
Defines functions executeTransformCleanupPerform executeTransformRemapPerform executeTransformImputePerform executeTransformNormalisePerform executeTransformTab rescale.by.group modalvalue union.transform on_impute_constant_radiobutton_toggled on_cleanup_radiobutton_toggled on_remap_radiobutton_toggled on_normalise_interval_radiobutton_toggled on_normalise_radiobutton_toggled on_impute_radiobutton_toggled

Documented in modalvalue on_cleanup_radiobutton_toggled on_impute_constant_radiobutton_toggled on_impute_radiobutton_toggled on_normalise_interval_radiobutton_toggled on_normalise_radiobutton_toggled on_remap_radiobutton_toggled rescale.by.group

# Gnome R Data Miner: GNOME interface to R for Data Mining
# Time-stamp: <2016-01-07 08:12:50 gjw>
# Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Togaware Pty Ltd
# This files is part of Rattle.
# Rattle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rattle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rattle. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


# When a radio button on the TRANSFORM tab is selected, display the
# appropriate option.

on_impute_radiobutton_toggled <- function(button)
  if (button$getActive()) 

# TODO 080423 Change to RESCALE
on_normalise_radiobutton_toggled <- function(button)
  if (button$getActive()) 

on_normalise_interval_radiobutton_toggled <- function(button)
  active <- button$getActive()

on_remap_radiobutton_toggled <- function(button)
  if (button$getActive()) 

on_cleanup_radiobutton_toggled <- function(button)
  if (button$getActive()) 

on_impute_constant_radiobutton_toggled <- function(button)

# 090605 Record a list of transforms. Treat as an object. Previously
# we simply had a list of strings and recorded the parameters of the
# transform within the string. This was not scalable. Now we have a
# list of lists. Each element in the list is named with the name of
# the new variable. The sub list then records at least the source
# variable name and the type of the transform. Other transform
# parameters that completely define how the transform is calculated
# are also recorded.
#	orig	Age
#	type	RRC
#	mean	38.622
#	sd	13.58475

union.transform <- function(tr, nm, lst)
  # 090605 Add the new transform, resulting in a variable named NM
  # with paramaters LST (which has a minimum of source and type), into
  # the list TR, optionally overwriting any previous transform of the
  # same type. The list of transforms, TR, is returned, with the new
  # transform appedned.

  # Remove any transforms of the same variable and type. Note that the
  # names already embody the variable name and the transform type.
  tr[which(nm == names(tr))] <- NULL

  # Add the new transform, and give it the name of the variable being
  # transformed.
  tr <- c(tr, list(lst))
  names(tr)[length(tr)] <- nm

  # Return the augmented list of transforms.


modalvalue <- function(x, na.rm=FALSE)
  # Determine the modal value of the data x.
  x = unlist(x)
  if(na.rm) x = x[!is.na(x)]
  u = unique(x)
  n = length(u)
  frequencies = rep(0, n)
  for(i in seq_len(n))
      frequencies[i] = sum(is.na(x))
    } else
      frequencies[i] = sum(x==u[i], na.rm=TRUE)

# 110529 Take a vector of numbers and rescale it appropriately. The
# rescaling is either done in the context of the population of
# observations when by is NULL, or grouped into subpopulations as
# defined by the by argument. Note that in the transform code there is
# not much to be gained by calling this function when there is no by
# argument, and in fact it is probably more educational to show the
# direct call to the other commands in the log tab.
# TYPE == irank
# Rescale the data to integers from 0 to itop-1, with any missing
# values mapped to the midpoint. Original idea from Tony Nolan.
# TYPE == recenter
# The usual z-score rescaling, subtracting the mean and dividing by
# the standard deviation.
# We plan to generalise this function to do any kind of
# rescaling by group, and then get Rattle to simply call this function
# to do its work.
# Examples:
# rescale.by.group(crs$dataset[["Age"]], crs$dataset[["Gender"]])

rescale.by.group <- function(x, by=NULL, type="irank", itop=100)
  # 110529 TODO Check that by is a factor. 160107 Make sure it is a
  # factor... Any consequences?

  bylevels <- levels(as.factor(by))

  # Initialise the result.

  y <- rep(0, length(x))

  # Choose the operation

  cmd <- switch(type,
                irank='round(rescaler(x[elts], "range") * (itop-1))',
                range='rescaler(x[elts], "range")',
                rank='rescaler(x[elts], "rank")',
                robust='rescaler(x[elts], "robust")')
  if (is.null(by))
    y <- eval(parse(text=sub('\\[elts\\]', '', cmd)))
    for (vl in bylevels)
      elts <- sapply(by==vl, isTRUE)
      y[elts] <- eval(parse(text=cmd))

  # 101007 We used to map to itop-1 but now itop/2. This case is when
  # there is only a single observation in a group (or when the
  # original data is missing), and itop/2 makes more sense than either
  # 0 or itop-1.
  if (type == "irank") y[is.nan(y)] <- round(itop/2)



executeTransformTab <- function()
  # We cannot do any transforms if there is no dataset.

  if (noDatasetLoaded()) return()

  # Dispatch to the appropriate option.

  # TODO 080423 Change NORMALISE to RESCALE
  if (theWidget("normalise_radiobutton")$getActive())
  else if (theWidget("impute_radiobutton")$getActive())
  else if (theWidget("remap_radiobutton")$getActive())
  else if (theWidget("cleanup_radiobutton")$getActive())


executeTransformNormalisePerform <- function(variables=NULL,
  # TODO 080609 We should rename this in line with the interface change,
  # since it is not necessarily normalisation but is rescaling.

  # 090323 The paramaters were added to the function call so that we
  # can override what the interface says. This is primarily useful for
  # my Sweave work where I'm automatically controlling Rattle to get
  # screensshots.
  # First determine which normalisation option has been chosen and the
  # prefix of the new variable that will be introduced.  Default to
  # NULL in the hope of picking up an error if something has gone wrong.

  # TODO 071124 The radio buttons could be checkbuttons, and we do
  # multiple transformations for the selected variables, but for now,
  # stay with radio buttons as it is simple, without loss of
  # functionality.

  # 110226 Allow numeric and categoric for recenter, scale01,
  # medianad, and rank. ByGroup variables will be created, as
  # suggested by Tony. This will then replace the By Group optoin
  # altogether.

  bygroup <- FALSE
  byvname <- NULL

  # If the action is not passed through by the command line then
  # determine what action is required from the GUI.
  if (is.null(action))
    if (theWidget("normalise_recenter_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "recenter"
      vprefix <- "RRC"
    else if (theWidget("normalise_scale01_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "scale01"
      vprefix <- "R01"
    else if (theWidget("normalise_rank_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "rank"
      vprefix <- "RRK"
    else if (theWidget("normalise_medianad_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "medianad"
      vprefix <- "RMD"
    else if (theWidget("normalise_interval_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "interval"
      vprefix <- "RIN" # 110530 Changed from "RBG" for "bygroup" to "interval"
    else if (theWidget("rescale_matrix_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "matrix"
      vprefix <- "RMA"
    else if (theWidget("rescale_log_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "log"
      vprefix <- "RLG"
      #remap.comment <- "Log transform."
    else if (theWidget("rescale_log10_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "log10"
      vprefix <- "R10"

  # 110530 DEPRECATED The "bygroup" action is now "interval". This has
  # been renamed globally in Rattle but Sweave documents may still
  # be using "bygroup", so for now map "bygroup" to "interval" and
  # issue a warning.

  if (action == "bygroup")
    warnDialog("DEPRECATED transform action of 'bygroup'. Use 'interval' instead.")
    action <- "interval"
  # Obtain the list of selected variables from the treeview.

  if (is.null(variables))
    selected <- theWidget("impute_treeview")$getSelection()
    selected$selectedForeach(function(model, path, iter, data)
      variables <<- c(variables, model$get(iter, 1)[[1]])
    }, TRUE)
    if (length(variables)) Encoding(variables) <- "UTF-8"

  # 110226 If no variables are selected then there is nothing to do.
  if (!length(variables))
    warnDialog(Rtxt("No variables have been selected for rescaling.",
                    "Please select some variables and Execute again."))
    setStatusBar(Rtxt("No variables selected to be rescaling."))

  ## GROUP BY 110530 If a categoric is also selected, and the action
  ## allows it (i.e., not "matrix" or "log") the set up things for
  ## groupby to work. We can only handle a single categoric for the
  ## groupby so put up an error dialogue and return FALSE. We used to
  ## simply remove the categorics from the list of variables to be
  ## rescaled and continue with that but now that we allow groupby it
  ## makes more sense to do nothing if not sure what to do.

  # Identify the class of each variable.  080328 For any ordered
  # factors class returns two values (since the object inherits first
  # from ordered and then factor), so we remove the "ordered" from the
  # list to hopefully get back to the right length for classes (i.e.,
  # one class for each variable). NOTE objects can inherit from
  # multiple classes, and the order presented is the order in which
  # they inherit. TODO Maybe before we unlist we need to turn multiple
  # results into one, like "ordered_factor".

  # TODO Allow multiple categorics and then group across all the
  # cateogircs: MaleMarried MaleDivorced FemaleMarried etc.
  classes <- unlist(lapply(variables, function(x) class(crs$dataset[[x]])))
  classes <- classes[classes!="ordered"]

  # If there are multiple factors amongst the variables then for now bail out.

  nfactors <- sum("factor" == classes)

  # Currently, only support grouping by a single categoric. TODO
  # Support a group by of multiple categorics.
  if (nfactors > 1)
    infoDialog(Rtxt("We only support By Group with a single categoric",
                    "variable for now.\n\nPlease select just one",
  else if (nfactors == 1)
    if (action %in% c("matrix", "log", "log10"))
      # 110220 Choosing a categoric for one of these does not make
      # sense. So remove it. 100428 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf,
      # and substituting a UTF-8 encoded variable we get garbage, so
      # convert to unknown then back again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does
      # not fix it.

      Encoding(variables) <- "unknown"
      infoDialog(sprintf(Rtxt("We cannot rescale using '%s'",
                              "on a categoric variable.",
                              "Ignoring: %s."),
                         action, paste(variables[which("factor" == classes)],
                                       collapse=", ")))
      Encoding(variables) <- "UTF-8"
      variables <- variables[-which("factor" == classes)] # Remove the factors.
      if (length(variables) == 0) return(FALSE)
      # 110220 If a categoric is selected for one of the other
      # transforms, then turn the operation into a bygroup
      # transform.

      bygroup <- TRUE
      numnumerics <- sum(classes=="numeric" | classes=="integer")

      # The prefix for the new variable will be BYC for recenter, BG1
      # for scale01, BGK for rank, BGD for medianad, and BGN for
      # interval.
      vprefix <- paste("BG", substr(x=vprefix, start=3, stop=3), sep="")

      # Remove the categoric (if any) from the list of variables and
      # store its name in byvname. This allows us to continue to use
      # the loop below, having just the numeric variables in the list.
      byvname <- variables[which("factor" == classes)]
      variables <- variables[-which("factor" == classes)]

      # Ensure we have at least one numeric variable.
      if (numnumerics == 0)
        infoDialog(Rtxt("We must have a numeric variable to normalize for the",
                        "By Group option.\n\nPlease select one numeric variable."))
  startLog(Rtxt("Transform variables by rescaling."))
  # Make sure we have the reshape library from where the rescaler
  # function comes.
  if (action %in% c("scale01", "rank", "medianad", "interval"))
    if (! packageIsAvailable("reshape", Rtxt("normalize data"))) return()
    lib.cmd <- "library(reshape, quietly=TRUE)"
    appendLog(packageProvides("reshape", "rescaler"), lib.cmd)

  # Record the current variable roles so that we can maintain these,
  # modified appropriately by ignore'ing the imputed variables, and
  # input'ing the newly imputed variables.
  input <- getSelectedVariables("input")
  target <- getSelectedVariables("target")
  risk <- getSelectedVariables("risk")
  ident <- getSelectedVariables("ident")
  ignore <- getSelectedVariables("ignore")
  weight <- getSelectedVariables("weight")

  # For MATRIX obtain the matrix total first and then divide each
  # variable by this. We do this here so that it is done only once,
  # rather than through each loop below.

  if (action == "matrix")
    matrix.total <- 0
    total.cmd <- sprintf(paste("matrix.total <- sum(crs$dataset[,",
                         paste(variables, collapse='", "'))
    appendLog(Rtxt("Calculate the matrix total."), total.cmd)

  # Loop through each of the supplied variables.
  for (v in variables)
    norm.score.command <- NULL
    norm.score.comment <- NULL
    # Create the new variable name.

    if (action %in% c("interval"))
      num.groups <- theWidget("normalise_interval_numgroups_spinbutton")$getValue()
      if (bygroup)
        vname <- paste(vprefix, byvname, v, num.groups, sep="_")
        vname <- paste(vprefix, v, num.groups, sep="_")
      if (bygroup)
        vname <- paste(vprefix, byvname, v, sep="_")
        vname <- paste(vprefix, v, sep="_")
    # Check variable specific preconditions, and if we fail then
    # proceed to next variable.

    if (action == "medianad")
      # 080609 For audit$Deductions this returns all NaN or Inf
      # because the median is 0. We can see this with
      # rescaler(crs$dataset[["Deductions"]], "robust") So check for
      # this and do nothing!

      median.cmd <- sprintf('median(crs$dataset[["%s"]], na.rm=TRUE)', v)
      if (eval(parse(text=median.cmd)) == 0)
        # 100428 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a
        # UTF-8 encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to unknown
        # then back again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not fix it.
        Encoding(v) <- "unknown"
        warnDialog(sprintf(Rtxt("The variable '%s' has a median of 0.",
                                "We cannot compute the Median/MAD Rescaler",
                                "for this variable."), v))
        Encoding(v) <- "UTF-8"
    # Generate the command to copy the current variable into a new
    # variable, prefixed appropraitely.

    copy.cmd <- sprintf('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                        vname, v)
    cl <- class(crs$dataset[[v]])

    # Take a copy of the variable to be imputed.

    # 100428 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a UTF-8
    # encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to unknown then back
    # again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not fix it.
    Encoding(v) <- "unknown"
    appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Rescale %s."), v), copy.cmd)
    Encoding(v) <- "UTF-8"
    # Determine what action to perform.
    if (action == "recenter")
      if (bygroup)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-\n',
                                  '   rescale.by.group(crs$dataset[["%s"]],',
                            vname, v, byvname)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-\n',
                                  '   scale(crs$dataset[["%s"]])[,1]'),
                            vname, v)
      norm.comment <- Rtxt("Recenter and rescale the data around 0.")

      # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

      # 090605 New transforms data structure
      lst <- list(orig=v, type=vprefix, status="active",
                  mean=mean(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE),
                  sd=sd(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE))
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)

      # For the log, record the command to use when scoring the data.
      norm.score.command <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-',
                                          '(crs$dataset[["%s"]] -',
                                    vname, v,
                                    mean(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE),
                                    sd(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE))
    else if (action == "scale01")
      if (bygroup)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-\n',
                                  '   rescale.by.group(crs$dataset[["%s"]],',
                            vname, v, byvname)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- ',
                                  'rescaler(crs$dataset[["%s"]], "range")'),
                            vname, v)

      norm.comment <- Rtxt("Rescale to [0,1].")

      # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

      # 090606 New transforms data structure
      lst <- list(orig=v, type=vprefix, status="active",
                  min=min(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE),
                  max=max(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE))
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)

      # For the log, record the command to use when scoring the data.
      norm.score.command <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-',
                                          '(crs$dataset[["%s"]] -',
                                          '%f)/abs(%f - %f)'),
                                    vname, v,
                                    min(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE),
                                    max(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE),
                                    min(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE))
    else if (action == "rank")
      if (bygroup)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-\n',
                                  '   rescale.by.group(crs$dataset[["%s"]],',
                            vname, v, byvname)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- ',
                                  'rescaler(crs$dataset[["%s"]], "rank")'),
                            vname, v)
      norm.comment <- Rtxt("Convert values to ranks.")

      # How would we rank a new item? Thus, can we actually use a rank
      # in a transform?

      # 090606 Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

      lst <- list(orig=v, type=vprefix, status="active")
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)

    else if (action == "medianad")
      if (bygroup)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-\n',
                                  '   rescale.by.group(crs$dataset[["%s"]],',
                            vname, v, byvname)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- ',
                                  'rescaler(crs$dataset[["%s"]], "robust")'),
                            vname, v)
      norm.comment <- Rtxt("Rescale by subtracting median and dividing",
                           "by median abs deviation.")

      # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.
      # 090606 New transforms data structure
      lst <- list(orig=v, type=vprefix, status="active",
                   median=median(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE),
                   mad=mad(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE))
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)

      # For the log, record the command to use when scoring the data.
      norm.score.command <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-',
                                          '(crs$dataset[["%s"]] -',
                                    vname, v,
                                    median(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE),
                                    mad(crs$dataset[[vname]], na.rm=TRUE))
    else if (action == "interval")
      # v <- current numeric variable name from variables
      # byvname <- categoric variable name (no longer in variables)
      # vname <-  the new variable name set up as above

      num.groups <- theWidget("normalise_interval_numgroups_spinbutton")$getValue()

      # 110529 Considerably simplified by making use of the new
      # rescale.by.group function.
      if (bygroup)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-\n    rescale.by.group(',
                                  'crs$dataset[["%s"]], crs$dataset[["%s"]],\n',
                                  '                     type="irank", itop=%s)', sep=""),
                            vname, v, byvname, num.groups)
        norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-\n    rescale.by.group(',
                                  'crs$dataset[["%s"]], ',
                                  'type="irank", itop=%s)',
                            vname, v, num.groups)
      norm.comment <- sprintf(Rtxt("Rescale to 0-%s within each group."),

      # 090606 Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.
      lst <- list(orig=v, type=vprefix, status="active", group=byvname)
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)

    else if (action == "matrix")
      norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- ',
                          vname, v)
      norm.comment <- Rtxt("Divide variable values by matrix total.")

      # 090606 Is this still needed with the new data structure?
      # 090117 Remove any old instances of the same transform. Could
      # this be a general test outside the loop?

      ## present <- grep(vname, crs$transforms)
      ## if (length(present) >0) crs$transforms <- crs$transforms[-present]
      # 090117 Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML. Note
      # that we only need matrix.total, but all other members of
      # .TRANSFORMS.NORM.CONTINUOUS have two paramters, so include the
      # 1 to keep the group consistent.

      # 090605 New transforms data structure
      lst <- list(orig=v, type=vprefix, status="active",
                  sum=matrix.total, vars=variables)
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)

      # For the log, record the command to use when scoring the data.
      norm.score.command <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <-',
                                    vname, v, matrix.total)
    else if (action == "log")
      norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- ',
                                '\n  crs$dataset[crs$dataset[["%s"]] == -Inf &',
                                '! is.na(crs$dataset[["%s"]]), "%s"] <- NA'),
                          vname, v, vname, vname, vname)
      norm.comment <- Rtxt("Take a log transform of the variable - treat -Inf as NA.")

      # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

      lst <- list(orig=v, type=vprefix, status="active")
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)

      # For the log, record the command to use when scoring the data.
      norm.score.command <- norm.cmd
    else if (action == "log10")
      norm.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- ',
                                '\n  crs$dataset[crs$dataset[["%s"]] == -Inf &',
                                '! is.na(crs$dataset[["%s"]]), "%s"] <- NA'),
                          vname, v, vname, vname, vname)
      norm.comment <- Rtxt("Take a log10 transform of the variable - treat -Inf as NA.")

      # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

      lst <- list(orig=v, type=vprefix, status="active")
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)

      # For the log, record the command to use when scoring the data.
      norm.score.command <- norm.cmd

              "if (building)\n{\n  ",
    if (! is.null(norm.score.command))
      appendLog(Rtxt("When scoring transform using the training data parameters."),
                "if (scoring)\n{\n  ", norm.score.command, "\n}")
    # Now update the variable roles.
    if (v %in% input)
      input <- setdiff(input, v)
      input <- union(input, vname)
    else if (v %in% target)
      target <- setdiff(target, v)
      target <- union(target, vname)
    else if (v %in% risk)
      risk <- setdiff(risk, v)
      risk <- union(risk, vname)
    else if (v %in% ident)
      ident <- setdiff(ident, v)
      ident <- union(ident, vname)
      # If the source variable was ignore, then leave it as such, and
      # put the new variable in as input.

      input <- union(input, vname)
    ignore <- union(ignore, v)
  if (length(variables) > 0)
    # Reset the dataset views keeping the roles unchanged except for
    # those that have been normalised, which have just been added as
    # inputs, with the originals now ignored.

    resetDatasetViews(input, target, risk, ident, ignore, weight)
    # Update the status bar

    setStatusBar(sprintf(Rtxt("Normalized variables added to the dataset",
                              "with '%s' prefix."), vprefix))
    warnDialog(Rtxt("No variables have been selected for rescaling.",
                    "Please select some variables and Execute again."))
    setStatusBar(Rtxt("No variables selected to be rescaling."))


executeTransformImputePerform <- function()
  # First determine which imputation option has been chosen and the
  # prefix of the new variable that will be introduced.  Default to
  # NULL so that if the value is not changed, we may get error (it
  # should be an error if the value is not changed).

  # TODO 071124 The rdaio buttons could be checkbuttons, and we do
  # multiple imputations for the selected variables, but for now, stay
  # with radio buttons as it is simply, without loss of functionality.
  action <- NULL
  vprefix <- NULL
  if (theWidget("impute_zero_radiobutton")$getActive())
    action <- "zero"
    vprefix <- "IZR" # May want to distinguish ZERO and MISSING
  else if (theWidget("impute_mean_radiobutton")$getActive())
    action <- "mean"
    vprefix <- "IMN"
  else if (theWidget("impute_median_radiobutton")$getActive())
    action <- "median"
    vprefix <- "IMD"
  else if (theWidget("impute_mode_radiobutton")$getActive())
    action <- "mode"
    vprefix <- "IMO"
  else if (theWidget("impute_constant_radiobutton")$getActive())
    action <- "constant"
    vprefix <- "ICN"
  # Obtain the list of selected variables from the treeview.

  imputed <- NULL
  selected <- theWidget("impute_treeview")$getSelection()
  selected$selectedForeach(function(model, path, iter, data)
    imputed <<- c(imputed, model$get(iter, 1)[[1]])
  }, TRUE)
  if (length(imputed)) Encoding(imputed) <- "UTF-8"

  if (is.null(imputed)) 
    warnDialog(Rtxt("No variables have been selected for imputation.",
                    "Please select some variables and Execute again."))

  # We check here if the action is mean or median, and we have any
  # categoric variables to be imputed. If so put up an info dialogue
  # and remove the cateorigcals from the list of variables to be
  # imputed. We can't impute a mean or median for a categoric
  # variable.

  classes <- unlist(lapply(imputed, function(x) class(crs$dataset[[x]])))

  if (action %in% c("mean", "median") && "factor" %in% classes)
    # 100429 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a UTF-8
    # encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to unknown then back
    # again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not fix it.
    Encoding(imputed) <- "unknown"
    infoDialog(sprintf(Rtxt("We cannot impute the %s for a",
                            "categoric variable. Ignoring: %s."),
                       action, paste(imputed[which("factor" %in% classes)],
                                     collapse=", ")))
    Encoding(imputed) <- "UTF-8"
    imputed <- imputed[-which("factor" %in% classes)] # Remove the factors.
  # Record the current variable roles so that we can maintain these,
  # modified appropriately by ignore'ing the imputed variables, and
  # input'ing the newly imputed variables.
  input <- getSelectedVariables("input")
  target <- getSelectedVariables("target")
  risk <- getSelectedVariables("risk")
  ident <- getSelectedVariables("ident")
  ignore <- getSelectedVariables("ignore")
  weight <- getSelectedVariables("weight")

  if (length(imputed) > 0) startLog(Rtxt("Perform missing value imputation."))

  # [TODO 071124] The following code could be tidied up quite a
  # bit. It has evolved. Bits of the code handling the categorics
  # were copied from the numeric parts and vice versa, and they do it
  # different ways. Should try to do it the same way. Works for now!
  startLog(Rtxt("Transform variables by imputing missing values."))
  for (z in imputed)
    # Generate the command to copy the current variable into a new
    # variable, prefixed appropraitely.
    vname <- paste(vprefix, z, sep="_")
    copy.cmd <- sprintf('crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                            vname, z)
    cl <- class(crs$dataset[[z]])
    # 110313 Note that cl could be "ordered" "factor". We have not
    # considered whether handling an "ordered" is different to
    # handling a "factor", in terms of adding "Missing" as another
    # level.
    if ("factor" %in% cl)
      # Mean and median are not supported for categorics!

      if (action == "zero")

        # Take a copy of the variable to be imputed.

        # 100429 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a
        # UTF-8 encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to unknown
        # then back again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not fix it.
        Encoding(z) <- "unknown"
        appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Impute %s."), z), copy.cmd)
        Encoding(z) <- "UTF-8"
        # If "Missing" is not currently a category for this variable,
        # add it in.

        if ("Missing" %notin% levels(crs$dataset[[vname]]))
          levels.cmd <- sprintf(paste('levels(crs$dataset[["%s"]]) <-',
                                vname, vname)
          appendLog(Rtxt("Add a new category 'Missing' to the variable"),
        # Change all NAs to Missing.
        missing.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]][is.na(',
                                     'crs$dataset[["%s"]])] <- "Missing"',
                               vname, z)
        appendLog(Rtxt("Change all NAs to 'Missing'"), missing.cmd)

        # 090630 I seemed to have only recorded these transforms for
        # non-categorics so now record the transformation for
        # inclusion in PMML.

        lst <- list(orig=z, type=vprefix, status="active", impute="Missing")
        crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)
      else if (action == "mode")
        # Take a copy of the variable to be imputed.
        appendLog(sprintf("IMPUTE %s.", z), copy.cmd)
        imp.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                                 ' <- modalvalue(crs$dataset[["%s"]], ',
                                 "na.rm=TRUE)", sep=""), vname, z, z)
        appendLog(Rtxt("Change all NAs to the modal value (not advisable)."),
      else if (action == "constant")
        # Take a copy of the variable to be imputed.
        # 100428 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a UTF-8
        # encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to unknown then back
        # again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not fix it.
        Encoding(z) <- "unknown"
        appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Impute %s."), z), copy.cmd)
        Encoding(z) <- "UTF-8"
        val <- theWidget("impute_constant_entry")$getText()

        # If val is not currently a category for this variable, add it
        # in.

        if (val %notin% levels(crs$dataset[[vname]]))
          levels.cmd <- sprintf(paste('levels(crs$dataset[["%s"]]) <-',
                                      sprintf('"%s")', val)),
                                vname, vname)
          appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Add a new category '%s' to the variable"), val), 

        imp.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                                 ' <- "%s"', sep=""), vname, z, val)
        appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Change all NAs to the constant value: %s"), val),
        # 100429 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a
        # UTF-8 encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to unknown
        # then back again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not fix it.
        Encoding(z) <- "unknown"
        infoDialog(sprintf(Rtxt("The option to impute the %s for the",
                                "categoric variable (%s) is not (yet)",
                                "available."), action, z))
        Encoding(z) <- "UTF-8"
      imp.val <- Rtxt("Not yet implemented.")
      # Take a copy of the variable to be imputed.
      # 100429 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a
      # UTF-8 encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to unknown
      # then back again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not fix it.
      Encoding(z) <- "unknown"
      appendLog(sprintf(Rtxt("Impute %s."), z), copy.cmd)
      Encoding(z) <- "UTF-8"
      # Determine what action to perform.

      if (action == "zero")
        imp.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                                 " <- 0", sep=""), vname, z)
        imp.comment <- Rtxt("Change all NAs to 0.")
        imp.val <- 0

        # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

        lst <- list(orig=z, type=vprefix, status="active", impute=imp.val)
        crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)
      else if (action == "mean")
        # Note that if z is an integer (e.g. audit$Age) then the
        # imputed variable will be numeric.
        imp.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                                 ' <- mean(crs$dataset[["%s"]], ',
                                 "na.rm=TRUE)", sep=""), vname, z, z)
        imp.comment <- Rtxt("Change all NAs to the mean value (not advisable).")
        imp.val <- mean(crs$dataset[[z]], na.rm=TRUE)

        # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

        lst <- list(orig=z, type=vprefix, status="active", impute=imp.val)
        crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)
      else if (action == "median")
        imp.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                                 ' <- median(crs$dataset[["%s"]], ',
                                 "na.rm=TRUE)", sep=""), vname, z, z)
        imp.comment <- Rtxt("Change all NAs to the median (not advisable).")
        imp.val <- median(crs$dataset[[z]], na.rm=TRUE)

        # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

        lst <- list(orig=z, type=vprefix, status="active", impute=imp.val)
        crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)
      else if (action == "mode")
        imp.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                                 ' <- modalvalue(crs$dataset[["%s"]], ',
                                 "na.rm=TRUE)", sep=""), vname, z, z)
        imp.comment <- Rtxt("Change all NAs to the modal value (not advisable).")
        imp.val <- modalvalue(crs$dataset[[z]], na.rm=TRUE)

        # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

        lst <- list(orig=z, type=vprefix, status="active", impute=imp.val)
        crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)
      else if (action == "constant")
        val <- theWidget("impute_constant_entry")$getText()
        if (is.na(as.numeric(val)))
          # 100429 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a
          # UTF-8 encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to
          # unknown then back again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not
          # fix it.
          Encoding(z) <- "unknown"
          errorDialog(sprintf(Rtxt("The supplied value of '%s' for the variable '%s'",
                                   "is not numeric. Please supply a numeric value."),
                              val, z))
          Encoding(z) <- "UTF-8"
        imp.cmd <- sprintf(paste('crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                                 ' <- %s ', sep=""), vname, z, val)
        imp.comment <- sprintf(Rtxt("Change all NAs to the constant: %s."), val)
        imp.val <- val

        # Record the transformation for inclusion in PMML.

        lst <- list(orig=z, type=vprefix, status="active", impute=imp.val)
        crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)
      appendLog(imp.comment, "if (building)\n{\n  ",  
                imp.cmd, "\n}")
      appendLog(Rtxt("When scoring, transform using the training data parameters:"),
                "if (scoring)\n{\n",
                sprintf(paste('  crs$dataset[["%s"]]',
                              '[is.na(crs$dataset[["%s"]])] <- %s',
                              sep=""), vname, z, imp.val),

    if (z %in% input)
      input <- setdiff(input, z)
      input <- union(input, vname)
    else if (z %in% target)
      target <- setdiff(target, z)
      target <- union(target, vname)
    else if (z %in% risk)
      risk <- setdiff(risk, z)
      risk <- union(risk, vname)
    else if (z %in% ident)
      ident <- setdiff(ident, z)
      ident <- union(ident, vname)
      # If the source variable was ignore, then leave it as such, and
      # put the new variable in as input.
      input <- union(input, vname)
    ignore <- union(ignore, z)
  if (length(imputed) > 0)
    # Reset the dataset views keeping the roles unchanged except for
    # those that have been imputed, wich have just been added as
    # inputs, with the originals now ignored.

    resetDatasetViews(input, target, risk, ident, ignore, weight)

    # Update the status bar

    setStatusBar(sprintf(Rtxt("Imputed variables added to the dataset",
                              "with '%s_' prefix."), vprefix))
    setStatusBar(Rtxt("No variables selected to be imputed."))

executeTransformRemapPerform <- function(vars=NULL,
                                         remap.prefix=paste(action, "_",
  # Remap variables in some way:
  # quantiles, kmeans, eqwidth, log, indicator, joincat, asfactor, asnumeric

  # Obtain the list of selected variables from the treeview.

  if (is.null(vars))
    selected <- theWidget("impute_treeview")$getSelection()
    selected$selectedForeach(function(model, path, iter, data)
      vars <<- c(vars, model$get(iter, 1)[[1]])
    }, TRUE)
    if (length(vars)) Encoding(vars) <- "UTF-8"
  if (length(vars) == 0)
    infoDialog(Rtxt("Please select some variables to remap first. Then Execute."))

  # Record the current variable roles so that we can maintain these,
  # modified appropriately by ignore'ing the binned variables, and
  # input'ing the newly binned variables.
  input <- getSelectedVariables("input")
  target <- getSelectedVariables("target")
  risk <- getSelectedVariables("risk")
  ident <- getSelectedVariables("ident")
  ignore <- getSelectedVariables("ignore")
  weight <- getSelectedVariables("weight")

  # Determine the action requested.

  if (is.null(action))
    if (theWidget("remap_quantiles_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "quantiles"
      num.bins <- theWidget("remap_bins_spinbutton")$getValue()
      remap.prefix <- sprintf("BQ%d", num.bins)
      remap.comment <- sprintf(Rtxt("Bin the variable(s) into %d bins",
                                    "using quantiles."), num.bins)
    else if (theWidget("remap_kmeans_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "kmeans"
      num.bins <- theWidget("remap_bins_spinbutton")$getValue()
      remap.prefix <- sprintf("BK%d", num.bins)
      remap.comment <- sprintf(Rtxt("Bin the variable(s) into %d bins",
                                    "using kmeans."), num.bins)
    else if (theWidget("remap_eqwidth_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "eqwidth"
      num.bins <- theWidget("remap_bins_spinbutton")$getValue()
      remap.prefix <- sprintf("BE%d", num.bins)
      remap.comment <- sprintf(Rtxt("Bin the variable(s) into %d bins",
                                    "using equal widths."), num.bins)
    else if (theWidget("remap_indicator_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "indicator"
      remap.prefix <- "TIN"
      remap.comment <- Rtxt("Turn a factor into indicator variables.")
    else if (theWidget("remap_joincat_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "joincat"
      remap.prefix <- "TJN"
      remap.comment <- Rtxt("Turn two factors into one factor.")
    else if (theWidget("remap_asfactor_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "asfactor"
      remap.prefix <- "TFC"
      remap.comment <- Rtxt("Transform into a factor.")
    else if (theWidget("remap_asnumeric_radiobutton")$getActive())
      action <- "asnumeric"
      remap.prefix <- "TNM"
      remap.comment <- Rtxt("Transform into a numeric.")
  # 090603 Check if it is an indicator transform, and more than a
  # single variable selected. Cannot handle this yet - do them one at
  # a time for now.

  if (action %in% c("indicator") && length(vars) > 1)
    errorDialog(Rtxt("The Indicator Variable transform can only be performed",
                     "one variable at a time. Please select just one variable",
                     "to transform."))
  # Check if the action is one that only works on numeric data, and we
  # have any categoric variables selected. If so put up an info
  # dialogue and remove the categorics from the list of variables to
  # be imputed.

  classes <- unlist(lapply(vars, function(x) class(crs$dataset[[x]])))
  if (action %in% c("quantiles", "kmeans", "eqwidth", "log", "asfactor")
      && "factor" %in% classes)
    # 100429 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a UTF-8
    # encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to unknown then back
    # again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not fix it.
    Encoding(vars) <- "unknown"
    infoDialog(sprintf(Rtxt("Only numeric data is permissible for the %s transform.",
                            "\n\nIgnoring: %s."),
                              eqwidth=Rtxt("Equal Width"),
                              asfactor=Rtxt("As Categoric")),
                       paste(vars[which("factor" %in% classes)], collapse=", ")))
    Encoding(vars) <- "UTF-8"
    vars <- vars[-which("factor" %in% classes)] # Remove the factors.
  if (action %in% c("indicator", "joincat", "asnumeric")
      && ("numeric" %in% classes || "integer" %in% classes))
    # 100429 BUG When using Rtxt in sprintf, and substituting a UTF-8
    # encoded variable we get garbage, so convert to unknown then back
    # again. Making the Rtxt UTF-8 does not fix it.
    Encoding(vars) <- "unknown"
    infoDialog(sprintf(Rtxt("Only non numeric data is permissible for the %s",
                            " transform.\n\nIgnoring: %s."),
                              indicator=Rtxt("Indicator Variable"),
                              joincat=Rtxt("Join Categorics"),
                              asnumeric=Rtxt("As Numeric")),
                       paste(vars[which(classes == "numeric" |
                                        classes == "integer")],
                             collapse=", ")))
    Encoding(vars) <- "UTF-8"
    vars <- vars[-which(classes == "numeric" | classes == "integer")]

  # If, as a result of removing variables from consideration we end up
  # with no variables left, silenty exit as we have already popped up
  # a meassage about removing the categoric variables.
  if (length(vars) == 0) return()

  # Now that we know which variables we are remapping, we can specify
  # the actions. 080406 We set ordered=FALSE here for now because
  # randomForest does not handle them. Andy is working on it.
  if (action == "quantiles")
    # 111025 For now, if a weight is selected in the data tab, then
    # silently do weighted binning.
    if(length(weight <- getSelectedVariables("weight")))
      remap.cmd <- paste(sprintf(paste('  crs$dataset[["%s_%s"]] <- binning(crs$',
                                       'dataset[["%s"]], %d, method="wtd.quantile", ',
                                       'ordered=FALSE, weights=crs$dataset[["%s"]])',
                                 remap.prefix, vars, vars, num.bins, weight),
      remap.cmd <- paste(sprintf(paste('  crs$dataset[["%s_%s"]] <- binning(crs$',
                                       'dataset[["%s"]], %d, method="quantile", ',
                                 remap.prefix, vars, vars, num.bins),
  else if (action == "kmeans")
    remap.cmd <- paste(sprintf(paste('  set.seed(23456)\n',
                                     '  crs$dataset[["%s_%s"]] <- binning(crs$',
                                     'dataset[["%s"]], %d, method="kmeans", ',
                               remap.prefix, vars, vars, num.bins),
  else if (action == "eqwidth")
    remap.cmd <- paste(sprintf(paste('  crs$dataset[["%s_%s"]] <- cut(crs$',
                                     'dataset[["%s"]], %d)',
                               remap.prefix, vars, vars, num.bins),
  else if (action == "indicator")
    remap.cmd <- paste(sprintf(paste('  crs$dataset[, make.names(paste("%s_%s_", ',
                                     'crs$dataset[["%s"]]), sep=""))] ',
                                     '<- diag(nlevels(',
                               remap.prefix, vars, vars, vars, vars),
  else if (action == "joincat")
    if (length(vars) > 2)
      infoDialog(Rtxt("A join of only two categoric variables at a time is allowed.",
                      "Please select just two categoric variables, then Execute."))
    if (length(vars) < 2)
      infoDialog(Rtxt("A join of categoric variables requires two categoric variables.",
                      "Please select two categoric variables, then Execute."))
    remap.cmd <- sprintf(paste('  crs$dataset[, "%s_%s_%s"] <- ',
                               'interaction(paste(crs$dataset[["%s"]], "_",',
                               'crs$dataset[["%s"]], sep=""))\n',
                               '  crs$dataset[["%s_%s_%s"]]',
                               '[grepl("^NA_|_NA$", crs$dataset[["%s_%s_%s"]])]',
                               ' <- NA\n',
                               '  crs$dataset[["%s_%s_%s"]] <- ',
                         remap.prefix, vars[1], vars[2],
                         vars[1], vars[2],
                         remap.prefix, vars[1], vars[2],
                         remap.prefix, vars[1], vars[2],
                         remap.prefix, vars[1], vars[2],
                         remap.prefix, vars[1], vars[2])
  else if (action == "asfactor")
    remap.cmd <- paste(sprintf(paste('  crs$dataset[["%s_%s"]] <- ',
                               remap.prefix, vars, vars),

    # 090718 Remap the levels to correspond to how the transform will
    # appear when exported to PMML.

    ol <- NULL # 090808 Keep "R check" happy.

    relevel.cmd <- paste(sprintf('\n  ol <- levels(crs$dataset[["%s_%s"]])',
                                 remap.prefix, vars),
                         "  lol <- length(ol)",
                         paste('  nl <- c(sprintf("[%s,%s]", ol[1], ol[1]),',
                               'sprintf("(%s,%s]", ol[-lol], ol[-1]))'),
                         sprintf('  levels(crs$dataset[["%s_%s"]]) <- nl',
                                 remap.prefix, vars),
                         sep="\n", collapse="\n")
    remap.cmd <- paste(remap.cmd, relevel.cmd, sep="\n")
  else if (action == "asnumeric")
    remap.cmd <- paste(sprintf(paste('  crs$dataset[["%s_%s"]] <- ',
                                     'dataset[["%s"]])', sep=""),
                               remap.prefix, vars, vars),
  # Perform the remapping.

  startLog(Rtxt("Remap variables."))
            # 090601 build/score difference only for some remap ops.
            ifelse(action %in% c('quantiles', 'kmeans', "eqwidth"),
                   sprintf("if (building)\n{\n %s\n}\n", remap.cmd),

  # Record the transformation as well as reporting to the log.

  vname <- paste(remap.prefix, vars, sep="_")

  if (action %in% c('quantiles', 'kmeans', "eqwidth"))
    # 090109 At this stage the remapping has been performed. Why not
    # get the breaks from the levels of the variables instead of
    # relying on other information.

    breaks <- sapply(vname, function(x)
                      gsub(",", " ",
                      gsub("\\(|\\]|\\[", "",
                            collapse=" "))), " "))))))

    # 090108 The binning command returns as an attribute the
    # breaks. We extract the breaks, add that to the crs$transforms.

    ## lst <- paste(remap.prefix, vars, sep="_")
    ## if (action == "eqwidth")
    ##   breaks <- sapply(vars, function(x)
    ##                   sort(unique(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(
    ##                   gsub(",", " ",
    ##                   gsub("\\(|\\]|\\[", "",
    ##                   paste(levels(cut(crs$dataset[[x]], num.bins)),
    ##                         collapse=" "))), " "))))))
    ## else
    ##   breaks <- sapply(lst, function(x) sort(attr(crs$dataset[[x]], "breaks")))

    # 090606 New transforms data structure

    ## lst <- paste(lst, apply(breaks, 2, paste, collapse="_"), sep="_")
    ## crs$transforms <- union(crs$transforms, lst)

    lst <- list(orig=vars, type=substr(remap.prefix, 1, 2), status="active",
    crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms, vname, lst)
    appendLog(Rtxt("When scoring, use the training data parameters to bin new data."),
              "if (scoring)\n{\n",
              # Print the transforms based on the training parameters
              paste(sprintf(paste('  crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- ',
                                  'cut(crs$dataset[["%s"]],\n    ',
                                  '%s,\n    include.lowest=TRUE)', sep=""),
                            paste(remap.prefix, vars, sep="_"),
                            paste("c(", apply(breaks, 2, paste,
                                  ")", sep="")),
              # Comment the transforms based on the test parameters.
              Rtxt("\n\n# Alternatively, use the min/max from the new data.\n\n"),
              paste(sprintf(paste('#  crs$dataset[["%s"]] <- ',
                                  'cut(crs$dataset[["%s"]],\n#    ',
                                  '%s,\n#    include.lowest=TRUE)',
                            paste(remap.prefix, vars, sep="_"),
                                        ', max(crs$dataset[["%s"]], na.rm=TRUE))',
                                            'c(min(crs$dataset[["%s"]], na.rm=TRUE),',
                                            paste("c(", apply(breaks, 2, paste,
                                                  ")", sep=""))), vars, vars)),
  else if (action == "indicator")
    # 090606 Record each of the newly added variables in the list of
    # transforms.

    sapply(levels(crs$dataset[,vars]), function(x) 
             lst <- list(orig=vars, type=remap.prefix, status="active", level=x)
             crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms,
                                               make.names(paste(vname, x,
                                                                sep="_")), lst)
  else if (action == "joincat")
    lst <- list(orig=vars, type=remap.prefix, status="active",
    names(lst$levels) <- vars
    crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms,
                                      paste(remap.prefix, vars[1], vars[2], sep="_"),
  else if (action == "asfactor")
    # 090707 Add in a breaks attribute. We have already transformed
    # the variable so we can get the information from it. Also note
    # that unlike the other binning transforms, the name of the bins
    # here are the values of the variable, not ranges. We also need to
    # repeat the first entry, so that when we represent the ranges in
    # the XML we get the first range as, for example, [0,0].
    # 090718 The levels have been converted to be ranges, to conform
    # with the bins, thus the breaks may now need to be determined
    # from the second value of each level. However, we used the
    # variable "ol" above to record the old levels, so we can use that
    # as the breaks. 100417 But this use of ol does npot work when
    # there is more than a single transform. So get the breaks from
    # the original transformation.

    for (v in vars)
      # 090718 breaks <- as.numeric(levels(crs$dataset[[vname]]))
      breaks <- as.numeric(levels(as.factor(crs$dataset[[v]])))
      # 100417 breaks <- as.numeric(ol)
      breaks <- c(breaks[1], breaks)
      lst <- list(orig=v, type=remap.prefix, status="active", breaks=breaks)
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms,
                                        paste(remap.prefix, v, sep="_"),
  else if (action == "asnumeric")
    for (v in vars)
      lst <- list(orig=v, type=remap.prefix, status="active",
      crs$transforms <- union.transform(crs$transforms,
                                        paste(remap.prefix, v, sep="_"),
  # Record the new variables as having an INPUT role. 090110
  # Previously implemented no other changes as the original variables
  # are probably still required for modelling, but that was
  # "suprising" so now ignore the originals, like the other
  # transforms. Particularly because the new and old variables will be
  # correlated, and so lead to singularities in regression models.

  if (action == "joincat")
    input <- union(input, paste(remap.prefix, vars[1], vars[2], sep="_"))
    ignore <- union(ignore, vars)
  else if (action == "indicator")
    # 090603 This needs work to support multiple variables at the one
    # time. 090724 Add the make.names to catch levels that have spaces
    # in their names. 101120 By default all but the first are Input,
    # and the first is Ignore.

    new.vars <- paste(remap.prefix, vars,
                      make.names(levels(crs$dataset[[vars]])), sep="_")
    input <- union(input, new.vars[-1])
    ignore <- union(ignore, union(vars, new.vars[1]))
  else if (action %in% c('quantiles', 'kmeans', "eqwidth", "asfactor", "asnumeric"))
    # 090722 Added asfactor and asnumeric here - avoid surprising the
    # user as they are probably expecting the old variables to be
    # ignored, like most other operations. I can't see any reason for
    # keeping the originals as input, except if the user really wanted
    # to, which they can purposfully do.
    input <- setdiff(input, vars) # 090110 Added
    ignore <- union(ignore, vars) # 090110 Added
    input <- union(input, paste(remap.prefix, vars, sep="_"))
    input <- union(input, paste(remap.prefix, vars, sep="_"))

  # 090731 Remove any vars as a target/risk/ident, since they have
  # been ignored and we don't want both!
  target <- setdiff(target, vars)
  risk <- setdiff(risk, vars)
  ident <- setdiff(ident, vars)

  # Reset the dataset views keeping the roles unchanged except for
  # those that have been created, wich have just been added as inputs.

  resetDatasetViews(input, target, risk, ident, ignore, weight)
  # Update the status bar
  setStatusBar(sprintf(Rtxt("Remapped variables added to the dataset",
                            "with '%s_' prefix."), remap.prefix))


executeTransformCleanupPerform <- function()
  # First, record the current variable roles so that we can maintain
  # these, modified appropriately.
  input <- getSelectedVariables("input")
  target <- getSelectedVariables("target")
  risk <- getSelectedVariables("risk")
  ident <- getSelectedVariables("ident")
  ignore <- getSelectedVariables("ignore")
  weight <- getSelectedVariables("weight")

  startLog("CLEANUP the Dataset")

  if (theWidget("delete_ignored_radiobutton")$getActive())
    if (variablesHaveChanged(Rtxt("deleting the selected ignored variables"))) return()
    to.delete <- getSelectedVariables("ignore")
  else if (theWidget("delete_selected_radiobutton")$getActive())

    # Obtain the list of selected variables from the treeview.

    to.delete <- NULL
    selected <- theWidget("impute_treeview")$getSelection()
    selected$selectedForeach(function(model, path, iter, data)
      to.delete <<- c(to.delete, model$get(iter, 1)[[1]])
    }, TRUE)
    if (length(to.delete)) Encoding(to.delete) <- "UTF-8"

    if (length(to.delete) == 0)
      infoDialog(Rtxt("Please select some variables to delete first. Then Execute."))
  else if (theWidget("delete_navars_radiobutton")$getActive())
    # Get a list of all variables. For now (and perhaps always),
    # ignore the role.
    to.delete <- names(crs$dataset)

    # Remove from the list any variables that do not have missing
    # values.
    for (v in to.delete)
      if (sum(is.na(crs$dataset[[v]])) == 0)
        to.delete <- setdiff(to.delete, v)
  else if (theWidget("delete_naents_radiobutton")$getActive())
    # Here, ignore the variables that have a role of Ignore, so we
    # only delete entities that have missing values for non-ignored
    # variables.

    if (! length(ignore))
      cases <- complete.cases(crs$dataset)
      del.cmd <- "crs$dataset <- crs$dataset[complete.cases(crs$dataset),]"
      cases <- complete.cases(crs$dataset[,-getVariableIndicies(ignore)])
      del.cmd <- sprintf(paste("crs$dataset <- crs$dataset[complete.cases(",
                               "crs$dataset[,-%s]),]", sep=""),
    if (! questionDialog(sprintf(Rtxt("We are about to delete %d",
                                      "entities from the in-memory dataset.",
                                      "These have missing values for some of the",
                                      "non-Ignore variables.\n\nAre you sure you",
                                      "want to delete these entities?"),

    # Perform the deletions.
    appendLog(Rtxt("Remove rows with missing values."), del.cmd)


  if (!theWidget("delete_naents_radiobutton")$getActive())
    mapped <- FALSE
    if ("UTF-8" %in% Encoding(to.delete))
      mapped <- TRUE
      Encoding(to.delete) <- "unknown"
    if (! questionDialog(sprintf(Rtxt("We are about to delete the following variables",
                                      "from the in-memory dataset.",
                                      "This will permanently remove them from",
                                      "the memory copy of the data, but will not",
                                      "affect any file system copy.\n\n",
                                      "Delete: %s",
                                      "\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these",
                                 paste(to.delete, collapse=", "))))
    if (mapped) Encoding(to.delete) <- "UTF-8"

    del.cmd <- paste(sprintf('crs$dataset$%s <- NULL', to.delete),
    del.comment <- Rtxt("Remove specific variables from the dataset.")

    # Perform the deletions.
    appendLog(del.comment, del.cmd)

    # Ensure any deleted variables are no longer included in the list
    # of transformed variables. 090606 Modified to work with new
    # transforms data structure. Note that we are only removing
    # deleted transformed variables. What about when we delete a
    # variable that a transform depends on! 090701 Perhaps we don't
    # delete them from the list of transforms. Is there anything to
    # lose keeping the information there, in particular if there are
    # other transforms derived from any transforms about to be
    # deleted. 090801 Restore the removal of deleted transforms since
    # otherwise they get used to identify source variables to
    # export. We may like to add some logic here to not allow any
    # variable to be deleted if it is used in a transform
    # (irrespective of whether that tranform is ignored).

    crs$transforms[names(crs$transforms) %in% to.delete] <- NULL

  # Reset the dataset views keeping the roles unchanged except for
  # those that have been delete.

  resetDatasetViews(input, target, risk, ident, ignore, weight)

  # Update the status bar

  setStatusBar(Rtxt("The deletions from the dataset have been completed."))

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rattle documentation built on March 21, 2022, 5:06 p.m.