
Defines functions axisf legend.nomabbrev plot.nomogram

Documented in legend.nomabbrev plot.nomogram

plot.nomogram <-
  function(x, lplabel="Linear Predictor",
           fun.side, col.conf=c(1, .3),
           label.every=1, force.label=FALSE, 
           xfrac=.35, cex.axis=.85, cex.var=1,
           varname.label=TRUE, varname.label.sep="=", ia.space=.7, 
           tck=NA, tcl=-0.25, lmgp=.4, naxes,
           points.label='Points', total.points.label='Total Points',
           total.sep.page=FALSE, total.fun, cap.labels=FALSE, ...) {
    set       <- x

    info      <- attr(set, 'info')
    fun       <- info$fun
    fun.at    <- info$fun.at
    nfun      <- length(fun)
    funlabel  <- info$funlabel
    fun.at    <- info$fun.at
    fun.lp.at <- info$fun.lp.at
    R         <- info$R
    sc        <- info$sc
    maxscale  <- info$maxscale
    Intercept <- info$Intercept
    Abbrev    <- info$Abbrev
    conf.int  <- info$conf.int
    lp        <- info$lp
    lp.at     <- info$lp.at
    su        <- info$space.used
    nint      <- info$nint
    discrete  <- info$discrete
    minlength <- info$minlength

    col.conf <- rep(col.conf, length=length(conf.int))

    space.used <- su[1] + ia.space * su[2]

    oldpar <- oPar()  # in Hmisc Misc.s
    mgp <- oldpar$mgp
    mar <- oldpar$mar
    par(mgp=c(mgp[1], lmgp, mgp[3]), mar=c(mar[1], 1.1, mar[3], mar[4]))
    on.exit(setParNro(oldpar))  ## was par(oldpar) 11Apr02
    tck2 <- tck / 2
    tcl2 <- tcl / 2
    tck3 <- tck / 3
    tcl3 <- tcl / 3

    se <- FALSE
    if(any(conf.int > 0)) {
      se <- TRUE
      zcrit <- qnorm((conf.int+1)/2)
      bar <- function(x, y, zcrit, se, col.conf, nlev=4) {
        y <- rep(seq(y[1], y[2], length=nlev), length.out=length(x))
        for(j in 1:length(x)) {
          xj <- x[j]; yj <- y[j]
          W <- c(0,zcrit) * se[j]
          for(i in 1:length(zcrit)) {
            segments(xj - W[i + 1], yj, xj - W[i], yj, col=col.conf[i], lwd=1)
            segments(xj + W[i + 1], yj, xj + W[i], yj, col=col.conf[i], lwd=1)
    if(!missing(fun.side)) {
      if(!is.list(fun.side)) fun.side <- rep(list(fun.side),nfun)
      if(any(!(unlist(fun.side) %in% c(1,3))))
        stop('fun.side must contain only the numbers 1 and 3')
    num.lines  <- 0
    entities   <- 0
###    start <- len <- NULL
###    end   <- 0

    ## Determine how wide the labels can be
    xl <- -xfrac * maxscale

      naxes <- if(total.sep.page) max(space.used + 1, nfun + lp + 1)
                 space.used + 1 + nfun + lp + 1
    Format <- function(x) { # like format but does individually
      f <- character(l <- length(x))
      for(i in 1:l) f[i] <- format(x[i])

    newpage <- function(naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint, space.used,
                        col.grid, cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl, tcl2,
                        label.every, force.label,
                        points=TRUE, points.label='Points', usr) {
      y <- naxes - 1
      plot(0, 0, xlim=c(xl, maxscale), ylim=c(0, y),
           type="n",axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="")
      if(!missing(usr)) par(usr=usr)
      if(!points) return(y + 1)
      ax <- c(0,maxscale)
      text(xl, y, points.label, adj=0, cex=cex.var)
      x <- pretty(ax, n=nint)
      dif <- x[2] - x[1]
      x2 <- seq((x[1] + x[2]) / 2, max(x), by=dif)
      x2 <- sort(c(x2 - dif / 4, x2, x2 + dif / 4))
      if(length(col.grid)) {
        segments(x , y, x, y - space.used, col=col.grid[1], lwd=1)
        segments(x2, y,x2, y - space.used,
                 col=col.grid[-1], lwd=1)
      axisf(3, at=x, pos=y, cex=cex.axis, tck=tck, tcl=tcl,
            force.label=force.label, padj=0)
      axisf(3, at=x2, labels=FALSE, pos=y,
            tck=tck2, tcl=tcl2, cex=cex.axis)
    y <- newpage(naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint, space.used, col.grid,
                 cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl, tcl2, label.every=label.every,
                 force.label=force.label, points.label=points.label)
    i <- 0
    ns <- names(set)
    for(S in set[ns %nin% c('lp', 'total.points', funlabel)]) {
      i <- i + 1
      setinfo <- attr(S, 'info')
      type <- setinfo$type
      y <- y - (if(type == "continuation") ia.space else 1)
      if(y < -.05) {
        y <- newpage(naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint,
                     space.used, col.grid,
                     cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl, tcl2,
                     points.label=points.label) -
                       (if(type == "continuation") ia.space else 1)
      ## word wrap the labels so that they fit into the supplied space.
      text(xl, y,
           paste(strgraphwrap(ns[[i]], abs(xl),
                              cex=cex.var), collapse='\n'),
           adj=0, cex=cex.var)
      x <- S[[1]]
      nam <- names(S)[1]  #stored with fastest first
      if(is.character(x) && nam %in% names(Abbrev)) {
        transvec <- Abbrev[[nam]]$abbrev
        names(transvec) <- Abbrev[[nam]]$full
        x <- transvec[x]
      fx <- if(is.character(x)) x
              sedit(Format(x), " ", "") #axis not like bl   - was translate()

###          is <- start[i]
###          ie <- is+len[i]-1
      xt <- S$points
      ## Find flat pieces and combine their labels
      r <- rle(xt)
      if(any(r$length > 1)) {
        is <- 1
        for(j in r$length) {
          ie <- is + j - 1
          if(j > 1) {
            fx[ie] <- if(discrete[nam] || ie < length(xt))
              paste(fx[is], "-", fx[ie],sep="") else
            paste(fx[is], '+', sep='')
            fx[is:(ie - 1)] <- ""
            xt[is:(ie - 1)] <- NA
          is <- ie+1
        fx <- fx[!is.na(xt)]
        xt <- xt[!is.na(xt)]
      ## record the side changes
      side <- c(1,3)
      ## subtract 0.6 from the side 1 mgp so that the labels are
      ## equaly seperated from the axis
      padj <- c(1,0)
      new.mgp <- vector(mode='list', 2)
      new.mgp[[2]] <- c(0, lmgp, 0)
      new.mgp[[1]] <- new.mgp[[2]] - c(0,0.6,0)
      ## Find direction changes
      ch <- if(length(xt) > 2) c(FALSE, FALSE, diff(diff(xt) > 0) != 0)
      else rep(FALSE, length(xt))
      if(discrete[nam] && length(xt) > 1) {
        ## categorical - alternate adjacent levels
        j <- order(xt)
        lines(range(xt), rep(y, 2))   # make sure all ticks are connected
        for(k in 1:2) {
          is <- j[seq(k, length(j), by=2)]
          new.labs <- if(cap.labels) capitalize(fx[is]) else fx[is]
          axisf(side[k], at=xt[is], labels=new.labs, pos=y,
                cex=cex.axis, tck=tck,tcl=tcl,
                force.label=force.label ||
                  (minlength == 1 && nam %in% names(Abbrev)),
                disc=TRUE, mgp=new.mgp[[k]], padj=padj[k])
          if(se) bar(xt[is],
                     if(k == 1) y - conf.space - .32 else y + conf.space + .32, 
                     zcrit, sc * S$se.fit[is], col.conf)
      } else if(!any(ch)) {
        axisf(1, at=xt, labels=fx, pos=y, cex=cex.axis,
              tck=tck, tcl=tcl, mgp=new.mgp[[1]],
              label.every=label.every, force.label=force.label,
              disc=discrete[nam], padj=padj[1])
        if(se) bar(xt, y+conf.space, zcrit, sc*S$se.fit, col.conf)
      } else {
        lines(range(xt), rep(y, 2))  # make sure all ticks are connected
        j <- (1 : length(ch))[ch]
        if(max(j) < length(ch)) j <- c(j, length(ch) + 1)
        flag <- 1
        is <- 1
        for(k in j) {
          ie <- k - 1
          axisf(side[flag], at=xt[is:ie], labels=fx[is:ie],
                pos=y, cex=cex.axis, tck=tck,tcl=tcl,
                label.every=label.every, force.label=force.label,
                disc=discrete[nam], padj=padj[flag])
          if(se) bar(xt[is:ie],
                     if(side[flag] == 1) y - conf.space - .32
                       y + conf.space + .32, 
                     zcrit, sc * S$se.fit[is:ie], col.conf)
          flag <- if(flag == 2) 1 else 2
          is <- ie + 1
    S  <- set$total.points
    x  <- S$x
    new.max <- max(x)
    xl.old  <- xl
    xl      <- -xfrac*new.max
    u       <- par()$usr
    if(!missing(total.fun)) total.fun()
    usr <- c(xl * u[1] / xl.old, new.max * u[2] / maxscale, u[3:4])
    x.double <- seq(x[1], new.max, by=(x[2] - x[1]) / 5)

    y <- y - 1

    if(y < -.05 || total.sep.page)
      y <- newpage(naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint, space.used, col.grid,
                   cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl, tcl2,
                   label.every=label.every, force.label=force.label,
                   points=FALSE,usr=usr) - 1
    text(xl, y, total.points.label, adj=0, cex=cex.var)
    axisf(1, at=x, pos=y, cex=cex.axis, tck=tck, tcl=tcl,
          force.label=force.label, mgp=c(0, lmgp - 0.6, 0), padj=1)
    axisf(1, at=x.double, labels=FALSE, pos=y, tck=tck2,
          tcl=tcl2, cex=cex.axis)

    if(lp) {
      S  <- set$lp
      x  <- S$x
      x2 <- seq(lp.at[1], max(lp.at), by=(lp.at[2] - lp.at[1]) / 2)
      scaled.x2 <- (x2 - Intercept) * sc
      y <- y - 1
      if(y < -.05) 
        y <- newpage(naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint,
                     space.used, col.grid,
                     cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl, tcl2,
                     label.every=label.every, force.label=force.label,
                     points=FALSE,usr=usr) - 1
      text(xl, y, lplabel, adj=0, cex=cex.var)
      axisf(1, at=x,  labels=Format(lp.at), pos=y,
            cex=cex.axis, tck=tck, tcl=tcl,
            label.every=label.every, force.label=force.label,
            mgp=c(0, lmgp - 0.6, 0), padj=1)
      axisf(1, at=scaled.x2, labels=FALSE, tck=tck2, tcl=tcl2,
            pos=y, cex=cex.axis)
      conf <- S$conf
            y + c(conf.space[1], conf.space[1] + conf$w * diff(conf.space)),
            zcrit, conf$se, col.conf, nlev=conf$nlev)

    i <- 0
    if(nfun > 0) for(S in set[funlabel]) {
      i <- i + 1
      y <- y - 1
      scaled <- S$x
      fat    <- S$fat
      s      <- S$which  ### ???
      if(y < -.05)
        y <- newpage(naxes, xl, maxscale, cex.var, nint, space.used,
                     col.grid, cex.axis, tck, tck2, tcl, tcl2,
                     label.every=label.every, force.label=force.label,
                     points=FALSE,usr=usr) - 1
      text(xl, y, funlabel[i], adj=0, cex=cex.var)
      sides <- if(missing(fun.side)) rep(1, length(fat))
      else (fun.side[[i]])[s]
        stop('fun.side vector not same length as fun.at or fun.lp.at')
      for(jj in 1:length(fat)) 
        axis(sides[jj], at=scaled[jj], labels=fat[jj],
             pos=y, cex.axis=cex.axis, tck=tck, tcl=tcl,
             mgp=if(sides[jj] == 1) c(0,lmgp - 0.6, 0) else c(0, lmgp, 0),
             padj=if(sides[jj] == 1) 1 else 0)
      lines(range(scaled),rep(y,2))  #make sure all ticks are connected

legend.nomabbrev <- function(object, which, x, y=NULL, ncol=3, ...)
  abb <- attr(object, 'info')$Abbrev[[which]]
  if(length(abb) == 0) stop(paste('no abbreviation information for',which))
  if(max(nchar(abb$abbrev)) == 1)
    if(length(y)) legend(x, y, abb$full, ncol=ncol,
                         pch=paste(abb$abbrev,collapse=''), ...)
	else legend(x, abb$full, ncol=ncol,
  else if(length(y))
    legend(x, y, paste(format(abb$abbrev),':',abb$full,sep=''), 
           ncol=ncol, ...) else
  legend(x, paste(format(abb$abbrev),':',abb$full,sep=''), ncol=ncol, 

##Version of axis allowing tick mark labels to be forced, or to
##label every 'label.every' tick marks

axisf <- function(side, at, labels=TRUE, pos, cex, tck, tcl,
				  label.every=1, force.label=FALSE, disc=FALSE, ...)
  ax <- function(..., cex) axis(..., cex.axis=cex)
  ax(side, at, labels=FALSE, pos=pos, cex=cex, tck=tck, tcl=tcl, ...)

  if(is.logical(labels) && !labels) return(invisible())

  if(label.every > 1 && ! disc) {
    sq <- seq(along=at, by=label.every)
    at[-sq] <- NA
  if(is.logical(labels)) labels <- format(at, trim=TRUE)

  if(force.label) {
    for(i in 1:length(labels))
        ax(side, at[i], labels[i], pos=pos, cex=cex, tcl=0, ...)
  else ax(side, at[! is.na(at)], labels[! is.na(at)], 
          pos=pos, cex=cex, tcl=0, ...)

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