
Defines functions print.iter write.params write.header name.ext unique.sites inbounds rmvnorm2 runif.simplex rdirichlet sigma2scale sigma2shape sigma2tuning sigma2init kappa2kappa.re kappa2kappa.z kappa2kappa.e params2beta params2kappa params2phi genUSStateSites genUSStateGrid expand.chain window.predict.ramps window.ramps .onLoad

Documented in expand.chain genUSStateGrid genUSStateSites window.predict.ramps window.ramps

## window.ramps/window.predict.ramps - Time windows for ramps MCMC output

.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) {
   setAs("matrix", "data.frame", function(from) as.data.frame(from))

window.ramps <- function(x, iter, ...)
   idx <- match(iter, as.numeric(rownames(x$params)))
   idx <- sort(unique(idx[!is.na(idx)]))

   if (length(idx) == 0) stop("No matching MCMC iterations")

   x$params <- as.mcmc(x$params[idx, , drop = FALSE])
   x$z <- as.mcmc(x$z[idx, , drop = FALSE])
   x$loglik <- x$loglik[idx]
   x$evals <- x$evals[idx]
   x$control$iter <- idx


window.predict.ramps <- function(x, iter, ...)
   idx <- match(iter, as.numeric(rownames(x)))
   idx <- sort(unique(idx[!is.na(idx)]))

   if (length(idx) == 0) stop("No matching MCMC iterations")

   structure(x[idx, , drop = FALSE],
        coords = attr(x, "coords"),
        class = c("predict.ramps", "matrix"))

## expand.chain - Resumed sampling for a ramps object

expand.chain <- function(object, n)
   if (!is(object, "ramps")) stop("Object must be of class 'ramps'")

   nr <- nrow(object$params)
   control <- object$control

   ## Set initial values to last sample
   control$beta$init <- params2beta(object$params[nr,], control)
   control$phi$init <- params2phi(object$params[nr,], control)
   val <- prop.table(params2kappa(object$params[nr,], control))
   control$sigma2.e$init <- kappa2kappa.e(val, control)
   control$sigma2.z$init <- kappa2kappa.z(val, control)
   control$sigma2.re$init <- kappa2kappa.re(val, control)

   ## Additional iterations to sample
   control$expand <- max(control$iter)
   inc <- diff(c(0, control$iter))[nr]
   control$iter <- seq(inc, n, by = inc)

   val <- ramps.engine(object$y, object$xmat, object$kmat, object$wmat,
                       object$correlation, object$etype, object$ztype,
                       object$retype, object$weights, control)

   object$control$iter <- c(object$control$iter, control$expand + control$iter)
   object$params <- as.mcmc(rbind(object$params, val$params))
   rownames(object$params) <- object$control$iter
   object$z <- as.mcmc(rbind(object$z, val$z))
   rownames(object$z) <- object$iter
   object$loglik <- c(object$loglik, val$loglik)
   object$evals <- c(object$evals, val$evals)


## genUSStateGrid/genUSStateSites - Grid point generation for Monte Carlo
##    integration

genUSStateGrid <- function(state, incr = NULL, resolution = NULL) {
  mymap <- map('state', state, plot=FALSE)
  lon.range <- mymap$range[1:2]
  lat.range <- mymap$range[3:4]

  ## determine incr
  if (is.null(incr)) {
    if (is.null(resolution)) stop("One of 'incr' and 'resolution' must be specified")
    if (length(resolution) != 2) stop("Resolution needs to be vector of length 2.")
    lon.incr <- diff(lon.range) / (resolution[1] - 1)
    lat.incr <- diff(lat.range) / (resolution[2] - 1)
    incr <- c(lon.incr, lat.incr)

  incr <- rep(incr, length.out = 2)
  ## generate points grid covering Iowa
  lon <- seq(lon.range[1], lon.range[2], by = incr[1]) 
  lat <- seq(lat.range[1], lat.range[2], by = incr[2])
  coords <- expand.grid(lon, lat)

  ## get county ids
  counties <- map.where('county', coords[,1], coords[,2])
  ## restrict to points in state
  inState <- substr(counties, 1, nchar(state)) == state
  inState <- inState & (!is.na(inState))
  conames <- map("county", state, namesonly=TRUE, plot=FALSE) 
  blockid <- pmatch(counties, conames, duplicates.ok=TRUE)

  grid <- data.frame(lon=coords[,1], lat=coords[,2], id=blockid,
  grid <- grid[inState,]

genUSStateSites <- function(state, nsites) {
  mymap <- map('state', state, plot=FALSE)
  lon.range <- mymap$range[1:2]
  lat.range <- mymap$range[3:4]

  nneed <- nsites
  coords <- NULL
  while (nneed > 0) {
    lat <- runif(nsites * 2, min = lat.range[1], max = lat.range[2])
    lon <- runif(nsites * 2, min = lon.range[1], max = lon.range[2])
    statename <- map.where('state', lon, lat)
    inState <- statename == state
    newsites <- cbind(lon, lat)[inState,]
    nthis <- sum(inState)
    if (nthis > nneed) {
      coords <- cbind(coords, newsites[1:nneed,])
    } else {
      coords <- cbind(coords, newsites)
      nneed <- nsites - nthis

## Parameter extraction

params2phi <- function(params, control) {
   idx <- seq(length.out = length(control$phi))
   if (is.matrix(params)) params[,idx,drop=FALSE]
   else params[idx]

params2kappa <- function(params, control) {
   idx <- seq(length(control$phi) + 1, length.out = length(control$sigma2.e)
              + length(control$sigma2.z) + length(control$sigma2.re))
   if (is.matrix(params)) params[,idx,drop=FALSE]
   else params[idx]

params2beta <- function(params, control) {
   p <- length(control$beta)
   idx <- seq(length(params) - p + 1, length.out = p)
   if (is.matrix(params)) params[,idx,drop=FALSE]
   else params[idx]

kappa2kappa.e <- function(kappa, control) {
   idx <- seq(length.out = length(control$sigma2.e))
   if (is.matrix(kappa)) kappa[,idx,drop=FALSE]
   else kappa[idx]

kappa2kappa.z <- function(kappa, control) {
   idx <- seq(length(control$sigma2.e) + 1, length.out = length(control$sigma2.z))
   if (is.matrix(kappa)) kappa[,idx,drop=FALSE]
   else kappa[idx]

kappa2kappa.re <- function(kappa, control) {
   idx <- seq(length(control$sigma2.e) + length(control$sigma2.z) + 1,
              length.out = length(control$sigma2.re))
   if (is.matrix(kappa)) kappa[,idx,drop=FALSE]
   else kappa[idx]

sigma2init <- function(control)
   c(control$sigma2.e$init, control$sigma2.z$init, control$sigma2.re$init)

sigma2tuning <- function(control)
   c(control$sigma2.e$tuning, control$sigma2.z$tuning, control$sigma2.re$tuning)

sigma2shape <- function(control)
   c(control$sigma2.e$shape, control$sigma2.z$shape, control$sigma2.re$shape)

sigma2scale <- function(control)
   c(control$sigma2.e$scale, control$sigma2.z$scale, control$sigma2.re$scale)

## Statistical functions

rdirichlet <- function(n, alpha) {
   ## taken from MCMCpack
   ## Markov Chain Monte Carlo Package (MCMCpack)
   ## Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Andrew D. Martin and Kevin M. Quinn

   l <- length(alpha)
   x <- matrix(rgamma(l * n, alpha), ncol = l, byrow = TRUE)
   sm <- x %*% rep(1, l)

   x / as.vector(sm)

runif.simplex <- function(n) {
   ## draws uniformly from standard simplex with nvert vertices
   rdirichlet(1, rep(1, n))

# Multivariate Normal Random Number Generator
rmvnorm2 <- function(n, mu, sigma)
   mu <- as.vector(mu)
   m <- ncol(sigma)

   if (nrow(sigma) != m) {
      stop("sigma must be a square matrix")
   if (length(mu) != nrow(sigma)) {
      stop("mu and sigma have non-conforming size")

   matrix(rnorm(n * m), nrow=n, ncol=m) %*% chol(sigma) +
          matrix(mu, nrow=n, ncol=m, byrow=T)

## Data management function

inbounds <- function(x, bounds)
   if (length(x) != nrow(bounds)) {
      warning("Number of supplied parameter values must be ", nrow(bounds),
              " instead of ", length(x))
      return(rep(FALSE, length(x)))

   type <- bounds[,3]
   lower <- ifelse(type %in% c(2,4), x >= bounds[,1], x > bounds[,1])
   upper <- ifelse(type %in% c(3,4), x <= bounds[,2], x < bounds[,2])

   val <- lower & upper
   if (!all(val)) {
      lchar <- c("(", "[", "(", "[")
      uchar <- c(")", ")", "]", "]")
      support <- apply(bounds[,c(1,2),drop=FALSE], 1, paste, collapse=", ")
      warning("Out of bounds parameter value ",
              paste(x, ifelse(val, " = ", " != "),
                    lchar[type], support, uchar[type], sep="", collapse=", "))


unique.sites <- function(x)
   src <- as.matrix(x)
   x <- x[which(!duplicated(src)), , drop = FALSE]
   dest <- as.matrix(x)

   n <- ncol(src)
   y <- merge(cbind(src, 1:nrow(src)), cbind(dest, 1:nrow(dest)), by = 1:n)
   idx <- y[order(y[, n+1]), n+2]
   map <- Matrix(0, length(idx), nrow(dest))
   map[seq(idx) + nrow(map) * (idx - 1)] <- 1

   list(coords = x, map = map)

## I/O functions

name.ext <- function(name, ext)
   if (is.null(ext)) name <- NULL
   else if (length(ext) > 1) name <- paste(name, ext, sep="")


write.header <- function(header, file, n = 1)
    if(n > 1)  header <- paste(header, 1:n, sep="")

    if(length(header) && !is.null(file))
        cat(paste(c("iter", header), collapse="\t"), "\n", sep="", file=file)

write.params <- function(iter, params, file)
    if(length(params) && !is.null(file))
        cat(paste(c(iter, params), collapse="\t"), "\n", sep="", file=file, append=T)

print.iter <- function(iter)
   if (iter == 0) cat(iter)
   else if (iter %% 250 == 0) cat(iter, "\n")
   else if (iter %% 50 == 0) cat(iter)
   else if (iter %% 5 == 0) cat(".")

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ramps documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:08 p.m.