Defines functions plotQUALYPSOSSTotalVarianceDecomposition plotQUALYPSOSSeffect plotQUALYPSOSSgrandmean plotQUALYPSOSSgetCI plotQUALYPSOSSClimateChangeResponse plotQUALYPSOSSClimateResponse QUALYPSOSS formatQUALYPSSoutput QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step3 get.mvtnorm QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step2 QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1 QUALYPSOSS.get.RK get.yMCMC compute.change.variable extract.climate.response get.spectral.decomp reproducing.kernel B4scaled B2scaled QUALYPSOSS.process.scenario QUALYPSOSS.check.option get.target.logdensity.rho get.logdet.W get.det.AR1 get.det.KMS get.matrix.Winv get.matrix.W get.matrix.AR1.inv get.matrix.AR1 get.matrix.hetero.inv get.matrix.hetero get.vec.weight.hetero get.matrix.KMS.test get.matrix.KMSinv get.matrix.KMS

Documented in compute.change.variable extract.climate.response formatQUALYPSSoutput get.det.AR1 get.det.KMS get.logdet.W get.matrix.AR1 get.matrix.AR1.inv get.matrix.hetero get.matrix.hetero.inv get.matrix.KMS get.matrix.KMSinv get.matrix.W get.matrix.Winv get.spectral.decomp get.target.logdensity.rho get.vec.weight.hetero get.yMCMC plotQUALYPSOSSClimateChangeResponse plotQUALYPSOSSClimateResponse plotQUALYPSOSSeffect plotQUALYPSOSSgrandmean plotQUALYPSOSSTotalVarianceDecomposition QUALYPSOSS QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1 QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step2 QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step3 QUALYPSOSS.check.option QUALYPSOSS.get.RK QUALYPSOSS.process.scenario reproducing.kernel

### Guillaume Evin
### 01/02/2020, Grenoble
### guillaume.evin@inrae.fr
### apply QE-ANOVA Bayesian to climate projections with possible missing RCM/GCM couples, using smoothing splines
### Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie.
### Partitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections Using Data Augmentation,
### Journal of Climate. https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1.
### Cheng, Chin-I., and Paul L. Speckman. 2012. Bayesian Smoothing Spline Analysis of Variance. Computational Statistics 
### & Data Analysis 56 (12): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csda.2012.05.020.

#' get.matrix.KMS
#' Return the square Kac-Murdoch-Szego matrix for a rho correlation and n lines/colums
#' @param n nummber of lines/columns of the square matrix
#' @param rho correlation parameter in [0,1]
#' @return n x n Kac-Murdock-Szego matrix 
#' @references Kac, M., W. L. Murdock, and G. Szego. 1953. 'On the Eigen-Values of Certain Hermitian Forms'
#' Journal of Rational Mechanics and Analysis 2: 767-800.
#' @author Guillaume Evin  
get.matrix.KMS <- function(n, rho) {
  exponent <- abs(matrix(1:n - 1, nrow = n, ncol = n, byrow = TRUE) - 
                    (1:n - 1))

#' get.matrix.KMSinv 
#' return the inverse of the square Kac-Murdock-Szego matrix for a rho correlation and n lines/colums
#' @param n nummber of lines/columns of the square matrix
#' @param rho correlation parameter in (-1,1)
#' @return n x n Kac-Murdock-Szego matrix 
#' @references Kac, M., W. L. Murdock, and G. Szego. 1953. 'On the Eigen-Values of Certain Hermitian Forms'
#' Journal of Rational Mechanics and Analysis 2: 767-800.
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.matrix.KMSinv <- function(n, rho) {
  Minv = diag(rep(1+rho^2),n)
  Minv[1,1] = 1
  Minv[n,n] = 1
  Minv[cbind(2:n,1:(n-1))] = -rho
  Minv[cbind(1:(n-1),2:n)] = -rho

get.matrix.KMS.test = function(){return(get.matrix.KMS(10,0.8)%*%get.matrix.KMSinv(10,0.8) - diag(10))}

#' get.vec.weight.hetero 
#' returns the vector of weights for the computation of heteroscedastic errors
#' corresponding to one simulation chain
#' @param nP length of the continuous predictor for which we want to obtain the prediction (e.g. time)
#' we suppose that continuous predictor is regularly spaced (e.g. 1990,2000,2010,...)
#' @param type.weight.hetero "constant" (homoscedastic) or "linear" (heteroscedastic)
#' @return vector of square roots of weights of the same length than \code{predContUnique}
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.vec.weight.hetero = function(nP,type.weight.hetero){
  # return weights V such that W = VCV
    v = rep(1,nP)
  }else if(type.weight.hetero=="linear"){
    #v = c(0.01,((1:(nP-1))/(nP-1)))
    v = (1:nP/nP)

#' get.matrix.hetero 
#' returns the matrix of weights for the computation of heteroscedastic errors
#' corresponding to the entire ensemble
#' @param weight.hetero output of \code{\link{get.vec.weight.hetero}}
#' @param nMO number of possible simulation chains (missing and non-missing)
#' @return V matrix n x n of weights where code{n} is the total number of predictions 
#' (all the predictions for all the possible simulation chains)
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.matrix.hetero = function(weight.hetero,nMO){
  W0_delta = diag(weight.hetero)
  # kronecker product
  IMO = diag(nMO)
  return(W0_delta %x% IMO)

#' get.matrix.hetero.inv 
#' returns the inverse of the matrix of weights for the computation of heteroscedastic errors
#' corresponding to the entire ensemble
#' @param weight.hetero output of \code{\link{get.vec.weight.hetero}}
#' @param nMO number of possible simulation chains (missing and non-missing)
#' @return inverse matrix n x n of weights where code{n} is the total number of predictions 
#' (all the predictions for all the possible simulation chains)
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.matrix.hetero.inv = function(weight.hetero,nMO){
  W0inv_delta = diag(1/weight.hetero)
  # kronecker product
  IMO = diag(nMO)
  return(W0inv_delta %x% IMO)

#WW = get.matrix.hetero(weight.hetero,nMO)
#WWinv = get.matrix.hetero.inv(weight.hetero,nMO)

#' get.matrix.AR1 
#' return the matrix of AR(1) correlations corresponding to the entire ensemble
#' @param nP number of continuous predictors (e.g. future times)
#' @param rho AR(1) correlation parameter in (-1,1)
#' @param nMO number of possible simulation chains (missing and non-missing)
#' @return C matrix n x n of AR(1) correlations where code{n} is the total number of predictions 
#' (all the predictions for all the possible simulation chains)
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.matrix.AR1 = function(nP,rho,nMO){
  W0 = get.matrix.KMS(nP,rho)
  IMO = diag(nMO)
  return(W0 %x% IMO)

#' get.matrix.AR1.inv 
#' return the inverse matrix of AR(1) correlations corresponding to the entire ensemble
#' @param nP number of continuous predictors (e.g. future times)
#' @param rho AR(1) correlation parameter in (-1,1)
#' @param nMO number of possible simulation chains (missing and non-missing)
#' @return inverse matrix n x n of AR(1) correlations where code{n} is the total number of predictions 
#' (all the predictions for all the possible simulation chains)
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.matrix.AR1.inv = function(nP,rho,nMO){
  W0inv = get.matrix.KMSinv(nP,rho)
  IMO = diag(nMO)
  return(W0inv %x% IMO)

#WW = get.matrix.AR1(nP,rho,nMO)
#WWinv = get.matrix.AR1.inv(nP,rho,nMO)

#' get.matrix.W 
#' return the matrix of W = V x C x V for the treatment of heteroscedastic and AR(1) errors
#' see Wang (2011) section 5.3 for further details
#' @param weight.hetero output of \code{\link{get.vec.weight.hetero}}
#' @param nMO number of possible simulation chains (missing and non-missing)
#' @param nP number of continuous predictors (e.g. future times)
#' @param rho AR(1) correlation parameter in (-1,1)
#' @return matrix n x n where code{n} is the total number of predictions 
#' (all the predictions for all the possible simulation chains)
#' @references Wang, Y. 2011. 'Spline Smoothing with Heteroscedastic and/or Correlated Errors.'
#' Smoothing Splines. Chapman and Hall/CRC. https://doi.org/10.1201/b10954-11.
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.matrix.W = function(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho){
  # weights for the heteroscedasticity
  W_delta = diag(get.matrix.hetero(weight.hetero,nMO))
  # weigths for the autocorrelation
  W_rho = get.matrix.AR1(nP,rho,nMO)
  # return product of weights
  return(t(W_delta * W_rho) * W_delta)

#' get.matrix.Winv 
#' return the inverse matrix of W = V x C x V for the treatment of heteroscedastic and AR(1) errors
#' see Wang (2011) section 5.3 for further details
#' @param weight.hetero output of \code{\link{get.vec.weight.hetero}}
#' @param nMO number of possible simulation chains (missing and non-missing)
#' @param nP number of continuous predictors (e.g. future times)
#' @param rho AR(1) correlation parameter in (-1,1)
#' @return inverse matrix n x n of weights where code{n} is the total number of predictions 
#' (all the predictions for all the possible simulation chains)
#' @references Wang, Y. 2011. 'Spline Smoothing with Heteroscedastic and/or Correlated Errors' 
#' Smoothing Splines. Chapman and Hall/CRC. https://doi.org/10.1201/b10954-11.
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.matrix.Winv = function(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho){
  # weights for the heteroscedasticity
  Winv_delta = diag(get.matrix.hetero.inv(weight.hetero,nMO))
  # weigths for the autocorrelation
  Winv_rho = get.matrix.AR1.inv(nP,rho,nMO)
  # return product of weights
  return(t(Winv_delta * Winv_rho) * Winv_delta)

#' get.det.KMS 
#' return the determinant of the KMS matrix
#' @param nP number of continuous predictors (e.g. future times)
#' @param rho AR(1) correlation parameter in (-1,1)
#' @return determinant of the KMS matrix
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.det.KMS <- function(nP, rho) {

#' get.det.AR1 
#' return the determinant of the matrix provided by  \code{\link{get.matrix.AR1}}
#' @param nP number of continuous predictors (e.g. future times)
#' @param rho AR(1) correlation parameter in (-1,1)
#' @param nMO number of possible simulation chains (missing and non-missing)
#' @return determinant of the AR1 matrix
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.det.AR1 = function(nP,rho,nMO){

#det.AR1.v1 = get.det.AR1(nP,rho,nMO)
#mat.AR1 = get.matrix.AR1(nP,rho,nMO)
#det.AR1.num = det(mat.AR1)

#' get.logdet.W 
#' Return the logarithm of the determinant of the matrix W
#' @param weight.hetero output of \code{\link{get.vec.weight.hetero}}
#' @param nMO number of possible simulation chains (missing and non-missing)
#' @param nP number of continuous predictors (e.g. future times)
#' @param rho AR(1) correlation parameter in (-1,1)
#' @return logarithm of the determinant of the matrix W
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.logdet.W = function(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho){
  logdet.V0 = 2*sum(log(weight.hetero))
  logdet.C0 = (nP-1)*log(1-rho^2)

# weight.hetero = get.vec.weight.hetero(nP,"linear")
# get.logdet.W(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.hat0)
# W = get.matrix.W(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.hat0)
# log(det(W))

#' get.target.density.rho 
#' Return the log-density of the full conditional distribution for the parameter rho
#' @param nFull nP x nMO
#' @param deltaRV variance of the residual terms for the max value of the continuous predictor
#' @param distSS sum of square distances between the climate change responses and the ANOVA model
#' @param weight.hetero output of \code{\link{get.vec.weight.hetero}}
#' @param nMO number of possible simulation chains (missing and non-missing)
#' @param nP number of continuous predictors (e.g. future times)
#' @param rho AR(1) correlation parameter in (-1,1)
#' @return log-density of the full conditional distribution
#' @author Guillaume Evin 
get.target.logdensity.rho = function(nFull,deltaRV,distSS,weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho){
  # target log-density
  target.logdensity = - nFull*log(deltaRV)/2 - get.logdet.W(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho)/2 - (1/deltaRV)*distSS/2

#' QUALYPSOSS.check.option
#' Check if input options provided in \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS}} are valid and assigned default values if missing.
#' @param listOption list of options
#' @return List containing the complete set of options.
#' @author Guillaume Evin
QUALYPSOSS.check.option = function(listOption){
    listOption = list()
  # spar
  if('spar' %in% names(listOption)){
    spar = listOption[['spar']]
    if(!(is.numeric(spar)&spar>0)) stop('spar must be numeric and positive')
    listOption[['spar']] = 1
  # lambdaClimateResponse
  if('lambdaClimateResponse' %in% names(listOption)){
    lambdaClimateResponse = listOption[['lambdaClimateResponse']]
    if(!(is.numeric(lambdaClimateResponse)&lambdaClimateResponse>0)) stop('lambdaClimateResponse must be numeric and positive')
    listOption[['lambdaClimateResponse']] = 0.1
  # lambdaHyperParANOVA
  if('lambdaHyperParANOVA' %in% names(listOption)){
    lambdaHyperParANOVA = listOption[['lambdaHyperParANOVA']]
    if(!(is.numeric(lambdaHyperParANOVA)&lambdaHyperParANOVA>0)) stop('lambdaHyperParANOVA must be numeric and positive')
    listOption[['lambdaHyperParANOVA']] = 0.000001
  # typeChangeVariable
  if('typeChangeVariable' %in% names(listOption)){
    typeChangeVariable = listOption[['typeChangeVariable']]
    if(!(typeChangeVariable%in%c('abs','rel','none'))) stop("typeChangeVariable must be equal to 'abs', 'rel' or 'none'")
    listOption[['typeChangeVariable']] = 'abs'
  # nBurn
  if('nBurn' %in% names(listOption)){
    nBurn = listOption[['nBurn']]
    if(!(is.numeric(nBurn)&(nBurn>=0))) stop('wrong value for nBurn')
    listOption[['nBurn']] = 1000
  # nKeep
  if('nKeep' %in% names(listOption)){
    nKeep = listOption[['nKeep']]
    if(!(is.numeric(nKeep)&(nKeep>=0))) stop('wrong value for nKeep')
    listOption[['nKeep']] = 2000
  # nMCMC
  listOption$nMCMC = listOption$nKeep+listOption$nBurn
  listOption$vecKeepMCMC = (listOption$nBurn+1):listOption$nMCMC
  # quantileCompress
  if('quantileCompress' %in% names(listOption)){
    quantileCompress = listOption[['quantileCompress']]
    if(!(is.numeric(quantileCompress))) stop('wrong value for quantileCompress')
    listOption[['quantileCompress']] = c(0.005,0.025,0.05,0.5,0.95,0.975,0.995)
  # uniqueFit
  if('uniqueFit' %in% names(listOption)){
    uniqueFit = listOption[['uniqueFit']]
    if(!(is.logical(uniqueFit))) stop('wrong value for uniqueFit')
    listOption[['uniqueFit']] = TRUE
  # returnMCMC
  if('returnMCMC' %in% names(listOption)){
    returnMCMC = listOption[['returnMCMC']]
    if(!(is.logical(returnMCMC))) stop('wrong value for returnMCMC')
    listOption[['returnMCMC']] = FALSE
  # returnOnlyCR
  if('returnOnlyCR' %in% names(listOption)){
    returnOnlyCR = listOption[['returnOnlyCR']]
    if(!(is.logical(returnOnlyCR))) stop('wrong value for returnOnlyCR')
    listOption[['returnOnlyCR']] = FALSE
  # iid / AR1
  if('type.temporal.dep' %in% names(listOption)){
    type.temporal.dep = listOption[['type.temporal.dep']]
    if(!(type.temporal.dep%in%c("iid","AR1"))) stop('wrong value for type.temporal.dep')
    listOption[['type.temporal.dep']] = "AR1"
  # homoscedasticity / heteroscedasticity
  if('type.hetero' %in% names(listOption)){
    type.hetero = listOption[['type.hetero']]
    if(!(type.hetero%in%c("linear","constant"))) stop('wrong value for type.hetero')
    listOption[['type.hetero']] = "linear"
  # Version
  listOption[['version']] = 'v1.1.0'

#' QUALYPSOSS.process.scenario
#' compute different objects used for the application of Smoothing-Splines ANOVA (SS-ANOVA),
#' these objects being processed outputs of the scenario characteristics
#' @param scenAvail matrix of scenario characteristics \code{nS} x \code{nK}.
#' @param predContUnique (optional) unique values of continuous predictors.
#' @return list containing diverse information aboutwith the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{scenAvail}: Record first argument of the function,
#'   \item \strong{predContUnique}: Record second argument of the function,  
#'   \item \strong{XFull}: data.frame with all possible combinations of predictors (continuous AND discrete),
#'   \item \strong{nFull}: number of rows of \code{XFull},
#'   \item \strong{nK}: Number of columns of \code{ScenAvail} (i.e. number of discrete predictors),   
#'   \item \strong{predDiscreteUnique}: List containing possible values for each discrete predictor.
#' }
#' @author Guillaume Evin
QUALYPSOSS.process.scenario = function(scenAvail,predContUnique){
  #==== dimensions
  nK = ncol(scenAvail)
  nS = nrow(scenAvail)
  #==== unique predictors
  predDiscreteUnique = list()
    predNames = 1:nK
    predNames = colnames(scenAvail)
  for(iCol in 1:nK) predDiscreteUnique[[predNames[iCol]]] = as.character(unique(scenAvail[,iCol]))
  # we expand over all possible values of the continuous predictor
  Xunique = predDiscreteUnique
  Xunique$PredCont = predContUnique
  #==== all possible combinations of discrete predictors
  XFull = expand.grid(Xunique)
  nFull = nrow(XFull)
  #==== scenario characeristics
  lScen = list(XFull=XFull,nFull=nFull,nK=nK,predContUnique=predContUnique,

# Bernoulli polynomials for reproducing kernels
B2scaled = function(x){
B4scaled = function(x){

#' reproducing.kernel
#' see par 2.3 in Cheng and Speckman
#' @param x vector of predictors (continuous or discrete) 
#' @param y vector of predictors (continuous or discrete) 
#' @param type 'continuous' or 'discrete'
#' @param typeRK type of reproducing kernels: c('Cheng','Gu','Gaussian')
#' @return matrix n x n 
#' @author Guillaume Evin
reproducing.kernel = function(x,y=NULL,type,typeRK="Cheng"){
  # "Cheng": par2.3: Cheng, Chin-I., and Paul L. Speckman. 2016. Bayes Factors for Smoothing Spline ANOVA.
  # Bayesian Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1214/15-BA974.
  # "Gu": Eq. 4.2. Gu, Chong, and Grace Wahba. 1993. Smoothing Spline ANOVA with Component-Wise Bayesian Confidence Intervals 
  # Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. https://doi.org/10.2307/1390957.
  # square reproducing kernel
  if(is.null(y)) y=x
  # length of the vectors
  m = length(x)
  n = length(y)
    # normalize in [0,1]
      min.xy = min(c(x,y))
      max.xy = max(c(x,y))
      range.xy = max.xy-min.xy
      x = (x-min.xy)/range.xy
      y = (y-min.xy)/range.xy
    }else if(typeRK=='Gaussian'){
      x = (x-mean(x))/sd(x)
      y = (y-mean(y))/sd(y)
  }else if(type=='discrete'){
    # number of effects for this predictor
    nEffect = length(unique(c(x,y)))
  }else{stop('unknown type')} 
  # initialise matrix of reproducing kernel
  RK = matrix(nrow=m,ncol=n)
  for(i in 1:m){
    pi = x[i]
        RK[i,] = pmin(pi,y)^2*((3*pmax(pi,y)-pmin(pi,y))/6)
      }else if(typeRK=='Gaussian'){
        RK[i,] = exp(-(y-pi)^2/2)
      }else if(typeRK=='Gu'){
        RK[i,] = B2scaled(pi)*B2scaled(y)-B4scaled(abs(y-pi))
    }else if(type=='discrete'){
      isEq = y==pi
      RK[i,isEq] = (nEffect-1)/nEffect
      RK[i,!isEq] = -1/nEffect
    }else{stop('unknown type')}

#' get.spectral.decomp
#' compute different objects used for the application of Smoothing-Splines ANOVA (SS-ANOVA)
#' @param SIGMA reproducing kernel
#' @return list with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{Q}: Matrix of eigen vectors n x r,
#'   \item \strong{D}: Vector of nonzero eigen values (size r),
#'   \item \strong{r}: Number of nonzero eigen values (scalar).
#' }
#' @author Guillaume Evin
get.spectral.decomp = function(SIGMA){
  # decompose reproducing kernel matrix with a spectral decomposition
  eigen.out = eigen(SIGMA)
  # nonzero eigen values
  zz = eigen.out$values>0
  # eigen vectors
  Q = eigen.out$vectors[,zz]
  # eigen values
  D = eigen.out$values[zz]
  # number of nonzero eigen values
  r = length(D)
  # return list with all objects
  return(list(Q=Q, D=D, r=r))

#  extract.climate.response
#' Extract climate response for one time series z
#' @param ClimateProjections matrix of climate projections
#' @param predCont matrix of continuous predictor corresponding to the climate projections
#' @param predContUnique vector of predictors for which we need fitted climate reponses
#' @param nMCMC number of MCMC samples
#' @param lam fixed smoothing parameter lambda
#' @param uniqueFit logical value indicating if only one fit is applied
#' @param spar smoothing parameter \code{spar} in \code{\link[stats]{smooth.spline}}: must be greater than zero
#' @param listCR list of objects for the extraction of the climate response
#' @return list with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{phi.MCMC}: MCMC draws of climate response
#'   \item \strong{eta.MCMC}: MCMC draws of deviation from the climate response
#'   \item \strong{deltaIV.MCMC}: MCMC draws of deltaRV
#'   \item \strong{listCR}: list of objects for faster computation on grids
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
extract.climate.response = function(ClimateProjections,predCont,predContUnique,nMCMC,lam,uniqueFit,spar=spar,listCR=NULL){
  # dimensions
  nT = nrow(ClimateProjections)
  nS = ncol(ClimateProjections)
  nP = length(predContUnique)
  # prepare outputs
  deltaIV.MCMC = matrix(nrow=nMCMC,ncol=nS)
  phi.MCMC = array(dim=c(nMCMC,nS,nP))
  eta.MCMC = array(dim=c(nMCMC,nS,nT))
  # return some objects for faster computation on grids (there are the)
    loadListCR = FALSE
    listCR = list()
    loadListCR = TRUE
  for(iS in 1:nS){
    # extract response and predictor for this scenario
    zRaw = ClimateProjections[,iS]
    predContRaw = predCont[,iS]
    # non missing responses
    nz = !is.na(zRaw)&!is.na(predContRaw)
    # select non missing predictors and responses
    z = zRaw[nz]
    predContS = predContRaw[nz]
    n = length(z)
    # avoid scaling issues in predictors
    min.xy = min(c(predContS,predContUnique))
    max.xy = max(c(predContS,predContUnique))
    range.xy = max.xy-min.xy
    predContS.scale = (predContS-min.xy)/range.xy
    predContUnique.scale = (predContUnique-min.xy)/range.xy
      #=================== CUBIC SMOOTH SPLINE ===================
      # find predictor
      #  fitted available responses
      phi = smooth.spline.out$y
      # fitted responses at unnown points
      phiNP = predict(smooth.spline.out, predContUnique)$y
      # residuals for available responses
      eta = z - phi
      #===== Store results
      deltaIV.MCMC[,iS] = rep(var(eta),nMCMC)
      phi.MCMC[,iS,] = matrix(nrow=nMCMC,ncol=nP,rep(phiNP,nMCMC),byrow = T)
      eta.MCMC[,iS,nz] = matrix(nrow=nMCMC,ncol=sum(nz),rep(eta,nMCMC),byrow = T)
      #=================== HYPARAMETERS + MCMC ===================
        X = listCR[[iS]]$X
        XXinvX = listCR[[iS]]$XXinvX
        XXinv = listCR[[iS]]$XXinv
        matPredNP = listCR[[iS]]$matPredNP
        XNP = listCR[[iS]]$XNP
        Q = listCR[[iS]]$Q
        Qt = listCR[[iS]]$Qt
        D = listCR[[iS]]$D
        r = listCR[[iS]]$r
        # linear parametric terms
        X = cbind(rep(1,sum(nz)),predContS.scale)
        XXinv = MASS::ginv(t(X)%*%X)
        XXinvX = XXinv%*%t(X)
        # Reproducing kernel for available responses
        # only one predictor: assume equally time spaced climate response
        RK = reproducing.kernel(x=predContS.scale,type="continuous")
        RKinv = MASS::ginv(RK)
        RK.DECOMP = get.spectral.decomp(RK)
        Q = RK.DECOMP$Q
        Qt = t(Q)
        D = RK.DECOMP$D
        r = RK.DECOMP$r
        # Reproducing kernel for new predictors
        RKNP = reproducing.kernel(x=predContUnique.scale,y=predContS.scale,type="continuous")
        matPredNP = RKNP%*%RKinv
        XNP = cbind(rep(1,nP),predContUnique.scale)
        # return objects for faster computation on grids
        listCR[[iS]] = list(X= X, XXinvX = XXinvX, XXinv=XXinv, matPredNP=matPredNP, XNP=XNP,
                            Q=Q, Qt=Qt, D=D, r=r)
      #===================== i.MCMC = 0 ===========================
      # start with a cubic spline
      #  fitted available responses
      phi = smooth.spline.out$y
      # deltaIV: invariance prior
      deltaIV = mean(((z - phi)^2))
      # corresponding smoothing spline effect g
      g = phi
      #================= i.MCMC = 1..n.MCMC =======================
      for(iMCMC in 1:nMCMC){
        #===== beta
        mu.beta = XXinvX%*%(z-g)
        sig.beta = XXinv*deltaIV
        beta = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n=1, mean = mu.beta, sigma = sig.beta)
        XBeta = X%*%t(beta)
        #===== nu
        Cinv = 1/(1 + lam/D)
        mu = diag(Cinv)%*%(Qt%*%(z-XBeta))
        nu = mu + rnorm(n=r,sd=sqrt(deltaIV*Cinv))
        #===== g and phi
        g = Q%*%nu
        phi = XBeta + g
        #===== for new predictors
        phiNP = XNP%*%t(beta) + matPredNP%*%g
        #===== deltaIV
        diff = sum((z - phi)^2)
        nuStar = sum(nu^2/D)
        deltaIV = 1/rgamma(n=1, shape=(n+r)/2, rate=(diff/2+lam*nuStar/2))
        #===== Store MCMC draws
        deltaIV.MCMC[iMCMC,iS] = deltaIV
        phi.MCMC[iMCMC,iS,] = phiNP
        eta.MCMC[iMCMC,iS,nz] = z - phi
  # return results

#  compute.change.variable
#' Compute change variables
#' @param climResponse output from \code{\link{extract.climate.response}}
#' @param lOpt list of options, returned by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.check.option}}
#' @param lDim list of dimensions
#' @param iCpredContUnique index in \code{1:nP} indicating the reference continuous predictor 
#' for the computation of change variables.
#' @param iCpredCont index in \code{1:nT} indicating the reference period (reference period) 
#' for the computation of change variables.
#' @return list with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{phiStar.MCMC}: MCMC draws of climate change response
#'   \item \strong{etaStar.MCMC}: MCMC draws of deviation from the climate change response
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
compute.change.variable = function(climResponse,lOpt,lDim,iCpredContUnique,iCpredCont){
  # retrieve phi and eta
  phi.MCMC = climResponse$phi.MCMC
  eta.MCMC = climResponse$eta.MCMC
  # retrieve some objects
  nS = lDim$nS
  nP = lDim$nP
  nT = lDim$nT
  # ANOVA is applied from the reference year until the end (assume no nas)
  trimEta = iCpredCont:nT
  nEta = length(trimEta)
  # compute absolute or relative climate change responses for all
  # the nMCMC fitted climate responses
  typeChangeVariable = lOpt$typeChangeVariable
  phiStar.MCMC = array(dim=c(lOpt$nMCMC,nS,nP))
  etaStar.MCMC = array(dim=c(lOpt$nMCMC,nS,nEta))
  # loop over the runs
  for(i in 1:nS){
      phiStar.MCMC[,i,] = phi.MCMC[,i,] - phi.MCMC[,i,iCpredContUnique]
      etaStar.MCMC[,i,] = eta.MCMC[,i,trimEta]
    }else if(typeChangeVariable=='rel'){
      phiStar.MCMC[,i,] = phi.MCMC[,i,]/phi.MCMC[,i,iCpredContUnique]-1
      etaStar.MCMC[,i,] = eta.MCMC[,i,trimEta]/phi.MCMC[,i,iCpredContUnique]
    }else if(typeChangeVariable=='none'){
      phiStar.MCMC[,i,] = phi.MCMC[,i,]
      etaStar.MCMC[,i,] = eta.MCMC[,i,trimEta]
  # if relative changes are computed on zeros, projections are meaningless
  if(any(is.nan(phiStar.MCMC))) return(NULL)
  # Climate Response

#' get.yMCMC
#' Get matrix \code{nMCMC} x \code{nFull} of climate responses where \code{nMCMC}
#' is the number of MCMC draws and \code{nFull} is the number of possible combinations of 
#' predictors (discrete AND continuous),
#' @param lOpt list of options, returned by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.check.option}}
#' @param lDim list of dimensions
#' @param lScen list of scenario characteristics, output from \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.process.scenario}}
#' @param change.variable output from \code{\link{compute.change.variable}} containing MCMC draws 
#' of climate change response
#' @return strong{yMCMC}: matrix \code{nMCMC} x \code{nFull} of climate responses
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin  
get.yMCMC = function(lOpt,lDim,lScen,change.variable){
  # matrix of predictors, such that columns of yMCMC corresponds
  # rows of lDim$nfull
  yMCMC = matrix(nrow=lOpt$nMCMC,ncol=lDim$nFull)
  # collapse scenario characteristics
  vXFull <- apply(lScen$XFull[,1:lDim$nK,drop=FALSE], 1, paste, collapse='.')
  vscenAvail <- apply(lScen$scenAvail, 1, paste, collapse='.')
  vXFull.unique = unique(vXFull)
  nMO = length(vXFull.unique)
  for(i in 1:lDim$nS){
    zz = which(vXFull==vscenAvail[i])
    phiStarI = change.variable$phiStar.MCMC[,i,]
    yMCMC[,zz] = phiStarI

#' Get reproducing kernel for each discrete predictor
#' @param X matrix of predictors
#' @param nK number of discrete predictors
#' @return strong{RK}: list containing the reproducing kernels, obtained using spectral decomposition
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin  
QUALYPSOSS.get.RK = function(X,nK){
  nE = nK+1
  # main reproducing kernels
  SIGMA.CONTINUOUS = reproducing.kernel(x=X$PredCont, type="continuous")
  SIGMA.PRED = list()
  for(i in 1:nK) SIGMA.PRED[[i]] = reproducing.kernel(x=X[,i], type="discrete")
  # predictors
  SIGMA.LIST = list()
  # spectral decomposition
  RK = list()
  for(iE in 1:nE){
    RK[[iE]] = get.spectral.decomp(SIGMA.LIST[[iE]])
    RK[[iE]]$Qt = t(RK[[iE]]$Q)
    RK[[iE]]$SIGMA = SIGMA.LIST[[iE]]
  # return

#' SSANOVA decomposition of the ensemble of climate change responses using a Bayesian approach.
#' The different fields of the returned list contain \code{n} samples from the posterior distributions
#' of the different inferred quantities. In this first step, the residual errors are assumed iid
#' @param lOpt list of options, returned by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.check.option}}
#' @param lDim list of dimensions
#' @param yMCMC array \code{nMCMC} x \code{nFull} of climate change responses
#' @param RK large object containing the reproducing kernels, returned by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.get.RK}}
#' @return list containing diverse information aboutwith the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{g.MCMC}: Smooth effects \code{g}: array \code{n} x \code{nFull} x \code{K} where
#'   \code{nFull} is the number of possible combinations of predictors (discrete AND continuous),
#'   \item \strong{nu.MCMC}: Smooth effects \code{nu}, a list with matrices of eigen vectors
#'   \item \strong{lambda.MCMC}: Smoothing parameters: matrix \code{n} x \code{K},  
#'   \item \strong{deltaRV.MCMC}: Residual variance: vector of length \code{n},
#'   \item \strong{g.hat}: Smooth effects estimates: matrix \code{nFull} x \code{K} where
#'   \item \strong{nu.hat}: Smooth effects estimates: a list with estimates of eigen vectors,
#'   \item \strong{lambda.hat}: Smoothing parameters estimates: vector of length \code{K},  
#'   \item \strong{deltaRV.hat}: Residual variance estimate.
#'   \item \strong{logLK}: vector of log-likelihood values of the draws
#'   \item \strong{logPost}: vector of log-posterior values of the draws
#'   \item \strong{Schwarz}: Schwarz criteria
#'   \item \strong{BIC}: BIC criteria
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin  
QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1 = function(lOpt, lDim, yMCMC, RK){
  #====== dimensions
  nMCMC = lOpt$nMCMC
  MCMC.list = list()
  nE = lDim$nE
  nFull = lDim$nFull
  #====== dimension of the reproducing kernels
  r = sapply(RK, "[[", "r")
  #====== missing responses
  isMiss = is.na(yMCMC[1,])
  nMiss = sum(isMiss)
  #====== initialise matrix and arrays
  lambda.MCMC = matrix(nrow=nMCMC,ncol=nE)
  g.MCMC = array(dim=c(nMCMC,nFull,nE))
  deltaRV.MCMC = vector(length=nMCMC)
  nu = nu.Cinv = nu.mu = nu.MCMC = list()
  nuStar = vector(length=nE)
  g = matrix(nrow=nFull,ncol=nE)
  for(iE in 1:nE) nu.MCMC[[iE]] = matrix(nrow=nMCMC,ncol=RK[[iE]]$r)
  logLK = logPost = vector(length=nMCMC)
  # Hyperparameters for the predictors
  b = rep(lOpt$lambdaHyperParANOVA,nE)
  #====== i.MCMC = 0
  # deltaRV: empirical variance
  deltaRV = 1
  # lambda: gamma prior: Gamma(1/2,2bl)
  lam = rgamma(n = nE, shape = 1/2, scale = 2*b)
  # nu: normal prior: N(0,sigma^2/lambda_l D_l)
  for(iE in 1:nE) nu[[iE]] = rnorm(n=RK[[iE]]$r,sd=sqrt((deltaRV/lam[iE])*RK[[iE]]$D))
  # g: retrieve g
  for(iE in 1:nE) g[,iE] = RK[[iE]]$Q%*%nu[[iE]]
  # sum of main effects
  gSum = apply(g,1,sum)
  # climate change response
  y = yMCMC[1,]
  y[isMiss] = gSum[isMiss] + rnorm(n=nMiss, sd = sqrt(deltaRV))
  #====== i.MCMC = 1..n.MCMC
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nMCMC, style = 3)
  for(iMC in 1:nMCMC){
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, iMC)
    y[!isMiss] = yMCMC[iMC,!isMiss]
    # nuStar = nu'%*%D^{-1}%*%nu
    for(iE in 1:nE) nuStar[iE] = sum(nu[[iE]]^2/RK[[iE]]$D[[iE]])
    # deltaRV
    SS = sum((y - gSum)^2) # sum of squares
    deltaRV = 1/rgamma(n=1, shape=(nFull+sum(r))/2, rate=(SS/2+sum(lam*nuStar)/2))
    # lambda 
    lam = rgamma(n=nE, shape=(r+1)/2, scale=(2*deltaRV*b)/(b*nuStar+deltaRV))
    # nu: Eq. 24
    for(iE in 1:nE){
      nu.Cinv = 1/(1 + lam[iE]/RK[[iE]]$D)
      diff = as.matrix(y-rowSums(g[,-iE,drop=FALSE]))
      nu.mu = nu.Cinv*(RK[[iE]]$Qt%*%diff)
      nu[[iE]] = nu.mu + rnorm(n=r[iE])*sqrt(deltaRV*nu.Cinv)                       
    # g
    for(iE in 1:nE) g[,iE] = RK[[iE]]$Q%*%nu[[iE]]
    # sum of main effects
    gSum = rowSums(g)
    # completed obs: normal conditional posterior distribution
    y[isMiss] = gSum[isMiss] + rnorm(n=nMiss, sd = sqrt(deltaRV))
    # store values
    for(iE in 1:nE) nu.MCMC[[iE]][iMC,] = nu[[iE]]
    lambda.MCMC[iMC,] = lam
    g.MCMC[iMC,,] = g
    deltaRV.MCMC[iMC] = deltaRV
    ### Bayes factor ###
    # log-likelihood
    SS = sum((y - gSum)^2) # sum of squares
    logLK[iMC] = -SS/(2*deltaRV) - log(2*pi)*(nFull/2) - log(deltaRV)*(nFull/2)
    # log-prior (smooth part)
    logPriorSmoother_t1 = vector(length=nE)
    for(iE in 1:nE) logPriorSmoother_t1[iE] = sum(nu[[iE]]^2/RK[[iE]]$D[[iE]])*lam[iE]
    logPriorSmoother_t2 = (1/2)*(log(lam))
    for(iE in 1:nE) logPriorSmoother_t2[iE] = logPriorSmoother_t2[iE] - (1/2)*sum(log(RK[[iE]]$D[[iE]]))
    logPriorSmoother = -sum(logPriorSmoother_t1)/(2*deltaRV) -(sum(r)/2)*log(2*pi) -(sum(r)/2)*log(deltaRV) + 
    # log-prior delta
    logPriorDelta = -log(deltaRV)
    # log-prior lambda
    logPriorLambda = -(1/2)*sum(log(lam)) - sum(lam/(2*b)) - nE*lgamma(1/2) -(1/2)*sum(log(2*b))
    # log-posterior
    logPost[iMC] = logLK[iMC] + logPriorSmoother + logPriorDelta + logPriorLambda
  # remove burn-in period
  zMCMC = lOpt$vecKeepMCMC
  g.sel = g.MCMC[zMCMC,,]
  lambda.sel = lambda.MCMC[zMCMC,]
  deltaRV.sel = deltaRV.MCMC[zMCMC]
  nu.sel = list()
  for(iE in 1:nE) nu.sel[[iE]] = nu.MCMC[[iE]][zMCMC,]
  logLK.sel = logLK[zMCMC]
  logPost.sel = logPost[zMCMC]
  # BIC & Schwarz
  Schwarz = max(logLK.sel) - (sum(r)+nE+1)*log(nFull)/2
  BIC = -2*Schwarz 
  # estimates
  g.hat = apply(g.sel,c(2,3),mean)
  lambda.hat = apply(lambda.sel,2,mean)
  deltaRV.hat = mean(deltaRV.sel)
  nu.hat = list()
  for(iE in 1:nE) nu.hat[[iE]] = apply(nu.sel[[iE]],2,mean)
  # check BIC
  std.err = (y - rowSums(g.hat))/sqrt(deltaRV.hat)
  SS = sum(std.err^2)
  check.BIC = list(y=y,gSum=rowSums(g.hat),std.err=std.err,SS=SS,
  # return

#' SSANOVA decomposition of the ensemble of climate change responses using a Bayesian approach.
#' In this second step, we infer deltaRV (variance of the residual errors) and phi (autocorrelation lag-1)
#' considering hetero-autocorrelated residual errors, conditionally to smooth effects inferred in \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1}}
#' @param lOpt list of options, returned by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.check.option}}
#' @param lDim list of dimensions
#' @param yMCMC array \code{nMCMC} x \code{nFull} of climate change responses
#' @param gSum.step1 sum of smooth effect estimates provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1}}
#' @param deltaRV.step1 residual variance estimate provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1}}
#' @return list containing diverse information aboutwith the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{rho.MCMC}: autocorrelation parameter of the AR(1) process: vector of length \code{n}
#'   \item \strong{deltaRV.MCMC}: Residual variance: vector of length \code{n},
#'   \item \strong{rho.hat}: autocorrelation parameter estimate of the AR(1) process, 
#'   \item \strong{deltaRV.hat}: Residual variance estimate.
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin  
QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step2 = function(lOpt, lDim, yMCMC, gSum.step1, deltaRV.step1){
  # retrieve dimensions
  nP = lDim$nP
  nFull = lDim$nFull
  nMCMC = lOpt$nMCMC
  nMO = nFull/nP
  # missing responses
  isMiss = is.na(yMCMC[1,])
  nMiss = sum(isMiss)
  # climate change response
  y = yMCMC[1,]
  y[isMiss] = gSum.step1[isMiss] + rnorm(n=nMiss, sd = sqrt(deltaRV.step1))
  # weigths specifying the heteroscedasticity
  weight.hetero = get.vec.weight.hetero(nP,lOpt$type.hetero)
  # initialize MCMC chain for rho
    rho.current = 0.5
    # no temporal dependence
    rho.current = 0
  # parameters for the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
  rho.proposal.eps = 0.1 # for the proposal distribution
  cntProp = 0 # count iterations
  optimal.rate = 0.3 # optimal rate of acceptance
  # build W
  W = get.matrix.W(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.current)
  Winv = get.matrix.Winv(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.current)
  # initialize MCMC samples
  delta.step2.MCMC = rho.step2.MCMC = rho.step2.acc = vector(length=nMCMC)
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nMCMC, style = 3)
  for(iMC in 1:nMCMC){
    cntProp = cntProp + 1
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, iMC)
    y[!isMiss] = yMCMC[iMC,!isMiss]
    # noise (hetero + ar1)
    epsRV = (y - gSum.step1)
    # sigma2
    distSS = t(epsRV)%*%Winv%*%epsRV
    deltaRV = 1/rgamma(n=1, shape=nFull/2, rate=distSS/2)
    #=== rho ===
      # every 100 MCMC samples during the burn-in period, we
      # adapt "rho.proposal.eps" which corresponds to the scale
      # of the proposal distribution IF the rate of acceptance
      # ("rate.acc") is too far from 0.3 (considered to be "optimal)
        rate.acc = mean(rho.step2.acc[(iMC-99):iMC])
          rho.proposal.eps = rho.proposal.eps*(rate.acc/optimal.rate)
        cntProp = 1
      # proposed rho ~ Unif[rho.curr - eps, rho.curr + eps]
      rho.proposed = runif(1)*2*rho.proposal.eps + rho.current - rho.proposal.eps
      # if negative values lt -0.99 or gt 0.99, we do not evaluate the proposal and reject this candidate
      if(rho.proposed>(-0.999) & rho.proposed<0.999){
        # log-density of the current value
        rho.current.target.dens = get.target.logdensity.rho(nFull,deltaRV,distSS,weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.current)
        # log-density of the proposed value: we need to compute W${-1} (Winv) and the sum of squared differences (distSS)
        Winv.proposed = get.matrix.Winv(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.proposed)
        distSS.proposed = (t(epsRV)%*%Winv.proposed%*%epsRV)
        rho.proposed.target.dens = get.target.logdensity.rho(nFull,deltaRV,distSS.proposed,weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.proposed)
        # MH algorithm: compute transition probabily and accept proposal if r<proba.transition
        # (i.e. with probability proba.transition)
        transition.proba = exp(rho.proposed.target.dens - rho.current.target.dens)
          rho.current = rho.proposed
          rho.step2.acc[iMC] = 1
          Winv = get.matrix.Winv(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.current)
          W = get.matrix.W(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.current)
    # completed obs: normal conditional posterior distribution
      W.noise = W[isMiss,isMiss]*deltaRV
      y[isMiss] = gSum.step1[isMiss] +  mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 1,mean=rep(0,nMiss),
    # store values
    rho.step2.MCMC[iMC] = rho.current
    delta.step2.MCMC[iMC] = deltaRV
  # remove burn-in period
  zMCMC = lOpt$vecKeepMCMC
  rho.sel = rho.step2.MCMC[zMCMC]
  deltaRV.sel = delta.step2.MCMC[zMCMC]
  # estimates
  rho.hat = mean(rho.sel)
  deltaRV.hat = mean(deltaRV.sel)
  # return

get.mvtnorm = function(n,detW,Winv,deltaRV,x,mu){
  x.sh = x-mu
  d = -t(x.sh)%*%(Winv/deltaRV)%*%x.sh/2 - n*log(2*pi)/2 - (1/2)*detW - (1/2)*n*log(deltaRV)

#' SSANOVA decomposition of the ensemble of climate change responses using a Bayesian approach.
#' In this second step, we infer deltaRV (variance of the residual errors) and phi (autocorrelation lag-1)
#' considering hetero-autocorrelated residual errors, conditionally to smooth effects inferred in \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1}}
#' @param lOpt list of options, returned by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.check.option}}
#' @param lDim list of dimensions
#' @param yMCMC array \code{nMCMC} x \code{nFull} of climate change responses
#' @param RK large object containing the reproducing kernels, returned by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.get.RK}}
#' @param g.step1 smooth effect estimates provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1}}
#' @param lambda.step1 smooth parameter estimates provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1}}
#' @param rho.step2 lag-1 autocorrelation estimate provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step2}}
#' @param deltaRV.step2 residual variance estimate provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step2}}
#' @return list containing diverse information aboutwith the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{g.MCMC}: Smooth effects \code{g}: array \code{n} x \code{nFull} x \code{K} where
#'   \code{nFull} is the number of possible combinations of predictors (discrete AND continuous),
#'   \item \strong{g.hat}: Smooth effects estimates: matrix \code{nFull} x \code{K} where
#'   \code{nFull} is the number of possible combinations of predictors (discrete AND continuous),
#'   \item \strong{Schwarz}: Schwarz criteria
#'   \item \strong{BIC}: BIC criteria
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin  
QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step3 = function(lOpt, lDim, yMCMC, RK, g.step1, lambda.step1, rho.step2, deltaRV.step2){
  # retrieve dimensions
  nP = lDim$nP
  nFull = lDim$nFull
  nMCMC = lOpt$nMCMC
  nMO = nFull/nP
  nE = lDim$nE
  #====== dimension of the reproducing kernels
  r = sapply(RK, "[[", "r")
  # missing responses
  isMiss = is.na(yMCMC[1,])
  nMiss = sum(isMiss)
  # initialize quantities
  g.step3.MCMC = array(dim=c(nMCMC,nFull,nE))
  logLK = vector(length=nMCMC)
  # weigths specifying the heteroscedasticity
  weight.hetero = get.vec.weight.hetero(nP,lOpt$type.hetero)
  # W and W^{-1} with rho estimate
  W = get.matrix.W(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.step2)
  W.noise = W[isMiss,isMiss]
  Winv = get.matrix.Winv(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.step2)
  detW = get.logdet.W(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.step2)
  # climate change response
  y = yMCMC[1,]
    y[isMiss] = rowSums(g.step1[isMiss,]) +  
    mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 1,mean=rep(0,nMiss),sigma=W.noise)*sqrt(deltaRV.step2)
  # sampling strategy: sample direct full conditionals which are normal distributions N(mu3,S3)
  # N(mu3,S3) is the product of two multivariate normal distribution:
  # - likelihood N(mu1,S1) with mu1 = gtilde = y - sum_(e noteq k) g_e and S1 deltaRV W
  # - prior smooth effect N(mu2,S2) with mu2=0 and S2 (deltaRV/lambda)*RK
  # In that case, the product can be obtained as (only one matrix inversion):
  # S3 = S1 (S1+S2)^-1 S2 with S1 = deltaRV, S2 (deltaRV/lambda) RK
  # mu3 = S2 (S1+S2)^-1 mu1 + S1 (S1+S2)^-1 mu2
  # which corresponds to
  # S3 = deltaRV*(W * C^-1 * (1/lambda)*RK) where C = W + (1/lambda)*RK
  # mu3 = (1/lambda)*RK*C^-1*gtilde
  gMatmu = g.sigma = list()
  for(iE in 1:nE){
    # C = W + (1/lambda)*RK
    Cinv = MASS::ginv(W + (1/lambda.step1[iE])*RK[[iE]]$SIGMA)
    # Covariance of the full conditionals
    # S3 = deltaRV*(W * C^-1 * (1/lambda)*RK) where C = W + (1/lambda)*RK
    S3 = deltaRV.step2*(W%*%Cinv%*%((1/lambda.step1[iE])*RK[[iE]]$SIGMA))
    # make symmetric if needed
    if(!isSymmetric(S3, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))){
      S3[lower.tri(S3)] = t(S3)[lower.tri(S3)]
    # positive semidefinite
    ev <- eigen(S3, symmetric = TRUE)
    S3.sym = (ev$vectors %*% (t(ev$vectors) * sqrt(pmax(ev$values, 0))))
    # store
    g.sigma[[iE]] = S3.sym
    # Matrix to compute the mean of the full conditional
    # (1/lambda)*RK*C^-1
    gMatmu[[iE]] = ((1/lambda.step1[iE])*RK[[iE]]$SIGMA)%*%Cinv
  # resample with the MH algorithm
  #====== i.MCMC = 1..n.MCMC
  g.current = g.step1
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = nMCMC, style = 3)
  for(iMC in 1:nMCMC){
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, iMC)
    y[!isMiss] = yMCMC[iMC,!isMiss]
    for(iE in 1:nE){
      #===== Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to sample the product of two multivariate distributions
      # N(diffE,deltaRV*W) x N(0,(deltaRV/lambda * D))
      # diffE is the difference between the climate change response y and the sum of the main effects except the current one
      diffE = as.matrix(y-rowSums(g.current[,-iE,drop=FALSE]))
      # store values
      retval <- matrix(rnorm(nFull), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE) %*% g.sigma[[iE]]
      g.current[,iE] = sweep(retval, 2, gMatmu[[iE]]%*%diffE, "+")
    # store
    g.step3.MCMC[iMC,,] = g.current
    # sum of main effects
    gSum = rowSums(g.current)
    # completed obs: normal conditional posterior distribution
      y[isMiss] = gSum[isMiss] +  
      mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 1,mean=rep(0,nMiss),sigma = W.noise)*sqrt(deltaRV.step2)
    # log-likelihood
    y.std = (y-gSum)/sqrt(deltaRV.step2)
    logLK[iMC] = get.mvtnorm(n=nFull,detW,Winv,1,y.std,rep(0,nFull))-nFull*log(sqrt(deltaRV.step2))
  # remove burn-in period
  zMCMC = lOpt$vecKeepMCMC
  g.step3.sel = g.step3.MCMC[zMCMC,,]
  g.step3.hat = apply(g.step3.sel,c(2,3),mean)
  logLK.sel = logLK[zMCMC]
  # BIC & Schwarz
  Schwarz = max(logLK.sel) - nTheta*log(nFull)/2
  BIC = -2*Schwarz
  # check BIC
  Winv = get.matrix.Winv(weight.hetero,nMO,nP,rho.step2)
  SS = t(y.std)%*%Winv%*%y.std
  ww = diag(get.matrix.hetero(weight.hetero,nMO))
  check.BIC = list(y=y,gSum=gSum,err=(y - gSum),
                   std.err = (y-gSum)/(ww*sqrt(deltaRV.step2)),

#' formatQUALYPSSoutput
#' @param lOpt list of options, returned by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.check.option}}
#' @param lDim list of dimensions
#' @param lScen list of scenario characteristics, output from \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.process.scenario}}
#' @param ANOVA.step1 list provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1}}
#' @param ANOVA.step2 list provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step2}}
#' @param ANOVA.step3 list provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step3}}
#' @param climResponse list containing phi, eta, provided by \code{\link{extract.climate.response}}
#' @param change.variable list containing phiStar, etaStar, provided by \code{\link{compute.change.variable}}
#' @return  list with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{POINT}: list containing the mean estimate of different quantities: \code{RESIDUALVAR} 
#'   (residual variability), \code{INTERNALVAR} (internal variability), \code{GRANDMEAN} (grand mean for all time
#'   steps), \code{MAINEFFECT} (list with one item per discrete predictor \code{i}, containing matrices \code{nT} x 
#'   \code{nEffi}, where \code{nEffi} is the number of possible values for the discrete predictor \code{i}).
#'   \code{EFFECTVAR}, uncertainty related to the different main effect, \code{TOTVAR} Total variability,
#'   \code{DECOMPVAR}, decomposition of the total variability (percentages) for the different components,
#'   \code{CONTRIB_EACH_EFFECT}, contribution of each individual effects (percentages) to the corr. effect uncertainty.
#'   \item \strong{BAYES}: list containing quantiles of different estimated quantities, listed in \strong{POINT}.
#'   \item \strong{MCMC}: MCMC draws for the different quantities.
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
formatQUALYPSSoutput = function(lOpt, lDim, lScen, ANOVA.step1, ANOVA.step2, ANOVA.step3,
                                climResponse, change.variable){
  # quantiles from the posterior distributions
  qq = lOpt$quantileCompress
  nqq = length(qq)
  # dimensions
  nE = lDim$nE
  nK = lDim$nK
  nP = lDim$nP
  # continuous predictors
  XPred = lScen$XFull
  xP = lScen$predContUnique
  # discrete predictors
  predDiscreteUnique = lScen$predDiscreteUnique
  nD = unlist(lapply(predDiscreteUnique,length))
  #_________ initialize lists ______
  # - POINT: point estimates
  # - BAYES: Quantiles from the posterior distributions
  # - MCMC: MCMC simulation chains
  POINT = BAYES = MCMC = list()
  #_________Residual variability _________
    # residual var for each future time
    ww = get.vec.weight.hetero(nP,lOpt$type.hetero)^2
    POINT$RESIDUALVAR = ww*ANOVA.step2$deltaRV.hat
    # quantiles of the residual var for each future time: matrix nQ x nP
    xq = quantile(ANOVA.step2$deltaRV.MCMC,probs = qq)
    # MCMC
    # residual var for each future time
    POINT$RESIDUALVAR = rep(ANOVA.step1$deltaRV.hat,nP)
    # quantiles of the residual var for each future time: matrix nQ x nP
    xq = quantile(ANOVA.step1$deltaRV.MCMC,probs = qq)
    BAYES$RESIDUALVAR = replicate(nP,xq) # nQ x nP
    # MCMC
  #_________ Internal variability _________
  iv.by.scen = apply(change.variable$etaStar.MCMC[lOpt$vecKeepMCMC,,],c(1,2),var,na.rm=TRUE)
  iv.MCMC = apply(iv.by.scen,1,mean)
  POINT$INTERNALVAR = rep(mean(iv.MCMC),nP)
  BAYES$INTERNALVAR = replicate(nP,quantile(iv.MCMC,probs = qq))
  #_________ rho _________
    POINT$RHO = ANOVA.step2$rho.hat
    BAYES$RHO = quantile(ANOVA.step2$rho.MCMC,probs = qq)
      MCMC$RHO = ANOVA.step2$rho.MCMC
  #_________ lambda _________
  POINT$LAMBDA = ANOVA.step1$lambda.hat
  BAYES$LAMBDA = apply(ANOVA.step1$lambda.MCMC,2,quantile,probs = qq)
    MCMC$LAMBDA = ANOVA.step1$lambda.MCMC
  #_________ grand mean _________
  # initialise
  POINT$GRANDMEAN = vector(length=nP)
  BAYES$GRANDMEAN = matrix(nrow=nqq,ncol=nP)
    MCMC$GRANDMEAN = matrix(nrow=lOpt$nKeep,ncol=nP)
  # retrieve grand mean for each value of the continuous predictor
    for(iP in 1:nP){
      ii = which(XPred$PredCont==xP[iP])
      POINT$GRANDMEAN[iP] = mean(ANOVA.step3$g.hat[ii,nE])
      BAYES$GRANDMEAN[,iP] = quantile(ANOVA.step3$g.MCMC[,ii,nE],probs=qq)
        MCMC$GRANDMEAN[,iP] = apply(ANOVA.step3$g.MCMC[,ii,nE],1,mean)
    for(iP in 1:nP){
      ii = which(XPred$PredCont==xP[iP])
      POINT$GRANDMEAN[iP] = mean(ANOVA.step1$g.hat[ii,nE])
      BAYES$GRANDMEAN[,iP] = quantile(ANOVA.step1$g.MCMC[,ii,nE],probs=qq)
        MCMC$GRANDMEAN[,iP] = apply(ANOVA.step1$g.MCMC[,ii,nE],1,mean)
  #_________ main effects _________
  # initialise lists
    MCMC$MAINEFFECT = list()
  # loop over the different main effects (e.g. GCMs, RCMs)
  for(iK in 1:nK){
    # effects for this main effect
    xK = predDiscreteUnique[[iK]]
    # initialise objects for this main effect
    nEff = nD[iK]
    POINT$MAINEFFECT[[iK]] = matrix(nrow=nP,ncol=nEff)
    BAYES$MAINEFFECT[[iK]] = array(dim=c(nqq,nP,nEff))
      MCMC$MAINEFFECT[[iK]] = array(dim=c(lOpt$nKeep,nP,nEff))
    # retrieve grand mean for each value of the continuous predictor
      for(iP in 1:nP){
        for(iEff in 1:nEff){
          ii = which(XPred$PredCont==xP[iP]&XPred[,iK]==xK[iEff])
          POINT$MAINEFFECT[[iK]][iP,iEff] = mean(ANOVA.step3$g.hat[ii,iK])
          BAYES$MAINEFFECT[[iK]][,iP,iEff] = quantile(ANOVA.step3$g.MCMC[,ii,iK],probs=qq)
            MCMC$MAINEFFECT[[iK]][,iP,iEff] = apply(ANOVA.step3$g.MCMC[,ii,iK],1,mean)
      for(iP in 1:nP){
        for(iEff in 1:nEff){
          ii = which(XPred$PredCont==xP[iP]&XPred[,iK]==xK[iEff])
          POINT$MAINEFFECT[[iK]][iP,iEff] = mean(ANOVA.step1$g.hat[ii,iK])
          BAYES$MAINEFFECT[[iK]][,iP,iEff] = quantile(ANOVA.step1$g.MCMC[,ii,iK],probs=qq)
            MCMC$MAINEFFECT[[iK]][,iP,iEff] = apply(ANOVA.step1$g.MCMC[,ii,iK],1,mean)
  #_________ uncertainty due to the main effect _________
  # initialize matrix
  POINT$EFFECTVAR = matrix(nrow=nP,ncol=nK)
  for(iK in 1:nK){
    for(iP in 1:nP){
      POINT$EFFECTVAR[iP,iK] = mean(POINT$MAINEFFECT[[iK]][iP,]^2)
  #_____ Total variability and its decomposition ________
  # collect variabilities and uncertainties in a matrix
  colnames(MATVAR) = c(colnames(lScen$scenAvail),"ResidualVar","InternalVar")
  # total variability
  # variance decomposition
  #_______ Contribution of each effect _____________
  # loop over the different main effects (e.g. GCMs, RCMs)
  for(iK in 1:nK){
    nEff = nD[iK]
    POINT$CONTRIB_EACH_EFFECT[[iK]] = matrix(nrow=nP,ncol=nEff)
    for(iP in 1:nP){
      for(iEff in 1:nEff){
        POINT$CONTRIB_EACH_EFFECT[[iK]][iP,iEff] = mean(POINT$MAINEFFECT[[iK]][iP,iEff]^2)/(POINT$EFFECTVAR[iP,iK]*nEff)
  #______________ Climate response ________________
  # initialise climate response outputs
  if(lOpt$returnMCMC) CLIMATE_RESPONSE$MCMC = list()
  # phi
  phi = climResponse$phi.MCMC[lOpt$vecKeepMCMC,,]
  CLIMATE_RESPONSE$POINT$phi = apply(phi,c(2,3),mean)
  CLIMATE_RESPONSE$BAYES$phi = apply(phi,c(2,3),quantile,probs = qq)
  if(lOpt$returnMCMC) CLIMATE_RESPONSE$MCMC$phi = phi
  # eta
  eta = climResponse$eta.MCMC[lOpt$vecKeepMCMC,,]
  CLIMATE_RESPONSE$POINT$eta = apply(eta,c(2,3),mean)
  CLIMATE_RESPONSE$BAYES$eta = apply(eta,c(2,3),quantile,probs = qq)
  if(lOpt$returnMCMC) CLIMATE_RESPONSE$MCMC$eta = eta
  # phiStar
  phiStar = change.variable$phiStar.MCMC[lOpt$vecKeepMCMC,,]
  CLIMATE_RESPONSE$POINT$phiStar = apply(phiStar,c(2,3),mean)
  CLIMATE_RESPONSE$BAYES$phiStar = apply(phiStar,c(2,3),quantile,probs = qq)
  if(lOpt$returnMCMC) CLIMATE_RESPONSE$MCMC$phiStar = phiStar
  # etaStar
  etaStar = change.variable$etaStar.MCMC[lOpt$vecKeepMCMC,,]
  CLIMATE_RESPONSE$POINT$etaStar = apply(etaStar,c(2,3),mean)
  CLIMATE_RESPONSE$BAYES$etaStar = apply(etaStar,c(2,3),quantile,probs = qq)
  if(lOpt$returnMCMC) CLIMATE_RESPONSE$MCMC$etaStar = etaStar

#' @param ClimateProjections matrix \code{nT} x \code{nS} of climate projections where \code{nT} is the number of values for the continuous predictor
#' (years, global temperature) and \code{nS} the number of scenarios.
#' @param scenAvail matrix of scenario characteristics \code{nS} x \code{nK} where \code{nK} is the number of discrete predictors.
#' @param vecYears (optional) vector of years of length \code{nT} (by default, a vector \code{1:nT}).
#' @param predCont (optional) matrix \code{nT} x \code{nS} of continuous predictors.
#' @param predContUnique (optional) vector of length \code{nP} corresponding to the continuous predictor for which we want to obtain the prediction.
#' @param iCpredCont (optional) index in \code{1:nT} indicating the reference period (reference period) for the computation of change variables.
#' @param iCpredContUnique (optional) index in \code{1:nP} indicating the reference continuous predictor for the computation of change variables.
#' @param listOption (optional) list of options
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{spar}: if \code{uniqueFit} is true, smoothing parameter passed to the function \link[stats]{smooth.spline}.
#'   \item \strong{lambdaClimateResponse}: smoothing parameter > 0 for the extraction of the climate response.
#'   \item \strong{lambdaHyperParANOVA}: hyperparameter \eqn{b} for the \eqn{\lambda} parameter related to each predictor \eqn{g}.
#'   \item \strong{typeChangeVariable}: type of change variable: "abs" (absolute, value by default) or "rel" (relative).
#'   \item \strong{nBurn}: number of burn-in samples (default: 1000). If \code{nBurn} is too small, the convergence of MCMC chains might not be obtained.
#'   \item \strong{nKeep}: number of kept samples (default: 2000). If \code{nKeep} is too small, MCMC samples might not be represent correctly the posterior
#'   distributions of inferred parameters.
#'   \item \strong{quantileCompress}: vector of probabilities (in [0,1]) for which we compute the quantiles from the posterior distributions
#'    \code{quantileCompress = c(0.005,0.025,0.05,0.5,0.95,0.975,0.995)} by default.
#'   \item \strong{uniqueFit}: logical, if \code{FALSE} (default), climate responses are fitted using Bayesian smoothing splines, otherwise,if \code{TRUE},
#'    a unique cubic smoothing spline is fitted for each run, using the function \link[stats]{smooth.spline}.
#'   \item \strong{returnMCMC}: logical, if \code{TRUE}, the list \code{MCMC} contains MCMC chains.
#'   \item \strong{returnOnlyCR}: logical, if \code{TRUE} (default), only Climate Responses are fitted and returned.
#'   \item \strong{type.temporal.dep}: "iid" for independent errors or "AR1" (default) for autocorrelated errors.
#'   \item \strong{type.hetero}: "constant" for homoscedastic errors or "linear" (default) for heteroscedastic errors.
#' }
#' @param RK Reproducing kernels: list
#' @return  list with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{POINT}: list containing the mean estimate of different quantities: \code{RESIDUALVAR} 
#'   (residual variability), \code{INTERNALVAR} (internal variability), \code{GRANDMEAN} (grand mean for all time
#'   steps), \code{MAINEFFECT} (list with one item per discrete predictor \code{i}, containing matrices \code{nT} x 
#'   \code{nEffi}, where \code{nEffi} is the number of possible values for the discrete predictor \code{i}).
#'   \code{EFFECTVAR}, uncertainty related to the different main effect, \code{TOTVAR} Total variability,
#'   \code{DECOMPVAR}, decomposition of the total variability (percentages) for the different components,
#'   \code{CONTRIB_EACH_EFFECT}, contribution of each individual effects (percentages) to the corr. effect uncertainty.
#'   \item \strong{BAYES}: list containing quantiles of different estimated quantities, listed in \strong{POINT}.
#'   \item \strong{MCMC}: list containing the MCMC chains (not returned by default).
#'   \item \strong{climateResponse}: list containing different objects related to the extraction of the climate response.
#'   phiStar (\eqn{\phi^*}) is an array \code{nQ} x \code{nS} x \code{nP} containing climate change responses, where \code{nQ} is the
#'   number of returned quantiles, \code{nS} is the number of scenarios and \code{nP} is the length of \code{predContUnique} (e.g. number
#'   of future years). 
#'   Similarly, etaStar (\eqn{\eta^*}) contains the deviation from the climate change response. 
#'   phi (\eqn{\phi}) contains the climate responses and eta (\eqn{\eta}) contains the deviations from the climate responses.
#'   \item \strong{listCR}: list containing objects created during the extraction of the climate responses
#'   \item \strong{ClimateProjections}: argument of the call to the function, for records.
#'   \item \strong{predCont}: (optional) argument of the call to the function, for records.
#'   \item \strong{predContUnique}:  (optional) argument of the call to the function, for records.
#'   \item \strong{predDiscreteUnique}: list of possible values taken by the discrete predictors given in \code{scenAvail}.
#'   \item \strong{listOption}: list of options
#'   \item \strong{listScenario}: list of scenario characteristics (obtained from \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS.process.scenario}})
#'   \item \strong{RK}: list containing the reproducing kernels
#' }
#' @examples
#' ##########################################################################
#' ##########################################################################
#' # create nS=3 fictive climate scenarios with 2 GCMs and 2 RCMs, for a period of nY=20 years
#' n=20
#' t=1:n/n
#' # GCM effects (sums to 0 for each t)
#' effGCM1 = t*2
#' effGCM2 = t*-2
#' # RCM effects (sums to 0 for each t)
#' effRCM1 = t*1
#' effRCM2 = t*-1
#' # These climate scenarios are a sum of effects and a random gaussian noise
#' scenGCM1RCM1 = effGCM1 + effRCM1 + rnorm(n=n,sd=0.5)
#' scenGCM1RCM2 = effGCM1 + effRCM2 + rnorm(n=n,sd=0.5)
#' scenGCM2RCM1 = effGCM2 + effRCM1 + rnorm(n=n,sd=0.5)
#' ClimateProjections = cbind(scenGCM1RCM1,scenGCM1RCM2,scenGCM2RCM1)
#' # Here, scenAvail indicates that the first scenario is obtained with the combination of the
#' # GCM "GCM1" and RCM "RCM1", the second scenario is obtained with the combination of
#' # the GCM "GCM1" and RCM "RCM2" and the third scenario is obtained with the combination
#' # of the GCM "GCM2" and RCM "RCM1".
#' scenAvail = data.frame(GCM=c('GCM1','GCM1','GCM2'),RCM=c('RCM1','RCM2','RCM1'))
#' listOption = list(nBurn=20,nKeep=30,type.temporal.dep="iid",type.hetero="constant")
#' QUALYPSOSSOUT = QUALYPSOSS(ClimateProjections=ClimateProjections,scenAvail=scenAvail,
#' listOption=listOption)
#' # QUALYPSOSSOUT output contains many different information about climate projections uncertainties,
#' # which can be plotted using the following functions.
#' # plotQUALYPSOSSClimateResponse draws the climate responses, for all simulation chains, 
#' # in comparison to the raw climate responses.
#' # plotQUALYPSOSSClimateChangeResponse draws the climate change responses, for all simulation chains.
#' plotQUALYPSOSSClimateChangeResponse(QUALYPSOSSOUT)
#' # plotQUALYPSOSSeffect draws the estimated effects, for a discrete predictor specified by iEff,
#' # as a function of the continuous predictor.
#' plotQUALYPSOSSeffect(QUALYPSOSSOUT, iEff = 1)
#' plotQUALYPSOSSeffect(QUALYPSOSSOUT, iEff = 2)
#' # plotQUALYPSOSSgrandmean draws the estimated grand mean, as a function of the continuous predictor.
#' # plotQUALYPSOSSTotalVarianceDecomposition draws the decomposition of the total variance responses,
#' # as a function of the continuous predictor.
#' plotQUALYPSOSSTotalVarianceDecomposition(QUALYPSOSSOUT)
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
QUALYPSOSS = function(ClimateProjections,scenAvail,vecYears=NULL,predCont=NULL,predContUnique=NULL,iCpredCont=NULL,iCpredContUnique=NULL,listOption=NULL,RK=NULL){
  # check options
  lOpt = QUALYPSOSS.check.option(listOption)
  # Dimensions
  nT = nrow(ClimateProjections)
  nS = ncol(ClimateProjections)
  nK = ncol(scenAvail)
  # check dimensions
  if(nS!=nrow(scenAvail)) stop("The number of columns of 'ClimateProjections' must match the number of rows of 'scenAvail'")
  # vecYears
    if(!all(is.numeric(vecYears))) stop('vecYears must be a vector of years')
    vecYears = 1:nT
  # predContList
    # check lengths
    if(any(dim(ClimateProjections)!=dim(predCont))) stop('QUALYPSOSS: ClimateProjections and predCont must have the same dimensions')
    predCont = replicate(n=nS,vecYears)
  # unique continuous predictor
    nP = 100
    predContUnique = seq(from=min(predCont),to=max(predCont),length.out=nP)
    nP = length(predContUnique)
  # iCpredContUnique in predContUnique
    if(!any(iCpredContUnique==1:nP)) stop('iCpredContUnique must be an index in vector predContUnique')
    iCpredContUnique = 1
  # iCpredCont in predCont
    if(!any(iCpredCont==1:nT)) stop('iCpredCont must be an index indicating a reference row in predCont')
    iCpredCont = 1
  # process scenarios
  lScen = QUALYPSOSS.process.scenario(scenAvail,predContUnique)
  # list of dimensions
  lDim = list(nT=nT, nP=nP, nK=nK, nE=nK+1, nS=nS, nFull=lScen$nFull)
  #                        CLIMATE RESPONSE
  #=================== EXTRACT CLIMATE RESPONSE ===================
  climResponse = extract.climate.response(ClimateProjections=ClimateProjections,
                                          nMCMC = lOpt$nMCMC,
                                          uniqueFit = lOpt$uniqueFit,
                                          spar = lOpt$spar)
  #=================== COMPUTE CLIMATE CHANGE RESPONSE ===================
  # Compute change variables
  change.variable = compute.change.variable(climResponse,lOpt,lDim,iCpredContUnique,iCpredCont)
  # reformat climate responses
  yMCMC = get.yMCMC(lOpt,lDim,lScen,change.variable)
  #                           ANOVA
  # reproducing kernels (computationally intensive)
  returnRK = is.null(RK)
  if(is.null(RK)) RK = QUALYPSOSS.get.RK(X=lScen$XFull,nK=nK)
  # ANOVA: STEP 1: no hetero or autocorr
  ANOVA.step1 = QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step1(lOpt, lDim, yMCMC, RK)
  # if we consider autocorrelated residual errors, we continue the inference
  # -> steps 2 & 3
    # step 2: infer delta_RV and rho_RV conditionally to g.hat obtained in step1
    # (deltaRV just provided for initialisation)
    ANOVA.step2 = QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step2(lOpt = lOpt,lDim =  lDim,yMCMC = yMCMC,
                                         gSum.step1 = rowSums(ANOVA.step1$g.hat),
                                         deltaRV.step1 =  ANOVA.step1$deltaRV.hat)
    # step 3: update smooth effects g conditionally to delta_RV, rho_RV (step 2) and 
    # lambda (step 1). g.step1 & nu.step1 are just provided for initialisation
    ANOVA.step3 = QUALYPSOSS.ANOVA.step3(lOpt = lOpt,lDim =  lDim,yMCMC = yMCMC, RK=RK,
                                         g.step1 = ANOVA.step1$g.hat,
                                         lambda.step1 = ANOVA.step1$lambda.hat,
                                         rho.step2 = ANOVA.step2$rho.hat,
                                         deltaRV.step2 = ANOVA.step2$deltaRV.hat)
    ANOVA.step2 = NULL
    ANOVA.step3 = NULL
  #                       RETURN RESULTS
  # if returnRK is FALSE, we do not return RK (large object)
    RK = NULL
  # format outputs
  output.MCMC = formatQUALYPSSoutput(lOpt, lDim, lScen, ANOVA.step1, ANOVA.step2, ANOVA.step3,
  # return list of results
              CLIMATE_RESPONSE=output.MCMC$CLIMATE_RESPONSE,listCR = climResponse$listCR,

#' plotQUALYPSOSSClimateResponse
#' Plot climate responses.
#' @param QUALYPSOSSOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS}}
#' @param lim y-axis limits (default is NULL)
#' @param col color for the lines
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOSSClimateResponse = function(QUALYPSOSSOUT,lim=NULL,col=NULL,
  # Continuous predictor
  predCont = QUALYPSOSSOUT$predCont
  predContUnique = QUALYPSOSSOUT$predContUnique
  # Available climate responses
  ClimateProj = QUALYPSOSSOUT$ClimateProjections
  # Available scenarios
  scenAvail = QUALYPSOSSOUT$listScenario$scenAvail
  nS = nrow(scenAvail)
  # climate responses
  # process options
  if(is.null(lim)) lim = range(phi)
  if(is.null(col)) col = 1:nS
  # Figure
  for(i in 1:nS){
    # raw projections
    # fitted climate response

#' plotQUALYPSOSSClimateChangeResponse
#' Plot climate change responses.
#' @param QUALYPSOSSOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS}}
#' @param lim y-axis limits (default is NULL)
#' @param col color for the lines
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOSSClimateChangeResponse = function(QUALYPSOSSOUT,lim=NULL,col=NULL,
  # Continuous predictor
  predContUnique = QUALYPSOSSOUT$predContUnique
  # Available scenarios
  scenAvail = QUALYPSOSSOUT$listScenario$scenAvail
  nS = nrow(scenAvail)
  # climate responses
  # process options
  if(is.null(lim)) lim = range(phiStar)
  if(is.null(col)) col = 1:nS
  # Figure
  for(i in 1:nS){
    # fitted climate response

# return confidence level given indices in QUALYPSOSSOUT$listOption$quantileCompress
plotQUALYPSOSSgetCI = function(QUALYPSOSSOUT,iBinf,iBsup){
  vecq = QUALYPSOSSOUT$listOption$quantileCompress

#' plotQUALYPSOSSgrandmean
#' Plot prediction of grand mean ensemble. By default, we plot the credible interval corresponding to a probability 0.95.
#' @param QUALYPSOSSOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS}}
#' @param CIlevel probabilities for the credible intervals, default is equal to \code{c(0.025,0.975)}
#' @param lim y-axis limits (default is NULL)
#' @param col color for the overall mean and the credible interval
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param addLegend if TRUE, a legend is added
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOSSgrandmean = function(QUALYPSOSSOUT,CIlevel=c(0.025,0.975),lim=NULL,
                                   col='black',xlab="Continuous predictor",ylab="Grand mean",addLegend=T,
  # Continuous predictor
  TTmix = QUALYPSOSSOUT$predContUnique
  Iord = order(TTmix)
  nTT = length(TTmix)
  TT = TTmix[Iord]
  # find index quantiles
  iMedian = which(QUALYPSOSSOUT$listOption$quantileCompress==0.5)
  iBinf = which(QUALYPSOSSOUT$listOption$quantileCompress==CIlevel[1])
  iBsup = which(QUALYPSOSSOUT$listOption$quantileCompress==CIlevel[2])
  # retrieve median and limits
  # colors polygon
  colPoly = adjustcolor(col,alpha.f=0.2)
  # initiate plot
  if(is.null(lim)) lim = range(c(binf,bsup),na.rm=TRUE)
  # add confidence interval
  # add median
  # legend
    pctCI = plotQUALYPSOSSgetCI(QUALYPSOSSOUT,iBinf,iBsup)

#' plotQUALYPSOSSeffect
#' Plot prediction of ANOVA effects for one main effect. By default, we plot we plot the credible intervals corresponding to a probability 0.95.
#' @param QUALYPSOSSOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS}}
#' @param iEff index of the main effect to be plotted in \code{QUALYPSOSSOUT$listScenario$predDiscreteUnique}
#' @param CIlevel probabilities for the credible intervals, default is equal to \code{c(0.025,0.975)}
#' @param lim y-axis limits (default is NULL)
#' @param col colors for each effect
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param addLegend if TRUE, a legend is added
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOSSeffect = function(QUALYPSOSSOUT,iEff,CIlevel=c(0.025,0.975),lim=NULL,
                                col=1:20,xlab="Continuous predictor",ylab="Effect",addLegend=TRUE,
  # Continuous predictor
  TTmix = QUALYPSOSSOUT$predContUnique
  Iord = order(TTmix)
  nTT = length(TTmix)
  TT = TTmix[Iord]
  # retrieve effects
  nEff = dim(QUANTEff)[3]
  # find index quantiles
  iMedian = which(QUALYPSOSSOUT$listOption$quantileCompress==0.5)
  iBinf = which(QUALYPSOSSOUT$listOption$quantileCompress==CIlevel[1])
  iBsup = which(QUALYPSOSSOUT$listOption$quantileCompress==CIlevel[2])
  # retrieve median and limits
  med = QUANTEff[iMedian,,]
  binf = QUANTEff[iBinf,,]
  bsup = QUANTEff[iBsup,,]
  # initiate plot
  if(is.null(lim)) lim = range(c(binf,bsup),na.rm=TRUE)
  for(i in 1:nEff){
    # colors polygon
    colPoly = adjustcolor(col[i],alpha.f=0.2)
    # add confidence interval
    # add median
  # legend
    pctCI = plotQUALYPSOSSgetCI(QUALYPSOSSOUT,iBinf,iBsup)

#' plotQUALYPSOSSTotalVarianceDecomposition
#' Plot fraction of total variance explained by each source of uncertainty.
#' @param QUALYPSOSSOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSOSS}}
#' @param col colors for each source of uncertainty, the first two colors corresponding to internal variability and residual variability, respectively
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param addLegend if TRUE, a legend is added
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOSSTotalVarianceDecomposition = function(QUALYPSOSSOUT,
                                                    xlab="Continuous predictor",ylab="% Total Variance",addLegend=TRUE,...){
  # Continuous predictor
  TTmix = QUALYPSOSSOUT$predContUnique
  Iord = order(TTmix)
  nTT = length(TTmix)
  TT = TTmix[Iord]
  # Variance decomposition
  nVV = ncol(VV)
  # figure
  col = col[1:nVV]
  for(i in 1:nVV){
    cumPrevious = cum
    cum = cum + VV[,i]
  # legend
      namesEff = paste0("Eff",1:(nVV-2))
      namesEff = colnames(QUALYPSOSSOUT$listScenario$scenAvail)
    legend('topleft',bty='n',cex=1.1, fill=rev(col), legend=c(namesEff,'Res. Var.','Int. Variab.'))

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qualypsoss documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 5:09 p.m.