
Defines functions print.shapelist3d addNormals.shapelist3d scale3d.shapelist3d rotate3d.shapelist3d translate3d.shapelist3d shade3d.shapelist3d wire3d.shapelist3d dot3d.shapelist3d shapelist3d

Documented in addNormals.shapelist3d shapelist3d

shapelist3d <- function(shapes,x=0,y=NULL,z=NULL,size=1,matrix=NULL,override=TRUE, ..., plot=TRUE) {
  # This function gets an element with recycling
  e <- function(x, i) x[[ (i-1) %% length(x) + 1 ]]
  xyz <- xyz.coords(x, y, z, recycle = TRUE)
  x <- xyz$x
  y <- xyz$y
  if (length(y) == 0) y <- 0
  z <- xyz$z
  if (length(z) == 0) z <- 0
  if (inherits(shapes, "shape3d")) shapes <- list(shapes)
  material <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(matrix)) {
    if (!is.list(matrix)) matrix <- list(matrix)
    len <- length(matrix)
  } else len <- 0
  len <- max(len, length(x), length(shapes), length(size), length(override))
  if (length(material)) len <- max(len, sapply(material, length))
  result <- vector("list", len)
  class(result) <- c("shapelist3d", "shape3d")
  for (i in seq_len(len)) {
    if (is.null(matrix)) this <- e(shapes, i)
    else this <- rotate3d(e(shapes,i), matrix=e(matrix,i))
    thissize <- e(size, i)
    this <- translate3d(scale3d(this, thissize, thissize, thissize), e(x,i), e(y,i), e(z,i))
    thismaterial <- lapply(material, function(item) e(item,i))
    if (!e(override,i))
      thismaterial[names(this$material)] <- this$material
    this$material[names(thismaterial)] <- thismaterial
    result[[i]] <- this
  if (plot) {
  } else

dot3d.shapelist3d <- function(x, override = TRUE, ...) {
  save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
  lowlevel(unlist(sapply( x, function(item) dot3d(item, override=override, ...) ) ) )

wire3d.shapelist3d <- function(x, override = TRUE, ...) {
  save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
  lowlevel(unlist(sapply( x, function(item) wire3d(item, override=override, ...) ) ) )

shade3d.shapelist3d <- function(x, override = TRUE, ...) {
  save <- par3d(skipRedraw = TRUE)
  lowlevel(unlist(sapply( x, function(item) shade3d(item, override=override, ...) ) ) )

translate3d.shapelist3d <- function( obj, x, y, z, ... ) {
  structure(lapply( obj, function(item) translate3d(item, x, y, z, ...) ),
            class = class(obj))

rotate3d.shapelist3d <- function( obj,angle,x,y,z,matrix, ... ) {
  structure(lapply( obj, function(item) rotate3d(item,angle, x,y,z,matrix,...) ),
            class = class(obj))

scale3d.shapelist3d <- function( obj, x, y, z, ... ) {
  structure(lapply( obj, function(item) scale3d(item, x,y,z,...) ),
            class = class(obj))

addNormals.shapelist3d <- function( x, ... ) {
  structure(lapply( x, function(item) addNormals(item, ...) ),
            class = class(x))

print.shapelist3d <- function(x, prefix = "", ...) {
  cat(prefix, " shapelist3d object with ", length(x), " items:\n", sep = "")
  for (i in seq_along(x))
    print(x[[i]], prefix = paste0(prefix, "[[", i, "]]"))

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rgl documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7 p.m.