find_outliers <- function(x, nsdev = 3, duration = 1, sym = FALSE) {
if(sym) {
tmp <- abs(x)
nsd_ <- stats::sd(tmp, na.rm = TRUE) * nsdev
idx <- which( | tmp > nsd_)
} else {
m <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
nsd_ <- stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) * nsdev
idx <- which( | abs(x - m) > nsd_)
outliers <- deparse_svec(idx, max_lag = duration, concatenate = FALSE)
idx0 <- lapply(outliers, function(out) {
re <- parse_svec(out)
if(length(re) < 0.5 * duration) {
} else {
smooth_signals <- function(x, time, ord = 4L, nknots = 60, avoid_timepoints = integer(0), regularization = 0.1) {
is_matrix <- TRUE
if(!is.matrix(x)) {
is_matrix <- FALSE
x <- matrix(x, nrow = 1)
ntp <- ncol(x)
if(missing(time)) {
time <- seq_len(ntp)
time_idx <- seq_along(time)
avoid_timepoints <- unique(c(as.integer(avoid_timepoints), which(colSums( > 0)))
if(anyNA(avoid_timepoints)) {
avoid_timepoints <- avoid_timepoints[!]
time_idx <- time_idx[!time_idx %in% avoid_timepoints]
time_slices <- deparse_svec(time_idx, concatenate = FALSE)
time_range <- max(time) - min(time)
plan <- sapply(time_slices, function(idx_char) {
idx <- parse_svec(idx_char)
time_start <- time[idx[[1]]]
time_end <- time[idx[[length(idx)]]]
c(time_start, time_end, (time_end - time_start) / time_range)
if(ncol(plan) == 1) {
plan[3,] <- nknots - ord
} else {
nknots2 <- ceiling(plan[3,] / sum(plan[3,]) * (nknots - ord))
while(sum(nknots2) > nknots - ord) {
tmp <- which.max(nknots2)
if(nknots2[tmp] >= 2) {
nknots2[tmp] <- nknots2[tmp] - 1
} else {
plan[3,] <- nknots2
plan <- plan[, nknots2 > 0, drop = FALSE]
knots <- apply(plan, 2, function(item) {
time_start <- item[[1]]
time_end <- item[[2]]
nknots_ <- item[[3]]
# Chebychev points
cos((2 * seq_len(nknots_) - 1) / (nknots_ * 2) * pi) * (time_end - time_start) / 2 + (time_start + time_end) / 2
knots <- sort(as.double(unlist(knots)))
if(length(knots) > nknots - ord) {
knots <- knots[seq_len(nknots - ord)]
knots <- c(rep(time[1], ord - 1), knots, rep(time[length(time)], nknots - length(knots) - 1))
B <- t(splines::splineDesign(knots, time, ord = ord, outer.ok = TRUE, sparse = FALSE))
if(!inherits(B, "matrix")) {
class(B) <- "matrix"
bbt <- tcrossprod(B)
diag(bbt) <- diag(bbt) + regularization
bbtsolve <- qr.solve(bbt)
# Initial fit
if(length(avoid_timepoints)) {
gamma <- tcrossprod(x[-avoid_timepoints], B[, -avoid_timepoints]) %*% bbtsolve
} else {
gamma <- tcrossprod(x, B) %*% bbtsolve
fitted <- gamma %*% B
if(!is_matrix) {
fitted <- as.vector(fitted)
interp_spline <- function (obj1, obj2, ord = 4L,
na.action = stats::na.omit, sparse = FALSE) {
stopifnot(exprs = {
(degree <- ord - 1L) >= 0
length(degree) == 1L
degree == as.integer(degree)
frm <- na.action(data.frame(x = as.numeric(obj1), y = as.numeric(obj2)))
frm <- frm[order(frm$x), ]
ndat <- nrow(frm)
x <- frm$x
if (anyDuplicated(x))
stop("values of 'x' must be distinct")
if (length(x) < ord)
stop(gettextf("must have at least 'ord'=%d points", ord), domain = NA)
iDeg <- seq_len(degree)
nu <- ord%/%2L
knots <- c(x[iDeg] + x[1L] - x[ord], x, x[ndat + iDeg - degree] + x[ndat] - x[ndat - degree])
derivs <- c(nu, integer(ndat + 2*(nu - 2)), nu)
x <- c(rep(x[1L], nu - 1), x, rep(x[ndat], nu - 1))
y <- c(rep(0, nu - 1), frm$y, rep(0, nu - 1))
des <- splines::splineDesign(knots, x, ord, derivs, sparse = sparse)
# des <- crossprod(des)
diag(des) <- diag(des) + 0.001
coeff <- solve(des, y)
value <- structure(list(knots = knots, coefficients = coeff, order = ord),
formula ="~", list(substitute(obj2), substitute(obj1))),
class = c("nbSpline", "bSpline", "spline"))
value <- splines::polySpline(value)
coeff <- stats::coef(value)
coeff[, 1L] <- frm$y
coeff[1L, degree] <- coeff[nrow(coeff), degree] <- 0
value$coefficients <- coeff
interpolate_missing_signal <- function(x, time, nknots = 100, ord = 4L, ...) {
# Time
if(missing(time)) {
ntp <- length(x)
time <- seq_len(ntp)
valid_points <- !
if(sum(valid_points) > nknots) {
valid_points <- which(valid_points)
valid_points <- valid_points[round(seq(1, length(valid_points), length.out = nknots))]
# ispl <- tryCatch({
# splines::interpSpline( obj1 = time[valid_points], obj2 = x[valid_points], ord = 4L, na.action = na.omit, sparse = TRUE, ...)
# }, error = function(e) {
# splines::interpSpline( obj1 = time[valid_points], obj2 = x[valid_points], ord = 4L, na.action = na.omit, sparse = FALSE, ...)
# })
ispl <- tryCatch({
interp_spline( obj1 = time[valid_points], obj2 = x[valid_points], ord = ord, na.action = stats::na.omit, sparse = TRUE, ...)
}, error = function(e) {
interp_spline( obj1 = time[valid_points], obj2 = x[valid_points], ord = ord, na.action = stats::na.omit, sparse = FALSE, ...)
re <- stats::predict( ispl, time )$y
re[!] <- x[!]
#' @title Find and interpolate stimulation signals
#' @param x numerical vector representing a analog signal
#' @param sample_rate sampling frequency
#' @param duration time in second: duration of interpolation
#' @param ord spline order, default is 4
#' @param nknots a rough number of knots to use, default is 100
#' @param nsd number of standard deviation to detect stimulation signals, default is 1
#' @param nstim number of stimulation pulses, default is to auto-detect
#' @param regularization regularization parameter in case of inverting singular matrices, default is 0.5
#' @returns Interpolated signal with an attribute of which sample points are interpolated
#' @examples
#' x0 <- rnorm(1000) / 5 + sin(1:1000 / 300)
#' # Simulates pulase signals
#' x <- x0
#' x[400:410] <- -100
#' x[420:430] <- 100
#' fitted <- interpolate_stimulation(x, 100, duration = 0.3, nknots = 10, nsd = 2)
#' oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#' plot(fitted, type = 'l', col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
#' lines(x, col = 'red')
#' lines(x0, col = 'black')
#' legend("topleft", c("Interpolated", "Observed", "Underlying"),
#' lty = 1, col = c("blue", "red", "black"))
#' pwelch(x0, 100, 200, 100, plot = 1, col = 'black', ylim = c(-50, 50))
#' pwelch(x, 100, 200, 100, plot = 2, col = 'red')
#' pwelch(fitted, 100, 200, 100, plot = 2, col = 'blue')
#' par(oldpar)
#' @export
interpolate_stimulation <- function(x, sample_rate, duration = 40 / sample_rate,
ord = 4L, nknots = 100, nsd = 1, nstim = NULL, regularization = 0.5) {
# nknots <- 60
# ord <- 4
# nsd <- 3
# duration <- 4/30000
# sample_rate <- 30000
# nstim <- NULL
ntp <- length(x)
# Time
time <- seq_len(ntp)
# de-trend
a <- x[[1]]
b <- x[[ntp]]
trend <- ((time - 1) / (ntp - 1) * (b - a) + a)
x <- x - trend
duration_npts <- duration * sample_rate
# find outliers
fitted <- smooth_signals(x = x, time = time, ord = ord, nknots = nknots, regularization = regularization)
outliers <- find_outliers(x = x - fitted, nsdev= nsd, duration = duration_npts / 4, sym = TRUE)
if(!length(nstim)) {
nstim <- length(deparse_svec(outliers, concatenate = FALSE, max_lag = duration_npts / 4))
# plot(fitted, type = "l", lty = 1, col = 'red')
# matlines(x, type = "l", lty = 1, col = 'gray')
fitted <- smooth_signals(x = x, time = time, ord = ord, nknots = nknots, avoid_timepoints = outliers, regularization = regularization)
tmp <- (x - fitted)
tmp[outliers] <- NA_real_
outliers_new <- find_outliers(x = x - fitted, nsdev = nsd, duration = duration_npts / 4, sym = TRUE)
outliers <- unique(c(outliers, outliers_new))
outliers_txt <- deparse_svec(outliers, concatenate = FALSE)
if(length(outliers_txt) > nstim) {
outliers_txt <- outliers_txt[order(sapply(outliers_txt, function(idx){
# length(parse_svec(idx))
}), decreasing = TRUE)]
outliers_txt <- outliers_txt[seq_len(nstim)]
outliers <- unlist(lapply(outliers_txt, function(idx) {
idx <- parse_svec(idx)
if(length(idx) < duration_npts) {
pad1 <- floor((duration_npts - length(idx)) / 4)
if(pad1 > idx[1]) {
pad1 <- idx[1]
idx <- (idx[1] - pad1) + seq_len(duration_npts)
# outliers <- parse_svec(idx)
tmp <- x
tmp[outliers] <- NA_real_
# neg <- ! & tmp < 0
fitted <- interpolate_missing_signal(tmp, time = time, nknots = nknots, ord = max(2L, ord))
# fitted[outliers] <- NA_real_
# outliers_new <- find_outliers(x = x - fitted, nsdev = nsd, duration = duration_npts, sym = TRUE)
# outliers <- unique(c(outliers, outliers_new))
# outliers_txt <- deparse_svec(outliers, concatenate = FALSE)
# if(length(outliers_txt) > nstim) {
# outliers_txt <- outliers_txt[order(sapply(outliers_txt, function(idx){
# mean(abs(tmp[parse_svec(idx)]))
# # length(parse_svec(idx))
# }), decreasing = TRUE)]
# outliers_txt <- outliers_txt[seq_len(nstim)]
# }
# outliers <- unlist(lapply(outliers_txt, function(idx) {
# idx <- parse_svec(idx)
# if(length(idx) < duration_npts) {
# idx <- idx[1] -1 + seq_len(duration_npts)
# }
# idx
# }))
# tmp <- x
# tmp[outliers] <- NA_real_
# # neg <- ! & tmp < 0
# fitted <- interpolate_missing_signal(tmp, time = time, ord = max(4L, ord), period = NULL)
# spot outliers again
# fitted[neg] <- -fitted[neg]
# plot(fitted, type = "l", lty = 1, col = 'red')
# abline(v = outliers, col = "gray")
# lines(fitted, type = "l", lty = 1, col = 'red')
# lines(tmp, type = "l", lty = 1, col = 'black')
fitted <- fitted + trend
# fitted <- matrix(fitted, nrow = 1)
attr(fitted, "interpolated") <- outliers
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