
Defines functions round_to_fifty handle_text_input substitutions_create sdm rsq get_timestamp write_csv write_log clean_up on_start

Documented in clean_up get_timestamp handle_text_input on_start substitutions_create write_csv write_log

# rBiasCorrection: Correct Bias in Quantitative DNA Methylation Analyses.
# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Lorenz Kapsner
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title on_start helper function
#' @description Internal function, that initializes plotdir,
#'   csvdir and logfilename.
#' @param plotdir A character string. Path to the folder,
#'   where plots are saved.
#' @param csvdir A character string. Path to the folder,
#'   where resulting tables are saved.
#' @inheritParams clean_dt
#' @inheritParams biascorrection
#' @return This function silently creates the directories`plotdir` and `csvdir`
#'   on the local filesystem and initializes the logfile, specified with
#'   `logfilename`. Furthermore, if `parallel = TRUE`, the `future`-backend is
#'   initialized.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ # runtime > 5 sec.
#' plotdir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/plots/")
#' csvdir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/csv/")
#' logfilename <- paste0(tempdir(), "/log.txt")
#' parallel <- FALSE
#' on_start(plotdir, csvdir, logfilename, parallel)
#' }
#' @seealso \link[future]{plan}
#' @export
on_start <- function(plotdir,
                     parallel) {

  if (dir.exists(plotdir)) {
    clean_up(plotdir, csvdir)

  # create directories

  # initialize logfile here

  if ("ggpubr" %in% utils::installed.packages()[, "Package"]) {
    options("ggpubr.exists" = TRUE)

  if (isTRUE(parallel) && future::availableCores() > 1) {

    if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
        message = "on_start: using future::plan(\"multicore\")",
        logfilename = logfilename
    } else {
        message = "on_start: using future::plan(\"multisession\")",
        logfilename = logfilename
  } else {
      message = "on_start: using future::plan(\"sequential\")",
      logfilename = logfilename

#' @title clean_up helper function
#' @description Internal function to clean up directories.
#' @inheritParams on_start
#' @return This function silently cleans up the current session and removes
#'   both, the `plotdir`- and the `csvdir`-folders. It furthermore resets
#'   the `future`-backend to plan = "sequential".
#' @examples
#' plotdir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/plots/")
#' csvdir <- paste0(tempdir(), "/csv/")
#' clean_up(plotdir, csvdir)
#' @seealso \link[future]{plan}
#' @export
clean_up <- function(plotdir,
                     csvdir) {
  # activate sequential future

  # on session end, remove plots and and all other files from tempdir
  do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(plotdir, full.names = TRUE)))
  unlink(plotdir, recursive = TRUE)
  do.call(file.remove, list(list.files(csvdir, full.names = TRUE)))
  unlink(csvdir, recursive = TRUE)

#' @title write_log helper function
#' @description Internal function to write log-messages to the file
#'   specified in logfilename.
#' @param message A character string containing the log message.
#' @inheritParams clean_dt
#' @return The function prints the logging message to the console and writes it
#'   to the local logfile, specified with `logfilename`.
#' @examples
#' message <- "This is a logmessage"
#' logfilename <- paste0(tempdir(), "/log.txt")
#' write_log(message, logfilename)
#' @export
# write log messages
write_log <- function(message, logfilename) {
  message(paste0("[", get_timestamp(), "]: ", message))
  message_out <- paste0("===========================================  \n",
                        "[Timestamp: ", get_timestamp(), "]  \n  \n",
                        message, "  \n  \n")
  write(message_out, file = logfilename, append = TRUE)

#' @title write_csv helper function
#' @description Internal function to store the created tables in csv files.
#' @param table A data.table object to store on the local file system
#' @param filename The file name (including the path) to store \code{table}.
#' @return This function silently writes a `data.table` object to a CSV file.
#' @examples
#' table <- data.table::data.table(
#'   a = stats::runif(1000),
#'   b = stats::runif(1000)
#' )
#' write_csv(table, paste0(tempdir(), "/example.csv"))
#' @seealso \link[data.table]{fwrite}
#' @export
# write csv files
write_csv <- function(table, filename) {
  return(data.table::fwrite(x = table,
                            file = filename,
                            row.names = FALSE,
                            sep = ",",
                            dec = ".",
                            eol = "\n"))

#' @title get_timestamp helper function
#' @description Internal function to get the current timestamp to
#'   write it to filenames.
#' @return This function takes no argument and returns a formatted timestamp
#'   of the current system time, which can be integrated e.g. into a filename.
#' @examples
#' get_timestamp()
#' @seealso \link{Sys.time}
#' @export
# get_timestamp
get_timestamp <- function() {
    paste(gsub("\\-", "", substr(Sys.time(), 1, 10)),
          gsub("\\:", "", substr(Sys.time(), 12, 20)),
          sep = "_"))

# R-squared function
rsq <- function(true, fitted) {
  # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coefficient_of_determination
  return(stats::cor(true, fitted) ^ 2)

sdm <- function(vector) {
  I((vector - mean(vector))^2)

#' @title substitutions_create helper function
#' @description Internal function to initialize a data.table object
#'   to store the substitutions.
#' @return This function takes no argument and initializes an empty
#'   `data.table` to hold the substituted values, if substitutions occur during
#'   BiasCorrection.
#' @examples
#' substitutions <- substitutions_create()
#' class(substitutions)
#' @export
# create substitutions dataframe
substitutions_create <- function() {
  substitutions <- data.table::data.table("id" = character(),
                                          "CpG_site" = character(),
                                          "corrected" = character(),
                                          "replacement" = character(),
                                          "regression" = character())

#' @title handle_text_input helper function
#' @description Internal function to remove punctuation and unneeded stuff
#'   from user inputs with regular expressions.
#' @param textinput A character string with the textinput to perform these
#'   predefined regular expressions on.
#' @return This function returns a cleaned up character string, limited to a
#'   maximum of 15 chars.
#' @examples
#' textinput <- "This is a dirty! text."
#' handle_text_input(textinput)
#' @export
# handle user text inputs
handle_text_input <- function(textinput) {
  textinput <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]]", "", textinput)

  # max 15 chars:
  if (nchar(textinput) > 15) {
    textinput <- substr(textinput, 1, 15)

  return(ifelse(nchar(textinput) > 0, textinput, "default"))

round_to_fifty <- function(max_err) {
  return(ceiling(max_err / 50) * 50)

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rBiasCorrection documentation built on June 21, 2022, 1:05 a.m.