
Defines functions parallel.seeds isDLLLoaded list.modules unload.module load.module coda.samples nchain coda.names set.factory list.factories list.samplers jags.samples parse.varnames parse.varname jags.model print.jags .quiet.messages

Documented in coda.samples jags.model jags.samples list.factories list.modules list.samplers load.module parallel.seeds set.factory unload.module

#  R package rjags file R/jags.R
#  Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Martyn Plummer
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
#  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version
#  2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

.quiet.messages <- function(quiet)
    .Call("quietMessages", quiet, PACKAGE="rjags")

print.jags <- function(x, ...)
  cat("JAGS model:\n\n")

  model <- x$model()
  for (i in 1:length(model)) {

  data <- x$data()
  full <- !sapply(lapply(data, is.na), any)
  if (any(full)) {
    cat("Fully observed variables:\n", names(data)[full], "\n")
  part <- !full & !sapply(lapply(data, is.na), all)
  if (any(part)) {
    cat("Partially observed variables:\n", names(data)[part], "\n")

jags.model <- function(file, data=NULL, inits,
                       n.chains = 1, n.adapt=1000, quiet=FALSE)
    if (missing(file)) {
        stop("Model file name missing")
    if (is.character(file)) {
      modfile <- file
      ## Check file exists and can be opened in text mode
      con <- try(file(modfile, "rt"))
      if (inherits(con, "try-error")) {
        stop(paste("Cannot open model file \"", modfile, "\"", sep=""))
      ## Need this for print method and for recompile function
      model.code <- readLines(file, warn=FALSE)
    else if (inherits(file, "connection")) {
        modfile <- tempfile()
        ## JAGS library requires a physical file, so we need to copy
        ## the contents of the connection to a temporary file
        model.code <- readLines(file, warn=FALSE)
        writeLines(model.code, modfile)
    else {
        stop("'file' must be a character string or connection")

    if (quiet) {
        on.exit(.quiet.messages(FALSE), add=TRUE)

    p <- .Call("make_console", PACKAGE="rjags")
    .Call("check_model", p, modfile, PACKAGE="rjags")
    if (!is.character(file)) {
        unlink(modfile) #Remove temporary copy

    varnames <- .Call("get_variable_names", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
    if (missing(data) || is.null(data)) {
        data <- list()
    else if (is.environment(data)) {
        ##Get a list of numeric objects from the supplied environment
        data <- mget(varnames, envir=data, mode="numeric",
        ##Strip null entries
        data <- data[!sapply(data, is.null)]
    else if (is.list(data)) {
        v <- names(data)
        if (is.null(v) && length(v) != 0) {
            stop("data must be a named list")
        if (any(nchar(v)==0)) {
            stop("unnamed variables in data list")
        if (any(duplicated(v))) {
            stop("Duplicated names in data list: ",
                 paste(v[duplicated(v)], collapse=" "))
        relevant.variables <- v %in% varnames
        data <- data[relevant.variables]
        unused.variables <- setdiff(v, varnames)
        for (i in seq(along=unused.variables)) {
            warning("Unused variable \"", unused.variables[i], "\" in data")
        ### Check for data frames
        df <- which(as.logical(sapply(data, is.data.frame)))
        for (i in seq(along=df)) {
            if (all(sapply(data[[df[i]]], is.numeric))) {
                #Turn numeric data frames into matrices
                data[[df[i]]] <- as.matrix(data[[df[i]]])
            else {
                stop("Data frame with non-numeric elements provided as data: ",
    else {
        stop("data must be a list or environment")

    .Call("compile", p, data, as.integer(n.chains), TRUE, PACKAGE="rjags")

### Setting initial values

    if (!missing(inits) && !is.null(inits))  {

        checkParameters <- function(inits) {
            if(!is.list(inits)) {
                return("inits parameter must be a list")

            inames <- names(inits)
            if (is.null(inames) || any(nchar(inames) == 0)) {
                return("No variable names supplied for the initial values")

            dupinames <- duplicated(inames)
            if (any(dupinames)) {
                return(paste("Duplicated initial values for variable(s): ",
                             paste0(unique(inames[dupinames]), collapse = ", ")

            if (any(inames==".RNG.name")) {
                rngname <- inits[[".RNG.name"]]
                if (!is.character(rngname) || length(rngname) != 1) {
                    return("Incorrect .RNG.name value")
                inits[[".RNG.name"]] <- NULL

            ## Strip null initial values, but give a warning
            null.inits <- sapply(inits, is.null)
            if (any(null.inits)) {
                warning(paste("NULL initial value supplied for variable(s) ",
                        paste(inames[null.inits], collapse=", "), sep=""))
                inits <- inits[!null.inits]

            num_vals <- sapply(inits, is.numeric)
            if (any(!num_vals)) {
                return(paste("Non-numeric initial values supplied for variable(s) ",
                       paste(inames[!num_vals], collapse=", "), sep=""))

            return ("ok")

        setParameters <- function(inits, chain) {
            if (!is.null(inits[[".RNG.name"]])) {
                .Call("set_rng_name", p, inits[[".RNG.name"]],
                      as.integer(chain), PACKAGE="rjags")
                inits[[".RNG.name"]] <- NULL
            .Call("set_parameters", p, inits, as.integer(chain),

        init.values <- vector("list", n.chains)

        if (is.function(inits)) {
            if (any(names(formals(inits)) == "chain")) {
                for (i in 1:n.chains) {
                    init.values[[i]] <- inits(chain=i)
            else {
                for (i in 1:n.chains) {
                    init.values[[i]] <- inits()
        else if (is.list(inits)) {

            if ( !is.null(names(inits)) ) {
                ## Replicate initial values for all chains
                for (i in 1:n.chains) {
                    init.values[[i]] <- inits
            else {
                if (length(inits) != n.chains) {
                    stop("Length mismatch between inits and n.chains")
                init.values <- inits

        for (i in 1:n.chains) {
            msg  <- checkParameters(init.values[[i]])
            if (!identical(msg, "ok")) {
                stop("Invalid parameters for chain ", i, ":\n", msg);
            setParameters(init.values[[i]], i)
            unused.inits <- setdiff(names(init.values[[i]]), varnames)
            unused.inits <- setdiff(unused.inits,
                                    c(".RNG.seed", ".RNG.state", ".RNG.name"))
            for (j in seq(along=unused.inits)) {
                warning("Unused initial value for \"", unused.inits[j],
                        "\" in chain ", i)

    .Call("initialize", p, PACKAGE="rjags")

    model.state <- .Call("get_state", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
    model.data <- .Call("get_data", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
    model <- list("ptr" = function() {p},
                  "data" = function() {model.data},
                  "model" = function() {model.code},
                  "state" = function(internal=FALSE)
                      if(!internal) {
                          for(i in 1:n.chains) {
                              model.state[[i]][[".RNG.state"]] <- NULL
                              model.state[[i]][[".RNG.name"]] <- NULL
                  "nchain" = function()
                      .Call("get_nchain", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
                  "iter" = function()
                      .Call("get_iter", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
                  "sync" = function() {

                      model.state <<- .Call("get_state", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
                  "recompile" = function() {
                      ## Clear the console
                      .Call("clear_console", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
                      p <<- .Call("make_console", PACKAGE="rjags")
                      ## Write the model to a temporary file so we can re-read it
                      mf <- tempfile()
                      writeLines(model.code, mf)
                      .Call("check_model", p, mf, PACKAGE="rjags")
                      ## Re-compile
                      .Call("compile", p, data, n.chains, FALSE, PACKAGE="rjags")
                      ## Re-initialize
                      if (!is.null(model.state)) {
                          if (length(model.state) != n.chains) {
                              stop("Incorrect number of chains in saved state")
                          for (i in 1:n.chains) {
                              statei <- model.state[[i]]
                              rng <- statei[[".RNG.name"]]
                              if (!is.null(rng)) {
                                  .Call("set_rng_name", p, rng, i, PACKAGE="rjags")
                                  statei[[".RNG.name"]] <- NULL
                              .Call("set_parameters", p, statei, i, PACKAGE="rjags")
                          .Call("initialize", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
                          ## Redo adaptation
                          adapting <- .Call("is_adapting", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
                          if(n.adapt > 0 && adapting) {
                              .Call("update", p, n.adapt, PACKAGE="rjags")
                              if (!.Call("check_adaptation", p, PACKAGE="rjags")) {
                                  warning("Adaptation incomplete");
                          model.state <<- .Call("get_state", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
    class(model) <- "jags"

    if (n.adapt > 0) {
        pb <- if(quiet) NULL else getOption("jags.pb")
        ok <- adapt(model, n.adapt, end.adaptation=FALSE, progress.bar=pb)
        if (ok) {
            .Call("adapt_off", p, PACKAGE="rjags")
        else {
            warning("Adaptation incomplete")

parse.varname <- function(varname) {

  ## Try to parse string of form "a" or "a[n,p:q,r]" where "a" is a
  ## variable name and n,p,q,r are integers

  v <- try(parse(text=varname, n=1), silent=TRUE)
  if (!is.expression(v) || length(v) != 1)

  v <- v[[1]]
  if (is.name(v)) {
    ##Full node array requested
  else if (is.call(v) && identical(deparse(v[[1]]), "[") && length(v) > 2) {
    ##Subset requested
    ndim <- length(v) - 2
    lower <- upper <- numeric(ndim)
    if (any(nchar(sapply(v, deparse)) == 0)) {
      ##We have to catch empty indices here or they will cause trouble
    for (i in 1:ndim) {
      index <- v[[i+2]]
      if (is.numeric(index)) {
        ##Single index
        lower[i] <- upper[i] <- index
      else if (is.call(index) && length(index) == 3 &&
               identical(deparse(index[[1]]), ":") &&
               is.numeric(index[[2]]) && is.numeric(index[[3]]))
          ##Index range
          lower[i] <- index[[2]]
          upper[i] <- index[[3]]
      else return(NULL)
    if (any(upper < lower))
      return (NULL)
    return(list(name = deparse(v[[2]]), lower=lower, upper=upper))

parse.varnames <- function(varnames)
  names <- character(length(varnames))
  lower <- upper <- vector("list", length(varnames))
  for (i in seq(along=varnames)) {
    y <- parse.varname(varnames[i])
    if (is.null(y)) {
      stop(paste("Invalid variable subset", varnames[i]))
    names[i] <- y$name
    if (!is.null(y$lower)) {
      lower[[i]] <- y$lower
    if (!is.null(y$upper)) {
      upper[[i]] <- y$upper
  return(list(names=names, lower=lower, upper=upper))

jags.samples <-
  function(model, variable.names, n.iter, thin=1, type="trace", force.list=FALSE, ...)
    if (!inherits(model, "jags"))
      stop("Invalid JAGS model")

    if (!is.character(variable.names) || length(variable.names) == 0)
      stop("variable.names must be a character vector")

    if (!is.numeric(n.iter) || length(n.iter) != 1 || n.iter <= 0)
      stop("n.iter must be a positive integer")
    if (!is.numeric(thin) || length(thin) != 1 || thin <= 0)
      stop("thin must be a positive integer")
    if (!is.character(type) || length(type) == 0)
      stop("type must be a character vector")

    ####  Allow vectorisation of type argument and variable.names argument
      type <- rep(type, length(variable.names))
    }else if(length(variable.names)==1){
      variable.names <- rep(variable.names, length(type))
      stop("non matching lengths of monitor type and variable.names")
    ####  Set monitors must be called for each relevant monitor type
    status <- lapply(unique(type), function(t){
        pn <- parse.varnames(variable.names[type==t])
        status <- .Call("set_monitors", model$ptr(), pn$names, pn$lower, pn$upper,
            as.integer(thin), t, PACKAGE="rjags")
    names(status) <- unique(type)
    if (!any(unlist(status))) stop("No valid monitors set")

	startiter <- model$iter()
	n.iter <- n.iter - n.iter%%thin
    update.jags(model, n.iter, ...)

    ####  Retrieve values for each monitor type being used
    usingtypes <- unique(type)[sapply(unique(type), function(t) return(any(status[[t]])))]
    allans <- lapply(usingtypes, function(t){
        ans <- .Call("get_monitored_values", model$ptr(), t, PACKAGE="rjags")
        for (i in seq(along=ans)) {
	        class(ans[[i]]) <- "mcarray"
			attr(ans[[i]], "varname") <- names(ans)[i]
			# Assure there is a valid dim attribute for pooled scalar nodes:
				dim(ans[[i]]) <- length(ans[[i]])

			# New attributes for rjags_4-7:
	        attr(ans[[i]], "type") <- t
	        attr(ans[[i]], "iterations") <- c(start=startiter+thin, end=startiter+n.iter, thin=thin)
        pn <- parse.varnames(variable.names[type==t])
        for (i in seq(along=variable.names[type==t])) {
            if (status[[t]][i]) {
                .Call("clear_monitor", model$ptr(), pn$names[i], pn$lower[[i]],
                      pn$upper[[i]], t, PACKAGE="rjags")

    ####  The return value is a named list of monitor types
    names(allans) <- usingtypes
	####  Remove any that are empty:
	allans <- allans[sapply(allans, length) > 0]
    ####  And if all monitors are of the same type and !force.list then return 
    ####  just a single element for back compatibility with rjags < 4-7
    if(!force.list && length(usingtypes)==1)
      allans <- allans[[1]]


list.samplers <- function(object)
    if (!inherits(object, "jags")) {
        stop("not a jags model object")
    .Call("get_samplers", object$ptr(), PACKAGE="rjags")

list.factories <- function(type)
    type = match.arg(type, c("sampler","monitor","rng"))
    as.data.frame(.Call("get_factories", type, PACKAGE="rjags"))

set.factory <- function(name, type, state)
    if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1)
        stop("invalid name")
    if (!is.character(type) || length(type) != 1)
        stop("invalid name")
    if (length(state) != 1)
        stop("invalid state")

    type <- match.arg(type, c("sampler","rng","monitor"))
    .Call("set_factory_active", name, type, as.logical(state), PACKAGE="rjags")

coda.names <- function(basename, dim)
    ## Utility function used to get the names of the individual elements
    ## of a node array

    if (prod(dim) == 1)

    ##Default lower and upper limits
    ndim <- length(dim)
    lower <- rep(1, ndim)
    upper <- dim

    ##If the node name is a subset, we try to parse it to get the
    ##names of its elements. For example, if basename is "A[2:3]"
    ##we want to return names "A[2]", "A[3]" not "A[2:3][1]", "A[2:3][2]".
    pn <- parse.varname(basename)
    if (!is.null(pn) && !is.null(pn$lower) && !is.null(pn$upper)) {
        if (length(pn$lower) == length(pn$upper)) {
            dim2 <- pn$upper - pn$lower + 1
            if (isTRUE(all.equal(dim[dim!=1], dim2[dim2!=1],
                                 check.attributes=FALSE))) {
                basename <- pn$name
                lower <- pn$lower
                upper <- pn$upper
                ndim <- length(dim2)

    indices <- as.character(lower[1]:upper[1])
    if (ndim > 1) {
        for (i in 2:ndim) {
            indices <- outer(indices, lower[i]:upper[i], FUN=paste, sep=",")

nchain <- function(model)
    if (!inherits(model, "jags"))
      stop("Invalid JAGS model object in nchain")

    .Call("get_nchain", model$ptr(), PACKAGE="rjags")

coda.samples <- function(model, variable.names=NULL, n.iter, thin=1,
                         na.rm = TRUE, ...)
    start <- model$iter() + thin
    out <- jags.samples(model, variable.names, n.iter, thin, type="trace", ...)

    ans <- vector("list", nchain(model))
    for (ch in 1:nchain(model)) {
        ans.ch <- vector("list", length(out))

        vnames.ch <- NULL
        for (i in seq(along=out)) {

            varname <- names(out)[[i]]
            d <- dim(out[[i]])
            if (length(d) < 3) {
                stop("Invalid dimensions for sampled output")
            vardim <- d[1:(length(d)-2)]
            nvar <- prod(vardim)
            niter <- d[length(d) - 1]
            nchain <- d[length(d)]

            values <- as.vector(out[[i]])
            var.i <- matrix(NA, nrow=niter, ncol=nvar)
            for (j in 1:nvar) {
                var.i[,j] <- values[j + (0:(niter-1))*nvar + (ch-1)*niter*nvar]
            vnames.ch <- c(vnames.ch, coda.names(varname, vardim))
            ans.ch[[i]] <- var.i

        ans.ch <- do.call("cbind", ans.ch)
        colnames(ans.ch) <- vnames.ch
        ans[[ch]] <- mcmc(ans.ch, start=start, thin=thin)

    if (isTRUE(na.rm)) {
        ## Drop variables that are missing for all iterations in at least
        ## one chain
        all.missing <- sapply(ans, function(x) {apply(is.na(x), 2, any)})
        drop.vars <- if (is.matrix(all.missing)) {
            apply(all.missing, 1, any)
        else {
        ans <- lapply(ans, function(x) return(x[, !drop.vars, drop=FALSE]))


load.module <- function(name, path, quiet=FALSE)
    if (name %in% list.modules()) {
        ## This is a stop-gap measure as JAGS 2.1.0 does allow you
        ## to load the same module twice. This should be fixed in
        ## later versions.
        return(invisible()) #Module already loaded

    if (missing(path)) {
        path = getOption("jags.moddir")
        if (is.null(path)) {
            stop("option jags.moddir is not set")
    if (!is.character(path) || length(path) != 1)
        stop("invalid path")
    if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1)
        stop("invalid name")

    file <- file.path(path, paste(name, .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep=""))
    if (!file.exists(file)) {
        stop("File not found: ", file)
    if (!isDLLLoaded(file)) {
        ## We must avoid calling dyn.load twice on the same DLL This
        ## may result in the DLL being unloaded and then reloaded,
        ## which will invalidate pointers to the distributions,
        ## functions and factories in the module.
    ok <- .Call("load_module", name, PACKAGE="rjags")
    if (!ok) {
        stop(paste("module", name, "not found\n"))
    else if (!quiet) {
        message("module ", name, " loaded")

unload.module <- function(name, quiet=FALSE)
    if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1)
        stop("invalid name")

    ok <- .Call("unload_module", name, PACKAGE="rjags")
    if (!ok) {
        warning(paste("module", name, "not loaded"))
    else if (!quiet) {
        cat("Module", name, "unloaded\n", sep=" ")

list.modules <- function()
    .Call("get_modules", PACKAGE="rjags");

isDLLLoaded <- function(file)
    dll.list <- getLoadedDLLs()
    for (i in seq(along=dll.list)) {
        if (dll.list[[i]]["path"][1] == file)

parallel.seeds <- function(factory, nchain)
    .Call("parallel_seeds", factory, nchain, PACKAGE="rjags")

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rjags documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:31 p.m.