#'@title Render High Quality
#'@description Renders a raytraced version of the displayed rgl scene, using the `rayrender` package.
#'User can specify the light direction, intensity, and color, as well as specify the material of the
#'ground and add additional scene elements.
#'This function can also generate frames for an animation by passing camera animation information from
#'either `convert_path_to_animation_coords()` or `rayrender::generate_camera_motion()` functions.
#'@param filename Default `NA`. Filename of saved image. If missing, will display to current device.
#'@param samples Default `128`. The maximum number of samples for each pixel. Increase this to increase the quality of the rendering.
#'@param sample_method Default `"sobol_blue"`, unless `samples > 256`, in which it defaults to `"sobol"`.
#'The type of sampling method used to generate random numbers.
#'The other options are `random` (worst quality but fastest),
#'`sobol_blue` (best option for sample counts below 256), and `sobol`
#'(slowest but best quality, better than `sobol_blue` for sample counts greater than 256).
#'@param min_variance Default `1e-6`. Minimum acceptable variance for a block of pixels for the adaptive sampler.
#'Smaller numbers give higher quality images, at the expense of longer rendering times.
#'If this is set to zero, the adaptive sampler will be turned off and the renderer will use the maximum number of samples everywhere.
#'@param light Default `TRUE`. Whether there should be a light in the scene. If not, the scene will be lit with a bluish sky.
#'@param lightdirection Default `315`. Position of the light angle around the scene.
#'If this is a vector longer than one, multiple lights will be generated (using values from
#'`lightaltitude`, `lightintensity`, and `lightcolor`)
#'@param lightaltitude Default `45`. Angle above the horizon that the light is located.
#'If this is a vector longer than one, multiple lights will be generated (using values from
#'`lightdirection`, `lightintensity`, and `lightcolor`)
#'@param lightsize Default `NULL`. Radius of the light(s). Automatically chosen, but can be set here by the user.
#'@param lightintensity Default `500`. Intensity of the light.
#'@param lightcolor Default `white`. The color of the light.
#'@param material Default `rayrender::diffuse()`. The material properties of the object file. Only used if `override_material = TRUE`
#'@param override_material Default `FALSE`. Whether to override the default diffuse material with that in argument `material`.
#'@param cache_scene Default `FALSE`. Whether to cache the current scene to memory so it does not have to be converted to a `raymesh` object
#'each time `render_snapshot()` is called. If `TRUE` and a scene has been cached, it will be used when rendering.
#'@param reset_scene_cache Default `FALSE`. Resets the scene cache before rendering.
#'@param width Defaults to the width of the rgl window. Width of the rendering.
#'@param height Defaults to the height of the rgl window. Height of the rendering.
#'@param text_angle Default `NULL`, which forces the text always to face the camera. If a single angle (degrees),
#'will specify the absolute angle all the labels are facing. If three angles, this will specify all three orientations
#'(relative to the x,y, and z axes) of the text labels.
#'@param text_size Default `6`. Height of the text.
#'@param text_offset Default `c(0,0,0)`. Offset to be applied to all text labels.
#'@param line_radius Default `0.5`. Radius of line/path segments.
#'@param smooth_line Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the line will be rendered with a continuous smooth line, rather
#'than straight segments.
#'@param use_extruded_paths Default `TRUE`. If `FALSE`, paths will be generated with the `rayrender::path()` object, instead
#'of `rayrender::extruded_path()`.
#'@param point_radius Default `0.5`. Radius of 3D points (rendered with `render_points()`.
#'@param scale_text_angle Default `NULL`. Same as `text_angle`, but for the scale bar.
#'@param scale_text_size Default `6`. Height of the scale bar text.
#'@param scale_text_offset Default `c(0,0,0)`. Offset to be applied to all scale bar text labels.
#'@param title_text Default `NULL`. Text. Adds a title to the image, using magick::image_annotate.
#'@param title_offset Default `c(20,20)`. Distance from the top-left (default, `gravity` direction in
#'image_annotate) corner to offset the title.
#'@param title_size Default `30`. Font size in pixels.
#'@param title_color Default `black`. Font color.
#'@param title_font Default `sans`. String with font family such as "sans", "mono", "serif", "Times", "Helvetica",
#'"Trebuchet", "Georgia", "Palatino" or "Comic Sans".
#'@param title_bar_color Default `NULL`. If a color, this will create a colored bar under the title.
#'@param title_bar_alpha Default `0.5`. Transparency of the title bar.
#'@param ground_material Default `diffuse()`. Material defined by the rayrender material functions.
#'@param ground_size Default `100000`. The width of the plane representing the ground.
#'@param camera_location Default `NULL`. Custom position of the camera. The `FOV`, `width`, and `height` arguments will still
#'be derived from the rgl window.
#'@param camera_lookat Default `NULL`. Custom point at which the camera is directed. The `FOV`, `width`, and `height` arguments will still
#'be derived from the rgl window.
#'@param camera_interpolate Default `c(0,0)`. Maximum `1`, minimum `0`. Sets the camera at a point between the `rgl` view and the `camera_location`
#'and `camera_lookat` vectors.
#'@param scene_elements Default `NULL`. Extra scene elements to add to the scene, created with rayrender.
#'@param clear Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, the current `rgl` device will be cleared.
#'@param print_scene_info Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, it will print the position and lookat point of the camera.
#'@param clamp_value Default `10`. See documentation for `rayrender::render_scene()`.
#'@param return_scene Default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, this will return the rayrender scene (instead of rendering the image).
#'@param load_normals Default `TRUE`. Whether to load the vertex normals if they exist in the OBJ file.
#'@param calculate_consistent_normals Default `FALSE`. Whether to calculate consistent vertex normals to prevent energy
#'loss at edges.
#'@param point_material Default `rayrender::diffuse`. The rayrender material function to be applied
#'to point data.
#'@param point_material_args Default empty `list()`. The function arguments to `point_material`.
#'The argument `color` will be automatically extracted from the rgl scene, but all other arguments
#'can be specified here.
#'@param path_material Default `rayrender::diffuse`. The rayrender material function to be applied
#'to path data.
#'@param path_material_args Default empty `list()`. The function arguments to `path_material`.
#'The argument `color` will be automatically extracted from the rgl scene, but all other arguments
#'can be specified here.
#'@param animation_camera_coords Default `NULL`. Expects camera animation output from either `convert_path_to_animation_coords()`
#'or `rayrender::generate_camera_motion()` functions.
#'@param ... Additional parameters to pass to `rayrender::render_scene`()
#'#Render the volcano dataset using pathtracing
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'volcano %>%
#' sphere_shade() %>%
#' plot_3d(volcano,zscale = 2)
#'render_highquality(min_variance = 0, sample_method = "sobol_blue")
#'#Change position of light
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'render_highquality(lightdirection = 45, min_variance = 0, sample_method = "sobol_blue")
#'#Change vertical position of light
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'render_highquality(lightdirection = 45, lightaltitude = 10,
#' min_variance = 0, sample_method = "sobol_blue")
#'#Change the ground material
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'render_highquality(lightdirection = 45, lightaltitude=60,
#' ground_material = rayrender::diffuse(checkerperiod = 30, checkercolor="grey50"),
#' min_variance = 0, sample_method = "sobol_blue")
#'#Add three different color lights and a title
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'render_highquality(lightdirection = c(0,120,240), lightaltitude=45,
#' lightcolor=c("red","green","blue"), title_text = "Red, Green, Blue",
#' title_bar_color="white", title_bar_alpha=0.8,
#' min_variance = 0, sample_method = "sobol_blue")
#'#Change the camera:
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'render_highquality(lightdirection = c(0),
#' title_bar_color="white", title_bar_alpha=0.8,
#' min_variance = 0, sample_method = "sobol_blue")
#'#Add a shiny metal sphere
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'render_highquality(lightdirection = c(0,120,240), lightaltitude=45,
#' lightcolor=c("red","green","blue"),
#' scene_elements = rayrender::sphere(z=-60,y=0,
#' radius=20,material=rayrender::metal()),
#' min_variance = 0, sample_method = "sobol_blue")
#'#Add a red light to the volcano and change the ambient light to dusk
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'render_highquality(lightdirection = c(240), lightaltitude=30,
#' lightcolor=c("#5555ff"),
#' scene_elements = rayrender::sphere(z=0,y=15, x=-18, radius=5,
#' material=rayrender::light(color="red",intensity=10)),
#' min_variance = 0, sample_method = "sobol_blue")
#'#Manually change the camera location and direction
#'if(run_documentation()) {
#'render_highquality(lightdirection = c(240), lightaltitude=30, lightcolor=c("#5555ff"),
#' camera_location = c(50,10,10), camera_lookat = c(0,15,0),
#' scene_elements = rayrender::sphere(z=0,y=15, x=-18, radius=5,
#' material=rayrender::light(color="red",intensity=10)),
#' min_variance = 0, sample_method = "sobol_blue")
render_highquality = function(filename = NA, samples = 128,
sample_method = "sobol_blue", min_variance=1e-7,
light = TRUE,
lightdirection = 315, lightaltitude = 45, lightsize=NULL,
lightintensity = 500, lightcolor = "white", material = rayrender::diffuse(),
override_material = FALSE,
cache_scene = FALSE, reset_scene_cache = FALSE,
width = NULL, height = NULL,
text_angle = NULL, text_size = 6, text_offset = c(0,0,0),
line_radius=0.5, point_radius = 0.5, smooth_line = FALSE,
use_extruded_paths = FALSE,
scale_text_angle = NULL, scale_text_size = 6, scale_text_offset = c(0,0,0),
title_text = NULL, title_offset = c(20,20),
title_color = "black", title_size = 30, title_font = "sans",
title_bar_color = NULL, title_bar_alpha = 0.5,
ground_material = rayrender::diffuse(), ground_size=100000,
camera_location = NULL, camera_lookat = NULL,
camera_interpolate=1, clear = FALSE, return_scene = FALSE,
print_scene_info = FALSE, clamp_value = 10,
calculate_consistent_normals = FALSE, load_normals = TRUE,
point_material = rayrender::diffuse,
point_material_args = list(),
path_material = rayrender::diffuse,
path_material_args = list(),
animation_camera_coords = NULL, ...) {
if(rgl::cur3d() == 0) {
stop("No rgl window currently open.")
if(samples > 256 && sample_method == "sobol_blue") {
warning(r"{When `sample_method = "sobol_blue"`, `samples` must be less than or equal to 256. Setting `sample_method` to `"sobol"`.}")
sample_method = "sobol"
if(reset_scene_cache) {
assign("scene_cache", NULL, envir = ray_cache_scene_envir)
if(! {
if(dirname(filename) != ".") {
if(!dir.exists(dirname(filename))) {
stop(sprintf("Error: directory '%s' does not exist.", dirname(filename)))
if(!(length(find.package("rayrender", quiet = TRUE)) > 0)) {
stop("`rayrender` package required for render_highquality()")
#Check path/point material arguments
if(!inherits(path_material, "function")) {
stop("`path_material` is not a function: did you forget to remove the `()` at the end?")
arg_names = names(formals(path_material))
not_matching = !(names(path_material_args) %in% arg_names)
if(any(not_matching)) {
arg_names = arg_names[arg_names != "color"]
all_arg_names = paste(arg_names, collapse = ", ")
all_not_matching = paste(names(path_material_args)[not_matching], collapse = ", ")
stop(sprintf("Path material arguments `%s` not valid for the material. Valid argument names are: \n%s",
all_not_matching, all_arg_names))
if(!inherits(point_material, "function")) {
stop("`point_material` is not a function: did you forget to remove the `()` at the end?")
arg_names = names(formals(point_material))
not_matching = !(names(point_material_args) %in% arg_names)
if(any(not_matching)) {
arg_names = arg_names[arg_names != "color"]
all_arg_names = paste(arg_names, collapse = ", ")
all_not_matching = paste(names(point_material_args)[not_matching], collapse = ", ")
stop(sprintf("Point material arguments `%s` not valid for the material. Valid argument names are: \n%s",
all_not_matching, all_arg_names))
#Set use_extruded_path to TRUE if path_material is dielectric
path_material_raw = path_material()
path_material_df = path_material_raw[[1]]
if(path_material_df$type == "dielectric" && !use_extruded_paths) {
message("dielectric material for paths selected--setting `use_extruded_paths = TRUE` for accurate rendering of material")
use_extruded_paths = TRUE
#Get scene info
windowrect = rgl::par3d()$windowRect
if(!is.null(title_text)) {
has_title = TRUE
} else {
has_title = FALSE
if(is.null(width)) {
width = windowrect[3]-windowrect[1]
if(is.null(height)) {
height = windowrect[4]-windowrect[2]
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
sepval = "\\"
} else {
sepval = "/"
surfaceid = get_ids_with_labels(typeval = c("surface", "surface_tris"))
surfacevertices = rgl.attrib(surfaceid$id[1], "vertices")
polygonid = get_ids_with_labels(typeval = c("polygon3d"))
baseid = get_ids_with_labels(typeval = c("base"))
if(nrow(polygonid) > 0) {
polyrange = c()
polyrange_x = c()
polyrange_z = c()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(polygonid))) {
tempverts = range(rgl.attrib(polygonid$id[i], "vertices")[,2])
tempverts_x = range(rgl.attrib(polygonid$id[i], "vertices")[,1])
tempverts_z = range(rgl.attrib(polygonid$id[i], "vertices")[,3])
if(all(! {
polyrange = range(c(tempverts,polyrange))
if(all(! {
polyrange_x = range(c(tempverts_x,polyrange_x))
if(all(! {
polyrange_z = range(c(tempverts_z,polyrange_z))
if(nrow(baseid) > 0) {
baserange = c()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(baseid))) {
tempverts = range(rgl.attrib(baseid$id[i], "vertices")[,2])
if(all(! {
baserange = range(c(tempverts,baserange))
surfacerange = range(surfacevertices[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
if(nrow(polygonid) > 0) {
surfacerange[2] = range(c(surfacerange,polyrange))[2]
if(nrow(baseid) > 0) {
surfacerange[2] = range(c(surfacerange,baserange))[2]
shadowid = get_ids_with_labels(typeval = "shadow")
if(nrow(shadowid) > 0) {
shadowvertices = rgl.attrib(shadowid$id[1], "vertices")
shadowdepth = shadowvertices[1,2]
has_shadow = TRUE
} else {
has_shadow = FALSE
camera_interpolate[camera_interpolate > 1] = 1
camera_interpolate[camera_interpolate < 0] = 0
fov = rgl::par3d()$FOV
rotmat = rot_to_euler(rgl::par3d()$userMatrix)
projmat = rgl::par3d()$projMatrix
zoom = rgl::par3d()$zoom
scalevals = rgl::par3d("scale")
phi = rotmat[1]
if(90 - abs(phi) < 1e-3) {
phi = -phi
if(0.001 > abs(abs(rotmat[3]) - 180)) {
theta = -rotmat[2] + 180
movevec = rgl::rotationMatrix(-rotmat[2]*pi/180, 0, 1, 0) %*%
rgl::rotationMatrix(-phi*pi/180, 1, 0, 0) %*%
} else {
theta = rotmat[2]
movevec = rgl::rotationMatrix(rotmat[3]*pi/180, 0, 0, 1) %*%
rgl::rotationMatrix(rotmat[2]*pi/180, 0, 1, 0) %*%
rgl::rotationMatrix(-phi*pi/180, 1, 0, 0) %*%
movevec = movevec[1:3]
observer_radius = rgl::par3d()$observer[3]
lookvals = rgl::par3d()$bbox
# lookvals[4] = surfacerange[2]
if(fov == 0) {
ortho_dimensions = c(2/projmat[1,1],2/projmat[2,2])
} else {
fov = 2 * atan(1/projmat[2,2]) * 180/pi
ortho_dimensions = c(1,1)
bbox_center = c(mean(lookvals[1:2]),mean(lookvals[3:4]),mean(lookvals[5:6])) - movevec
observery = sinpi(phi/180) * observer_radius
observerx = cospi(phi/180) * sinpi(theta/180) * observer_radius
observerz = cospi(phi/180) * cospi(theta/180) * observer_radius
if(is.null(camera_location)) {
lookfrom = c(observerx, observery, observerz)
} else {
lookfrom = camera_location
if(length(camera_interpolate) == 1) {
camera_interpolate = c(camera_interpolate,camera_interpolate)
if(is.null(camera_lookat)) {
camera_lookat = c(0,0,0)
if(all(camera_interpolate != 1)) {
if(!is.null(camera_location)) {
lookfrom = (1-camera_interpolate[1]) * c(observerx, observery, observerz) +
camera_interpolate[1] * camera_location
if(!is.null(camera_lookat)) {
camera_lookat = camera_interpolate[2] * camera_lookat
if(cache_scene) {
ray_scene = get("scene_cache", envir = ray_cache_scene_envir)
if(is.null(ray_scene)) {
ray_scene = convert_rgl_to_raymesh(save_shadow = FALSE)
assign("scene_cache", ray_scene, envir = ray_cache_scene_envir)
} else {
ray_scene = convert_rgl_to_raymesh(save_shadow = FALSE)
if(!override_material) {
scene = rayrender::raymesh_model(ray_scene,
x = -bbox_center[1],
y = -bbox_center[2],
z = -bbox_center[3],
override_material = FALSE,
calculate_consistent_normals = calculate_consistent_normals)
} else {
scene = rayrender::raymesh_model(ray_scene,
x = -bbox_center[1],
y = -bbox_center[2],
z = -bbox_center[3],
material = material,
override_material = TRUE,
calculate_consistent_normals = calculate_consistent_normals)
has_rayimage = TRUE
if(!(length(find.package("rayimage", quiet = TRUE)) > 0)) {
warning("`rayimage` package required for labels")
has_rayimage = FALSE
labelids = get_ids_with_labels(typeval = "raytext")$id
labels = list()
counter = 1
for(i in seq_len(length(labelids))) {
if(!has_rayimage) {
temp_label = rgl.attrib(labelids[i], "texts")
temp_center = rgl.attrib(labelids[i], "centers")
temp_color = rgl.attrib(labelids[i], "colors")
for(j in seq_len(nrow(temp_label))) {
if(is.null(text_angle)) {
anglevec = c(-phi,theta,0)
} else {
if(length(text_angle) == 1) {
anglevec = c(0,text_angle,0)
} else {
anglevec = text_angle
labels[[counter]] = rayrender::text3d(label=temp_label[j,1],
x=temp_center[j,1] - bbox_center[1] + text_offset[1],
y=temp_center[j,2] - bbox_center[2] + text_offset[2],
z=temp_center[j,3] - bbox_center[3] + text_offset[3],
angle = anglevec,
text_height = text_size,
material = rayrender::diffuse(color = temp_color[j,1:3]))
counter = counter + 1
if(length(labels) > 0) {
all_labels =, labels)
scene = rayrender::add_object(scene, all_labels)
labellineids = get_ids_with_labels(typeval = "textline")$id
labelline = list()
counter = 1
for(i in seq_len(length(labellineids))) {
if(!has_rayimage) {
temp_verts = rgl.attrib(labellineids[i], "vertices")
temp_color = rgl.attrib(labellineids[i], "colors")
for(j in seq_len(nrow(temp_verts)/2)) {
labelline[[counter]] = rayrender::segment(start = temp_verts[2*j-1,] - bbox_center,
end = temp_verts[2*j,] - bbox_center,
radius = line_radius,
material = rayrender::diffuse(color = temp_color[j,1:3]))
counter = counter + 1
pathids = get_ids_with_labels(typeval = c("path3d","contour3d"))$id
pathline = list()
counter = 1
for(i in seq_len(length(pathids))) {
temp_verts = rgl.attrib(pathids[i], "vertices")
temp_color = rgl.attrib(pathids[i], "colors")
if(nrow(temp_color) == 1) {
temp_color = matrix(temp_color[1:3], byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3, nrow = nrow(temp_verts))
matrix_center = matrix(bbox_center, byrow=TRUE,ncol=3,nrow = nrow(temp_verts))
path_material_args$color = temp_color[1,1:3]
if(use_extruded_paths) {
pathline[[counter]] = rayrender::extruded_path(points = temp_verts - matrix_center ,
width = line_radius * 2,
smooth_normals = TRUE,
straight = !smooth_line,
material ="path_material", args = path_material_args))
} else {
pathline[[counter]] = rayrender::path(points = temp_verts - matrix_center,
width = line_radius * 2,
straight = !smooth_line,
material ="path_material", args = path_material_args))
counter = counter + 1
pointids = get_ids_with_labels(typeval = "points3d")$id
pointlist = list()
counter = 1
for(i in seq_len(length(pointids))) {
temp_verts = rgl.attrib(pointids[i], "vertices")
temp_color = rgl.attrib(pointids[i], "colors")
if(nrow(temp_color) == 1) {
temp_color = matrix(temp_color[1:3], byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3, nrow = nrow(temp_verts))
for(j in seq_len(nrow(temp_verts))) {
point_material_args$color = temp_color[j,1:3]
pointlist[[counter]] = rayrender::sphere(x = temp_verts[j,1] - bbox_center[1],
y = temp_verts[j,2] - bbox_center[2],
z = temp_verts[j,3] - bbox_center[3],
radius = point_radius,
material ="point_material", args = point_material_args))
counter = counter + 1
scalelabelids = get_ids_with_labels(typeval = "text_scalebar")$id
scalelabels = list()
counter = 1
for(i in seq_len(length(scalelabelids))) {
if(!has_rayimage) {
temp_label = rgl.attrib(scalelabelids[i], "texts")
temp_center = rgl.attrib(scalelabelids[i], "centers")
temp_color = rgl.attrib(scalelabelids[i], "colors")
for(j in seq_len(nrow(temp_label))) {
scalelabelfile = tempfile(fileext = ".png")
rayimage::add_title(matrix(0,ncol = nchar(temp_label[j,1])*60, nrow=60),
title_size = 60,
title_offset = c(0,0),title_text = temp_label, title_color = "white",
title_position = "center", filename = scalelabelfile)
if(is.null(text_angle)) {
anglevec = c(-phi,theta,0)
} else {
if(length(text_angle) == 1) {
anglevec = c(0,text_angle,0)
} else {
anglevec = text_angle
scalelabels[[counter]] = rayrender::xy_rect(x=temp_center[j,1] - bbox_center[1] + scale_text_offset[1],
y=temp_center[j,2] - bbox_center[2] + scale_text_offset[2],
z=temp_center[j,3] - bbox_center[3] + scale_text_offset[3],
angle = anglevec,
xwidth = nchar(temp_label[j,1])*scale_text_size, ywidth = scale_text_size,
material = rayrender::diffuse(color = temp_color[j,1:3], alpha_texture = scalelabelfile))
counter = counter + 1
if(length(labels) > 0) {
all_labels =, labels)
scene = rayrender::add_object(scene, all_labels)
if(length(labelline) > 0) {
all_labellines =, labelline)
scene = rayrender::add_object(scene, all_labellines)
if(length(scalelabels) > 0) {
all_scalelabels =, scalelabels)
scene = rayrender::add_object(scene, all_scalelabels)
if(length(pathline) > 0) {
all_pathline =, pathline)
scene = rayrender::add_object(scene, all_pathline)
if(length(pointlist) > 0) {
all_pointlist =, pointlist)
scene = rayrender::add_object(scene, all_pointlist)
if(has_shadow) {
scene = rayrender::add_object(scene, rayrender::xz_rect(zwidth=ground_size,xwidth=ground_size,
y=shadowdepth-bbox_center[2], material = ground_material))
if(any(round(scalevals,4) != 1)) {
scene = rayrender::group_objects(scene,
scale = scalevals,
pivot_point = c(0,0,0))
if(light) {
if(is.null(lightsize)) {
lightsize = observer_radius/5
if(length(lightaltitude) >= 1 || length(lightdirection) >= 1) {
if(length(lightaltitude) > 1 && length(lightdirection) > 1 && length(lightdirection) != length(lightaltitude)) {
stop("lightaltitude vector ", lightaltitude, " and lightdirection vector ", lightdirection, "both greater than length 1 but not equal length" )
numberlights = ifelse(length(lightaltitude) > length(lightdirection), length(lightaltitude),length(lightdirection))
lightaltitudetemp = lightaltitude[1]
lightdirectiontemp = lightdirection[1]
lightintensitytemp = lightintensity[1]
lightcolortemp = lightcolor[1]
lightsizetemp = lightsize[1]
for(i in seq_len(numberlights)) {
if(![i])) {
lightaltitudetemp = lightaltitude[i]
if(![i])) {
lightdirectiontemp = lightdirection[i]
if(![i])) {
lightintensitytemp = lightintensity[i]
if(![i])) {
lightcolortemp = lightcolor[i]
if(![i])) {
lightsizetemp = lightsize[i]
scene = rayrender::add_object(scene, rayrender::sphere(x=observer_radius*5 * cospi(lightaltitudetemp/180) * sinpi(lightdirectiontemp/180),
y=observer_radius*5 * sinpi(lightaltitudetemp/180),
z=-observer_radius*5 * cospi(lightaltitudetemp/180) * cospi(lightdirectiontemp/180), radius=lightsizetemp,
material = rayrender::light(color = lightcolortemp, intensity = lightintensitytemp)))
if(print_scene_info) {
dist_val = sqrt(sum((camera_lookat - lookfrom)^2))
print(sprintf("Camera position: c(%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f), Camera Lookat: c(%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f) Focal Distance: %0.2f Scene Offset: c(%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f)",
lookfrom[1],lookfrom[2],lookfrom[3], camera_lookat[1], camera_lookat[2], camera_lookat[3], dist_val,
if(!is.null(scene_elements)) {
scene = rayrender::add_object(scene,scene_elements)
if(return_scene) {
if(!is.null(animation_camera_coords)) {
stopifnot(ncol(animation_camera_coords) == 14)
rayrender::render_animation(scene, camera_motion = animation_camera_coords, width = width, height = height,
min_variance = min_variance, samples = samples, sample_method = sample_method,
filename = filename, clamp_value = clamp_value, ...)
if(has_title) {
temp = tempfile(fileext = ".png")
debug_return = rayrender::render_scene(scene, lookfrom = lookfrom, lookat = camera_lookat, fov = fov, filename=temp,
min_variance = min_variance, samples = samples, sample_method = sample_method,
ortho_dimensions = ortho_dimensions, width = width, height = height, #camera_up = camera_up,
clamp_value = clamp_value, ...)
if(has_title) {
if( {
rayimage::add_title(temp, title_text = title_text, title_color = title_color,
title_font = title_font, title_offset = title_offset,
title_bar_alpha = title_bar_alpha, title_bar_color = title_bar_color,
title_size = title_size, preview = TRUE)
} else {
rayimage::add_title(temp, title_text = title_text, title_color = title_color,
title_font = title_font, title_offset = title_offset,
title_bar_alpha = title_bar_alpha, title_bar_color = title_bar_color,
title_size = title_size, filename = filename)
} else {
if(! {
debug_return = rayrender::render_scene(scene, lookfrom = lookfrom, lookat = camera_lookat, fov = fov, filename=filename,
min_variance = min_variance, samples = samples, sample_method = sample_method,
ortho_dimensions = ortho_dimensions, width = width, height = height, #camera_up = camera_up,
clamp_value = clamp_value, ...)
} else {
debug_return = rayrender::render_scene(scene, lookfrom = lookfrom, lookat = camera_lookat, fov = fov,
min_variance = min_variance, samples = samples, sample_method = sample_method,
ortho_dimensions = ortho_dimensions, width = width, height = height, #camera_up = camera_up,
clamp_value = clamp_value, ...)
if(clear) {
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.