
Defines functions renv_install_step_ok renv_install_step_start renv_install_report renv_install_preflight renv_install_preflight_permissions renv_install_preflight_unknown_source renv_install_postamble renv_install_preflight_requirements renv_install_package_options renv_install_test renv_install_package_impl renv_install_package_impl_prebuild renv_install_package_cache_skip renv_install_package_cache renv_install_package_feedback renv_install_package renv_install_default renv_install_staged_library_path renv_install_staged_library_path_impl renv_install_staged renv_install_impl install

Documented in install

# an explicitly-requested package type in a call to 'install()'
the$install_pkg_type <- NULL

# an explicitly-requested dependencies field in a call to 'install()'
the$install_dependency_fields <- NULL

# the formatted width of installation steps printed to the console
the$install_step_width <- 48L

#' Install packages
#' @description
#' Install one or more \R packages, from a variety of remote sources.
#' `install()` uses the same machinery as [restore()] (i.e. it uses cached
#' packages where possible) but it does not respect the lockfile, instead
#' installing the latest versions available from CRAN.
#' See `vignette("package-install")` for more details.
#' # `Remotes`
#' `install()` (called without arguments) will respect the `Remotes` field
#' of the `DESCRIPTION` file (if present). This allows you to specify places
#' to install a package other than the latest version from CRAN.
#' See <https://remotes.r-lib.org/articles/dependencies.html> for details.
#' # Bioconductor
#' Packages from Bioconductor can be installed by using the `bioc::` prefix.
#' For example,
#' ```
#' renv::install("bioc::Biobase")
#' ```
#' will install the latest-available version of Biobase from Bioconductor.
#' renv depends on BiocManager (or, for older versions of \R, BiocInstaller)
#' for the installation of packages from Bioconductor. If these packages are
#' not available, renv will attempt to automatically install them before
#' fulfilling the installation request.
#' @inherit renv-params
#' @param exclude Packages which should not be installed. `exclude` is useful
#'   when using `renv::install()` to install all dependencies in a project,
#'   except for a specific set of packages.
#' @param verbose Boolean; report output from `R CMD build` and `R CMD INSTALL`
#'   during installation? When `NULL` (the default), the value of `config$install.verbose()`
#'   will be used. When `FALSE`, installation output will be emitted only if
#'   a package fails to install.
#' @param lock Boolean; update the `renv.lock` lockfile after the successful
#'   installation of the requested packages?
#' @return A named list of package records which were installed by renv.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # install the latest version of 'digest'
#' renv::install("digest")
#' # install an old version of 'digest' (using archives)
#' renv::install("digest@@0.6.18")
#' # install 'digest' from GitHub (latest dev. version)
#' renv::install("eddelbuettel/digest")
#' # install a package from GitHub, using specific commit
#' renv::install("eddelbuettel/digest@@df55b00bff33e945246eff2586717452e635032f")
#' # install a package from Bioconductor
#' # (note: requires the BiocManager package)
#' renv::install("bioc::Biobase")
#' # install a package, specifying path explicitly
#' renv::install("~/path/to/package")
#' # install packages as declared in the project DESCRIPTION file
#' renv::install()
#' }
install <- function(packages = NULL,
                    exclude      = NULL,
                    library      = NULL,
                    type         = NULL,
                    rebuild      = FALSE,
                    repos        = NULL,
                    prompt       = interactive(),
                    dependencies = NULL,
                    verbose      = NULL,
                    lock         = FALSE,
                    project      = NULL)

  # allow user to provide additional package names as part of '...'
  if (!missing(...)) {
    dots <- list(...)
    names(dots) <- names(dots) %||% rep.int("", length(dots))
    packages <- c(packages, dots[!nzchar(names(dots))])

  project <- renv_project_resolve(project)
  renv_project_lock(project = project)

  # handle 'dependencies'
  if (!is.null(dependencies)) {
    fields <- renv_description_dependency_fields(dependencies, project = project)
    renv_scope_binding(the, "install_dependency_fields", fields)

  # handle 'verbose'
  verbose <- verbose %||% config$install.verbose()
  renv_scope_options(renv.config.install.verbose = verbose)

  # set up library paths
  libpaths <- renv_libpaths_resolve(library)

  # check for explicitly-provided type -- we handle this specially for PPM
  if (!is.null(type)) {
    type <- renv_pkgtype_check(type)
    renv_scope_binding(the, "install_pkg_type", type)
    renv_scope_options(pkgType = type)

  # override repositories if requested
  repos <- repos %||% config$repos.override()
  if (length(repos))
    renv_scope_options(repos = repos)

  # if users have requested the use of pak, delegate there
  if (config$pak.enabled() && !recursing()) {
        packages = packages,
        library  = libpaths,
        type     = type,
        rebuild  = rebuild,
        prompt   = prompt,
        project  = project

  # resolve remotes from explicitly-requested packages
  remotes <- if (length(packages)) {
    remotes <- map(packages, renv_remotes_resolve)
    names(remotes) <- map_chr(remotes, `[[`, "Package")

  # figure out which packages we should install
  packages <- names(remotes) %||% renv_snapshot_dependencies(project, dev = TRUE)

  # apply exclude parameter
  if (length(exclude))
    packages <- setdiff(packages, exclude)

  if (empty(packages)) {
    writef("- There are no packages to install.")

  # add bioconductor packages if necessary
  if (renv_bioconductor_required(remotes)) {
    bioc <- c(renv_bioconductor_manager(), "BiocVersion")
    packages <- unique(c(packages, bioc))

  # don't update renv unless it was explicitly requested
  if (!"renv" %in% names(remotes))
    packages <- setdiff(packages, "renv")

  # start building a list of records; they should be resolved this priority:
  # 1. explicit requests from the user
  # 2. remotes declarations from the DESCRIPTION file
  # 3. existing version in library, if any
  # 4. fallback to package repositories
  # we overlay 1 and 2 here, and then do 3 and 4 dynamically if required
  # during the retrieve + install stages
  records <- overlay(renv_project_remotes(project), remotes)

  # run install preflight checks
  if (!renv_install_preflight(project, libpaths, records))
    cancel_if(prompt && !proceed())

  # we're now ready to start installation
    project  = project,
    library  = renv_libpaths_active(),
    packages = names(remotes),
    records  = records,
    rebuild  = rebuild

  # retrieve packages
  records <- renv_retrieve_impl(packages)
  if (empty(records)) {
    writef("- There are no packages to install.")

  if (prompt || renv_verbose()) {
    renv_install_report(records, library = renv_libpaths_active())
    cancel_if(prompt && !proceed())

  # install retrieved records
  before <- Sys.time()
  after <- Sys.time()

  time <- renv_difftime_format(difftime(after, before))
  n <- length(records)
  writef("Successfully installed %s in %s.", nplural("package", n), time)

  # check loaded packages and inform user if out-of-sync

  # update lockfile if requested
  if (lock && length(records)) {

    # avoid next automatic snapshot

    # re-compute the records, to ensure they're normalized in the same
    # way as they might be in snapshot()
    # https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/1828
    updates <- renv_lockfile_create(
      project  = project,
      libpaths = libpaths,
      packages = names(records),
      exclude  = exclude,
      prompt   = FALSE,
      force    = TRUE

    # overlay these records onto the existing lockfile
    lockfile <- renv_lockfile_load(project = project)
    lockfile <- renv_lockfile_modify(lockfile, renv_lockfile_records(updates))
    renv_lockfile_save(lockfile, project = project)



renv_install_impl <- function(records) {

  staged <- renv_config_install_staged()

  writef(header("Installing packages"))

  if (staged)



renv_install_staged <- function(records) {

  # get current libpaths
  libpaths <- renv_libpaths_all()

  # set up a dummy library path for installation
  templib <- renv_install_staged_library_path()
  defer(unlink(templib, recursive = TRUE))
  renv_scope_libpaths(c(templib, libpaths))

  # perform the install

  # migrate packages into true library
  library <- nth(libpaths, 1L)
  sources <- list.files(templib, full.names = TRUE)
  targets <- file.path(library, basename(sources))
  names(targets) <- sources
  enumerate(targets, renv_file_move, overwrite = TRUE)

  # clear filebacked cache entries
  descpaths <- file.path(targets, "DESCRIPTION")
  renv_filebacked_clear("renv_description_read", descpaths)
  renv_filebacked_clear("renv_hash_description", descpaths)



renv_install_staged_library_path_impl <- function() {

  # get current library path
  libpath <- renv_libpaths_active()

  # retrieve current project, library path
  stagedlib <- local({

    # allow user configuration of staged library location
    override <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY_STAGING", unset = NA)
    if (!is.na(override))

    # if we have an active project, use that path
    project <- renv_project_get(default = NULL)
    if (!is.null(project))
      return(renv_paths_renv("staging", project = project))

    # otherwise, stage within library path
    file.path(libpath, ".renv")


  # attempt to create it
  ok <- catch(ensure_directory(stagedlib))
  if (inherits(ok, "error"))

  # resolve a unique staging directory in this path
  # we want to keep paths short just in case; it's easy to blow up the
  # path length limit (hence we don't use tempfile below)
  for (i in 1:100) {
    path <- file.path(stagedlib, i)
    if (dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE))

  # all else fails, use tempfile


# NOTE: on Windows, installing packages into very long paths
# can fail, as R's internal unzip utility does not handle
# long Windows paths well. in addition, an renv project's
# library path tends to be long, exasperating the issue.
# for that reason, we try to use a shorter staging directory
# part of the challenge here is that the R temporary directory
# and R library path might reside on different mounts, and so
# we may want to try and avoid installing on one mount and then
# copying to another mount (as that could be slow).
# note that using the renv folder might be counter-productive,
# since users will want to use renv in projects sync'ed via
# OneDrive and friends, and we don't want those to lock files
# in the staging directory
renv_install_staged_library_path <- function() {

  # compute path
  path <- renv_install_staged_library_path_impl()

  # create library directory

  # try to make sure it has the same permissions as the library itself
  if (!renv_platform_windows()) {
    libpath <- renv_libpaths_active()
    umask <- Sys.umask("0")
    info <- renv_file_info(libpath)
    Sys.chmod(path, info$mode)

  # return the created path


renv_install_default <- function(records) {
  state <- renv_restore_state()
  handler <- state$handler

  for (record in records) {
    package <- record$Package
    handler(package, renv_install_package(record))

renv_install_package <- function(record) {

  # get active project (if any)
  state <- renv_restore_state()
  project <- state$project

  # figure out whether we can use the cache during install
  # use library path recorded in restore state as staged installs will have
  # mutated the library path, placing a staging library at the front
  library <- renv_restore_state("library")
  linkable <- renv_cache_linkable(project = project, library = library)
  linker <- if (linkable) renv_file_link else renv_file_copy

  cacheable <-
    renv_cache_config_enabled(project = project) &&
    renv_record_cacheable(record) &&

  if (cacheable) {

    # check for cache entry and install if there
    path <- renv_cache_find(record)
    if (renv_cache_package_validate(path))
      return(renv_install_package_cache(record, path, linker))


  # install the package
  before <- Sys.time()
    error = function(e) writef("FAILED")
  after <- Sys.time()

  path <- record$Path
  type <- renv_package_type(path, quiet = TRUE)
  feedback <- renv_install_package_feedback(path, type)

  # link into cache
  if (renv_cache_config_enabled(project = project)) {
    renv_cache_synchronize(record, linkable = linkable)
    feedback <- paste0(feedback, " and cached")

  verbose <- config$install.verbose()
  elapsed <- difftime(after, before, units = "auto")
  renv_install_step_ok(feedback, elapsed = elapsed, verbose = verbose)



renv_install_package_feedback <- function(path, type) {

  if (identical(type, "source"))
    return("built from source")

  if (renv_file_type(path, symlinks = FALSE) == "directory")
    return("copied local binary")

  "installed binary"


renv_install_package_cache <- function(record, cache, linker) {

  if (renv_install_package_cache_skip(record, cache))

  library <- renv_libpaths_active()
  target <- file.path(library, record$Package)

  # back up the previous installation if needed
  callback <- renv_file_backup(target)

  # report successful link to user
  renv_install_step_start("Installing", record$Package, verbose = FALSE)

  before <- Sys.time()
  linker(cache, target)
  after <- Sys.time()

  type <- case(
    identical(linker, renv_file_copy) ~ "copied from cache",
    identical(linker, renv_file_link) ~ "linked from cache"

  elapsed <- difftime(after, before, units = "auto")
  renv_install_step_ok(type, elapsed = elapsed)



renv_install_package_cache_skip <- function(record, cache) {

  # don't skip if installation was explicitly requested
  if (record$Package %in% renv_restore_state("packages"))

  # check for matching cache + target paths
  library <- renv_restore_state("library") %||% renv_libpaths_active()
  target <- file.path(library, record$Package)

  renv_file_same(cache, target)


renv_install_package_impl_prebuild <- function(record, path, quiet) {

  # check whether user wants us to build before install
  if (!identical(config$install.build(), TRUE))

  # if this package already appears to be built, nothing to do
  if (renv_package_built(path))

  # if this is an archive, we'll need to unpack it first
  info <- renv_file_info(path)
  if (identical(info$isdir, FALSE)) {

    # find the package directory
    files <- renv_archive_list(path)
    descpath <- grep("(?:^|/)DESCRIPTION$", files, value = TRUE)
    pkgpath <- dirname(descpath)[nchar(descpath) == min(nchar(descpath))]

    # extract to temporary directory
    exdir <- tempfile("renv-build-")
    renv_archive_decompress(path, exdir = exdir)

    # update path to package
    path <- file.path(exdir, pkgpath)

    # and ensure we build in this directory


  # if this package depends on a VignetteBuilder that is not installed,
  # then we can't proceed
  descpath <- file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION")
  desc <- renv_description_read(descpath)
  builder <- desc[["VignetteBuilder"]]
  if (!is.null(builder) && !renv_package_installed(builder)) {
    fmt <- "Skipping package build: vignette builder '%s' is not installed"
    writef(fmt, builder)

  verbose <- config$install.verbose()
  renv_install_step_start("Building", record$Package, verbose = verbose)

  before <- Sys.time()
  package <- record$Package
  newpath <- r_cmd_build(package, path)
  after <- Sys.time()
  elapsed <- difftime(after, before, units = "auto")

  renv_install_step_ok("from source", elapsed = elapsed)



renv_install_package_impl <- function(record, quiet = TRUE) {

  package <- record$Package

  # get path for package
  path <- record$Path

  # check if it's an archive (versus an unpacked directory)
  info <- renv_file_info(path)
  isarchive <- identical(info$isdir, FALSE)

  subdir <- record$RemoteSubdir %||% ""
  if (isarchive) {
    # re-pack archives if they appear to have their package
    # sources contained as part of a sub-directory
    path <- renv_package_unpack(package, path, subdir = subdir)
  } else if (nzchar(subdir)) {
    # for directories, we may need to use subdir to find the package path
    components <- c(path, subdir)
    path <- paste(components, collapse = "/")

  # check whether we should build before install
  path <- renv_install_package_impl_prebuild(record, path, quiet)

  # report start of installation to user
  verbose <- config$install.verbose()
  renv_install_step_start("Installing", record$Package, verbose = verbose)

  # run user-defined hooks before, after install
  options <- renv_install_package_options(package)
  before <- options$before.install %||% identity
  after  <- options$after.install %||% identity


  # backup an existing installation of the package if it exists
  library <- renv_libpaths_active()
  destination <- file.path(library, package)
  callback <- renv_file_backup(destination)

  # normalize paths
  path <- renv_path_normalize(path, mustWork = TRUE)

  # get library path
  library <- renv_libpaths_active()

  # if a package already exists at that path, back it up first
  # this avoids problems with older versions of R attempting to
  # overwrite a pre-existing symlink
  # https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/611
  installpath <- file.path(library, package)
  callback <- renv_file_backup(installpath)

  # if this failed for some reason, just remove it
  if (renv_file_broken(installpath))

  # if this is the path to an unpacked binary archive,
  # we can just copy the folder over
  isdir <- renv_file_type(path, symlinks = FALSE) == "directory"
  isbin <- renv_package_type(path, quiet = TRUE) == "binary"
  copyable <- isdir && isbin

  # shortcut via copying a binary directory if possible,
  # otherwise, install the package
  if (copyable)
    renv_file_copy(path, installpath, overwrite = TRUE)
    r_cmd_install(package, path)

  # if we just installed a binary package, check that it can be loaded
  # (source packages are checked by default on install)
    if (isbin) renv_install_test(package),
    error = function(err) unlink(installpath, recursive = TRUE)

  # augment package metadata after install
  renv_package_augment(installpath, record)

  # return the path to the package


renv_install_test <- function(package) {

  # add escape hatch, just in case
  # (test binaries by default on Linux, but not Windows or macOS)
  enabled <- Sys.getenv("RENV_INSTALL_TEST_LOAD", unset = renv_platform_linux())
  if (!truthy(enabled))

  # check whether we should skip installation testing
  opts <- r_cmd_install_option(package, c("install.opts", "INSTALL_opts"), FALSE)
  if (is.character(opts)) {
    flags <- unlist(strsplit(opts, "\\s+", perl = TRUE))
    if ("--no-test-load" %in% flags)

  # make sure we use the current library paths in the launched process
  rlibs <- paste(renv_libpaths_all(), collapse = .Platform$path.sep)
  renv_scope_envvars(R_LIBS = rlibs, R_LIBS_USER = "NULL", R_LIBS_SITE = "NULL")

  # also hide from user .Renviron files
  # https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/1c0a2dc8ce6c05f68e1959ffbe6318a309277df3/src/library/tools/R/check.R#L273-L276
  renv_scope_envvars(R_ENVIRON_USER = "NULL")

  # make sure R_TESTS is unset here, just in case
  # https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/1c0a2dc8ce6c05f68e1959ffbe6318a309277df3/src/library/tools/R/install.R#L76-L79
  renv_scope_envvars(R_TESTS = NULL)

  # the actual code we'll run in the other process
  # we use 'loadNamespace()' rather than 'library()' because some packages might
  # intentionally throw an error in their .onAttach() hooks
  # https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/1611
  code <- expr({
    options(warn = 1L)

  # write it to a tempfile
  script <- renv_scope_tempfile("renv-install-", fileext = ".R")
  writeLines(deparse(code), con = script)

  # check that the package can be loaded in a separate process
    command = R(),
    args    = c("--vanilla", "-s", "-f", renv_shell_path(script)),
    action  = sprintf("testing if '%s' can be loaded", package)

  # return TRUE to indicate successful validation


renv_install_package_options <- function(package) {
  options <- getOption("renv.install.package.options")

# nocov start
renv_install_preflight_requirements <- function(records) {

  deps <- bapply(records, function(record) {
  }, index = "ParentPackage")

  splat <- split(deps, deps$Package)
  bad <- enumerate(splat, function(package, requirements) {

    # skip NULL records (should be handled above)
    record <- records[[package]]
    if (is.null(record))

    version <- record$Version

    # drop packages without explicit version requirement
    requirements <- requirements[nzchar(requirements$Require), ]
    if (nrow(requirements) == 0)

    # add in requested version
    requirements$RequestedVersion <- version

    # generate expressions to evaluate
    fmt <- "package_version('%s') %s package_version('%s')"
    code <- with(requirements, sprintf(fmt, RequestedVersion, Require, Version))
    parsed <- parse(text = code)
    ok <- map_lgl(parsed, eval, envir = baseenv())

    # return requirements that weren't satisfied
    requirements[!ok, ]


  bad <- bind(unname(bad))
  if (empty(bad))

  package  <- bad$ParentPackage
  requires <- sprintf("%s (%s %s)", bad$Package, bad$Require, bad$Version)
  actual   <- sprintf("%s %s", bad$Package, bad$RequestedVersion)

  fmt <- "Package '%s' requires '%s', but '%s' will be installed"
  text <- sprintf(fmt, format(package), format(requires), format(actual))
  if (renv_verbose()) {
      "The following issues were discovered while preparing for installation:",
      "Installation of these packages may not succeed."

  if (interactive() && !proceed())


# nocov end

renv_install_postamble <- function(packages) {

  # only diagnose packages currently loaded
  packages <- renv_vector_intersect(packages, loadedNamespaces())

  installed <- map_chr(packages, renv_package_version)
  loaded <- map_chr(packages, renv_namespace_version)

    c("", "The following loaded package(s) have been updated:"),
    packages[installed != loaded],
    "Restart your R session to use the new versions."



renv_install_preflight_unknown_source <- function(records) {

renv_install_preflight_permissions <- function(library) {

  # try creating and deleting a directory in the library folder
  file <- renv_scope_tempfile(".renv-write-test-", tmpdir = library)
  dir.create(file, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

  # check if we created the directory successfully
  info <- renv_file_info(file)
  if (identical(info$isdir, TRUE))

  # nocov start
  if (renv_verbose()) {

    # construct header for message
    preamble <- "renv appears to be unable to access the requested library path:"

    # construct footer for message
    info <- as.list(Sys.info())
    fmt <- "Check that the '%s' user has read / write access to this directory."
    postamble <- sprintf(fmt, info$effective_user %||% info$user)

    # print it
      preamble = preamble,
      values = library,
      postamble = postamble

  # nocov end



renv_install_preflight <- function(project, libpaths, records) {

  library <- nth(libpaths, 1L)
  records <- filter(records, Negate(is.function))



renv_install_report <- function(records, library) {
    "The following package(s) will be installed:",
    sprintf("These packages will be installed into %s.", renv_path_pretty(library))

renv_install_step_start <- function(action, package, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (verbose)
    return(writef("- %s %s ...", action, package))

  message <- sprintf("- %s %s ... ", action, package)
  printf(format(message, width = the$install_step_width))


renv_install_step_ok <- function(..., elapsed = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
    message = paste(..., collapse = ""),
    elapsed = elapsed,
    verbose = verbose

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renv documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 5:08 p.m.