
Defines functions writeWebGL rootSubscene convertBBox subst

Documented in writeWebGL

subst <- function(strings, ..., digits=7) {
  substitutions <- list(...)
  names <- names(substitutions)
  if (is.null(names)) names <- rep("", length(substitutions))
  for (i in seq_along(names)) {
    if ((n <- names[i]) == "")
      n <- as.character(sys.call()[[i+2]])
    value <- substitutions[[i]]
    if (is.numeric(value)) 
      value <- formatC(unclass(value), digits=digits, width=1)
    strings <- gsub(paste("%", n, "%", sep=""), value, strings)

convertBBox <- function(id,
  verts = rgl.attrib(id, "vertices"),
  text = rgl.attrib(id, "text"),
  mat = rgl.getmaterial(id = id)) {
  if (!length(text))
    text <- rep("", NROW(verts))
  if (length(mat$color) > 1)
    mat$color <- mat$color[2] # We ignore the "box" colour

  if(any(missing <- text == ""))
    text[missing] <- apply(verts[missing,], 1, function(row) format(row[!is.na(row)]))

  res <- integer(0)
  if (any(inds <- is.na(verts[,2]) & is.na(verts[,3])))
    res <- c(res, do.call(axis3d, c(list(edge = "x", at = verts[inds, 1], labels = text[inds]), mat)))
  if (any(inds <- is.na(verts[,1]) & is.na(verts[,3])))
    res <- c(res, do.call(axis3d, c(list(edge = "y", at = verts[inds, 2], labels = text[inds]), mat)))
  if (any(inds <- is.na(verts[,1]) & is.na(verts[,2])))
    res <- c(res, do.call(axis3d, c(list(edge = "z", at = verts[inds, 3], labels = text[inds]), mat)))
  res <- c(res, do.call(box3d, mat))

rootSubscene <- function() {
  id <- currentSubscene3d()
  repeat {
    info <- subsceneInfo(id)
    if (is.null(info$parent)) return(id)
    else id <- info$parent

writeWebGL <- function(dir="webGL", filename=file.path(dir, "index.html"),
                       template = system.file(file.path("WebGL", "template.html"), package = "rgl"),
                       prefix = "",
                       snapshot = TRUE, commonParts = TRUE, reuse = NULL,
                       width = NULL, height = NULL) {

  # Lots of utility functions and constants defined first; execution starts way down there...

  header <- function()
  	if (commonParts)
        as.character(includeScript(system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/CanvasMatrix/CanvasMatrix.src.js", package = "rgl"))),
        as.character(includeScript(system.file("htmlwidgets/lib/rglClass/rglClass.src.js", package = "rgl")))

  scriptheader <- function() subst(
<div id="%elementId%" class="rglWebGL"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
	var %prefix%div = document.getElementById("%elementId%"),
      %prefix%rgl = new rglwidgetClass();
  %prefix%div.width = %width%;
  %prefix%div.height = %height%;
  %prefix%rgl.prefix = "%prefix%";
</script>', prefix, elementId, json, width, height)

  footer <- function() subst('
	<p id="%prefix%debug">
	You must enable Javascript to view this page properly.</p>',

  #  Execution starts here!

  # Do a few checks first

  elementId <- paste0(prefix, "div")

  if (!file.exists(dir))
  if (!file.info(dir)$isdir)
    stop(gettextf("'%s' is not a directory", dir), domain = NA)

  if (!is.null(template)) {
    templatelines <- readLines(template)
    templatelines <- subst(templatelines, rglVersion = packageVersion("rgl"), prefix = prefix)

    target <- paste("%", prefix, "WebGL%", sep="")
    replace <- grep( target, templatelines, fixed=TRUE)
    if (length(replace) != 1)
      stop(gettextf("template '%s' does not contain '%s'", template, target),
           domain = NA)

    result <- c(templatelines[seq_len(replace-1)], header())
  } else
    result <- header()

  scene <- convertScene(width = width, height = height,
                        elementId = elementId, 
                        snapshot = snapshot)
  scene$crosstalk <- list(key = list(), 
  		    group = character(),
  		    id = integer(),
  		    options = list())
  if (is.null(width)) width <- scene$width
  if (is.null(height)) height <- scene$height

  json <- toJSON(I(scene),
                 dataframe = "columns", null = "null", na = "string",
                 auto_unbox = TRUE, digits = getOption("shiny.json.digits",
                 use_signif = TRUE, force = TRUE, POSIXt = "ISO8601",
                 UTC = TRUE, rownames = FALSE, keep_vec_names = TRUE)

  result <- c(result,
              if (!is.null(template))
              	templatelines[replace + seq_len(length(templatelines)-replace)]
              	subst("<script>%prefix%rgl.start();</script>", prefix = prefix)

  cat(result, file=filename, sep="\n")

Try the rgl package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rgl documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7 p.m.