#' Import respirometry system raw data files (DEPRECATED)
#' Automatically import data from different respirometry hardware and software
#' systems. *WARNING*: This function is now deprecated and will not be updated.
#' See below.
#' This function has been deprecated, will not be updated, and will be removed
#' entirely in the next major version of `respR` (i.e. `v3.0`, which is not
#' planned for any time soon, so may still be years away).
#' Note that use of this function to import data is *OPTIONAL* and in fact *NOT
#' RECOMMENDED*. `respR` has an extremely simple input data structure
#' requirement: paired numeric values of time and oxygen amount in any common
#' units in a `data.frame`. To our knowledge, every oxygen sensor system allows
#' you to export data in a format (e.g. `.csv`, `.txt`, `.xlsx`) which are easy
#' to import into `R`, and this is a basic skill anyone using `R` should be
#' comfortable with. `import_file` was only ever a convenience function intended
#' for those completely new to `R`. It is *ALWAYS* better to import files
#' yourself using generic functions such as `read.csv()`, `read.table()` or
#' `fread()` as it gives you much more control and the ability to troubleshoot
#' issues.
#' For files currently supported, the function extracts data columns, removes
#' redundant rows of metadata, and generally cleans up column names (e.g.
#' removes whitespace and characters which cause text encoding issues) to make
#' the data easier to work with. Files should be sensor system raw output files
#' where possible; files opened and re-saved in a different format will likely
#' fail to import.
#' @details Currently tested and working for these files:
#' - Pyro Firesting
#' - Pyro Workbench (very experimental - likely to fail and will not be updated further)
#' - PreSens OXY10
#' - PreSens OXY4
#' - PreSens (OxyView generic, including multiplate systems)
#' - PreSens/Loligo 24-Well Multiplate System (output Excel files)
#' - MiniDOT
#' - Loligo AutoResp ('_raw' files output, *not* metadata files)
#' - Loligo Witrox (same as AutoResp, without metadata)
#' - Vernier (raw qmbl, csv, or txt)
#' - NeoFox
#' - Qbox Aqua
#' Files with European numeric formatting (i.e. commas instead of points to
#' denote decimals) are supported, and will be converted to point decimals on
#' import. This is experimental functionality, so please provide feedback for
#' any files for which this might fail.
#' While the devices listed above are supported, the import functionality is
#' experimental due to limited access to sample files. Users should be aware
#' we have not been able to test every variation of file formats, and should
#' carefully check the imported data, and be prepared to import data using
#' other functions such as `read.csv()`.
#' ## More
#' For additional help, documentation, vignettes, and more visit the `respR`
#' website at <>
#' @return A `data.frame` object of all columned data
#' @param path string. Path to file.
#' @param export logical. If TRUE, exports the data as a `csv` to the same
#' directory, as determined by the `path` parameter.
#' @importFrom data.table data.table fread
#' @importFrom xml2 xml_text
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Import a file
#' import_file("path/to/file")
#' # Import a file and export it to same directory as a csv
#' import_file("path/to/file", export = TRUE)
#' }
import_file <- function(path, export = FALSE) {
warning("NOTE: 'import_file' function has been deprecated, will not be updated, and will be removed in a future version of 'respR'.")
cat("\n# import_file # -------------------------\n")
# Don't even start if file doesn't exist:
if (!file.exists(path)) {
stop("import_file: File not found - please check file path.")
## readLines doesn't work on xlsx files Have to do Excel import here - may not
## be just for multiplate system - probably we will support other systems that
## output xl files
if (grepl(".xls", path)) {
stop("import_file: Excel file detected. Excel support has been removed.")
#raw <- suppressMessages(read_excel(path, n_max = 20))
#raw <- as.character(raw)
} else if (grepl("gmbl", path)) {
raw <- suppressWarnings(readLines(path))
} else {
raw <- suppressWarnings(readLines(path))
## get decimal character
dec <- get_dec(path)
## file extensions helps with some
ext <- substr(path, nchar(path)-3, nchar(path))
# Identify source of file
if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("Workbench", raw[1:20])))) {
cat("Pyro Workbench file detected.\n")
cat("NOTE: Support for these files is very experimental. It is a much better idea to import them yourself using 'read.csv', etc.\n")
out <- parse_workbench(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("Pyro", raw[1:20])))) {
cat("Firesting-Pyro file detected\n")
out <- parse_pyro(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("MiniDOT", raw[1:20])))) {
cat("MiniDOT file detected\n")
out <- parse_minidot(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("CALIBRATION DATA", raw[1:20])))) {
cat("Loligo AutoResp/Witrox file detected\n")
out <- parse_autoresp_witrox(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl(": Time \\(", raw[1])))) {
cat("Vernier or QBox Aqua csv file detected\n")
out <- parse_vernier_csv(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("Vernier Format", raw[1:20])))) {
cat("Vernier txt file detected\n")
warning("NOTE: Vernier files exported as .txt may have data columns in a different order to
original data, and have no clear indication of which data came from which probes!
We strongly recommend exporting as .csv or importing raw qmbl files.")
out <- parse_vernier_txt(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("gmbl", raw[1:20])))) {
stop("Vernier gmbl files not yet supported.\n")
## gmbl used to work with parse_vernier_raw but not any longer
## Some problem wih fread
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("qmbl", raw[1:20])))) {
cat("Vernier raw qmbl file detected\n")
out <- parse_vernier_raw(path, dec = dec)
## These need to go here, because the next (Presens Generic) will also match
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("OXY10", raw[1:20])))) {
cat("PreSens OXY10 file detected\n")
out <- parse_oxy10(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("OxyView", raw[1:100]))) && ext == ".txt") {
cat("PreSens OxyView .txt file detected\n")
out <- parse_oxyview_txt(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("OxyView", raw[1:100]))) && ext == ".csv") {
cat("PreSens OxyView .csv file detected\n")
out <- parse_oxyview_csv(path, dec = dec)
# } else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("OxyView", raw[1:100])))) {
# cat("PreSens OxyView file detected\n")
# out <- parse_oxyview(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("OXY4", raw[1:100])))) {
cat("PreSens OXY4 file detected\n")
out <- parse_oxy4(path, dec = dec)
## This next one is also a multiplate file, but exported as text rather than
## Excel.
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("MUX channel", raw[1:80]))) &&
suppressWarnings(any(grepl("PARAMETERS", raw[1:80]))) &&
suppressWarnings(any(grepl("FIRMWARE", raw[1:80])))) {
cat("PreSens Generic file detected\n")
out <- parse_presens(path, dec = dec)
# } else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("SDR Serial No.", raw[1:20])))) {
# cat("Loligo/PreSens 24-well multiplate Excel file detected\n")
# out <- parse_multiplate_excel(path, dec = dec)
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("Tau - Phase Method", raw[1])))) {
cat("NeoFox file detected\n")
out <- parse_neofox(path, dec = dec)
## Loligo Metadata files
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("Fractional error", raw[1:20])))) {
cat("Loligo AutoResp metadata file detected\n")
stop("Currently these files are unsupported in respR.
This is an AutoResp metadata file, and contains no raw time~oxygen data.
It may contain other experimentally useful values (e.g. mass and volume).
Please import the associated file appended with \"_raw\" which contains time~oxygen data." )
## PreSens Datamanager
} else if (suppressWarnings(any(grepl("PreSens Datamanager", raw[1:20])))) {
cat("PreSens Datamanager output file detected\n")
out <- parse_datamanager(path, dec = dec)
} else stop("Source file cannot be identified.")
if (export) {
newpath <- paste0(normalizePath(dirname(path)),"/", "parsed-",
newpath <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(newpath), ".csv") #replace extension
write.csv(out, newpath)
# Invividual device functions ---------------------------------------------
# Loligo/Presens multiplate system ----------------------------------------
# parse_multiplate_excel <- function(path, dec = dec){
# raw <- suppressMessages(read_excel(path, col_names = TRUE))
# ## which row has "Date/Time"
# start_row <- which(grepl("^Date/Time$", raw[[1]]))
# ## inport from that row on
# raw <- suppressMessages(read_excel(path, skip = start_row - 1))
# ## remove column 27 - empty
# raw <- raw[,-27]
# out <- data.table(raw)
# return(out)
# }
# Vernier csv files -------------------------------------------------------
parse_vernier_csv <- function(path, dec = dec) {
raw <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, header = TRUE, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
out <- data.table(raw)
# Vernier txt files -------------------------------------------------------
parse_vernier_txt <- function(path, dec = dec) {
## read in raw data
raw <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE, skip = 7, dec = dec)
if (all([[ncol(raw)]])))
raw <- raw[,1:(ncol(raw) - 1)] # remove extra column of NAs
## get metadata
all <- readLines(path) # read in everything
meta_index <- which(grepl("Vernier", all)) # where do each Run start?
meta <- lapply(meta_index, function(x) all[x:(x + 7)]) # read in 7 rows of metadata for each run
runs <- sapply(meta, function(x) x[3]) # extract Run or exp name
## column names
cols <- suppressWarnings(fread(path, fill = FALSE, header = FALSE, nrows = 7,
dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)) # read in first chunk of metadata
if (all([[ncol(cols)]])))
cols <- cols[,1:(ncol(cols) - 1)] # remove extra column of NAs
## make df
col_nms <- c() # loop to construct col names
for (i in 1:ncol(cols)){
col_nms[i] <- paste0(cols[1,i], " (", cols[3,i], ")")
## if more than one Run in file, split
if(any(grepl("Vernier", raw))){
## sequence of Run row locations
seq <- which(grepl("Vernier", raw[[1]])) # metadata starts
seq <- c(seq - 1, seq + 7) # Add run data starts
seq <- sort(seq) # reorder
seq <- c(1, seq, length(raw[[1]])) ## sequence of Run data row locations
seq <- matrix(seq, nrow = length(seq)/2, ncol = 2, byrow = T) # matrix for loop
nrows <- max(seq[,2] - seq[,1])+1 # nrows of data
ncols <- length(col_nms) # ncols of data in each run
## df with max no. of rows
assembled <- data.frame(a = rep(NA, nrows))
## loop
lp <- nrow(seq)
for (i in 1:lp) {
out <- raw[seq[i,1]:seq[i,2],]
## fill if too short
if(nrow(out) < nrows){
r_add <- nrows - nrow(out)
empty <- matrix(NA, nrow = r_add, ncol = ncols)
out <- rbind(out, empty)
assembled <- cbind(assembled, out)
raw <- assembled[,-1] # remove initialising column
all_col_nms <- rep(col_nms, ncol(raw)/length(col_nms)) ## rep col nms to size of df
all_col_nms <- paste0(sapply(runs, function(x)
rep(x, times = length(col_nms))), ": ", all_col_nms) # append run name to each
raw <- apply(raw, 2, function(x) x <- as.numeric(x)) # make numeric
out <- data.table(raw)
names(out) <- all_col_nms
# Vernier gmbl/qmbl files -------------------------------------------------
# This used to work with gmbl, but no longer
# Problem with fread on first line
parse_vernier_raw <- function(path, dec = dec){
raw <- data.table::fread(path, fill = TRUE, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
## collapse all columns into one column and remove added commas
if(ncol(raw) > 1){
raw <- data.table::data.table(apply(raw, 1, toString))
raw[[1]] <- gsub(",", "", raw[[1]])
## Remove "NA NA" from end of strings
## Only seen this once so far, not sure why)
raw[[1]] <- gsub("NA NA", "", raw[[1]])
## Extract any notes, then copy over them to keep metadata pattern intact
## Should probably do a "notes detected" message and return these somehow
if(any(grep("<TextText>", raw[[1]]))){
str <- grep("<TextText>", raw[[1]])
enr <- grep("</TextText>", raw[[1]])
nr <- enr-str+1
notes <- raw[str:enr]
raw[[1]][(str:enr)] <- rep("<tmp>", nr)
# Metadata ----------------------------------------------------------------
meta_index <- grep("<", raw[[1]]) ## metadata rows
meta_starts <- c(1, meta_index[(which(diff(meta_index) !=1))+1])
meta_ends <- c(meta_index[which(diff(meta_index) !=1)], nrow(raw))
meta_locs <- data.frame(starts = meta_starts,
ends = meta_ends)
## metadata in list as separate elements
meta <- apply(meta_locs, 1, function(x) raw[x[1]:x[2]])
# Data --------------------------------------------------------------------
data_index <- seq(1:length(raw[[1]]))
data_index <- data_index[data_index %in% meta_index == F] # data rows
data_starts <- c(data_index[1], data_index[(which(diff(data_index) !=1))+1])
data_ends <- c(data_index[which(diff(data_index) !=1)], tail(data_index, 1))
data_locs <- data.frame(starts = data_starts,
ends = data_ends)
data <- apply(data_locs, 1, function(x) raw[x[1]:x[2]])
data <- lapply(data, function(x) x[[1]]) ## make vector (cos problems later)
data <- suppressWarnings(lapply(data, function(x) as.numeric(x))) # make numeric
# Run names ---------------------------------------------------------------
runs <- raw[grep("<DataSetName>", raw[[1]])]
runs <- sapply(runs, function (x) gsub("<DataSetName>", "", x, fixed = TRUE))
runs <- sapply(runs, function (x) gsub("</DataSetName>", "", x, fixed = TRUE))
runs <- trimws(runs, "right")
n_runs <- length(runs)
# Channels ----------------------------------------------------------------
channels <- meta[[length(meta)]][[1]][grep("<MBLChannelIndex>", meta[[length(meta)]][[1]])]
channels <- sapply(channels, function (x) gsub("<MBLChannelIndex>", "", x, fixed = TRUE))
channels <- sapply(channels, function (x) gsub("</MBLChannelIndex>", "", x, fixed = TRUE))
channels <- trimws(channels, "right")
channels <- c(NA, channels) ## add NA channel for Time
warning("Duplicate Channel ID numbers found. This can result from wireless probes.")
if(!identical(as.vector(na.omit(channels)), as.vector(na.omit(channels[order(channels)]))))
warning("NOTE: Data Channels may not be in numerical order. Columns returned in the order
reported by the Vernier software.")
n_channels <- length(channels)
if(n_channels != length(data)/n_runs){
warning("Channel information unable to be extracted. Column names will be units
and data type only.")
channels <- rep(NA, length(data))
# Column names ------------------------------------------------------------
## column names and units fn
col_nm <- function(x){
## column name
col <- as.character(x[grep("<DataObjectName>", x[[1]])])
col <- gsub("<DataObjectName>", "", col, fixed = TRUE)
col <- gsub("</DataObjectName>", "", col, fixed = TRUE)
col <- gsub(" ", "", col, fixed = TRUE)
## column units
un <- as.character(x[grep("<ColumnUnits>", x[[1]])])
un <- gsub("<ColumnUnits>", "", un, fixed = TRUE)
un <- gsub("</ColumnUnits>", "", un, fixed = TRUE)
un <- gsub(" ", "", un, fixed = TRUE)
## replace html degrees character and space
un <- gsub("°", xml2::xml_text(xml2::read_html("<x>°</x>")), un)
## final col name
nm <- paste0(col, " (", un, ")")
col_nms <- sapply(meta[-length(meta)], function (x) col_nm(x))
## matrix of additions to column names
mat <- expand.grid(runs, channels)
mat <- mat[order(factor(mat[,1], levels = runs)),]
mat[,3] <- col_nms
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
col_nms <- apply(mat, 1, function(x) paste0(x[1], ": Ch.", x[2], ": ", x[3]))
# Data --------------------------------------------------------------------
## nrow of final df
nrf <- max(sapply(data, length))
## pad shorter data to max length
data <- lapply(data, function(x) {
r_add <- nrf - length(x)
empty <- rep(NA, r_add)
x <- c(x, empty)
## convert to df
data <-
## rename
names(data) <- col_nms
## return
data <- data.table(data)
# Witrox ------------------------------------------------------------------
parse_autoresp_witrox <- function(path, dec = dec) {
# txt <- readLines(path)
raw <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
# detect start column:
rowstart <- tail(suppressWarnings(raw[raw$V1 %like% "Date", which = TRUE]), 1)
rdt <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, skip = rowstart, colClasses = c(V2 = "character"),
dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
## column names - this can differ A LOT depending on what is connected and
## number of channels. Best to use original names
nms <- fread(path, skip = rowstart - 1, nrows = 1, header = F, dec = dec,
showProgress = FALSE)
nms <- as.character(nms)
## need to strip all special characters - units etc. Encoding/hex code problems
nms <- gsub("%", "perc", nms) ## because it gets removed in next line
## Found this regex online - no idea how it works.....
nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]///' ]", "", nms)
nms <- gsub(" ", "", nms) # to remove multiple spaces
nms <- gsub(" ", "", nms) # and again
nms <- gsub(" ", "_", nms)
rdt <- setnames(rdt, nms[1:ncol(rdt)])
#rdt[, time := as.numeric((rdt$time)) - min(as.numeric((rdt$time)))]
#data.table::setcolorder(rdt, 2) # set time as first column
out <- data.table(rdt)
# MiniDOT -----------------------------------------------------------------
parse_minidot <- function(path, dec = dec) {
# txt <- readLines(path)
raw <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
rowstart <- suppressWarnings(raw[raw$V1 %like% "Unix", which = TRUE])
# colnames <- as.matrix(raw[rowstart])[1,]
rdt <- fread(path, skip = rowstart+1, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
col_nms1 <- fread(path, skip = rowstart-1, nrows = 3, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)[-1]
col_nms1 <- colnames(col_nms1)
col_nms2 <- fread(path, skip = rowstart-1, nrows = 1, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
col_nms <- paste(col_nms1, col_nms2)
colnames(rdt) <- col_nms
out <- rdt
# PRESENS OXY10 -----------------------------------------------------------
## identical to parse_oxy10 - could merge
parse_oxy10 <- function(path, dec = dec) {
rdt <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, skip = 37, header = TRUE,
dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
nms <- colnames(rdt)
nms <- gsub("%", "perc", nms) ## because it gets removed in next line
nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]///' ]", "", nms) ## removes weird characters
nms <- gsub("/", " ", nms)
colnames(rdt) <- nms
out <- rdt
# PRESENS OXY4 ------------------------------------------------------------
## identical to parse_oxy10 - could merge
parse_oxy4 <- function(path, dec = dec) {
rdt <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, skip = 37, header = TRUE,
dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
nms <- colnames(rdt)
nms <- gsub("%", "perc", nms) ## because it gets removed in next line
nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]///' ]", "", nms) ## removes weird characters
nms <- gsub("/", " ", nms)
colnames(rdt) <- nms
out <- rdt
# Pyro ----------------------------------------------------------
parse_pyro <- function(path, dec = dec) {
# Convert text to data.table object so that it's fast to deal with
raw <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, dec = dec, header = FALSE,
encoding = "UTF-8", na.strings=c("","NA","---"),
showProgress = FALSE)
# deals with files with multiple datasets (e.g. pyro06)
# dunno how common this is
dbl_data <- grep("Settings", raw[[1]])
if(length(dbl_data) > 1) {
message("Data file appears to have multiple datasets starting at these rows: ")
message("\nIt will have to imported manually or edited to contain only one dataset.")
stop("Import stopped.")
raw_sub <- raw[1:50,]
## finds row with all Channels - SLOW
rowstart <- apply(raw_sub, 1, function(x) {
stringr::str_detect(x, "Ch 1")
stringr::str_detect(x, "Ch1")
stringr::str_detect(x, "Ch 2")
stringr::str_detect(x, "Ch2")
stringr::str_detect(x, "Ch 1")
stringr::str_detect(x, "Ch1")
stringr::str_detect(x, "Ch 3")
stringr::str_detect(x, "Ch3")
rowstart <- which(rowstart, arr.ind = TRUE)[,2]
rowstart <- unique(rowstart)
# Extract column header names and clean them up
## Read in the 2 rows of column names
col_nms <-[(rowstart-1):(rowstart),])
## Where does each set of 4 channels start
ch1_locs <- which("Ch1" == col_nms[2,])
ch1_locs <- sort(c(ch1_locs, which("Ch 1" == col_nms[2,])))
## Data type of each set of channels
## This collapses them to one if all the same, concatenates if split across several cells
ch_type <- sapply(ch1_locs, function(x)
paste(unique(paste(col_nms[1,x:(x+3)][![1,x:(x+3)])])),collapse=" "))
## put locations and data types together
ch <- data.frame(a=ch1_locs, b = ch_type)
## for each, copy data type to all 4 channel positions in row 1
for(i in 1:nrow(ch)){
col_nms[1, ch[i,1]:(ch[i,1]+3)] <- ch[i,2]
col_nms <- gsub("%", "perc", col_nms) ## This also collapses to one string
col_nms <- gsub("c\\(\"", "", col_nms)
col_nms <- gsub("c\\(NA, \"", "", col_nms)
col_nms <- gsub("xb0", "", col_nms)
col_nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]///' ]", " ", col_nms) ## removes weird characters
col_nms <- gsub("'", " ", col_nms) # replace appostrophes
col_nms <- trimws(col_nms) # remove trailing spaces
col_nms <- gsub(" ", " ", col_nms) # to remove multiple spaces
col_nms <- gsub(" ", " ", col_nms) # and again
col_nms <- gsub(" ", " ", col_nms) # and again
col_nms <- gsub(" ", "_", col_nms) # now make all spaces underscores
## fix overly long one
col_nms[which(grepl("Advanced_", col_nms))] <- substr(col_nms[which(grepl("Advanced_", col_nms))], 1, 19)
## Ok, this is the only way i could get this to work
## skip in fread is incredible inconsistent. Sometimes works, sometimes does not and
## output includes 1-2 rows above skip row. Drove me up the wall trying to figure it out.
## This works but data comes out non-numeric
rdt <- tail(fread(path, fill = TRUE, dec = dec,
header = FALSE,
showProgress = FALSE,
encoding = "UTF-8", na.strings=c("","NA","---")),-(rowstart))
# Insert column header names:
setnames(rdt, make.unique(as.character(unlist(col_nms))))
## this smartly converts different data types without changing strings to NA
## or to factors (via Also thank F accepts dec
rdt <- type.convert(rdt, = TRUE, dec = dec)
## removed code to remove empty columns
out <- data.table(rdt)
parse_workbench <- function(path, dec = dec){
# import data columns only
out <- data.table::fread(path, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE, showProgress = FALSE, skip = 72,
dec = dec)
# import headers row
out_headers <- readLines(path, n = 72)
out_headers <- out_headers[72]
out_headers <- unlist(strsplit(out_headers, "\t"))
# names
names(out) <- out_headers
# return
# Generic PRESENS file ----------------------------------------------------
parse_presens <- function(path, dec = dec) {
raw <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
rowstart <- suppressWarnings(raw[raw$V1 %like% "^Date/", which = TRUE])
rdt <- fread(path, skip = rowstart, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
nms <- fread(path, skip = rowstart-1, nrows = 1, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
nms <- gsub("%", "perc", nms) ## because it gets removed in next line
nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]///' ]", " ", nms) ## removes weird characters
nms <- gsub("/", " ", nms) # replace slashes
nms <- trimws(nms) # remove trailing spaces
nms <- gsub(" ", " ", nms) # to remove multiple spaces
nms <- gsub(" ", " ", nms) # and again
nms <- gsub(" ", "_", nms) # now make all spaces underscores
colnames(rdt) <- nms[1:ncol(rdt)]
if("NA" %in% colnames(rdt)){rdt$'NA' <- NULL} # remove added empty column if present
out <- rdt
# Presens datamanager ----------------------------------------------------------
parse_datamanager <- function(path, dec = dec) {
# import raw data:
raw <- data.table::fread(path, fill = TRUE, skip = 1, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
# below is code to clean the data file
# TODO perhaps a clean function could be used hmm
# # clean if necessary:
# if (clean) {
# out <- raw[, c(
# "Date",
# "Time",
# "delta_t",
# "Value",
# "Phase",
# "Amplitude",
# "Temp",
# "patm",
# "Salinity"
# )]
# } else
# out <- raw
out <- raw
# NeoFox ------------------------------------------------------------------
## super simple for now - decide later if we do anything more complicated
parse_neofox <- function(path, dec = dec) {
rdt <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, sep = ",", dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
out <- rdt
# PreSens OxyView ---------------------------------------------------------
## Very similar to parse oxy10
parse_oxyview_csv <- function(path, dec = dec) {
raw <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
rowstart <- suppressWarnings(raw[raw$V1 %like% "date\\(", which = TRUE])
rdt <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, skip = rowstart, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
nms <- raw[rowstart,]
nms <- gsub("%", "perc", nms) ## because it gets removed in next line
nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]///' ]", " ", nms) ## removes weird characters
nms <- gsub("/", " ", nms)
nms <- trimws(nms) # remove trailing spaces
nms <- gsub(" ", "", nms) # to remove multiple spaces
nms <- gsub(" ", "_", nms) # now make all spaces underscores
colnames(rdt) <- nms
if("NA" %in% colnames(rdt)){rdt$'NA' <- NULL} # remove added empty column if present
out <- rdt
parse_oxyview_txt <- function(path, dec = dec) {
raw <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, dec = dec, showProgress = FALSE)
rowstart <- suppressWarnings(raw[raw$V1 %like% "date\\(", which = TRUE])
rdt <- fread(path, fill = TRUE, skip = "date", dec = dec,
showProgress = FALSE) ## only difference to above, otherwise columns are characters
nms <- raw[rowstart,]
nms <- gsub("%", "perc", nms) ## because it gets removed in next line
nms <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]///' ]", " ", nms) ## removes weird characters
nms <- gsub("/", " ", nms)
nms <- trimws(nms) # remove trailing spaces
nms <- gsub(" ", "", nms) # to remove multiple spaces
nms <- gsub(" ", "_", nms) # now make all spaces underscores
colnames(rdt) <- nms
if("NA" %in% colnames(rdt)){rdt$'NA' <- NULL} # remove added empty column if present
out <- rdt
# Internal Functions ------------------------------------------------------
#' Identify decimal character
#' For European formatted files with commas as decimal separator
#' @keywords internal
get_dec <- function(path){
## approx nrows of file, then read in at bottom
## This is better than guessing the number of lines to skip, in case of datasets with only
## a few rows.
## readLines faster, but problems with files with alternating blank lines
#nrw <- length(suppressWarnings(readLines(path)))
nrw <- nrow(suppressWarnings(fread(path, fill = TRUE, header = TRUE,
showProgress = FALSE)))
## read in 5 rows starting 10 back from last row (to avoid any weirdness in last rows)
## read in with points as dec
pnt <- suppressWarnings(fread(path, fill = FALSE, header = FALSE, nrows = 5,
skip = nrw-10, dec = ".", showProgress = FALSE))
## read in with commas as dec
com <- suppressWarnings(fread(path, fill = FALSE, header = FALSE, nrows = 5,
skip = nrw-10, dec = ",", showProgress = FALSE))
## which has more numeric columns?
pnt_num <- unlist(lapply(pnt, is.numeric))
pnt_l <- length(pnt_num[pnt_num==TRUE])
com_num <- unlist(lapply(com, is.numeric))
com_l <- length(com_num[com_num==TRUE])
if(pnt_l > com_l) dec<- "." else
dec <- ","
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