
Defines functions exportRandomForestModel sdecimal2binary.smallEndian sdecimal2binary getRFPathNodes getRFPathNodesTraverse getRFRuleSet randomForest2Rules printRandomForest ruleset.randomForest treeset.randomForest printRandomForests displayRandomForestTree plotRandomForestOOBROC plotRandomForestError plotRandomForestImportance showModelRFExists on_help_randomForest_activate on_rf_print_tree_button_clicked on_rf_oob_roc_button_clicked on_rf_errors_button_clicked on_rf_importance_button_clicked on_model_rf_conditional_radiobutton_toggled on_model_rf_traditional_radiobutton_toggled setRFOptions

Documented in on_help_randomForest_activate on_model_rf_conditional_radiobutton_toggled on_model_rf_traditional_radiobutton_toggled on_rf_errors_button_clicked on_rf_importance_button_clicked on_rf_oob_roc_button_clicked on_rf_print_tree_button_clicked printRandomForests randomForest2Rules treeset.randomForest

# Gnome R Data Miner: GNOME interface to R for Data Mining
# Time-stamp: <2018-09-26 15:45:13 Graham.Williams@togaware.com>
# Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Graham Williams, Togaware.com, GPL Version 2


setRFOptions <- function(mtype)
#  theWidget("rf_errors_button")$setSensitive(mtype=="randomForest")
#  theWidget("rf_oob_roc_button")$setSensitive(mtype=="randomForest")

on_model_rf_traditional_radiobutton_toggled <- function(button)
  if (button$getActive())

on_model_rf_conditional_radiobutton_toggled <- function(button)
  if (button$getActive())

on_rf_importance_button_clicked <- function(button)

on_rf_errors_button_clicked <- function(button)

on_rf_oob_roc_button_clicked <- function(button)

on_rf_print_tree_button_clicked <- function(button)

on_help_randomForest_activate <- function(action, window)
  if (showHelpPlus(Rtxt("The randomForest algorithm builds multiple",
                        "decision trees from different samples of the dataset, and while",
                        "building each tree, random subsets of the available variables are",
                        "considered for splitting the data at each node of the tree. A simple",
                        "majority vote is then used for prediction in the case of",
                        "classification (and average for regression).",
                        "RandomForest's are generally robust against over fitting.",
                        "The default is to build 500 trees and to select the square root of the",
                        "number of variables as the subset to choose from at each node. The",
                        "resulting model is generally not very sensitive to the choice of these",
                        "Any observation with missing values will be ignored, which may lead to some",
                        "surprises, like many fewer observations to model when many missing values",
                        "exist. It can also lead to losing all examples of a particular class!",
                        "An estimate of the error rate is provided as the out-of-bag (OOB)",
                        "estimate. This applies each tree to the data that was not used in",
                        "building the tree to give a quite accurate estimate of the error",
                        "The Sample Size can be used to down-sample larger classes.",
                        "For a two-class problem with, for example, 5000 in class 0 and 250 in class 1,",
                        "a Sample Size of '250, 250' will usually give a more 'balanced' classifier.",
                        "The R package for building Random Forests is called randomForest.")))
      popupTextviewHelpWindow("randomForest", "randomForest")

showModelRFExists <- function(traditional=TRUE, conditional=!traditional)
  # If an rf model exists then show the various buttons on the Model
  # tab.


  if (state)
    theWidget("rf_print_tree_button")$setLabel(ifelse(traditional, "Rules", "Trees"))

plotRandomForestImportance <- function()

  # Make sure there is an rf object first.

  if (is.null(crs$rf))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("E123: This is an unexpected error.",
                     "There is no RF and attempting to plot importance."),

  if ( "RandomForest" %in% class(crs$rf))
    if (!packageIsAvailable("ggplot2", Rtxt("display the conditional forest var importance")))
  if ("RandomForest" %in% class(crs$rf))
    plot.cmd <- paste(#'library(ggplot2)',
                      '# Note that values vary slightly on each call to varimp().',
                      'v    <- party::varimp(crs$rf)',
                      'vimp <- data.frame(Variable=as.character(names(v)),',
                      '                   Importance=v,',
                      '                   row.names=NULL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)',
                      'p <- ggplot2::ggplot(vimp, ggplot2::aes(Variable, Importance)) +',
                      '  ggplot2::geom_bar(stat="identity", position="identity") +',
                      '  ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(limits=with(vimp, Variable[order(Importance)])) +',
                      '  ggplot2::theme(legend.position="none",',
                      '                 axis.title.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),',
                      '                 axis.title.y = ggplot2::element_blank()) +',
                      '  ggplot2::labs(title = "Variable Importance",',
                      '                x = "Relative Importance", y = "",',
                      '                caption = genPlotTitleCmd(vector=TRUE)) +',
                      '  ggplot2::coord_flip()',
    tt <- genPlotTitleCmd(Rtxt("Variable Importance"),
                          commonName(crv$RF), crs$dataname, vector=TRUE)
    plot.cmd <- sprintf(paste0('p <- ggVarImp(crs$rf,\n',
                               '              title="%s")\n',

  appendLog(Rtxt("Plot the relative importance of the variables."),
            sub("print\\(p\\)", "p", plot.cmd))



  setStatusBar(Rtxt("Variable Importance has been plotted."))
plotRandomForestError <- function()
  # Make sure there is an rf object first.

  if (is.null(crs$rf))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("E129: This is an unexpected error.",
                     "There is no RF and attempting to plot errors."),
  plot.cmd <- paste('plot(crs$rf, main="")',
                    sprintf(paste('legend("topright", %s, text.col=1:6,',
                                  'lty=1:3, col=1:3)'),
                            sprintf("c(%s)", paste('"', colnames(crs$rf$err.rate),
                                                   '"', sep="", collapse=", "))),
                    genPlotTitleCmd(Rtxt("Error Rates"), commonName(crv$RF), crs$dataname),

  appendLog(Rtxt("Plot the error rate against the number of trees."), plot.cmd)
  setStatusBar(Rtxt("The error rates plot has been generated."))

plotRandomForestOOBROC <- function()
  # Make sure there is an rf object first.

  if (is.null(crs$rf))
    errorDialog(Rtxt("There is no RF and attempting to plot OOB ROC."),

  if (! packageIsAvailable("verification", Rtxt("plot ROC curve")))


  # 111115 Akbar Waljee suggested using roc.plot from
  # verification. Would also like a confidence interval but not sure
  # how to. 130129 Akbar noted that when Impute button is disabled
  # then the OOB plot fails. It fails because ommitted observations
  # for the model are not being ommitted from the attempted plot.
  # Need to add na.omit around the dataset conditional on naimpute.
  naimpute <- theWidget("model_rf_impute_checkbutton")$getActive()
  plot.cmd <- paste('library(verification)',
                    # 111116 the as.integer as.factor to ensure
                    # 0/1. Need to fix to ensure button is only
                    # avilable for binary classification.
                    '\naucc <- verification::roc.area(as.integer(as.factor(',
                    if (!naimpute) 'na.omit(',
                    if (not.null(crs$train)) 'crs$train',
                    if (!naimpute) ',])[',
                    ', crs$target]))-1,',
                    '\n                 crs$rf$votes[,2])$A',
                    if (!naimpute) 'na.omit(',
                    if (not.null(crs$train)) 'crs$train',
                    if (!naimpute) ',])[',
                    ', crs$target]))-1,',
                    '\n         crs$rf$votes[,2], main="")',
                    '\nlegend("bottomright", bty="n",',
                    '\n       sprintf("Area Under the Curve (AUC) = %1.3f", aucc))\n',
                    genPlotTitleCmd(Rtxt("OOB ROC Curve"),
                                    commonName(crv$RF), crs$dataname),

  appendLog(Rtxt("Plot the OOB ROC curve."), plot.cmd)
  setStatusBar(Rtxt("The OOB ROC curve has been generated."))

displayRandomForestTree <- function()
  # Initial setup.
  TV <- "rf_textview"

  # Obtain which tree to display.
  tree.num <- theWidget("rf_print_tree_spinbutton")$getValue()

  # If tree.num is zero and there are very many trees, first warn.

  if (tree.num == 0 && crs$rf$ntree > 5)
    if (! questionDialog(Rtxt("Displaying all rules can take quite a while.",
                              "\n\nDo you wish to continue?")))
  # Command to run.

  display.cmd <- ifelse(class(crs$rf) == "RandomForest",
                                      'names(crs$rf@data@get("input")))'), tree.num),
                        sprintf("printRandomForests(crs$rf, %d)", tree.num))

  # Perform the action.

  appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Display tree number %d."), tree.num), display.cmd)
  setStatusBar(Rtxt("The rules are being generated ..."))
  addTextview(TV, collectOutput(display.cmd, TRUE), textviewSeparator())
  setStatusBar(paste(ifelse(tree.num == 0,
                            Rtxt("Rules from all trees have been added to the textview."),
                            sprintf(Rtxt("Rules from tree %d have been added to the textview."),
                     Rtxt("You may need to scroll the textview to view them.")))

printRandomForests <- function(model, models=NULL, include.class=NULL,
  # format=
  #    "VB"	Generate code that looks like VisualBasic
  if (! packageIsAvailable("randomForest", Rtxt("print the rule sets")))

  if (is.null(models) || models == 0) models <- 1:model$ntree

  for (i in models)
    printRandomForest(model, i, include.class, format)

## Move to using the more generic functions

treeset.randomForest <- function(model, n=1, root=1, format="R")
  ## Return a string listing the decision tree form of the chosen tree
  ## from the random forest.
  tree <- randomForest::getTree(model, n)
  if (format == "R")
    cassign <- "<-"
    cif <- "if"
    cthen <- ""
    celse <- "else"
    cendif <- ""
    cin <- "%in%"
  else if (format == "VB")
    cassign <- "="
    cif <- "If"
    cthen <- "Then"
    celse <- "Else"
    cendif <- "End If"
    cin <- "In"

  ## Traverse the tree

  tr.vars <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[-1]
  var.names <- names(tr.vars)
  result <- ""
  if (tree[root, 'status'] == -1) # Terminal node
    result <- sprintf("Result %s %s", cassign,
    var.class <- tr.vars[tree[root, 'split var']]
    node.var <- var.names[tree[root,'split var']]
    if("character" %in% var.class | "factor" %in% var.class | "ordered" %in% var.class)
      ## Convert the binary split point to a 0/1 list for the levels.
      var.levels <- levels(eval(model$call$data)[[tree[root,'split var']]])
      bins <- sdecimal2binary(tree[root, 'split point'])
      bins <- c(bins, rep(0, length(var.levels)-length(bins)))
      node.value <- var.levels[bins==1]
      node.value <- sprintf('("%s")', paste(node.value, collapse='", "'))
      condition <- sprintf("%s %s %s%s", node.var, cin,
                           ifelse(format=="R", "c", ""), node.value)
    else if ("integer" %in% var.class | "numeric" %in% var.class)
      ## Assume spliting to the left means "<=", and right ">",
      ## which is not what the man page for getTree claims!

      node.value <- tree[root, 'split point']
      condition <- sprintf("%s <= %s", node.var, node.value)

      stop(sprintf("Rattle E222: getRFRuleSet: class %s not supported.",

    condition <- sprintf("%s (%s)", cif, condition)
    lresult <- treeset.randomForest(model, n, tree[root,'left daughter'],
    if (cthen == "")
      lresult <- c(condition, lresult)
      lresult <- c(condition, cthen, lresult)
    rresult <- treeset.randomForest(model, n, tree[root,'right daughter'],
    rresult <- c(celse, rresult)
    result <- c(lresult, rresult)
    if (cendif != "") result <- c(result, cendif)

ruleset.randomForest <- function(model, n=1, include.class=NULL)

  ## Same as printRandomForest, for now, but returns the string rather
  ## than printing it. Perhaps it is a list of vectors of strings,
  ## each in the list is one rule, and each string in the vector
  ## represents a single test. I HAVE SINCE FINISHED
  ## treeset.randomForest AND PERHAPS CAN USE THAT AS A TEMPLATE.
  # include.class	Vector of predictions to include
  if (! packageIsAvailable("randomForest", Rtxt("generate a rule set")))
    stop(Rtxt("the 'randomForest' package is required to generate rule sets"))

  if (!inherits(model, "randomForest"))
    stop(Rtxt("the model is not of the 'randomForest' class"))

  tr <- randomForest::getTree(model, n)
  tr.paths <- getRFPathNodesTraverse(tr)
  tr.vars <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[-1]

  ruleset <- list()
  nameset <- c()
  ## Generate a simple form for each rule.

  for (i in seq_along(tr.paths))
    tr.path <- tr.paths[[i]]
    nodenum <- as.integer(names(tr.paths[i]))
    target <- levels(model$y)[tr[nodenum,'prediction']]

    if (! is.null(include.class) && target %notin% include.class) next()

    rule <- c()
    #cat(sprintf("%sTree %d Rule %d Node %d Decision %s\n\n",
    #            comment, n, i, nodenum, target))

    #nrules <- nrules + 1
    ## Indicies of variables in the path
    var.index <- tr[,3][abs(tr.path)] # 3rd col is "split var"
    var.names <- names(tr.vars)[var.index]
    var.values <- tr[,4][abs(tr.path)] # 4th col is "split point"
    for (j in 1:(length(tr.path)-1))
      var.class <- tr.vars[var.index[j]]
      if (var.class == "character" | var.class == "factor" | var.class == "ordered")
        node.op <- "IN"

        ## Convert the binary to a 0/1 list for the levels.
        var.levels <- levels(eval(model$call$data)[[var.names[j]]])
        bins <- sdecimal2binary(var.values[j])
        bins <- c(bins, rep(0, length(var.levels)-length(bins)))
        if (tr.path[j] > 0)
          node.value <- var.levels[bins==1]
          node.value <- var.levels[bins==0]
        node.value <- sprintf('%s', paste(node.value, collapse=', '))
      else if (var.class == "integer" | var.class == "numeric")
        ## Assume spliting to the left means "<=", and right ">",
        ## which is not what the man page for getTree claims!
        if (tr.path[j]>0)
          node.op <- "<="
          node.op <- ">"
        node.value <- var.values[j]
        stop(sprintf("Rattle E223: getRFRuleSet: class %s not supported.",

      rule <- c(rule, sprintf("%s %s %s\n", var.names[j], node.op, node.value))
    ruleset <- c(ruleset, rule)
    nameset <- c(nameset, nodenum)
  names(ruleset) <- nameset

printRandomForest <- function(model, n=1, include.class=NULL,
                              format="", comment="")
  # include.class	Vector of predictions to include
  if (! packageIsAvailable("randomForest", Rtxt("generate the rule sets")))

  if (!inherits(model, "randomForest"))
    stop(Rtxt("the model is not of the 'randomForest' class"))

  if (format=="VB") comment="'"
  tr <- randomForest::getTree(model, n)
  tr.paths <- getRFPathNodesTraverse(tr)
  tr.vars <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[-1]
  ## Initialise the output

  cat(sprintf("%sRandom Forest Model %d", comment, n), "\n\n")

  ## Generate a simple form for each rule.


  if (format=="VB")
    cat("IF FALSE THEN\n' This is a No Op to simplify the code\n\n")
  ## Number of rules generated

  nrules <- 0
  for (i in seq_along(tr.paths))
    tr.path <- tr.paths[[i]]
    nodenum <- as.integer(names(tr.paths[i]))
    # 090925 This needs work to make it apply in the case of a
    # regression model. For now simply note this in the output.
    target <- levels(model$y)[tr[nodenum,'prediction']]

    if (! is.null(include.class) && target %notin% include.class) next()
    cat(sprintf("%sTree %d Rule %d Node %d %s\n \n",
                comment, n, i, nodenum,
                ifelse(is.null(target), "Regression (to do - extract predicted value)",
                       paste("Decision", target))))

    if (format=="VB") cat("ELSE IF TRUE\n")

    nrules <- nrules + 1
    ## Indicies of variables in the path
    var.index <- tr[,3][abs(tr.path)] # 3rd col is "split var"
    var.names <- names(tr.vars)[var.index]
    var.values <- tr[,4][abs(tr.path)] # 4th col is "split point"
    for (j in 1:(length(tr.path)-1))
      var.class <- tr.vars[var.index[j]]
      if (var.class == "character" | var.class == "factor" | var.class == "ordered")
        node.op <- "IN"

        ## Convert the binary to a 0/1 list for the levels.
        var.levels <- levels(eval(model$call$data)[[var.names[j]]])
        bins <- sdecimal2binary(var.values[j])
        bins <- c(bins, rep(0, length(var.levels)-length(bins)))
        if (tr.path[j] > 0)
          node.value <- var.levels[bins==1]
          node.value <- var.levels[bins==0]
        node.value <- sprintf('("%s")', paste(node.value, collapse='", "'))
      else if (var.class == "integer" | var.class == "numeric")
        ## Assume spliting to the left means "<", and right ">=",
        ## which is not what the man page for getTree claims!
        if (tr.path[j]>0)
          node.op <- "<="
          node.op <- ">"
        node.value <- var.values[j]
        stop(sprintf("Rattle E234: getRFRuleSet: class %s not supported.",

      if (format=="VB")
        cat(sprintf("AND\n%s %s %s\n", var.names[j], node.op, node.value))
        cat(sprintf("%d: %s %s %s\n", j, var.names[j], node.op, node.value))
    if (format=="VB") cat("THEN Count = Count + 1\n")
  if (format=="VB") cat("END IF\n\n")
  cat(sprintf("%sNumber of rules in Tree %d: %d\n\n", comment, n, nrules))

randomForest2Rules <- function(model, models=NULL)
  if (! packageIsAvailable("randomForest", Rtxt("generate the rule sets")))

  if (is.null(models)) models <- 1:model$ntree

  ## Obtain information we need about the data
  vars <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[-1]

  ruleset <- list()
  for (i in models)
    ruleset[[i]] <- list(ruleset=getRFRuleSet(model, i))

## Generate a list of rules (conditions and outcomes) for RF MODEL
## number N.

getRFRuleSet <- function(model, n)
  if (! packageIsAvailable("randomForest", Rtxt("generate the rule sets")))

  tr <- randomForest::getTree(model, n)
  tr.paths <- getRFPathNodes(tr)
  tr.vars <- attr(model$terms, "dataClasses")[-1]
  ## Initialise the output
  rules <- list()

  ## Generate rpart form for each rule.

  for (i in seq_along(tr.paths))
    tr.path <- tr.paths[[i]]

    ## Indicies of variables in the path
    var.index <- tr[,3][abs(tr.path)] # 3rd col is "split var"
    var.names <- names(tr.vars)[var.index]
    var.values <- tr[,4][abs(tr.path)] # 4th col is "split point"
    tr.rule <- c("root")

    for (j in seq_along(tr.path))
      var.class <- tr.vars[var.index[j]]
      # 6 Mar 2012 This is currently failing. Needs debugging.
      if (var.class == "character" | var.class == "factor" | var.class == "ordered")
        node.op <- "="

        ## Convert the binary to a 0/1 list for the levels.
        var.levels <- levels(eval(model$call$data)[[var.names[j]]])
        bins <- sdecimal2binary(var.values[j])
        bins <- c(bins, rep(0, length(var.levels)-length(bins)))
        if (tr.path[j] > 0)
          node.value <- var.levels[bins==1]
          node.value <- var.levels[bins==0]
        node.value <- paste(node.value, collapse=",")
      else if (var.class == "integer" | var.class == "numeric")
        ## Assume spliting to the left means "<", and right ">=",
        ## which is not what the man page for getTree claims!
        if (tr.path[j]>0)
          node.op <- "<="
          node.op <- ">"
        node.value <- var.values[j]
        stop(sprintf("Rattle E235: getRFRuleSet: class %s not supported.",

      tr.rule <- c(tr.rule, paste(var.names[j], node.op, node.value))
    ## TODO Walk through tr.rule and remove all but the last "VAR<="
    ## and "VAR>" conditions.
    rules[[i]] <- list(rule=tr.rule)

getRFPathNodesTraverse <- function(tree, root=1)
  # Traverse the paths through the binary decision tree represented as
  # a matrix.
  # The columns in the RF tree matrix are:
  #   1. left daughter;
  #   2. right daughter;
  #   3. split var;
  #   4. split point;
  #   5. status;
  #   6. prediction
  paths <- list()
  if (tree[root,'status'] == -1) # Terminal node
    paths <- list(root)
    names(paths) <- root
    lpaths <- getRFPathNodesTraverse(tree, tree[root,'left daughter'])
    lpaths <- lapply(lpaths, append, root, 0)
    rpaths <- getRFPathNodesTraverse(tree, tree[root,'right daughter'])
    rpaths <- lapply(rpaths, append, -root, 0)
    paths <- c(lpaths, rpaths)

getRFPathNodes <- function(tree.matrix)

  ## I am now using Traverse as above, as it is a more logical
  ## ordering of the rules. This function can disappear some day.
  # The columns in the RF tree matrix are:
  #   1. left daughter;
  #   2. right daughter;
  #   3. split var;
  #   4. split point;
  #   5. status;
  #   6. prediction
  # The traversal is essentially from the shortest paths to the longer
  # paths, since we simply list the leaf nodes in the order they
  # appear in the matrix, and then list the rules in this same
  # order. For each rule we work backwards to build the path. An
  # alternative might be to order the rules in a recursive left
  # traversal manner, in which case we get a more logical ordering to
  # the rules.

  # Number of nodes in the tree
  nnodes <- dim(tree.matrix)[1] 

  # Leaf node indices: leaf (or terminal) nodes have a value of -1 for
  # the fifth column (status) of the tree matrix. 

  lnodes <- which(tree.matrix[,5] == -1)
  # Initial the paths, being a list, each element is a vector of the
  # indices of a path from the root to the leaf.
  paths <- list() 

  # Process each leaf's path back to the root node.
  for (i in seq_along(lnodes))
    # Initialise the node to the leaf index
    node <- lnodes[[i]]
    pathI <- node
      leftV <- 1:nnodes * as.integer(tree.matrix[,1]==abs(node))
      leftNode <- leftV[leftV!=0]
      if (length(leftNode)!= 0)
        node <- leftNode
      else # else must not be in the next line
        rightV <- 1:nnodes * as.integer(tree.matrix[,2]==abs(node))
        node <- -rightV[rightV!=0] # rhs node identified with negative index

      pathI <-c(node, pathI)

      ## If the node is the root node (first row in the matrix), then
      ## the path is complete.
      if (abs(node)==1) break
    paths[[i]] <- pathI

  ## Each path is named after its leaf index number
  names(paths) <- as.character(lnodes)


sdecimal2binary <- function(x)
sdecimal2binary.smallEndian <- function(x)
  if (x==0) return(0)
  if (x<0) stop(Rtxt("the input must be positive"))
  dec <- x
  n <- floor(log(x)/log(2))
  bin <- c(1)
  dec <- dec - 2 ^ n
  while(n > 0)
    if (dec >= 2 ^ (n-1)) {bin <- c(bin,1); dec <- dec - 2 ^ (n-1)}
    else bin <- c(bin,0)
    n <- n - 1
exportRandomForestModel <- function()
  # Make sure we have a model first!

  if (noModelAvailable(crs$rf, crv$RF)) return(FALSE)

  startLog(paste(Rtxt("Export"), commonName(crv$RF)))

  save.name <- getExportSaveName(crv$RF)
  if (is.null(save.name)) return(FALSE)
  ext <- tolower(get.extension(save.name))

  # Construct the command to produce PMML. Currently
  # dataset=/transforms= are not needed/supported. TODO.

  pmml.cmd <- sprintf("pmml(crs$rf%s, dataset=crs$dataset)",
                             ", transforms=crs$transforms", ""))

  # We can't pass "\" in a filename to the parse command in MS/Windows
  # so we have to run the save/write command separately, i.e., not
  # inside the string that is being parsed.

  if (ext == "xml")
    appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Export %s as PMML."), commonName(crv$RF)),
              sprintf('saveXML(%s, "%s")', pmml.cmd, save.name))
    XML::saveXML(eval(parse(text=pmml.cmd)), save.name)
  else if (ext == "c")
    # 090103 gjw Move to a function: saveC(pmml.cmd, save.name,
    # "random forest")

    # 090223 Why is this tolower being used? Under GNU/Linux it is
    # blatantly wrong. Maybe only needed for MS/Widnows

    if (isWindows()) save.name <- tolower(save.name)

    model.name <- sub("\\.c", "", basename(save.name))

    export.cmd <- generateExportPMMLtoC(model.name, save.name, "rf_textview")
    appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Export %s as a C routine."), commonName(crv$RPART)),
              sprintf('pmml.cmd <- "%s"\n\n', pmml.cmd),

  setStatusBar(sprintf(Rtxt("The model has been exported to '%s'."), save.name))

Try the rattle package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rattle documentation built on March 21, 2022, 5:06 p.m.