
Defines functions ena.make.set

Documented in ena.make.set

#' @title Generate ENA Set
#' @description Generates an ENA model by constructing a dimensional reduction of adjacency (co-occurrence) vectors in an ENA data object
#' @details This function generates an ENAset object from an ENAdata object. Takes
#' the adjacency (co-occurrence) vectors from enadata, computes a dimensional
#' reduction (projection), and calculates node positions in the projected ENA
#' space. Returns location of the units in the projected space, as well as
#' locations for node positions, and normalized adjacency (co-occurrence) vectors
#' to construct network graphs
#' @export
#' @param enadata \code{\link{ENAdata}} that will be used to generate an ENA model
#' @param dimensions The number of dimensions to include in the dimensional reduction
#' @param norm.by A function to be used to normalize adjacency (co-occurrence) vectors before computing the dimensional reduction, default: sphere_norm_c()
#' @param rotation.by	A function to be used to compute the dimensional reduction, default: ena.svd()
#' @param rotation.params (optional) A character vector containing additional parameters for the function in rotation.by, if needed
#' @param rotation.set A previously-constructed  ENARotationSet object to use for the dimensional reduction
#' @param endpoints.only A logical variable which determines whether to only show endpoints for trajectory models
#' @param center.align.to.origin A logical variable when TRUE (default) determines aligns both point center and centroid center to the origin
#' @param node.position.method A function to be used to determine node positions based on the dimensional reduction, default: lws.position.es()
#' @param as.list R6 objects will be deprecated, but if this is TRUE, the original R6 object will be returned, otherwise a list with class `ena.set`
#' @param ... additional parameters addressed in inner function
#' @examples
#' data(RS.data)
#' codeNames = c('Data','Technical.Constraints','Performance.Parameters',
#'   'Client.and.Consultant.Requests','Design.Reasoning','Collaboration');
#' accum = ena.accumulate.data(
#'   units = RS.data[,c("UserName","Condition")],
#'   conversation = RS.data[,c("Condition","GroupName")],
#'   metadata = RS.data[,c("CONFIDENCE.Change","CONFIDENCE.Pre","CONFIDENCE.Post")],
#'   codes = RS.data[,codeNames],
#'   window.size.back = 4
#' )
#' set = ena.make.set(
#'   enadata = accum
#' )
#' set.means.rotated = ena.make.set(
#'   enadata = accum,
#'   rotation.by = ena.rotate.by.mean,
#'   rotation.params = list(
#'       accum$meta.data$Condition=="FirstGame",
#'       accum$meta.data$Condition=="SecondGame"
#'   )
#' )
#' @seealso \code{\link{ena.accumulate.data}}, \code{\link{ENAset}}
#' @return \code{\link{ENAset}} class object that can be further processed for analysis or plotting
ena.make.set <- function(
  dimensions = 2,
  norm.by = fun_sphere_norm,
  rotation.by = ena.svd,
  rotation.params = NULL,
  rotation.set = NULL,
  endpoints.only = TRUE,
  center.align.to.origin = TRUE,
  node.position.method = lws.positions.sq,
  as.list = TRUE,
) {
  if (as.list == F) {
    warning(paste0("Usage of ENAdata and ENAset objects will be deprecated ",
                   "and potentially removed altogether in future versions."))

    if (!is(enadata, "ENAdata")) {
      stop(paste0("Use of ena.make.set with as.list=FALSE requires `enadata` ",
                  "be an ENAdata object. Re-run the accumulation with as.list=FALSE"))

    set <- ENAset$new(
      enadata = enadata,
      dimensions = dimensions,
      rotation.by = ifelse(
        !is.null(rotation.by) && identical(rotation.by, ena.svd),
      rotation.params = rotation.params,
      rotation.set = rotation.set,
      norm.by = norm.by,
      node.position.method = ifelse(
        identical(node.position.method, lws.positions.sq),
      endpoints.only = endpoints.only,
      center.align.to.origin = center.align.to.origin,
  else {
    if ("ENAdata" %in% class(enadata)) {
      warning(paste0("Usage of ENAdata objects will be deprecated and ",
                     "potentially removed altogether in future versions. See ",
                     "ena.accumulate.data() or ena.set()."))

      enadata <- ena.set(enadata)

    enadata$`_function.params`$center.align.to.origin <- center.align.to.origin;
    enadata$`_function.params`$rotation.by <- rotation.by;
    enadata$`_function.params`$rotation.params <- rotation.params;

    # Convert the string vector of code names to their corresponding
    # co-occurence names
    code_columns <- svector_to_ut(enadata$rotation$codes)

    # Normalize the raw data using self$function.params$norm.by,
    # which defaults to calling rENA::dont_sphere_norm_c
    line.weights <- norm.by(as.matrix(enadata$connection.counts))
    colnames(line.weights) <- code_columns

    line.weights.dt <- data.table::as.data.table(line.weights)
    for (i in seq(ncol(line.weights.dt)))
      set(line.weights.dt, j = i,
          value = as.ena.co.occurrence(line.weights.dt[[i]]))

    enadata$line.weights <- cbind(enadata$meta.data, line.weights.dt)
    class(enadata$line.weights) <- c("ena.line.weights", "ena.matrix",

    # Center the normed data
    # if ( inherits(rotation.set, "ena.rotation.set") ) {

    # if ( !is.null(rotation.by) && is.null(rotation.set) ) {
    #   points.for.projection <- center_data_c(line.weights)
    # }
    if ( !is.null(rotation.set)  ) {
      if( inherits(rotation.set, "ena.rotation.set") ) {
        if(center.align.to.origin) {
          points.for.projection <- line.weights
          points.for.projection[rowSums(as.matrix(line.weights))!=0,] <- center.projection(lws = line.weights[rowSums(as.matrix(line.weights))!=0,], rotation = rotation.set);
        else {
          points.for.projection <- center.projection(lws = line.weights, rotation = rotation.set)
      else {
        stop("Supplied rotation.set is not an instance of ENARotationSet");
    else {
      if(center.align.to.origin) {
        points.for.projection <- line.weights
        points.for.projection[rowSums(as.matrix(line.weights))!=0,] <- center_data_c(line.weights[rowSums(as.matrix(line.weights))!=0,])
      else {
        points.for.projection <- center_data_c(line.weights)

    colnames(points.for.projection) <- code_columns;
    enadata$model$points.for.projection = data.table::as.data.table(points.for.projection)
    for (i in seq(ncol(enadata$model$points.for.projection))) {
        j = i,
        value = as.ena.co.occurrence(enadata$model$points.for.projection[[i]])
    enadata$model$points.for.projection <- as.ena.matrix(cbind(
    ), "ena.points")


    # Generate and Assign the rotation set
    if (!is.null(rotation.by) && is.null(rotation.set)) {
      rotation <- do.call(rotation.by, list(enadata, rotation.params))

      enadata$rotation.matrix <- as.data.table(rotation$rotation, keep.rownames = "codes")
      for (i in seq(ncol(enadata$rotation.matrix))) {
        if(i == 1) {
              j = i, value = as.ena.metadata(enadata$rotation.matrix[[i]])
        else {
              j = i, value = as.ena.dimension(enadata$rotation.matrix[[i]])
      class(enadata$rotation.matrix) <- c("ena.rotation.matrix", class(enadata$rotation.matrix))

      enadata$rotation$rotation.matrix <- enadata$rotation.matrix
      enadata$rotation$eigenvalues <- rotation$eigenvalues;
      if(center.align.to.origin) {
        enadata$rotation$center.vec = colMeans(line.weights[rowSums(as.matrix(line.weights))!=0,]) # ADD CENTERING VEC HERE
      else {
        enadata$rotation$center.vec = colMeans(line.weights) # ADD CENTERING VEC HERE
    else if (!is.null(rotation.set)) {
      if (is(rotation.set, "ena.rotation.set")) {
        enadata$rotation.matrix <- rotation.set$rotation.matrix
        enadata$rotation$rotation.matrix <- rotation.set$rotation.matrix
        enadata$rotation$nodes <- rotation.set$nodes;
        enadata$rotation$eigenvalues <- rotation.set$eigenvalues
        enadata$rotation$center.vec = rotation.set$center.vec # ADD CENTERING VEC HERE
      else {
        stop("Supplied rotation.set is not an instance of ENARotationSet")
    else {
      stop("Unable to find or create a rotation set")

    # Generate the rotated points
    if (!is.null(enadata$rotation.matrix)) {
      points <- points.for.projection %*% as.matrix(enadata$rotation.matrix)
      points.dt <- as.data.table(points)
      for (i in seq(ncol(points.dt))) {
        set(points.dt, j = i, value = as.ena.dimension(points.dt[[i]]))
      if(grepl(x = enadata$model$model.type, pattern = "Trajectory")) {
        enadata$points <- cbind(enadata$trajectories, points.dt)
      else {
        enadata$points <- cbind(enadata$meta.data, points.dt)
      enadata$points <- as.ena.matrix(enadata$points, "ena.points")
    else {
      stop(paste0("There is no rotation matrix, if you supplied a custom ",
                  "rotation.set, be sure it contains a rotation.matrix"))

    # Calculate node positions
    #  - The supplied methoed is responsible is expected to return a list
    #    with two keys, "node.positions" and "centroids"
    if (exists("rotation") && !is.null(rotation) && is.null(rotation.set)) {
      positions <- node.position.method(enadata)

      if (all(names(positions) %in% c("node.positions", "centroids"))) {
        enadata$rotation$nodes <- as.data.table(positions$node.positions)
        colnames(enadata$rotation$nodes) <- colnames(points)
        rownames(enadata$rotation$nodes) <- enadata$rotation$codes

        for (i in seq(ncol(enadata$rotation$nodes))) {
          set(enadata$rotation$nodes, j = i,
              value = as.ena.dimension(enadata$rotation$nodes[[i]]))
        enadata$rotation$nodes <- data.table(
          code = structure(enadata$rotation$codes,
                           class = c("code", class(enadata$rotation$codes))),
        class(enadata$rotation$nodes) = c("ena.nodes",

        enadata$model$centroids <- as.data.table(positions$centroids)
        for (i in seq(ncol(enadata$model$centroids))) {
          set(enadata$model$centroids, j = i,
              value = as.ena.dimension(enadata$model$centroids[[i]])
        colnames(enadata$model$centroids) <- colnames(as.matrix(enadata$rotation.matrix))
        enadata$model$centroids = cbind(
          data.table(unit = enadata$model$unit.labels),
        set(enadata$model$centroids, j = 1L,
            value = as.ena.metadata(enadata$model$centroids[[1L]])
        enadata$model$centroids <- as.ena.matrix(enadata$model$centroids)
      else {
        stop(paste0("The node position method didn't return back the ",
                    "expected objects:\n",
                    "\tExpected: c('node.positions','centroids')\n",
                    "\tReceived: ", names(positions), sep = ""))
    } else if (!is.null(rotation.set)) {
      enadata$rotation$nodes <- rotation.set$nodes

    if (is.null(enadata$rotation$nodes)) {
      stop("Unable to determine the node positions either by calculating
                    them using `node.position.method` or using a supplied

    # Variance
    var_rot_data <- var(points)
    diagonal_variance <- as.vector(diag(var_rot_data))
    enadata$model$variance <- diagonal_variance / sum(diagonal_variance)
    names(enadata$model$variance) <- colnames(enadata$rotation$rotation.matrix)[-1]

    enadata$plots <- list() #default = ena.plot(enadata, ...))
    # class(enadata$model$plot) <- c("ena.plot", class(enadata$model$plot))

    enadata$`_function.params`$norm.by <- norm.by

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rENA documentation built on March 26, 2022, 1:10 a.m.