# Create a shiny app object from an Rmd w/ runtime: shiny_prerendered
shiny_prerendered_app <- function(input_rmd, render_args) {
# get rendered html and capture dependencies
html <- shiny_prerendered_html(input_rmd, render_args)
deps <- htmltools::htmlDependencies(html)
# create the server environment
server_envir = new.env(parent = globalenv())
# read the html
html_lines <- strsplit(html, "\n", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
# read and remove server-extras (used for both embedded and server.R use cases)
server_extras <- shiny_prerendered_extract_context(html_lines, "server-extras")
if (length(server_extras) > 0) {
html_lines <- shiny_prerendered_remove_contexts(html_lines, "server-extras")
# extract the server-start context
server_start_context <- shiny_prerendered_extract_context(html_lines,
# extract the code used for server startup (this encompasses both the
# context="server-start" code and the context="data" code). This can be
# retrieved later via the shiny_prerendered_server_start_code function. The
# purpose of this is for appliations which want to run user in other
# processes while still duplicating the setup context (e.g. tutorials).
server_start_code <- one_string(c(server_start_context,
shiny_prerendered_extract_context(html_lines, "data")))
onStart <- function() {
# save the server_start_code
assign(".shiny_prerendered_server_start_code", server_start_code, envir = server_envir)
# execute the startup code (server_start_context + context="data" loading)
eval(xfun::parse_only(server_start_context), envir = server_envir)
shiny_prerendered_data_load(input_rmd, server_envir)
# lock the environment to prevent inadvertent assignments
# extract the server context
.server_context <- c(server_extras,
shiny_prerendered_extract_context(html_lines, "server"))
server_envir$.server_context <- .server_context
server <- function(input, output, session) {
environment(server) <- new.env(parent = server_envir)
# remove server code before serving
server_contexts <- c("server-start", "data", "server")
redacted_html_lines <- shiny_prerendered_remove_contexts(html_lines, server_contexts)
# if there were server contexts then update html w/ removed contexts
if (length(redacted_html_lines) < length(html_lines)) {
html <- HTML(one_string(redacted_html_lines))
# if there were not server contexts then this may be a ui-only rmd,
# check for a server.R
else if (file.exists(file.path(dirname(input_rmd), "server.R"))) {
# source global.R onStart
onStart <- function() {
global_r <-, "global.R")
if (file.exists(global_r)) {
source(global_r, local = FALSE)
# server function from server.R
server_r <- file.path(dirname(input_rmd), "server.R")
server_r_env = new.env(parent = globalenv())
if (length(server_extras) > 0) {
eval(xfun::parse_only(server_extras), envir = server_r_env)
server <- source(server_r, local = server_r_env)$value
} else {
stop("No server contexts or server.R available for ", input_rmd)
html_ui <- shiny_prerendered_ui(html, deps)
# create shiny app
ui = function(req) html_ui,
server = server,
onStart = onStart,
uiPattern = "^/$|^(/.*\\.[Rrq][Mm][Dd])$"
# Generate the html for a runtime: shiny_prerendered Rmd (attempts to use
# an existing rendering of the html if it's still valid)
shiny_prerendered_html <- function(input_rmd, render_args) {
# determine the path to the rendered_html
output_file <- render_args$output_file
if (is.null(output_file))
output_file <- file_with_ext(basename(input_rmd), "html")
output_dir <- render_args$output_dir
if (is.null(output_dir))
output_dir <- dirname(input_rmd)
rendered_html <- file.path(output_dir, output_file)
# determine whether we need to render the Rmd in advance
prerender_option <- tolower(Sys.getenv("RMARKDOWN_RUN_PRERENDER", "1"))
prerender <- shiny_prerendered_prerender(
# prerender if necessary
if (prerender) {
args <- merge_lists(list(input = input_rmd), render_args)
# force prerender to execute in separate environment to ensure that
# running w/ prerender step is equivalent to running the prerendered app
args$envir <- new.env(parent = args$envir %||% globalenv())
# execute the render
rendered_html <-, args)
if (!file.exists(rendered_html)) {
stop("Prerendered HTML file not found at ", rendered_html)
# normalize paths
rendered_html <- normalize_path(rendered_html)
output_dir <- dirname(rendered_html)
add_resource_path <- function(path, prefix = basename(path), temporary = TRUE) {
if (dir_exists(path)) {
shiny::addResourcePath(prefix, path)
# Remove resource paths so they don't clash with 'down-stream' resources
removeResourcePath <- if (temporary)
try(getFromNamespace("removeResourcePath", "shiny"), silent = TRUE)
if (is.function(removeResourcePath)) {
shiny::onStop(function() { removeResourcePath(prefix) }, NULL)
files_dir <- knitr_files_dir(rendered_html)
# extract dependencies from html
html_lines <- read_utf8(rendered_html)
dependencies <- shiny_prerendered_extract_context_serialized(html_lines, "dependencies")
# resolve package paths (this will happen automatically for the
# development version of htmltools but this isn't on CRAN yet)
dependencies <- lapply(dependencies, function(dependency) {
if (!is.null(dependency$package) && !is.null(dependency$src$file)) {
dependency$src$file <- system.file(dependency$src$file,
package = dependency$package)
dependency$package <- NULL
# attach rstudio rsiframe script if we are in rstudio
if (nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO")))
dependencies <- append(dependencies, list(html_dependency_rsiframe()))
# return html w/ dependencies
html_with_deps <- shinyHTML_with_deps(rendered_html, dependencies)
# The html template used to render the UI should contain the placeholder
# expected by shiny in `shiny:::renderPage()` which uses `htmltools::renderDocument`.
# This should be included during render() as a header include file. As a safety measure,
# if it is not present in the template, we add this placeholder at the end of
# the <head> element. This should not happen really.
# Context:
if (!any(grepl(headContent <- "<!-- HEAD_CONTENT -->", html_with_deps, fixed = TRUE))) {
html_with_deps <- sub(
paste0('\n', headContent, '\n</head>'),
fixed = TRUE,
useBytes = TRUE)
Encoding(html_with_deps) <- "UTF-8"
shiny_prerendered_ui <- function(html, deps) {
# prerendered html is a full document that should not be expanded in shiny::renderPage()
# so make shiny aware of that with the attributes 'html_document' to mimic the result of
# htmltools::htmlTemplate(document_ = TRUE).
html_doc <- htmltools::tagList(html)
class(html_doc) <- c("html_document", class(html_doc))
# attach dependencies to final html
htmltools::attachDependencies(html_doc, deps)
shiny_prerendered_prerender <- function(
) {
if (file.access(output_dir, 2) != 0) {
if (!file.exists(rendered_html))
stop("Unable to write prerendered HTML file to ", rendered_html)
if (identical(prerender_option, "0")) {
if (!identical(prerender_option, "1")) {
stop("Invalid value '", prerender_option, "' for RMARKDOWN_RUN_PRERENDER")
# determine the last modified time of the output file
if (file.exists(rendered_html)) {
output_last_modified <- as.integer($mtime)
} else {
output_last_modified <- 0L
# short circuit for Rmd modified. if it hasn't been modified since the
# html was generated look at external resources
input_last_modified <- as.integer($mtime)
if (input_last_modified > output_last_modified) {
# find external resources referenced by the file
external_resources <- find_external_resources(input_rmd)
# get paths to external resources
input_files <- c(input_rmd, file.path(output_dir, external_resources$path))
# what's the maximum last_modified time of an input file
input_last_modified <- max(as.integer($mtime), na.rm = TRUE)
# render if an input file was modified after the output file
if (input_last_modified > output_last_modified) {
html_lines <- read_utf8(rendered_html)
# check that all html dependencies exist
dependencies <- tryCatch(
shiny_prerendered_extract_context_serialized(html_lines, "dependencies"),
error = function(...) NULL
if (is.null(dependencies)) {
# Pre-render needed: failed to parse deps from pre-rendered HTML
pkgsSeen <- list()
for (dep in dependencies) {
if (is.null(dep$package)) {
src_file <- dep$src$file
if (!is.null(src_file)) {
if (!file.exists(src_file)) {
# might create a missing file compile-time error,
# but that's better than a missing file prerendered error
# if there is a dep$src$href but no dep$package,
# then we can't determine where the file came from.
# Ignore checking for the href files for now, as pkg versions are checked below
} else {
depPkg <- dep$package
depVer <- dep$pkgVersion
if (is.null(pkgsSeen[[depPkg]])) {
# has not seen pkg
# depVer could be NULL, producing a logical(0)
# means old prerender version, render again
if (!isTRUE(get_package_version_string(depPkg) == depVer)) {
# was not rendered with the same R package. must render again
pkgsSeen[[depPkg]] <- depVer
# all html dependencies are accounted for
# check for execution package version differences
execution_info <- tryCatch(
shiny_prerendered_extract_context_serialized(html_lines, "execution_dependencies"),
error = function(...) NULL
if (is.null(execution_info)) {
# Pre-render needed: failed to parse execution deps from pre-rendered HTML
execution_pkg_names <- execution_info$packages$packages
execution_pkg_versions <- execution_info$packages$version
for (i in seq_along(execution_pkg_names)) {
if (!identical(
)) {
# all execution packages match
# Write the dependencies for a shiny_prerendered document.
shiny_prerendered_append_dependencies <- function(input, # always UTF-8
output_dir) {
# transform dependencies (if we aren't in debug mode)
dependencies <- lapply(shiny_prerendered_dependencies$deps, function(dependency) {
# no transformation in dev mode (so browser dev tools can map directly
# to the locations of CSS and JS files in their pkg src directory)
# see if we can convert absolute paths into package-aliased ones
if (is.null(dependency$package) && is.character(dependency$src$file)) {
# check for a package directory parent
package_dir <- proj_root(dependency$src$file)
# if we have one then populate the package field and make the
# src$file relative to the package
if (!is.null(package_dir)) {
package_desc <- read.dcf(file.path(package_dir, "DESCRIPTION"),
all = TRUE)
dependency$package <- package_desc$Package
# named to something that doesn't start with 'package' to deter lazy name matching
dependency$pkgVersion <- package_desc$Version
dependency$src$file <- normalized_relative_to(package_dir,
# if we couldn't resolve the src to a package then copy the files
if (is.null(dependency$package) && !is.null(dependency$src$file)) {
dependency <- copyDependencyToDir(dependency, files_dir)
dependency <- makeDependencyRelative(dependency, output_dir)
dependency$src = list(href = unname(dependency$src))
if (!is.null(dependency$package)) {
dependency$pkgVersion <- get_package_version_string(dependency$package)
# return dependency
# remove NULLs (excluded dependencies)
dependencies <- dependencies[!sapply(dependencies, is.null)]
# append them to the file (guaranteed to be UTF-8)
con <- file(input, open = "at", encoding = "UTF-8")
on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE)
# Add newline before adding any raw html dependency script
writeLines("", con = con)
# write deps to connection
dependencies_json <- jsonlite::serializeJSON(dependencies, pretty = FALSE)
shiny_prerendered_append_context(con, "dependencies", dependencies_json)
# write r major version and execution package dependencies
execution_json <- jsonlite::serializeJSON(
# visibly display what is being stored
pretty = FALSE
shiny_prerendered_append_context(con, "execution_dependencies", execution_json)
shiny_prerendered_extract_context_serialized <- function(html_lines, context = "dependencies") {
json_str <- shiny_prerendered_extract_context(html_lines, context)
json_str <- unique(json_str)
if (length(json_str) > 1) {
warning("Multiple ", context, " contexts found in prerendered HTML, using last.")
json_str <- json_str[length(json_str)]
#' Clean prerendered content for the specified Rmd input file
#' Remove the associated html file and supporting _files directory
#' for a shiny_prerendered documet.
#' @param input Rmd input file to clean content for
#' @export
shiny_prerendered_clean <- function(input) {
# html file
html_file <- file_with_ext(input, "html")
if (file.exists(html_file))
# cache dir
cache_dir <- knitr_root_cache_dir(input)
if (dir_exists(cache_dir))
unlink(cache_dir, recursive = TRUE)
# files dir
files_dir <- knitr_files_dir(input)
if (dir_exists(files_dir))
unlink(files_dir, recursive = TRUE)
# data dir
data_dir <- shiny_prerendered_data_dir(input)
if (dir_exists(data_dir))
unlink(data_dir, recursive = TRUE)
#' Add code to a shiny_prerendered context
#' Programmatic equivalent to including a code chunk with a
#' context in a runtime: shiny_prerendered document.
#' @param context Context name (e.g. "server", "server-start")
#' @param code Character vector with code
#' @param singleton Collapse multiple identical versions of this
#' chunk into a single chunk.
#' @export
shiny_prerendered_chunk <- function(context, code, singleton = FALSE) {
# verify we are in runtime: shiny_prerendered
if (!is_shiny_prerendered(knitr::opts_knit$get("rmarkdown.runtime")))
stop2("The shiny_prerendered_chunk function can only be called from ",
"within a shiny server compatible document"
# add the prerendered chunk to knit_meta
structure(class = "shiny_prerendered", list(
name = context,
code = code,
singleton = singleton
# return NULL invisibly
#' Get the server startup code for a shiny_prerendered server instance
#' @param server_envir Shiny server environment to get code for
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
shiny_prerendered_server_start_code <- function(server_envir) {
if (exists(".shiny_prerendered_server_start_code", envir = server_envir))
get(".shiny_prerendered_server_start_code", envir = server_envir)
# Record which context="data" chunks are actually executed during
# the current render as well as the file names they are saved with.
# We'll use this later to determine which .RData files in the _data
# directory should actually be loaded (as some could be from chunks
# that used to be cached / were cached under different names)
shiny_prerendered_option_hook <- function(input) {
function(options) {
# convert chunk labels to contexts as necessary
if (options$label %in% c("setup", "data", "server_start", "server"))
options$context <- options$label
if (identical(options$context, "data")) {
data_file <- shiny_prerendered_data_file_name(options$label,
options$cache > 0)
data_dir <- shiny_prerendered_data_dir(input, create = TRUE)
index_file <- shiny_prerendered_data_chunks_index(data_dir)
conn <- file(index_file, open = "ab", encoding = "UTF-8")
on.exit(close(conn), add = TRUE)
write(data_file, file = conn, append = TRUE)
if (identical(options$context, "server")) {
# if empty server context, set a default server function
if (all(xfun::is_blank(options$code))) {
options$code <- "# empty server context"
# Evaluate hook to capture chunks with e.g. context="server" and
# append their code to the appropriate shiny_prerendered_context
shiny_prerendered_evaluate_hook <- function(input) {
function(code, envir, ...) {
# get the context (default to "render")
context <- knitr::opts_current$get("context")
if (is.null(context))
context <- "render"
# "setup" is an alias for c("render", "server-start")
if ("setup" %in% context) {
context <- c(context[!context == "setup"], "render", "server-start")
context <- unique(context)
# if there are server-side contexts then emit knit_meta for them
for (name in context) {
if (!name %in% c("render"))
shiny_prerendered_chunk(name, code)
# capture and serialize data for context = "data"
if ("data" %in% context) {
# determine whether caching is active
label <- knitr::opts_current$get("label")
cache_option <- knitr::opts_current$get("cache")
cache <- !is.null(cache_option) && cache_option > 0
# evaluate the chunk in a new environment parented by the default envir
data_env <- new.env(parent = envir)
result <- evaluate::evaluate(code, data_env, ...)
# save all of the created objects then move them back into the parent
data_dir <- shiny_prerendered_data_dir(input, create = TRUE)
# use a special path prefix for cached chunks so we know not
# to remove them at the beginning of render
rdata_file <- file.path(data_dir,
shiny_prerendered_data_file_name(label, cache))
save(list = ls(data_env),
file = rdata_file,
envir = data_env,
compress = FALSE)
for (name in ls(data_env)) {
assign(name, get(name, envir = data_env), envir = envir)
remove(list = c(name), envir = data_env)
# return results of evaluation (used for knitr cache)
# straight evaluate if this is a render context
else if ("render" %in% context) {
evaluate::evaluate(code, envir, ...)
# otherwise parse so we can throw an error for invalid code
else {
# Remove prerendered .RData that isn't in the cache (as data in the
# cache won't necessarily be recreated during the next render)
shiny_prerendered_remove_uncached_data <- function(input) {
data_dir <- shiny_prerendered_data_dir(input)
if (dir_exists(data_dir)) {
index_file <- shiny_prerendered_data_chunks_index(data_dir)
if (file.exists(index_file))
rdata_files <- list.files(data_dir, pattern = utils::glob2rx("*.RData"))
cached_rdata_files <- list.files(data_dir, pattern = utils::glob2rx("*.cached.RData"))
uncached_rdata_files <- setdiff(rdata_files, cached_rdata_files)
unlink(file.path(data_dir, uncached_rdata_files))
# Extract application/shiny-prerendered script tags from an html document
shiny_prerendered_extract_context <- function(html_lines, context) {
# look for lines that start the context
pattern <- paste0('<script type="application/shiny-prerendered" data-context="', context, '">')
matches <- regmatches(html_lines, regexec(pattern, html_lines, fixed = TRUE))
# extract the code within the contexts
in_context <- FALSE
context_lines <- character()
for (i in 1:length(matches)) {
if (length(matches[[i]]) > 0) {
in_context <- TRUE
else if (in_context && identical(html_lines[[i]], "</script>")) {
in_context <- FALSE
if (in_context)
context_lines <- c(context_lines, html_lines[[i]])
# unescape code, see
context_lines <- gsub("<\\u002f", "</", context_lines, fixed = TRUE)
shiny_prerendered_remove_contexts <- function(html_lines, contexts) {
# look for lines that start the contexts
pattern <- paste0('<script type="application/shiny-prerendered" data-context="')
matches <- regmatches(html_lines, regexec(pattern, html_lines, fixed = TRUE))
# create a regex pattern used for matching named contexts
contexts_pattern <- paste0(pattern, "(", paste(contexts, collapse = "|"), ")")
# new_html_lines to return
new_html_lines <- character()
# ignore the code within the contexts
in_context <- FALSE
for (i in 1:length(matches)) {
if (length(matches[[i]]) > 0 && grepl(contexts_pattern, html_lines[[i]])) {
in_context = TRUE
else if (in_context && identical(html_lines[[i]], "</script>")) {
in_context <- FALSE
else if (!in_context)
new_html_lines <- c(new_html_lines, html_lines[[i]])
# return
# Gather shiny_prerendred contexts and append them as script tags to
# the passed file
shiny_prerendered_append_contexts <- function(runtime, file) {
# collect contexts
shiny_prerendered_contexts <- knit_meta_reset(class = "shiny_prerendered")
if (length(shiny_prerendered_contexts) > 0) {
# validate we are in runtime: shiny_prerendered
if (!is_shiny_prerendered(runtime)) {
stop2("The code within this document requires server: shiny")
# open the file
con <- file(file, open = "at", encoding = 'UTF-8')
on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE)
# track singletons
singletons <- list()
# append the contexts as script tags
for (context in shiny_prerendered_contexts) {
# resolve singletons
if (isTRUE(context$singleton)) {
found_singleton <- FALSE
for (singleton in singletons) {
if (identical(context, singleton)) {
found_singleton <- TRUE
if (found_singleton) next
singletons[[length(singletons) + 1]] <- context
# append context
shiny_prerendered_append_context(con, context$name, context$code)
shiny_prerendered_append_context <- function(con, name, code) {
lines <- c('<!--html_preserve-->',
paste0('<script type="application/shiny-prerendered" ',
'data-context="', name ,'">'),
# escape code, see
gsub("</", "<\\u002f", code, fixed = TRUE),
writeLines(lines, con = con)
# Prerendred data_dir for a given Rmd input file
shiny_prerendered_data_dir <- function(input, create = FALSE) {
data_dir <- paste0(xfun::sans_ext(input), "_data")
if (create && !dir_exists(data_dir))
# Load prerendred data into the server environment. There are two
# reasons we load data based on a previously generated index file:
# (1) We don't remove all of the previously generated .RData files
# at the beginning of a render. Specifically, we don't remove
# .RData files that were created within a chunk w/ caching
# enabled, since that .RData won't necessarily be re-created on
# the next render. This means that we could be left with "stale"
# .RData files from cached chunks. Reading based on the list
# ensures that we only read .RData for chunks that were
# included in the last rendered document.
# (2) We want to load data into the server environment in the
# exact same chunk order that it appears in the document.
shiny_prerendered_data_load <- function(input_rmd, server_envir) {
# check for data_dir
data_dir <- shiny_prerendered_data_dir(input_rmd)
if (dir_exists(data_dir)) {
# read index of data files
index_file <- shiny_prerendered_data_chunks_index(data_dir)
if (file.exists(index_file)) {
rdata_files <- read_utf8(index_file)
# load each of the files in the index
for (rdata_file in rdata_files) {
rdata_file <- file.path(data_dir,rdata_file)
if (file.exists(rdata_file)) # won't exist if the chunk has no code
load(rdata_file, envir = server_envir)
# File used to store names of chunks which had cache=TRUE during the last render
shiny_prerendered_data_chunks_index <- function(data_dir) {
file.path(data_dir, "data_chunks_index.txt")
# Form the name of a shiny_prerendered .RData file
shiny_prerendered_data_file_name <- function(label, cache) {
type <- ifelse(cache, ".cached", "")
sprintf("%s%s.RData", label, type)
# Use me instead of html_dependency_bootstrap() in a shiny runtime to get
# dynamic theming (i.e., have it work with session$setCurrentTheme())
shiny_bootstrap_lib <- function(theme) {
theme <- resolve_theme(theme)
if (!is_bs_theme(theme)) {
if (!is_available("shiny", "1.6.0")) {
"Using a {bslib} theme with `runtime: shiny` requires shiny 1.6.0 or higher."
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.