#' @name fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @title Helper functions for `exportRecordsTyped` Validation and Casting
#' @description This set of functions assists in validating that the content of
#' fields coming from REDCap match the MetaData, allowing for a
#' validation report to provided. The cast helpers allow for transforming
#' the REDCap data into R data types and allowing the user to customize
#' the end product.
#' @param x `character`. A vector to check.
#' @param rx `character`. The regular expression pattern to check.
#' @param coding named `character` vector. The defined coding from the meta data.
#' @param field_name `character(1)`. Name of the field(s)
#' @param dec_symbol `character(1)`. The symbol in the field used to
#' denote a decimal.
#' @param n_dec `integerish(1)`. The number of decimal places permitted
#' by the field validation.
#' @param checked `character`. Values to recognize as checked in a
#' checkbox field.
#' @param FUN `function`. A function that takes a character vector.
#' @param ... Consumes anything else passed to function. I.e., field_name and
#' coding.
#' @details Functions passed to the `na`, `validation`, and
#' `cast` parameter of [exportRecordsTyped()] all take the form
#' of `function(x, coding, field_name)`. `na` and `validation`
#' functions are expected to return a logical vector of the same length as the
#' column processed. Helper routines
#' are provided here for common cases to construct these functions.
#' ## Missing Data Detection
#' `na_values` is a helper function to create a list of functions
#' to test for NA based on field type. Useful for bulk override of
#' NA detection for a project. The output can be directly passed to the `na`
#' parameter of [exportRecordsTyped()].
#' Missing data detection is performed ahead of validation. Data that are found
#' to be missing are excluded from validation reports.
#' REDCap users may define project-level missing value codes. If such codes
#' are defined, they can be seen in Project Setup > Additional Customizations >
#' Missing Data Codes. They will also be displayed in the project's Codebook.
#' Project-level missing data codes cannot be accessed via the API, meaning
#' `redcapAPI` is unable to assist in determining if a project has any. The
#' most likely symptom of project-level codes is a high frequency of
#' values failing validation (See `vignette("redcapAPI-missing-data-detection")`).
#' ## Validation Functions
#' `isNAorBlank` returns TRUE/FALSE if field is NA or blank. Helper
#' function for constructing `na` overrides in [exportRecordsTyped()].
#' `valRx` constructs a validation function from a regular expression pattern.
#' The function returns a TRUE/FALSE if the value matches the pattern.
#' `valChoice` constructs a validation function from a set of choices
#' defined in the MetaData. The functions returns a TRUE/FALSE if the value
#' matches one of the choices.
#' `valPhone` constructs a validation function for (North American)
#' phone numbers. It removes punctuation and spaces prior to validating
#' with the regular expression.
#' `valSkip` is a function that supports skipping the validation for
#' a field type. It returns a `TRUE` value for each record, regardless
#' of its value. Validation skipping has occasional utility when importing
#' certain field types (such as `bioportal` or `sql`) where not all of the
#' eventual choices are available in the project yet.
#' `skip_validation` is a list of functions that just returns TRUE for
#' all data passed in.
#' ## Casting Functions
#' `castLabel` constructs a casting function for multiple choice variables.
#' The field will be cast to return the choice label (generally more human readable).
#' `castLabelCharacter` is an equivalent casting function that returns
#' a `character` vector instead of a `factor`.
#' `castCode` constructs a casting function for multiple choice variables.
#' Similar to `castLabel`, but the choice value is returned instead. The
#' values are typically more compact and their meaning may not be obvious.
#' `castCodeCharacter` is an equivalent casting function that retuns
#' a `character` vector instead of a `factor`.
#' `castRaw` constructs a casting function that returns the content
#' from REDCap as it was received. It is functionally equivalent to `identity`.
#' For multiple choice variables, the result will be coerced to numeric, if possible;
#' otherwise, the result is character vector.
#' `castChecked` constructs a casting function for checkbox fields. It
#' returns values in the form of Unchecked/Checked. `castCheckedCharacter`
#' is an equivalent casting function that returns a `character` vector
#' instead of a `factor`.
#' `castCheckLabel` and `castCheckCode` also construct casting functions
#' for checkbox fields. For both, unchecked variables are cast to an empty
#' string (""). Checked variables are cast to the option label and option code,
#' respectively. `castCheckLabelCharacter` and `castCheckCodeCharacter`
#' are equivalent casting functions that returns a `character` vector
#' instead of a `factor`.
#' `castCheckForImport` is a special case function to allow the user to
#' specify exactly which values are to be considered "Checked". Values that
#' match are returned as `1` and all other values are returned as `0`. This is
#' motivated by the special case where the coding on a checkbox includes
#' "0, Option". In the resulting field `checkbox___0`, a coded value
#' of `0` actually implies the choice was selected. In order to perform an
#' import on such data, it is necessary to cast it using
#' `castCheckForImport(c("0"))`.
#' `castDpNumeric` is a casting function for fields that use the
#' `number_ndp_comma` field type (where `n` is the number of
#' decimal places). This function will convert the values to numeric
#' values for use in analysis. This is a function that returns the
#' appropriate casting function, thus the appropriate usage when using
#' the defaults is `cast = list(number_1dp_comma = castDpNumeric())`
#' (using the parentheses).
#' `castDpCharacter` is a casting function to return fields that use
#' `number_ndp_comma` field types to character strings for import. This
#' is a function that returns the appropriate casting function, thus the
#' appropriate usage when casting for one decimal place is
#' `cast = list(number_1dp_comma = castDpCharacter(1))`.
#' `castTimeHHMM` and `castTimeMMSS` are casting functions to
#' facilitate importing data. They convert time data into a character format
#' that will pass the API requirements.
#' `castLogical` is a casting function that returns a logical vector for
#' common, binary-type responses. It is well suited to changing true/false,
#' yes/no, and checkbox fields into logical vectors, as it returns `TRUE` if
#' the value is one of `c("1", "true", "yes")` and returns `FALSE` otherwise.
#' ## Casting Lists
#' `raw_cast` overrides all casting if passed as the `cast`
#' parameter. It is important the the validation specified matches
#' the chosen cast. For fully raw it should be `skip_validation`.
#' `default_cast_no_factor` is a list of casting functions that matches
#' all of the default casts but with the exception that any fields that would
#' have been cast to factors will instead be cast to characters. It is
#' provided for the user that prefers to work absent factors. The list
#' `default_cast_character` is equivalent and is provided for those that
#' prefer to describe their casting in terms of what the result is (and not
#' what it is not).
#' @return
#' Validation and casting functions return the objects indicated in the
#' following table:
#' | Function Name | Object Type Returned |
#' |---------------------------|----------------------|
#' | `isNAOrBlank` | `logical` |
#' | `valRx` | `logical` |
#' | `valChoice` | `logical` |
#' | `valPhone` | `logical` |
#' | `valSkip` | `logical` |
#' | `castLabel` | `factor` |
#' | `castLabelCharacter` | `character` |
#' | `castCode` | `factor` |
#' | `castCodeCharacter` | `character` |
#' | `castRaw` | `character` |
#' | `castChecked` | `factor` |
#' | `castCheckedCharacter` | `character` |
#' | `castCheckLabel` | `factor` |
#' | `castCheckLabelCharacter` | `character` |
#' | `castCheckCode` | `factor` |
#' | `castCheckCodeCharacter` | `character` |
#' | `castCheckForImport` | `numeric` |
#' | `castDpNumeric` | `numeric` |
#' | `castDpCharacter` | `character` |
#' | `castTimeHHMM` | `character` |
#' | `castTimeMMSS` | `character` |
#' | `castLogical` | `logical` |
#' @seealso
#' [fieldCastingFunctions()], \cr
#' [exportRecordsTyped()], \cr
#' [exportReportsTyped()]
#' ## Vignettes
#' `vignette("redcapAPI-casting-data")`\cr
#' `vignette("redcapAPI-missing-data-detection")`\cr
#' `vignette("redcapAPI-data-validation)`\cr
#' `vignette("redcapAPI-faq)`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Make a custom function to give special treatment to a field.
#' # In this function, the field "field_name_to_skip" will
#' # be cast using `castRaw`. All other fields will be cast
#' # using `castCode`
#' customCastCode <- function(x, field_name, coding){
#' if (field_name == "field_name_to_skip"){
#' castRaw(x, field_name, coding)
#' } else {
#' castCode(x, field_name, coding)
#' }
#' }
#' }
# Validation ####
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
isNAorBlank <- function(x, ...) | x==''
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
valRx <- function(rx) { function(x, ...) grepl(rx, x) }
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
valChoice <- function(x, field_name, coding) x %in% coding | x %in% names(coding)
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
valPhone <- function(x, field_name, coding){
x <- gsub("[[:punct:][:space:]]", "", x)
grepl(REGEX_PHONE, x)
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
valSkip <- function(x, field_name, coding){
rep(TRUE, length(x))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
na_values <- function(FUN)
coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
checkmate::assert_function( x = FUN,
null.ok = FALSE,
add = coll)
l <- lapply(FIELD_TYPES, function(f) FUN)
names(l) <- FIELD_TYPES
# Casting ####
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castLabel <- function(x, field_name, coding){
code_match <- getCodingIndex(x, coding)
factor(unname(coding[code_match]), levels = coding, labels = names(coding))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castLabelCharacter <- function(x, field_name, coding){
as.character(castLabel(x, field_name, coding))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castCode <- function(x, field_name, coding){
code_match <- getCodingIndex(x, coding)
factor(unname(coding[code_match]), levels = coding, labels = coding)
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castCodeCharacter <- function(x, field_name, coding){
as.character(castCode(x, field_name, coding))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castRaw <- function(x, field_name, coding){
warnOfZeroCodedCheckCasting(field_name, x)
raw <-
if (grepl(".*___(.*)", field_name)){
as.character((x %in% getCheckedValue(coding, field_name)) + 0L),
} else {
code_match <- getCodingIndex(x, coding)
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castChecked <- function(x, field_name, coding){
checked_value <- getCheckedValue(coding, field_name)
warnOfZeroCodedCheckCasting(field_name, x)
x_checked <- x %in% checked_value
factor(c("Unchecked", "Checked")[(x_checked)+1], levels=c("Unchecked", "Checked"))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castCheckedCharacter <- function(x, field_name, coding){
as.character(castChecked(x, field_name, coding))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castCheckLabel <- function(x, field_name, coding){
checked_value <- getCheckedValue(coding, field_name)
warnOfZeroCodedCheckCasting(field_name, x)
x_checked <- x %in% checked_value
# Sets the level and label while accomodating 0 coded check values
# (0 is not considered a `checked_value` in this case, so must be handled by force)
is_zero_coded <- isZeroCodedCheckField(field_name)
the_level <- if (is_zero_coded) "0" else checked_value[1]
the_label <- if (is_zero_coded) checked_value[1] else names(checked_value)[1]
factor(unname(c("", the_level)[(x_checked) + 1]),
levels=c("", the_level),
labels=c("", the_label))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castCheckLabelCharacter <- function(x, field_name, coding){
as.character(castCheckLabel(x, field_name, coding))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castCheckCode <- function(x, field_name, coding){
checked_value <- getCheckedValue(coding, field_name)
warnOfZeroCodedCheckCasting(field_name, x)
x_checked <- x %in% checked_value
# Sets the level and label while accomodating 0 coded check values
# (0 is not considered a `checked_value` in this case, so must be handled by force)
is_zero_coded <- isZeroCodedCheckField(field_name)
the_level <- if (is_zero_coded) "0" else checked_value[1]
the_label <- if (is_zero_coded) "0" else checked_value[1]
factor(unname(c("", the_level)[(x_checked) + 1]),
levels=c("", the_level),
labels=c("", the_label))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castCheckCodeCharacter <- function(x, field_name, coding){
as.character(castCheckCode(x, field_name, coding))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castCheckForImport <- function(checked = c("Checked", "1")){
function(x, coding, field_name){
is_na <-
out <- (x %in% checked) + 0L
out[is_na] <- NA
# utility function returns the index of the codebook matching the
# content of the vector. Permits accurate matching without foreknowledge
# of whether the data are coded or labeled.
getCodingIndex <- function(x, coding){
code_match <- match(as.character(x), coding)
ifelse(, coding)),
match(x, names(coding)),
# Assembles the values that are associated with Checked
getCheckedValue <- function(coding, field_name){
this_code <- sub(REGEX_CHECKBOX_FIELD_NAME, # defined in constants.R
"\\2", field_name, perl = TRUE)
# to match, we will convert all of the punctuation to underscore.
# this is consistent with how REDCap converts codes to variable names.
# for instance, a checkbox with code 4-3, label produce variable name checkbox___4_3
this_code_index <- match(this_code,
tolower(gsub("[[:punct:]]", "_", coding)))
checked_value <- c(coding[this_code_index],
# When casting from raw, we do not want to consider "0" as checked
# for zero coded fields.
if (isZeroCodedCheckField(field_name)){
checked_value <- checked_value[-1]
# Coerce to a numeric vector if possible, otherwise return the original value
coerceNumericIfAble <- function(x){
x <- tryCatch(as.numeric(x),
warning = function(cond) x,
error = function(cond) x)
# Casting numerics ####
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castDpNumeric <- function(dec_symbol = ","){
function(x, field_name, coding){
as.numeric(sub(dec_symbol, getOption("OutDec"), x))
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castDpCharacter <- function(n_dec, dec_symbol = ","){
function(x, field_name, coding){
x[!] <- format(round(as.numeric(x[!]), n_dec),
nsmall = n_dec,
decimal.mark = dec_symbol)
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castTimeHHMM <- function(x, field_name, coding){
x <- as.character(x)
x_not_missing <- x[!]
time <- strsplit(x_not_missing, ":")
time <- lapply(time, function(t) utils::head(t, 2))
time <- vapply(time, paste0, character(1), collapse = ":")
x[!] <- time
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castTimeMMSS <- function(x, field_name, coding){
x <- as.character(x)
x_not_missing <- x[!]
time <- strsplit(x_not_missing, ":")
time <- lapply(time, function(t) utils::tail(t, 2))
time <- vapply(time, paste0, character(1), collapse = ":")
x[!] <- time
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
castLogical <- function(x, field_name, coding){
is_na <-
x <- x %in% c("1", "true", "yes")
x[is_na] <- NA
# Cast function lists ####
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
raw_cast <- list(
date_ = NA,
datetime_ = NA,
datetime_seconds_ = NA,
time_mm_ss = NA,
time_hh_mm_ss = NA,
time = NA,
float = NA,
number = NA,
calc = NA,
int = NA,
integer = NA,
yesno = NA,
truefalse = NA,
checkbox = NA,
form_complete = NA,
select = NA,
radio = NA,
dropdown = NA,
sql = NA,
system = NA,
bioportal = NA
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
default_cast_no_factor <- list(
date_ = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
datetime_ = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
datetime_seconds_ = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
time_mm_ss = function(x, ...) chron::times(ifelse(,NA,paste0("00:",x)), format=c(times="h:m:s")),
time_hh_mm_ss = function(x, ...) chron::times(x, format=c(times="h:m:s")),
time = function(x, ...) chron::times(gsub("(^\\d{2}:\\d{2}$)", "\\1:00", x),
float = as.numeric,
number = as.numeric,
number_1dp = as.numeric,
number_1dp_comma_decimal = castDpNumeric(),
number_2dp = as.numeric,
number_2dp_comma_decimal = castDpNumeric(),
calc = as.numeric,
int = as.integer,
integer = as.numeric,
yesno = castLabelCharacter,
truefalse = function(x, ...) x=='1' | tolower(x) =='true',
checkbox = castCheckedCharacter,
form_complete = castLabelCharacter,
select = castLabelCharacter,
radio = castLabelCharacter,
dropdown = castLabelCharacter,
sql = castLabelCharacter,
system = castLabelCharacter,
bioportal = castLabelCharacter
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
default_cast_character <- default_cast_no_factor
# Unexported - default lists for exportRecordsTyped ####
.default_validate <- list(
# REGEX values defined in constants.R
date_ = function(x, ...) !, format = "%Y-%m-%d")),
datetime_ = function(x, ...) !, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
datetime_seconds_ = function(x, ...) !, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
time_mm_ss = valRx(REGEX_TIME_MMSS),
time_hh_mm_ss = valRx(REGEX_TIME_HHMMSS),
time = valRx(REGEX_TIME),
float = valRx(REGEX_FLOAT),
number = valRx(REGEX_NUMBER),
calc = valRx(REGEX_CALC),
int = valRx(REGEX_INT),
integer = valRx(REGEX_INTEGER),
yesno = valRx(REGEX_YES_NO),
truefalse = valRx(REGEX_TRUE_FALSE),
checkbox = valRx(REGEX_CHECKBOX),
form_complete = valRx(REGEX_FORM_COMPLETE),
select = valChoice,
radio = valChoice,
dropdown = valChoice,
sql = valChoice,
bioportal = valSkip
.default_cast <- list(
date_ = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
datetime_ = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),
datetime_seconds_ = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
time_mm_ss = function(x, ...) chron::times(ifelse(,NA,paste0("00:",x)), format=c(times="h:m:s")),
time_hh_mm_ss = function(x, ...) chron::times(x, format=c(times="h:m:s")),
time = function(x, ...) chron::times(gsub("(^\\d{2}:\\d{2}$)", "\\1:00", x),
float = as.numeric,
number = as.numeric,
number_1dp = as.numeric,
number_1dp_comma_decimal = castDpNumeric(),
number_2dp = as.numeric,
number_2dp_comma_decimal = castDpNumeric(),
calc = as.numeric,
int = as.integer,
integer = as.numeric,
yesno = castLabel,
truefalse = function(x, ...) x=='1' | tolower(x) =='true',
checkbox = castChecked,
form_complete = castLabel,
select = castLabel,
radio = castLabel,
dropdown = castLabel,
sql = castLabel,
system = castLabel,
bioportal = castLabel
# Default Lists for recastForImport ####
.default_validate_import <- list(
date_ = function(x, ...) !, format = "%Y-%m-%d")),
datetime_ = function(x, ...) !, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")),
datetime_seconds_ = function(x, ...) !, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
time_mm_ss = function(x, ...) valRx(REGEX_HHMMSS)(x) | valRx(REGEX_TIME_MMSS)(x),
time_hh_mm_ss = function(x, ...) valRx(REGEX_HHMMSS)(x) | valRx(REGEX_TIME_HHMMSS)(x),
time = function(x, ...) valRx(REGEX_HHMMSS)(x) | valRx(REGEX_TIME)(x),
alpha_only = valRx(REGEX_LETTERS_ONLY),
float = valRx(REGEX_FLOAT),
number = valRx(REGEX_NUMBER),
number_1dp = valRx(REGEX_NUMBER),
number_1dp_comma_decimal = valRx(REGEX_NUMBER),
number_2dp = valRx(REGEX_NUMBER),
number_2dp_comma_decimal = valRx(REGEX_NUMBER),
calc = valRx(REGEX_CALC),
int = valRx(REGEX_INT),
integer = valRx(REGEX_INT),
yesno = valRx(REGEX_YES_NO),
truefalse = valRx(REGEX_TRUE_FALSE),
checkbox = valRx(REGEX_CHECKBOX),
form_complete = valRx(REGEX_FORM_COMPLETE),
select = valChoice,
radio = valChoice,
dropdown = valChoice,
email = valRx(REGEX_EMAIL),
phone = valPhone,
zipcode = valRx(REGEX_ZIPCODE),
slider = valRx(REGEX_NUMBER),
sql = valChoice,
bioportal = valChoice
.default_cast_import <- list(
date_ = as.character,
datetime_ = as.character,
datetime_seconds_ = as.character,
time_mm_ss = castTimeMMSS,
time_hh_mm_ss = as.character,
time = castTimeHHMM,
alpha_only = as.character,
float = as.character,
number = as.character,
number_1dp = castDpCharacter(1, dec_symbol = "."),
number_1dp_comma_decimal = castDpCharacter(1),
number_2dp = castDpCharacter(2, dec_symbol = "."),
number_2dp_comma_decimal = castDpCharacter(2),
calc = as.character,
int = function(x, ...) as.character(as.integer(x)),
integer = function(x, ...) as.character(as.integer(x)),
yesno = castRaw,
truefalse = function(x, ...) (x=='1' | tolower(x) =='true') + 0L,
checkbox = castRaw,
form_complete = castRaw,
select = castRaw,
radio = castRaw,
dropdown = castRaw,
email = as.character,
phone = as.character,
zipcode = as.character,
slider = as.numeric,
sql = castRaw,
system = castRaw,
bioportal = castCodeCharacter
# FIELD_TYPES constant ####
"date_", "datetime_", "datetime_seconds_", "time_mm_ss",
"time_hh_mm_ss", "time", "float", "number",
"calc", "int", "integer", "yesno",
"truefalse", "checkbox", "form_complete", "select",
"radio", "dropdown", "sql", "system",
# Validation lists
#' @rdname fieldValidationAndCasting
#' @export
skip_validation <- na_values(valSkip)
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