
Defines functions export.plots autocurve.idgraph dye.idgraph plot.idgraph mcfs.plot.heatmap mcfs.plot.cv mcfs.plot.cmatrix mcfs.plot.features mcfs.plot.distances mcfs.plot.importances mcfs.plot.ID mcfs.plot.RI plot.mcfs

Documented in export.plots plot.idgraph plot.mcfs

plot.mcfs <- function(x, type = c("features", "ri", "id", "distances", "cv", "cmatrix", "heatmap"),
                      size = NA,
                      ri_permutations = c("max", "all", "sorted", "none"),
                      diff_bars = TRUE,
                      features_margin = 10,
                      cv_measure = c("wacc", "acc", "pearson", "MAE", "RMSE", "SMAPE"),
                      heatmap_norm = c('none', 'norm', 'scale'),
                      heatmap_fun = c('median', 'mean'),
                      color = c('darkred'),
                      gg = TRUE,
                      cex = 1, 
  mcfs_result <- x
    stop("Input object is not 'mcfs' class.")
  size <- ceiling(size)
  type <- tolower(type[1])
  if(type == "ri"){
    mcfs.plot.RI(mcfs_result, size = size, ri_permutations, diff_bars, color = color, cex = cex)
  }else if(type == "id"){
    mcfs.plot.ID(mcfs_result, size = size, diff_bars, color = color, cex = cex)
  }else if(type == "distances"){
    mcfs.plot.distances(mcfs_result, size = size, cex = cex)
  }else if(type == "features"){
    mcfs.plot.features(mcfs_result, size = size, cex = 0.8 * cex, features_margin, color = color, gg = gg)
  }else if(type == "cv"){
    mcfs.plot.cv(mcfs_result, cv_measure, cex = cex, gg = gg)
  }else if(type == "cmatrix"){
    mcfs.plot.cmatrix(mcfs_result, color = color)
  }else if(type == "heatmap"){
    mcfs.plot.heatmap(mcfs_result, size = size, norm = heatmap_norm, fun = heatmap_fun, color = c(color, 'white'), cex = cex)
    mcfs.plot.RI(mcfs_result, size, ri_permutations, diff_bars, cex)

mcfs.plot.RI <- function(mcfs_result, size = NA, 
                         plot_permutations = c("max", "all", "sorted", "none"),
                         plot_diff_bars = T, 
                         color = 'darkred',
                         cex = 1){
    size <- min(mcfs_result$cutoff_value * 10, nrow(mcfs_result$RI))
  if(size <= 0){
    size <- min(500, nrow(mcfs_result$RI))
    warning(paste0("Parameter 'size' <= 0, using default value: size = ", size))
  plot_permutations <- tolower(plot_permutations[1])
  if(!plot_permutations %in% c("max", "all", "sorted", "none"))
    plot_permutations <- "max"
  if(plot_permutations != "none" & any(names(mcfs_result)=="permutations")){
    mcfs.plot.importances(x = mcfs_result$RI, size,
                          permutations = mcfs_result$permutations, 
                          cutoff_value = mcfs_result$cutoff_value, 
                          plot_permutations, plot_diff_bars, color = color, cex = cex)
    mcfs.plot.importances(x = mcfs_result$RI, size, 
                          permutations = NULL, 
                          cutoff_value = mcfs_result$cutoff_value,
                          plot_permutations = NA, plot_diff_bars, color = color, cex = cex)

mcfs.plot.ID <- function(mcfs_result, 
                         size = 500, 
                         plot_diff_bars = T, 
                         color = 'darkred',
                         cex = 1){
    warning("ID-Graph edges are not collected. Object 'mcfs_result$ID' does not exist.")
    #set importances
    if(is.na(size) || size <= 0){
      size <- min(500, nrow(mcfs_result$ID))
      #warning(paste0("Parameter 'size' <= 0, using default value: size = ", size))

    mcfs.plot.importances(x = mcfs_result$ID, size, 
                          permutations = NULL, cutoff_value = NA, 
                          plot_permutations = NA, plot_diff_bars, color = color, cex = cex)

mcfs.plot.importances <- function(x, size = NA, 
                                  permutations = NULL, 
                                  cutoff_value = NA,
                                  plot_permutations = NA, 
                                  plot_diff_bars = T, 
                                  color = 'darkred',
                                  cex = 1)
  col_hi <- color
  col_low <- 'darkgrey'
  col_diff <- 'grey92'
  maxRI_color <- 'grey36'
  if(any(names(x) %in% c("RI"))){
    importance <- x$RI
    attribute <- x$attribute
    mainlabel <- "Relative Importance"
    shortlabel <- "RI"
    xlabel <- "Ordered Attributes"
    abln <- seq(0,1,0.05)
  }else if(any(names(x) %in% c("weight"))){
    #position edge_a edge_b   weight
    importance <- x$weight
    mainlabel <- "Interdependence Weight"
    shortlabel <- "ID-weight"
    maxw <- max(x$weight, na.rm = TRUE)
    b <- c(1,5,10,50,100)
    step <- max(tail(b[maxw/b>5],1),1,na.rm=T)
    abln <- seq(0,maxw,step)
    xlabel <- "Ordered Interdependencies"
    stop("Input data.frame is not a 'RI' or 'ID' type. It does not contain columns: 'RI' or 'weight'!")
  importance <- head(importance, size)
  y_lim <- c(0, max(importance))
  y_lim[2] <- y_lim[2] + (y_lim[2] * 0.2)
  legend_labels <- shortlabel
  legend_colors <- col_hi
  legend_lty <- 1
  legend_lwd <- 3
  #plot diff bars
    diff_RI <- c(0, abs(diff(importance, lag = 1)))
    legend_labels <- c(legend_labels, paste0("diff(",shortlabel,")"))
    legend_colors <- c(legend_colors, col_diff)
    legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, 1)
    legend_lwd <- c(legend_lwd, 3)
    diff_RI <- rep(NA, length(importance))

  #plot main barplot
  b <- barplot(diff_RI, col = col_diff, axes = T, ylab = shortlabel, xlab = xlabel, main = mainlabel,
               names.arg=(1:length(diff_RI)), ylim=y_lim, cex.axis = cex, cex.names = cex, cex.lab = cex)
  #add importances to the plot
  lines(x = b, y = importance, type = "o", col = col_hi, ylim = y_lim)
  points(x = b, y = importance, pch = 19, col = col_hi, ylim = y_lim)
  #flag low important points
    lowRI <- importance
    lowRIidx <- 1:length(lowRI)          
    lowRI[lowRIidx <= cutoff_value] <- NA
    #lines(x=b, y=lowRI, type="o", col=col_low, ylim=y_lim)
    points(x=b, y=lowRI, pch = 19, col=col_low, ylim=y_lim)
  #plot contrast_attr_
  # if(shortlabel=="RI"){
  #   contrastRI <- importance
  #   contrastRI[!(1:length(contrastRI) %in% grep("contrast_attr_", attribute))] <- NA
  #   #points(x=b, y=contrastRI, pch = 20, col="black", ylim=y_lim)    
  #   lines(x=b, y=contrastRI, type="p", col="black", ylim=y_lim)    
  # }
  #plot permutations results
    maxRI_lty <- 1
    perm <- permutations[,string.starts.with(names(permutations), "perm_", trim=T, ignore.case=F)]
    if(plot_permutations == "max"){
      max_RI <- sapply(perm, max, na.rm = TRUE)
      for(i in 1:length(max_RI)){
        abline(h = max_RI[i], col = maxRI_color, lty = maxRI_lty)
      legend_labels <- c(legend_labels, "max_perm_RI")
    }else if(plot_permutations == "all"){
      for(i in 1:ncol(perm)){
        curr_perm_name <- names(perm)[i]
        curr_perm <- head(perm[, curr_perm_name], length(importance))
        points(x = b, y = curr_perm, col = maxRI_color, pch = 4, ylim = y_lim)
      legend_labels <- c(legend_labels, "all_perm_RI")
    }else if(plot_permutations == "sorted"){
      for(i in 1:ncol(perm)){
        curr_perm_name <- names(perm)[i]
        curr_perm <- head( sort(perm[, curr_perm_name], decreasing = T), length(importance))
        points(x = b, y = curr_perm, col = maxRI_color, pch = 4, ylim = y_lim)
      legend_labels <- c(legend_labels, "sorted_perm_RI")
    legend_colors <- c(legend_colors, maxRI_color)
    legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, maxRI_lty)
    legend_lwd <- c(legend_lwd, 3)

  legend('topright', legend_labels, lty=legend_lty, lwd=legend_lwd, col=legend_colors)  
mcfs.plot.distances <- function(mcfs_result, size = NA, cex = 1)
  color <- c("darkred", "darkblue", "black")
  dist <- mcfs_result$distances
  #distance commonPart mAvg beta1
  if(!all(c("distance", "commonPart", "mAvg", "beta1") %in% names(dist))){
    stop("Input data.frame is not a distance data. It does not contain all needed columns: 'distance', 'commonPart', 'mAvg', 'beta1'.")
  if(!"projection" %in% names(dist)){
    dist$projection <- head(seq(30, nrow(dist)*20, 10),nrow(dist))
    distRows <- nrow(dist)
    distRows <- length(dist$projection [dist$projection <= size])
  if(distRows <= 0)
    stop(paste0("Size is too small: size = ", size))
    #I have to find the mcfs.progressInterval
    step <- diff(mcfs_result$distances$projection, lag=1)[1]
    distances <- head(dist, distRows)
    x_values <- distances$projection
    projections <- max(x_values)
    y_lim_left <- c(0,ceiling(max(distances$distance)))
    if(y_lim_left[2] == 0)
      y_lim_left[2] <- 1
    y_lim_right <- c(min(distances$beta1,distances$commonPart), max(distances$beta1,distances$commonPart))
    y_lim_right[1] <- floor(y_lim_right[1] * 10)/10
    y_lim_right[2] <- ceiling(y_lim_right[2] * 10)/10
    y_lim_right[2] <- y_lim_right[2] + 0.1

    main_label <- paste0("MCFS-ID Convergence (s=",projections,")")  
    plot(distances$beta1, col = color[3], type="l",yaxt="n",xaxt="n", axes=T, ylab="distance value", 
         xlab="projections (s)", main=main_label, ylim=y_lim_right, cex.axis = cex, cex.lab = cex)
    #x label
    x_ticks_number <- 10
    x_mult <- ceiling(nrow(distances)/x_ticks_number)
    ticks <- rev(seq(nrow(distances), 1, by = -x_mult))
    labs <- distances$projection[ticks]
    axis(1, at = ticks, labels=labs, las=2, cex.axis=cex)
    lines(distances$commonPart , col = color[2], type="l")
    distance <- scaleVector(distances$distance,y_lim_right[1],y_lim_right[2])
    lines(distance, col = color[1], type="l")
    #left axis
    labs <- seq(y_lim_left[1], y_lim_left[2], by=1)
    ticks <- scaleVector(labs,y_lim_right[1],y_lim_right[2])
    axis(side=2, at = ticks, labels = labs, cex.axis=cex, tcl = -0.5)
    #right axis
    labs <- seq(y_lim_right[1],y_lim_right[2],by=0.1)
    ticks <- labs
    axis(side=4, at = ticks, labels = labs, cex.axis=cex, tcl = -0.5)
    legend('topright',c("distance", "commonPart", "beta1"),bty='n',horiz=T, lty=c(1,1,1), lwd=c(2.5,2.5,2.5), col = color)

mcfs.plot.features <- function(mcfs_result, 
                               size = NA, 
                               cex = 0.8, 
                               l_margin = 10, 
                               color = 'darkred', 
                               gg = TRUE)
  hi_col <- color
  low_col <- 'grey'
    size <- ceiling(min(mcfs_result$cutoff_value * 1.2, nrow(mcfs_result$RI)))
  if(size < 2){
    size <- min(2, nrow(mcfs_result$RI))
    warning(paste0("Parameter 'size' <= 0 using default value: size = ", size))
  ranking <- head(mcfs_result$RI, size)
  highNum <- size
  if(any(names(mcfs_result) %in% "cutoff_value"))
    highNum  <- mcfs_result$cutoff_value
    highNum <- size
  importance <- ranking$RI
  attr <- as.character(ranking$attribute)
  t <- as.table(rev(importance))
  names(t) <- rev(attr)
  t <- rbind(t,t)
  rownames(t) <- c("Important","Not Important")

  if(highNum == 0){
    t[1,] <- 0
  }else if(highNum >= size){
    t[2,] <- 0
    t[1,1:(ncol(t)-highNum)] <- 0
    t[2,(ncol(t)-highNum+1):ncol(t)] <- 0
  if(gg == FALSE){
    par(las=2) # make label text perpendicular to axis
    par(mar=c(5,l_margin,4,2)) # increase y-axis margin.

    barplot(t, xlab="Relative Importance (RI)", col=c(hi_col, low_col), horiz=TRUE, cex.axis = cex, cex.names = cex, cex.lab = cex)
    legend("bottomright", rownames(t), fill=c(hi_col, low_col), cex=cex)
    par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 2.1))
    tmp_data <- data.frame(t(t))
    tmp_data <- data.frame(feature = rownames(tmp_data), importance = tmp_data$Important + tmp_data$Not.Important)
    tmp_data <- dplyr::arrange(data.frame(tmp_data), -importance)
    tmp_data$important <- "Not Important"
    if(mcfs_result$cutoff_value > 0){
      ggcolors <- c(hi_col, low_col)
      tmp_data$important[1:min(mcfs_result$cutoff_value,length(tmp_data$important))] <- "Important"
      ggcolors <- c(low_col)
    tmp_data <- as.data.frame(tmp_data)
    tmp_data$feature <- as.character(tmp_data$feature)
    #this is only to avoid R check warrnings 
    #"no visible global function definition for predicted"
    # because of this statement ggplot aes(x=feature, y=importance, fill=important)
    feature <- NULL
    important <- NULL
    bplot <- ggplot(data=tmp_data, aes(x=feature, y=importance, fill=important)) +
      geom_bar(stat="identity", color="black") +
      #geom_text(aes(label=importance), vjust=1.6, color="black", position = position_dodge(0.9), size=3.5) +
      scale_fill_manual(values=ggcolors) +
      theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
      coord_flip() + ggtitle("") + xlab("") + ylab("Relative Importance (RI)") + theme_minimal() +
      guides(fill=guide_legend(title="")) +
      scale_x_discrete(limits = tmp_data$feature[order(tmp_data$importance)]) +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = rel(cex), colour = "black", face = "bold")) +
      theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = rel(cex), colour = "black")) +
      theme(legend.position = c(.90, .20), legend.justification = c("right", "top"), legend.box.just = "right",
            legend.box.background = element_rect(), legend.text=element_text(size = 10*cex))

mcfs.plot.cmatrix <- function(mcfs_result, 
                              color = 'darkred')
    warning("Confusion Matrix is not calculated. Object 'mcfs_result$cmatrix' does not exist.")
  gg_rnd <- plot.cmatrix(mcfs_result$cmatrix$rnd_features, color)
  gg_rnd <- gg_rnd + ggtitle("j48 performance on random features")
    gg_top <- plot.cmatrix(mcfs_result$cmatrix$top_features, color)
    gg_top <- gg_top + ggtitle(paste0("j48 performance on top ",mcfs_result$cutoff_value," features"))
    gg <- grid.arrange(gg_rnd, gg_top, nrow = 1)
    gg <- gg_rnd

# plot(result, type = "cv", cv_measure = "wacc", cex = 0.8)
# plot(result, type = "cv", cv_measure= "RMSE", cex = 1, gg = T)
# mcfs_result <- result
mcfs.plot.cv <- function(mcfs_result, 
                         cv_measure = c("wacc", "acc", "pearson", "MAE", "RMSE", "SMAPE"), 
                         cex = 1,
                         gg = TRUE)
  #color <- c("dodgerblue","#7570B3", "firebrick", "forestgreen", "gold", "#D95F02", "#1B9E77", "#E7298A", "#A6761D", "#666666")
  #pal <- 'Set2'
  #library(RColorBrewer); paste0("color <- c('",paste0(brewer.pal(8, pal), collapse = "','"),"')");
  color <- c('#66C2A5','#FC8D62','#8DA0CB','#E78AC3','#A6D854','#FFD92F','#E5C494','#B3B3B3')
  bar_border_color <- "gray23"
    warning("Final CV have not been performed. Object 'mcfs_result$cv_accuracy' does not exist.")  
    measure <- cv_measure[1]
    if(is.null(mcfs_result$params$mcfs.model) || mcfs_result$params$mcfs.model %in% c("j48")){
      ylim <- c(0,100)
      measure_sufix <- " [%]"
      measure_mult <- 100
      if(!tolower(measure) %in% c("acc","wacc")){
        measure <- "wacc"
    if(!is.null(mcfs_result$params$mcfs.model) && mcfs_result$params$mcfs.model %in% c("m5")){
      measure_sufix <- ""
      measure_mult <- 1
      if(!tolower(measure) %in% tolower(c("pearson", "MAE", "RMSE", "SMAPE")))
        measure <- "pearson"
      if(tolower(measure) == tolower("pearson")){
        ylim <- c(-1,1)
      }else if(tolower(measure) == tolower("SMAPE")){
        ylim <- c(0,1)
        ylim <- NULL
    if(gg == FALSE){ ## use plot from base
      cv_quality_TMP <- mcfs_result$cv_accuracy
      measure_mask <- tolower(names(cv_quality_TMP)) %in% tolower(measure)
      cv_quality_TMP[,measure_mask] <- measure_mult * cv_quality_TMP[,measure_mask]
      measure <- names(cv_quality_TMP)[measure_mask]
      pivot <- reshape2::acast(cv_quality_TMP, algorithm ~ label, value.var=measure, fun.aggregate = sum)
      color <- head(color, nrow(pivot))
      if("cutoff_value" %in% names(mcfs_result)){
      barplot(pivot, main=paste0("Cross Validation Results (",measure,")"), xlab= "Top n Attributes", ylab=paste0(measure,measure_sufix), beside=T, col=color, 
              cex.axis = cex, cex.names = cex, cex.lab = cex, ylim=ylim, xaxt=xaxt)
      #colorize value at mcfs_result$cutoff_value  
      if("cutoff_value" %in% names(mcfs_result)){
        xlabels <- as.numeric(colnames(pivot)[1:length(colnames(pivot))])
        #determine ticks
        at <- 1:length(xlabels) * (nrow(pivot)+1)
        at <- at - nrow(pivot)/2
        #black labels
        xlabels_black <- xlabels
        xlabels_black[xlabels %in% mcfs_result$cutoff_value] <- ""
        axis(1, at=at, labels=xlabels_black, cex.axis=cex, tick=F)
        #red labels
        xlabels_red <- xlabels
        xlabels_red[!xlabels %in% mcfs_result$cutoff_value] <- ""
        axis(1, at=at, labels=xlabels_red, cex.axis=cex, font.axis = 2, col.axis = "red", tick=F)
      legend('bottom', legend=as.character(rownames(pivot)), fill=color, horiz=T, cex=cex)
    }else{ ## use ggplot2
      ggdata <- mcfs_result$cv_accuracy[,c("label","algorithm",measure)]
      names(ggdata) <- c("label","algorithm","measure")
      ggdata$label <- factor(ggdata$label, levels = as.character(sort(unique(ggdata$label))))
      ggdata$measure <- ggdata$measure * measure_mult
      label <- NULL
      algorithm <- NULL
      bplot <- ggplot(data=ggdata, aes(x=label, y=measure)) + 
        geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(fill = algorithm), color=bar_border_color, position = "dodge") +
        scale_fill_manual(values=color) +
        #theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
        ggtitle(paste0("Cross Validation Results (",measure,")")) + 
        xlab("Top n Attributes") + ylab(paste0(measure, measure_sufix)) + theme_minimal() +
        guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Model")) +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = rel(cex), colour = "black", face = "bold")) +
        theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = rel(cex), colour = "black")) +
        theme(legend.position = "right", legend.direction="vertical",
              legend.title = element_text(size=rel(cex)),
              plot.title = element_text(lineheight=rel(cex), size = rel(cex*1.5), face="bold"),
              legend.box.background = element_rect(), legend.text=element_text(size=rel(cex)),
              axis.text=element_text(size=rel(cex)), axis.title=element_text(size=rel(cex)))
        bplot <- bplot + ylim(ylim)

#mcfs_result <- result
mcfs.plot.heatmap <- function(mcfs_result, size = NA, 
                              norm = c('none', 'norm', 'scale'),
                              fun = c('median', 'mean'),
                              color = c('darkred', 'white'),
                              cex = 1)
  if(length(color) == 1)
    color <- c(color, "white")
  dataInputCols <- ncol(mcfs_result$data) - 1
    size <- min(mcfs_result$cutoff_value, dataInputCols)
  if(size > dataInputCols){
    size <- min(size, dataInputCols)
    warning(paste0("Parameter 'size' exceeds size of 'mcfs_result$data'. Using maximal possible value: size = ", size))
  if(size <= 0){
    size <- min(10, dataInputCols)
    warning(paste0("Parameter 'size' <= 0 using default value: size = ", size))

  if("data" %in% names(mcfs_result) & !is.null(mcfs_result$data)){
    data <- mcfs_result$data
  } else {
    stop("mcfs_result does not contain 'data' data.frame. It is possible to set it manually: 'mcfs_result$data <- my.input.data'.")
  if(!all(head(mcfs_result$RI$attribute,size) %in% names(data)))
    stop("Input data does not match mcfs_result. Columns names are different.")
  data.scaled <- prune.data(data, mcfs_result, size)
  numericCols <- sapply(data.scaled, is.numeric)
    warning("Heatmap is empty! Data does not contain numeric values!")
    data.scaled[, numericCols] <- normalize(data.scaled[, numericCols])
  }else if(norm[1]=='scale'){
    data.scaled[, numericCols] <- scale(data.scaled[, numericCols])
    data.scaled <- data.scaled
  #set NA on all nominal input columns
  mask <- !numericCols
  mask[names(mask) %in% mcfs_result$target] <- F
  data.scaled[, mask] <- NA
  heat.data <- reshape2::melt(data.scaled, id=mcfs_result$target)
  heat.data <- stats::aggregate(as.numeric(heat.data$value), by=list(heat.data[,1], heat.data[,2]), FUN=fun[1], na.rm=TRUE)
  names(heat.data) <- c('target','feature','heat.value')
  #this is only to avoid R check warrnings 
  #"no visible global function definition for predicted"
  # because of this statement ggplot aes(x=predicted) 
  target <- NULL
  feature <- NULL
  heat.value <- NULL
  #heat.data <- ddply(heat.data, .(feature), transform, heat.value = rescale(heat.value, to=c(-1,1)))
  yaxis.labels <- head(mcfs_result$RI$attribute, size)
  heatmap <- ggplot(heat.data, aes(target, feature)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = heat.value), colour = "white") +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = color[2], high = color[1]) + xlab(mcfs_result$target) +
    scale_y_discrete(limits=rev(yaxis.labels)) +
    theme(axis.title.y = element_blank()) +
    theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = rel(cex), colour = "black")) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = rel(cex), colour = "black", face = "bold")) +
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = rel(cex), colour = "black")) +
    theme(legend.title = element_text(size = rel(cex))) +
    theme(legend.text = element_text(size = rel(cex))) +
    labs(fill='Color Key') 

plot.idgraph <- function(x, 
                         label_dist = 0.5, 
                         color = 'darkred',
                         cex = 1, ...) {
  idgraph <- x
  if(!any(class(idgraph) %in% "idgraph"))
    stop("Input object is not 'idgraph' class.")
  class(idgraph) <- "igraph"
    warning("Graph is empty!")
    idgraph <- dye.idgraph(idgraph, color)
    vsize <- V(idgraph)$size
    vsize[is.na(vsize)] <- 3
    curves <- autocurve.idgraph(idgraph)
    opar <- par()$mar
    par(mar=rep(0, 4)) #Give the graph lots of room
    plot(idgraph, vertex.shape="circle", vertex.label.dist=label_dist, layout=igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold,
         vertex.size=vsize, edge.curved=curves, edge.width=E(idgraph)$width,
         edge.arrow.size=cex, vertex.label.cex=cex)
dye.idgraph <- function(idgraph, color = "darkred")
  colfunc <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(c(color, "white"))
  mycolors <- colfunc(1000)
  sat <- igraph::vertex_attr(idgraph, "sat", index = V(idgraph))
  sat <- round(scaleVector(sat, 1, 1000))
  idgraph <- set_vertex_attr(idgraph, "color", value = mycolors[sat])
autocurve.idgraph <- function(idgraph, start = 0.5)
  cm <- igraph::count_multiple(idgraph)
  mut <- igraph::which_mutual(idgraph)  #are connections mutual?
  el <- apply(igraph::as_edgelist(idgraph, names = FALSE), 1, paste, collapse = ":")
  ord <- order(el)
  res <- numeric(length(ord))
  p <- 1
  while (p <= length(res)) {
    m <- cm[ord[p]]
    mut.obs <-mut[ord[p]] #are the connections mutual for this point?
    idx <- p:(p + m - 1)
    if (m == 1 & mut.obs==FALSE) { #no mutual conn = no curve
      r <- 0
    else {
      r <- seq(-start, start, length = m)
    res[ord[idx]] <- r
    p <- p + m

# Generate the report - save all plots to thepng/pdf/svg files.
export.plots <- function(mcfs_result, data = NULL, idgraph = NULL, path, label = "mcfs", color = "darkred",
                         size = NA, image_width = 8, image_height = 6, plot_format = c("pdf","svg","png"), cex = 1)
  plot_format <- plot_format[1]
  if(!plot_format %in% c("pdf","svg","png"))
    stop("Parameter 'plot_format' is not one of available ('pdf','svg','png'.")
  if(!inherits(mcfs_result, "mcfs"))
    stop("Input object 'mcfs_result' is not 'mcfs' class.")
  if(!inherits(data, "data.frame"))
    stop("Input object 'data' is not 'data.frame' class.")
  if(!is.null(idgraph) & !inherits(idgraph, "idgraph"))
    stop("Input object 'idgraph' is not 'idgraph' class.")
  if(nchar(path) == 0)
    stop("Parameter 'path' is not defined.")
  if(nchar(label) == 0)
    stop("Parameter 'label' is not defined.")
  dir.create(path, showWarnings=F, recursive=T)

    size <- mcfs_result$cutoff_value * 1.2
  if(is.null(size) | is.na(size) | size <= 0){
    warning(paste0("Parameter 'size' is NULL, NA or <= 0."))
  #save distances
  open.plot.file(filename=file.path(path,paste0(label,"_distances.", plot_format)), width=image_height, height=image_height)
  plot(mcfs_result, type="distances", color = color, cex = cex)
  #save RI
  open.plot.file(filename=file.path(path,paste0(label,"_RI.", plot_format)), width=image_width, height=image_height)
  plot(mcfs_result, type="ri", size = NA, ri_permutations='max', color = color, cex=cex)
  #save ID
    open.plot.file(filename=file.path(path,paste0(label,"_ID.", plot_format)), width=image_height, height=image_height)
    plot(mcfs_result, type="id", size = 500, color = color, cex = cex)

  #save features horizontal bar plot
  gg <- plot(mcfs_result, type = "features", size = size, color = color, gg = TRUE, cex = cex)
  ggplot2::ggsave(file.path(path,paste0(label,"_features.", plot_format)), gg)
  #save ID-Graph (if exists)
    id_label <- paste0(label,"_n",length(igraph::V(idgraph)),"_e",length(igraph::E(idgraph)))
    igraph::write_graph(idgraph, file=file.path(path,paste0(id_label,".graphml")), format="graphml", prefixAttr=F)
    open.plot.file(filename=file.path(path,paste0(id_label,"_IDgraph.", plot_format)), width=image_height, height=image_height)
    plot.idgraph(idgraph, label_dist = 1, color = color, cex=cex)
  #save heatmap result
    mcfs_result$data <- data
  gg <- plot(mcfs_result, type = 'heatmap', size=size, heatmap_norm='norm', heatmap_fun='median', color = color, cex = cex)
  ggplot2::ggsave(file.path(path,paste0(label,"_heatmap.", plot_format)), gg)

  #save matrix
  if(any(names(mcfs_result) == "cmatrix")){
    gg <- plot(mcfs_result, type = "cmatrix", color = color, cex = cex)
    ggplot2::ggsave(file.path(path,paste0(label,"_cmatrix.", plot_format)), gg)
  #save cv_accuracy obtained from java mcfs (if exists)
  if(any(names(mcfs_result) == "cv_accuracy")){
    gg <- plot(mcfs_result, type="cv", measure="wacc", gg = TRUE, cex = cex)
    ggplot2::ggsave(file.path(path,paste0(label,"_cv_accuracy.", plot_format)), gg)


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rmcfs documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:41 p.m.