
Defines functions print.rglshaders getShaders setUserShaders

Documented in getShaders setUserShaders

setUserShaders <- function(ids, vertexShader = NULL, fragmentShader = NULL,
			   attributes = NULL, uniforms = NULL, textures = NULL,
			   scene = scene3d(minimal),
			   minimal = TRUE) {
  stopifnot(inherits(scene, "rglscene"))
  for (i in ids) {
    id <- as.character(i)
    obj <- scene$objects[[id]]
    if (!is.null(vertexShader))
      obj$userVertexShader <- paste(vertexShader, collapse = "\n")
    if (!is.null(fragmentShader))
      obj$userFragmentShader <- paste(fragmentShader, collapse = "\n")
    obj$userAttributes <- attributes
    obj$userUniforms <- uniforms
    obj$userTextures <- textures
    alldata <- c(obj$userAttributes, obj$userUniforms, obj$userTextures)
    allnames <- names(alldata)
    if (length(allnames) != length(alldata) ||
        any(nchar(allnames) == 0) ||
      stop("attributes, uniforms and textures should be named")
    scene$objects[[id]] <- obj

getShaders <- function(id, scene = scene3d(minimal), minimal = TRUE) {
  obj <- scene$objects[[as.character(id)]]
  vertexShader <- obj$userVertexShader
  fragmentShader <- obj$userFragmentShader
  if (is.null(vertexShader) || is.null(fragmentShader)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("V8"))
      stop("This function requires the V8 package.")
    scene <- convertScene(scene)
    obj <- scene$objects[[as.character(id)]]
    ctx <- V8::v8()
    ctx$source(system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass/rglClass.src.js", package="rgl"))
    ctx$source(system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass/utils.src.js", package="rgl"))
    ctx$source(system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass/shaders.src.js", package="rgl"))
    pointSize <- obj$material$size
    if (is.null(pointSize))
      pointSize <- scene$material$size
    antialias <- obj$material$point_antialias
    if (is.null(antialias))
      antialias <- scene$material$point_antialias
    textype <- obj$material$textype
    if (is.null(textype))
      textype <- scene$material$textype
    texmode <- obj$material$texmode
    if (is.null(texmode))
      texmode <- scene$material$texmode
    texenvmap <- obj$material$texenvmap
    if (is.null(texenvmap))
      texenvmap <- scene$material$texenvmap
    nclipplanes <- 0
    nlights <- 0
    for (i in seq_along(scene$objects)) {
      nclipplanes <- nclipplanes + (scene$objects[[i]]$type == "clipplanes")
      nlights <- nlights + (scene$objects[[i]]$type == "light")
    if (is.null(vertexShader))
      vertexShader <- readLines(system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass/shaders/rgl_vertex.glsl", package = "rgl"))
    if (is.null(fragmentShader))
      fragmentShader <- readLines(system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass/shaders/rgl_fragment.glsl", package = "rgl"))
  defines <- ctx$eval(subst(
    'rglwidgetClass.getDefines(%id%, "%type%", %flags%,
      %nclipplanes%, %nlights%, %normals%, %pointSize%,
      "%textype%", "%texmode%", %texenvmap%, %antialias%)', 
    id = id, 
    type = obj$type, 
    flags = obj$flags, 
    nclipplanes = nclipplanes, 
    nlights = nlights, 
    normals = if (is.null(obj$normals)) "undefined" else 1,
    pointSize = pointSize,
    textype = textype,
    texmode = texmode,
    texenvmap = tolower(texenvmap),
    antialias = tolower(antialias)
  structure(list(vertexShader = vertexShader,
            fragmentShader = fragmentShader,
            defines = defines), class = "rglshaders")

print.rglshaders <- function(x, ...) {
  cat(x$defines, sep = "\n")
  cat(x$vertexShader, sep = "\n")
  cat(x$defines, sep = "\n" )
  cat(x$fragmentShader, sep = "\n")

Try the rgl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rgl documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7 p.m.