
Defines functions regress

Documented in regress

#' General Regression for an Arbitrary Functional
#' Produces point estimates, interval estimates, and p values for an arbitrary
#' functional (mean, geometric mean, proportion, odds, hazard) of a
#' variable of class \code{integer}, or \code{numeric} when
#' regressed on an arbitrary number of covariates. Multiple Partial F-tests can
#' be specified using the \code{\link[rigr]{U}} function.
#' Regression models include linear regression (for the ``mean'' functional), logistic
#' regression with logit link (for the ``odds'' functional), Poisson regression with log link (for the
#' ``rate'' functional), linear regression of a log-transformed outcome 
#' (for the ``geometric mean'' functional), and Cox proportional hazards regression (for the hazard functional). 
#' Currently, for the hazard functional, only `coxph` syntax is supported; in other words, using `dummy`, `polynomial`,
#' and \code{\link[rigr]{U}} functions will result in an error when `fnctl = hazard`.
#' Note that the only possible link function in `regress` with `fnctl = odds"` is the logit link. 
#' Similarly, the only possible link function in `regress` with `fnctl = "rate"` is the log link.
#' Objects created using the
#' \code{\link[rigr]{U}} function can also be passed in. If the
#' \code{\link[rigr]{U}} call involves a partial formula of the form
#' \code{~ var1 + var2}, then \code{regress} will return a multiple-partial
#' F-test involving \code{var1} and \code{var2}. If an F-statistic will already be 
#' calculated regardless of the \code{\link[rigr]{U}} specification,
#' then any naming convention specified via \code{name ~ var1} will be ignored.
#' The multiple partial tests must be the last terms specified in the model (i.e. no other predictors can
#' follow them).
#' @aliases regress fitted.uRegress print.augCoefficients print.uRegress
#' uLRtest uWaldtest 
#' @param fnctl a character string indicating
#' the functional (summary measure of the distribution) for which inference is
#' desired. Choices include \code{"mean"}, \code{"geometric mean"},
#' \code{"odds"}, \code{"rate"}, \code{"hazard"}. 
#' @param formula an object of class \code{formula} as might be passed to 
#' \code{lm}, \code{glm}, or \code{coxph}. Functions of variables, specified using \code{\link[rigr]{dummy}}
#' or \code{\link[rigr]{polynomial}} may also be included in \code{formula}.
#' @param data a data frame, matrix, or other data structure with matching
#' names to those entered in \code{formula}.
#' @param intercept a logical value
#' indicating whether a intercept exists or not. Default value is \code{TRUE} for all 
#' functionals. Intercept may also be removed if a "-1" is present in \code{formula}. If "-1"
#' is present in \code{formula} but \code{intercept = TRUE} is specified, the model will fit
#' without an intercept. Note that when \code{fnctl = "hazard"}, the intercept is always set to
#' \code{FALSE} because Cox proportional hazards regression models do not explicitly estimate 
#' an intercept.
#' @param weights vector indicating
#' optional weights for weighted regression.
#' @param subset vector indicating a subset
#' to be used for all inference.
#' @param robustSE a logical indicator
#' that standard errors (and confidence intervals) are to be computed using the Huber-White sandwich
#' estimator. The default is TRUE.
#' @param conf.level a numeric scalar
#' indicating the level of confidence to be used in computing confidence
#' intervals. The default is 0.95.
#' @param exponentiate a logical
#' indicator that the regression parameters should be exponentiated. This is by
#' default true for all functionals except the mean.
#' @param init a numeric vector of initial values for the regression parameters for the hazard regression. 
#' Default initial value is zero for all variables.
#' @param ties a character string describing method for breaking ties in hazard regression. 
#' Only \code{efron}, \code{breslow}, or \code{exact} is accepted. 
#' See more details in the documentation for this argument in the survival::coxph function. 
#' Default to \code{efron}.
#' @param replaceZeroes if not
#' \code{FALSE}, this indicates a value to be used in place of zeroes when
#' computing a geometric mean. If \code{TRUE}, a value equal to one-half the
#' lowest nonzero value is used. If a numeric value is supplied, that value is
#' used. Defaults to \code{TRUE} when \code{fnctl = "geometric mean"}. This parameter
#' is always \code{FALSE} for all other values of \code{fnctl}.
#' @param useFdstn a logical indicator
#' that the F distribution should be used for test statistics instead of the
#' chi squared distribution even in logistic regression
#' models. When using the F distribution, the degrees of freedom are taken to
#' be the sample size minus the number of parameters, as it would be in a
#' linear regression model.
#' @param suppress if \code{TRUE}, and a model which requires exponentiation
#' (for instance, regression on the geometric mean) is computed, then a table
#' with only the exponentiated coefficients and confidence interval is
#' returned. Otherwise, two tables are returned - one with the original
#' unexponentiated coefficients, and one with the exponentiated coefficients.
#' @param method the method to be used in fitting the model. The default value for
#' \code{fnctl = "mean"} and \code{fnctl = "geometric mean"} is \code{"qr"}, and the default value for
#' \code{fnctl = "odds"} and \code{fnctl = "rate"} is \code{"glm.fit"}. This argument is passed into the
#' lm() or glm() function, respectively. You may optionally specify \code{method = "model.frame"}, which
#' returns the model frame and does no fitting.
#' @param
#' na.action,qr,singular.ok,offset,contrasts,control
#' optional arguments that are passed to the functionality of \code{lm} or
#' \code{glm}.
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the \code{lm} function call
#' @return An object of class uRegress is
#' returned. Parameter estimates, confidence intervals, and p values are
#' contained in a matrix $augCoefficients. 
#' @seealso Functions for fitting linear models (\code{\link[stats]{lm}}), and
#' generalized linear models (\code{\link[stats]{glm}}). Also see the function to specify
#' multiple-partial F-tests, \code{\link[rigr]{U}}.
#' @examples
#' # Loading dataset
#' data(mri)
#' # Linear regression of atrophy on age
#' regress("mean", atrophy ~ age, data = mri)
#' # Linear regression of atrophy on sex and height and their interaction, 
#' # with a multiple-partial F-test on the height-sex interaction
#' regress("mean", atrophy ~ height + sex + U(hs=~height:sex), data = mri)
#' # Logistic regression of sex on atrophy
#' mri$sex_bin <- ifelse(mri$sex == "Female", 1, 0)
#' regress("odds", sex_bin ~ atrophy, data = mri)
#' # Cox regression of age on survival 
#' library(survival)
#' regress("hazard", Surv(obstime, death)~age, data=mri)
#' @export regress
regress <- function(fnctl, formula, data,                     
                    intercept = TRUE, 
                    weights = rep(1,nrow(data.frame(data))), 
                    subset = rep(TRUE,nrow(data.frame(data))),
                    robustSE = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, exponentiate = fnctl != "mean",
                    replaceZeroes, useFdstn = TRUE, suppress = FALSE, na.action, method = "qr", qr = TRUE,
                    singular.ok = TRUE, contrasts = NULL,
                    init = NULL, ties = "efron", offset, control = list(...), ...) {

  # define n
  if (!inherits(data, "data.frame")) {
    warning("Input data is not a data frame; proceeding by coercing it into a data frame\n")
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
  n <- nrow(data)
  # throw errors if weights or subset are not the correct length
  if (length(weights) != n) stop("Response variable and weights must be of same length")
  if (length(subset) != n) stop("Response variable and subsetting variable must be of same length")
  # throw error if method is neither a character nor a function
  if (!is.character(method) && !is.function(method)) {
    stop("invalid 'method' argument")
  cl <- match.call()
  fit <- NULL
  if (missing(formula)) {
    stop("You must enter a formula")
  # throw error if "lspline" is present in the formula, no longer supported
  if (any(grepl("lspline", as.character(formula)))) {
    stop("'lspline' functionality no longer supported")
  # ensure fnctl is one of the ones supported
  if (!(fnctl %in% c("mean", "geometric mean", "odds", "rate", "hazard"))) {
    stop("unsupported functional")
  if (fnctl=="hazard"){
    strata = NULL
    if (intercept) {
      intercept = FALSE
    #warning("hazard regression does not explicit include an intercept!")
  # get family and glm vs. lm
  glm <- FALSE
  if (fnctl %in% c("odds", "rate")) {
    glm <- TRUE
    # if fnctl is "odds" or "rate" and method = "qr", internally change to method = "glm.fit"
    if (method == "qr") {
      method <- "glm.fit"
    if (fnctl == "odds") {
      # if fnctl = "odds", then family = "binomial"
      family <- "binomial"
    } else {
      # if fnctl = "rate", then family = "poisson"
      family <- "poisson"
  } else {
    # if fnctl = "mean" | fnctl = "geometric mean" but not "hazard", then family = "gaussian
  # if a "-1" is in the formula, remove it and set intercept = FALSE
  form_temp <- deparse(formula[[3]])
  form_temp <- unlist(strsplit(form_temp, "\\+"))
  form_temp <- trimws(form_temp, "both")
  # Note from Yiqun: added the - sign split logic
  remove_int <- grepl("-\\s*1", form_temp)
  if (any(remove_int)) {
    form_temp <- gsub("-\\s*1","",form_temp)
    form_temp <- trimws(form_temp, "both")
    form_temp <- paste(form_temp, collapse = "+")
    #form_temp <- paste(form_temp[!remove_int], collapse = "+")
    formula <- stats::as.formula(paste(unlist(strsplit(deparse(formula),"~"))[1], "~", form_temp), env = .GlobalEnv)
    intercept <- FALSE
  # if intercept = FALSE, add a "-1" to the formula
  if (!intercept) {
    form <- deparse(formula)
    form <- paste(form, "-1")
    formula <- stats::as.formula(form, env=.GlobalEnv)
  if(fnctl != "hazard"){
    # Set up the model matrix and formula for glm 
    cl <- match.call()
    # set up the model frame (mf), which will become the model matrix
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    # get indices for which parameters in mf correspond to the parameters in the vectors below
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", 
                 "offset"), names(mf), 0L)
    if (glm) {
      m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", 
                   "etastart", "mustart", "offset"), names(mf), 0L) # what are etastart and mustart?
    # Set up the model matrix and formula for coxph
    replaceZeroes <- NA
    msng <- FALSE
    # Yiqun: why is ties special??
    mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "na.action"), 
                  names(mf), 0L)
    # Yiqun: redundant
    mf <- cl[c(1L, m)]
  # Get the correct formula and any multiple-partial F-tests
  testlst <- testList(formula, mf, m, data)
  formula <- testlst$formula
  # tmplist is NULL if there are no multiple-partial F-tests specific in a U function
  # otherwise, tmplist is a named list containing dataframes with the variables listed inside 
  # each U function specified
  tmplist <- testlst$testList
  # get the terms list
  # a list containing all of the models we need to fit
  # if no multiple-partial F-tests are specified in a U function, this will be a named list of length 1
  # containing only the "overall" model
  termlst <- testlst$termList
  # change formula in mf so that U() no longer surrounds any variables
  mf$formula <- formula
  if(fnctl != "hazard"){
    # Evaluate the formula and get the correct returns
    # m contains the indices corresponding to which parameters in mf correspond to:
    # c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", "offset")
    # here we reorder the input parameters according to the order of the vector above and remove
    # parameters not included in the vector above
    mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
    # remove missing rows from our dataframe
    mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    # obtain mf, a dataframe containing only the necessary variables for our overall model
    mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    # if method == "model.frame", return the model frame, just as lm or glm would do
    if (method == "model.frame") {
    } else if (!glm) {
      # if we're fitting a linear model, the method must be "qr". Throw a warning if other method specified 
      if (method != "qr") {
        warning(gettextf("method = '%s' is not supported. Using 'qr'", 
                         method), domain = NA)
      # get terms from model frame
      mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
      factorMat <- NULL
      term.labels <- NULL
      # if anything in the formula argument was specified in a U function, length(tmplist)>0
      if (length(tmplist)>0) {
        # get factors and term labels from the model terms object
        # factorMat is a (p+1) x p matrix, where p is the number of predictors in the overall
        # model, and the first row of factorMat is for the outcome variable. This should be
        # equivalent to rbind(0, diag(p))
        # term.labels is a vector containing strings for each predictor in the overall model, length p
        factorMat <- attr(mt, "factors")
        term.labels <- attr(mt, "term.labels")
        # for each multiple-partial F-test...
        for (i in 1:length(tmplist)) {
          # tmpFactors is an identity matrix, with names according to the predictors for this
          # multiple-partial F-test
          tmpFactors <- attr(attr(tmplist[[i]], "terms"), "factors")
          # tmpVec is actually a matrix of 1s with one column and number of rows equal to 
          # the number of predictors for this multiple-partial F-test
          tmpVec <- as.matrix(apply(tmpFactors, 1, sum))
          # tmpCol is a 1x(p+1) matrix of 0s and 1s, where a 1 indicates that the variable
          # in factorMat is involved in the multiple-partial F-test
          tmpCol <- matrix(rep(0, dim(factorMat)[1]))
          tmpCol[match(dimnames(tmpVec)[[1]], dimnames(factorMat)[[1]]),] <- tmpVec
          dimnames(tmpCol) <- list(dimnames(factorMat)[[1]], names(tmplist)[[i]])
          # add tmpCol into factorMat
          factorMat <- cbind(factorMat, tmpCol)
          # get term labels for this multiple-partial F-test
          # this is the same as rownames(tmpFactors) or colnames(tmpFactors)
          # i+1 because the first item in termlst is the overall model
          ter <- attr(termlst[[i+1]], "term.labels")
          # if there are any new variables specified inside of this U() specification, add them into term.labels
          term.labels <- c(term.labels, ter)
          term.labels <- unique(term.labels)
          # change column names of the dataframe for thus U() specification to include the U() specification
          # before the variable names
          dimnames(tmplist[[i]])[[2]] <- paste(names(tmplist)[[i]], dimnames(tmplist[[i]])[[2]], sep=".")
      y <- stats::model.response(mf, "numeric")
      # checking response variable y, and replacing zeroes if needed/desired for
      # geometric mean fnctl
      if (fnctl == "geometric mean") {
        if (missing(replaceZeroes)) {
          replaceZeroes <- min(y[y>0]/2)
        } else if (!replaceZeroes) {
          # if fnctl == "geometric mean" and !replaceZeroes, throw an error if y contains any zeroes
          stop("replaceZeroes cannot be false if fnctl = 'geometric mean' and y contains any zeroes")
        } else if (isTRUE(replaceZeroes)) {
          replaceZeroes <- min(y[y>0]/2)
        y <- log(ifelse(y<=0,replaceZeroes,y))
      } else {
        # if replaceZeroes is either TRUE or a numeric value, give a warning that it will do nothing
        if (!missing(replaceZeroes)) {
          if (!replaceZeroes) {
            replaceZeroes <- NA 
          } else {
            warning("replaceZeroes does not do anything for this fnctl, zeroes will not be replaced")
            replaceZeroes <- NA
        replaceZeroes <- NA
      # reassign n, now that missing values have been removed
      n <- length(y)
      msng <- FALSE
      # if weights is not numeric, throw an error
      w <- as.vector(stats::model.weights(mf))
      if (!is.null(w) && !is.numeric(w)) {
        stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
      if (!is.null(w) && any(w < 0)) {
        stop("negative weights not allowed")
      # Note from Taylor: this error message should happen earlier, and also y doesn't have rows
      offset <- as.vector(stats::model.offset(mf))
      # get model matrix 
      # Note to Taylor: figure out what contrasts actually does
      x <- stats::model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
      # fit the overall linear model, weighted if weights are specified
      if (is.null(w)) {
        z <- stats::lm.fit(x, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...)
      } else {
        z <- stats::lm.wfit(x, y, w, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...)
      # add class, various attributes, and other values to the regression object
      class(z) <- c(if (is.matrix(y)) "mlm", "lm")
      z$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
      z$offset <- offset
      z$contrasts <- attr(x, "contrasts")
      z$xlevels <- stats::.getXlevels(mt, mf)
      z$call <- cl
      z$terms <- mt
      z$model <- mf
      if (!qr) 
        z$qr <- NULL
      # assign regression output to fit object
      fit <- z
      # If we're fitting a glm...
    } else {
      # set replaceZeroes = NA, since we only use this parameter when fnctl = "geometric mean"
      replaceZeroes <- NA
      # get family 
      if (is.character(family)) 
        family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame())
      if (is.function(family)) 
        family <- family()
      if (is.null(family$family)) {
        stop("'family' not recognized")
      # set control parameter not specified, set it to glm.control(...)
      if (missing(control)) {
        control <- stats::glm.control(...)
      # if method is "glm.fit", then set control to glm.control(...)
      if (identical(method, "glm.fit")) {
        control <- do.call("glm.control", control)
      # get terms from model frame
      mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
      factorMat <- NULL
      term.labels <- NULL
      # if anything in the formula argument was specified in a U function, length(tmplist)>0
      if (length(tmplist)>0) {
        # get factors and term labels from the model terms object
        # factorMat is a (p+1) x p matrix, where p is the number of predictors in the overall
        # model, and the first row of factorMat is for the outcome variable. This should be
        # equivalent to rbind(0, diag(p))
        # term.labels is a vector containing strings for each predictor in the overall model, length p
        factorMat <- attr(mt, "factors")
        term.labels <- attr(mt, "term.labels")
        # for each multiple-partial F-test...
        for (i in 1:length(tmplist)) {
          # tmpFactors is an identity matrix, with names according to the predictors for this
          # multiple-partial F-test
          tmpFactors <- attr(attr(tmplist[[i]], "terms"), "factors")
          # tmpVec is actually a matrix of 1s with one column and number of rows equal to 
          # the number of predictors for this multiple-partial F-test
          tmpVec <- as.matrix(apply(tmpFactors, 1, sum))
          # tmpCol is a 1x(p+1) matrix of 0s and 1s, where a 1 indicates that the variable
          # in factorMat is involved in the multiple-partial F-test
          tmpCol <- matrix(rep(0, dim(factorMat)[1]))
          tmpCol[match(dimnames(tmpVec)[[1]], dimnames(factorMat)[[1]]),] <- tmpVec
          dimnames(tmpCol) <- list(dimnames(factorMat)[[1]], names(tmplist)[[i]])
          # add tmpCol into factorMat
          factorMat <- cbind(factorMat, tmpCol)
          # get term labels for this multiple-partial F-test
          # this is the same as rownames(tmpFactors) or colnames(tmpFactors)
          # i+1 because the first item in termlst is the overall model
          ter <- attr(termlst[[i+1]], "term.labels")
          # if there are any new variables specified inside of this U() specification, add them into term.labels
          term.labels <- c(term.labels, ter)
          term.labels <- unique(term.labels)
          # change column names of the dataframe for thus U() specification to include the U() specification
          # before the variable names
          dimnames(tmplist[[i]])[[2]] <- paste(names(tmplist)[[i]], dimnames(tmplist[[i]])[[2]],sep=".")
      # Note that y here is different than in the lm call, where here we don't need the model.response to be
      # numeric
      y <- stats::model.response(mf, "any")
      # assign to x
      x <- stats::model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
      # reassign n, now that missing values have been removed
      n <- length(y)
      msng <- FALSE
      # if weights is not numeric, throw an error
      # Note from Taylor: can move this to beginning of function
      w <- as.vector(stats::model.weights(mf))
      if (!is.null(w) && !is.numeric(w)) {
        stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
      if (!is.null(w) && any(w < 0)) {
        stop("negative weights not allowed")
      offset <- as.vector(stats::model.offset(mf))
      # get starting values for glm fit
      start <- stats::model.extract(mf, "start")
      mustart <- stats::model.extract(mf, "mustart")
      etastart <- stats::model.extract(mf, "etastart")
      # fit the overall glm
      fit <- eval(call(if (is.function(method)) "method" else method, 
                       x = x, y = y, weights = w, start = start, etastart = etastart, 
                       mustart = mustart, offset = offset, family = family, 
                       control = control, intercept = attr(mt, "intercept") > 0L))
      # if there is an offset and intercept in the model, refit the glm
      if (length(offset) && attr(mt, "intercept") > 0L) {
        fit2 <- eval(call(if (is.function(method)) "method" else method, 
                          x = x[, "(Intercept)", drop = FALSE], y = y, weights = w, 
                          offset = offset, family = family, control = control, 
                          intercept = TRUE))
        # if the model didn't converge, throw a warning
        # Note from Taylor - not sure how best to make a unit test for this warning message
        if (!fit2$converged) {
          warning("fitting to calculate the null deviance did not converge -- increase 'maxit'?")
        # assign the deviance from this model to the original model fit 
        fit$null.deviance <- fit2$deviance
      # add class, various attributes, and other values to the regression object
      fit$model <- mf
      fit$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
      fit$y <- y
      fit <- c(fit, list(call = call, formula = formula, terms = mt, 
                         data = data, offset = offset, control = control, method = method, 
                         contrasts = attr(x, "contrasts"), xlevels = stats::.getXlevels(mt, mf)))
      class(fit) <- c(fit$class, c("glm", "lm"))
    # model contains the X matrix (intercept + covariates) for the overall model
    model <- x
    # if funcl is hazard, it is coxph
    # Yiqun: already matched earlier 
    # ties <- match.arg(ties)
    # Yiqun: renamed to cl now 
    if(any(grepl("id", names(cl)))){
      names(cl)[which(names(cl)=="id")] <- "cluster"
      robust <- TRUE
    } else {
      robust <- FALSE
    coxform <- formula # this has been parsed out
    # Yiqun: we are not supporting this function right now 
    # if(any(grepl("cluster", names(cl)))){
    #   tmpform <- deparse(formula)
    #   tmpform <- paste(tmpform, "+ cluster(", cl$cluster, ")", sep="")
    #   coxform <- stats::as.formula(tmpform, .GlobalEnv) 
    # }
    # temp is replaced by mf
    mf$formula <- coxform
    special <- c("strata", "cluster")
    if (missing(data)){
      mf$formula <- terms(coxform, special)
    } else {
      mf$formula <- terms(coxform, special, data = data)
    method <- ties
    formula <- mf$formula
    #mf$fnctl <- "hazard"
    mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
    mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
    if (nrow(mf) == 0){
      # Yiqun: more informative error message?
      stop("No (non-missing) observations!")
    # # get terms from model frame
    mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
    factorMat <- NULL
    term.labels <- NULL
    extraArgs <- list(...)
    if (length(extraArgs)) {
      controlargs <- names(formals(survival::coxph.control))
      indx <- pmatch(names(extraArgs), controlargs, nomatch = 0L)
      if (any(indx == 0L)) 
        stop(gettextf("Argument %s not matched", names(extraArgs)[indx == 
                                                                    0L]), domain = NA)
    if (missing(control)) {
      control <- survival::coxph.control(...)
    Y <- model.extract(mf, "response")
    if (!inherits(Y, "Surv")) {
      stop("Response must be a survival object")
    n <- dim(Y)[1]
    if (!missing(strata)) {
      msng <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(strata) & msng & fnctl != "hazard") {
      warning("Strata ignored unless hazard regression")
    if (!is.null(strata) & length(strata) != n) {
      stop("Response variable and strata must be of same length")
    if (length(weights) != n) {
      stop("Response variable and weights must be of same length")
    if (length(subset) != n) {
      stop("Response variable and subsetting variable must be of same length")
    type <- attr(Y, "type")
    if (type != "right" && type != "counting") {
      stop(paste("Cox model doesn't support \"", type, "\" survival data", 
                 sep = ""))
    w <- model.weights(mf)
    data.n <- nrow(Y)
    cluster <- attr(mt, "specials")$cluster
    if (length(cluster)) {
      robust <- TRUE
      tempc <- survival::untangle.specials(mt, "cluster", 1:10)
      ord <- attr(mt, "order")[tempc$terms]
      if (any(ord > 1)) {
        stop("Cluster can not be used in an interaction!")
      cluster <- strata(mf[, tempc$vars], shortlabel = TRUE)
      dropterms <- tempc$terms
      dropcon <- tempc$vars
      xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt[-tempc$terms], mf)
    } else {
      dropterms <- dropcons <- NULL
      xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
    strats <- attr(mt, "specials")$strata
    if (length(strats)) {
      stemp <- survival::untangle.specials(mt, "strata", 1)
      if (length(stemp$vars) == 1) 
        strata.keep <- mf[[stemp$vars]]
      else strata.keep <- strata(mf[, stemp$vars], shortlabel = TRUE)
      strats <- as.numeric(strata.keep)
    contrast.arg <- NULL
    attr(mt, "intercept") <- TRUE
    adrop <- 0
    stemp <- survival::untangle.specials(mt, "strata", 1)
    if (length(stemp$vars) > 0) {
      hasinteractions <- FALSE
      for (i in stemp$vars) {
        if (any(attr(mt, "order")[attr(mt, "factors")[i, 
        ] > 0] > 1)) 
          hasinteractions <- TRUE
      if (!hasinteractions) 
        dropterms <- c(dropterms, stemp$terms)
      else adrop <- c(0, match(stemp$var, colnames(attr(mt, "factors"))))
    if (length(dropterms)) {
      temppred <- attr(terms, "predvars")
      Terms2 <- mt[-dropterms]
      if (!is.null(temppred)) {
        attr(Terms2, "predvars") <- temppred[-(1 + dropterms)]
      X <- model.matrix(Terms2, mf, constrasts = contrast.arg)
      renumber <- match(colnames(attr(Terms2, "factors")), 
                        colnames(attr(mt, "factors")))
      attr(X, "assign") <- c(0, renumber)[1 + attr(X, "assign")]
    } else {
      X <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts = contrast.arg)
    Xatt <- attributes(X)
    xdrop <- Xatt$assign %in% adrop
    X <- X[, !xdrop, drop = FALSE]
    attr(X, "assign") <- Xatt$assign[!xdrop]
    attr(X, "contrasts") <- Xatt$contrasts
    offset <- model.offset(mf)
    if (is.null(offset) | all(offset == 0)) {
      offset <- rep(0, nrow(mf))
    assign <- survival::attrassign(X, mt)
    contr.save <- attr(X, "contrasts")
    if (missing(init)) {
      init <- NULL
    if (method == "breslow" || method == "efron") {
      if (type == "right") { 
        fitter <- get("coxph.fit")
      } else {
        fitter <- get("agreg.fit")
    else if (method == "exact") {
      if (type == "right") {
        fitter <- get("coxexact.fit")
      else {
        fitter <- get("agexact.fit")
    } else {
      stop(paste("Unknown method", method))
    # fit 
    fit <- fitter(X, Y, strats, offset, init, control, weights = w, 
                  method = method, row.names(mf))
    if (is.character(fit)) {
      fit <- list(fail = fit)
      class(fit) <- "coxph"
    else {
      # Yiqun: I am not sure how this is checking for singularity
      # if (!is.null(fit$coefficients) && any(is.na(fit$coefficients))) {
      #   vars <- (1:length(fit$coefficients))[is.na(fit$coefficients)]
      #   msg <- paste("X matrix deemed to be singular; variable", 
      #                paste(vars, collapse = " "))
      #   if (singular.ok) {
      #     warning(msg)
      #   } else {
      #     stop(msg)
      #   }
      # }
      fit$n <- data.n
      fit$nevent <- sum(Y[, ncol(Y)])
      fit$terms <- mt
      fit$assign <- assign
      class(fit) <- fit$method
      if (robust) {
        fit$naive.var <- fit$var
        fit$method <- method
        fit2 <- c(fit, list(x = X, y = Y, weights = w))
        if (length(strats)) 
          fit2$strata <- strats
        if (length(cluster)) {
          temp <- residuals(fit2, type = "dfbeta", 
                            collapse = cluster, weighted = TRUE)
          if (is.null(init)) 
            fit2$linear.predictors <- 0 * fit$linear.predictors
          else fit2$linear.predictors <- c(X %*% init)
          temp0 <- residuals(fit2, type = "score", 
                             collapse = cluster, weighted = TRUE)
        else {
          temp <- residuals(fit2, type = "dfbeta", 
                            weighted = TRUE)
          fit2$linear.predictors <- 0 * fit$linear.predictors
          temp0 <- residuals(fit2, type = "score", 
                             weighted = TRUE)
        fit$var <- t(temp) %*% temp
        u <- apply(as.matrix(temp0), 2, sum)
        fit$rscore <- survival::coxph.wtest(t(temp0) %*% temp0, u, 
      if (length(fit$coefficients) && is.null(fit$wald.test)) {
        nabeta <- !is.na(fit$coefficients)
        if (is.null(init)) 
          temp <- fit$coefficients[nabeta]
        else temp <- (fit$coefficients - init[1:length(fit$coefficients)])[nabeta]
        fit$wald.test <- survival::coxph.wtest(fit$var[nabeta, nabeta], 
                                     temp, control$toler.chol)$test
      na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
      if (length(na.action)) {
        fit$na.action <- na.action
      fit$model <- mf
      fit$x <- X
      if (length(strats)) {
        fit$strata <- strata.keep
      fit$y <- Y
    if (!is.null(w) && any(w != 1)) {
      fit$weights <- w
    names(fit$means) <- names(fit$coefficients)
    fit$formula <- formula(mt)
    if (length(xlevels) > 0) 
      fit$xlevels <- xlevels
    fit$contrasts <- contr.save
    if (any(offset != 0)) 
      fit$offset <- offset
    fit$call <- cl
    fit$method <- method
    model <- X
    y <- Y
  # Now we build the augmented coefficients matrix
  # This is different from the regular coefficients matrix if there are multiple-partial f-tests done
  # or if there are categorical variables with more than 2 levels present in the predictors
  # Format terms and get the correct ordering for the augmented Coefficients matrix
  # z is overwritten here if fnctl = "mean" or "geometric mean", 
  # since earlier we assigned z to the "fit" object in the lm chunk of code
  z <- list(call=cl, terms=NULL, firstPred=NULL, lastPred=NULL, preds=NULL, X=NULL)
  terms <- names(fit$coefficients) 
  terms <- terms[terms != "(Intercept)"]
  # excluding strata variable in cox regression

  # determine if any variables are categorical with more than two categories
  # if the coefficient names and term.labels are of different lengths, then this is the case
  terms_fromlabels <- attr(fit$terms, "term.labels")
  if (length(terms) != length(terms_fromlabels)) {
    terms_names <- terms
    terms <- terms_fromlabels
    # figure out which terms are multi-level categorical
    for (i in 1:length(terms_fromlabels)) {
      var_nums <- grep(terms_fromlabels[i], terms_names)
      if (length(var_nums) == 1) {
        terms[i] <- terms_names[var_nums]
  if (fnctl == "hazard") {
    terms <- terms[!grepl("strata\\(.*\\)", terms)]
  # Note from Taylor: I believe model is already model.matrix(fit), so this may be able to be deleted
  if (fnctl != "hazard") {
    model <- stats::model.matrix(fit)
  # get predictor variables (includes intercept if there is one)
  preds <- dimnames(model)[[2]]
  preds1 <- preds
  # get names of all variables in the model frame
  hyperpreds <- dimnames(mf)[[2]]
  # are any of the variables interactions?
  interact <- grepl(":", preds, fixed=TRUE)
  # create a list of length 2, containing preds (should be the same preds as before) and args
  # preds is a vector of strings, containing all predictor variables in the overall model
  # args is a list of length(hyperpreds), and each element in the list is simply one of the hyperpreds
  # Note from Taylor: based on reFormatReg(), this may be more complex if any variables are
  # specified using dummy(), or polynomial(). this is currently untested.
  prList <- reFormatReg(preds, hyperpreds, mf)
  preds <- prList$preds
  args <- prList$args

  # reassign column names to model matrix, unclear why this is necessary
  dimnames(model)[[2]] <- preds
  # get column names for model matrix
  cols <- matrix(preds1, nrow=1)
  cols <- apply(cols, 2, createCols, terms)
  if(intercept) {
    cols[1] <- "(Intercept)"
  names(fit$coefficients) <- preds
  # get number of predictors in overall model
  p <- length(terms)
  # process terms and get correct order for partial F-tests
  # need versions of terms and colnames(model) without parentheses for grep
  terms_noparens <- gsub("\\)", "", gsub("\\(", "", terms))
  terms_noparens <- gsub("\\,\\s*reference\\s*=[^\\:]*","",terms_noparens)
  colnames_model_noparens <- gsub("\\)", "", gsub("\\(", "", colnames(model)))
  # get how many colons are present in each terms_noparens element
  num_colons <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(terms_noparens, ":"), length)) - 1
  # hard-code in the special case for p<1:
  for (i in c(1:max(p,1))) {
    # check if this term was specified using polynomial()
    is_polynomial <- grepl("polynomial",terms_noparens[i])
    if (is_polynomial) {
      # subset terms_noparens to only include the variable name, first split by comma in case
      # additional arguments specified in polynomial()
      terms_noparens[i] <- gsub("polynomial","",unlist(strsplit(terms_noparens[i],","))[1])
    # check if this term was specified using dummy()
    is_dummy <- grepl("dummy", terms_noparens[i])
    if (is_dummy) {
      # subset terms_noparens to only include the variable name, first split by comma in case
      # additional arguments specified in polynomial()
      # Note from Yiqun: this logic is not sufficient and causes problem for any dummy:dummy interactions
      terms_noparens[i] <- gsub("dummy","",unlist(strsplit(terms_noparens[i],","))[1])
    # which columns does this term correspond to
    which_cols <- grep(paste0("^",terms_noparens[i]), colnames_model_noparens)
    # if length(which_cols) == 0, this means the model is looking for an interaction between two
    # variables, at least one of which is a multi-level categorical variable
    if (length(which_cols) == 0) {
        which_cols <- c()
        # split terms_noparens[i] on the colon to get which terms are interacting
        terms_temp <- unlist(strsplit(terms_noparens[i],":"))
        # find which columns contain all of the elements in terms_temp (and no additional elements)
        colnames_split <- strsplit(colnames_model_noparens,":")
        colnames_split_length <- unlist(lapply(colnames_split, length))

        # fill in which_cols accordingly
        for (j in 1:length(colnames_split)) {
          # only consider colnames with the same number of terms as length(terms_temp)
          if (length(terms_temp) == colnames_split_length[j]) {
            # check if each element of terms_temp is present in colnames_split[[j]]
            elements_present <- rep(0, length(terms_temp))
            for (k in 1:length(terms_temp)) {
              temp_replace <- grep(terms_temp[k], colnames_split[[j]])
              if (length(temp_replace) > 0) {
                elements_present[k] <- temp_replace
            # if elements_present is 1:length(terms_temp), then add j to which_cols
            if (all(elements_present %in% 1:length(terms_temp))) {
              which_cols <- c(which_cols, j)
    } else {
      # if this term isn't an interaction, don't pick up the colnames(model) with a ":" in them
      if (!grepl(":", terms_noparens[i])) {
        which_inter <- grep(":", colnames_model_noparens)
        which_cols <- which_cols[!(which_cols %in% which_inter)]
      } else {
        # if this term is an interaction, ensure we're only picking up the appropriate interactions
        # (i.e. don't pick up the three-way interactions if this is only a two-level interaction)
        # num_colons[i]
        num_colons_colnames <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(colnames_model_noparens[which_cols], ":"), length)) - 1
        which_cols <- which_cols[num_colons_colnames == num_colons[i]]
    z <- processTerm(z, model[, which_cols], terms[i])
  # remove "as." from before variables, if any are specified as as.integeter(variable) or
  # as.factor(variable), etc.
  tmp <- gsub("as.","",z$preds)
  # reassign predictor names to z
  z$preds <- unlist(tmp)    
  z$X <- model
  model <- c(z, list(y = y, strata = rep(1,n), weights = weights, subset = subset))
  z <- c(model, 
         list(fnctl=fnctl, intercept=intercept, exponentiate=exponentiate, 
              replaceZeroes=replaceZeroes, conf.level=conf.level, 
              useFdstn=useFdstn, original=model))
  ## Getting the names and setting up the augmented coefficients matrix
  nms <- c(z$terms[z$firstPred!=z$lastPred],z$preds)
  fst <- c(z$firstPred[z$firstPred!=z$lastPred],1:length(z$preds))
  lst <- c(z$lastPred[z$firstPred!=z$lastPred],1:length(z$preds))
  u <- order(fst,-lst)
  nms <- c(ifelse1(intercept,"Intercept",NULL),nms[u])
  fst <- c(ifelse1(intercept,0,NULL),fst[u]) + intercept
  lst <- c(ifelse1(intercept,0,NULL),lst[u]) + intercept
  cinames <- paste(format(100*conf.level),"%",c("L","H"),sep="")
  if (exponentiate) cinames <- paste("e(",c("Est",cinames),")",sep="")
  cinames <- c("Estimate",ifelse1(robustSE,c("Naive SE","Robust SE"),"Std Err"),cinames,
               ifelse1(useFdstn,c("F stat","Pr(>F)"),c("Chi2 stat","Pr(>Chi2)")))
  secol <- 2 + robustSE
  augCoefficients <- matrix(0, sum(z$firstPred!=z$lastPred)+length(z$pred)+intercept, length(cinames))
  dimnames(augCoefficients) <- list(nms,cinames)
  ## Getting the correct coefficients, robustSE standard errors, and f-statistics if needed
  if (fnctl != "hazard") {
    if (fnctl %in% c("mean","geometric mean")) {
      zzs <- summary(fit)
      converge <- TRUE
      zzs$naiveCov <-zzs$sigma^2 * zzs$cov.unscaled
      n <- sum(zzs$df[1:2])
    } else {
      converge <- fit$converged
      zzs <- summary(fit)
      zzs$naiveCov <- zzs$cov.scaled
      n <- zzs$df.null + intercept
  } else {
    # for hazard regression, extraction syntax is a little different
    class(fit) <- "coxph"
    zzs <- summary(fit)
    converge <- TRUE
    zzs$naiveCov <- as.matrix(fit$var)
    n <- zzs$n
    # Yiqun: hacky solution to rid of the "exp(coef)" column in coxph output
    zzs$coefficients <-  zzs$coefficients[,c(1,3:ncol(zzs$coefficients)),drop=FALSE]
  if (robustSE) {
    m <- sandwich::sandwich(fit,adjust=TRUE)
    zzs$coefficients <- cbind(zzs$coefficients[,1:2,drop=FALSE],sqrt(diag(m)),zzs$coefficients[,-(1:2),drop=FALSE])
    dimnames(zzs$coefficients)[[2]][2:3] <- c("Naive SE","Robust SE")
    zzs$robustCov <- m
  p <- dim(zzs$coefficients)[1]
  if (robustSE) m <- zzs$robustCov else m <- zzs$naiveCov
  zzs$coefficients[,secol+1] <- zzs$coefficients[,1] / zzs$coefficients[,secol]
  u <- (1+intercept):p
  waldStat <- t(zzs$coefficients[u,1]) %*% 
    (solve(m[u,u]) %*% zzs$coefficients[u,1]) / (p - intercept)
  if (fnctl != "hazard") {
    LRStat <- if (fnctl %in% c("mean","geometric mean")) 
      waldStat else (zzs$null.deviance - zzs$deviance) / (p - intercept) / zzs$deviance * (n-p)
    scoreStat <- NULL
  } else {
    # not implemented individually for coxph
    LRStat <- NULL # 2*abs(fit$loglik[1]-fit$loglik[2])
    scoreStat <- NULL
  p <- dim(zzs$coefficients)[1]
  if (useFdstn) {
    waldStat <- c(waldStat,1-stats::pf(waldStat,p-intercept,n-p),p-intercept,n-p)
    if (!is.null(LRStat)) LRStat <- c(LRStat,1-stats::pf(LRStat,p-intercept,n-p),p-intercept,n-p)
    if (!is.null(scoreStat)) scoreStat <- c(scoreStat,1-stats::pf(scoreStat,p-intercept,n-p),p-intercept,n-p)
    # change p-value to robust p-value
    zzs$coefficients[,secol+2] <- 2 * stats::pt(- abs(zzs$coefficients[,secol+1]),df=n-p)
    # change label for p-value from Pr(>|z|) to Pr(>|t|), and "z value" to "t value"
    colnames(zzs$coefficients)[secol+1] <- "t value"
    colnames(zzs$coefficients)[secol+2] <- "Pr(>|t|)"
  } else {
    waldStat <- c(waldStat,1-stats::pchisq(waldStat,p-intercept),p-intercept)
    if (!is.null(LRStat)) LRStat <- c(LRStat,1-stats::pchisq(LRStat,p-intercept),p-intercept)
    if (!is.null(scoreStat)) scoreStat <- c(scoreStat,1-stats::pchisq(waldStat,p-intercept),p-intercept)
    # change p-value to robust p-value
    zzs$coefficients[,secol+2] <- 2 * stats::pnorm(- abs(zzs$coefficients[,secol+1]))
  droppedPred <- is.na(fit$coefficients)
  linearPredictor <- z$X[, !droppedPred] %*% zzs$coefficients[,1,drop=FALSE]
  ## Creating the final uRegress object
  zzs$call <- cl
  zzs$droppedPred <- droppedPred
  tmp <- class(zzs)
  zzs <- c(zzs,list(augCoefficients=augCoefficients, waldStat=waldStat, LRStat=LRStat, scoreStat=scoreStat,
                    linearPredictor=linearPredictor, fit=fit, converge=converge))
  class(zzs) <- c("uRegress",tmp)
  if (useFdstn) ci <- stats::qt((1-conf.level)/2,df=n-p) * zzs$coefficients[,secol] else ci <- stats::qnorm((1-conf.level)/2) * zzs$coefficients[,secol]
  ci <- zzs$coefficients[,1] + cbind(ci,-ci)
  dimnames(ci)[[2]] <- paste(format(100*conf.level),"%",c("L","H"),sep="")
  if (exponentiate) {
    ci <- cbind(Est=zzs$coefficients[,1],ci)
    dimnames(ci)[[2]] <- paste("e(",dimnames(ci)[[2]],")",sep="")
    ci <- exp(ci)
  zzs$coefficients <- cbind(zzs$coefficients[,1:secol,drop=FALSE],ci,zzs$coefficients[,-(1:secol),drop=FALSE])
  u <- fst == lst
  u[u] <- !droppedPred 
  # assign all of coefficients matrix to relevant rows of augCoefficients
  # throw a more informative error message using try catch
      zzs$augCoefficients[u,] <- zzs$coefficients
    error = function(e){
      message("Caught an error in formatting the regression results! Some common causes for this error message: 
      (i) name conflicts between covariates and one of the categories in the data (consider renaming your covariates);
      (ii) interactions between categorical variables with specified reference levels (consider changing the reference levels outside of the regress call).")
  # Note from Taylor: bad practice to assign something to a base function name
  ncol <- dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[2]
  zzs$augCoefficients[!u,-1] <- NA 
  # compute f-stat as t-stat^2
  zzs$augCoefficients[,ncol-1] <- zzs$augCoefficients[,ncol-1,drop=FALSE]^2
  zzs$augCoefficients[fst!=lst,] <- NA
  zzs$useFdstn <- useFdstn
  # perform partial f-tests for multi-level categorical variables
  for (j in 1:length(nms)) {
    if (fst[j]!=lst[j]) {
      r <- lst[j] - fst[j] + 1
      cntrst <- matrix(0,r,dim(z$X)[2])
      cntrst[1:r,fst[j]:lst[j]] <- diag(r)
      cntrst <- cntrst[,!droppedPred,drop=FALSE]
      cntrst <- cntrst[apply(cntrst!=0,1,any),,drop=FALSE]
      zzs$augCoefficients[j,ncol - (1:0)] <- uWaldtest (zzs, cntrst)[1:2]
  # perform partial f-tests for anything specified in U()
  dfs <- NULL
  if (length(tmplist) > 0) {
    termsNew <- term.labels
    j <- dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[1]+1
    oldLen <- dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[1]
    for (i in 1:length(tmplist)) {
      # TAYLOR - bug is here. 
      # We should have U(race:age + weight).race:age and U(race:age + weight).weight, I think
      name <- dimnames(tmplist[[i]])[[2]]
      ter <- attr(termlst[[i+1]], "term.labels")
      # if length(ter) == 1, then ter is already in the augmented coefficients matrix,
      # skip all of this since we don't need to do another F-test
      if (length(ter) > 1) {
        tmp <- sapply(strsplit(name, ".", fixed = TRUE), getn, n=2)
        # figure out which rownames(zzs$coefficients) correspond to ter
        # we need a vector of length(rownames(zzs$coefficients)) of TRUE/FALSE 
        # identify if a value in ter is an interaction
        terInter <- grepl(":", ter, fixed=TRUE)
        if (any(terInter)){
          # set up indx vec
          indx <- rep(FALSE, length(rownames(zzs$coefficients)))
          for (k in 1:length(ter)) {
            # if we're not dealing with an interaction, find which coef name corresponds to ter
            if (!terInter[k]) {
              indx[which(grepl(ter[k], rownames(zzs$coefficients)))] <- TRUE
              # if we are dealing with an interaction, find which coef name corresponds to ter
            } else {
              ter_split <- unlist(strsplit(ter[k],"\\:"))
              # which coefficients correspond to this particular interaction
              # Note: code currently only works for two-way interactions
              which_inter <- grepl("\\:", rownames(zzs$coefficients))
              which_var <- rep(FALSE, length(rownames(zzs$coefficients)))
              for (l in 1:length(ter_split)) {
                which_var <- which_var + grepl(ter_split[l], rownames(zzs$coefficients))
              # which variables contain all the terms we need
              which_var <- which_var == length(ter_split)
              indx[which_inter & which_var] <- TRUE
        } else {
          indx <- apply(matrix(tmp, nrow=1), 2, function(x) grepl(x, rownames(zzs$coefficients)))
          # indx <- apply(matrix(tmp, nrow=1), 2, function(x) x == cols)
          indx <- apply(indx, 1, sum)
          indx <- ifelse(indx==0, FALSE, TRUE)
        r <- sum(indx)
        cntrst <- matrix(0,r,dim(z$X)[2])
        cntrst[1:r, indx] <- diag(r)
        cntrst <- cntrst[,!droppedPred,drop=FALSE]
        cntrst <- cntrst[apply(cntrst!=0,1,any),,drop=FALSE]
        zzs$augCoefficients <- rbind(zzs$augCoefficients, rep(NA, dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[2]))
        dimnames(zzs$augCoefficients)[[1]][j] <- names(tmplist)[i]
        zzs$augCoefficients[j,ncol - (1:0)] <- uWaldtest (zzs, cntrst)[1:2]
        dfs <- c(dfs, r)
        j <- j+1
    miss <- apply(sapply(term.labels, grepl, dimnames(zzs$augCoefficients)[[1]], fixed=TRUE), 2, sum)
  j <- dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[2]
  zzs$augCoefficients <- suppressWarnings(cbind(zzs$augCoefficients[,-j,drop=FALSE],df=lst-fst+1,zzs$augCoefficients[,j,drop=FALSE]))
  zzs$augCoefficients[,dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[2]-1] <- ifelse(is.na(zzs$augCoefficients[,dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[2]-2]), NA, zzs$augCoefficients[,dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[2]-1])
  if (length(tmplist)>0 & !is.null(dfs)) {
    for (i in 1:length(dfs)) {
      zzs$augCoefficients[dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[1]-round(i/2),"df"] <- utils::tail(dfs, n=1)
      dfs <- dfs[-length(dfs)]
  ## get the multiple partial tests in the correct order
  if (length(tmplist)>0) {
    if (length(ter) > 1) {
      tmp <- zzs$augCoefficients
      test <- termTraverse(termlst, tmp, 1:dim(zzs$augCoefficients)[1])
      zzs$augCoefficients <- test$mat
  class(zzs$augCoefficients) <- "augCoefficients"
  zzs$fnctl <- fnctl
  coefs <- zzs$augCoefficients
  ## Create the "raw" and "transformed" tables
  if(dim(coefs)[2]>8 & !suppress){
    zzs$model <- coefs[,c(1,2,3,7,8,9), drop=FALSE]
    zzs$transformed <- coefs[,4:9, drop=FALSE]
  } else if (dim(coefs)[2]>8 & suppress){
    zzs$model <- coefs[,c(1,2,3,7,8,9), drop=FALSE]
    zzs$transformed <- coefs[,4:9, drop=FALSE]
  } else{
    zzs$model <- coefs
    zzs$transformed <- NA
  zzs$suppress <- suppress
  zzs$coefNums <- matrix(1:length(fit$coefficients), nrow=1)
  ## Add in blanks for dummy labels etc
  p <- length(zzs$coefNums)
  if(p > 2 & any(is.na(zzs$augCoefficients[,1]))){
    coefNums <- matrix(zzs$coefNums %*% insertCol(diag(p), which(is.na(zzs$augCoefficients[,1])), rep(NA, p)), ncol=1)
    zzs$coefNums <- coefNums
  ## get levels for printing
  levels <- getLevels(dimnames(zzs$augCoefficients)[[1]], zzs$coefNums, names(tmplist), term.labels, 0)
  zzs$levels <- levels
  ## Get overall robustSE F-test if it's glm or lm
  if (fnctl != "hazard") {
      r <- dim(zzs$coefficients)[1]-1
      r <- max(1, r)
      cntrst <- matrix(0,r,dim(zzs$coefficients)[1])
      if(intercept | dim(cntrst)[2]>1){
        cntrst[1:r, 2:dim(cntrst)[2]] <- diag(r)
      } else{
        cntrst[1:r,] <- diag(r)
      zzs$fstatistic <- uWaldtest(zzs, cntrst)[c(1,3:4)]
  zzs$args <- args
  zzs$anyRepeated <- FALSE
  # fix zzs$fit$call if class(zzs$fit) = c("glm", "lm")
  if (class(zzs$fit)[1] == "glm") {
    zzs$fit$call <- zzs$call

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rigr documentation built on Sept. 7, 2022, 1:05 a.m.