
Defines functions redToBlue redToBlue changeClass r2lPixelsPerCm r2lEol r2lComment r2lStartTable r2lEndTable r2lBuildRow r2lBuildColumnTitle r2lPercentRow r2lIncludeGraphics r2lBold r2lUnderline r2lItal r2lStartBlock r2lEndBlock r2lEndStruct r2lUnivBeginStruct r2lUnivFrequency r2lUnivSummary r2lBivBeginStruct r2lBivBannerStr r2lBivSummaryArray r2lBivSummary r2lBivQuartilesArray r2lBivQuartilesTable r2lBivContingencyTable r2lSignificance r2lPValueStr r2lBivTestCorPearson r2lBivTestCorSpearman r2lBivTestStudent r2lBivTestWilcoxon r2lBivTestAnova r2lBivTestKruskalWallis r2lBivTestKruskalWallisInv r2lBivTestKhi2 r2lBivTestFisherExact r2lBivTestOddsRatio r2lBivTestRelativeRisk r2lBivTest r2lDensities r2lMakePlot r2lGraphQQPlot r2lGraphHist r2lGraphBoxplot r2lGraphMosaicPlot r2lGraphScatterPlot r2lGraphBarplot r2lGraphDensity

cat("   +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   +++                     Begin Functions               +++

redToBlue <- function(n,seqColor=matrix(c(1,0,0, 1,0,1, 0,0,1),3)){
    c1 <- seqColor[,1]
    c2 <- seqColor[,2]
    c3 <- seqColor[,3]
    cat("C1=",c1," C2=",c2," C3=",c3,"\n")
    s <- seq(0,1,,n)

redToBlue <- function(n){
    sequ <- seq(0,1,,n)

###                           High level                           ###


changeClass <- function(x,limDiscreteX){
    if(class(x)[1]=="character"){x <- as.factor(x)}else{}
    if(class(x)[1]=="logical"){x <- as.factor(x)}else{}
    if(length(table(x))==2){class(x) <- c("logical",class(x))}
    if(class(x)[1] %in% c("numeric","integer")){
        if(length(table(x))<=limDiscreteX) {
            class(x) <- c("discrete","numeric")
            class(x) <- c("continuous","numeric")

###      Utility functions to write out pieces of text      ###
###                    Both univ and biv                    ###

### This is the ratio used when converting between centimeters and pixels.
### 80 seems to be a reasonable choice. HTML <IMG> tag expects pixels,
### LaTeX \includegraphics is in centimeters.
r2lPixelsPerCm <- function() return(80)

r2lEol <- function(str, LF=TRUE) {
    if (LF) {
        return(paste(str, "\n", sep=""))
    } else {

r2lComment <- function(x, out="latex", LF=TRUE) {
    str <- switch(out,
        "html" = paste("<!--", as.character(x), "-->"),
	"latex" = paste("%", as.character(x))
    return(r2lEol(str, LF=LF))

r2lStartTable <- function(out="latex", hline=TRUE, LF=TRUE, attrs=NULL) {
	str <- switch(out,
		"html" = paste("<TABLE", attrs, ">", sep=""),
		"latex" = paste("\\begin{tabular}{", attrs, "}", "\n",if(hline){"\\hline"}else{""}, sep="")
	return(r2lEol(str, LF=LF))

r2lEndTable <- function(out="latex", LF=TRUE) {
	str <- switch(out,
		"html" = "</TABLE>",
		"latex" = "\\end{tabular}"
	return(r2lEol(str, LF=LF))

r2lBuildRow <- function(x, span=NULL, hline=TRUE, out="latex", LF=TRUE,border="|") {
    x <- as.character(x)
    len <- length(x)
    start <- switch(out,
                    "html" = "<TR ALIGN='center'>",
                    "latex" = ""
    rowTxt <- character()
    if (is.null(span)) {
        span = rep(1,len)

    for (i in 1:length(span)) {
        if (span[i]>1) {
            rowTxt <- switch(out,
                             "html" = paste(rowTxt,"<TD COLSPAN=",span[i], ">", x[i], "</TD>", sep=""),
                             "latex" = paste(rowTxt,"\\multicolumn{",span[i],"}{",border,"c",border,"}{", x[i], "}",if(i<len){"&"}else{""}, sep="")
            rowTxt <- switch(out,
                             "html" = paste(rowTxt, "<TD>", x[i], "</TD>", sep=""),
                             "latex" = paste(rowTxt, x[i], if(i<len){"&"}else{""})

    end <- switch(out,
                  "html" = "</TR>",
                  "latex" = if(hline){"\\\\\n\\hline"}else{"\\\\\n"}
    str <- paste(start, rowTxt, end, sep="")
    return(r2lEol(str, LF=LF))

r2lBuildColumnTitle <- function(x, span=NULL, hline=TRUE, out="latex", LF=TRUE,border="|") {
	x <- as.character(x)
	len <- length(x)
	for (i in 1:len) {
            x[i] <- r2lBold(x[i],out=out)
	return(r2lBuildRow(x, span=span, hline=hline, out=out, LF=LF,border=border))

r2lPercentRow <- function(x, out="latex") {
	x <- round(x,digits=4)*100
	percent <- switch(out,
		"html" = paste("<small>&rarr;",x,"%</small>"),
		"latex" = paste("\\small$\\rightarrow$",x,"\\%\\normalsize")

### On entry, width is in pixels
r2lIncludeGraphics <- function(fileName, width, out="latex", LF=TRUE) {
	if (width == 0) {width <- 300}
	ppc <- r2lPixelsPerCm()
	str <- switch(out,
		"html" = paste("<IMG SRC='",fileName,"' WIDTH=", width,">", sep=""),
		"latex" = paste("\\parbox{",width/ppc,"cm}{\\includegraphics[width=",width/ppc,"cm]{",fileName,"}}", sep="")
	return(r2lEol(str, LF=LF))

r2lBold <- function(str, out="latex") {
	txt <- switch(out,
		"html" = paste("<B>", str, "</B>", sep=""),
		"latex" = paste("\\textbf{", str, "}", sep=""))

r2lUnderline <- function(str, out="latex") {
	txt <- switch(out,
		"html" = paste("<U>", str, "</U>", sep=""),
		"latex" = paste("\\underline{", str, "}", sep=""))

r2lItal <- function(str, out="latex") {
	txt <- switch(out,
		"html" = paste("<I>", str, "</I>", sep=""),
		"latex" = paste("\\textit{", str, "}", sep=""))

r2lStartBlock <- function(title, out="latex", hline=FALSE, LF=TRUE) {
	attrs <- switch(out,
		"html" = " align='center'",
		"latex" = "@{}c@{}"
	str <- r2lStartTable(out=out, hline=hline, LF=LF, attrs=attrs)
	str <- paste(str, r2lBuildRow(c(r2lBold(title, out=out)), out=out, hline=hline, LF=LF))
	return(r2lEol(str, LF=LF))

r2lEndBlock <- function(out="latex", LF=TRUE) {
	return(r2lEndTable(out=out, LF=LF))

################# r2lEndStruct #################
### close r2lUnivBeginStruct and r2lBivBeginStruct

r2lEndStruct <- function(out="latex") {
	txt <- r2lEndTable(out=out)
	if (out == "latex") {
		txt <- paste(txt, "\\end{center}", sep="")

###                    Functions for Univ                   ###

################# r2lUnivBeginStruct #################

r2lUnivBeginStruct <- function(x,tabTitle,nbColumn=1,tabSpec="c", out="latex") {
	txt <- character()
	if (out == "latex") {
		txt <- paste(txt, "\t\\begin{center}\n\t\\addtolength{\\leftskip}{-4cm}\\addtolength{\\rightskip}{-4cm}\n\n")

	attrs <- switch(out,
		"html"= " BORDER=1",
		"latex" = tabSpec#paste("|", paste(rep("c", nbColumn), sep="", collapse="|"), "|", sep="")
	txt <- paste(txt, r2lStartTable(attrs=attrs,hline=TRUE,out=out), sep="")

        titleLine <- r2lBold(r2lUnderline(tabTitle,out=out),out=out)

	headerLine <- paste(r2lBivBannerStr(x),
            switch(out, "html"= " - ", "latex" = " \\hfill "),
            "N=", length(x), " ; NA=", sum(is.na(x)), " (", round(sum(is.na(x))/length(x)*100, digits=2),
	    switch(out, "html"= "%)", "latex" = "\\%)"),

	txt <- paste(txt,
                     r2lBuildRow(titleLine, span=nbColumn, hline=FALSE, out=out),
                     r2lBuildRow(headerLine, span=nbColumn, hline=TRUE, out=out),

### Print each Frequency, its size and frequency
### Used in: r2lNominal, r2lOrdinal, r2lDiscrete

r2lUnivFrequency <- function(x, out="latex") {
    attrs <- switch(out,
                    "html"= "",
                    "latex" = "@{}l@{ : }cl@{}"

    txt <- r2lStartTable(out=out, attrs=attrs,hline=FALSE)

    tableVar <- table(x)
    sumVar <- sum(tableVar)
    for (i in 1:nrow(tableVar)) {
        rowTxt <- r2lBuildRow( c(labels(tableVar[i]),
                              paste("(", round(tableVar[i][[1]]/sumVar*100, digits=2), "\\%)",sep="")
                              ), span=c(1,1,1),hline=FALSE,out=out)
        txt <- paste(txt, rowTxt)
    txt <- paste(txt, r2lEndTable(out=out))

r2lUnivSummary <- function(x, out="latex") {
    attrs <- switch(out,
        "html"= "",
        "latex" = "@{}l@{ : }c@{}"

    txt <- r2lStartTable(out=out, attrs=attrs,hline=FALSE)

    if (class(x)[1]=="ordered") {
        quartile <- summary(as.integer(x))
        niveaux <- levels(x)
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Min.   ", niveaux[quartile[1]]),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Q1     ", niveaux[round(quartile[2])]),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Median ", niveaux[round(quartile[3])]),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Q3     ", niveaux[round(quartile[5])]),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Max.   ", niveaux[quartile[6]]),hline=FALSE, out=out))
    } else {
        quartile <- summary(x)
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Mean   ", round(mean(na.omit(x)), digits=3)),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Var.   ", round(var(na.omit(x)), digits=3)),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        SD     ", round(sd(na.omit(x)), digits=3)), hline=TRUE,out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Min.   ", round(quartile[1], digits=3)),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Q1     ", round(quartile[2], digits=3)),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Median ", round(quartile[3], digits=3)),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Q3     ", round(quartile[5], digits=3)),hline=FALSE, out=out))
        txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow( c("        Max.   ", round(quartile[6], digits=3)),hline=FALSE, out=out))

    txt <- paste(txt, r2lEndTable(out=out))

###                     Functions for Biv                   ###

################# r2lBivBeginStruct #################

r2lBivBeginStruct <- function(y,x,tabTitle,nbColumn=1,tabSpec="c",out="latex") {
	txt <- character()
	if (out == "latex") {
		txt <- paste(txt, "\t\\begin{center}\n\t\\addtolength{\\leftskip}{-4cm}\\addtolength{\\rightskip}{-4cm}\n\n")

	numNA <- sum(is.na(x) | is.na(y))
	total <- length(y)

	attrs <- switch(out,
		"html" = " BORDER=1",
		"latex" = tabSpec
	txt <- paste(txt, r2lStartTable(attrs=attrs, out=out), sep="")

        titleLine <- r2lBold(r2lUnderline(tabTitle,out=out),out=out)

	formula <- paste(r2lBivBannerStr(y),
		switch(out, "html" = " ~ ", "latex" = " $\\sim$ "),
	headerLine <- paste(formula,
		switch(out, "html" = " - ", "latex" = " \\hfill "),
		"N=", length(y), " ; NA=", numNA, " (", round(numNA/total*100, digits=2),
		switch(out, "html" = "%)", "latex" = "\\%)"),
	txt <- paste(txt,
                     r2lBuildRow(titleLine, span=nbColumn, hline=FALSE, out=out),
                     r2lBuildRow(headerLine, span=nbColumn, hline=TRUE, out=out),

r2lBivBannerStr <- function(y) {
	if (class(y)[1]=="discrete") {
		ylen <- length(levels(as.factor(y)))
		ytype <- "Discrete"
	} else if (class(y)[1]=="ordered") {
		ylen <- length(levels(y))
		ytype <- "Ordered"
	} else if (class(y)[1]=="factor" || class(y)[1]=="character" || class(y)[1]=="logical") {
		ylen <- length(levels(as.factor(y)))
		ytype <- "Nominal"
	} else if (class(y)[1]=="continuous" || class(y)[1]=="numeric") {
		ylen <- 0
		ytype <- "Continuous"
	} else {
		ylen <- 0
		ytype <- ""

	str <- ytype
	if (ylen>0) {
		str <- paste(str,"(",ylen,")",sep="")

################# r2lBivSummaryArray #################
### y is continuous, x is a factor or is continuous.
### Return an array with 10 rows corresponding to the statistics "N", "NA",
### "Mean", "Var", "SD", "Min", "Q1", "Median", "Q3", "Max"
### and as many columns as there are modalities in x.

r2lBivSummaryArray <- function(y, x) {
	lvl <- levels(x)
	ln <- length(lvl)
	arr <- array(dim=c(10,ln))
	for (i in 1:ln) {
		data <- y[x==lvl[i]]
		arr[1,i] <- length(data)
		arr[2,i] <- sum(is.na(data))
		arr[3,i] <- round(mean(na.omit(data)), digits=2)
		arr[4,i] <- round(var(na.omit(data)), digits=2)
		arr[5,i] <- round(sd(na.omit(data)), digits=2)
		smry <- summary(data)
		arr[6,i] <- round(smry[1][[1]], digits=2)
		arr[7,i] <- round(smry[2][[1]], digits=2)
		arr[8,i] <- round(smry[3][[1]], digits=2)
		arr[9,i] <- round(smry[5][[1]], digits=2)
		arr[10,i] <- round(smry[6][[1]], digits=2)


r2lBivSummary <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    names <- c("N", "NA", "Mean", "Var", "SD", "Min", "Q1", "Median", "Q3", "Max")

    if (!is.factor(x) || class(x)[1] == "numeric") {
        len <- length(y)
        y <- c(y,x)
        x <- factor(rep(c(1:2),c(len,len)), labels=c("y","x"))
    arr <- r2lBivSummaryArray(y,x)
    nbCol <- dim(arr)[2]

    attrs <- switch(out,
        "html" = " BORDER=1 ALIGN='center'",
        "latex" = paste("@{}l@{ : }", paste(rep("c", nbCol), sep="", collapse="|"), "@{}", sep="")

    tbl <- r2lStartTable(attrs=attrs,out=out,hline=FALSE)
    tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lBuildRow( r2lBold(c("Modal.", levels(x)), out=out), hline=TRUE, out=out))
    for (i in 1:length(names)) {
        tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lBuildRow( c(names[i], arr[i,]), hline=hline[i], out=out))
    tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lEndTable(out=out))

################# r2lBivQuartilesArray #################
### y is ordered, x is a factor.
### Return an array with 5 rows corresponding to the quartiles "Q0", "Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4".
### and as many columns as there are modalities in x.

r2lBivQuartilesArray <- function(y, x) {
	x <- as.factor(x)
	# y is ordered, x is a factor
	lvlx <- levels(x)
	ln <- length(lvlx)
	arr <- array(dim=c(5,ln))

	lvly <- levels(y)
	for (i in 1:ln) {
		data <- y[x==lvlx[i]]
		smry <- summary(as.numeric(data))
		arr[1,i] <- lvly[smry[1]]
		arr[2,i] <- lvly[smry[2]]
		arr[3,i] <- lvly[smry[3]]
		arr[4,i] <- lvly[smry[5]]
		arr[5,i] <- lvly[smry[6]]

r2lBivQuartilesTable <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.factor(x)
    arr <- r2lBivQuartilesArray(y,x)
    nbLi <- dim(arr)[1]
    nbCol <- dim(arr)[2]

    attrs <- switch(out,
                    "html" = " BORDER=1 ALIGN='center'",
                    "latex" = paste("@{}l@{ : }", paste(rep("c", nbCol), sep="", collapse="|"), "@{}", sep=""))

    # Build the table
    tbl <- r2lStartTable(attrs=attrs,out=out,hline=FALSE)
    tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lBuildRow( r2lBold(c("Modal. ", levels(x)), out=out), hline=TRUE, out=out))
    for (i in 1:nbLi) {
        name <- paste("Q",i,sep="")
        tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lBuildRow( c(name, arr[i,]), hline=FALSE, out=out))
    tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lEndTable(out=out))


################# r2lBivContingencyTable #################
### Display the contingency table between x (nominal(2)) and y (nominal,
### ordered, discrete).

r2lBivContingencyTable <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    tt <- table(as.factor(x),as.factor(y))
    attrs <- switch(out,
        "html" = " BORDER=1 ALIGN='center'",
	"latex" = paste("l|",paste(rep("c|",ncol(tt)),collapse=""),"|c",sep="")

    rowNames <- rownames(tt)
    colNames <- colnames(tt)
    att <- addmargins(tt)
    ptt <- prop.table(tt, margin=1)
    dim <- dim(tt)

	# Build the table
    tbl <- r2lStartTable(attrs=attrs,out=out, hline=FALSE)
    tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lBuildRow( c("", colNames, "Total"), out=out))
    for (i in 1:dim[1]) {
        tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lBuildRow( c(rowNames[i], att[i,]), out=out, hline=FALSE))
        tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lBuildRow( c("", r2lPercentRow(c(ptt[i,],1), out=out)), out=out))

    tbl <- switch(out,
		"html" = tbl,
		"latex" = paste(tbl,"\\hline")

    tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lBuildRow( c("Total", att[dim[1]+1,]), hline=FALSE,out=out))
    tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lBuildRow( c("", r2lPercentRow(att[dim[1]+1,]/sum(tt), out=out)), hline=FALSE,out=out))

    tbl <- paste(tbl, r2lEndTable(out=out))


###                           tests                         ###

r2lSignificance <- function(pvalue, out="latex") {
    str <- character()

        if(pvalue < 0.001){
            str <- "***"
            if(pvalue < 0.01){
                str <- "**"
                if(pvalue < 0.05){
                    str <- "*"
                    if(pvalue < 0.1){
                        str <- "."
                        str <- " "

        if(out=="latex"){str <- paste("$",str,"$",sep="")}else{}

r2lPValueStr <- function(pvalue, out="latex") {
	str <- character()
	if (pvalue < 1e-6) {
		str <- paste(" < 1e",trunc(log(pvalue,base=10)),sep="")
	} else if (pvalue < 0.001) {
		str <- format(pvalue,scientific=TRUE,digits=4)
	} else {
		str <- as.character(round(pvalue,digits=4))

r2lBivTestCorPearson <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)

    str <- switch(out,
        "html" = "&rho;<sub>P</sub>",
	"latex" = "$\\rho_{P}$"

    corP <- cor.test(y,x, na.action="na.omit", method="pearson")
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c("Cor Pearson",
            paste(str, "=", round(corP$estimate,digits=4)),
            paste("p =", round(corP$p.value,digits=4)),

r2lBivTestCorSpearman <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)

    str <- switch(out,
        "html" = "&rho;<sub>S</sub>",
	"latex" = "$\\rho_{S}$"

    corS <- cor.test(y,x, na.action="na.omit", method="spearman",exact=FALSE)
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c("Cor Spearman",
            paste(str, "=", round(corS$estimate,digits=4)),
            paste("p =", round(corS$p.value,digits=4))
        ), hline=FALSE,out=out

################# r2lBivTestStudent #################

r2lBivTestStudent <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.factor(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)

    reg <- t.test(y~x, na.action="na.omit")
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c("T test",
                          paste("T =", round(reg$statistic,digits=4)),
                          paste("p =", round(reg$p.value,digits=4)),
                          r2lSignificance(reg$p.value, out=out)
                          ),hline=FALSE, out=out

################# r2lBivTestWilcoxon #################

r2lBivTestWilcoxon <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.factor(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)

    reg <- wilcox.test(y~x, na.action="na.omit")
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c("Wilcoxon",
                          paste("W =", round(reg$statistic,digits=4)),
                          paste("p =", round(reg$p.value,digits=4)),
                          r2lSignificance(reg$p.value, out=out)
                          ), hline=FALSE,out=out

################# r2lBivTestAnova #################
### Anova (with Fisher)

r2lBivTestAnova <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.factor(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)

    anv <- anova(lm(y~x, na.action="na.omit"))
    F <- anv$"F value"[1]
    pvalue <- anv$"Pr(>F)"[1]
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c("ANOVA",
            paste("F =", round(F,digits=4)),
            paste("p =", round(pvalue,digits=4)),
            r2lSignificance(pvalue, out=out)

################# r2lBivTestKruskalWallis #################

r2lBivTestKruskalWallis <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.factor(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)

    kwt <- kruskal.test(y~x, na.action="na.omit")
    K <- kwt$statistic
    pvalue <- kwt$p.value
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c("Kruskal-Wallis (y~x)",
                          paste("K =", round(K,digits=4)),
                          paste("p =", round(kwt$p.value,digits=4)),
                          r2lSignificance(kwt$p.value, out=out)), hline=FALSE,out=out)

r2lBivTestKruskalWallisInv <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    y <- as.factor(y)
    x <- as.numeric(x)

    kwt <- kruskal.test(x~y, na.action="na.omit")
    K <- kwt$statistic
    pvalue <- kwt$p.value
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c("Kruskal-Wallis (x~y)",
                          paste("K =", round(K,digits=4)),
                          paste("p =", round(kwt$p.value,digits=4)),
                          r2lSignificance(kwt$p.value, out=out)), hline=FALSE,out=out)

################# r2lBivTestKhi2 #################
### Chi-Square and Fisher's Exact Test

r2lBivTestKhi2 <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.factor(x)
    y <- as.factor(y)

    smry <- summary(table(x,y))
    str <- switch(out,
                  "html" = "&chi;<sup>2</sup>",
                  "latex" = "$\\chi^{2}$"

    pvalue <- smry$p.value
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c(paste(str," test"),
                paste(str, "=", round(smry$statistic,digits=4)),
#		paste("dl =", smry$parameter),
		paste("p =", round(pvalue,digits=4)),
		r2lSignificance(pvalue, out=out)), hline=FALSE,out=out)

r2lBivTestFisherExact <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.factor(x)
    y <- as.factor(y)

    ft <- fisher.test(y,x,simulate.p.value=TRUE)
    pvalue <- ft$p.value
    txt <- r2lBuildRow(c("Fisher's Exact Test","",
                         paste("p =", round(pvalue,digits=4)),
                         r2lSignificance(pvalue, out=out)), hline=FALSE,out=out)

################# r2lBivTestOddRR #################
### Computation of Odds ratio and Relative Risk (RR).
#         \begin{tabular}{lllll}
#             Odds Ratio & ODD = 0.34 & & $p < 0.001$ & ** \\
#             Relative Risk & RR = 0.35 & & $p < 0.002$ & ** \\
#         \end{tabular}
# 		   | x1 |  x0
# 		_____________
# 		y1 | a  |  b |
# 		_____________
# 		y0 | c  |  d |
# 		_____________
# The odds ratio is defined as
#    OR = ad/bc
#    Standard error for the log of the odd ratio:
#    LSE = sqrt(1/a + 1/b + 1/c + 1/d)
# The relative risk is defined as
#         a/(a+b)
#    RR = _______
#         c/(c+d)
#    Standard error for the log of the relative risk:
#    LSE = sqrt(1/a - 1/(a+b) + 1/c - 1/(c+d))

r2lBivTestOddsRatio <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.factor(x)
    y <- as.factor(y)

    tt <- table(x,y)
	# Odds Ratio
    odd <- (tt[1,1]*tt[2,2]) / (tt[1,2]*tt[2,1])
	# Compute the standard error LSE for the log of the odd ratio
    lse <- sqrt(sum(1/tt))
	# log(ODD)/LSE has a normal distribution N(0,1).
	# The p-value is 2*P( Z < -|log(ODD)|/LSE ).
    pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(log(odd))/lse)
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c("Odds Ratio",
                          paste("ODD =", round(odd,digits=4)),
                          paste("p =",r2lPValueStr(pvalue)),
                          r2lSignificance(pvalue, out=out)), hline=FALSE, out=out)

r2lBivTestRelativeRisk <- function(y,x,out="latex") {
    x <- as.factor(x)
    y <- as.factor(y)

    tt <- table(x,y)
	# Relative Risk
    rr <- (tt[1,1]*(tt[2,1]+tt[2,2])) / (tt[2,1]*(tt[1,1]+tt[1,2]))
	# Compute the standard error LSE for the log of the relative risk
    lse <- sqrt(1/tt[1,1] - 1/(tt[1,1]+tt[1,2]) + 1/tt[2,1] - 1/(tt[2,1]+tt[2,2]))
	# log(RR)/LSE has a normal distribution N(0,1).
	# The p-value is 2*P( Z < -|log(RR)|/LSE ).
    pvalue <- 2*pnorm(-abs(log(rr))/lse)
    txt <- r2lBuildRow( c("Relative Risk",
                          paste("RR =", round(rr,digits=4)),
                          paste("p =",r2lPValueStr(pvalue)),
                          r2lSignificance(pvalue, out=out)), hline=FALSE,out=out)

r2lBivTest <- function(y,x,test,line,out="latex"){
    attrs <- switch(out,
        "html" = " align='center' cellpadding=5",
        "latex" = "llll"

    #    txt <- r2lStartBlock("Tests", out=out)
    horizLine <- switch(out,
                        "html" = paste("<TR ALIGN='center'><TD COLSPAN=4><HR></TD></TR>", sep=""),
                        "latex" = "\\hline"

	# Build the table
    tbl <- r2lStartTable(attrs=attrs,out=out,hline=FALSE)
    nbLine <- 1
    for (i in test){
        tbl <- switch(out,
                      "html" = paste(tbl,"", sep=""),
                      "latex" = paste(tbl,"\n", sep="")

        tbl <- paste(tbl, horizLine[line[nbLine]],do.call(paste("r2lBivTest",i,sep=""),list(y,x,out=out)))
        nbLine <- nbLine + 1

    tbl <- paste(tbl,horizLine[line[nbLine]],r2lEndTable(out=out))
	# Put the table in the block
	#txt <- paste(txt, r2lBuildRow(tbl, out=out))
	#txt <- paste(txt, r2lEndBlock(out=out))


###                          graphs                         ###

### r2lDensities is a basic function (like boxplot, barplot,...)
r2lDensities <- function(y,x,...) {
    if (is.factor(x) || class(x)[1] == "discrete") {
        myColor <- redToBlue(length(table(x)))
    # This is the case continuous ~ (nominal|ordered|discrete)
    # Clean up the NAs
        df <- na.omit(data.frame(y,x))
        y <- df$y
        x <- df$x

        if (!is.factor(x)){
            x <- as.factor(x)

        lv <- levels(x)
        len <- length(lv)
#       colors <- rev(rainbow(len,end=0.17))

        dd <- list()
        # First pass to calcul the densities
        for (i in 1:len) {
            sub <- y[x==lv[i]]
                dd <- c(dd,list(density(sub)))

        # Second pass to calcul the top of ylim
        top <- 0
        for (i in 1:length(dd)) {
            if (top < max(dd[[i]]$y)) {
                top <- max(dd[[i]]$y)

        # Third pass to draw the densities
        plot(dd[[1]],ylim=c(0,top), col=myColor[1],type="l",lwd=6,...)
        for (i in 2:length(dd)) {
            lines(dd[[i]], col=myColor[i],lwd=6)
    } else {
        # This is the case continuous ~ continuous
        # Clean up the NAs
        x <- na.omit(x)
        y <- na.omit(y)

        # Calculate the densities
        ddx <- density(x)
        ddy <- density(y)
        top <- max(ddx$y,ddy$y)

        # Transmit the arguments to plot
        plot(ddx, ylim=c(0,top), col="red",...)
        lines(ddy, ylim=c(0,top), col="orange",...)

################# r2lMakePlot #################
### Compute a plot, save it in a file on disk and return the proper string
### to include the graphic in the LaTeX or Html document. The argument
### 'kind' can be: "boxplot", "barplot", "hist", "mosaicplot", "qqplot",
### "plot". If x is NULL, y can be either a vector or a formula. If x is a
### vector, then y must be a vector too. Used by the r2lGraphXXX functions.

r2lMakePlot <- function(kind, arguments, graphDir, graphName, type, out="latex", wd = 0) {
	# Close the device

	if (type == "postscript") {
		ext <- "eps"
	} else {
		ext <- tolower(type)
	# Build the full path
	plotName <- paste(graphName, "-", kind, sep="")
	if (graphDir=="") {
		plotDir <- getwd()
	} else {
		plotDir <- paste(getwd(), graphDir, sep="/")
		if (!file.exists(plotDir)) {
		} else {}
	plotName <- paste(plotName, ext, sep=".")
	plotPath <- paste(plotDir, plotName, sep="/")

	# Open the device
	devArg <- list(plotPath)
	if (type == "postscript") {
		devArg <- c(devArg, horizontal=FALSE, onefile=FALSE)
	if (wd > 0) {
		if (type == "postscript") {
			# The postscript device expects width and height in inches.
			# The default device size is 7 inches square.
			ppc <- r2lPixelsPerCm()
			plotwd <- (wd*7)/(ppc*2.54)
			# Hmm, setting the width does not seem to work...
			# (temporarily back to the default)
			devArg <- c(devArg, height=7, width=7)
		} else {
			plotwd <- wd
			devArg <- c(devArg, width=plotwd)
	do.call(type, devArg)

	# Execute the plotting command
	do.call(kind, arguments)

	# Build the string to include the graphics
	nch <- nchar(paste(getwd(),"/",sep=""))
	txt <- r2lIncludeGraphics( substring(plotPath, nch+1), width=wd, out=out)

### Among the r2lGraphXXX functions below, r2lGraphQQPlot and r2lGraphHist
### expect one var argument.

r2lGraphQQPlot <- function(x,graphDir,graphName,type,out="latex") {
    ## To exchange axes -> datax=T
    arguments <- list(y=x,main="", xlab="", ylab="")
    ppc <- r2lPixelsPerCm()
    txt <- r2lMakePlot(kind="qqnorm", wd=2*ppc, arguments, graphDir=graphDir, graphName=graphName, type=type, out=out)

r2lGraphHist <- function(x,graphDir,graphName,type,out="latex") {
	arguments <- list(x=x, main="", xlab="", ylab="", col=redToBlue(length(hist(x,plot=FALSE)$counts)))
	txt <- r2lMakePlot(kind="hist", arguments, graphDir=graphDir, graphName=graphName, type=type, out=out)

### The others have two var arguments y and x. If
### x is missing, the function was called from the univariate case.
### They are all implemented via r2lMakePlot.

r2lGraphBoxplot <- function(y,x,graphDir,graphName,type,out="latex") {
    arguments <- list(main="", xlab="", ylab="")
        num <- 2
        arguments <- list(y,main="", xlab="", ylab="",col="orange")
        num <- length(levels(as.factor(x)))
        arguments <- list(y~x,main="", xlab="", ylab="",col=redToBlue(num))
    ppc <- r2lPixelsPerCm()
    txt <- r2lMakePlot(kind="boxplot", wd=min(2+num/2,9)*ppc, arguments=arguments, graphDir=graphDir, graphName=graphName, type=type, out=out)

r2lGraphMosaicPlot <- function(y,x,graphDir,graphName,type,out="latex") {
	arguments <- list(x~y,main="", xlab="", ylab="",dir=c("h","v"), col=redToBlue(length(levels(as.factor(y)))))
	txt <- r2lMakePlot(kind="mosaicplot", arguments=arguments, graphDir=graphDir, graphName=graphName, type=type, out=out)

r2lGraphScatterPlot <- function(y,x,graphDir,graphName,type,out="latex") {
	arguments <- list(y,x,main="", xlab="", ylab="")
	# jitter(y) ?
	txt <- r2lMakePlot(kind="plot", arguments=arguments, graphDir=graphDir, graphName=graphName, type=type, out=out)

r2lGraphBarplot <- function(y,x,graphDir,graphName,type,out="latex") {
        if (class(y)[1]=="discrete") {
            tabVar <- table(c(y,range(na.omit(y))[1]:range(na.omit(y))[2]))-1
        } else {
            tabVar <- table(y)
        numCol <- num <- dim(tabVar)

        tabVar <- table(y, x)
        num <- prod(dim(tabVar))
        numCol <- dim(tabVar)[1]
    ppc <- r2lPixelsPerCm()
    arguments <- list(tabVar, main="", xlab="", ylab="", beside=TRUE, col=redToBlue(numCol))
    txt <- r2lMakePlot(kind="barplot", wd=min(2+num/2,9)*ppc, arguments=arguments, graphDir=graphDir, graphName=graphName, type=type, out=out)

r2lGraphDensity <- function(y,x,graphDir,graphName,type,out="latex") {
    arguments <- list(y=y,x=x,main="", xlab="", ylab="")
    ppc <- r2lPixelsPerCm()
    txt <- r2lMakePlot(kind="r2lDensities", wd=3*ppc,arguments=arguments, graphDir=graphDir, graphName=graphName, type=type, out=out)

cat("   ---------------------------------------------------------
   ---                       Fin Functions               ---

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r2lh documentation built on May 29, 2017, 12:11 p.m.