# R package rjags file R/jags.R
# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Martyn Plummer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
# 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
.quiet.messages <- function(quiet)
.Call("quietMessages", quiet, PACKAGE="rjags")
print.jags <- function(x, ...)
cat("JAGS model:\n\n")
model <- x$model()
for (i in 1:length(model)) {
data <- x$data()
full <- !sapply(lapply(data,, any)
if (any(full)) {
cat("Fully observed variables:\n", names(data)[full], "\n")
part <- !full & !sapply(lapply(data,, all)
if (any(part)) {
cat("Partially observed variables:\n", names(data)[part], "\n")
jags.model <- function(file, data=NULL, inits,
n.chains = 1, n.adapt=1000, quiet=FALSE)
if (missing(file)) {
stop("Model file name missing")
if (is.character(file)) {
modfile <- file
## Check file exists and can be opened in text mode
con <- try(file(modfile, "rt"))
if (inherits(con, "try-error")) {
stop(paste("Cannot open model file \"", modfile, "\"", sep=""))
## Need this for print method and for recompile function
model.code <- readLines(file, warn=FALSE)
else if (inherits(file, "connection")) {
modfile <- tempfile()
## JAGS library requires a physical file, so we need to copy
## the contents of the connection to a temporary file
model.code <- readLines(file, warn=FALSE)
writeLines(model.code, modfile)
else {
stop("'file' must be a character string or connection")
if (quiet) {
on.exit(.quiet.messages(FALSE), add=TRUE)
p <- .Call("make_console", PACKAGE="rjags")
.Call("check_model", p, modfile, PACKAGE="rjags")
if (!is.character(file)) {
unlink(modfile) #Remove temporary copy
varnames <- .Call("get_variable_names", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
if (missing(data) || is.null(data)) {
data <- list()
else if (is.environment(data)) {
##Get a list of numeric objects from the supplied environment
data <- mget(varnames, envir=data, mode="numeric",
##Strip null entries
data <- data[!sapply(data, is.null)]
else if (is.list(data)) {
v <- names(data)
if (is.null(v) && length(v) != 0) {
stop("data must be a named list")
if (any(nchar(v)==0)) {
stop("unnamed variables in data list")
if (any(duplicated(v))) {
stop("Duplicated names in data list: ",
paste(v[duplicated(v)], collapse=" "))
relevant.variables <- v %in% varnames
data <- data[relevant.variables]
unused.variables <- setdiff(v, varnames)
for (i in seq(along=unused.variables)) {
warning("Unused variable \"", unused.variables[i], "\" in data")
### Check for data frames
df <- which(as.logical(sapply(data,
for (i in seq(along=df)) {
if (all(sapply(data[[df[i]]], is.numeric))) {
#Turn numeric data frames into matrices
data[[df[i]]] <- as.matrix(data[[df[i]]])
else {
stop("Data frame with non-numeric elements provided as data: ",
else {
stop("data must be a list or environment")
.Call("compile", p, data, as.integer(n.chains), TRUE, PACKAGE="rjags")
### Setting initial values
if (!missing(inits) && !is.null(inits)) {
checkParameters <- function(inits) {
if(!is.list(inits)) {
return("inits parameter must be a list")
inames <- names(inits)
if (is.null(inames) || any(nchar(inames) == 0)) {
return("No variable names supplied for the initial values")
dupinames <- duplicated(inames)
if (any(dupinames)) {
return(paste("Duplicated initial values for variable(s): ",
paste0(unique(inames[dupinames]), collapse = ", ")
if (any(inames=="")) {
rngname <- inits[[""]]
if (!is.character(rngname) || length(rngname) != 1) {
return("Incorrect value")
inits[[""]] <- NULL
## Strip null initial values, but give a warning
null.inits <- sapply(inits, is.null)
if (any(null.inits)) {
warning(paste("NULL initial value supplied for variable(s) ",
paste(inames[null.inits], collapse=", "), sep=""))
inits <- inits[!null.inits]
num_vals <- sapply(inits, is.numeric)
if (any(!num_vals)) {
return(paste("Non-numeric initial values supplied for variable(s) ",
paste(inames[!num_vals], collapse=", "), sep=""))
return ("ok")
setParameters <- function(inits, chain) {
if (!is.null(inits[[""]])) {
.Call("set_rng_name", p, inits[[""]],
as.integer(chain), PACKAGE="rjags")
inits[[""]] <- NULL
.Call("set_parameters", p, inits, as.integer(chain),
init.values <- vector("list", n.chains)
if (is.function(inits)) {
if (any(names(formals(inits)) == "chain")) {
for (i in 1:n.chains) {
init.values[[i]] <- inits(chain=i)
else {
for (i in 1:n.chains) {
init.values[[i]] <- inits()
else if (is.list(inits)) {
if ( !is.null(names(inits)) ) {
## Replicate initial values for all chains
for (i in 1:n.chains) {
init.values[[i]] <- inits
else {
if (length(inits) != n.chains) {
stop("Length mismatch between inits and n.chains")
init.values <- inits
for (i in 1:n.chains) {
msg <- checkParameters(init.values[[i]])
if (!identical(msg, "ok")) {
stop("Invalid parameters for chain ", i, ":\n", msg);
setParameters(init.values[[i]], i)
unused.inits <- setdiff(names(init.values[[i]]), varnames)
unused.inits <- setdiff(unused.inits,
c(".RNG.seed", ".RNG.state", ""))
for (j in seq(along=unused.inits)) {
warning("Unused initial value for \"", unused.inits[j],
"\" in chain ", i)
.Call("initialize", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
model.state <- .Call("get_state", p, PACKAGE="rjags") <- .Call("get_data", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
model <- list("ptr" = function() {p},
"data" = function() {},
"model" = function() {model.code},
"state" = function(internal=FALSE)
if(!internal) {
for(i in 1:n.chains) {
model.state[[i]][[".RNG.state"]] <- NULL
model.state[[i]][[""]] <- NULL
"nchain" = function()
.Call("get_nchain", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
"iter" = function()
.Call("get_iter", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
"sync" = function() {
model.state <<- .Call("get_state", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
"recompile" = function() {
## Clear the console
.Call("clear_console", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
p <<- .Call("make_console", PACKAGE="rjags")
## Write the model to a temporary file so we can re-read it
mf <- tempfile()
writeLines(model.code, mf)
.Call("check_model", p, mf, PACKAGE="rjags")
## Re-compile
.Call("compile", p, data, n.chains, FALSE, PACKAGE="rjags")
## Re-initialize
if (!is.null(model.state)) {
if (length(model.state) != n.chains) {
stop("Incorrect number of chains in saved state")
for (i in 1:n.chains) {
statei <- model.state[[i]]
rng <- statei[[""]]
if (!is.null(rng)) {
.Call("set_rng_name", p, rng, i, PACKAGE="rjags")
statei[[""]] <- NULL
.Call("set_parameters", p, statei, i, PACKAGE="rjags")
.Call("initialize", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
## Redo adaptation
adapting <- .Call("is_adapting", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
if(n.adapt > 0 && adapting) {
.Call("update", p, n.adapt, PACKAGE="rjags")
if (!.Call("check_adaptation", p, PACKAGE="rjags")) {
warning("Adaptation incomplete");
model.state <<- .Call("get_state", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
class(model) <- "jags"
if (n.adapt > 0) {
pb <- if(quiet) NULL else getOption("jags.pb")
ok <- adapt(model, n.adapt, end.adaptation=FALSE,
if (ok) {
.Call("adapt_off", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
else {
warning("Adaptation incomplete")
parse.varname <- function(varname) {
## Try to parse string of form "a" or "a[n,p:q,r]" where "a" is a
## variable name and n,p,q,r are integers
v <- try(parse(text=varname, n=1), silent=TRUE)
if (!is.expression(v) || length(v) != 1)
v <- v[[1]]
if ( {
##Full node array requested
else if ( && identical(deparse(v[[1]]), "[") && length(v) > 2) {
##Subset requested
ndim <- length(v) - 2
lower <- upper <- numeric(ndim)
if (any(nchar(sapply(v, deparse)) == 0)) {
##We have to catch empty indices here or they will cause trouble
for (i in 1:ndim) {
index <- v[[i+2]]
if (is.numeric(index)) {
##Single index
lower[i] <- upper[i] <- index
else if ( && length(index) == 3 &&
identical(deparse(index[[1]]), ":") &&
is.numeric(index[[2]]) && is.numeric(index[[3]]))
##Index range
lower[i] <- index[[2]]
upper[i] <- index[[3]]
else return(NULL)
if (any(upper < lower))
return (NULL)
return(list(name = deparse(v[[2]]), lower=lower, upper=upper))
parse.varnames <- function(varnames)
names <- character(length(varnames))
lower <- upper <- vector("list", length(varnames))
for (i in seq(along=varnames)) {
y <- parse.varname(varnames[i])
if (is.null(y)) {
stop(paste("Invalid variable subset", varnames[i]))
names[i] <- y$name
if (!is.null(y$lower)) {
lower[[i]] <- y$lower
if (!is.null(y$upper)) {
upper[[i]] <- y$upper
return(list(names=names, lower=lower, upper=upper))
jags.samples <-
function(model, variable.names, n.iter, thin=1, type="trace", force.list=FALSE, ...)
if (!inherits(model, "jags"))
stop("Invalid JAGS model")
if (!is.character(variable.names) || length(variable.names) == 0)
stop("variable.names must be a character vector")
if (!is.numeric(n.iter) || length(n.iter) != 1 || n.iter <= 0)
stop("n.iter must be a positive integer")
if (!is.numeric(thin) || length(thin) != 1 || thin <= 0)
stop("thin must be a positive integer")
if (!is.character(type) || length(type) == 0)
stop("type must be a character vector")
#### Allow vectorisation of type argument and variable.names argument
type <- rep(type, length(variable.names))
}else if(length(variable.names)==1){
variable.names <- rep(variable.names, length(type))
stop("non matching lengths of monitor type and variable.names")
#### Set monitors must be called for each relevant monitor type
status <- lapply(unique(type), function(t){
pn <- parse.varnames(variable.names[type==t])
status <- .Call("set_monitors", model$ptr(), pn$names, pn$lower, pn$upper,
as.integer(thin), t, PACKAGE="rjags")
names(status) <- unique(type)
if (!any(unlist(status))) stop("No valid monitors set")
startiter <- model$iter()
n.iter <- n.iter - n.iter%%thin
update.jags(model, n.iter, ...)
#### Retrieve values for each monitor type being used
usingtypes <- unique(type)[sapply(unique(type), function(t) return(any(status[[t]])))]
allans <- lapply(usingtypes, function(t){
ans <- .Call("get_monitored_values", model$ptr(), t, PACKAGE="rjags")
for (i in seq(along=ans)) {
class(ans[[i]]) <- "mcarray"
attr(ans[[i]], "varname") <- names(ans)[i]
# Assure there is a valid dim attribute for pooled scalar nodes:
dim(ans[[i]]) <- length(ans[[i]])
# New attributes for rjags_4-7:
attr(ans[[i]], "type") <- t
attr(ans[[i]], "iterations") <- c(start=startiter+thin, end=startiter+n.iter, thin=thin)
pn <- parse.varnames(variable.names[type==t])
for (i in seq(along=variable.names[type==t])) {
if (status[[t]][i]) {
.Call("clear_monitor", model$ptr(), pn$names[i], pn$lower[[i]],
pn$upper[[i]], t, PACKAGE="rjags")
#### The return value is a named list of monitor types
names(allans) <- usingtypes
#### Remove any that are empty:
allans <- allans[sapply(allans, length) > 0]
#### And if all monitors are of the same type and !force.list then return
#### just a single element for back compatibility with rjags < 4-7
if(!force.list && length(usingtypes)==1)
allans <- allans[[1]]
list.samplers <- function(object)
if (!inherits(object, "jags")) {
stop("not a jags model object")
.Call("get_samplers", object$ptr(), PACKAGE="rjags")
list.factories <- function(type)
type = match.arg(type, c("sampler","monitor","rng"))"get_factories", type, PACKAGE="rjags"))
set.factory <- function(name, type, state)
if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1)
stop("invalid name")
if (!is.character(type) || length(type) != 1)
stop("invalid name")
if (length(state) != 1)
stop("invalid state")
type <- match.arg(type, c("sampler","rng","monitor"))
.Call("set_factory_active", name, type, as.logical(state), PACKAGE="rjags")
coda.names <- function(basename, dim)
## Utility function used to get the names of the individual elements
## of a node array
if (prod(dim) == 1)
##Default lower and upper limits
ndim <- length(dim)
lower <- rep(1, ndim)
upper <- dim
##If the node name is a subset, we try to parse it to get the
##names of its elements. For example, if basename is "A[2:3]"
##we want to return names "A[2]", "A[3]" not "A[2:3][1]", "A[2:3][2]".
pn <- parse.varname(basename)
if (!is.null(pn) && !is.null(pn$lower) && !is.null(pn$upper)) {
if (length(pn$lower) == length(pn$upper)) {
dim2 <- pn$upper - pn$lower + 1
if (isTRUE(all.equal(dim[dim!=1], dim2[dim2!=1],
check.attributes=FALSE))) {
basename <- pn$name
lower <- pn$lower
upper <- pn$upper
ndim <- length(dim2)
indices <- as.character(lower[1]:upper[1])
if (ndim > 1) {
for (i in 2:ndim) {
indices <- outer(indices, lower[i]:upper[i], FUN=paste, sep=",")
nchain <- function(model)
if (!inherits(model, "jags"))
stop("Invalid JAGS model object in nchain")
.Call("get_nchain", model$ptr(), PACKAGE="rjags")
coda.samples <- function(model, variable.names=NULL, n.iter, thin=1,
na.rm = TRUE, ...)
start <- model$iter() + thin
out <- jags.samples(model, variable.names, n.iter, thin, type="trace", ...)
ans <- vector("list", nchain(model))
for (ch in 1:nchain(model)) { <- vector("list", length(out)) <- NULL
for (i in seq(along=out)) {
varname <- names(out)[[i]]
d <- dim(out[[i]])
if (length(d) < 3) {
stop("Invalid dimensions for sampled output")
vardim <- d[1:(length(d)-2)]
nvar <- prod(vardim)
niter <- d[length(d) - 1]
nchain <- d[length(d)]
values <- as.vector(out[[i]])
var.i <- matrix(NA, nrow=niter, ncol=nvar)
for (j in 1:nvar) {
var.i[,j] <- values[j + (0:(niter-1))*nvar + (ch-1)*niter*nvar]
} <- c(, coda.names(varname, vardim))[[i]] <- var.i
} <-"cbind",
colnames( <-
ans[[ch]] <- mcmc(, start=start, thin=thin)
if (isTRUE(na.rm)) {
## Drop variables that are missing for all iterations in at least
## one chain
all.missing <- sapply(ans, function(x) {apply(, 2, any)})
drop.vars <- if (is.matrix(all.missing)) {
apply(all.missing, 1, any)
else {
ans <- lapply(ans, function(x) return(x[, !drop.vars, drop=FALSE]))
load.module <- function(name, path, quiet=FALSE)
if (name %in% list.modules()) {
## This is a stop-gap measure as JAGS 2.1.0 does allow you
## to load the same module twice. This should be fixed in
## later versions.
return(invisible()) #Module already loaded
if (missing(path)) {
path = getOption("jags.moddir")
if (is.null(path)) {
stop("option jags.moddir is not set")
if (!is.character(path) || length(path) != 1)
stop("invalid path")
if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1)
stop("invalid name")
file <- file.path(path, paste(name, .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep=""))
if (!file.exists(file)) {
stop("File not found: ", file)
if (!isDLLLoaded(file)) {
## We must avoid calling dyn.load twice on the same DLL This
## may result in the DLL being unloaded and then reloaded,
## which will invalidate pointers to the distributions,
## functions and factories in the module.
ok <- .Call("load_module", name, PACKAGE="rjags")
if (!ok) {
stop(paste("module", name, "not found\n"))
else if (!quiet) {
message("module ", name, " loaded")
unload.module <- function(name, quiet=FALSE)
if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1)
stop("invalid name")
ok <- .Call("unload_module", name, PACKAGE="rjags")
if (!ok) {
warning(paste("module", name, "not loaded"))
else if (!quiet) {
cat("Module", name, "unloaded\n", sep=" ")
list.modules <- function()
.Call("get_modules", PACKAGE="rjags");
isDLLLoaded <- function(file)
dll.list <- getLoadedDLLs()
for (i in seq(along=dll.list)) {
if (dll.list[[i]]["path"][1] == file)
parallel.seeds <- function(factory, nchain)
.Call("parallel_seeds", factory, nchain, PACKAGE="rjags")
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