
Defines functions DoProjectPlots

Documented in DoProjectPlots

#' Make plots from Rebuilder program
#' Make a set of plots based on output from Andre Punt's Rebuilder program.
#' @param dirn Directory (or vector of directories) where rebuilder output
#' files are stored.
#' @param fileN Vector of filenames containing rebuilder output.
#' Default=c("res.csv").
#' @param Titles Titles for plots when using multiple filenames. Default="".
#' @param ncols Number of columns to read in output file (fileN). Default=200.
#' @param Plots List to get specific plots (currently 1 through 8).
#' Default=list(1:25). If there are multiple files, supply a list of vectors,
#' e.g. list(c(1,5),c(2:5))
#' @param Options List to get specific strategies in the trajectory plots.
#' Default=list(c(1:9)).If there are multiple files, supply a list of vectors,
#' e.g. list(c(1,5),c(2:5))
#' @param LegLoc Location for the legend (for plots with a legend).
#' Default="bottomright".
#' @param yearmax Maximum year to show in the plots. Set negative to show all
#' years.  Default=-1.
#' @param Outlines Number of rows, columns for some of the plots.
#' Default=c(2,2).
#' @param OutlineMulti Number of rows, columns for other plots.
#' Default=c(2,2).
#' @param AllTraj Vector of trajectories to show. Default=c(1,2,3,4).
#' @param AllInd Vector of individual plots to show. Default=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7).
#' @param BioType Label for biomass type. Default="Spawning biomass".
#' @param CatchUnit Units of catch. Default="(mt)".
#' @param BioUnit Units of biomass. Default="(mt)".
#' @param BioScalar Scalar for biomass plot. Default=1.
#' @param ColorsUsed Optional vector for alternative line colors.
#' Default="default".
#' @param Labels Optional vector for alternative legend labels.
#' Default="default".
#' @param pdf Option to send figures to pdf file instead of plot window in
#' Rgui. Default=FALSE.
#' @param pwidth Width of the plot window or PDF file (in inches). Default=7.
#' @param pheight Height of the plot window or PDF file (in inches). Default=7.
#' @param lwd Line width for many of the plot elements. Default=2.
#' @author Andre Punt, Ian Taylor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # example with one file
#' DoProjectPlots(
#'   dirn = "c:/myfiles/", Plots = 1:8,
#'   Options = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9), LegLoc = "bottomleft"
#' )
#' # example with multiple files
#' # Plots - set to get specific plots
#' # Options - set to get specific strategies in the trajectory plots
#' Titles <- c("Res1", "Res2", "Res3")
#' Plots <- list(c(1:9), c(6:7))
#' Options <- list(c(7:9, 3), c(5, 7))
#' DoProjectPlots(
#'   fileN = c("res1.csv", "res2.csv"), Titles = Titles, Plots = Plots,
#'   Options = Options, LegLoc = "bottomleft", yearmax = -1,
#'   Outlines = c(2, 2), OutlineMulti = c(3, 3), AllTraj = c(1:4),
#'   AllInd = c(1:7), BioType = "Spawning numbers", BioUnit = "(lb)",
#'   BioScalar = 1000, CatchUnit = "(lb)",
#'   ColorsUse = rep(c("red", "blue"), 5),
#'   Labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F")
#' )
#' }
DoProjectPlots <- function(dirn = "C:/myfiles/", fileN = c("res.csv"), Titles = "", ncols = 200,
                           Plots = list(1:25), Options = list(c(1:9)), LegLoc = "bottomright",
                           yearmax = -1, Outlines = c(2, 2), OutlineMulti = c(2, 2),
                           AllTraj = c(1, 2, 3, 4), AllInd = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
                           BioType = "Spawning biomass", CatchUnit = "(mt)", BioUnit = "(mt)",
                           BioScalar = 1, ColorsUsed = "default", Labels = "default",
                           pdf = FALSE, pwidth = 6.5, pheight = 5.0, lwd = 2) {
  if (pdf) {
    pdffile <- paste(dirn[1], "/rebuild_plots_", format(Sys.time(), "%d-%b-%Y_%H.%M"), ".pdf", sep = "")
    pdf(file = pdffile, width = pwidth, height = pheight)
    cat("PDF file with plots will be:", pdffile, "\n")
  } else {

    ### Note: the following line has been commented out because it was identified
    ###       by Brian Ripley as "against CRAN policies".
    # if(exists(".SavedPlots",where=1)) rm(.SavedPlots,pos=1)
    dev.new(record = TRUE, width = pwidth, height = pheight)

  rich.colors.short <- function(n) {
    # a subset of rich.colors by Arni Magnusson from the gregmisc package
    x <- seq(0, 1, length = n)
    r <- 1 / (1 + exp(20 - 35 * x))
    g <- pmin(pmax(0, -0.8 + 6 * x - 5 * x^2), 1)
    b <- dnorm(x, 0.25, 0.15) / max(dnorm(x, 0.25, 0.15))
    rgb.m <- matrix(c(r, g, b), ncol = 3)
    rich.vector <- apply(rgb.m, 1, function(v) rgb(v[1], v[2], v[3]))

  # empty list to store output
  OutputList <- list()
  ind.list <- list()

  #  ==================================================================================================

  Net_Spawn_Graph <- function(UUU, Amin, Amax, Title) {
    par(mfrow = c(Outlines[1], Outlines[2]))

    Ipnt <- which(UUU == "#Age_Fecu") + 1
    Xvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Amax * 5 - Amin), 1])
    Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Amax * 5 - Amin), 2])
    plot(Xvals, Yvals, xlab = "Age (years)", ylab = "Net Spawning Output", lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = lwd, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * max(Yvals)))

  #  ==================================================================================================

  RecruitmentPlots <- function(UUU, Title) {
    par(mfrow = c(Outlines[1], Outlines[2]))

    Ipnt <- which(UUU == "#Recruitments") + 2
    Npnt <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt - 1, 1])
    Xvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
    Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2])
    plot(Xvals, Yvals, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Recruitment", lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = lwd, yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * max(Yvals)))

    Ipnt <- which(UUU == "#Recruits-per-spawner") + 2
    Npnt <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt - 1, 1])
    Xvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
    Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2])
    plot(Xvals, Yvals, xlab = "Year", ylab = paste("Recruits \\ ", BioType, sep = ""), lty = 1, type = "l", lwd = lwd, yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * max(Yvals)))
  #  ==================================================================================================

  B0Dist <- function(UUU, Title) {
    par(mfrow = c(Outlines[1], Outlines[2]))

    Ipnt <- which(UUU == "#B0_Dist") + 2
    Xvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + 19), 1])
    Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + 19), 2])
    plot(Xvals, Yvals, xlab = expression(B[0]), ylab = "Relative Density", type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * max(Yvals)))
    Inc <- (Xvals[2] - Xvals[1]) / 2
    for (II in 1:20)
      xx <- c(Xvals[II] - Inc, Xvals[II] - Inc, Xvals[II] + Inc, Xvals[II] + Inc)
      yy <- c(0, Yvals[II], Yvals[II], 0)
      polygon(xx, yy, col = "gray")

  #  ==================================================================================================

  RecHist <- function(UUU, Title) {
    par(mfrow = c(Outlines[1], Outlines[2]))

    Ipnt <- which(UUU == "#Recovery_Histogram") + 2
    Npnt <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt - 1, 1])
    Xvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
    Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2])
    plot(Xvals, Yvals, xlab = expression(T[min] - Y[init]), ylab = "Proportion of Simulations", type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * max(Yvals)))
    Inc <- (Xvals[2] - Xvals[1]) / 2
    for (II in 1:Npnt)
      xx <- c(Xvals[II] - Inc, Xvals[II] - Inc, Xvals[II] + Inc, Xvals[II] + Inc)
      yy <- c(0, Yvals[II], Yvals[II], 0)
      polygon(xx, yy, col = "gray")

    Npnt <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt - 1, 2])
    Xvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
    Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 4])
    plot(Xvals, Yvals, xlab = expression(T[max] - Y[init]), ylab = "Proportion of Simulations", type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * max(Yvals)))
    Inc <- (Xvals[2] - Xvals[1]) / 2
    for (II in 1:Npnt)
      xx <- c(Xvals[II] - Inc, Xvals[II] - Inc, Xvals[II] + Inc, Xvals[II] + Inc)
      yy <- c(0, Yvals[II], Yvals[II], 0)
      polygon(xx, yy, col = "gray")

  # =============================================================================================================

  AltStrategies <- function(FileN, UUUs, Options, Title, yearmax, Titles, cols = c("red", "blue", "green", "orange", "black", "pink")) {
    par(mfrow = c(OutlineMulti[1], OutlineMulti[2]))

    Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[1]] == "#Recovery_Histogram")
    Tmax <- as.double(UUUs[[1]][Ipnt - 1, 1])
    Yinit <- as.double(UUUs[[1]][Ipnt - 7, 1])
    MinRev <- as.double(UUUs[[1]][Ipnt - 10, 1])
    Tmin <- MinRev + Yinit

    if (length(FileN) > 0) {
      for (Ifile in 2:length(FileN))
        Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[1]] == "#Recovery_Histogram")
        Tmax2 <- as.double(UUUs[[1]][Ipnt - 1, 1])
        Yinit2 <- as.double(UUUs[[1]][Ipnt - 7, 1])
        MinRev2 <- as.double(UUUs[[1]][Ipnt - 10, 1])
        Tmin2 <- MinRev2 + Yinit2
        if (Tmin != Tmin2) {
          stop("Tmin values in the different files don't match")

    NOpts <- 0
    for (Ifile in 1:length(FileN)) NOpts <- NOpts + length(Options[[Ifile]])

    if (NOpts > 8) cat("WARNING - you have a large number of lines - perhaps create separate plots for subsets\n")

    Files <- NULL
    Opts <- NULL
    LastCatch <- NULL
    for (Ifile in 1:length(FileN)) {
      for (II in Options[[Ifile]])
        Files <- c(Files, Ifile)
        Opts <- c(Opts, II)
        Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
        Npnt <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 2, 1])
        Yvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2 + 10 + II])
        LastCatch <- c(LastCatch, Yvals[length(Yvals)])
    Xint <- sort.int(LastCatch, index.return = T)
    Files <- Files[Xint[["ix"]]]
    Opts <- Opts[Xint[["ix"]]]
    Labels <- Labels[Xint[["ix"]]]

    if (ColorsUsed[1] == "default") ColorsUsed <- rich.colors.short(NOpts)

    # get the x-axis right
    xmin <- 1.0e20
    xmax <- 0
    for (Ifile in 1:length(FileN))
      Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
      Npnt <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 2, 1])
      Xvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
      if (yearmax > 0) {
        Use <- Xvals <= yearmax
      } else {
        Use <- rep(T, length = length(Xvals))
      Xvals <- Xvals[Use]
      if (min(Xvals) < xmin) xmin <- min(Xvals)
      if (max(Xvals) > xmax) xmax <- max(Xvals)

    # define empty list to store values collected in loops below
    AltStrat.output <- list(
      ProbRecovery = NULL,
      Catch = NULL,
      Depletion = NULL,
      Bio = NULL
    for (ii in AllTraj)
      if (ii == 1) {
        plot(xmin, 0, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Probability Above Target (%)", type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 105), xlim = c(xmin, xmax), axes = F)
        axis(2, at = seq(0, 100, 25))
        IlineType <- 0

        for (Icnt in 1:NOpts)
          Ifile <- Files[Icnt]
          II <- Opts[Icnt]
          IlineType <- IlineType + 1
          Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
          Npnt <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 2, 1])
          Xvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
          Yvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2 + II]) * 100
          lines(Xvals, Yvals, lty = IlineType, col = ColorsUsed[IlineType], lwd = lwd)

          # store stuff in output list
          if (is.null(AltStrat.output[["ProbRecovery"]])) AltStrat.output[["ProbRecovery"]] <- data.frame(Yr = Xvals)
          AltStrat.output[["ProbRecovery"]][, Icnt + 1] <- Yvals
        abline(h = 50, lwd = 3)
        abline(v = Tmin, lwd = 1, lty = 2)
        abline(v = Tmax, lwd = 1, lty = 2)

      if (ii == 2) {
        ymax <- 0
        for (Ifile in 1:length(FileN)) {
          for (II in Options[[Ifile]])
            Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
            Npnt <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 2, 1])
            Yvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2 + 10 + II])
            if (max(Yvals) > ymax) ymax <- max(Yvals)
        plot(xmin, 0, xlab = "Year", ylab = paste("Catch", CatchUnit), type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * ymax), xlim = c(xmin, xmax))
        IlineType <- 0
        for (Icnt in 1:NOpts)
          Ifile <- Files[Icnt]
          II <- Opts[Icnt]
          IlineType <- IlineType + 1
          Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
          Npnt <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 2, 1])
          Xvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
          Yvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2 + 10 + II])
          lines(Xvals, Yvals, lty = IlineType, col = ColorsUsed[IlineType], lwd = lwd)

          # store stuff in output list
          if (is.null(AltStrat.output[["Catch"]])) AltStrat.output[["Catch"]] <- data.frame(Yr = Xvals)
          AltStrat.output[["Catch"]][, Icnt + 1] <- Yvals

      if (ii == 3) {
        ymax <- 0
        for (Ifile in 1:length(FileN)) {
          for (II in Options[[Ifile]])
            Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
            Npnt <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 2, 1])
            Yvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2 + 20 + II]) * 100
            if (max(Yvals) > ymax) ymax <- max(Yvals)
        plot(xmin, 0, xlab = "Year", ylab = paste(BioType, "\\ Target (x100)"), type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * ymax), xlim = c(xmin, xmax))
        IlineType <- 0
        for (Icnt in 1:NOpts)
          Ifile <- Files[Icnt]
          II <- Opts[Icnt]
          IlineType <- IlineType + 1
          Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
          Npnt <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 2, 1])
          Xvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
          Yvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2 + 20 + II]) * 100
          lines(Xvals, Yvals, lty = IlineType, col = ColorsUsed[IlineType], lwd = lwd)

          # store stuff in output list
          if (is.null(AltStrat.output[["Depletion"]])) AltStrat.output[["Depletion"]] <- data.frame(Yr = Xvals)
          AltStrat.output[["Depletion"]][, Icnt + 1] <- Yvals

      if (ii == 4) {
        ymax <- 0
        for (Ifile in 1:length(FileN)) {
          for (II in Options[[Ifile]])
            Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
            Npnt <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 2, 1])
            Yvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2 + 30 + II]) / BioScalar
            if (max(Yvals[Xvals <= xmax]) > ymax) ymax <- max(Yvals[Xvals <= xmax])
        plot(xmin, 0, xlab = "Year", ylab = paste(BioType, BioUnit), type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * ymax), xlim = c(xmin, xmax))
        IlineType <- 0
        for (Icnt in 1:NOpts)
          Ifile <- Files[Icnt]
          II <- Opts[Icnt]
          IlineType <- IlineType + 1
          Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
          Npnt <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 2, 1])
          Xvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
          Yvals <- as.double(UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2 + 30 + II]) / BioScalar
          lines(Xvals, Yvals, lty = IlineType, col = ColorsUsed[IlineType], lwd = lwd)

          # store stuff in output list
          if (is.null(AltStrat.output[["Bio"]])) AltStrat.output[["Bio"]] <- data.frame(Yr = Xvals)
          AltStrat.output[["Bio"]][, Icnt + 1] <- Yvals
        Jpnt <- which(UUUs[[1]] == "#Recruitments") - 8
        B0 <- as.double(UUUs[[1]][Jpnt, 1])
        abline(h = 0.4 * B0 / BioScalar, lwd = 1, lty = 2)
        abline(h = 0.25 * B0 / BioScalar, lwd = 1, lty = 2)
        cat("40% line at", 0.4 * B0 / BioScalar, "\n")
        cat("25% line at", 0.25 * B0 / BioScalar, "\n")

      if (ii == AllTraj[1]) title(Title)

    plot(0, 0, xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = F, type = "n", cex = 0)

    Ltys <- NULL
    legs <- NULL
    IlineType <- 0
    col2 <- NULL
    for (Icnt in 1:NOpts)
      Ifile <- Files[Icnt]
      II <- Opts[Icnt]
      Ipnt <- which(UUUs[[Ifile]] == "#Summary_1") + 3
      titles <- UUUs[[Ifile]][Ipnt - 1, 3:11]

      IlineType <- IlineType + 1
      if (any(Labels == "default")) {
        titls <- titles[II]
        if (length(FileN) > 0) titls <- paste(Titles[Ifile], ": ", titls, sep = "")
      } else {
        titls <- Labels[IlineType]

      legs <- c(legs, titls)
      Ltys <- c(Ltys, IlineType)
      col2 <- c(col2, ColorsUsed[IlineType])

    legend(LegLoc, legend = legs, lty = Ltys, cex = 1, col = col2, lwd = lwd)
    for (i in 1:4) if (!is.null(AltStrat.output[[i]])) names(AltStrat.output[[i]])[-1] <- legs

  # =============================================================================================================

  IndividualPlots <- function(UUU, Title, yearmax) {
    # this function makes plots of confidence intervals of individual trajectories
    par(mfrow = c(OutlineMulti[1], OutlineMulti[2]))

    Ipnt <- which(UUU == "#Individual") + 2
    Npnt <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt - 1, 1])

    # make an empty list to store values used in figures
    ind <- list()
    for (ii in AllInd)
      if (ii == 1) ind[["ratio"]] <- PlotA(UUU, 0, "Spawning Output \\ Target", Ipnt, Npnt, yearmax, 1)

      if (ii == 2) ind[["catch"]] <- PlotA(UUU, 6, paste("Catch", CatchUnit), Ipnt, Npnt, yearmax, 1)

      if (ii == 3) ind[["rec"]] <- PlotA(UUU, 12, "Recruitment", Ipnt, Npnt, yearmax, 1)

      if (ii == 4) ind[["mort"]] <- PlotA(UUU, 18, expression(paste("Fishing Mortality ", (yr^-1))), Ipnt, Npnt, yearmax, 1)

      if (ii == 5) ind[["expl.bio"]] <- PlotA(UUU, 24, paste("Exploitable Biomass", BioUnit), Ipnt, Npnt, yearmax, BioScalar)

      if (ii == 6) ind[["cum.catch"]] <- PlotA(UUU, 30, paste("Cumulative (discounted) Catch", CatchUnit), Ipnt, Npnt, yearmax, 1)

      if (ii == 7) {
        ind[["sb"]] <- PlotA(UUU, 36, "Spawning Biomass", Ipnt, Npnt, yearmax, BioScalar)
        Jpnt <- which(UUU == "#Recruitments") - 8
        B0 <- as.double(UUU[Jpnt, 1])
        ind[["sb"]][["B0"]] <- B0 / BioScalar
        abline(h = 0.4 * B0 / BioScalar, lwd = 1, lty = 2)
        abline(h = 0.25 * B0 / BioScalar, lwd = 1, lty = 2)
        cat("Making spawning biomass plot for run", ii, "\n")

      if (ii == AllInd[1]) title(Title)
    # return values used in figures

  #  ==================================================================================================

  PlotA <- function(UUU, offset, title, Ipnt, Npnt, yearmax, BioScalar) {
    Xvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
    if (yearmax > 0) {
      Use <- Xvals <= yearmax
    } else {
      Use <- rep(T, length = length(Xvals))
    Xvals <- Xvals[Use]

    Y1 <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), offset + 2]) / BioScalar
    Y2 <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), offset + 3]) / BioScalar
    Y3 <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), offset + 4]) / BioScalar
    Y4 <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), offset + 5]) / BioScalar
    Y5 <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), offset + 6]) / BioScalar

    ymax <- max(Y5[Use]) * 1.1
    plot(Xvals, Y5[Use], xlab = "Year", ylab = title, type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, ymax))
    XX <- c(Xvals, rev(Xvals))
    polygon(XX, c(Y1[Use], rev(Y5[Use])), col = "lightgray")
    polygon(XX, c(Y2[Use], rev(Y4[Use])), col = "gray")
    lines(Xvals, Y3[Use], lty = 1, lwd = 4)

    # return these values that have been extracted from deep inside the output files
    return(data.frame(Xvals = Xvals, Y1 = Y1[Use], Y2 = Y2[Use], Y3 = Y3[Use], Y4 = Y4[Use], Y5 = Y5[Use]))

  #  ==================================================================================================

  FirstFive <- function(UUU, Title, yearmax) {
    par(mfrow = c(Outlines[1], Outlines[2]))

    Ipnt <- which(UUU == "#Individual") + 2
    Npnt <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt - 1, 1])

    Ipnt <- which(UUU == "#First_Five") + 2
    Xvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
    if (yearmax > 0) {
      Use <- Xvals <= yearmax
    } else {
      Use <- rep(T, length = length(Xvals))
    Xvals <- Xvals[Use]

    ymax <- 0
    for (II in 1:5)
      Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1 + II])
      if (max(Yvals[Use]) > ymax) ymax <- max(Yvals[Use])
    Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 2])
    plot(Xvals, Yvals[Use], xlab = "Year", ylab = "Spawning Output \\ Target", type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.05 * ymax))
    for (II in 1:5)
      Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1 + II])
      lines(Xvals, Yvals[Use], lty = II)

  #  ==================================================================================================

  FinalRecovery <- function(UUU, Title) {
    par(mfrow = c(Outlines[1], Outlines[2]))

    Ipnt <- which(UUU == "#Final_Recovery") + 2
    Npnt <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt - 1, 1])
    Npnt <- Npnt - 1

    Xvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 1])
    Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 3])
    ymax <- max(Yvals)
    plot(Xvals, Yvals, xlab = "Year", ylab = "Proportion of Simulations", type = "n", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0, 1.4 * ymax))

    Inc <- (Xvals[2] - Xvals[1]) / 2
    for (II in 1:Npnt)
      xx <- c(Xvals[II] - Inc, Xvals[II] - Inc, Xvals[II] + Inc, Xvals[II] + Inc)
      yy <- c(0, Yvals[II], Yvals[II], 0)
      polygon(xx, yy, col = "gray")
    Yvals <- as.double(UUU[Ipnt:(Ipnt + Npnt - 1), 6]) * ymax * 1.2
    lines(Xvals, Yvals, lty = 1, lwd = 5, col = "red")
  #  ==================================================================================================
  # make empty list
  UUUs <- vector("list", 5)
  # number of files to read
  Nfiles <- length(fileN)
  # if only 1 directory was input, repeat for each file
  if (length(dirn) == 1) {
    dirn <- rep(dirn, Nfiles)
  # check to make sure number of directories matches number of files
  if (length(dirn) != Nfiles) {
    stop("length of 'dirn' should equal 1 or length of fileN:", Nfiles)
  for (Ifile in 1:Nfiles)
    FileName <- file.path(dirn[Ifile], fileN[Ifile])
    cat("FileName:", FileName, "\n")
    UUU <- read.table(
      file = FileName, col.names = 1:ncols, fill = T,
      colClasses = "character", comment.char = "$", sep = ","
    UUUs[[Ifile]] <- UUU

    # Extract key parameters
    Nsim <- as.double(UUU[3, 1])
    Amin <- as.double(UUU[4, 1])
    Amax <- as.double(UUU[5, 1])
    Nsex <- as.double(UUU[6, 1])
    RecType <- as.double(UUU[7, 1])
    Ncatch <- as.double(UUU[8, 1])
    Ioutput <- as.double(UUU[9, 1])

    # Plot Age versus fecudity
    if (1 %in% Plots[[Ifile]]) Net_Spawn_Graph(UUU, Amin, Amax, Titles[Ifile])

    # Recruitment and Recruits/Spawners
    if (2 %in% Plots[[Ifile]]) RecruitmentPlots(UUU, Titles[Ifile])

    # Histogram of B0
    if (3 %in% Plots[[Ifile]]) B0Dist(UUU, Titles[Ifile])

    # Histogram of recovery times
    if (4 %in% Plots[[Ifile]]) RecHist(UUU, Titles[Ifile])

    # Individual plots
    if (6 %in% Plots[[Ifile]]) {
      ind.list[[Ifile]] <- IndividualPlots(UUU, Titles[Ifile], yearmax)
      cat("Running IndividualPlots for file", Ifile, "\n")
    } else {
      ind.list[[Ifile]] <- NULL

    # First five trajectories of SSB/target
    if (7 %in% Plots[[Ifile]]) FirstFive(UUU, Titles[Ifile], yearmax)

    # Plot of when recovery occurs
    if (8 %in% Plots[[Ifile]]) FinalRecovery(UUU, Titles[Ifile])

  # Results across strategies
  DoStrategies <- FALSE
  for (Ifile in 1:Nfiles) {
    if (5 %in% Plots[[Ifile]]) DoStrategies <- TRUE
  if (DoStrategies == T) {
    OutputList[["AltStrategies"]] <- AltStrategies(
      fileN, UUUs, Options, "",
      yearmax, Titles
  if (pdf) dev.off()

  OutputList[["ind.list"]] <- ind.list

# ================================================================================================================

## # Plots - set to get specific plots
## # Options - set to get specific strategies in the trajectory plots

## Titles <- c("Res1","Res2","Res3")
## Plots <- list(c(1:9),c(6:7))
## Options = list(c(7:9,3),c(5,7))
## DoProjectPlots(fileN=c("res1.csv","res2.csv"),Titles=Titles,Plots=Plots,Options=Options,LegLoc="bottomleft",yearmax=-1,Outlines=c(2,2),OutlineMulti=c(3,3),AllTraj=c(1:4),AllInd=c(1:7),
##                BioType="Spawning numbers",BioUnit="(lb)",BioScalar=1000,CatchUnit="(lb)",ColorsUse=rep(c("red","blue"),5),Labels=c("A","B","C","D","E","F"))

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r4ss documentation built on May 28, 2022, 1:11 a.m.