
Defines functions SSexecutivesummary

Documented in SSexecutivesummary

#' A function to create a executive summary tables from an SS Report.sso file
#' Takes the output from SS_output and creates executive summary tables
#' as required by the current Terms of Reference for US West Coast
#' groundfish stock. Additionally, historical catches, time-series and numbers-at-ages tables are created.
#' @template replist
#' @param plotfolder Directory where the 'tables' directory will be created.
#' The default is the dir location where the Report.sso file is located.
#' @param ci_value To calculate confidence intervals, default is set at 0.95
#' @param es_only TRUE/FALSE switch to produce only the executive summary tables
#' will be produced, default is FALSE which will return all executive summary
#' tables, historical catches, and numbers-at-ages
#' @param fleetnames A vector of user-defined names providing a name for each fleet in the model.
#' @param tables Which tables to produce (default is everything). Note: some
#' tables depend on calculations related to previous tables, so will fail
#' if requested on their own (e.g. Table 'f' can't be created
#' without also creating Table 'a')
#' @param divide_by_2 This will allow the user to calculate single sex values
#' based on the new sex specification (-1) in SS for single sex models. Default value is FALSE.
#' TRUE will divide by 2.
#' @param endyr Optional input to choose a different ending year for tables
#' (could be useful for catch-only updates)
#' @param adopted_ofl Vector of adopted ofl values to be printed in the management performance
#' table. This should be a vector of 10 values.
#' @param adopted_abc Vector of adopted abc values to be printed in the management performance
#' table. This should be a vector of 10 values.
#' @param adopted_acl Vector of adopted acl values to be printed in the management performance
#' table. This should be a vector of 10 values.
#' @param forecast_ofl Optional input vector for management adopted OFL values for table g. These values
#' will be overwrite the OFL values in the projection table, rather than the model estimated
#' OFL values. Example input: c(1500, 1300)
#' @param forecast_abc Optional input vector for management adopted ABC values for table g. These values
#' will be overwrite the ABC values in the projection table, rather than the model estimated
#' ABC values. Example input: c(1500, 1300)
#' @param format Logical. Option to control whether tables are formatted (e.g. commas added, CIs separated with "-"). The
#' formatting is intended to create tables that can be cut and pasted easily into a word document without additional formatting
#' work. If the tables are being used by LaTex/Markdown or other documenting software, having formatting turned on prevents
#' the tables from being formatted further since the objects are no longer numeric.
#' @param match_digits TRUE/FALSE switch on whether the low and high interval values
#' in e_ReferencePoints_ES will be reported with the same number of decimal digits
#' as the estimate.
#' @param verbose Return updates of function progress to the R console?
#' @return Individual csv files for each executive summary table and additional tables (catch, timeseries, numbers-at-age).
#' @author Chantel Wetzel
#' @export
SSexecutivesummary <- function(replist,
                               plotfolder = "default",
                               ci_value = 0.95,
                               es_only = FALSE,
                               fleetnames = NULL,
                               tables = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "catch", "timeseries", "numbers", "biomass", "likes"),
                               divide_by_2 = FALSE,
                               endyr = NULL,
                               adopted_ofl = NULL,
                               adopted_abc = NULL,
                               adopted_acl = NULL,
                               forecast_ofl = NULL,
                               forecast_abc = NULL,
                               format = TRUE,
                               match_digits = FALSE,
                               verbose = TRUE) {

  # Make sure table.dir contains the report file
  if (is.null(replist)) {
    stop("The input 'replist' should refer to an R object created by the function 'SS_output'.")

  if (plotfolder == "default") {
    csv.dir <- paste0(replist[["inputs"]][["dir"]], "/tables")
  if (plotfolder != "default") {
    csv.dir <- paste0(plotfolder, "/tables")

  dir.create(csv.dir, showWarnings = FALSE)
  if (verbose) {
    message("CSV files will be written in:\n", csv.dir)

  # =============================================================================
  # Function Sections
  # =============================================================================
  print.numeric <- function(x, digits) {
    formatC(x, digits = digits, format = "f")

  comma <- function(x, digits = 0) {
    formatC(x, big.mark = ",", digits, format = "f")

  # Function to pull values from the read in report file and calculate the confidence intervals
  Get.Values <- function(replist, label, yrs, ci_value, single = FALSE) {
    dat <- replist[["derived_quants"]]
    if (label == "Main_RecrDev" || label == "Late_RecrDev" || label == "ForeRecr") {
      dat <- replist[["parameters"]]

    if (!single) {
      value <- dat[grep(label, dat[["Label"]]), ]
      value <- value[value[["Label"]] >= paste0(label, "_", yrs[1]) &
        value[["Label"]] <= paste0(label, "_", max(yrs)), ]
      dq <- value[["Value"]]
      ind <- names(value) %in% c("StdDev", "Parm_StDev")
      sd <- value[, ind]

    if (single) {
      value <- dat[grep(label, dat[["Label"]])[1], ]
      dq <- value[["Value"]]
      sd <- value[["StdDev"]]

    if (label == "Recr" || label == "Recr_virgin") {
      # Orig code version - this is the same as SSsummarize below
      low <- exp(log(dq) - qnorm(1 - (1 - ci_value) / 2) * sqrt(log(1 + (sd / dq) * (sd / dq))))
      high <- exp(log(dq) + qnorm(1 - (1 - ci_value) / 2) * sqrt(log(1 + (sd / dq) * (sd / dq))))
      # maia's suggestions
      # issue #537 in github
      # low  <- dq / exp(qnorm(1 - (1 - ci_value) / 2) * dev_sd ) #where dev_sd is the recdev upper interval
      # high <- dq * exp(qnorm(1 - (1 - ci_value) / 2) * dev_sd )
      # SSsummarize
      # sdlog <- sqrt(log(1 + (sd / dq)^2))
      # low  <- qlnorm(p = ((1 - ci_value)/2), meanlog = log(dq), sdlog = sdlog)
      # high <- qlnorm(p = (1 - (1 - ci_value)/2), meanlog = log(dq), sdlog = sdlog)
    if (label != "Recr" && label != "Recr_virgin") {
      low <- dq - qnorm(1 - (1 - ci_value) / 2) * sd
      high <- dq + qnorm(1 - (1 - ci_value) / 2) * sd

    # match the number of decimal digits for the low and high with the estimate
    # using approach found at
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5173692/how-to-return-number-of-decimal-places-in-r
    if (match_digits) {
      decimalplaces <- function(x) {
        ifelse(abs(x - round(x)) > .Machine[["double.eps"]]^0.5,
          nchar(sub("^\\d+\\.", "", sub("0+$", "", as.character(x)))),
      low <- round(low, decimalplaces(dq))
      high <- round(high, decimalplaces(dq))

    if (!single) {
      # check for length in case filtering results in 0 rows
      # (e.g. no Main_Recrdev within the range of yrs)
      if (length(dq) > 0) {
        return(data.frame(yrs, dq, low, high))
      } else {
    if (single) {
      return(data.frame(dq, low, high))

  # ============================================================================
  # Determine the model version and dimensions of the model
  # ============================================================================

  # Need to check how r4ss determines the colname based on SS verion
  sb.name <- "SSB"

  nfleets <- replist[["nfleets"]]
  startyr <- replist[["startyr"]]
  foreyr <- replist[["nforecastyears"]]
  if (is.null(endyr)) {
    endyr <- replist[["endyr"]]
  } else {
    foreyr <- foreyr - (endyr - replist[["endyr"]])
  years <- (endyr - 9):(endyr + 1)
  fore <- (endyr + 1):(endyr + foreyr)
  years_minus_final <- years[1:(length(years) - 1)]
  all <- startyr:max(fore)
  nareas <- replist[["nareas"]]

  # ======================================================================
  # Determine the fleet name and number for fisheries with catch
  # ======================================================================
  names <- replist[["FleetNames"]]
  fleet.num <- replist[["fleet_ID"]]

  # ======================================================================
  # Find summary age
  # ======================================================================
  smry.age <- replist[["summary_age"]]

  # ======================================================================
  # Two-sex or single-sex model
  # ======================================================================
  if (replist[["nsexes"]] == 1 & !(divide_by_2)) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Single sex model - spawning biomass NOT being divided by a factor of 2.")
  nsexes <- replist[["nsexes"]]
  sexfactor <- 1
  if (divide_by_2) {
    sexfactor <- 2

  # ======================================================================
  # Determine the number of growth patterns
  # ======================================================================
  nmorphs <- replist[["ngpatterns"]]

  # ======================================================================
  # Spawning Biomass or Spawning Output?
  # ======================================================================
  if (replist[["SpawnOutputUnits"]] == "numbers") {
    sb.label <- "Spawning Output"
    sb.text.name <- "spawning output"
  } else {
    sb.label <- "Spawning Biomass (mt)"
    sb.text.name <- "spawning biomass"

  caption <- tex.label <- filename <- csv_name <- NULL

  # ======================================================================
  # ES Table a  Catches from the fisheries
  # ======================================================================
  if ("a" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating Table a: Recent catches by fleet")

    catch <- fleet.names <- NULL
    total.catch <- total.dead <- 0

    csv_name <- "a_Catches_ES.csv"
    for (i in 1:nfleets) {
      name <- paste0("retain(B):_", i)
      input.catch <- replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% years_minus_final, name]
      catch <- cbind(catch, input.catch)

      name <- paste0("dead(B):_", i)
      dead <- replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% years_minus_final, name]
      if (!is.null(dead)) {
        total.dead <- total.dead + dead
        if (is.null(fleetnames)) {
          fleet.names <- c(fleet.names, replist[["FleetNames"]][i])
        } else {
          fleet.names <- c(fleet.names, fleetnames[i])
    total.catch <- apply(catch, 1, sum)

    if (sum(total.catch) != sum(total.dead)) {
      if (format) {
        es.a <- data.frame(years_minus_final, comma(catch, digits = 2), comma(total.catch, digits = 2), comma(total.dead, digits = 2))
      } else {
        es.a <- data.frame(years_minus_final, catch, total.catch, total.dead)
      colnames(es.a) <- c("Year", fleet.names, "Total Landings", "Total Dead")

      write.csv(es.a, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)
      caption <- c(
        "Recent landings by fleet, total landings summed across fleets, and the total mortality including discards."
    } else {
      if (format) {
        es.a <- data.frame(years_minus_final, comma(catch, digits = 2), comma(total.catch, digits = 2))
      } else {
        es.a <- data.frame(years_minus_final, catch, total.catch)
      colnames(es.a) <- c("Year", fleet.names, "Total Landings")
      write.csv(es.a, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)
      caption <- c(
        "Recent landings by fleet and total landings summed across fleets."

    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "removalsES")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for 'a' %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # ES Table b Spawning Biomass and Depletion
  # ======================================================================
  if ("b" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating Table b: Recent spawning biomass/output and depletion")

    ssb <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = sb.name, years, ci_value)
    if (nsexes == 1) {
      ssb[["dq"]] <- ssb[["dq"]] / sexfactor
      ssb[["low"]] <- ssb[["low"]] / sexfactor
      ssb[["high"]] <- ssb[["high"]] / sexfactor
    depl <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "Bratio", years, ci_value)
    for (i in 1:length(years)) {
      dig <- ifelse(ssb[i, 2] < 100, 1, 0)
    if (format) {
      es.b <- data.frame(
        comma(ssb[["dq"]], digits = dig), paste0(comma(ssb[["low"]], digits = dig), "\u2013", comma(ssb[["high"]], digits = dig)),
        print(depl[["dq"]], digits = 1), paste0(print(depl[["low"]], digits = 1), "\u2013", print(depl[["high"]], digits = 1))
      colnames(es.b) <- c("Year", sb.label, "Interval", "Fraction Unfished", "Interval")
    } else {
      es.b <- data.frame(years, ssb[["dq"]], ssb[["low"]], ssb[["high"]], depl[["dq"]], depl[["low"]], depl[["high"]])
      colnames(es.b) <- c(
        "Year", sb.label, "Lower Interval", "Upper Interval",
        "Fraction Unfished", "Lower Interval", "Upper Interval"

    csv_name <- "b_SSB_ES.csv"
    write.csv(es.b, file = file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)

    caption <- c(
        "Estimated recent trend in", sb.text.name, "and the fraction unfished and the", round(100 * ci_value, 0),
        "percent intervals."
    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "ssbES")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for 'b' %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # ES Table c Recruitment
  # ======================================================================
  if ("c" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating Table c: Recent recruitment and deviations")
    # figure out which years for Main, Late, and Forecast recruitmets overlap the years we want
    recdevMain <- replist[["parameters"]][substring(replist[["parameters"]][["Label"]], 1, 12) == "Main_RecrDev", 1:3]
    temp <- toupper(substr(recdevMain[["Label"]], 14, 17))
    main.yrs <- as.numeric(temp[temp %in% years])

    recdevLate <- replist[["parameters"]][substring(replist[["parameters"]][["Label"]], 1, 12) == "Late_RecrDev", 1:3]
    temp <- toupper(substr(recdevLate[["Label"]], 14, 17))
    late.yrs <- as.numeric(temp[temp %in% years])

    recdevFore <- replist[["parameters"]][substring(replist[["parameters"]][["Label"]], 1, 8) == "ForeRecr", 1:3]
    temp <- toupper(substr(recdevFore[["Label"]], 10, 13))
    fore.yrs <- as.numeric(temp[temp %in% years])

    recruits <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "Recr", years, ci_value)

    if (length(main.yrs) > 0 | length(late.yrs) > 0 | length(fore.yrs) > 0) {
      # placeholder for devs
      devs <- NULL
      if (length(main.yrs) > 0) {
        recdevs <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "Main_RecrDev", yrs = main.yrs, ci_value)
        devs <- recdevs[, c("dq", "low", "high")]
      } else {
        n <- length(years) - length(late.yrs) - length(fore.yrs)
        devs <- data.frame(
          dq = rep(0, n),
          low = rep(0, n),
          high = rep(0, n)

      if (length(late.yrs) > 0) {
        late.recdevs <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "Late_RecrDev", yrs = late.yrs, ci_value)
        devs <- rbind(devs, late.recdevs[, c("dq", "low", "high")])

      if (length(fore.yrs) > 0) {
        fore.recdevs <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "ForeRecr", yrs = fore.yrs, ci_value)
        if (length(fore.yrs) > 0) {
          devs <- rbind(devs, fore.recdevs[, c("dq", "low", "high")])

      # Zero out the sd for years where devs were not estimated
      devs[is.na(devs)] <- 0

      if (format) {
        devs.out <- data.frame(print(devs[, 1], digits = 3), paste0(print(devs[, 2], digits = 3), "\u2013", print(devs[, 3], digits = 3)))
      } else {
        devs.out <- devs
    } else {
      if (format) {
        devs.out <- data.frame(rep(0, length(years)), rep(0, length(years)))
      } else {
        devs.out <- data.frame(rep(0, length(years)), rep(0, length(years)), rep(0, length(years)))
    for (i in 1:length(years)) {
      dig <- ifelse(recruits[i, 2] < 100, 1, 0)
    if (format) {
      es.c <- data.frame(
        comma(recruits[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(recruits[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(recruits[["high"]], dig)),

      colnames(es.c) <- c("Year", "Recruitment", "Interval", "Recruitment Deviations", "Interval")
    } else {
      es.c <- data.frame(years, recruits[["dq"]], recruits[["low"]], recruits[["high"]], devs.out[, 1], devs.out[, 2], devs.out[, 3])
      colnames(es.c) <- c(
        "Year", "Recruitment", "Lower Interval", "Upper Interval",
        "Recruitment Deviations", "Lower Interval", "Upper Interval"
    csv_name <- "c_Recr_ES.csv"
    write.csv(es.c, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)

    caption <- c(
        "Estimated recent trend in recruitment and recruitment deviations and the", round(100 * ci_value, 0),
        "percent intervals."
    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "recrES")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for 'c' %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # ES Table d 1-SPR (%)
  # ======================================================================
  if ("d" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating Table d: Recent exploitation ")

    spr_type <- replist[["SPRratioLabel"]]
    f_type <- ifelse(replist[["F_report_basis"]] == "_abs_F;_with_F=Exploit(bio)", "Exploitation Rate",
      "Fill in F method"

    if (stringr::str_detect(replist[["SPRratioLabel"]], "%")) {
      spr_label <- paste0(
        substring(replist[["SPRratioLabel"]], 1, 14), " ",
        substring(replist[["SPRratioLabel"]], 16, 17),
    } else {
      spr_label <- replist[["SPRratioLabel"]]

    adj.spr <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "SPRratio", years_minus_final, ci_value)
    f.value <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "F", years_minus_final, ci_value)
    if (format) {
      es.d <- data.frame(
        print(adj.spr[["dq"]], 2), paste0(print(adj.spr[["low"]], 2), "\u2013", print(adj.spr[["high"]], 2)),
        print(f.value[["dq"]], 4), paste0(print(f.value[["low"]], 4), "\u2013", print(f.value[["high"]], 4))
      colnames(es.d) <- c(
        "Year", spr_type, "Interval",
        f_type, "Interval"
    } else {
      es.d <- data.frame(
        adj.spr[["dq"]], adj.spr[["low"]], adj.spr[["high"]],
        f.value[["dq"]], f.value[["low"]], f.value[["high"]]
      colnames(es.d) <- c(
        "Year", spr_label, "Lower Interval", "Upper Interval",
        f_type, "Lower Interval", "Upper Interval"
    csv_name <- "d_SPR_ES.csv"
    write.csv(es.d, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)

    caption <- c(
        "Estimated recent trend in the", spr_label, "where SPR is the spawning potential ratio the exploitation rate, and the ", round(100 * ci_value, 0),
        "percent intervals."
    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "exploitES")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for 'd' %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # ES Table e Reference Point Table
  # ======================================================================
  if ("e" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating Table e: Reference points ")

    spr <- 100 * replist[["sprtarg"]]
    btarg <- 100 * replist[["btarg"]]

    sb.unfished <- "SSB_unfished"
    smry.unfished <- "SmryBio_unfished"
    recr.unfished <- "Recr_unfished"
    totyield.btgt <- "Dead_Catch_Btgt"
    totyield.spr <- "Dead_Catch_SPR"
    totyield.msy <- "Dead_Catch_MSY"
    f.msy.name <- "Fstd_MSY"
    f.btgt.name <- "Fstd_Btgt"
    f.spr.name <- "Fstd_SPR"

    # if (toupper(substr(replist[["SS_version"]], 10, 11)) < 13){
    if (toupper(substr(replist[["SS_version"]], 6, 7)) < 13) {
      sb.unfished <- "SSB_Unfished"
      smry.unfished <- "SmryBio_Unfished"
      recr.unfished <- "Recr_Unfished"
      totyield.btgt <- "TotYield_Btgt"
      totyield.spr <- "TotYield_SPRtgt"
      totyield.msy <- "TotYield_MSY"

    if (toupper(substr(replist[["SS_version"]], 6, 7)) > 15) {
      f.msy.name <- "annF_MSY"
      f.btgt.name <- "annF_Btgt"
      f.spr.name <- "annF_SPR"

    final.depl <- depl[dim(depl)[1], 2:4]
    ssb.virgin <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = sb.unfished, years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    smry.virgin <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = smry.unfished, years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    rec.virgin <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = recr.unfished, years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    b.target <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "SSB_Btgt", years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    spr.btarg <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "SPR_Btgt", years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    f.btarg <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = f.btgt.name, years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    yield.btarg <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = totyield.btgt, years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    b.spr <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "SSB_SPR", years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    f.spr <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = f.spr.name, years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    yield.spr <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = totyield.spr, years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    b.msy <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "SSB_MSY", years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    spr.msy <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "SPR_MSY", years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    f.msy <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = f.msy.name, years, ci_value, single = TRUE)
    msy <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = totyield.msy, years, ci_value, single = TRUE)

    # Convert spawning ci_valueities for single-sex models
    if (nsexes == 1) {
      ssb.virgin <- ssb.virgin / sexfactor
      b.target <- b.target / sexfactor
      b.spr <- b.spr / sexfactor
      b.msy <- b.msy / sexfactor

    if (format) {
      es.e <- matrix(c(
        comma(ssb.virgin[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(ssb.virgin[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(ssb.virgin[["high"]], dig)),
        comma(smry.virgin[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(smry.virgin[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(smry.virgin[["high"]], dig)),
        comma(rec.virgin[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(rec.virgin[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(rec.virgin[["high"]], dig)),
        comma(ssb[["dq"]][dim(ssb)[1]], dig), paste0(comma(ssb[["low"]][dim(ssb)[1]], dig), "\u2013", comma(ssb[["high"]][dim(ssb)[1]], dig)),
        print(final.depl[["dq"]], 2), paste0(print(final.depl[["low"]], 2), "\u2013", print(final.depl[["high"]], 2)),
        "", "",
        comma(b.target[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(b.target[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(b.target[["high"]], dig)),
        print(spr.btarg[["dq"]], 3), paste0(print(spr.btarg[["low"]], 3), "\u2013", print(spr.btarg[["high"]], 3)),
        print(f.btarg[["dq"]], 3), paste0(print(f.btarg[["low"]], 3), "\u2013", print(f.btarg[["high"]], 3)),
        comma(yield.btarg[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(yield.btarg[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(yield.btarg[["high"]], dig)),
        "", "",
        comma(b.spr[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(b.spr[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(b.spr[["high"]], dig)),
        print(spr / 100, 3), " - ",
        print(f.spr[["dq"]], 3), paste0(print(f.spr[["low"]], 3), "\u2013", print(f.spr[["high"]], 3)),
        comma(yield.spr[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(yield.spr[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(yield.spr[["high"]], dig)),
        "", "",
        comma(b.msy[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(b.msy[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(b.msy[["high"]], dig)),
        print(spr.msy[["dq"]], 3), paste0(print(spr.msy[["low"]], 3), "\u2013", print(spr.msy[["high"]], 3)),
        print(f.msy[["dq"]], 3), paste0(print(f.msy[["low"]], 3), "\u2013", print(f.msy[["high"]], 3)),
        comma(msy[["dq"]], dig), paste0(comma(msy[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(msy[["high"]], dig))
      ), ncol = 2, byrow = T)

      es.e <- noquote(es.e)

      colnames(es.e) <- c("Estimate", "Interval")
      rownames(es.e) <- c(
        paste("Unfished", sb.label),
        paste0("Unfished Age ", smry.age, "+ Biomass (mt)"),
        "Unfished Recruitment (R0)",
        paste0(sb.label, " (", years[length(years)], ")"),
        paste0("Fraction Unfished ", "(", years[length(years)], ")"),
        paste0("Reference Points Based SB", btarg, "%"),
        paste0("Proxy ", sb.label, " SB", btarg, "%"),
        paste0("SPR Resulting in SB", btarg, "%"),
        paste0("Exploitation Rate Resulting in SB", btarg, "%"),
        paste0("Yield with SPR Based On SB", btarg, "% (mt)"),
        "Reference Points Based on SPR Proxy for MSY",
        paste0("Proxy ", sb.label, " (SPR", spr, ")"),
        paste0("SPR", spr),
        paste0("Exploitation Rate Corresponding to SPR", spr),
        paste0("Yield with SPR", spr, " at SB SPR (mt)"),
        "Reference Points Based on Estimated MSY Values",
        paste0(sb.label, " at MSY (SB MSY)"),
        "SPR MSY",
        "Exploitation Rate Corresponding to SPR MSY",
        "MSY (mt)"
    } else {
      es.e <- matrix(c(
        ssb.virgin[["dq"]], ssb.virgin[["low"]], ssb.virgin[["high"]],
        smry.virgin[["dq"]], smry.virgin[["low"]], smry.virgin[["high"]],
        rec.virgin[["dq"]], rec.virgin[["low"]], rec.virgin[["high"]],
        ssb[["dq"]][dim(ssb)[1]], ssb[["low"]][dim(ssb)[1]], ssb[["high"]][dim(ssb)[1]],
        final.depl[["dq"]], final.depl[["low"]], final.depl[["high"]],
        "", "", "",
        b.target[["dq"]], b.target[["low"]], b.target[["high"]],
        spr.btarg[["dq"]], spr.btarg[["low"]], spr.btarg[["high"]],
        f.btarg[["dq"]], f.btarg[["low"]], f.btarg[["high"]],
        yield.btarg[["dq"]], yield.btarg[["low"]], yield.btarg[["high"]],
        "", "", "",
        b.spr[["dq"]], b.spr[["low"]], b.spr[["high"]],
        spr / 100, "", "",
        f.spr[["dq"]], f.spr[["low"]], f.spr[["high"]],
        yield.spr[["dq"]], yield.spr[["low"]], yield.spr[["high"]],
        "", "", "",
        b.msy[["dq"]], b.msy[["low"]], b.msy[["high"]],
        spr.msy[["dq"]], spr.msy[["low"]], spr.msy[["high"]],
        f.msy[["dq"]], f.msy[["low"]], f.msy[["high"]],
        msy[["dq"]], msy[["low"]], msy[["high"]]
      ), ncol = 3, byrow = T)

      es.e <- noquote(es.e)

      colnames(es.e) <- c("Estimate", "Lower Interval", "Upper Interval")
      rownames(es.e) <- c(
        paste("Unfished", sb.label),
        paste0("Unfished Age ", smry.age, "+ Biomass (mt)"),
        "Unfished Recruitment (R0)",
        paste0(sb.label, " (", years[length(years)], ")"),
        paste0("Fraction Unfished ", "(", years[length(years)], ")"),
        paste0("Reference Points Based SB", btarg, "\\%"),
        paste0("Proxy ", sb.label, " SB", btarg, "\\%"),
        paste0("SPR Resulting in SB", btarg, "\\%"),
        paste0("Exploitation Rate Resulting in SB", btarg, "\\%"),
        paste0("Yield with SPR Based On SB", btarg, "\\% (mt)"),
        "Reference Points Based on SPR Proxy for MSY",
        paste0("Proxy ", sb.label, " (SPR", spr, ")"),
        paste0("SPR", spr),
        paste0("Exploitation Rate Corresponding to SPR", spr),
        paste0("Yield with SPR", spr, " at SB SPR (mt)"),
        "Reference Points Based on Estimated MSY Values",
        paste0(sb.label, " at MSY (SB MSY)"),
        "SPR MSY",
        "Exploitation Rate Corresponding to SPR MSY",
        "MSY (mt)"
    csv_name <- "e_ReferencePoints_ES.csv"
    write.csv(es.e, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name))

    caption <- c(
        "Summary of reference points and management quantities, including estimates of the ", round(100 * ci_value, 0),
        "percent intervals."
    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "referenceES")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for 'e' %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # ES Table f is the historical harvest
  # ======================================================================
  if ("f" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating Table f: Recent management performance")

    if (is.null(adopted_ofl)) {
      ofl <- rep("fill in", length(years) - 1)
    } else {
      if (length(adopted_ofl) != 12) {
        stop("The adopted_ofl vector needs to have 10 values.")
      ofl <- adopted_ofl

    if (is.null(adopted_abc)) {
      abc <- rep("fill in", length(years) - 1)
    } else {
      if (length(adopted_abc) != 12) {
        stop("The adopted_abc vector needs to have 10 values.")
      abc <- adopted_abc

    if (is.null(adopted_acl)) {
      acl <- rep("fill in", length(years) - 1)
    } else {
      if (length(adopted_acl) != 12) {
        stop("The adopted_acl vector needs to have 10 values.")
      acl <- adopted_acl

    csv_name <- "f_Manage_ES.csv"
    catch <- dead <- total.dead <- 0
    for (i in 1:nfleets) {
      name <- paste0("retain(B):_", i)
      input.catch <- replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% years_minus_final, name]
      catch <- cbind(catch, input.catch)

      name <- paste0("dead(B):_", i)
      dead <- replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% years_minus_final, name]
      if (!is.null(dead)) {
        total.dead <- total.dead + dead
    total.catch <- apply(catch, 1, sum)
    catch <- comma(total.catch, digits = 2)
    dead <- comma(total.dead, digits = 2)

    if (sum(total.catch) != sum(total.dead)) {
      es.f <- data.frame(years_minus_final, ofl, abc, acl, catch, dead)
      colnames(es.f) <- c("Year", "OFL", "ABC", "ACL", "Landings", "Total Mortality")
      caption <- c(
        paste("Recent trend in the overfishing limits (OFLs), the acceptable biological catches (ABCs),
                the annual catch limits (ACLs), the total landings, and total mortality (mt).")
    } else {
      es.f <- data.frame(years_minus_final, ofl, abc, acl, catch)
      colnames(es.f) <- c("Year", "OFL", "ABC", "ACL", "Catch")
      caption <- c(
        paste("Recent trend in the overfishing limits (OFL), the acceptable biological catches (ABCs),
                the annual catch limits (ACLs), and the total catch (mt).")
    write.csv(es.f, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)

    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "manageES")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for 'f' %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # ES Table g  Predicted forecast values
  # ======================================================================
  if ("g" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating Table g: Forecast OFLs, ABCs, Spawning Biomass/Output, and Depletion")

    ofl.fore <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "OFLCatch", yrs = fore, ci_value)$dq
    abc.fore <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "ForeCatch", yrs = fore, ci_value)$dq
    ssb.fore <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = sb.name, yrs = fore, ci_value)$dq
    depl.fore <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "Bratio", yrs = fore, ci_value)$dq

    if (!is.null(forecast_ofl)) {
      n <- length(forecast_ofl)
      ofl.fore[1:n] <- forecast_ofl

    if (!is.null(forecast_abc)) {
      n <- length(forecast_abc)
      abc.fore[1:n] <- forecast_abc

    if (nsexes == 1) {
      ssb.fore <- ssb.fore / sexfactor

    smry.fore <- 0
    for (a in 1:nareas) {
      ind <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Area"]] == a & replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% fore
      temp <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Bio_smry"]][ind]
      smry.fore <- smry.fore + temp

    if (format) {
      es.g <- data.frame(
        comma(ofl.fore, 2),
        comma(abc.fore, 2),
        comma(smry.fore, 2),
        comma(ssb.fore, 2),
        print(depl.fore, 2)
    } else {
      es.g <- data.frame(fore, ofl.fore, abc.fore, smry.fore, ssb.fore, depl.fore)

    colnames(es.g) <- c("Year", "Predicted OFL (mt)", "ABC Catch (mt)", paste0("Age ", smry.age, "+ Biomass (mt)"), sb.label, "Fraction Unfished")
    csv_name <- "g_Projections_ES.csv"
    write.csv(es.g, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)

    caption <- c(
      paste0("Projections of potential OFLs (mt), ABCs (mt), estimated ", sb.text.name, ", and fraction unfished.")
    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "projectionES")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for 'g' %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # ES Table h decision table
  # ======================================================================
  # To be done later
  if ("h" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Skipping the decision table (not yet implemented)")

  # ======================================================================
  # ES Table i the summary table
  # ======================================================================
  if ("i" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating Table i: Summary")

    ind <- length(years) - 1

    catch <- dead <- total.dead <- 0
    for (i in 1:nfleets) {
      name <- paste0("retain(B):_", i)
      input.catch <- replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% years_minus_final, name]
      catch <- cbind(catch, input.catch)

      name <- paste0("dead(B):_", i)
      dead <- replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% years_minus_final, name]
      if (!is.null(dead)) {
        total.dead <- total.dead + dead
    total.catch <- apply(catch, 1, sum)
    total.bind <- c(c("Total Catch", total.catch, "NA"), c("Total Dead", total.dead, "NA"))
    if (sum(total.catch) == sum(total.dead)) {
      total.bind <- c("Total Catch", total.catch, "NA")

    spr_type <- replist[["SPRratioLabel"]] # strsplit(base[grep(spr.name,base)]," ")[[1]][3]
    f_type <- ifelse(replist[["F_report_basis"]] == "_abs_F;_with_F=Exploit(bio)", "Exploitation Rate",
      "Fill in F method"
    adj.spr <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "SPRratio", years_minus_final, ci_value)
    f.value <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "F", years_minus_final, ci_value)

    smry <- smry.fore <- 0
    for (a in 1:nareas) {
      find <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Area"]] == a & replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% years_minus_final
      temp <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Bio_smry"]][find]
      smry <- smry + temp

      find <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Area"]] == a & replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% fore[1]
      temp <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Bio_smry"]][ind]
      smry.fore <- smry.fore + temp
    smry <- c(smry, smry.fore[1])

    ssb <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = sb.name, years, ci_value)
    if (nsexes == 1) {
      ssb[["dq"]] <- ssb[["dq"]] / sexfactor
      ssb[["low"]] <- ssb[["low"]] / sexfactor
      ssb[["high"]] <- ssb[["high"]] / sexfactor
    depl <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "Bratio", years, ci_value)
    for (i in 1:length(years)) {
      dig <- ifelse(ssb[i, 2] < 100, 1, 0)
    recruits <- Get.Values(replist = replist, label = "Recr", years, ci_value)

    if (is.null(adopted_ofl)) {
      ofl <- rep("fill in", length(years))
    } else {
      if (length(adopted_ofl) != 12) {
        stop("The adopted_ofl vector needs to have 12 values.")
      if (is.null(forecast_ofl)) {
        ofl <- c(adopted_ofl, "-")
      } else {
        ofl <- c(adopted_ofl, forecast_ofl[1])

    if (is.null(adopted_acl)) {
      acl <- rep("fill in", length(years))
    } else {
      if (length(adopted_acl) != 12) {
        stop("The adopted_acl vector needs to have 12 values.")
      if (is.null(forecast_abc)) {
        acl <- c(adopted_acl, "-")
      } else {
        acl <- c(adopted_acl, forecast_abc[1])

    if (format) {
      es.i <- matrix(c(
        c("OFL", ofl),
        c("ACL", acl),
        c(spr_type, c(print(adj.spr[["dq"]][1:(length(years) - 1)], 2), "NA")),
        c(f_type, c(print(f.value[["dq"]][1:(length(years) - 1)], 2), "NA")),
        c(paste0("Age ", smry.age, "+ Biomass (mt)"), comma(smry, dig)),
        c(sb.label, comma(ssb[["dq"]], dig)),
        c("Interval", paste0(comma(ssb[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(ssb[["high"]], dig))),
        c("Recruits", comma(recruits[["dq"]], dig)),
        c("Interval", paste0(comma(recruits[["low"]], dig), "\u2013", comma(recruits[["high"]], dig))),
        c("Fraction Unfished", print(depl[["dq"]], 1)),
        c("Interval", paste0(print(depl[["low"]], 1), "\u2013", print(depl[["high"]], 1)))
      ncol = (length(years) + 1), byrow = T
    } else {
      es.i <- matrix(c(
        c("OFL", ofl),
        c("ACL", acl),
        c(spr_type, c(adj.spr[["dq"]][1:(length(years) - 1)], NA)),
        c(f_type, c(f.value[["dq"]][1:(length(years) - 1)], NA)),
        c(paste0("Age ", smry.age, "+ Biomass (mt)"), smry),
        c(sb.label, ssb[["dq"]]),
        c("Lower Interval", ssb[["low"]]),
        c("Upper Interval", ssb[["high"]]),
        c("Recruits", recruits[["dq"]]),
        c("Lower Interval", recruits[["low"]]),
        c("Upper Interval", recruits[["high"]]),
        c("Fraction Unfished", depl[["dq"]]),
        c("Lower Interval", depl[["low"]]),
        c("Upper Interval", depl[["high"]])
      ncol = (length(years) + 1), byrow = T
    es.i <- noquote(es.i)
    colnames(es.i) <- c("Quantity", years)
    csv_name <- "i_Summary_ES.csv"
    write.csv(es.i, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)

    caption <- c(
      "Summary of recent estimates and managment quantities"
    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "summaryES")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for 'i' %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # End executive summary tables
  # ======================================================================

  if (es_only == TRUE) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Skipping catch, timeseries, and numbers-at-age tables because es_only = TRUE")

  if (es_only == FALSE & "catch" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating catch table")

    # ======================================================================
    # Total Catch when discards are estimated
    # ======================================================================
    catch <- fleet.names <- NULL
    dead <- total.catch <- total.dead <- 0
    ind <- startyr:endyr
    csv_name <- "Catches_All_Years.csv"

    for (i in 1:nfleets) {
      name <- paste0("retain(B):_", i)
      input.catch <- replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% ind, name]
      catch <- cbind(catch, input.catch)

      name <- paste0("dead(B):_", i)
      dead <- replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% ind, name]
      if (!is.null(dead)) {
        total.dead <- total.dead + dead
        fleet.names <- c(fleet.names, replist[["FleetNames"]][i])
    total.catch <- apply(catch, 1, sum)

    if (sum(total.catch) != sum(total.dead)) {
      if (format) {
        mortality <- data.frame(ind, comma(catch, digits = 2), comma(total.catch, digits = 2), comma(total.dead, digits = 2))
      } else {
        mortality <- data.frame(ind, catch, total.catch, total.dead)
      colnames(mortality) <- c("Year", fleet.names, "Total Landings", "Total Dead")
      write.csv(mortality, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)
      caption <- c(caption, "Landings (mt) by fleet for all years, total landings (mt), and total mortality (mt) summed by year.")
    } else {
      if (format) {
        mortality <- data.frame(ind, comma(catch, digits = 2), comma(total.catch, digits = 2))
      } else {
        mortality <- data.frame(ind, catch, total.catch)
      colnames(mortality) <- c("Year", fleet.names, "Total Catch")
      write.csv(mortality, file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)
      caption <- c(caption, "Catches (mt) by fleet for all years and total catches (mt) summed by year.")

    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "allcatches")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for es_only == FALSE & "catch" %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # Time-series Tables
  # ======================================================================
  if (es_only == FALSE & "timeseries" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating time-series table")

    ssb.virgin <- sum(replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Era"]] == "VIRG", "SpawnBio"])

    smry.all <- tot.bio.all <- recruits.all <- ssb.all <- total.dead.all <- 0
    for (a in 1:nareas) {
      find <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Area"]] == a & replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% all

      smry <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Bio_smry"]][find]
      tot.bio <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Bio_all"]][find]
      recruits <- replist[["timeseries"]][["Recruit_0"]][find]
      ssb <- replist[["timeseries"]][["SpawnBio"]][find]

      smry.all <- smry.all + smry
      tot.bio.all <- tot.bio.all + tot.bio
      recruits.all <- recruits.all + recruits
      ssb.all <- ssb.all + ssb

    if (nsexes == 1) {
      ssb.all <- ssb.all / sexfactor
      ssb.virgin <- ssb.virgin / sexfactor
    depl.all <- ssb.all / ssb.virgin

    total.dead.all <- 0
    for (i in 1:nfleets) {
      name <- paste0("dead(B):_", i)
      dead <- replist[["timeseries"]][replist[["timeseries"]][["Yr"]] %in% all, name]
      if (!is.null(dead)) {
        total.dead.all <- total.dead.all + dead

    expl.all <- total.dead.all / smry.all
    spr_type <- replist[["SPRratioLabel"]]

    if (verbose) {
      message("Catch includes estimated discards for total dead.")
      message("Exploitation = Total dead (including discards) divided by the summary biomass.")

    # SPRratio may not be reported for all years
    # missing early years may just be for the unfished equilibrium or other reasons
    # missing later years most likely due to starter file setting "max yr for sdreport outputs"

    # First, check to see if there is exploitation in the first model year
    # "ind" should be the number of years (up to 10) at the start of model with 0 total catch
    ind <- 0
    for (z in 1:10) {
      ind <- ind + ifelse(total.dead[z] == 0, 1, break())

    # Get labels that start with SPRratio_
    adj.spr.labels <- grep("SPRratio_", replist[["derived_quants"]][["Label"]], value = TRUE)
    # get year values associated with those labels
    adj.spr.yrs <- as.numeric(substring(adj.spr.labels, first = nchar("SPRratio_") + 1))
    # vector of placeholder NA values for all years
    adj.spr.all <- rep(NA, length(all))
    # replace NA with 0 values for early years which may have had no catch
    if (ind != 0) {
      adj.spr.all[1:ind] <- 0
    # replace placeholders for years with reported SPRratio values
    adj.spr.all[all %in% adj.spr.yrs] <- replist[["derived_quants"]][adj.spr.labels, "Value"]

    if (format) {
      ts.table <- data.frame(
        comma(tot.bio.all, 0),
        comma(ssb.all, 0),
        comma(smry.all, 0),
        print(depl.all * 100, 1),
        comma(recruits.all, 0),
        print(adj.spr.all, 3),
    } else {
      ts.table <- data.frame(

    colnames(ts.table) <- c(
      "Year", "Total Biomass (mt)", sb.label,
      paste0("Total Biomass ", smry.age, "+ (mt)"), "Fraction Unfished",
      "Age-0 Recruits", "Total Mortality (mt)", spr_type, "Exploitation Rate"
    csv_name <- "TimeSeries.csv"
    write.csv(ts.table, file = file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)

    caption <- c(
      "Time series of population estimates from the base model."
    tex.label <- c(tex.label, "timeseries")
    filename <- c(filename, csv_name)
  } # end check for es_only == FALSE & "timeseries" %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # Numbers at age
  # ======================================================================
  if (es_only == FALSE & "numbers" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating numbers-at-age table")

    check <- dim(replist[["natage"]])[2]
    if (is.null(check)) {
      "Detailed age-structure is not in the report file, double check settings in the starter file."

    if (!is.null(check)) {
      age0 <- which(names(replist[["natage"]]) == "0")
      get.ages <- age0:check

      if (nsexes == 1) {
        natage <- 0
        for (a in 1:nareas) {
          for (b in 1:nmorphs) {
            ind <- replist[["natage"]][, "Yr"] >= startyr & replist[["natage"]][, "Area"] == a & replist[["natage"]][, "Bio_Pattern"] == b & replist[["natage"]][, "Sex"] == 1 & replist[["natage"]][, "Beg/Mid"] == "B"
            temp <- replist[["natage"]][ind, get.ages]
            natage <- natage + temp

        colnames(natage) <- paste0("Age", 0:(length(get.ages) - 1))
        natage <- data.frame(Year = startyr:max(fore), natage)
        write.csv(natage, file.path(csv.dir, "natage.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

      if (nsexes == 2) {
        natage.f <- natage.m <- 0
        for (a in 1:nareas) {
          for (b in 1:nmorphs) {
            ind <- replist[["natage"]][, "Yr"] >= startyr & replist[["natage"]][, "Area"] == a & replist[["natage"]][, "Bio_Pattern"] == b & replist[["natage"]][, "Sex"] == 1 & replist[["natage"]][, "Beg/Mid"] == "B"
            temp <- replist[["natage"]][ind, get.ages]
            natage.f <- natage.f + temp

            ind <- replist[["natage"]][, "Yr"] >= startyr & replist[["natage"]][, "Area"] == a & replist[["natage"]][, "Bio_Pattern"] == b &
              replist[["natage"]][, "Sex"] == 2 & replist[["natage"]][, "Beg/Mid"] == "B"
            temp <- replist[["natage"]][ind, get.ages]
            natage.m <- natage.m + temp

        colnames(natage.m) <- paste0("Age", 0:(length(get.ages) - 1))
        natage.m <- data.frame(Year = startyr:max(fore), natage.m)
        write.csv(natage.m, file.path(csv.dir, "natage_m.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

        colnames(natage.f) <- paste0("Age", 0:(length(get.ages) - 1))
        natage.f <- data.frame(Year = startyr:max(fore), natage.f)
        write.csv(natage.f, file.path(csv.dir, "natage.f.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
    } # end check for detailed output
  } # end check for es_only = TRUE & 'numbers' %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # Biomass at age
  # ======================================================================
  if (es_only == FALSE & "biomass" %in% tables) {
    if (verbose) {
      message("Creating biomass-at-age table")

    check <- dim(replist[["batage"]])[2]
    if (is.null(check)) {
      "Detailed age-structure is not in the report file, double check settings in the starter file."

    if (!is.null(check)) {
      age0 <- which(names(replist[["batage"]]) == "0")
      get.ages <- age0:check

      if (nsexes == 1) {
        batage <- 0
        for (a in 1:nareas) {
          for (b in 1:nmorphs) {
            ind <- replist[["batage"]][, "Yr"] >= startyr & replist[["batage"]][, "Area"] == a & replist[["batage"]][, "Bio_Pattern"] == b & replist[["batage"]][, "Sex"] == 1 & replist[["batage"]][, "Beg/Mid"] == "B"
            temp <- replist[["batage"]][ind, get.ages]
            batage <- batage + temp

        colnames(batage) <- paste0("Age", 0:(length(get.ages) - 1))
        batage <- data.frame(Year = startyr:max(fore), batage)
        write.csv(batage, file.path(csv.dir, "batage.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

      if (nsexes == 2) {
        batage.f <- batage.m <- 0
        for (a in 1:nareas) {
          for (b in 1:nmorphs) {
            ind <- replist[["batage"]][, "Yr"] >= startyr & replist[["batage"]][, "Area"] == a & replist[["batage"]][, "Bio_Pattern"] == b & replist[["batage"]][, "Sex"] == 1 & replist[["batage"]][, "Beg/Mid"] == "B"
            temp <- replist[["batage"]][ind, get.ages]
            batage.f <- batage.f + temp

            ind <- replist[["batage"]][, "Yr"] >= startyr & replist[["batage"]][, "Area"] == a & replist[["batage"]][, "Bio_Pattern"] == b &
              replist[["batage"]][, "Sex"] == 2 & replist[["batage"]][, "Beg/Mid"] == "B"
            temp <- replist[["batage"]][ind, get.ages]
            batage.m <- batage.m + temp

        colnames(batage.m) <- paste0("Age", 0:(length(get.ages) - 1))
        batage.m <- data.frame(Year = startyr:max(fore), batage.m)
        write.csv(batage.m, file.path(csv.dir, "batage_m.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

        colnames(batage.f) <- paste0("Age", 0:(length(get.ages) - 1))
        batage.f <- data.frame(Year = startyr:max(fore), batage.f)
        write.csv(batage.f, file.path(csv.dir, "batage.f.csv"), row.names = FALSE)
    } # end check for detailed output
  } # end check for es_only == FALSE & "biomass" %in% tables

  # ======================================================================
  # Likelihoods
  # ======================================================================
  csv_name <- "likelihoods.csv"

  like <- cbind(
  colnames(like) <- c("Label", "Total")
  like[, 1] <- gsub("\\_", " ", like[, 1])
  write.csv(like, file = file.path(csv.dir, csv_name), row.names = FALSE)

  caption <- c(
    "Likelihood components by source."
  tex.label <- c(tex.label, "likes")
  filename <- c(filename, csv_name)

  # ======================================================================
  # Write out Master Table
  # ======================================================================

  out_csv <- cbind(caption, NA, tex.label, filename)
  colnames(out_csv) <- c("caption", "altcaption", "label", "filename")
  write.csv(out_csv, file = file.path(csv.dir, "table_labels.csv"), row.names = FALSE)

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