phi)) stop("'phi' is missing")
  if (missing(f)) stop("'f' is missing")
  if (missing(a)) stop("'a' is missing")
  if (missing(b)) stop("'b' is missing")
  if ((class(n) != "integer") & (class(n) != "numeric") || n<=0 ) stop("'n' has to be greater than 0")
  if (alp>1 || alp<0 || length(alp)>1) stop("'alpha' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (phi>1 || phi<0 || length(phi)>1) stop("Null hypothesis 'phi' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if ((class(f) != "integer") & (class(f) != "numeric")|| length(f)>1) stop("'f' has to be numeric value")
  if ((class(a) != "integer") & (class(a) != "numeric") || a<0  ) stop("'a' has to be greater than or equal to 0")
  if ((class(b) != "integer") & (class(b) != "numeric") || b<0  ) stop("'b' has to be greater than or equal to 0")

  #### Calling functions and creating df
  errdf=  errBA(n,alp,phi,f,a,b)

  alpdf=  errdf[,c(1,3,4)]
  vdfa=data.frame(value=alpdf$delalp ,mark="Increase in nominal error" ,Fail_Pass=alpdf$Fail_Pass ,method=alpdf$method)
  vdft=data.frame(value=thetadf$theta ,mark="Long term power of test",Fail_Pass=thetadf$Fail_Pass, method=thetadf$method)

  ggplot2::ggplot(full.df, ggplot2::aes(x = method, y = value, fill = Fail_Pass)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Error, long term power and pass/fail for Bayesian method") +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(mark ~ .,scales="free_y") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "identity",width=0.5)


#' Plots error, long term power and pass/fail criteria using Exact method
#' @param n - Number of trials
#' @param alp - Alpha value (significance level required)
#' @param phi - Null hypothesis value
#' @param f - Failure criterion
#' @param e - Exact method indicator  in [0, 1] {1: Clopper Pearson, 0.5: Mid P}
#' The input can also be a range of values between 0 and 1.
#' @details  Plots of Confidence interval for \code{p}
#' based on inverting equal-tailed binomial tests with null hypothesis \eqn{H0: p = p0}
#' using error due to the difference of achieved and nominal level of significance for the \eqn{n + 1} intervals
#' @family Error for base methods
#' @examples
#' n=20; alp=0.05;phi=0.05; f=-2;e=0.5 # Mid-p
#' PloterrEX(n,alp,phi,f,e)
#' n=20; alp=0.05;phi=0.05; f=-2;e=1 #Clopper-Pearson
#' PloterrEX(n,alp,phi,f,e)
#' n=20; alp=0.05;phi=0.05; f=-2;e=c(0.1,0.5,0.95,1) #Range including Mid-p and Clopper-Pearson
#' PloterrEX(n,alp,phi,f,e)
#' @export
  if (missing(n)) stop("'n' is missing")
  if (missing(alp)) stop("'alpha' is missing")
  if (missing(phi)) stop("'phi' is missing")
  if (missing(f)) stop("'f' is missing")
  if (missing(e)) stop("'e' is missing")
  if ((class(n) != "integer") & (class(n) != "numeric") || n<=0 ) stop("'n' has to be greater than 0")
  if (alp>1 || alp<0 || length(alp)>1) stop("'alpha' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (phi>1 || phi<0 || length(phi)>1) stop("Null hypothesis 'phi' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if ((class(f) != "integer") & (class(f) != "numeric")|| length(f)>1) stop("'f' has to be numeric value")
  if ((class(e) != "integer") & (class(e) != "numeric") || any(e>1) || any(e<0)) stop("'e' has to be between 0 and 1")
  if (length(e)>10) stop("'e' can have only 10 intervals")

  #### Calling functions and creating df
  errdf=  errEX(n,alp,phi,f,e)
  errdf$e = as.factor(errdf$e)

  alpdf=  errdf[,c(1,3,4)]
  vdfa=data.frame(value=alpdf$delalp ,mark="Increase in nominal error" ,Fail_Pass=alpdf$Fail_Pass ,e=alpdf$e)
  vdft=data.frame(value=thetadf$theta ,mark="Long term power of test",Fail_Pass=thetadf$Fail_Pass, e=thetadf$e)

  ggplot2::ggplot(full.df, ggplot2::aes(x = e, y = value, fill = Fail_Pass)) +
    ggplot2::labs(title = "Error, long term power and pass/fail for Exact method") +
    ggplot2::facet_grid(mark ~ .,scales="free_y") +
    ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity",position = "identity",width=0.5)


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proportion documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:54 p.m.