
Defines functions crossValidationBoot matPlot

Documented in crossValidationBoot matPlot

"crossValidation" <- function(model,data, options=NULL,select=NULL) {
 cl <- match.call()
obnames <- cs(lmCor,bestScales )
     value <- inherits(model, obnames, which=TRUE)
			   if (any(value > 1)) {value <- obnames[which(value >0)]} else {value <- "none"}

lmCor = {wt <- model$coefficients
    if(rownames(wt)[1] =="(Intercept)") wt <- wt[-1,,drop=FALSE] },
bestScales ={#the default
if(is.null(options)){options <- "best.keys"}
 best.keys = {  keys <- model$best.keys
  	select <- c(names(keys),selectFromKeys(keys))
  	data <- data[,select]
  	nvar <- ncol(data)
	 wt <- make.keys(data,keys)
    keys <- model$best.keys },
 weights =  {wt <- model$weights},     
 optimal.keys ={ 
      keys <- model$optimal.keys
  		select <- c(names(keys),selectFromKeys(keys))
  	data <- data[,select]
  	nvar <- ncol(data)
	 wt <- make.keys(data,keys)
 optimal.weights ={ wt <- model$optimal.weights}

 none = {wt<- model} #from lmCof
   nvar <- nrow(wt)
   predictors <- rownames(wt)
   criteria <- colnames(wt)
   vars <- c(criteria,predictors)
    npred <-  length(predictors)
    ncrit <-length(criteria)
  if(isCorrelation(data)) {raw <- FALSE
    R <- data[vars,vars]
  }  else {raw <- TRUE
     data <- data[,vars, drop=FALSE ]  #select just the variables in the model
    R <- cor(data,use="pairwise")
    }  #this is a matrix of the (criteria + predictors)
    cv <- rep(NA,ncrit)
    Mij <- matrix(NA,ncrit,ncrit)
    for(i in 1:ncrit)  {y <- wt[,i,drop=FALSE]
     wtm <- diag(wt[,i])
     Cxx <- wtm %*% R[predictors,predictors] %*% wtm
     Vxx <- sum(Cxx)
     Cxyi  <- wt[,i,drop=FALSE] * R[i,predictors]
     Cxxy <- wt[,i] *t(R[1:ncrit,predictors,drop=FALSE])
     cv[i]<-  sum(Cxyi)/sqrt(Vxx)

     #Cxyi <- (Cxyi)/sqrt(Vxx)
     Mij[,i] <-  colSums( Cxxy)/sqrt(Vxx)
    Mij <- t(Mij)

     names(cv) <- criteria

     #now do the raw correlation approach
    if(raw) {x.data <- scale(data[,predictors])
     pred <- matrixMult.na(x.data,wt,scale = FALSE) 
     item.R <- cor(pred,data[,criteria],use="pairwise")
      colnames(Mij) <- rownames(Mij)<-colnames(item.R)
     cv.items <-diag(item.R)
     crossValid <- data.frame(items = cv.items, mat = cv)} else {
     crossValid <- cv
     item.R <- NULL  #fix the print function to not show these
     nvars <- length(vars)
     result <- list(crossV = crossValid,nvars=npred,item.R = item.R,mat.R = Mij,Call =cl)
     class(result) <- c("psych","crossV")

#small function to call matplot with labels         
matPlot <- function(x, type = "b", minlength=6, xlas=0,legend=NULL,lab=NULL,pch=16,col=1:6,lty=NULL,...) {
     rownames(x)<- abbreviate(rownames(x),minlength=minlength)
      nvar <- NCOL(x)
       if(missing(pch)) pch <- seq(15,(15+nvar))
       if(missing(lty)) lty <- 1:8
    #now add the labels 
     at1 <- (1:nrow(x))
     labx <- (rownames(x))
     if(!is.null(legend)) {
     lab <- colnames(x)
      legend.location <- c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right",  "center","none")
      legend(legend.location[legend],legend=lab,lty=lty,pch = pch,col=col)}
 #Fixed 9/9/20 to handle case of single criterion (by using drop=FALSE in appropriate places)
 #added 8/1/22 to do multiple cross validations using bootstrap resampling
 crossValidationBoot <- function(y,x,data,n.iter=100) {
 #allow formulat input
  #first, see if they are in formula mode  
  orig.y <- z <-  NULL
   if(inherits(y,"formula")) {
   orig.y <- y 
   ps <- fparse(y)
   y <- ps$y
   x <- ps$x
   med <- ps$m #but, mediation is not done here, so we just add this to x
  # if(!is.null(med)) x <- c(x,med)   #not  necessary, because we automatically put this in
   prod <- ps$prod
   z <- ps$z   #do we have any variable to partial out
   ex <- ps$ex
   if(!is.null(ex))  message("I am sorry, cross validation of product terms has not been implemented")
 summary <- matrix(NA,nrow=n.iter,ncol=2*length(y))
 coeff <- list()
 yn <- colnames(data[y])
 cl <- match.call()
 n.obs <- NROW(data)
 for (i in 1:n.iter) {ss <-  sample(n.obs,n.obs,replace=TRUE)  #the bootstrap sample
   if(!is.null(orig.y)) {y <- orig.y}
     model <- lmCor(y=y,x=x,data=data[ss,],  plot=FALSE)
     if(!is.null(z)) {
         rownames(model$coefficients) <- gsub("\\*","",rownames(model$coefficients))
         colnames(model$coefficients) <- gsub("\\*","",colnames(model$coefficients))}
     cross <- crossValidation(model,data=data[-ss,])   #the hold out sample
     summary[i,] <- c(model$R,diag(cross$item.R))
     coeff[[i]] <- model$coefficients
    if(length(y) >1 ) {colnames(summary) <- c(paste0("Derivation-",yn),paste0("Cross-",yn))} else {
    colnames(summary) <- c("Derivation", "Cross.validation")}

    coeff <- matrix(unlist(coeff), ncol=length(model$coefficients),byrow=TRUE)
    if (length(y) > 1) {colnames(coeff) <- paste(rep(yn,each=NROW(model$coefficients)), rownames(model$coefficients))} else { colnames(coeff) <- rownames(model$coefficients)}
    result <- list(mean.fit = colMeans(summary),mean.coeff=colMeans(coeff), trials = summary, coefficients = coeff,Call=cl)
    class(result) <- c("psych","crossV")

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