
Defines functions poma

Documented in poma

#' Examine proportional odds and parallelism assumptions of `orm` and `lrm` model fits.
#' Based on codes and strategies from Frank Harrell's canonical `Regression Modeling Strategies` text
#' Strategy 1: Compare PO model fit with models that relax the PO assumption (for discrete response variable) \cr
#' Strategy 2: Apply different link functions to Prob of Binary Ys (defined by cutval). Regress transformed outcome on combined X and assess constancy of slopes (betas) across cut-points \cr
#' Strategy 3: Generate score residual plot for each predictor (for response variable with <10 unique levels) \cr
#' Strategy 4: Assess parallelism of link function transformed inverse CDFs curves for different XBeta levels (for response variables with >=10 unique levels)
#' @param mod.orm Model fit of class `orm` or `lrm`. For `fit.mult.impute` objects, `poma` will refit model on a singly-imputed data-set
#' @param cutval Numeric vector; sequence of observed values to cut outcome
#' @param minfreq Numeric vector; an `impactPO` argument which specifies the minimum sample size to allow for the least frequent category of the dependent variable.
#' @param ... parameters to pass to `impactPO` function such as `newdata`, `nonpo`, and `B`.
#' @author Yong Hao Pua <puayonghao@gmail.com>
#' @import rms
#' @export
#' @seealso Harrell FE. *Regression Modeling Strategies: with applications to linear models,
#' logistic and ordinal regression, and survival analysis.* New York: Springer Science, LLC, 2015. \cr
#' Harrell FE. Statistical Thinking - Assessing the Proportional Odds Assumption and Its Impact. https://www.fharrell.com/post/impactpo/. Published March 9, 2022. Accessed January 13, 2023.
#' [rms::impactPO()] \cr
#' @examples
#'## orm model (response variable has fewer than 10 unique levels)
#'mod.orm <- orm(carb ~ cyl + hp , x = TRUE, y = TRUE, data = mtcars)
#'## runs rms::impactPO when its args are supplied
#'## More examples: (https://yhpua.github.io/poma/)
#'d <- expand.grid(hp = c(90, 180), vs = c(0, 1))
#'mod.orm <- orm(cyl ~ vs + hp , x = TRUE, y = TRUE, data = mtcars)
#'poma(mod.orm, newdata = d)
#'## orm model (response variable has >=10 unique levels)
#'mod.orm <- orm(mpg ~ cyl + hp , x=TRUE, y=TRUE, data = mtcars)
#' ## orm model using imputation
#' dat <- mtcars
#' ## introduce NAs
#' dat[sample(rownames(dat), 10), "cyl"] <- NA
#' im <- aregImpute(~ cyl + wt + mpg + am, data = dat)
#' aa <- fit.mult.impute(mpg ~ cyl + wt , xtrans = im, data = dat, fitter = orm)
#' poma(aa)
#' }

poma <- function(mod.orm, cutval, minfreq = 15, ...) {

  ### Ensure that lrm and orm objects are supplied
  if(!any(class(mod.orm) %in% Cs(lrm, orm))) {
    stop('rms object must be of class lrm or orm', call. = FALSE)

  ## (Re-)create mod.orm from a singly-imputed dataset
  if(any(class(mod.orm) %in% Cs(fit.mult.impute) )) {
    cat("Refitting model on a singly-imputed dataset \n")
    fit_mult_call <-  as.character(mod.orm$call)
    myformula <-      fit_mult_call[[2]]
    myfitter <-       fit_mult_call[[3]]
    myaregimpute <-   fit_mult_call[[4]]
    mydata <-         fit_mult_call[[5]]
    # extract imputed values
    imputed <- impute.transcan(x = get(myaregimpute), imputation = 1, data = get(mydata),  list.out = TRUE, pr = FALSE)
    # create one imputed dataset
    imputed_df <- get(mydata)
    imputed_df[names(imputed)] <- imputed
    # recreate model
    # mod.orm <- eval(parse(text = sprintf(" %s(%s, x = T, y = T, data = imputed_df)", myfitter, myformula)))
    mod.orm <- do.call (myfitter, list (formula = as.formula(myformula), data = imputed_df, x = TRUE, y = TRUE))


  ### Ensure mod.orm fit uses x = T and y = T
  if(length(mod.orm$y) == 0 || length(mod.orm$x) == 0)
    stop("fit did not use x = TRUE, y = TRUE")

  ## Generate dataset with no missing values
  data = mod.orm$call$data
  data = eval (data) [ , all.vars(mod.orm$sformula)]
  data <- data [complete.cases(data), ]

  ### Convert DV into numeric vector when factor DV is supplied
  mydv <-   eval (data) [ , all.vars(mod.orm$sformula)[1] ]
  cat("Unique values of Y:", unique(sort(mydv)), "\n")

  ### impactPO() for discrete Y
  dots <- list(...)
  impactPO_argnames  <- names(formals(impactPO))
  impactPO_args_sub  <- impactPO_argnames[impactPO_argnames %nin% c("formula", "data", "...")]

  # User desires to use rms::impactPO
  # Ensure discrete Y (with no low-prevalence levels) is supplied
  if( any(names(dots) %in% impactPO_args_sub ) )  {
     if (any(mod.orm$freq < 15 )  & minfreq >= 15 ) {
         cat('To use rms::impactPO, please supply discrete Y with at least 15 obs at each level \n or set a lower `minfreq` value\n', sep = "")
       } else {

        impactPO_args_dots    <- dots [names(dots) %in% impactPO_args_sub]
        impactPO_args_default <- list(formula = mod.orm$sformula, data = data, minfreq = minfreq)  ## default args
        impactPO_args         <- modifyList(impactPO_args_default, impactPO_args_dots)

        w <- do.call("impactPO", impactPO_args)
        cat(" ##-------------------##\n",
            "## impactPO \n",
        print (w)
        cat ("\n\n\n")
        cat(" ##-------------------##\n",
            "## Constancy of slopes \n",

  } else {
    # Direct users to rms::impactPO() for models fitted on discrete Y
      if (all(mod.orm$freq >= 15 )) {
        cat('Please use rms::impactPO for a more rigorous assessment of the PO assumption (https://www.fharrell.com/post/impactpo/)  \n\n')


  ### Compute combined predictor (X) values
  if(any(class(mydv) %in% "factor") ) {
    aa <- paste0("as.numeric(", mod.orm$terms[[2]], ") ~")
    rhs <- mod.orm$terms[[3]]
    bb <- paste(deparse(rhs), collapse = "")
    newformula <- paste(aa, bb)
    cat("\n\n\n Formula used with non-numeric DV:", newformula, "\n")
    cat("\n Cut-point for factor DV refers to the jth levels - not observed Y values \n")
    mod.ols <- ols(as.formula(newformula) , x = TRUE, y = TRUE, data = eval(data))
    } else {
    cat("Cut-point for continuous DV refers to observed Y values \n")
    mod.ols <-  ols(formula(mod.orm), x = TRUE, y = TRUE, data = eval(data))

  combined_x <- fitted(mod.ols)

  ### Set cutpoint values for Y
  ### for factor DV: cutpoints = 2 to max no. of levels (jth levels)
  ### for continuous DV: cutpoints = y unique values (quartiles for truly continuous response var)

  if (missing(cutval)) {
    if (any(class(mydv) %in% "factor")) cutval <- seq(2, length(unique(mydv)))
    else if( length(unique(mydv)) <= 10 ) cutval <- unique(sort(mydv))[-1]
    else cutval <- quantile(unique(mydv), c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE)  ## quartiles as cutpoints for continuous DV

  ### Apply link functions to Prob of Binary Y (defined by cutval)
  ### Regress transformed outcome as a function of combined X. Check for constancy of slopes
  ### Codes taken from rms p368
  r <- NULL
  for (link in c("logit", "probit", "cloglog")) {
    for (k in cutval) {
      co <- coef(suppressWarnings(
        glm(mod.ols$y < k ~ combined_x, family = binomial(link))
      r <-  rbind(r, data.frame (link=link, cut.value = k, slope = round(co[2],2)))
  cat("rms-368: glm cloglog on Prob[Y<j] is log-log on Prob{Y>=j} \n")
  print(r, row.names=FALSE)

  ### Graphical Assessment
  numpred <- dim(mod.orm$x)[[2]]

  if(length(unique(mod.orm$y)) < 10) {
    ## Generate Score residual plot for each predictor/terms
    ## n2mfrow() to control par(mfrow) setting
    numpred <- dim(mod.orm$x)[[2]]
    par(mfrow = rev(grDevices::n2mfrow(numpred)))
    resid(mod.orm, "score.binary", pl=TRUE)
    par(mfrow = c(1,1))

  } else {

    ## Assess parallelism of link function transformed inverse CDFs curves
    ## Codes to generate curves are from Harrell's rms book p368-369
    p <- function (fun, row, col) {
      f <-  substitute (fun)
      g <-  function (F) eval(f)

      ## Number of groups (2 to 5) based on sample size
      ecdfgroups = pmax(2, pmin(5, round( dim(mod.orm$x)[[1]]/20)))

      y = mod.orm$y
      # Coerce to numeric if needed
      if (is.factor(y)) {
        y = as.numeric(levels(y))[y]

      z <-  Ecdf (~ mod.ols$y,
                  groups = cut2(combined_x, g = ecdfgroups),
                  fun = function (F) g(1 - F),
                  xlab = all.vars(mod.ols$sformula)[[1]],
                  ylab = as.expression (f) ,
                  xlim = c(quantile(y, 0.10, na.rm = TRUE), quantile(y, 0.85, na.rm = TRUE)),
                  label.curve = FALSE)
      print (z, split = c(col, row, 2, 2) , more = row < 2 | col < 2)

    p (fun = log (F/(1-F)), 1, 1)
    p (fun = qnorm(F), 1, 2)
    p (fun = log (-log (1-F)), 2, 1)
    p( fun = -log (-log (F)), 2, 2)



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