#' Simulation of data with measurement error and range-restriction artifacts
#' This function simulates a psychometric sample and produces correlation matrices, artifact information, and other descriptive statistics that have been affected by measurement error and/or range restriction.
#' It allows the formation of composite variables within the simulation and allows selection to be performed on any or all variables, including composites.
#' By setting the sample size to \code{n = Inf}, users can explore the effects of measurement error and/or range restriction on parameters without the influence of sampling error.
#' To generate multiple samples and compile a database of simulated statistics, see the \code{\link{simulate_r_database}} function.
#' @param n Number of cases to simulate before performing selection. If \code{Inf}, function will simulate parameter values.
#' @param rho_mat Matrix of true-score correlations.
#' @param mu_vec Vector of means.
#' @param sigma_vec Vector of observed-score standard deviations.
#' @param rel_vec Vector of reliabilities corresponding to the variables in \code{rho_mat.}
#' @param sr_vec Vector of selection ratios corresponding to the variables in \code{rho_mat}
#' (set selection ratios to 1 for variables that should not be used in selection).
#' @param k_items_vec Number of test items comprising each of the variables to be simulated (all are single-item variables by default).
#' @param wt_mat Optional matrix of weights to use in forming a composite of the variables in \code{rho_mat.} Matrix should have as many rows (or vector elements) as there are variables in \code{rho_mat}.
#' @param sr_composites Optional vector selection ratios for composite variables. If not \code{NULL}, \code{sr_composites} must have as many elements as there are columns in \code{wt_mat}.
#' @param var_names Vector of variable names corresponding to the variables in \code{rho_mat}.
#' @param composite_names Optional vector of names for composite variables.
#' @param n_as_ni Logical argument determining whether n specifies the incumbent sample size (TRUE) or the applicant sample size (FALSE; default). This can only be TRUE when only one variable is involved in selection.
#' @param ... Further arguments.
#' @return A list of study information, including correlations, reliabilities, standard deviations, means, and \emph{u} ratios for true scores and for observed scores.
#' @importFrom stats integrate
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom stats cov
#' @importFrom stats var
#' @export
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Generate data for a simple sample with two variables:
#' simulate_r_sample(n = 1000, rho_mat = matrix(c(1, .5, .5, 1), 2, 2),
#' rel_vec = c(.8, .8), sr_vec = c(1, .5), var_names = c("Y", "X"))
#' ## Generate data for samples with five variables, of which subsets are used to form composites:
#' rho_mat <- matrix(.5, 5, 5)
#' diag(rho_mat) <- 1
#' ## Simulate parameters by supply n = Inf
#' simulate_r_sample(n = Inf, rho_mat = rho_mat,
#' rel_vec = rep(.8, 5), sr_vec = c(1, 1, 1, 1, .5),
#' wt_mat = cbind(c(0, 0, 0, .3, 1), c(1, .3, 0, 0, 0)), sr_composites = c(.7, .5))
#' ## Finite sample sizes allow the generation of sample data
#' simulate_r_sample(n = 1000, rho_mat = rho_mat,
#' rel_vec = rep(.8, 5), sr_vec = c(1, 1, 1, 1, .5),
#' wt_mat = cbind(c(0, 0, 0, .3, 1), c(1, .3, 0, 0, 0)), sr_composites = c(.7, .5))
simulate_r_sample <- function(n, rho_mat, rel_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
mu_vec = rep(0, ncol(rho_mat)), sigma_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
sr_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)), k_items_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
wt_mat = NULL, sr_composites = NULL,
var_names = NULL, composite_names = NULL, n_as_ni = FALSE, ...){
args <- .simulate_r_sample_screen(n = n, rho_mat = rho_mat,
mu_vec = mu_vec, sigma_vec = sigma_vec,
rel_vec = rel_vec, sr_vec = sr_vec, k_items_vec = k_items_vec,
wt_mat = wt_mat, sr_composites = sr_composites,
var_names = var_names, composite_names = composite_names)
if(sum(c(sr_vec, sr_composites) < 1) > 1){
stop("'n_as_ni' must be FALSE when selection is to be performed on multiple variables", call. = FALSE)
args$n <- ceiling(args$n / c(args$sr_vec, args$sr_composites)[c(args$sr_vec, args$sr_composites) < 1])
.simulate_r_sample_stats(n = args$n, rho_mat = args$rho_mat,
mu_vec = args$mu_vec, sigma_vec = args$sigma_vec,
rel_vec = args$rel_vec, sr_vec = args$sr_vec,
k_items_vec = args$k_items_vec,
wt_mat = args$wt_mat, sr_composites = args$sr_composites,
var_names = args$var_names, composite_names = args$composite_names)
.simulate_r_sample_params(n = args$n, rho_mat = args$rho_mat,
mu_vec = args$mu_vec, sigma_vec = args$sigma_vec,
rel_vec = args$rel_vec, sr_vec = args$sr_vec,
k_items_vec = args$k_items_vec,
wt_mat = args$wt_mat, sr_composites = args$sr_composites,
var_names = args$var_names, composite_names = args$composite_names)
.simulate_r_sample_screen <- function(n, rho_mat, rel_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
mu_vec = rep(0, ncol(rho_mat)), sigma_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
sr_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)), k_items_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
wt_mat = NULL, sr_composites = NULL,
var_names = NULL, composite_names = NULL, ...){
## Sanity check for rho_mat
if(!is.matrix(rho_mat)) stop("rho_mat must be a matrix", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.numeric(rho_mat)) stop("rho_mat must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if(nrow(rho_mat) != ncol(rho_mat)) stop("rho_mat must be square", call. = FALSE)
if(!all(rho_mat == t(rho_mat))) stop("rho_mat must be symmetric", call. = FALSE)
## Sanity check for vector arguments
if(n != round(n)){
n <- round(n)
warning("n must be an integer; rounding has been performed", call. = FALSE)
rel_vec <- c(rel_vec)
sr_vec <- c(sr_vec)
k_items_vec <- c(k_items_vec)
if(!is.numeric(n)) stop("n must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if(any(!is.numeric(rho_mat))) stop("rho_mat must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.numeric(mu_vec)) stop("mu_vec must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.numeric(sigma_vec)) stop("sigma_vec must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.numeric(rel_vec)) stop("rel_vec must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.numeric(sr_vec)) stop("sr_vec must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.numeric(k_items_vec)) stop("k_items_vec must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if( stop("n cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
if(any( stop("rho_mat cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
if(any( stop("mu_vec cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
if(any( stop("sigma_vec cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
if(any( stop("rel_vec cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
if(any( stop("sr_vec cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
if(any( stop("k_items_vec cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
if(any(is.infinite(rho_mat))) stop("rho_mat must be finite", call. = FALSE)
if(any(is.infinite(mu_vec))) stop("mu_vec must be finite", call. = FALSE)
if(any(is.infinite(sigma_vec))) stop("sigma_vec must be finite", call. = FALSE)
if(any(is.infinite(rel_vec))) stop("rel_vec must be finite", call. = FALSE)
if(any(is.infinite(sr_vec))) stop("sr_vec must be finite", call. = FALSE)
if(any(is.infinite(k_items_vec))) stop("k_items_vec must be finite", call. = FALSE)
if(is.finite(n)) if(n <= 0) stop("n must be positive", call. = FALSE)
if(any(rel_vec <= 0)) stop("rel_vec must be positive", call. = FALSE)
if(any(sr_vec < 0)) stop("sr_vec must be non-negative", call. = FALSE)
if(any(k_items_vec < 1)) stop("k_items_vec must be greater than or equal to 1", call. = FALSE)
if(any(zapsmall(k_items_vec) != round(k_items_vec))) stop("k_items_vec must consist of whole numbers", call. = FALSE)
k_items_vec <- round(k_items_vec)
if(length(k_items_vec) == 1) k_items_vec <- rep(k_items_vec, ncol(rho_mat))
if(ncol(rho_mat) != length(rel_vec)) stop("rel_vec must have as many elements as rho_mat has variables", call. = FALSE)
if(ncol(rho_mat) != length(sr_vec)) stop("sr_vec must have as many elements as rho_mat has variables", call. = FALSE)
if(ncol(rho_mat) != length(k_items_vec)) stop("k_items_vec must have as many elements as rho_mat has variables", call. = FALSE)
var_names <- c(var_names)
if(ncol(rho_mat) != length(var_names)) stop("var_names must have as many elements as rho_mat has variables", call. = FALSE)
var_names <- paste("x", 1:ncol(rho_mat), sep = "")
if(!is.numeric(wt_mat)) stop("wt_mat must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if(any( stop("wt_mat cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
if(any(is.infinite(wt_mat))) stop("wt_vec must be finite", call. = FALSE)
if(ncol(rho_mat) != length(wt_mat)) stop("To be used as a vector, wt_mat must have as many elements as rho_mat has variables", call. = FALSE)
wt_mat <- as.matrix(wt_mat)
if(ncol(rho_mat) != nrow(wt_mat)) stop("wt_mat must have as many rows as rho_mat has variables", call. = FALSE)
sr_composites <- rep(1, ncol(wt_mat))
if(any( stop("sr_composites cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
composite_names <- paste("composite", 1:ncol(wt_mat), sep = "")
if(length(composite_names) != ncol(wt_mat))
stop("There must be as many elements in composite_names as there are sets of weights supplied in wt_mat", call. = FALSE)
.simulate_r_sample_stats <- function(n, rho_mat, rel_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
mu_vec = rep(0, ncol(rho_mat)), sigma_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
sr_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)), k_items_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
wt_mat = NULL, sr_composites = NULL,
var_names = NULL, composite_names = NULL,
obs_only = FALSE, show_items = FALSE, keep_vars = NULL, simdat_info = NULL, ...){
var_names <- paste("x", 1:ncol(rho_mat), sep = "")
composite_names <- paste("composite", 1:ncol(wt_mat), sep = "")
simdat <- simulate_psych_items(n = n, k_vec = k_items_vec, R_scales = rho_mat, rel_vec = rel_vec,
mean_vec = mu_vec, sd_vec = sigma_vec, var_names = var_names)
true_scores_a <- as.matrix(simdat$data$true)
error_scores_a <- as.matrix(simdat$data$error)
simdat$data$true <- simdat$data$error <- simdat$data$observed <- NULL
.var_names <- var_names
var_names <- colnames(true_scores_a)
scale_ids <- var_names %in% .var_names
item_index <- simdat$params$item_index
item_names <- simdat$params$item_names
item_wt <- list()
for(i in 1:length(k_items_vec)) item_wt[[i]] <- rep(1, length(item_index[[i]]))
names(item_wt) <- .var_names
true_scores_a <- cbind(true_scores_a, Composite = true_scores_a[,1:ncol(rho_mat)] %*% wt_mat)
error_scores_a <- cbind(error_scores_a, Composite = error_scores_a[,1:ncol(rho_mat)] %*% wt_mat)
scale_ids <- c(scale_ids, rep(TRUE, length(composite_names)))
sr_vec <- c(sr_vec, rep(1, ncol(true_scores_a) - sum(scale_ids)), sr_composites)
var_names <- c(var_names, composite_names)
.var_names <- c(.var_names, composite_names)
obs_scores_a <- true_scores_a + error_scores_a
colnames(true_scores_a) <- colnames(error_scores_a) <- colnames(obs_scores_a) <- var_names
## Perform selection on any variables for which the selection ratio is less than 1
select_ids <- which(sr_vec < 1)
select_vec <- rep(TRUE, n)
for(i in select_ids)
select_vec <- select_vec & obs_scores_a[,i] >= sort(obs_scores_a[,i], decreasing = TRUE)[n * sr_vec[i]]
simdat <- simdat_info$simdat
item_index <- simdat$params$item_index
item_names <- simdat$params$item_names
obs_scores_a <- simdat_info$obs_scores_a
true_scores_a <- simdat_info$true_scores_a
error_scores_a <- simdat_info$error_scores_a
scale_ids <- simdat_info$scale_ids
sr_vec <- simdat_info$sr_vec
var_names <- simdat_info$var_names
.var_names <- simdat_info$.var_names
cut_vec <- simdat_info$cut_vec
select_ids <- which(!
select_vec <- rep(TRUE, n)
for(i in select_ids)
select_vec <- select_vec & obs_scores_a[,i] >= cut_vec[i]
true_scores_a <- as_tibble(true_scores_a, .name_repair = "minimal")
error_scores_a <- as_tibble(error_scores_a, .name_repair = "minimal")
obs_scores_a <- as_tibble(obs_scores_a, .name_repair = "minimal")
alpha_a <- .alpha_items(item_dat = obs_scores_a, item_index = item_index)
alpha_i <- .alpha_items(item_dat = obs_scores_a[select_vec,], item_index = item_index)
item_obs_scores_a <- obs_scores_a
item_true_scores_a <- true_scores_a
item_error_scores_a <- error_scores_a
obs_scores_a <- obs_scores_a[,scale_ids]
true_scores_a <- true_scores_a[,scale_ids]
error_scores_a <- error_scores_a[,scale_ids]
colnames(true_scores_a) <- colnames(error_scores_a) <- colnames(obs_scores_a) <- .var_names
## Compute unrestricted variances
var_obs_a <- apply(obs_scores_a, 2, var)
## Compute restricted variances
var_obs_i <- apply(obs_scores_a[select_vec,], 2, var)
## Compute reliability estimates
rel_a <- diag(cor(true_scores_a, obs_scores_a))^2
rel_i <- diag(cor(true_scores_a[select_vec,], obs_scores_a[select_vec,]))^2
## Compute unrestricted means
mean_obs_a <- apply(obs_scores_a, 2, mean)
## Compute restricted means
mean_obs_i <- apply(obs_scores_a[select_vec,], 2, mean)
## Compute unrestricted SDs
sd_obs_a <- sqrt(var_obs_a)
## Compute restricted SDs
sd_obs_i <- sqrt(var_obs_i)
## Compute u ratios
u_obs <- sd_obs_i / sd_obs_a
na <- as.numeric(n)
ni <- sum(select_vec)
sr_overall <- ni / na
## Compute covariances
S_xy_a <- cov(obs_scores_a)
S_xy_i <- cov(obs_scores_a[select_vec,])
R_xy_a <- cov2cor(S_xy_a)
R_xy_i <- cov2cor(S_xy_i)
for(i in 1:ncol(wt_mat)){
alpha_a <- cbind(alpha_a, c(composite_rel_matrix(r_mat = R_xy_a[1:ncol(rho_mat),1:ncol(rho_mat)],
rel_vec = alpha_a[1,1:ncol(rho_mat)],
sd_vec = sd_obs_a[1:ncol(rho_mat)],
wt_vec = wt_mat[,i]),
composite_rel_matrix(r_mat = R_xy_a[1:ncol(rho_mat),1:ncol(rho_mat)],
rel_vec = alpha_a[2,1:ncol(rho_mat)],
sd_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
wt_vec = wt_mat[,i])))
alpha_i <- cbind(alpha_i, c(composite_rel_matrix(r_mat = R_xy_i[1:ncol(rho_mat),1:ncol(rho_mat)],
rel_vec = alpha_i[1,1:ncol(rho_mat)],
sd_vec = sd_obs_i[1:ncol(rho_mat)],
wt_vec = wt_mat[,i]),
composite_rel_matrix(r_mat = R_xy_i[1:ncol(rho_mat),1:ncol(rho_mat)],
rel_vec = alpha_i[2,1:ncol(rho_mat)],
sd_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
wt_vec = wt_mat[,i])))
colnames(alpha_a) <- colnames(alpha_i) <- var_names[scale_ids]
keep_ids <- scale_ids
export_ids <- rep(TRUE, length(scale_ids))
keep_ids_scales <- keep_ids[scale_ids]
keep_ids <- scale_ids & var_names %in% keep_vars
keep_ids_scales <- keep_ids[scale_ids]
.item_index <- .item_names <- list()
for(i in keep_vars) .item_names[[i]] <- item_names[[i]]
export_ids <- keep_ids | (var_names %in% unlist(.item_names))
k_items_vec <- k_items_vec[keep_ids_scales]
.var_names <- .var_names[keep_ids_scales]
var_names <- var_names[export_ids]
for(i in keep_vars) .item_index[[i]] <- which(var_names %in% item_names[[i]])
item_index <- .item_index
item_names <- .item_names
keep_ids_long <- rep(keep_ids_scales, 3)
obs_scores_a <- obs_scores_a[,keep_ids_scales]
true_scores_a <- true_scores_a[,keep_ids_scales]
error_scores_a <- error_scores_a[,keep_ids_scales]
## Compute unrestricted variances
var_true_a <- apply(true_scores_a, 2, var)
var_error_a <- apply(error_scores_a, 2, var)
## Compute restricted variances
var_true_i <- apply(true_scores_a[select_vec,], 2, var)
var_error_i <- apply(error_scores_a[select_vec,], 2, var)
## Compute unrestricted means
mean_true_a <- apply(true_scores_a, 2, mean)
mean_error_a <- apply(error_scores_a, 2, mean)
## Compute restricted means
mean_true_i <- apply(true_scores_a[select_vec,], 2, mean)
mean_error_i <- apply(error_scores_a[select_vec,], 2, mean)
## Compute unrestricted SDs
sd_true_a <- sqrt(var_true_a)
sd_error_a <- sqrt(var_error_a)
## Compute restricted SDs
sd_true_i <- sqrt(var_true_i)
sd_error_i <- sqrt(var_error_i)
## Compute u ratios
u_true <- sd_true_i / sd_true_a
u_error <- sd_error_i / sd_error_a
## Compute covariance matrices
S_complete_a <- cov(cbind(obs_scores_a, true_scores_a, error_scores_a))
S_complete_i <- cov(cbind(obs_scores_a[select_vec,], true_scores_a[select_vec,], error_scores_a[select_vec,]))
rownames(S_complete_a) <- colnames(S_complete_a) <-
rownames(S_complete_i) <- colnames(S_complete_i) <- c(paste("Obs_", .var_names, sep = ""),
paste("True_", .var_names, sep = ""),
paste("Error_", .var_names, sep = ""))
R_complete_a <- suppressWarnings(cov2cor(S_complete_a))
R_complete_i <- suppressWarnings(cov2cor(S_complete_i))
R_complete_a[] <- R_complete_i[] <- 0
## Compile matrices of descriptive statistics and artifacts
desc_mat_obs <- rbind(`Applicant parallel-forms reliability` = rel_a[keep_ids_scales],
`Applicant unstandardized alpha` = alpha_a[1,keep_ids_scales],
`Applicant standardized alpha` = alpha_a[2,keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent parallel-forms reliability` = rel_i[keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent unstandardized alpha` = alpha_i[1,keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent standardized alpha` = alpha_i[2,keep_ids_scales],
`u ratio` = u_obs[keep_ids_scales],
`Applicant SD` = sd_obs_a[keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent SD` = sd_obs_i[keep_ids_scales],
`Applicant mean` = mean_obs_a[keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent mean` = mean_obs_i[keep_ids_scales])
desc_mat_true <- rbind(`u ratio` = u_true,
`Applicant SD` = sd_true_a,
`Incumbent SD` = sd_true_i,
`Applicant mean` = mean_true_a,
`Incumbent mean` = mean_true_i)
desc_mat_error <- rbind(`u ratio` = u_error,
`Applicant SD` = sd_error_a,
`Incumbent SD` = sd_error_i,
`Applicant mean` = mean_error_a,
`Incumbent mean` = mean_error_i)
## Name name variables in output arrays
colnames(desc_mat_obs) <- colnames(desc_mat_true) <- colnames(desc_mat_error) <- .var_names
## Assemble list of output information
out <- list(na = na,
ni = ni,
sr = as.numeric(sr_overall),
R_obs_a = R_xy_a[keep_ids_scales,keep_ids_scales],
R_obs_i = R_xy_i[keep_ids_scales,keep_ids_scales],
S_complete_a = S_complete_a,
S_complete_i = S_complete_i,
R_complete_a = R_complete_a,
R_complete_i = R_complete_i,
descriptives = list(observed = desc_mat_obs,
true = desc_mat_true,
error = desc_mat_error),
data = list(observed = data.frame(obs_scores_a, selected = select_vec, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
true = data.frame(true_scores_a, selected = select_vec, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
error = data.frame(error_scores_a, selected = select_vec, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
## Compile matrices of descriptive statistics and artifacts
desc_mat_obs <- rbind(`Applicant parallel-forms reliability` = rel_a[keep_ids_scales],
`Applicant unstandardized alpha` = alpha_a[1,keep_ids_scales],
`Applicant standardized alpha` = alpha_a[2,keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent parallel-forms reliability` = rel_i[keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent unstandardized alpha` = alpha_i[1,keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent standardized alpha` = alpha_i[2,keep_ids_scales],
`u ratio` = u_obs[keep_ids_scales],
`Applicant SD` = sd_obs_a[keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent SD` = sd_obs_i[keep_ids_scales],
`Applicant mean` = mean_obs_a[keep_ids_scales],
`Incumbent mean` = mean_obs_i[keep_ids_scales])
## Name name variables in output arrays
colnames(desc_mat_obs) <- .var_names
## Assemble list of output information
out <- list(na = na,
ni = ni,
sr = as.numeric(sr_overall),
R_obs_a = R_xy_a[keep_ids_scales,keep_ids_scales],
R_obs_i = R_xy_i[keep_ids_scales,keep_ids_scales],
S_obs_a = S_xy_a[keep_ids_scales,keep_ids_scales],
S_obs_i = S_xy_i[keep_ids_scales,keep_ids_scales],
descriptives = list(observed = desc_mat_obs))
if(show_items) out <- append(out, list(item_info = list(item_index = item_index,
item_names = item_names,
data = list(observed = item_obs_scores_a[,export_ids],
true = item_true_scores_a[,export_ids],
error = item_error_scores_a[,export_ids]))))
class(out) <- "simdat_r_sample"
.simulate_r_sample_params <- function(n, rho_mat, rel_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
mu_vec = rep(0, ncol(rho_mat)), sigma_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
sr_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)), k_items_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
wt_mat = NULL, sr_composites = NULL,
var_names = NULL, composite_names = NULL, show_items = FALSE, keep_vars = NULL, ...){
var_names <- paste("x", 1:ncol(rho_mat), sep = "")
composite_names <- paste("composite", 1:ncol(wt_mat), sep = "")
r_mat <- rho_mat
diag(r_mat) <- 1 / rel_vec
r_mat <- cov2cor(r_mat)
rel_mat <- diag(rel_vec)
err_mat <- zero_mat <- diag(1 - rel_vec)
diag(zero_mat) <- 0
rho_cov_mat <- r_mat
diag(rho_cov_mat) <- rel_vec
S_complete_a <- rbind(cbind(r_mat, rho_cov_mat, err_mat),
cbind(rho_cov_mat, rho_cov_mat, zero_mat),
cbind(err_mat, zero_mat, err_mat))
S_complete_a <- diag(c(sigma_vec, sigma_vec, sigma_vec)) %*% S_complete_a %*% diag(c(sigma_vec, sigma_vec, sigma_vec))
mu_complete_a <- c(mu_vec, mu_vec, rep(0, length(mu_vec)))
zero_mat <- wt_mat
zero_mat[1:length(zero_mat)] <- 0
wt_mat_comp <- cbind(rbind(wt_mat, zero_mat, zero_mat),
rbind(zero_mat, wt_mat, zero_mat),
rbind(zero_mat, zero_mat, wt_mat))
k <- nrow(wt_mat)
start_composite <- k * 3 + 1
id_vec <- c(1:k, start_composite:(start_composite + ncol(wt_mat) - 1),
1:k + k, (start_composite + ncol(wt_mat)):(start_composite + 2 * ncol(wt_mat) - 1),
1:k + 2 * k, (start_composite + 2* ncol(wt_mat)):(start_composite + 3 * ncol(wt_mat) - 1))
wt_mat_comp[,1] %*% S_complete_a %*% wt_mat_comp[,1]
comb_cov <- t(wt_mat_comp) %*% S_complete_a
comb_var <- comb_cov %*% wt_mat_comp
mu_composites <- t(wt_mat_comp) %*% mu_complete_a
mu_complete_a <- c(mu_complete_a, mu_composites)[id_vec]
S_complete_a <- cbind(rbind(S_complete_a, comb_cov), rbind(t(comb_cov), comb_var))
S_complete_a <- S_complete_a[id_vec, id_vec]
sr_vec <- c(sr_vec, sr_composites)
var_names <- c(var_names, composite_names)
x_col <- which(sr_vec < 1)
if(length(x_col) > 0){
if(length(x_col) == 1){
cut_scores <- qnorm(sr_vec[x_col], mean = mu_complete_a[x_col], sd = S_complete_a[x_col,x_col]^.5, lower.tail = FALSE)
s_mat_i <- truncate_var(a = cut_scores, mean = mu_complete_a[x_col], sd = S_complete_a[x_col,x_col]^.5)
means_x_i <- truncate_mean(a = cut_scores, mean = mu_complete_a[x_col], sd = S_complete_a[x_col,x_col]^.5)
sr_overall <- sr_vec[x_col]
if (!requireNamespace("mvtnorm", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The package 'mvtnorm' is not installed.\n",
" 'mvtnorm' is required to estimate population parameters under multivariate selection.\n",
" Please install 'mvtnorm'.")
if (zapsmall(det(S_complete_a[x_col,x_col])) == 0) {
stop("Covariance matrix among selection variables is not ",
"positive definite.\n Selection cannot be performed.",
call. = FALSE)
dat_i <- mtmvnorm(
mean = mu_complete_a[x_col],
sigma = S_complete_a[x_col,x_col],
lower = qnorm(sr_vec[x_col],
mean = mu_complete_a[x_col],
sd = diag(S_complete_a[x_col,x_col])^.5,
lower.tail = FALSE)
means_x_i <- dat_i$tmean
s_mat_i <- dat_i$tvar
s_mat_i <- zapsmall((s_mat_i + t(s_mat_i)) / 2)
sr_overall <- ptmvnorm(
mean = mu_complete_a[x_col],
sigma = S_complete_a[x_col,x_col],
lowerx = qnorm(sr_vec[x_col],
mean = mu_complete_a[x_col],
sd = diag(S_complete_a)[x_col]^.5,
lower.tail = FALSE),
upperx = rep(Inf, length(x_col))
S_complete_i <- correct_matrix_mvrr(Sigma_i = S_complete_a, Sigma_xx_a = s_mat_i, x_col = x_col, standardize = FALSE)
means_i <- correct_means_mvrr(Sigma = S_complete_a, means_i = mu_complete_a, means_x_a = means_x_i, x_col = x_col)
sr_overall <- 1
S_complete_i <- S_complete_a
means_i <- mu_complete_a
var_names_obs <- paste("Obs_", var_names, sep = "")
var_names_true <- paste("True_", var_names, sep = "")
var_names_error <- paste("Error_", var_names, sep = "")
R_complete_a <- suppressWarnings(cov2cor(S_complete_a))
R_complete_i <- suppressWarnings(cov2cor(S_complete_i))
R_complete_a[] <- R_complete_i[] <- 0
rownames(S_complete_a) <- colnames(S_complete_a) <- c(var_names_obs, var_names_true, var_names_error)
dimnames(R_complete_a) <- dimnames(R_complete_i) <- dimnames(S_complete_i) <- dimnames(S_complete_a)
R_xy_a <- R_complete_a[1:length(var_names), 1:length(var_names)]
R_xy_i <- R_complete_i[1:length(var_names), 1:length(var_names)]
dimnames(R_xy_a) <- dimnames(R_xy_i) <- list(var_names, var_names)
rel_a <- diag(R_complete_a[var_names_obs, var_names_true])^2
rel_i <- diag(R_complete_i[var_names_obs, var_names_true])^2
names(mu_complete_a) <- colnames(S_complete_a)
mean_obs_a <- mu_complete_a[var_names_obs]
mean_true_a <- mu_complete_a[var_names_true]
mean_error_a <- mu_complete_a[var_names_error]
mean_mat_i <- matrix(means_i, nrow = 3, byrow = T)
mean_obs_i <- mean_mat_i[1,]
mean_true_i <- mean_mat_i[2,]
mean_error_i <- mean_mat_i[3,]
sd_obs_a <- diag(S_complete_a[var_names_obs, var_names_obs])^.5
sd_obs_i <- diag(S_complete_i[var_names_obs, var_names_obs])^.5
u_obs <- sd_obs_i / sd_obs_a
sd_true_a <- diag(S_complete_a[var_names_true, var_names_true])^.5
sd_true_i <- diag(S_complete_i[var_names_true, var_names_true])^.5
u_true <- sd_true_i / sd_true_a
sd_error_a <- diag(S_complete_a[var_names_error, var_names_error])^.5
sd_error_i <- diag(S_complete_i[var_names_error, var_names_error])^.5
u_error <- sd_error_i / sd_error_a
R_xy_a <- R_complete_a[var_names_obs, var_names_obs]
R_xy_i <- R_complete_i[var_names_obs, var_names_obs]
.rho_mat <- R_complete_a[var_names_true,var_names_true]
.k_items_vec <- c(k_items_vec, rep(1, ncol(wt_mat)))
.k_items_vec <- k_items_vec
itemdat <- simulate_psych_items(n = Inf, k_vec = .k_items_vec, R_scales = .rho_mat, rel_vec = rel_a,
mean_vec = mean_obs_a, sd_vec = sd_obs_a, var_names = var_names)
item_index <- itemdat$params$item_index
item_names <- itemdat$params$item_names
alpha_a <- .alpha_items(S = itemdat$S$observed, R = itemdat$R$observed, item_index = item_index)
.S <- correct_matrix_mvrr(Sigma_i = itemdat$S$observed, Sigma_xx_a = S_complete_i[1:nrow(rho_mat),1:nrow(rho_mat)],
x_col = 1:nrow(rho_mat), standardize = FALSE)
.R <- cov2cor(.S)
alpha_i <- .alpha_items(S = .S, R = .R, item_index = itemdat$params$item_index)
alpha_a <- alpha_a[,1:ncol(rho_mat)]
alpha_i <- alpha_i[,1:ncol(rho_mat)]
itemdat$Si <- .S
itemdat$Ri <- .R
itemdat$means_i <- correct_means_mvrr(Sigma = itemdat$S$observed, means_i = itemdat$params$means,
means_x_a = means_i[1:nrow(rho_mat)], x_col = 1:nrow(rho_mat))
for(i in 1:ncol(wt_mat)){
alpha_a <- cbind(alpha_a, c(composite_rel_matrix(r_mat = R_xy_a[1:ncol(rho_mat),1:ncol(rho_mat)],
rel_vec = alpha_a[1,1:ncol(rho_mat)],
sd_vec = sd_obs_a[1:ncol(rho_mat)],
wt_vec = wt_mat[,i]),
composite_rel_matrix(r_mat = R_xy_a[1:ncol(rho_mat),1:ncol(rho_mat)],
rel_vec = alpha_a[2,1:ncol(rho_mat)],
sd_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
wt_vec = wt_mat[,i])))
alpha_i <- cbind(alpha_i, c(composite_rel_matrix(r_mat = R_xy_i[1:ncol(rho_mat),1:ncol(rho_mat)],
rel_vec = alpha_i[1,1:ncol(rho_mat)],
sd_vec = sd_obs_i[1:ncol(rho_mat)],
wt_vec = wt_mat[,i]),
composite_rel_matrix(r_mat = R_xy_i[1:ncol(rho_mat),1:ncol(rho_mat)],
rel_vec = alpha_i[2,1:ncol(rho_mat)],
sd_vec = rep(1, ncol(rho_mat)),
wt_vec = wt_mat[,i])))
colnames(alpha_a) <- colnames(alpha_i) <- var_names
keep_ids <- rep(TRUE, length(var_names))
keep_ids <- var_names %in% keep_vars
.item_index <- .item_names <- list()
for(i in keep_vars) .item_names[[i]] <- item_names[[i]]
.var_names <- colnames(itemdat$R$observed)
for(i in keep_vars) .item_index[[i]] <- which(.var_names %in% item_names[[i]])
export_ids <- c(keep_ids, rep(FALSE, length(.var_names) - length(keep_ids))) | (.var_names %in% unlist(.item_names))
itemdat$R <- lapply(itemdat$R, function(x) x[export_ids,export_ids])
itemdat$S <- lapply(itemdat$S, function(x) x[export_ids,export_ids])
itemdat$params$rel <- itemdat$params$rel[keep_ids]
itemdat$params$means <- itemdat$params$means[keep_ids]
itemdat$params$sds <- itemdat$params$sds[keep_ids]
itemdat$params$scale_names <- itemdat$params$scale_names[keep_ids]
itemdat$means_i <- itemdat$means_i[export_ids]
k_items_vec <- k_items_vec[keep_ids]
.var_names <- .var_names[keep_ids]
var_names <- var_names[keep_ids]
item_index <- .item_index
item_names <- .item_names
## Compile matrices of descriptive statistics and artifacts
desc_mat_obs <- rbind(`Applicant parallel-forms reliability` = rel_a[keep_ids],
`Applicant unstandardized alpha` = alpha_a[1,keep_ids],
`Applicant standardized alpha` = alpha_a[2,keep_ids],
`Incumbent parallel-forms reliability` = rel_i[keep_ids],
`Incumbent unstandardized alpha` = alpha_i[1,keep_ids],
`Incumbent standardized alpha` = alpha_i[2,keep_ids],
`u ratio` = u_obs[keep_ids],
`Applicant SD` = sd_obs_a[keep_ids],
`Incumbent SD` = sd_obs_i[keep_ids],
`Applicant mean` = mean_obs_a[keep_ids],
`Incumbent mean` = mean_obs_i[keep_ids])
desc_mat_true <- rbind(`u ratio` = u_true[keep_ids],
`Applicant SD` = sd_true_a[keep_ids],
`Incumbent SD` = sd_true_i[keep_ids],
`Applicant mean` = mean_true_a[keep_ids],
`Incumbent mean` = mean_true_i[keep_ids])
desc_mat_error <- rbind(`u ratio` = u_error[keep_ids],
`Applicant SD` = sd_error_a[keep_ids],
`Incumbent SD` = sd_error_i[keep_ids],
`Applicant mean` = mean_error_a[keep_ids],
`Incumbent mean` = mean_error_i[keep_ids])
## Name name variables in output arrays
R_xy_a <- R_xy_a[keep_ids,keep_ids]
R_xy_i <- R_xy_i[keep_ids,keep_ids]
dimnames(R_xy_a) <- dimnames(R_xy_i) <- list(var_names, var_names)
colnames(desc_mat_obs) <- colnames(desc_mat_true) <- colnames(desc_mat_error) <- var_names
keep_ids_long <- rep(keep_ids, 3)
## Assemble list of output information
out <- list(na = Inf,
ni = Inf,
sr = as.numeric(sr_overall),
R_obs_a = R_xy_a,
R_obs_i = R_xy_i,
S_complete_a = S_complete_a[keep_ids_long,keep_ids_long],
S_complete_i = S_complete_i[keep_ids_long,keep_ids_long],
R_complete_a = R_complete_a[keep_ids_long,keep_ids_long],
R_complete_i = R_complete_i[keep_ids_long,keep_ids_long],
descriptives = list(observed = desc_mat_obs,
true = desc_mat_true,
error = desc_mat_error)
if(show_items) out <- append(out, list(item_info = itemdat))
class(out) <- "simdat_r_sample"
.rho_dims <- function(rho_params){
if(nrow(rho_params) == ncol(rho_params)){
p <- nrow(rho_params)
stop("If rho parameters are provided as a matrix, that matrix must be square", call. = FALSE)
}else if(is.list(rho_params)){
p <- sqrt(length(rho_params) * 2 + .5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + 4 * length(rho_params) * 2)))
if(p != round(p)) stop("Number of rho distributions does not correspond to a valid number of lower-triangle correlations", call. = FALSE)
#' Simulate correlation databases of primary studies
#' The \code{simulate_r_database} function generates databases of psychometric correlation data from sample-size parameters, correlation parameters, reliability parameters, and selection-ratio parameters.
#' The output database can be provided in either a long format or a wide format.
#' If composite variables are to be formed, parameters can also be defined for the weights used to form the composites as well as the selection ratios applied to the composites.
#' This function will return a database of statistics as well as a database of parameters - the parameter database contains the actual study parameters for each simulated sample (without sampling error) to allow comparisons between meta-analytic results computed from the statistics and the actual means and variances of parameters.
#' The \code{\link{merge_simdat_r}} function can be used to merge multiple simulated databases and the \code{\link{sparsify_simdat_r}} function can be used to randomly delete artifact information (a procedure commonly done in simulations of artifact-distribution methods).
#' @param k Number of studies to simulate.
#' @param n_params Parameter distribution (or data-generation function; see details) for sample size.
#' @param rho_params List of parameter distributions (or data-generation functions; see details) for correlations. If simulating data from a single fixed population matrix, that matrix can be supplied for this argument (if the diagonal contains non-unity values and 'sigma_params' is not specified, those values will be used as variances).
#' @param mu_params List of parameter distributions (or data-generation functions; see details) for means.
#' @param sigma_params List of parameter distributions (or data-generation functions; see details) for standard deviations.
#' @param rel_params List of parameter distributions (or data-generation functions; see details) for reliabilities.
#' @param sr_params List of parameter distributions (or data-generation functions; see details) for selection ratios.
#' @param k_items_params List of parameter distributions (or data-generation functions; see details) for the number of test items comprising each of the variables to be simulated (all are single-item variables by default).
#' @param wt_params List of parameter distributions (or data-generation functions; see details) to create weights for use in forming composites.
#' If multiple composites are formed, the list should be a list of lists, with the general format: \code{list(comp1_params = list(...params...), comp2_params = list(...params...), etc.)}.
#' @param allow_neg_wt Logical scalar that determines whether negative weights should be allowed (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}).
#' @param sr_composite_params Parameter distributions (or data-generation functions; see details) for composite selection ratios.
#' @param var_names Optional vector of variable names for all non-composite variables.
#' @param composite_names Optional vector of names for composite variables.
#' @param n_as_ni Logical argument determining whether n specifies the incumbent sample size (TRUE) or the applicant sample size (FALSE; default). This can only be TRUE when only one variable is involved in selection.
#' @param show_applicant Should applicant data be shown for sample statistics (\code{TRUE}) or suppressed (\code{FALSE})?
#' @param keep_vars Optional vector of variable names to be extracted from the simulation and returned in the output object. All variables are returned by default. Use this argument when
#' only some variables are of interest and others are generated solely to serve as selection variables.
#' @param decimals Number of decimals to which statistical results (not parameters) should be rounded. Rounding to 2 decimal places best captures the precision of data available from published primary research.
#' @param format Database format: "long" or "wide."
#' @param max_iter Maximum number of iterations to allow in the parameter selection process before terminating with convergence failure. Must be finite.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @details
#' Values supplied as any argument with the suffix "params" can take any of three forms (see Examples for a demonstration of usage):
#' \itemize{
#' \item A vector of values from which study parameters should be sampled.
#' \item A vector containing a mean with a variance or standard deviation. These values must be named "mean," "var," and "sd," respectively, for the program to recognize which value is which.
#' \item A matrix containing a row of values (this row must be named "values") from which study parameters should be sampled and a row of weights (this row must be labeled 'weights') associated
#' with the values to be sampled.
#' \item A matrix containing a column of values (this column must be named "values") from which study parameters should be sampled and a column of weights (this column must be labeled 'weights') associated
#' with the values to be sampled.
#' \item A function that is configured to generate data using only one argument that defines the number of cases to generate, e.g., \code{fun(n = 10)}.
#' }
#' @return A database of simulated primary studies' statistics and analytically determined parameter values.
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble add_column
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Note the varying methods for defining parameters:
#' n_params = function(n) rgamma(n, shape = 100)
#' rho_params <- list(c(.1, .3, .5),
#' c(mean = .3, sd = .05),
#' rbind(value = c(.1, .3, .5), weight = c(1, 2, 1)))
#' rel_params = list(c(.7, .8, .9),
#' c(mean = .8, sd = .05),
#' rbind(value = c(.7, .8, .9), weight = c(1, 2, 1)))
#' sr_params = c(list(1, 1, c(.5, .7)))
#' sr_composite_params = list(1, c(.5, .6, .7))
#' wt_params = list(list(c(1, 2, 3),
#' c(mean = 2, sd = .25),
#' rbind(value = c(1, 2, 3), weight = c(1, 2, 1))),
#' list(c(1, 2, 3),
#' c(mean = 2, sd = .25),
#' cbind(value = c(1, 2, 3), weight = c(1, 2, 1))))
#' ## Simulate with long format
#' simulate_r_database(k = 10, n_params = n_params, rho_params = rho_params,
#' rel_params = rel_params, sr_params = sr_params,
#' sr_composite_params = sr_composite_params, wt_params = wt_params,
#' var_names = c("X", "Y", "Z"), format = "long")
#' ## Simulate with wide format
#' simulate_r_database(k = 10, n_params = n_params, rho_params = rho_params,
#' rel_params = rel_params, sr_params = sr_params,
#' sr_composite_params = sr_composite_params, wt_params = wt_params,
#' var_names = c("X", "Y", "Z"), format = "wide")
simulate_r_database <- function(k, n_params, rho_params,
mu_params = 0, sigma_params = 1,
rel_params = 1, sr_params = 1, k_items_params = 1,
wt_params = NULL, allow_neg_wt = FALSE, sr_composite_params = NULL, var_names = NULL, composite_names = NULL,
n_as_ni = FALSE, show_applicant = FALSE, keep_vars = NULL, decimals = 2,
format = "long", max_iter = 100, ...){
.dplyr.show_progress <- options()$dplyr.show_progress
.psychmeta.show_progress <- psychmeta.show_progress <- options()$psychmeta.show_progress
if(is.null(psychmeta.show_progress)) psychmeta.show_progress <- TRUE
options(dplyr.show_progress = psychmeta.show_progress)
inputs <- as.list(environment())
call <-
noalpha <- list(...)$noalpha
if(is.null(noalpha)) noalpha <- FALSE
if(length(noalpha) > 1) noalpha <- noalpha[1]
if(decimals < 2) stop("'decimals' must be a number greater than or equal to 2", call. = FALSE)
if(zapsmall(decimals) != round(decimals)){
decimals <- round(decimals)
stop("'decimals' must be an integer: rounding supplied value to ", decimals, call. = FALSE)
if(nrow(rho_params) == ncol(rho_params)){
if(length(sigma_params) == 1 & sigma_params[1] == 1) sigma_params <- diag(rho_params)
rho_params <- as.list(rho_params[lower.tri(rho_params)])
p <- .rho_dims(rho_params = rho_params)
sigma_params <- as.list(rep(1, p))
}else if(!is.list(sigma_params) & length(sigma_params) == 1){
sigma_params <- as.list(rep(sigma_params, p))
mu_params <- as.list(rep(1, p))
}else if(!is.list(mu_params) & length(mu_params) == 1){
mu_params <- as.list(rep(mu_params, p))
rel_params <- as.list(rep(1, p))
}else if(!is.list(rel_params) & length(rel_params) == 1){
rel_params <- as.list(rep(rel_params, p))
sr_params <- as.list(rep(1, p))
}else if(!is.list(sr_params) & length(sr_params) == 1 & unlist(sr_params)[1] == 1){
sr_params <- as.list(rep(1, p))
k_items_params <- as.list(rep(1, p))
}else if(!is.list(k_items_params) & length(k_items_params) == 1){
k_items_params <- as.list(rep(k_items_params, p))
if((!is.null(wt_params) & is.null(sr_composite_params)) | (is.null(wt_params) & !is.null(sr_composite_params)))
stop("'wt_params' and 'sr_composite_params' must both be NULL or non-NULL: One cannot be supplied without the other", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.null(wt_params)) if(!is.list(wt_params)) wt_params <- as.list(wt_params)
if(!is.null(sr_composite_params)) if(!is.list(sr_composite_params)) sr_composite_params <- as.list(sr_composite_params)
if(!is.null(wt_params) & !is.null(sr_composite_params)){
if(length(wt_params) != length(sr_composite_params)){
stop("Lengths of the lists supplied for 'wt_params' and 'sr_composite_params' must be equal", call. = FALSE)
if(any(!(keep_vars %in% c(var_names, composite_names)))){
stop("If 'keep_vars' is not NULL, all values in 'keep_vars' must correspond to variable names supplied as 'var_names' and 'composite_names' arguments", call. = FALSE)
if(length(keep_vars) == 1){
stop("If 'keep_vars' is not NULL, 'keep_vars' must contain at least two variable names", call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(composite_names) & !is.null(wt_params))
composite_names <- paste0("composite", 1:length(sr_composite_params))
if(is.null(max_iter)) stop("'max_iter' cannot be NULL", call. = FALSE)
if( stop("'max_iter' cannot be NA", call. = FALSE)
if(!is.numeric(max_iter)) stop("'max_iter' must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
if(is.infinite(max_iter)) stop("'max_iter' must be finite", call. = FALSE)
max_iter <- round(max_iter)
.check_desc <- function(x) ifelse(any(names(x) == "mean") & (any(names(x) == "var") | any(names(x) == "sd")), TRUE, FALSE)
.check_weights_rows <- function(x) ifelse(any(rownames(x) == "value") & any(rownames(x) == "weight"), TRUE, FALSE)
.check_weights_cols <- function(x) ifelse(any(colnames(x) == "value") & any(colnames(x) == "weight"), TRUE, FALSE)
.check_fun <- function(x) ifelse(is.function(x), TRUE, FALSE)
n_as_desc <- .check_desc(n_params)
rho_as_desc <- lapply(rho_params, .check_desc)
if(length(mu_params) > 1) mu_as_desc <- lapply(mu_params, .check_desc)
if(length(sigma_params) > 1) sigma_as_desc <- lapply(sigma_params, .check_desc)
rel_as_desc <- lapply(rel_params, .check_desc)
sr_as_desc <- lapply(sr_params, .check_desc)
kitems_as_desc <- lapply(k_items_params, .check_desc)
n_as_weights_rows <- .check_weights_rows(n_params)
rho_as_weights_rows <- lapply(rho_params, .check_weights_rows)
if(length(mu_params) > 1) mu_as_weights_rows <- lapply(mu_params, .check_weights_rows)
if(length(sigma_params) > 1) sigma_as_weights_rows <- lapply(sigma_params, .check_weights_rows)
rel_as_weights_rows <- lapply(rel_params, .check_weights_rows)
sr_as_weights_rows <- lapply(sr_params, .check_weights_rows)
kitems_as_weights_rows <- lapply(k_items_params, .check_weights_rows)
n_as_weights_cols <- .check_weights_cols(n_params)
rho_as_weights_cols <- lapply(rho_params, .check_weights_cols)
if(length(mu_params) > 1) mu_as_weights_cols <- lapply(mu_params, .check_weights_cols)
if(length(sigma_params) > 1) sigma_as_weights_cols <- lapply(sigma_params, .check_weights_cols)
rel_as_weights_cols <- lapply(rel_params, .check_weights_cols)
sr_as_weights_cols <- lapply(sr_params, .check_weights_cols)
kitems_as_weights_cols <- lapply(k_items_params, .check_weights_cols)
n_as_fun <- .check_fun(n_params)
rho_as_fun <- lapply(rho_params, .check_fun)
if(length(mu_params) > 1) mu_as_fun <- lapply(mu_params, .check_fun)
if(length(sigma_params) > 1) sigma_as_fun <- lapply(sigma_params, .check_fun)
rel_as_fun <- lapply(rel_params, .check_fun)
sr_as_fun <- lapply(sr_params, .check_fun)
kitems_as_fun <- lapply(k_items_params, .check_fun)
n_vec <- c(sample_params(param_list = list(n_params), k = k, as_desc = list(n_as_desc), as_weights_rows = list(n_as_weights_rows),
as_weights_cols = list(n_as_weights_cols), as_fun = list(n_as_fun), param_type = "n", max_iter = max_iter))
rel_mat <- sample_params(param_list = rel_params, k = k, as_desc = rel_as_desc, as_weights_rows = rel_as_weights_rows,
as_weights_cols = rel_as_weights_cols, as_fun = rel_as_fun, param_type = "rel", max_iter = max_iter)
sr_mat <- sample_params(param_list = sr_params, k = k, as_desc = sr_as_desc, as_weights_rows = sr_as_weights_rows,
as_weights_cols = sr_as_weights_cols, as_fun = sr_as_fun, param_type = "sr", max_iter = max_iter)
kitems_mat <- sample_params(param_list = k_items_params, k = k, as_desc = kitems_as_desc, as_weights_rows = kitems_as_weights_rows,
as_weights_cols = kitems_as_weights_cols, as_fun = kitems_as_fun, param_type = "k_items", max_iter = max_iter)
if(is.numeric(mu_params) & length(mu_params) == 1){
mu_mat <- rel_mat
mu_mat[1:length(mu_mat)] <- mu_params
mu_mat <- sample_params(param_list = mu_params, k = k, as_desc = mu_as_desc, as_weights_rows = mu_as_weights_rows,
as_weights_cols = mu_as_weights_cols, as_fun = mu_as_fun, param_type = "mu", max_iter = max_iter)
if(is.numeric(sigma_params) & length(sigma_params) == 1){
sigma_mat <- rel_mat
sigma_mat[1:length(sigma_mat)] <- sigma_params
sigma_mat <- sample_params(param_list = sigma_params, k = k, as_desc = sigma_as_desc, as_weights_rows = sigma_as_weights_rows,
as_weights_cols = sigma_as_weights_cols, as_fun = sigma_as_fun, param_type = "sigma", max_iter = max_iter)
wt_mat <- NULL
wt_params_orig <- wt_params
wt_params <- list()
for(i in 1:length(wt_params_orig)) wt_params <- append(wt_params, wt_params_orig[[i]])
wt_as_desc <- lapply(wt_params, .check_desc)
wt_as_weights_rows <- lapply(wt_params, .check_weights_rows)
wt_as_weights_cols <- lapply(wt_params, .check_weights_cols)
wt_as_ful <- lapply(wt_params, .check_fun)
wt_mat <- sample_params(param_list = wt_params, k = k, as_desc = wt_as_desc, as_weights_rows = wt_as_weights_rows,
as_weights_cols = wt_as_weights_cols, as_fun = wt_as_ful, param_type = "wt", allow_neg_wt = allow_neg_wt, max_iter = max_iter)
sr_composite_mat <- NULL
srcomp_as_desc <- lapply(sr_composite_params, .check_desc)
srcomp_as_weights_rows <- lapply(sr_composite_params, .check_weights_rows)
srcomp_as_weights_cols <- lapply(sr_composite_params, .check_weights_cols)
srcomp_as_fun <- lapply(sr_composite_params, .check_fun)
if(!is.list(sr_composite_params)) sr_composite_params <- list(sr_composite_params)
sr_composite_mat <- sample_params(param_list = sr_composite_params, k = k, as_desc = srcomp_as_desc, as_weights_rows = srcomp_as_weights_rows,
as_weights_cols = srcomp_as_weights_cols, as_fun = srcomp_as_fun, param_type = "sr", max_iter = max_iter)
if(is.null(var_names)) var_names <- paste("x", 1:length(rel_params), sep = "")
colnames(rel_mat) <- colnames(sr_mat) <- var_names
sim_rho_mat <- function(rho_params, rho_as_desc, rho_as_weights_rows, rho_as_weights_cols, rho_as_fun, max_iter){
valid_mat <- FALSE
iter <- 0
iter <- iter + 1
rho_vec <- c(sample_params(param_list = rho_params, k = 1, as_desc = rho_as_desc, as_weights_rows = rho_as_weights_rows,
as_weights_cols = rho_as_weights_cols, as_fun = rho_as_fun, param_type = "rho", max_iter = max_iter))
rho_mat <- reshape_vec2mat(cov = rho_vec)
valid_mat <- zapsmall(det(rho_mat)) > 0
if(!valid_mat & iter == max_iter)
stop("Maximum interations reached without converging on a positive-definite rho matrix: Please check rho parameter distributions", call. = FALSE)
param_list <- list()
for(i in 1:k){
sr_composite_i <- NULL
sr_composite_i <- c(sr_composite_mat[i,])
wt_mat_i <- matrix(wt_mat[i,], nrow = ncol(rel_mat))
wt_mat_i <- NULL
param_list[[i]] <- list(n = n_vec[i],
rho_mat = sim_rho_mat(rho_params = rho_params, rho_as_desc = rho_as_desc, rho_as_weights_rows = rho_as_weights_rows,
rho_as_weights_cols = rho_as_weights_cols, rho_as_fun = rho_as_fun, max_iter = max_iter),
mu_vec = mu_mat[i,],
sigma_vec = sigma_mat[i,],
rel_vec = c(rel_mat[i,]),
sr_vec = c(sr_mat[i,]),
k_items_vec = c(kitems_mat[i,]),
wt_mat = wt_mat_i,
sr_composites = sr_composite_i)
.simulate_r_sample_screen(n = param_list[[1]][["n"]], rho_mat = param_list[[1]][["rho_mat"]],
mu_vec = param_list[[1]][["mu_vec"]], sigma_vec = param_list[[1]][["sigma_vec"]],
rel_vec = param_list[[1]][["rel_vec"]], sr_vec = param_list[[1]][["sr_vec"]],
k_items_vec = param_list[[1]][["k_items_vec"]],
wt_mat = param_list[[1]][["wt_mat"]], sr_composites = param_list[[1]][["sr_composites"]],
var_names = var_names, composite_names = composite_names)
if(any(unlist(lapply(param_list, function(x) sum(c(x[["sr_vec"]], x[["sr_composites"]]) < 1) > 1)))){
stop("'n_as_ni' must be FALSE when selection is to be performed on multiple variables", call. = FALSE)
param_list <- lapply(param_list, function(x){
if(any(x[["sr_vec"]] < 1))
x[["n"]] <- ceiling(x[["n"]] / c(x[["sr_vec"]], x[["sr_composites"]])[c(x[["sr_vec"]], x[["sr_composites"]]) < 1])
.var_names <- keep_vars
.var_names <- c(var_names, composite_names)
x <- param_list[[1]]
.params <- .simulate_r_sample_params_noalpha(n = Inf, rho_mat = x[["rho_mat"]],
mu_vec = x[["mu_vec"]], sigma_vec = x[["sigma_vec"]],
rel_vec = x[["rel_vec"]], sr_vec = x[["sr_vec"]],
wt_mat = x[["wt_mat"]], sr_composites = x[["sr_composites"]],
var_names = var_names, composite_names = composite_names, keep_vars = keep_vars)
.params <- .simulate_r_sample_params(n = Inf, rho_mat = x[["rho_mat"]],
mu_vec = x[["mu_vec"]], sigma_vec = x[["sigma_vec"]],
rel_vec = x[["rel_vec"]], sr_vec = x[["sr_vec"]],
k_items_vec = x[["k_items_vec"]],
wt_mat = x[["wt_mat"]], sr_composites = x[["sr_composites"]],
var_names = var_names, composite_names = composite_names, keep_vars = keep_vars)
if(format == "wide"){
.stats <- format_wide(x = .params, param = FALSE, sample_id = 1, var_names = .var_names, show_applicant = show_applicant, decimals = decimals, noalpha = noalpha)
.params <- format_wide(x = .params, param = TRUE, sample_id = 1, var_names = .var_names, show_applicant = show_applicant, decimals = decimals, noalpha = noalpha)
.stats <- format_long(x = .params, param = FALSE, sample_id = 1, var_names = .var_names, show_applicant = show_applicant, decimals = decimals, noalpha = noalpha)
.params <- format_long(x = .params, param = TRUE, sample_id = 1, var_names = .var_names, show_applicant = show_applicant, decimals = decimals, noalpha = noalpha)
dat_stats <- data.frame(matrix(NA, length(param_list) * nrow(.stats), ncol(.stats)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dat_params <- data.frame(matrix(NA, length(param_list) * nrow(.params), ncol(.params)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(dat_stats) <- colnames(.stats)
colnames(dat_params) <- colnames(.params)
progbar <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = " Simulating correlation database [:bar] :percent est. time remaining: :eta",
total = length(param_list), clear = FALSE, width = options()$width)
for(i in 1:length(param_list)){
x <- param_list[[i]]
sim_dat_stats <- .simulate_r_sample_stats_noalpha(n = x[["n"]], rho_mat = x[["rho_mat"]],
mu_vec = x[["mu_vec"]], sigma_vec = x[["sigma_vec"]],
rel_vec = x[["rel_vec"]], sr_vec = x[["sr_vec"]],
wt_mat = x[["wt_mat"]], sr_composites = x[["sr_composites"]],
var_names = var_names, composite_names = composite_names, obs_only = TRUE, keep_vars = keep_vars)
sim_dat_params <- .simulate_r_sample_params_noalpha(n = Inf, rho_mat = x[["rho_mat"]],
mu_vec = x[["mu_vec"]], sigma_vec = x[["sigma_vec"]],
rel_vec = x[["rel_vec"]], sr_vec = x[["sr_vec"]],
wt_mat = x[["wt_mat"]], sr_composites = x[["sr_composites"]],
var_names = var_names, composite_names = composite_names, keep_vars = keep_vars)
sim_dat_stats <- .simulate_r_sample_stats(n = x[["n"]], rho_mat = x[["rho_mat"]],
mu_vec = x[["mu_vec"]], sigma_vec = x[["sigma_vec"]],
rel_vec = x[["rel_vec"]], sr_vec = x[["sr_vec"]],
k_items_vec = x[["k_items_vec"]],
wt_mat = x[["wt_mat"]], sr_composites = x[["sr_composites"]],
var_names = var_names, composite_names = composite_names, obs_only = TRUE, keep_vars = keep_vars)
sim_dat_params <- .simulate_r_sample_params(n = Inf, rho_mat = x[["rho_mat"]],
mu_vec = x[["mu_vec"]], sigma_vec = x[["sigma_vec"]],
rel_vec = x[["rel_vec"]], sr_vec = x[["sr_vec"]],
k_items_vec = x[["k_items_vec"]],
wt_mat = x[["wt_mat"]], sr_composites = x[["sr_composites"]],
var_names = var_names, composite_names = composite_names, keep_vars = keep_vars)
if(format == "wide"){
suppressWarnings(dat_stats[i,] <- format_wide(x = sim_dat_stats, param = FALSE, sample_id = i, var_names = .var_names, show_applicant = show_applicant, decimals = decimals, noalpha = noalpha))
suppressWarnings(dat_params[i,] <- format_wide(x = sim_dat_params, param = TRUE, sample_id = i, var_names = .var_names, show_applicant = show_applicant, decimals = decimals, noalpha = noalpha))
.row_position <- (i * nrow(.stats) - nrow(.stats) + 1):(i * nrow(.stats))
sim_dat_stats <- format_long(x = sim_dat_stats, param = FALSE, sample_id = i, var_names = .var_names, show_applicant = show_applicant, decimals = decimals, noalpha = noalpha)
sim_dat_params <- format_long(x = sim_dat_params, param = TRUE, sample_id = i, var_names = .var_names, show_applicant = show_applicant, decimals = decimals, noalpha = noalpha)
sim_dat_stats$x_name <- as.character(sim_dat_stats$x_name)
sim_dat_stats$y_name <- as.character(sim_dat_stats$y_name)
sim_dat_params$x_name <- as.character(sim_dat_params$x_name)
sim_dat_params$y_name <- as.character(sim_dat_params$y_name)
suppressWarnings(dat_stats[.row_position,] <- sim_dat_stats)
suppressWarnings(dat_params[.row_position,] <- sim_dat_params)
if(!is.null(keep_vars)) var_names <- keep_vars
if(format == "wide"){
dat_params$ni <- dat_stats$ni
dat_params$na <- dat_stats$na
n_vars <- length(var_names)
stats_up2sdxi <- 3 + 2 * n_vars * (n_vars - 1) / 2 + 3 * n_vars
stats_up2sdxi <- 3 + 1 * n_vars * (n_vars - 1) / 2 + 2 * n_vars
params_up2sdxa <- 3 + 4 * n_vars * (n_vars - 1) / 2 + 4 * n_vars
ux_external <- dat_stats[,paste0("sdxi_", var_names)] / dat_params[,paste0("sdxa_", var_names)]
colnames(ux_external) <- paste0("ux_external_", var_names)
dat_stats <- cbind(dat_stats[,1:(stats_up2sdxi)], ux_external, dat_stats[,(stats_up2sdxi + 1):ncol(dat_stats)])
dat_stats$na <- NULL
if(format == "long"){
dat_params$ni <- dat_stats$ni
dat_params$na <- dat_stats$na
dat_stats <- add_column(dat_stats, ux_external = dat_stats$sdxi / dat_params$sdxa, .after = "ux_local")
dat_stats <- add_column(dat_stats, uy_external = dat_stats$sdyi / dat_params$sdya, .after = "uy_local")
dat_stats$na <- NULL
out <- list(call_history = list(call), inputs = inputs,
statistics = as_tibble(dat_stats, .name_repair = "minimal"),
parameters = as_tibble(dat_params, .name_repair = "minimal"))
class(out) <- c("simdat_r_database", format)
options(psychmeta.show_progress = .psychmeta.show_progress)
options(dplyr.show_progress = .dplyr.show_progress)
## Internal function to sample parameters when generating databases
sample_params <- function(param_list, k, as_desc, as_weights_rows, as_weights_cols, as_fun, param_type, allow_neg_wt = FALSE, max_iter = 100){
out <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(param_list)){
invalid <- rep(TRUE, k)
out_i <- rep(NA, k)
iter <- 0
iter <- iter + 1
if(param_type == "n"){
out_i[invalid] <- round(rnorm(n = sum(invalid), mean = param_list[[i]]["mean"],
sd = ifelse(any(names(param_list[[i]]) == "sd"), param_list[[i]]["sd"], param_list[[i]]["var"]^.5)))
invalid <- out_i < 3
if(param_type == "k_items"){
out_i[invalid] <- round(rnorm(n = sum(invalid), mean = param_list[[i]]["mean"],
sd = ifelse(any(names(param_list[[i]]) == "sd"), param_list[[i]]["sd"], param_list[[i]]["var"]^.5)))
invalid <- out_i < 1
if(param_type == "rel" | param_type == "sr" | param_type == "p"){
out_i[invalid] <- .rbeta(n = sum(invalid), mean = param_list[[i]]["mean"],
sd = ifelse(any(names(param_list[[i]]) == "sd"), param_list[[i]]["sd"], param_list[[i]]["var"]^.5))
invalid <- zapsmall(out_i) == 0
if(param_type == "rho"){
out_i[invalid] <- rnorm(n = sum(invalid), mean = param_list[[i]]["mean"],
sd = ifelse(any(names(param_list[[i]]) == "sd"), param_list[[i]]["sd"], param_list[[i]]["var"]^.5))
invalid <- abs(out_i) > 1
if(param_type == "wt"){
out_i[invalid] <- rnorm(n = sum(invalid), mean = param_list[[i]]["mean"],
sd = ifelse(any(names(param_list[[i]]) == "sd"), param_list[[i]]["sd"], param_list[[i]]["var"]^.5))
if(!allow_neg_wt) invalid <- out_i < 0
if(param_type == "d"){
out_i[invalid] <- rnorm(n = sum(invalid), mean = param_list[[i]]["mean"],
sd = ifelse(any(names(param_list[[i]]) == "sd"), param_list[[i]]["sd"], param_list[[i]]["var"]^.5))
invalid <- FALSE
if(param_type == "mu"){
out_i[invalid] <- rnorm(n = sum(invalid), mean = param_list[[i]]["mean"],
sd = ifelse(any(names(param_list[[i]]) == "sd"), param_list[[i]]["sd"], param_list[[i]]["var"]^.5))
invalid <- FALSE
if(param_type == "sigma"){
out_i[invalid] <- rnorm(n = sum(invalid), mean = param_list[[i]]["mean"],
sd = ifelse(any(names(param_list[[i]]) == "sd"), param_list[[i]]["sd"], param_list[[i]]["var"]^.5))
invalid <- zapsmall(out_i) <= 0
if(any(invalid) & iter == max_iter)
stop("Maximum interations reached without convergence for parameter '", param_type, "': Please check parameter distributions", call. = FALSE)
}else if(as_weights_rows[[i]] | as_weights_cols[[i]]){
values <- param_list[[i]]["value",]
weights <- param_list[[i]]["weight",]
values <- param_list[[i]][,"value"]
weights <- param_list[[i]][,"weight"]
if(any( stop("Parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot have NA weights", call. = FALSE)
if(any( stop("Parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot have NA values", call. = FALSE)
if(any(is.infinite(weights))) stop("Parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot have infinite weights", call. = FALSE)
if(any(is.infinite(values))) stop("Parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot have infinite values", call. = FALSE)
if(any(weights < 0)) stop("Parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot have negative weights", call. = FALSE)
if(param_type == "n" | param_type == "k_items") values <- round(values)
if(param_type == "n") if(any(values < 3)) stop("n parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot be samller than 3", call. = FALSE)
if(param_type == "k_items") if(any(values < 1)) stop("k_items parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot be samller than 1", call. = FALSE)
if(param_type == "rel") if(any(zapsmall(values) == 0)) stop("Reliability parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot be zero", call. = FALSE)
if(param_type == "sr") if(any(zapsmall(values) == 0)) stop("Selection-ratio parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot be zero", call. = FALSE)
if(param_type == "p") if(any(zapsmall(values) == 0)) stop("Proportion parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot be zero", call. = FALSE)
if(param_type == "rho") if(any(abs(values) > 1)) stop("rho parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot exceed 1 in absolute value", call. = FALSE)
if(param_type == "wt") if(!allow_neg_wt) if(any(values < 0)) stop("When 'allow_neg_wt' is FALSE, weight parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot be negative", call. = FALSE)
if(param_type == "sigma") if(any(zapsmall(values) <= 0)) stop("sigma parameters defined using weighted distributions cannot be less than or equal to zero", call. = FALSE)
out_i <- sample(x = values, size = k, replace = TRUE, prob = weights / sum(weights))
}else if(as_fun[[i]]){
invalid <- rep(TRUE, k)
out_i <- rep(NA, k)
iter <- 0
iter <- iter + 1
out_i[invalid] <- param_list[[i]](sum(invalid))
if(param_type == "n"){
out_i <- round(out_i)
invalid <- out_i < 3
if(param_type == "k_items"){
out_i <- round(out_i)
invalid <- out_i < 3
if(param_type == "rel" | param_type == "sr" | param_type == "p") invalid <- zapsmall(out_i) == 0
if(param_type == "rho") invalid <- abs(out_i) > 1
if(param_type == "wt") if(!allow_neg_wt) invalid <- out_i < 0
if(param_type == "d") invalid <- FALSE
if(param_type == "mu") invalid <- FALSE
if(param_type == "sigma") invalid <- zapsmall(out_i) <= 0
if(any(invalid) & iter == max_iter)
stop("Maximum interations reached without convergence for parameter '", param_type, "': Please check parameter distributions", call. = FALSE)
}else if(length(param_list[[i]]) == 1){
out_i <- rep(param_list[[i]], k)
out_i <- sample(x = param_list[[i]], size = k, replace = TRUE)
if(param_type == "wt" & !allow_neg_wt) if(any(out_i < 0)) stop("Negative weights were supplied: To allow use of these weights, set allow_neg_wt to TRUE", call. = FALSE)
out <- cbind(out, out_i)
#' Generate values from a beta distribution, given a mean and standard deviation of the distribution
#' @param n Number of values to generate
#' @param mean Mean of the distribution
#' @param sd Standard deviation of the distribution
#' @return A vector of simulated values from a distribution bounded at 0 and 1
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' .rbeta(n = 10, mean = .8, sd, .2)
#' }
.rbeta <- function(n, mean, sd){
if(sd == 0){
rep(mean, n)
alpha <- mean * ((mean * (1 - mean)) / sd^2 - 1)
beta <- (1 - mean) * alpha / mean
rbeta(n = n, shape1 = alpha, shape2 = beta)
#' Compute weighted descriptive statistics for a database
#' @param dat Numeric matrix or data frame
#' @param wt Vector of weights to be applied to all columns of dat
#' @return A matrix of weighted descriptive statistics
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.descriptives_database <- function(dat, wt){
desc_mat <- data.frame(apply(dat, 2, function(x) wt_dist(x = x, wt = wt, unbiased = FALSE)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(nrow(dat) > 1){
desc_mat <- rbind(desc_mat, desc_mat[2,] * nrow(dat) / (nrow(dat) - 1))
desc_mat <- rbind(desc_mat, desc_mat[2,])
rbind(mean = desc_mat[1,],
`sd (max. likelihood)` = desc_mat[2,]^.5,
`sd (unbiased)` = desc_mat[3,]^.5)
#' Create wide-format datasets in simulate_r_database
#' @param x Simulation list
#' @param param Is simulation data parameter data (TRUE) or sample data (FALSE)?
#' @param sample_id What is the ID associated with the sample?
#' @param var_names Variables to pull from simulation list
#' @param show_applicant Should applicant data be shown for sample statistics (TRUE) or suppressed (FALSE)?
#' @param decimals Number of decimals to which statistical results (not parameters) should be rounded. Rounding to 2 decimal places best captures the precision of data available from published primary research.
#' @param noalpha Logical scalar indicating whether or not alpha is in the database.
#' @return A dataframe of results
#' @keywords internal
format_wide <- function(x, param, sample_id, var_names, show_applicant, decimals = 2, noalpha = FALSE){
if(decimals < 2) stop("'decimals' must be a number greater than or equal to 2", call. = FALSE)
if(zapsmall(decimals) != round(decimals)){
decimals <- round(decimals)
stop("'decimals' must be an integer: rounding supplied value to ", decimals, call. = FALSE)
ni <- x$ni
na <- x$na
name_mat <- matrix(var_names, length(var_names), length(var_names), T)
cor_mat_i <- t(x$R_obs_i[var_names,var_names][lower.tri(x$R_obs_i[var_names,var_names])])
if(length(var_names) == 2) cor_mat_i <- t(cor_mat_i)
colnames(cor_mat_i) <- paste("rxyi", name_mat[lower.tri(name_mat)], t(name_mat)[lower.tri(name_mat)], sep = "_")
if(show_applicant | param){
cor_mat_a <- t(x$R_obs_a[var_names,var_names][lower.tri(x$R_obs_a[var_names,var_names])])
if(length(var_names) == 2) cor_mat_a <- t(cor_mat_a)
colnames(cor_mat_a) <- paste("rxya", name_mat[lower.tri(name_mat)], t(name_mat)[lower.tri(name_mat)], sep = "_")
cor_mat_a <- cor_mat_i[,0]
rho_names <- paste0("True_", var_names)
rho_mat_i <- x$R_complete_i[rho_names,rho_names]
rho_mat_i <- rho_mat_i[lower.tri(rho_mat_i)]
rho_mat_a <- x$R_complete_a[rho_names,rho_names]
rho_mat_a <- rho_mat_a[lower.tri(rho_mat_a)]
rho_mat_i <- t(rho_mat_i)
rho_mat_a <- t(rho_mat_a)
colnames(rho_mat_i) <- paste("rtpi", name_mat[lower.tri(name_mat)], t(name_mat)[lower.tri(name_mat)], sep = "_")
colnames(rho_mat_a) <- paste("rtpa", name_mat[lower.tri(name_mat)], t(name_mat)[lower.tri(name_mat)], sep = "_")
if(show_applicant | param){
stat_names <- c("Incumbent parallel-forms reliability",
"Applicant parallel-forms reliability",
"u ratio",
"Incumbent mean",
"Applicant mean",
"Incumbent SD",
"Applicant SD")
stat_names <- c("Incumbent parallel-forms reliability",
"u ratio",
"Incumbent mean",
"Incumbent SD")
if(show_applicant | param){
stat_names <- c("Incumbent parallel-forms reliability",
"Incumbent unstandardized alpha",
"Incumbent standardized alpha",
"Applicant parallel-forms reliability",
"Applicant unstandardized alpha",
"Applicant standardized alpha",
"u ratio",
"Incumbent mean",
"Applicant mean",
"Incumbent SD",
"Applicant SD")
stat_names <- c("Incumbent parallel-forms reliability",
"Incumbent unstandardized alpha",
"Incumbent standardized alpha",
"u ratio",
"Incumbent mean",
"Incumbent SD")
desc_mat <- t(unlist(apply(x$descriptives$observed[stat_names,var_names], 1, function(x) list(x))))
desc_names <- colnames(desc_mat)
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant parallel-forms reliability.", replacement = "parallel_rxxa_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant unstandardized alpha.", replacement = "raw_alpha_a_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant standardized alpha.", replacement = "std_alpha_a_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent parallel-forms reliability.", replacement = "parallel_rxxi_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent unstandardized alpha.", replacement = "raw_alpha_i_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent standardized alpha.", replacement = "std_alpha_i_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "u ratio.", replacement = "ux_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "u ratio.", replacement = "ux_local_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent SD.", replacement = "sdxi_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant SD.", replacement = "sdxa_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent mean.", replacement = "meanxi_")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant mean.", replacement = "meanxa_")
colnames(desc_mat) <- desc_names
data.frame(sample_id = sample_id, ni = ni, na = na, rho_mat_i, rho_mat_a, cor_mat_i, cor_mat_a, desc_mat, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data.frame(sample_id = sample_id, round(cbind(ni = ni, na = na, cor_mat_i, cor_mat_a, desc_mat), decimals), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Create long-format datasets in simulate_r_database
#' @param x Simulation list
#' @param param Is simulation data parameter data (TRUE) or sample data (FALSE)?
#' @param sample_id What is the ID associated with the sample?
#' @param var_names Variables to pull from simulation list
#' @param show_applicant Should applicant data be shown for sample statistics (TRUE) or suppressed (FALSE)?
#' @param decimals Number of decimals to which statistical results (not parameters) should be rounded. Rounding to 2 decimal places best captures the precision of data available from published primary research.
#' @param noalpha Logical scalar indicating whether or not alpha is in the database.
#' @return A dataframe of results
#' @keywords internal
format_long <- function(x, param, sample_id, var_names, show_applicant, decimals = 2, noalpha= FALSE){
if(decimals < 2) stop("'decimals' must be a number greater than or equal to 2", call. = FALSE)
if(zapsmall(decimals) != round(decimals)){
decimals <- round(decimals)
stop("'decimals' must be an integer: rounding supplied value to ", decimals, call. = FALSE)
name_mat <- matrix(var_names, length(var_names), length(var_names))
cor_name_1 <- t(name_mat)[lower.tri(name_mat)]
cor_name_2 <- name_mat[lower.tri(name_mat)]
.format_long <- function(dat, param){
cor_vec_i <- dat$R_obs_i[var_names,var_names][lower.tri(dat$R_obs_i[var_names,var_names])]
if(show_applicant | param){
cor_vec_a <- dat$R_obs_a[var_names,var_names][lower.tri(dat$R_obs_a[var_names,var_names])]
stat_names <- c("Incumbent parallel-forms reliability",
"Applicant parallel-forms reliability",
"u ratio",
"Incumbent mean",
"Applicant mean",
"Incumbent SD",
"Applicant SD")
stat_names <- c("Incumbent parallel-forms reliability",
"Incumbent unstandardized alpha",
"Incumbent standardized alpha",
"Applicant parallel-forms reliability",
"Applicant unstandardized alpha",
"Applicant standardized alpha",
"u ratio",
"Incumbent mean",
"Applicant mean",
"Incumbent SD",
"Applicant SD")
desc_1 <- t(dat$descriptives$observed[stat_names, cor_name_1])
desc_2 <- t(dat$descriptives$observed[stat_names, cor_name_2])
cor_vec_a <- NULL
stat_names <- c("Incumbent parallel-forms reliability",
"u ratio",
"Incumbent mean",
"Incumbent SD")
stat_names <- c("Incumbent parallel-forms reliability",
"Incumbent unstandardized alpha",
"Incumbent standardized alpha",
"u ratio",
"Incumbent mean",
"Incumbent SD")
desc_1 <- t(dat$descriptives$observed[stat_names,cor_name_1])
desc_2 <- t(dat$descriptives$observed[stat_names,cor_name_2])
rownames(desc_1) <- rownames(desc_2) <- NULL
rho_names <- paste0("True_", var_names)
rho_mat_i <- dat$R_complete_i[rho_names,rho_names]
rho_vec_i <- rho_mat_i[lower.tri(rho_mat_i)]
rho_mat_a <- dat$R_complete_a[rho_names,rho_names]
rho_vec_a <- rho_mat_a[lower.tri(rho_mat_a)]
rho_vec_i <- rho_vec_a <- NULL
list(cor_vec_i = cor_vec_i, cor_vec_a = cor_vec_a, rho_vec_i = rho_vec_i, rho_vec_a = rho_vec_a, desc_1 = desc_1, desc_2 = desc_2)
out_list <- .format_long(dat = x, param = param)
x_name <- y_name <- rho_vec_true <- cor_vec_i <- cor_vec_a <- rho_vec_i <- rho_vec_a <- desc_1 <- desc_2 <- NULL
x_name <- c(x_name, cor_name_1)
y_name <- c(y_name, cor_name_2)
cor_vec_i <- c(cor_vec_i, out_list[["cor_vec_i"]])
cor_vec_a <- c(cor_vec_a, out_list[["cor_vec_a"]])
desc_1 <- rbind(desc_1, out_list[["desc_1"]])
desc_2 <- rbind(desc_2, out_list[["desc_2"]])
sample_id <- rep(sample_id, length(cor_name_1))
rho_vec_i <- c(rho_vec_i, out_list[["rho_vec_i"]])
rho_vec_a <- c(rho_vec_a, out_list[["rho_vec_a"]])
if(!show_applicant & !param) cor_vec_a <- matrix(NA, length(cor_vec_i), 0)
ni <- x$ni
na <- x$na
desc_names <- colnames(desc_1)
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant parallel-forms reliability", replacement = "parallel_rxxa")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant unstandardized alpha", replacement = "raw_alpha_xa")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant standardized alpha", replacement = "std_alpha_xa")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent parallel-forms reliability", replacement = "parallel_rxxi")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent unstandardized alpha", replacement = "raw_alpha_xi")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent standardized alpha", replacement = "std_alpha_xi")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "u ratio", replacement = "ux")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "u ratio", replacement = "ux_local")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent SD", replacement = "sdxi")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant SD", replacement = "sdxa")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Incumbent mean", replacement = "meanxi")
desc_names <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "Applicant mean", replacement = "meanxa")
colnames(desc_1) <- desc_names
colnames(desc_2) <- gsub(x = desc_names, pattern = "x", replacement = "y")
data.frame(sample_id = sample_id, x_name = x_name, y_name = y_name, ni = ni, na = na,
rtpi = rho_vec_i, rtpa = rho_vec_a, rxyi = cor_vec_i, rxya = cor_vec_a, desc_1, desc_2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
data.frame(sample_id = sample_id, x_name = x_name, y_name = y_name,
round(cbind(ni = ni, na = na, rxyi = cor_vec_i, rxya = cor_vec_a, desc_1, desc_2), decimals), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Create sparse artifact information in a "simdat_r_database" class object
#' This function can be used to randomly delete artifact from databases produced by the \code{\link{simulate_r_database}} function.
#' Deletion of artifacts can be performed in either a study-wise fashion for complete missingness within randomly selected studies or element-wise missingness for completely random deletion of artifacts in the database.
#' Deletion can be applied to reliability estimates and/or u ratios.
#' @param data_obj Object created by the "simdat_r_database" function.
#' @param prop_missing Proportion of studies in from which artifact information should be deleted.
#' @param sparify_arts Vector of codes for the artifacts to be sparsified: "rel" for reliabilities, "u" for u ratios, or c("rel", "u") for both.
#' @param study_wise Logical scalar argument determining whether artifact deletion should occur for all variables in a study (\code{TRUE}) or randomly across variables within studies (\code{FALSE}).
#' @return A sparsified database
#' @export
sparsify_simdat_r <- function(data_obj, prop_missing, sparify_arts = c("rel", "u"), study_wise = TRUE){
sparify_arts <- match.arg(sparify_arts, c("rel", "u"), several.ok = TRUE)
if(!any(class(data_obj) == "simdat_r_database"))
stop("'data_obj' must be of class 'simdat_r_database'", call. = FALSE)
call <-
name_vec <- colnames(data_obj$statistics)
long_format <- any(class(data_obj) == "long")
sparify_rel <- any(sparify_arts == "rel")
sparify_u <- any(sparify_arts == "u")
k <- length(levels(factor(data_obj$statistics$sample_id)))
variables <- levels(factor(c(as.character(data_obj$statistics$x_name), as.character(data_obj$statistics$y_name))))
show_applicant <- any(grepl(x = name_vec, pattern = "rxxa")) & any(grepl(x = name_vec, pattern = "na")) & any(grepl(x = name_vec, pattern = "rxya"))
sample_id <- unique(data_obj$statistics$sample_id)
art_logic_stat <- c(rep(sparify_u, 2), rep(sparify_rel, 6),
rep(sparify_u, 2), rep(sparify_rel, 6))
art_names_stat <- c("ux_local", "ux_external", "parallel_rxxi", "parallel_rxxa", "raw_alpha_xi", "std_alpha_xi", "raw_alpha_xa", "std_alpha_xa",
"uy_local", "uy_external", "parallel_ryyi", "parallel_ryya", "raw_alpha_yi", "std_alpha_yi", "raw_alpha_ya", "std_alpha_ya")[art_logic_stat]
art_logic_stat <- c(rep(sparify_u, 2), rep(sparify_rel, 3),
rep(sparify_u, 2), rep(sparify_rel, 3))
art_names_stat <- c("ux_local", "ux_external", "parallel_rxxi", "raw_alpha_xi", "std_alpha_xi",
"uy_local", "uy_external", "parallel_ryyi", "raw_alpha_yi", "std_alpha_yi")[art_logic_stat]
art_logic_param <- c(rep(sparify_u, 2), rep(sparify_rel, 6),
rep(sparify_u, 2), rep(sparify_rel, 6))
art_names_param <- c("ux", "parallel_rxxi", "parallel_rxxa", "raw_alpha_xi", "std_alpha_xi", "raw_alpha_xa", "std_alpha_xa",
"uy", "parallel_ryyi", "parallel_ryya", "raw_alpha_yi", "std_alpha_yi", "raw_alpha_ya", "std_alpha_ya")[art_logic_stat]
art_names_stat <- art_names_stat[art_names_stat %in% colnames(data_obj$statistics)]
art_names_param <- art_names_param[art_names_param %in% colnames(data_obj$parameters)]
delete_id <- sample(x = 1:k, size = round(prop_missing * k), replace = FALSE)
delete_id <- data_obj$statistics$sample_id %in% delete_id
data_obj$statistics[delete_id,art_names_stat] <- NA
data_obj$parameters[delete_id,art_names_param] <- NA
art_names <- c("u", "r")[c(sparify_u, sparify_rel)]
for(x in variables){
match_x <- data_obj$statistics$x_name %in% x
match_y <- data_obj$statistics$y_name %in% x
for(i in art_names){
delete_id <- data_obj$statistics$sample_id %in% sample(x = sample_id, size = round(prop_missing * k), replace = FALSE)
if(i == "u"){
art_i_param <- "ux"
art_i_stat <- c("ux_local", "ux_external")
art_i_param <- art_i_stat <- c("parallel_rxxi", "parallel_rxxa", "raw_alpha_xi", "std_alpha_xi", "raw_alpha_xa", "std_alpha_xa")
art_i_param <- c("parallel_rxxi", "parallel_rxxa", "raw_alpha_xi", "std_alpha_xi", "raw_alpha_xa", "std_alpha_xa")
art_i_stat <- c("parallel_rxxi", "raw_alpha_xi", "std_alpha_xi")
for(ij in art_i_stat) data_obj$statistics[delete_id,ij] <- NA
for(ij in art_i_param) data_obj$parameters[delete_id,ij] <- NA
delete_id <- data_obj$statistics$sample_id %in% sample(x = sample_id, size = round(prop_missing * k), replace = FALSE)
if(i == "u"){
art_i_param <- "uy"
art_i_stat <- c("uy_local", "uy_external")
art_i_param <- art_i_stat <- c("parallel_ryyi", "parallel_ryya", "raw_alpha_yi", "std_alpha_yi", "raw_alpha_ya", "std_alpha_ya")
art_i_param <- c("parallel_ryyi", "parallel_ryya", "raw_alpha_yi", "std_alpha_yi", "raw_alpha_ya", "std_alpha_ya")
art_i_stat <- c("parallel_ryyi", "raw_alpha_yi", "std_alpha_yi")
art_i_stat <- art_i_stat[art_i_stat %in% colnames(data_obj$statistics)]
art_i_param <- art_i_param[art_i_param %in% colnames(data_obj$parameters)]
for(ij in art_i_stat) data_obj$statistics[delete_id,ij] <- NA
for(ij in art_i_param) data_obj$parameters[delete_id,ij] <- NA
k <- nrow(data_obj$statistics)
sample_id <- unique(data_obj$statistics$sample_id)
qx_names <- gsub(x = name_vec[grepl(x = name_vec, pattern = "parallel_rxxi_")], pattern = "parallel_rxxi_", replacement = "")
ux_names <- gsub(x = name_vec[grepl(x = name_vec, pattern = "ux_local_")], pattern = "ux_local_", replacement = "")
variables <- qx_names[qx_names %in% ux_names]
show_applicant <- any(grepl(x = name_vec, pattern = "parallel_rxxa_")) & any(grepl(x = name_vec, pattern = "na")) & any(grepl(x = name_vec, pattern = "rxya_"))
art_names <- c("r", "u")[c(sparify_rel, sparify_u)]
delete_id <- sample(x = sample_id, size = round(prop_missing * k), replace = FALSE)
for(j in variables){
art_logic_stat <- c(rep(sparify_u, 2), rep(sparify_rel, 6))
art_names_stat <- paste(c("ux_local", "ux_external", "parallel_rxxi", "parallel_rxxa",
"raw_alpha_a", "std_alpha_a", "raw_alpha_i", "std_alpha_i")[art_logic_stat], j, sep = "_")
art_logic_stat <- c(rep(sparify_u, 2), rep(sparify_rel, 3))
art_names_stat <- paste(c("ux_local", "ux_external", "parallel_rxxi", "raw_alpha_i", "std_alpha_i")[art_logic_stat], j, sep = "_")
art_logic_param <- c(rep(sparify_u, 2), rep(sparify_rel, 6))
art_names_param <- paste(c("ux_local", "ux_external", "parallel_rxxi", "parallel_rxxa",
"raw_alpha_a", "std_alpha_a", "raw_alpha_i", "std_alpha_i")[art_logic_stat], j, sep = "_")
art_names_stat <- art_names_stat[art_names_stat %in% colnames(data_obj$statistics)]
art_names_param <- art_names_param[art_names_param %in% colnames(data_obj$parameters)]
data_obj$statistics[delete_id,art_names_stat] <- NA
data_obj$parameters[delete_id,art_names_param] <- NA
for(i in art_names){
for(j in variables){
delete_id <- sample(x = sample_id, size = round(prop_missing * k), replace = FALSE)
if(i == "u"){
art_i_param <- paste0("ux_", j)
art_i_stat <- paste0(c("ux_local_", "ux_external_"), j)
art_i_param <- art_i_stat <- paste0(c("parallel_rxxi_", "parallel_rxxa_", "raw_alpha_a_", "std_alpha_a_", "raw_alpha_i_", "std_alpha_i_"), j)
art_i_param <- paste0(c("parallel_rxxi_", "parallel_rxxa_", "raw_alpha_a_", "std_alpha_a_", "raw_alpha_i_", "std_alpha_i_"), j)
art_i_stat <- paste0(c("parallel_rxxi_", "raw_alpha_i_", "std_alpha_i_"), j)
art_i_stat <- art_i_stat[art_i_stat %in% colnames(data_obj$statistics)]
art_i_param <- art_i_param[art_i_param %in% colnames(data_obj$parameters)]
for(ij in art_i_stat) data_obj$statistics[delete_id,ij] <- NA
for(ij in art_i_param) data_obj$parameters[delete_id,ij] <- NA
data_obj$call_history <- append(data_obj$call_history, list(call))
if(!any(class(data_obj) == "sparsified"))
class(data_obj) <- c(class(data_obj), "sparsified")
data_obj$statistics <- as_tibble(data_obj$statistics, .name_repair = "minimal")
data_obj$parameters <- as_tibble(data_obj$parameters, .name_repair = "minimal")
#' Merge multiple "simdat_r_database" class objects
#' This function allows for multiple simulated databases from \code{\link{simulate_r_database}} to be merged together into a single database. Merged databases will be assigned moderator variable codes.
#' @param ... Collection of objects created by the "simulate_r_database" function. Simply enter the database objects as \code{merge_simdat_r}(data_obj1, data_obj2, data_obj_3).
#' @return A merged database of class \code{simdat_r_database}
#' @export
merge_simdat_r <- function(...){
call <-
data_list <- list(...)
if(!all(unlist(lapply(data_list, function(x) any(class(x) == "simdat_r_database")))))
stop("All elements in 'data_list' must be of class 'simdat_r_database'", call. = FALSE)
long_format <- unlist(lapply(data_list, function(x) any(class(x) == "long")))
if(!all(long_format) & !all(!long_format))
stop("All objects in data_list must have the same format: Either all must be wide or all must be long", call. = FALSE)
if(length(long_format) == 1)
stop("data_list must be a list of multiple objects of class 'simdat_r_database'", call. = FALSE)
long_format <- long_format[1]
data_obj <- data_list[[1]]
for(i in 1:length(data_list)){
if(i == 1){
data_obj$statistics <- cbind(i, data_list[[i]]$statistics)
data_obj$parameters <- cbind(i, data_list[[i]]$parameters)
data_list[[i]]$statistics$sample_id <- data_list[[i]]$statistics$sample_id + data_obj$statistics$sample_id[length(data_obj$statistics$sample_id)]
data_list[[i]]$parameters$sample_id <- data_list[[i]]$parameters$sample_id + data_obj$parameters$sample_id[length(data_obj$parameters$sample_id)]
data_obj$statistics <- rbind(data_obj$statistics, cbind(i, data_list[[i]]$statistics))
data_obj$parameters <- rbind(data_obj$parameters, cbind(i, data_list[[i]]$parameters))
placement_id <- which(colnames(data_obj$statistics) == "x_name") - 1
data_obj$statistics <- cbind(data_obj$statistics[,2:placement_id], data_obj$statistics[,1], data_obj$statistics[,-(1:placement_id)])
data_obj$parameters <- cbind(data_obj$parameters[,2:placement_id], data_obj$parameters[,1], data_obj$parameters[,-(1:placement_id)])
colnames(data_obj$statistics)[1] <- colnames(data_obj$parameters)[1] <- "sample_id"
colnames(data_obj$statistics)[placement_id] <- colnames(data_obj$parameters)[placement_id] <- paste0("moderator_", placement_id - 1)
placement_id <- which(colnames(data_obj$statistics) == "ni") - 1
data_obj$statistics <- cbind(data_obj$statistics[,2:placement_id], data_obj$statistics[,1], data_obj$statistics[,-(1:placement_id)])
data_obj$parameters <- cbind(data_obj$parameters[,2:placement_id], data_obj$parameters[,1], data_obj$parameters[,-(1:placement_id)])
colnames(data_obj$statistics)[1] <- colnames(data_obj$parameters)[1] <- "sample_id"
colnames(data_obj$statistics)[placement_id] <- colnames(data_obj$parameters)[placement_id] <- paste0("moderator_", placement_id - 1)
data_obj$call_history <- append(data_obj$call_history, list(call))
data_obj$inputs <- lapply(data_list, function(x) x$inputs)
if(!any(class(data_obj) == "merged"))
class(data_obj) <- c(class(data_obj), "merged")
data_obj$statistics <- as_tibble(data_obj$statistics, .name_repair = "minimal")
data_obj$parameters <- as_tibble(data_obj$parameters, .name_repair = "minimal")
.subset_sample_r <- function(simdat, keep_vars = NULL, delete_items = FALSE){
var_names <- colnames(simdat$R_obs_a)
keep_ids <- var_names %in% keep_vars
if(delete_items) simdat$item_info <- NULL
item_index <- simdat$item_info$item_index
item_names <- simdat$item_info$item_names
.item_index <- .item_names <- list()
for(i in keep_vars) .item_names[[i]] <- item_names[[i]]
.var_names <- colnames(simdat$item_info$data$observed)
for(i in keep_vars) .item_index[[i]] <- which(.var_names %in% item_names[[i]])
export_ids <- c(keep_ids, rep(FALSE, length(.var_names) - length(keep_ids))) | (.var_names %in% unlist(.item_names))
simdat$item_info$R <- lapply(simdat$item_info$R, function(x) x[export_ids,export_ids])
simdat$item_info$S <- lapply(simdat$item_info$S, function(x) x[export_ids,export_ids])
simdat$item_info$params$rel <- simdat$item_info$params$rel[keep_ids]
simdat$item_info$params$means <- simdat$item_info$params$means[keep_ids]
simdat$item_info$params$sds <- simdat$item_info$params$sds[keep_ids]
simdat$item_info$params$scale_names <- simdat$item_info$params$scale_names[keep_ids]
simdat$item_info$means_i <- simdat$item_info$means_i[export_ids]
simdat$item_info$data <- lapply(simdat$item_info$data, function(x) x[,export_ids])
simdat$item_info$item_index <- .item_index
simdat$item_info$item_names <- .item_names
simdat$R_obs_a <- simdat$R_obs_a[keep_ids,keep_ids]
simdat$R_obs_i <- simdat$R_obs_i[keep_ids,keep_ids]
keep_ids_long <- rep(keep_ids, 3)
simdat$S_complete_a <- simdat$S_complete_a[keep_ids_long,keep_ids_long]
simdat$S_complete_i <- simdat$S_complete_i[keep_ids_long,keep_ids_long]
simdat$descriptives <- lapply(simdat$descriptives, function(x) x[,keep_ids])
if(!is.null(simdat$data)) simdat$data <- lapply(simdat$data, function(x) x[,keep_ids])
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