# This file contains functions used to plot all the figures in the package. We
# have grouped all of these together so that we can edit the functions easily.
# They are not to be used on their own, and will not be exported for use in the
# package.
# We have also deliberately decided to use base graphics, as ggplot2 was too
# slow when plotting large datasets. Unless ggplot2 improves, we will probably
# not switch to it.
# Plotting defaults -------------------------------------------------------
# define colours
r1 <- adjustcolor("black", alpha.f = .9) # primary colour
r2 <- adjustcolor("goldenrod1", alpha.f = 1) # secondary colour
r3 <- adjustcolor("darkgrey", alpha.f = .2) # plot background colour
d1 <- adjustcolor("tomato", alpha.f = .75)
d2 <- adjustcolor("darkslateblue", alpha.f = .75)
# colours for flowthrough plots
ftcol_in <- adjustcolor("turquoise", alpha.f = 1) # inflow oxy
ftcol_out <- adjustcolor("lightgreen", alpha.f = 1) # outflow oxy
ftcol_del <- adjustcolor("black", alpha.f = 0.9) # delta oxy
ftcol_rate_pt <- adjustcolor("goldenrod1", alpha.f = 1) # highlighted rate points
ftcol_rate_bx <- adjustcolor("goldenrod1", alpha.f = 0.2) # highlighted rate region box bg
ftcol_rate_ln <- adjustcolor("goldenrod1", alpha.f = 0.25) # highlighted rate region line
# panel <- c(rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2],
# par("usr")[4], col = r3), grid(col = "white", lty = 1, lwd = 1.5))
# default plotting character
pch_def <- 16
# not used very much....
cex_def <- 0.5
# default tick size
tck_def <- -0.015 # size of axis ticks
# default axis distances
# 1 = distance of axis label from axis
# 2 = distance of tick labels from ticks
# 3 = distance of ticks from axis
mgp_def <- c(0, 0.2, 0)
# default margins
# outer
oma_def <- c(0.4, 1, 1.5, 0.4)
# inner
mai_def <- c(0.3, 0.15, 0.35, 0.15)
# To give slightly more space for plots without two titles
# currently applied in:
# - inspect
# - inspect.ft
# - calc_rate.ft
mai_def_top_ext <- c(0.3, 0.15, 0.2, 0.15)
# default axis rotation
las_def <- 0
# Plotting functions ------------------------------------------------------
# axes = which axes to draw
# mgp_bt etc = separate mgp for axes if needed
multi.p <- function(df, sdf, rsq, title = "Full Timeseries", xl = '', yl = '',
axes = c(1,2,3), legend = TRUE,
bt_mgp = NULL,
lf_mgp = NULL,
tp_mgp = NULL,
rt_mgp = NULL,
...) {
names(df) <- c("x", "y")
if (!is.null(nrow(sdf)))
sdf <- list(sdf)
plot(df, xlab = xl, ylab = yl, bg = r1, col = r1, cex = .3,
panel.first = grid(lwd = .7),
axes = FALSE)
invisible(lapply(sdf, function(x) points(x, bg = r2, col = r2)))
invisible(lapply(sdf, function(z) {
names(z) <- c("x", "y") # rename columns, in case they're not x and y
## This fails and breaks return if the z data happens to contain an NA
## Rare, but i have seen it happen...
abline(lm(y ~ x, z), lwd = 1.2, lty = 3)
if(1 %in% axes) axis(side = 1, col.axis = "blue", mgp = bt_mgp)
if(2 %in% axes) axis(side = 2, col.axis = "black", mgp = lf_mgp)
if(legend && 1 %in% axes) legend("bottomleft",
text.col = "blue",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.5)
if(legend && 3 %in% axes) legend("topright",
text.col = "red",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.5)
## add row index axis
par(new = TRUE, ...)
plot(seq(1, nrow(df)),
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
pch = "",
cex = .5,
axes = FALSE)
if(3 %in% axes) axis(side = 3, col.axis = "red", mgp = tp_mgp)
title(main = glue::glue("{title}"), line = 1.2, font = 2)
# a plot of the subset only
sub.p <- function(sdf, rep = 1, rsq, rownums, title = TRUE, legend = TRUE, ...) {
if (is.null(nrow(sdf)))
sdf <- sdf[[rep]]
names(sdf) <- c("x", "y")
fit <- lm(y ~ x, sdf)
# generate equation to paste into plot
cf <- signif(coef(fit), 3)
eq <- paste0("y = ", cf[1], ifelse(sign(cf[2]) == 1, " + ", " - "),
abs(cf[2]), " x ")
# plot the graph
plot(sdf, xlab = "", ylab = "", bg = r2, col = r2,
panel.first = grid(lwd = .7),
axes = FALSE)
abline(fit, lwd = 1.5, lty = 2)
axis(side = 1, col.axis = "blue")
axis(side = 2, col.axis = "black")
## add row index axis
par(new = TRUE, ...)
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
pch = "",
cex = .5,
axes = FALSE)
axis(side = 3, col.axis = "red")
if(title) title(main = ("Close-up Region"), line = 1.2, font = 2)
if(legend) title(main = eq, line = -1.5, font.main = 1)
if(legend && !is.null(rsq)) title(main = paste0("r2 = ", rsq), line = -2.5, font.main = 1)
# a plot of residuals
residual.p <- function(fit, ...) {
plot(fit$fitted.values, fit$residuals, xlab = "", ylab = "", bg = r2,
col = r2, ylim = c(max(fit$residuals), -max(fit$residuals)),
panel.first = grid(lwd = .7))
## fails with values 5 or less, so just don't bother drawing it
if(length(fit$fitted.values) > 5)
lines(suppressWarnings(loess.smooth(fit$fitted.values, fit$residuals)),
col = "black", lwd = 2)
title(main = ("Std. Residuals \nvs Fitted Values"), line = 0.3, font = 2)
abline(0, 0, lty = 3, lwd = 1.5)
# a q-q plot
qq.p <- function(fit, ...) {
# problems with rstandard if only 2 values, so do this
if(length(fit$fitted.values) > 2) vals <- rstandard(fit) else
vals <- fit$fitted.values
qqnorm(vals, main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", bg = r2, col = r2,
panel.first = grid(lwd = .7))
title(main = ("Theoretical Q. \nvs Std. Residuals"), line = 0.3, font = 2)
qqline(vals, lty = 3, lwd = 1.5)
# kernel density plot
density_p <- function(dens, peaks, rank = 1, ...) {
plot(dens, main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", panel.first = grid(lwd = .7))
polygon(dens, col = r2, border = r2)
title(main = expression(bold("Density of Rolling"~beta[1])), line = 0.5)
abline(v = peaks[rank, ][1][,1], lty = 2) # indicate position on density plot
# rolling regression
rollreg.p <- function(rolldf, ranked.b1, rownums, xlim, rate.rev = TRUE, ...) {
ylim <- grDevices::extendrange(nainf.omit(rolldf[[2]]), f = 0.05)
if(rate.rev) ylim <- rev(ylim) ## reverse y-axis
plot(rolldf, xlab = "", ylab = "", bg = r2, col = r2,
ylim = ylim,
xlim = xlim,
lwd = 1, panel.first = grid(lwd = .7),
axes = FALSE)
axis(side = 1, col.axis = "blue")
axis(side = 2, col.axis = "black")
abline(h = ranked.b1, lty = 2)
## add row index axis
par(new = TRUE, ...)
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
pch = "",
cex = .5,
axes = FALSE)
axis(side = 3, col.axis = "red")
title(main = ("Rolling Rate"), line = 1.2, font = 2)
# rolling regression 2
# this is a version especially for inspect roll reg plot
# Can't quite remember why i didn't use the above, but there was a reason...
# Maybe just better control over appearance...
rollreg2.p <- function(df, width) {
roll_width <- floor(width * nrow(df))
## Calc all rates, even there is a min_obs of only 1 datapoint
## This means rate is returned even if there are NA in data
## Also replace Inf with NA of ylim in plot fails
df[[1]][which(is.infinite(df[[1]]))] <- NA
df[[2]][which(is.infinite(df[[2]]))] <- NA
rates <- roll::roll_lm(matrix(df[[1]]), matrix(df[[2]]),
roll_width, min_obs = 1)$coefficients[,2]
## However this means rates are ALSO calculated at the start of the data
## before the width is even reached, so we remove these.
rates <- rates[-(1:(roll_width-1))]
rates <- na.omit(rates)
# plots summary tabel as overlaps
# used in convert_rate and convert_rate.ft
over.p <- function(x, pos, legend, highlight){
## Extract data
dt <-$dataframe)
summ <- x$summary
if(is.null(highlight)) highlight <- 1
# Axis limits
## how many summary rows to plot.
miny <- 1
maxy <- nrow(summ)
minx <- 0
maxx <- nrow(dt)
seq(miny, maxy, length.out=length(minx:maxx)),
ylim = c(maxy,miny),
col = "white",
axes = FALSE,
panel.first = grid(lwd = .7))
for(i in pos)
segments(x0 = summ$row[i],
y0 = i,
x1 = summ$endrow[i],
y1 = i,
lwd = 3,
col = r1)
axis(side = 2, col.axis = "black")
segments(x0 = summ$row[highlight],
y0 = highlight,
x1 = summ$endrow[highlight],
y1 = highlight,
lwd = 3,
col = r2)
mtext("Summary Table Row (Descending)",
outer = FALSE, cex = 1, line = 0.3, font = 2)
# invisible plot to get time axis
plot(dt[[1]], dt[[2]], pch = "", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE)
axis(side = 1, col.axis = "blue")
if(legend) legend("bottomleft",
text.col = "blue",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.5)
# Plots multiple auto_rate or convert_rate results in a nice way
# using base plot
# x = auto_rate or convert_rate object
grid.p <- function(x, pos = NULL, msg = "grid.p",
title = "Rank", quiet = FALSE,
rate.rev = TRUE, ...){
# Apply default plotting params
par(oma = c(2, 2, 2, 0.5),
mai = mai_def_top_ext,
las = las_def,
mgp = mgp_def,
tck = tck_def,
pch = pch_def,
cex = 1,
cex.main = 1,
ps = 10)
par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 2, 0.1))
# allows params overriding defaults to be passed
# total number of results
totres <- nrow(x$summary)
# pos messages
if(length(pos) <= 20 && length(pos) == totres) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting all rate(s)...")) else
if(length(pos) <= 20) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting rate(s) from selected 'pos' rows...")) else
message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting first 20 selected rates only. To plot others use 'pos' input."))
plot_sub.grid <- function(x, pos, bt, lf, tp) {
for(i in pos) {
dt <- x$dataframe
rate <- x$rate.output[i]
rank <- x$summary$rank[i]
res <- i
units <- x$summary$output.unit[1]
start <- x$summary$row[i]
end <- x$summary$endrow[i]
sdt <- dt[start:end]
ax <- c()
if(i %in% bt) ax <- c(ax, 1)
if(i %in% lf) ax <- c(ax, 2)
if(i %in% tp) ax <- c(ax, 3)
multi.p(dt, sdt, legend = F, title = "", axes = ax,
tck = -0.005,
mgp = c(0, 0.2, 0),
tp_mgp = c(0, 2, 0),
las = 1)
#title(glue::glue("tmp title"))
title(glue::glue("{title} {res} of {totres} Rates:\n{signif(rate, digits = 3)} {units}"),
cex.main = 0.9)
} <- function(x, pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = TRUE, ...) {
for(i in pos) {
dt <-$dataframe)
rate <- x$rate.output[i]
rank <- x$summary$rank[i]
res <- i
units <- x$summary$output.unit[1]
start <- x$summary$row[i]
end <- x$summary$endrow[i]
sdt <- dt[start:end]
ax <- c()
if(i %in% bt) ax <- c(ax, 1)
if(i %in% lf) ax <- c(ax, 2)
if(i %in% tp) ax <- c(ax, 3)
delta.p(x, delta_only = TRUE, legend = FALSE, pos = i,
rate.rev = rate.rev,
title = "",
axes = ax,
tck = -0.005,
mgp = c(0, 0.2, 0),
tp_mgp = c(0, 2, 0),
las = 1,
#title(glue::glue("tmp title"))
title(glue::glue("{title} {res} of {totres} Rates:\n{signif(rate, digits = 3)} {units}"),
cex.main = 0.9)
if(length(pos) == 1) {
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
bt <- 1
lf <- 1
tp <- 1
if(inherits(x, "convert_rate.ft")), pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = rate.rev) else
plot_sub.grid(x, pos, bt, lf, tp)
if(length(pos) == 2) {
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
bt <- pos[1:2]
lf <- pos[1]
tp <- pos[1:2]
if(inherits(x, "convert_rate.ft")), pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = rate.rev, ...) else
plot_sub.grid(x, pos, bt, lf, tp)
if(length(pos) %in% c(3,4)) {
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
bt <- pos[3:4]
lf <- pos[c(1,3)]
tp <- pos[1:2]
if(inherits(x, "convert_rate.ft")), pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = rate.rev, ...) else
plot_sub.grid(x, pos, bt, lf, tp)
if(length(pos) %in% c(5,6)) {
par(mfrow = c(2,3))
bt <- pos[4:6]
lf <- pos[c(1,4)]
tp <- pos[1:3]
if(inherits(x, "convert_rate.ft")), pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = rate.rev, ...) else
plot_sub.grid(x, pos, bt, lf, tp)
if(length(pos) %in% c(7,8,9)) {
par(mfrow = c(3,3))
bt <- pos[7:9]
lf <- pos[c(1,4,7)]
tp <- pos[1:3]
if(inherits(x, "convert_rate.ft")), pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = rate.rev, ...) else
plot_sub.grid(x, pos, bt, lf, tp)
if(length(pos) %in% c(10:12)) {
par(mfrow = c(3,4))
bt <- pos[9:12]
lf <- pos[c(1,5,9)]
tp <- pos[1:4]
if(inherits(x, "convert_rate.ft")), pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = rate.rev, ...) else
plot_sub.grid(x, pos, bt, lf, tp)
if(length(pos) %in% c(13:16)) {
par(mfrow = c(4,4))
bt <- pos[13:16]
lf <- pos[c(1,5,9,13)]
tp <- pos[1:4]
if(inherits(x, "convert_rate.ft")), pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = rate.rev, ...) else
plot_sub.grid(x, pos, bt, lf, tp)
} ## start to get margins too large errors
if(length(pos) %in% c(17:20)) {
par(mfrow = c(4,5))
bt <- pos[16:20]
lf <- pos[c(1,6,11,16)]
tp <- pos[1:5]
if(inherits(x, "convert_rate.ft")), pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = rate.rev, ...) else
plot_sub.grid(x, pos, bt, lf, tp)
if(length(pos) > 20){
pos <- 1:20
par(mfrow = c(4,5))
bt <- pos[16:20]
lf <- pos[c(1,6,11,16)]
tp <- pos[1:5]
if(inherits(x, "convert_rate.ft")), pos, bt, lf, tp, rate.rev = rate.rev, ...) else
plot_sub.grid(x, pos, bt, lf, tp)
#' Plot convert_rate and auto_rate summary tables
#' Plots `convert_rate` and `auto_rate` summary table regressions in a way that
#' visualises how they are positioned within the data timeseries.
#' @param x `convert_rate`, `convert_rate_select`, or `auto_rate` object
#' @param highlight integer. Which result in the summary table to highlight on
#' the plots. Defaults to 1. If it is outside the range of the summary rows it
#' will default to 1.
#' @param legend logical. Suppress plot legends.
#' @param quiet logical. Suppress console output.
#' @param msg string. For adding custom text to start of messages.
#' @param pos integer(s). Choose which summary table rows to plot.
#' @param ... Allows additional plotting controls to be passed.
#' @return A plot of the auto_rate object results
#' @keywords internal
overlap.p <- function(x, highlight = NULL, pos = NULL, legend = TRUE, quiet = FALSE,
msg = "overlap.p", ...){
# for now, not bothering with plotting against original column numbers
# Very complicated - can no longer use rank column as tracker because of possible reordering
parorig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save original par settings
on.exit(par(parorig)) # revert par settings to original
# Needs to be this way as class(x) might have two classes and %in% check fails others way around
if(!("convert_rate" %in% class(x) || "auto_rate" %in% class(x)))
stop(glue::glue("{msg}: 'x' should be an 'auto_rate' or 'convert_rate' object."))
if("convert_rate" %in% class(x) && inherits(x$inputs$x, ""))
stop(glue::glue("{msg}: Plot is not available for converted '' objects because rates may come from different columns of the dataframe."))
if("convert_rate" %in% class(x) && is.null(x$dataframe))
stop(glue::glue("{msg}: Plot is not available for 'convert_rate' objects containing rates converted from numeric values."))
## warning if empty - but return to allow piping
if(length(x$summary$rate) == 0){
message(glue::glue("{msg}: Nothing to plot! No rates found in object."))
if(is.null(pos)) pos <- 1:length(x$summary$rate)
if(length(pos) == length(x$summary$rate)) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting all rate(s)...")) else
if(length(pos) < length(x$summary$rate)) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting rate(s) from selected 'pos' rows..."))
## set layout
m <- rbind(c(1,1,1), c(2,2,2), c(2,2,2))
# Apply default plotting params
par(oma = oma_def,
mai = mai_def_top_ext,
las = las_def,
mgp = mgp_def,
tck = tck_def,
pch = pch_def,
cex = 1,
cex.main = 1,
ps = 10)
# allows params overriding defaults to be passed
## Extract data
dt <-$dataframe)
summ <- x$summary
# apply default pos
if(is.null(pos)) pos <- 1:nrow(summ)
# apply default if pos too high
if(any(pos > nrow(summ))) {
message(glue::glue("{msg}: One or more 'pos' inputs higher than number of rows in '$summary'. Applying default of all rows."))
pos <- 1:nrow(summ)
# apply default of highlight being the highest rank pos
if(is.null(highlight)) highlight <- pos[1]
# If highlight isn't in pos ranks set it to highest rank one
if(!(highlight %in% pos)) {
message(glue::glue("{msg}: 'highlight' not within 'pos' input. Applying default of first 'pos' entry."))
highlight <- pos[1]
# highlight subset
start <- summ$row[highlight]
end <- summ$endrow[highlight]
sub_dt <- dt[start:end]
# timeseries --------------------------------------------------------------
multi.p(dt, sub_dt, axes = c(2,3), legend = legend)
mtext("Full Timeseries",
outer = TRUE, cex = 1.2, line = 0, font = 2)
# Overlap plot ------------------------------------------------------------
over.p(x, pos, legend, highlight)
#' Plot convert_rate.ft summary tables
#' Plots `convert_rate.ft` summary table regressions in a way that
#' visualises how they are positioned within the data timeseries.
#' @param x `convert_rate.ft`, `convert_rate.ft_select` object
#' @param highlight integer. Which result in the summary table to highlight on
#' the plots. Defaults to 1. If it is outside the range of the summary rows it
#' will default to 1.
#' @param legend logical. Suppress plot legends.
#' @param quiet logical. Suppress console output.
#' @param msg string. For adding custom text to start of messages.
#' @param pos integer(s). Choose which summary table rows to plot.
#' @param ... Allows additional plotting controls to be passed.
#' @return A plot of the auto_rate object results
#' @keywords internal
overlap.ft.p <- function(x, highlight = NULL, pos = NULL, legend = TRUE, quiet = FALSE,
rate.rev= TRUE, msg = "overlap.ft.p", ...){
# apply default of highlight being the highest rank pos
if(is.null(highlight)) highlight <- pos[1]
# If highlight isn't in pos ranks set it to highest rank one
if(!(highlight %in% pos)) {
message(glue::glue("{msg}: 'highlight' not within 'pos' input. Applying default of first 'pos' entry."))
highlight <- pos[1]
# extract data
time <- x$data$time[[1]]
# extract rates
rt <- x$rate.output[pos]
# extract times of rates
tm <- (x$summary$time[pos] + x$summary$endtime[pos])/2
# extract units
un <- x$summary$output.unit[1]
# messages
if(length(pos) == length(x$summary$rate)) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting all rate(s)...")) else
if(length(pos) < length(x$summary$rate)) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting rate(s) from selected 'pos' rows..."))
# number of rates
nrt <- length(x$rate.output)
# delta only plot?
delta_only <- is.null(x$data$out.oxy) && is.null(x$data$in.oxy)
#if(!(delta_only)) y_range <- range(in.oxy, out.oxy, na.rm = TRUE) # for plotting rate region rectangle
## if only delta oxygen plot, it takes top two thirds,
## otherwise 3 plots
if (delta_only) m <- rbind(c(1,1,1), c(1,1,1), c(2,2,2)) else
m <- rbind(c(1,1,1), c(2,2,2), c(3,3,3))
## set layout
# Apply default plotting params
par(oma = oma_def,
mai = mai_def_top_ext,
las = las_def,
mgp = mgp_def,
tck = tck_def,
pch = pch_def,
cex = 1,
cex.main = 1,
ps = 10)
# in.oxy - out.oxy plot -----------------------------------------------------
if(!delta_only) in.out.p(x, pos = NULL, legend = legend)
# Delta plot --------------------------------------------------------------
delta.p(x, delta_only = delta_only, legend = legend, rate.rev = rate.rev, pos = NULL)
# Overlap plot ------------------------------------------------------------
over.p(x, pos, legend = FALSE, highlight)
# Plots convert_rate objects
# Very similar to plot.inspect
# top plot is same full timeseries
# But bottom plot is output rate values against middle of their time range
outrate.p <- function(x, pos = NULL, quiet = FALSE, msg = "rate.p",
legend = TRUE, rate.rev = TRUE, ...){
## apply default pos
if(is.null(pos)) pos <- 1:length(x$summary$rate)
# extract data frame
dt <-$dataframe)
# extract rates
rt <- x$rate.output[pos]
# extract times of rates
tm <- (x$summary$time[pos] + x$summary$endtime[pos]) /2
# extract units
un <- x$summary$output.unit[1]
# messages
if(length(pos) == length(x$summary$rate)) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting all rate(s)...")) else
if(length(pos) < length(x$summary$rate)) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting rate(s) from selected 'pos' rows..."))
# Apply default plotting params
par(oma = oma_def,
# this one needs more space at top for two panel plot
mai = mai_def_top_ext,
las = las_def,
mgp = mgp_def,
tck = tck_def,
pch = pch_def,
cex = cex_def)
# plot timeseries ----------------------------------------------------------
par(mfrow = c(2, 1),
ps = 10,
cex = 1,
cex.main = 1)
# allows defaults to be changed
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
ylim = grDevices::extendrange(nainf.omit(dt[[2]]), f = 0.05),
cex = .5,
axes = FALSE,
col.lab = "blue",
col.axis = "blue",
panel.first = grid())
axis(side = 2)
## add row index axis
par(new = TRUE, ...)
plot(seq(1, nrow(dt)),
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
pch = "",
cex = .5,
axes = FALSE)
axis(side = 3, col.axis = "red")
if(legend) legend("topright",
"Row Index",
text.col = "red",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.7)
mtext("Full Timeseries",
outer = TRUE, cex = 1.2, line = 0.3, font = 2)
# plot rates --------------------------------------------------------------
xlim <- range(nainf.omit(dt[[1]]))
y_lim <- grDevices::extendrange(nainf.omit(x$rate.output[pos]), f = 0.05)
if(rate.rev) y_lim <- rev(y_lim) ## reverse y-axis
## dynamically resize point size to between 0.5 and 1 based on how many there are
int <- lm(c(1,0.5) ~c(1,6000))$coefficients[[1]] # int
slp <- lm(c(1,0.5) ~c(1,6000))$coefficients[[2]] # slp
plot(rt ~ tm,
xlim = xlim,
ylim = y_lim,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
cex = length(rt) * slp + int, # dynamic size of points
col = r2,
axes = FALSE,)
axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 0.9)
# to put yaxis label colour back to black
axis(side = 1, col.lab = "blue", col.axis = "blue")
## Added dashed line at rate = 0 - for when rates are +ve and -ve
abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
if(legend) legend("bottomleft",
text.col = "blue",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.7)
mtext("Output Rate",
outer = FALSE, cex = 1.2, line = 1.2, font = 2)
mtext(glue::glue("(units: {un})"),
outer = FALSE, cex = 1, line = 0.3, font = 2)
# Plots convert_rate.ft objects
# Very similar to plot.inspect.ft
# top plot is in-out oxy (if present) and delta
# But bottom plot is output rate values against middle of their time range
outrate.ft.p <- function(x, pos = NULL, quiet = FALSE, msg = "rate.p",
legend = TRUE, rate.rev = TRUE, ...){
# extract data
time <- x$data$time[[1]]
# extract rates
rt <- x$rate.output[pos]
# extract times of rates
tm <- (x$summary$time[pos] + x$summary$endtime[pos])/2
# extract units
un <- x$summary$output.unit[1]
# messages
if(length(pos) == length(x$summary$rate)) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting all rate(s)...")) else
if(length(pos) < length(x$summary$rate)) message(glue::glue("{msg}: Plotting rate(s) from selected 'pos' rows..."))
# number of rates
nrt <- length(x$rate.output)
# delta only plot?
delta_only <- is.null(x$data$out.oxy) && is.null(x$data$in.oxy)
#if(!(delta_only)) y_range <- range(in.oxy, out.oxy, na.rm = TRUE) # for plotting rate region rectangle
## if only delta oxygen plot, it takes top two thirds,
## otherwise 3 plots
if (delta_only) m <- rbind(c(1,1,1), c(1,1,1), c(2,2,2)) else
m <- rbind(c(1,1,1), c(2,2,2), c(3,3,3))
## set layout
# Apply default plotting params
par(oma = oma_def,
mai = mai_def_top_ext,
las = las_def,
mgp = mgp_def,
tck = tck_def,
pch = pch_def,
cex = 1,
cex.main = 1,
ps = 10)
# in.oxy - out.oxy plot -----------------------------------------------------
if(!delta_only) in.out.p(x,
pos = NULL,
legend = legend)
# # Delta plot --------------------------------------------------------------
delta.p(x, delta_only = delta_only, legend = legend, rate.rev = rate.rev, pos = NULL)
# Rates plot -----------------------------------------------------------
x_lim <- range(nainf.omit(time))
y_lim <- grDevices::extendrange(nainf.omit(x$rate.output[pos]), f = 0.05)
if(rate.rev) y_lim <- rev(y_lim) ## reverse y-axis
## dynamically resize point size to between 0.5 and 1 based on how many there are
int <- lm(c(1,0.5) ~c(1,6000))$coefficients[[1]] # int
slp <- lm(c(1,0.5) ~c(1,6000))$coefficients[[2]] # slp
plot(rt ~ tm,
xlim = x_lim,
ylim = y_lim,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
cex = length(rt) * slp + int, # dynamic size of points
col = r2,
axes = FALSE,)
axis(side = 2, cex.axis = 0.9)
# to put yaxis label colour back to black
axis(side = 1, col.lab = "blue", col.axis = "blue")
## Added dashed line at rate = 0 - for when rates are +ve and -ve
abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
if(legend) legend("bottomleft",
text.col = "blue",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.7)
# mtext("Output Rate",
# outer = FALSE, cex = 1.2, line = 1.2, font = 2)
mtext(glue::glue("Output Rate (units: {un})"),
outer = FALSE, cex = 1, line = 0.3, font = 2)
# Delta plot --------------------------------------------------------------
# Plots delta oxygen in flowthrough data
# Used in calc_rate.ft and convert_rate.ft
# x = calc_rate.ft or convert_rate.ft object
# (containing the time data generally in unlist(x$data$time), and
# delta.oxy data generally in x$delta.oxy)
# delta_only = is this being plotted by itself or with a inflow/outflow plot above?
# legend = time/row labels
# pos = which rate to plot
delta.p <- function(x, delta_only = TRUE, legend = TRUE, rate.rev = TRUE, pos = 1,
title = "Delta Oxygen",
axes = c(1,2,3),
bt_mgp = NULL,
lf_mgp = NULL,
tp_mgp = NULL,
rt_mgp = NULL, ...) {
# Extract data
time <- x$data$time[[1]]
delta.oxy <- x$data$delta.oxy[[1]]
if(inherits(x, "calc_rate.ft")) rate <- x$rate else
rate <- x$rate.input
# Extract pos data
pos_from_row <- x$summary$row[pos] # for subsetting rate region
pos_to_row <- x$summary$endrow[pos] # for subsetting rate region
pos_x_data <- time[pos_from_row:pos_to_row] # subset of rate region
pos_y_data_delta <- delta.oxy[pos_from_row:pos_to_row]
## ylim - plus 10%
ylim <- grDevices::extendrange(na.omit(delta.oxy), f = 0.1)
if(rate.rev) ylim <- rev(ylim) ## reverse y-axis
## Plot
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
ylim = ylim,
cex = .5,
col = ftcol_del,
axes = FALSE,
panel.first = grid())
if(1 %in% axes) axis(side = 1, col.axis = "blue", mgp = bt_mgp)
if(2 %in% axes) axis(side = 2, col.axis = "black", mgp = lf_mgp)
## Title
if(delta_only) mtext(title, outer = TRUE, cex = 1, line = 0, font = 2) else
title(main = title, line = 0.3)
## This will have bottom legend regardless
if(legend) legend("bottomright",
text.col = "blue",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.5)
## add coloured points of rate region
## No need to do this if data are single points
## Which happens when single delta value is converted
if(length(pos_y_data_delta) > 1){
points(pos_y_data_delta ~ pos_x_data,
col = ftcol_rate_pt,
cex = .5)
abline(lm(pos_y_data_delta ~ pos_x_data), lwd = 1.2, lty = 3)
## If delta only plot add legend and top axis here instead
# plot this invisibly - to add row index x-axis
par(new = TRUE)
plot(seq(1, length(time)),
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
pch = "",
cex = .5,
axes = FALSE)
if(3 %in% axes) axis(side = 3, col.axis = "red", mgp = tp_mgp)
if(legend) legend("topright",
"Row Index",
text.col = "red",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.5)
# Plots inflow and outflow oxygen on same plot in flowthrough data
# Used in calc_rate.ft and convert_rate.ft
# x = calc_rate.ft or convert_rate.ft object
# (containing the time data generally in unlist(x$data$time), and
# in and out oxy data in x$data)
# legend = time/row labels
# pos = which rate to highlight with a shaded box
# box = draw box?
# quiet
# row.axis - add red row axis?
# time.axis - add blue time axis?
# title
in.out.p <- function(x,
pos = 1,
legend = TRUE,
# Extract data
time <- x$data$time[[1]]
out.oxy <- x$data$out.oxy[[1]]
in.oxy <- x$data$in.oxy[[1]]
if(inherits(x, "calc_rate.ft")) rate <- x$rate else
rate <- x$rate.input
y_range <- range(in.oxy, out.oxy, na.rm = TRUE) # for plotting rate region rectangle
# Extract pos data
pos_rate <- signif(rate[pos], digits = 5) # rate for this pos
pos_from_time <- x$summary$row[pos] # # for plotting rate subset region
pos_to_time <- x$summary$endrow[pos] # # for plotting rate subset region
## ylim for outflow and inflow plots - plus 10%
ylim <- grDevices::extendrange(nainf.omit(range(range(out.oxy), range(in.oxy), na.rm = TRUE)), f = 0.1)
## Plot
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
ylim = ylim,
cex = .5,
col = ftcol_out,
axes = FALSE,
col.lab = "blue",
col.axis = "blue",
panel.first = grid())
axis(side = 2)
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
ylim = ylim,
cex = .5,
col = ftcol_in)
# plot this invisibly - to add row index x-axis
par(new = TRUE)
plot(seq(1, length(time)),
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
pch = "",
cex = .5,
axes = FALSE)
axis(side = 3, col.axis = "red")
## box for rate region
abline(v = pos_from_time,
col = ftcol_rate_ln,
lty = 1,
lwd = 3)
abline(v = pos_to_time,
col = ftcol_rate_ln,
lty = 1,
lwd = 3)
rect(xleft = pos_from_time,
ybottom = y_range[1],
xright = pos_to_time,
ytop = y_range[2],
col = ftcol_rate_bx,
lty = 0)
if(legend) legend("topright",
"Row Index",
text.col = "red",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.5)
if(legend) legend("right",
legend = c("Inflow Oxygen", "Outflow Oxygen"),
col = c(ftcol_in, ftcol_out),
pch = pch_def,
cex = 0.4)
mtext("Outflow - Inflow O2",
outer = TRUE, cex = 1, line = 0, font = 2)
# Plots close-up of 'pos' delta data
# Used in calc_rate.ft
# x = calc_rate.ft or convert_rate.ft object
# (containing the time data generally in unlist(x$data$time), and
# in and out oxy data in x$data)
# legend = time/row labels
# pos = which rate to highlight with a shaded box
# box = draw box?
# quiet
# row.axis - add red row axis?
# time.axis - add blue time axis?
# title
pos.ft.p <- function(x, pos = 1, rate.rev = TRUE, legend = TRUE, ...){
nres <- length(x$rate) # number of rates
pos_rate <- signif(x$rate[pos], digits = 5) # rate for this pos
pos_from_row <- x$summary$row[pos] # for subsetting rate region
pos_to_row <- x$summary$endrow[pos] # for subsetting rate region
time <- x$data$time[[1]]
pos_x_data <- time[pos_from_row:pos_to_row]
pos_y_data <- x$data$delta[[1]][pos_from_row:pos_to_row] * x$inputs$flowrate
ylim <- grDevices::extendrange(nainf.omit(pos_y_data), f = 0.1)
if(rate.rev) ylim <- rev(ylim) ## reverse y-axis
col = ftcol_rate_pt,
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
ylim = ylim,
cex = .5,
axes = FALSE,
panel.first = grid())
axis(side = 2)
axis(side = 1, col.lab = "blue", col.axis = "blue")
if(legend) legend("bottomright",
text.col = "blue",
bg = "gray90",
cex = 0.5)
title(main = glue::glue("Close-up of Position {pos} of {nres}: Rate = {pos_rate}"), line = 0.3)
## add lm trendline
## ## No need to do this if data are single points
## Which happens when single delta value is converted
if(length(pos_x_data) > 1){
abline(lm(pos_y_data ~ pos_x_data), lwd = 1.2, lty = 3)
# Misc --------------------------------------------------------------------
# These are for possibly replacing use of 'legend' for time and row axis labels
# Still can't get them looking nice, so unused and leaving for now
# adds "time" axis label to plots
# xdata
# ydata
# rate.rev
lab.time <- function(xdata,
xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
rate.rev = TRUE){
if(is.null(ylim)) yrange <- range(ydata) else
yrange <- sort(ylim)
ydiff <- diff(yrange)
if(rate.rev) ypos <- yrange[2]-(ydiff*0.04) else
ypos <- yrange[1]+(ydiff*0.04)
xrange <- range(xdata)
xdiff <- diff(xrange)
xpos <- xrange[1]+(xdiff*0.02)
text(x = xpos,
y = ypos,
labels = "Time",
col = "blue",
font = 2)
# adds "row" axis label to plots
# xdata
# ydata
# rate.rev
lab.row <- function(xdata,
yrange <- range(ydata)
ydiff <- diff(yrange)
ypos <- yrange[2]-(ydiff*0.02)
xrange <- range(xdata)
xdiff <- diff(xrange)
xpos <- xrange[2]-(xdiff*0.02)
text(x = xpos,
y = ypos,
"Row Index",
col = "red",
font = 2,
adj = c(1,1))
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