
Defines functions redist.findparams run_sims

Documented in redist.findparams

## Author: Ben Fifield
## Institution: Princeton University
## Date Created: 2015/08/26
## Date Modified: 2015/08/26
## Purpose: Function to try parameters and
## get estimates of performance

run_sims <- function(i, params, map, nsims, init_plan,
                     group_pop, counties, names, maxiterrsg, report_all,
                     adapt_lambda, adapt_eprob,
                     nstartval_store, maxdist_startval, logarg) {

    ## Get this iteration
    p_sub <- params %>% dplyr::slice(i)
    if (logarg) {
        sink(paste0("log_", i, ".txt"))
        cat("Parameter Values:\n")

    ## Set parameter values
    if ("eprob" %in% names) {
        eprob <- p_sub$eprob
    } else {
        eprob <- 0.05

    if ("lambda" %in% names) {
        lambda <- p_sub$eprob
    } else {
        lambda <- 0

    if (!("pop_tol" %in% names)) {
        pop_tol <- 100
    } else {
        pop_tol <- p_sub$pop_tol

    ## Set constraints
    constr <- redist_constr(map)
    if ("weight_population" %in% names) {
        constr <- constr %>%
            add_constr_pop_dev(strength = p_sub$weight_population)
    if ("weight_compact" %in% names) {
        constr <- constr %>%
            add_constr_edges_rem(strength = p_sub$weight_compact)
    if ("weight_segregation" %in% names) {
        constr <- constr %>%
            add_constr_segregation(strength = p_sub$weight_segregation,
                group_pop = group_pop)
    if ("weight_similarity" %in% names) {
        constr <- constr %>%
            add_constr_status_quo(strength = p_sub$weight_similarity, current = init_plan)
    if ("weight_countysplit" %in% names) {
        constr <- constr %>%
            add_constr_splits(strength = p_sub$weight_countysplit, admin = counties)
    ## Run siulations
    out <- redist_flip(map %>% set_pop_tol(pop_tol),
        nsims = nsims,
        init_plan = init_plan,
        eprob = eprob,
        lambda = lambda,
        constraints = constr,
        adapt_lambda = adapt_lambda,
        adapt_eprob = adapt_eprob) %>%
    if (adapt_eprob) {
        final_eprob <- attr(out, "final_eprob")
    if (adapt_lambda) {
        final_lambda <- attr(out, "final_lambda")

    ## Sample districts for use as starting values
    ## Divide equally by distance
    inds <- which(1 - attr(out, "distance_original") < maxdist_startval)
    cuts <- c(0, round(quantile(1:length(inds), (1:nstartval_store)/nstartval_store)))
    if (length(inds) == 0) {
        cat(paste0("No maps available under parameter set ", i, ".\n"))
        startval <- NULL
    } else {
        startval <- matrix(NA, nrow(get_plans_matrix(out)), nstartval_store)
        for (i in 1:nstartval_store) {
            sub <- inds[inds > cuts[i] & inds <= cuts[i + 1]]
            startval[, i] <- get_plans_matrix(out)[, sample(sub, 1)]
        startval <- as.matrix(startval)

    ## Get quantiles
    quant <- floor(nsims/4)
    q1 <- 1:quant
    q2 <- (quant + 1):(2*quant)
    q3 <- (2*quant + 1):(3*quant)
    q4 <- (3*quant + 1):nsims

    ## Check acceptance rate
    mh_acceptance <- round(sum(out$mhdecisions, na.rm = TRUE)/length(stats::na.omit(out$mhdecisions)),
        digits = 3)

    ## Check population parity
    pop_parity <- round(mean(out$distance_parity, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    med_pop_parity <- round(median(out$distance_parity, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    range_pop_parity <- round(range(out$distance_parity, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    q1_pop_median <- round(median(out$distance_parity[q1], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    q2_pop_median <- round(median(out$distance_parity[q2], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    q3_pop_median <- round(median(out$distance_parity[q3], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    q4_pop_median <- round(median(out$distance_parity[q4], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)

    ## Check distance to original
    dist_orig <- round(mean(attr(out, "distance_original"), na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    med_dist_orig <- round(median(attr(out, "distance_original"), na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    range_dist_orig <- round(range(attr(out, "distance_original"), na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    q1_dist_median <- round(median(attr(out, "distance_original")[q1], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    q2_dist_median <- round(median(attr(out, "distance_original")[q2], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    q3_dist_median <- round(median(attr(out, "distance_original")[q3], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
    q4_dist_median <- round(median(attr(out, "distance_original")[q4], na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)

    ## Share of counties split
    if (!is.null(counties)) {
        ncounties_split <- unlist(lapply(1:nsims, function(x) {
            cd_assign <- out$plans[, x]
            return(sum(tapply(cd_assign, counties, function(y) {ifelse(length(unique(y)) > 1, 1, 0)})))
        starting_county_split <- ncounties_split[1]
        q1_countysplit_median <- median(ncounties_split[q1])
        q2_countysplit_median <- median(ncounties_split[q2])
        q3_countysplit_median <- median(ncounties_split[q3])
        q4_countysplit_median <- median(ncounties_split[q4])

    ## -----------------
    ## Report statistics
    ## -----------------
    out <- paste("## -------------------------------------\n",
        "## -------------------------------------\n",
        "## Parameter Values for Simulation", i, "\n")
    if (!adapt_eprob) {
        out <- paste0(out, "## Edgecut probability = ", eprob, "\n")
    } else {
        out <- paste0(out, "## Final adaptive edgecut probability = ",
            final_eprob, "\n")
    if (!adapt_lambda) {
        out <- paste0(out, "## Lambda = ", lambda, "\n")
    } else {
        out <- paste0(out, "## Final adaptive lambda = ", final_lambda, "\n")
    if (pop_tol != 100) {
        out <- paste0(out, "## Hard population constraint = ", pop_tol, "\n")
    } else {
        out <- paste0(out, "## No hard population constraint applied\n")
    # if(!is.null(constraintvec)){
    # out <- paste0(out, "## Setting constraints on ", as.character(constraintvec), "\n",
    # "## Weights  = ", weightvec, "\n")
    # }else{
    # out <- paste0(out, "## Not setting any soft constraints\n")
    # }
    out <- paste0(out,
        "## -------------------------------------\n",
        "## Diagnostics:\n",
        "## Metropolis-Hastings Acceptance Ratio = ", mh_acceptance, "\n")
    if (report_all == TRUE) {
        out <- paste0(
            out, "## Mean population parity distance = ",
            pop_parity, "\n",
            "## Median population parity distance = ",
            med_pop_parity, "\n",
            "## Population parity range = ",
            paste(range_pop_parity, collapse = " "),
            "## MCMC Iteration quantiles of population parity median = ",
            paste(q1_pop_median, q2_pop_median,
                q3_pop_median, q4_pop_median, sep = " "),
    if (report_all == TRUE) {
        out <- paste0(
            "\n## Mean share of geographies equal to initial assignment = ",
            dist_orig, "\n",
            "## Median share of geographies equal to initial assignment = ",
            med_dist_orig, "\n",
            "## Range of share of geographies equal to initial assignment = ",
            paste(range_dist_orig, collapse = " "), "\n",
            "## MCMC Iteration quantiles of geography distance to initial assignment = ",
            paste(q1_dist_median, q2_dist_median,
                q3_dist_median, q4_dist_median, sep = " "),
    if (!is.null(counties)) {
        if (report_all == TRUE) {
            out <- paste0(
                "\n## Median number of counties split = ",
                mean(ncounties_split), "\n",
                "## Median number of counties split = ",
                median(ncounties_split), "\n",
                "## Range of number of counties split = ",
                paste(range(ncounties_split), collapse = " "), "\n",
                "## Initial number of counties split = ",
                starting_county_split, "\n",
                "## MCMC Iteration quantiles of number of counties split = ",
                paste(q1_countysplit_median, q2_countysplit_median, q3_countysplit_median, q4_countysplit_median, sep = " "), "\n"
    out <- paste0(out,
        "## -------------------------------------\n",
        "## -------------------------------------\n\n")
    if (logarg) {

    list(printout = out, startval = startval)


#' Run parameter testing for \code{redist_flip}
#' \code{redist.findparams} is used to find optimal parameter values of
#' \code{redist_flip} for a given map.
#' @param map A \code{\link{redist_map}} object.
#' @param nsims The number of simulations run before a save point.
#' @param init_plan A vector containing the congressional district labels
#' of each geographic unit. The default is \code{NULL}. If not provided, random
#' and contiguous congressional district assignments will be generated using \code{redist.rsg}.
#' @param adapt_lambda Whether to adaptively tune the lambda parameter so that the Metropolis-Hastings
#' acceptance probability falls between 20% and 40%. Default is FALSE.
#' @param adapt_eprob Whether to adaptively tune the edgecut probability parameter so that the
#' Metropolis-Hastings acceptance probability falls between 20% and 40%. Default is
#' @param params A matrix of parameter values to test, such as the output of
#' \code{expand.grid}. Parameters accepted for \code{params} include \code{eprob},
#' \code{lambda}, \code{pop_tol}, \code{beta}, and \code{constraint}.
#' @param ssdmat A matrix of squared distances between geographic
#' units. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param group_pop A vector of populations for some sub-group of
#' interest. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param counties A vector of county membership assignments. The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param nstartval_store The number of maps to sample from the preprocessing chain
#' for use as starting values in future simulations. Default is 1.
#' @param maxdist_startval The maximum distance from the starting map that
#' sampled maps should be. Default is 100 (no restriction).
#' @param maxiterrsg Maximum number of iterations for random seed-and-grow
#' algorithm to generate starting values. Default is 5000.
#' @param report_all Whether to report all summary statistics for each set of
#' parameter values. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param parallel Whether to run separate parameter settings in parallel.
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param ncores  Number of parallel tasks to run, declared outside of the
#' function. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param log Whether to open a log to track progress for each parameter combination
#' being tested. Default is FALSE.
#' @param verbose Whether to print additional information about the tests.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @details This function allows users to test multiple parameter settings of
#' \code{redist_flip} in preparation for a longer run for analysis.
#' @return \code{redist.findparams} returns a print-out of summary statistics
#' about each parameter setting.
#' @references Fifield, Benjamin, Michael Higgins, Kosuke Imai and Alexander
#' Tarr. (2016) "A New Automated Redistricting Simulator Using Markov Chain Monte
#' Carlo." Working Paper. Available at
#' \url{http://imai.princeton.edu/research/files/redist.pdf}.
#' @importFrom dplyr slice
#' @examples \donttest{
#' data(fl25)
#' data(fl25_enum)
#' data(fl25_adj)
#' ## Get an initial partition
#' init_plan <- fl25_enum$plans[, 5118]
#' params <- expand.grid(eprob = c(.01, .05, .1))
#' # Make map
#' map_fl <- redist_map(fl25, ndists = 3, pop_tol = 0.2)
#' ## Run the algorithm
#' redist.findparams(map_fl,
#'     init_plan = init_plan, nsims = 10000, params = params)
#' }
#' @concept prepare
#' @export
redist.findparams <- function(map,
                              init_plan = NULL,
                              adapt_lambda = FALSE, adapt_eprob = FALSE,
                              params, ssdmat = NULL,
                              group_pop = NULL, counties = NULL,
                              nstartval_store = 1, maxdist_startval = 100,
                              maxiterrsg = 5000, report_all = TRUE,
                              parallel = FALSE, ncores = NULL,
                              log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
    ## Get number of trial parameter values to test
    trials <- nrow(params)

    ## Starting statement
    if (verbose) {
        cat(paste("## ------------------------------\n",
            "## redist.findparams(): Parameter tuning for redist_flip()\n",
            "## Searching over", trials, "parameter combinations\n",
            "## ------------------------------\n\n", sep = " "))

    ## Get parameters in params
    valid_names <- c("eprob", "lambda", "pop_tol", "weight_compact", "weight_population", "weight_segregation", "weight_similarity", "weight_countysplit")
    names <- names(params)
    if (sum(names %in% valid_names) < length(names)) {
        invalid_name <- names[!(names %in% valid_names)]
        cli_abort(paste(invalid_name, "is not a valid params input. Please see documentation.\n", sep = " "))

    ## Check ndists, init_plan
    if (sum("lambda" %in% names & adapt_lambda) > 0) {
        cli_warn("You have specified a grid of lambda values to search and set `adapt_lambda` to TRUE. Setting `adapt_lambda` to FALSE.")
        adapt_lambda <- FALSE
    if (sum("eprob" %in% names & adapt_eprob) > 0) {
        cli_warn("You have specified a grid of eprob values to search and set `adapt_eprob` to TRUE. Setting `adapt_eprob` to FALSE.")
        adapt_eprob <- FALSE
    if ("weight_segregation" %in% names & is.null(group_pop)) {
        cli_abort("If constraining on segregation, please provide a vector of group population.")
    if ("weight_compact" %in% names & is.null(ssdmat)) {
        cli_abort("If constraining on compactness, please provide a distances matrix.")
    if ("weight_similarity" %in% names & is.null(init_plan)) {
        cli_abort("If constraining on similarity, please provide a vector of initial congressional district assignments.")
    if ("weight_countysplit" %in% names & is.null(counties)) {
        cli_abort("If constraining the number of county splits, please provide a vector of county assignments.")

    if (parallel) { ## Parallel

        ## Check to see if threads declared
        if (is.null(ncores)) {
            cli_abort("If parallelizing, please declare the number of threads")

        ## Statement initializing parallelization
        if (verbose) {
            cat(paste("## -----------------------------\n",
                "## Parallelizing over", ncores, "processors\n",
                "## -----------------------------\n\n", sep = " "))

        ## Set parallel environment
        if (verbose) {
            cl <- makeCluster(ncores, outfile = "")
        } else {
            cl <- makeCluster(ncores)

        ## Execute foreach loop
        ret <- foreach(i = 1:trials, .verbose = verbose) %dorng% {

            ## Run simulations
            run_sims(i, params, map, nsims, init_plan,
                group_pop, counties, names, maxiterrsg, report_all,
                adapt_lambda, adapt_eprob,
                nstartval_store, maxdist_startval, log)


        printout <- c()
        startval <- vector(mode = "list", length = trials)
        for (i in 1:trials) {
            printout <- paste(printout, ret[[i]]$printout)
            startval[[i]] <- ret[[i]]$startval

    } else { ## Sequential

        ## Create container for report
        printout <- c()
        startval <- vector(mode = "list", length = trials)

        ## Start loop over parameter values
        for (i in 1:trials) {

            ## Run simulations
            out <- run_sims(i = i, params = params, map = map, nsims = nsims, init_plan,
                group_pop, counties, names, maxiterrsg, report_all,
                adapt_lambda, adapt_eprob,
                nstartval_store, maxdist_startval, logarg = log)

            ## Add to printout
            printout <- paste(printout, out$printout)
            startval[[i]] <- out$startval



    if (parallel) {

    cat(paste(printout, collapse = ""))
    list(diagnostics = printout, startvals = startval)

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