
Defines functions .getDecisionMatrixRoot getConditionalRejectionProbabilities .getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesFisherSimulated .getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesFisher .getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesInverseNormalorGroupSequent .getRejectValueCrpFisher .getRejectValueFisherForOneStage .getRejectValueConditionalPowerFisher .getRepeatedPValuesFisher .getRepeatedPValuesInverseNormal .getRepeatedPValuesGroupSequential getFinalConfidenceInterval .getVectorWithFinalValueAtFinalStage getFinalPValue .getFinalPValueFisher .getQFunctionResult .getStageFisher .getStageGroupSeq .getStageInverseNormal .getWeightsFisher .getWeightsInverseNormal .setWeightsToStageResults .getFinalPValueInverseNormalOrGroupSequential getRepeatedPValues .getConditionalPowerPlot getConditionalPower .getStageResultsObject getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals getTestActions .getStageFromOptionalArguments getStageResults getAnalysisResults .getDesignAndDataInput

Documented in getAnalysisResults getConditionalPower getConditionalRejectionProbabilities getFinalConfidenceInterval getFinalPValue getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals getRepeatedPValues getStageResults getTestActions

## |
## |  *Analysis functions*
## |
## |  This file is part of the R package rpact:
## |  Confirmatory Adaptive Clinical Trial Design and Analysis
## |
## |  Author: Gernot Wassmer, PhD, and Friedrich Pahlke, PhD
## |  Licensed under "GNU Lesser General Public License" version 3
## |  License text can be found here: https://www.r-project.org/Licenses/LGPL-3
## |
## |  RPACT company website: https://www.rpact.com
## |  rpact package website: https://www.rpact.org
## |
## |  Contact us for information about our services: info@rpact.com
## |
## |  File version: $Revision: 7526 $
## |  Last changed: $Date: 2023-12-21 13:38:20 +0100 (Do, 21 Dez 2023) $
## |  Last changed by: $Author: pahlke $
## |

#' @include f_core_utilities.R
#' @include f_logger.R
#' @include f_object_r_code.R

.getDesignAndDataInput <- function(..., design, dataInput) {
    if (missing(design) && missing(dataInput)) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_MISSING_ARGUMENT, sQuote("dataInput"), " must be specified")

    if (missing(dataInput) && !missing(design) && inherits(design, "Dataset")) {
        dataInput <- design
        if (!is.null(dataInput$.design) && inherits(dataInput$.design, "TrialDesign")) {
            design <- dataInput$.design
        } else {
            design <- .getDefaultDesign(..., type = "analysis")
    } else if (!missing(dataInput) && missing(design)) {
        if (!is.null(dataInput$.design) && inherits(dataInput$.design, "TrialDesign")) {
            design <- dataInput$.design
        } else {
            design <- .getDefaultDesign(..., type = "analysis")
    } else {


        design = design,
        dataInput = dataInput$copy(shallow = FALSE)

#' @title
#' Get Analysis Results
#' @description
#' Calculates and returns the analysis results for the specified design and data.
#' @inheritParams param_design
#' @inheritParams param_dataInput
#' @inheritParams param_directionUpper
#' @inheritParams param_thetaH0
#' @inheritParams param_nPlanned
#' @inheritParams param_allocationRatioPlanned
#' @inheritParams param_stage
#' @inheritParams param_maxInformation
#' @inheritParams param_informationEpsilon
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to methods (cf., separate functions in "See Also" below), e.g.,
#' \describe{
#'   	\item{\code{thetaH1} and \code{stDevH1} (or \code{assumedStDev} / \code{assumedStDevs}),
#' 		 \code{pi1}, \code{pi2}, or \code{piTreatments}, \code{piControl(s)}}{
#'       The assumed effect size, standard deviation or rates to calculate the conditional power if \code{nPlanned}
#' 		 is specified. For survival designs, \code{thetaH1} refers to the hazard ratio.
#' 		 For one-armed trials with binary outcome, only \code{pi1} can be specified, for two-armed trials with binary outcome,
#' 		 \code{pi1} and \code{pi2} can be specified referring to the assumed treatment and control rate, respectively.
#' 		 In multi-armed or enrichment designs, you can
#'   	 specify a value or a vector with elements referring to the treatment arms or the sub-populations,
#'   	 respectively. For testing rates, the parameters to be specified are \code{piTreatments} and \code{piControl}
#' 		 (multi-arm designs) and \code{piTreatments} and \code{piControls} (enrichment designs).\cr
#'   	 If not specified, the conditional power is calculated under the assumption of observed effect sizes,
#'   	 standard deviations, rates, or hazard ratios.}
#'   \item{\code{iterations}}{Iterations for simulating the power for Fisher's combination test.
#'       If the power for more than one remaining stages is to be determined for
#'       Fisher's combination test, it is estimated via simulation with specified \cr
#'       \code{iterations}, the default is \code{1000}.}
#'   \item{\code{seed}}{Seed for simulating the conditional power for Fisher's combination test.
#'       See above, default is a random seed.}
#'   \item{\code{normalApproximation}}{The type of computation of the p-values. Default is \code{FALSE} for
#'       testing means (i.e., the t test is used) and \code{TRUE} for testing rates and the hazard ratio.
#'       For testing rates, if \code{normalApproximation = FALSE} is specified, the binomial test
#'       (one sample) or the exact test of Fisher (two samples) is used for calculating the p-values.
#'       In the survival setting, \code{normalApproximation = FALSE} has no effect.}
#'   \item{\code{equalVariances}}{The type of t test. For testing means in two treatment groups, either
#'       the t test assuming that the variances are equal or the t test without assuming this,
#'       i.e., the test of Welch-Satterthwaite is calculated, default is \code{TRUE}.}
#'   \item{\code{intersectionTest}}{Defines the multiple test for the intersection
#'       hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses when testing multiple hypotheses.
#'       Five options are available in multi-arm designs: \code{"Dunnett"}, \code{"Bonferroni"}, \code{"Simes"},
#'       \code{"Sidak"}, and \code{"Hierarchical"}, default is \code{"Dunnett"}.
#'       Four options are available in population enrichment designs: \code{"SpiessensDebois"} (one subset only),
#'       \code{"Bonferroni"}, \code{"Simes"}, and \code{"Sidak"}, default is \code{"Simes"}.}
#'   \item{\code{varianceOption}}{Defines the way to calculate the variance in multiple treatment arms (> 2)
#'   	 or population enrichment designs for testing means. For multiple arms, three options are available:
#'       \code{"overallPooled"}, \code{"pairwisePooled"}, and \code{"notPooled"}, default is \code{"overallPooled"}.
#'       For enrichment designs, the options are: \code{"pooled"}, \code{"pooledFromFull"} (one subset only),
#'       and \code{"notPooled"}, default is \code{"pooled"}.}
#'   \item{\code{stratifiedAnalysis}}{For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen.
#'       For testing means and rates, also a non-stratified analysis based on overall data can be performed.
#'       For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible (see Brannath et al., 2009), default is \code{TRUE}.}
#' }
#' @details
#' Given a design and a dataset, at given stage the function calculates the test results
#' (effect sizes, stage-wise test statistics and p-values, overall p-values and test statistics,
#' conditional rejection probability (CRP), conditional power, Repeated Confidence Intervals (RCIs),
#' repeated overall p-values, and final stage p-values, median unbiased effect estimates,
#' and final confidence intervals.
#' For designs with more than two treatments arms (multi-arm designs) or enrichment designs
#' a closed combination test is performed.
#' That is, additionally the statistics to be used in a closed testing procedure are provided.
#' The conditional power is calculated if the planned sample size for the subsequent stages (\code{nPlanned})
#' is specified. The conditional power is calculated either under the assumption of the observed effect or
#' under the assumption of an assumed effect, that has to be specified (see above).\cr
#' For testing rates in a two-armed trial, pi1 and pi2 typically refer to the rates in the treatment
#' and the control group, respectively. This is not mandatory, however, and so pi1 and pi2 can be interchanged.
#' In many-to-one multi-armed trials, piTreatments and piControl refer to the rates in the treatment arms and
#' the one control arm, and so they cannot be interchanged. piTreatments and piControls in enrichment designs
#' can principally be interchanged, but we use the plural form to indicate that the rates can be differently
#' specified for the sub-populations.
#' Median unbiased effect estimates and confidence intervals are calculated if
#' a group sequential design or an inverse normal combination test design was chosen, i.e., it is not applicable
#' for Fisher's p-value combination test design.
#' For the inverse normal combination test design with more than two stages, a warning informs that the validity
#' of the confidence interval is theoretically shown only if no sample size change was performed.
#' A final stage p-value for Fisher's combination test is calculated only if a two-stage design was chosen.
#' For Fisher's combination test, the conditional power for more than one remaining stages is estimated via simulation.
#' Final stage p-values, median unbiased effect estimates, and final confidence intervals are not calculated
#' for multi-arm and enrichment designs.
#' @return Returns an \code{\link{AnalysisResults}} object.
#' The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link[=names.AnalysisResults]{names}} to obtain the field names,
#'   \item \code{\link[=print.ParameterSet]{print()}} to print the object,
#'   \item \code{\link[=summary.AnalysisResults]{summary()}} to display a summary of the object,
#'   \item \code{\link[=plot.AnalysisResults]{plot()}} to plot the object,
#'   \item \code{\link[=as.data.frame.AnalysisResults]{as.data.frame()}} to coerce the object to a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}},
#'   \item \code{\link[=as.matrix.FieldSet]{as.matrix()}} to coerce the object to a \code{\link[base]{matrix}}.
#' }
#' @template how_to_get_help_for_generics
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[=getObservedInformationRates]{getObservedInformationRates()}}
#' @family analysis functions
#' @template examples_get_analysis_results
#' @export
getAnalysisResults <- function(design, dataInput, ...,
        directionUpper = TRUE, # C_DIRECTION_UPPER_DEFAULT
        thetaH0 = NA_real_,
        nPlanned = NA_real_,
        allocationRatioPlanned = 1, # C_ALLOCATION_RATIO_DEFAULT
        stage = NA_integer_,
        maxInformation = NULL,
        informationEpsilon = NULL) {
    designAndDataInput <- .getDesignAndDataInput(design = design, dataInput = dataInput, ...)
    design <- designAndDataInput$design
    dataInput <- designAndDataInput$dataInput

    repeatedPValues <- NULL
    informationRatesRecalculated <- FALSE

    if (.isAlphaSpendingDesign(design) && (design$typeBetaSpending == "none") &&
            .isTrialDesignGroupSequential(design) && !.isMultiArmDataset(dataInput)) {
        observedInformationRates <- NULL
        absoluteInformations <- NULL
        status <- NULL
        if (!is.null(maxInformation) && !is.na(maxInformation)) {
            showObservedInformationRatesMessage <- .getOptionalArgument(
                optionalArgumentDefaultValue = TRUE, ...
            observedInformation <- getObservedInformationRates(
                maxInformation = maxInformation,
                informationEpsilon = informationEpsilon, stage = stage,
                showObservedInformationRatesMessage = showObservedInformationRatesMessage
            observedInformationRates <- observedInformation$informationRates
            absoluteInformations <- observedInformation$absoluteInformations
            status <- observedInformation$status
        } else if (!is.null(informationEpsilon) && !is.na(informationEpsilon)) {
            warning("'informationEpsilon' (", .arrayToString(informationEpsilon),
                ") will be ignored because 'maxInformation' is undefined",
                call. = FALSE
        if (!is.null(observedInformationRates)) {
            stageFromData <- dataInput$getNumberOfStages()
            if (!is.null(status) && status %in% c("under-running", "over-running") &&
                    length(observedInformationRates) > 1) {
                if (stageFromData == 1) {
                        "Recalculation of the information rates not possible at stage 1"

                if (!(getLogLevel() %in% c(C_LOG_LEVEL_DISABLED, C_LOG_LEVEL_PROGRESS))) {
                        "Calculate alpha values that have actually been spent ",
                        "at earlier interim analyses at stage ", (stageFromData - 1)
                .assertIsSingleInteger(stage, "stage", naAllowed = TRUE, validateType = FALSE)
                observedInformationRatesBefore <- getObservedInformationRates(
                    maxInformation = maxInformation,
                    informationEpsilon = informationEpsilon,
                    stage = ifelse(!is.na(stage), stage - 1, stageFromData - 1),
                    showObservedInformationRatesMessage = FALSE
                if (length(observedInformationRatesBefore) < length(design$informationRates)) {
                    for (i in (length(observedInformationRatesBefore) + 1):length(design$informationRates)) {
                        if (observedInformationRatesBefore[length(observedInformationRatesBefore)] < 1) {
                            observedInformationRatesBefore <- c(observedInformationRatesBefore, design$informationRates[i])

                designBefore <- eval(parse(text = getObjectRCode(design,
                    newArgumentValues = list(
                        informationRates = observedInformationRatesBefore
                    stringWrapParagraphWidth = NULL

                if (is.na(stage) || stage == stageFromData) {
                    repeatedPValues <- getAnalysisResults(
                        design = designBefore,
                        dataInput = dataInput,
                        directionUpper = directionUpper,
                        thetaH0 = thetaH0,
                        nPlanned = nPlanned,
                        allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned,
                        stage = stageFromData - 1,
                        maxInformation = maxInformation,
                        informationEpsilon = informationEpsilon,
                        showObservedInformationRatesMessage = FALSE

                userAlphaSpending <- designBefore$alphaSpent
                    "Use alpha values that have actually been spent at earlier stages ",
                    "and spend all remaining alpha at the final analysis, ",
                    "i.e., userAlphaSpending = (",
                    .arrayToString(userAlphaSpending, digits = 6), ") "
                observedInformationRates <- getObservedInformationRates(
                    maxInformation = absoluteInformations[stageFromData],
                    informationEpsilon = informationEpsilon,
                    stage = stage,
                    showObservedInformationRatesMessage = FALSE
                design <- eval(parse(text = getObjectRCode(design,
                    newArgumentValues = list(
                        informationRates = observedInformationRates,
                        userAlphaSpending = userAlphaSpending,
                        typeOfDesign = C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_AS_USER
                    stringWrapParagraphWidth = NULL
                options("rpact.analyis.repeated.p.values.warnings.enabled" = "FALSE")
                warning("Repeated p-values not available for automatic recalculation of boundaries at final stage",
                    call. = FALSE
            } else {
                design <- eval(parse(text = getObjectRCode(design,
                    newArgumentValues = list(informationRates = observedInformationRates),
                    stringWrapParagraphWidth = NULL
            informationRatesRecalculated <- TRUE
    } else {
        if (!is.null(maxInformation) && !is.na(maxInformation)) {
            warning("'maxInformation' (", .arrayToString(maxInformation),
                ") will be ignored because it is only applicable for alpha spending", "\n",
                "group sequential designs with no or fixed futility bounds and a single hypothesis",
                call. = FALSE
        if (!is.null(informationEpsilon) && !is.na(informationEpsilon)) {
            warning("'informationEpsilon' (", .arrayToString(informationEpsilon),
                ") will be ignored because it is only applicable for alpha spending", "\n",
                "group sequential designs with no or fixed futility bounds and a single hypothesis",
                call. = FALSE

    result <- NULL
    if (.isEnrichmentDataset(dataInput)) {
        result <- .getAnalysisResultsEnrichment(
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput,
            directionUpper = directionUpper,
            thetaH0 = thetaH0,
            nPlanned = nPlanned,
            allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned,
            stage = stage, ...
    } else if (.isMultiArmDataset(dataInput)) {
        result <- .getAnalysisResultsMultiArm(
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput,
            directionUpper = directionUpper,
            thetaH0 = thetaH0,
            nPlanned = nPlanned,
            allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned,
            stage = stage, ...
    } else {
        stage <- .getStageFromOptionalArguments(...,
            dataInput = dataInput,
            design = design, stage = stage, showWarnings = TRUE
        .assertIsValidDirectionUpper(directionUpper, sided = design$sided)
        .assertIsValidDataInput(dataInput = dataInput, design = design, stage = stage)
        .assertIsValidThetaH0DataInput(thetaH0, dataInput)
        if (is.null(maxInformation) || is.na(maxInformation)) {
            .assertAreSuitableInformationRates(design, dataInput, stage = stage)
        .assertIsValidNPlanned(nPlanned, design$kMax, stage, required = FALSE)
            numberOfGroups = dataInput$getNumberOfGroups()

        if (dataInput$isDatasetMeans()) {
            if (is.na(thetaH0)) {
                thetaH0 <- C_THETA_H0_MEANS_DEFAULT
            result <- .getAnalysisResultsMeans(
                design = design, dataInput = dataInput,
                directionUpper = directionUpper, thetaH0 = thetaH0, nPlanned = nPlanned,
                allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, stage = stage, ...
        } else if (dataInput$isDatasetRates()) {
            if (is.na(thetaH0)) {
                thetaH0 <- C_THETA_H0_RATES_DEFAULT
            result <- .getAnalysisResultsRates(
                design = design, dataInput = dataInput,
                directionUpper = directionUpper, thetaH0 = thetaH0, nPlanned = nPlanned,
                allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, stage = stage, ...
        } else if (dataInput$isDatasetSurvival()) {
            if (is.na(thetaH0)) {
                thetaH0 <- C_THETA_H0_SURVIVAL_DEFAULT
            result <- .getAnalysisResultsSurvival(
                design = design, dataInput = dataInput,
                directionUpper = directionUpper, thetaH0 = thetaH0, nPlanned = nPlanned,
                allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, stage = stage, ...

        if (is.null(result)) {
            stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "'dataInput' type '", .getClassName(dataInput), "' is not implemented yet")

        if (informationRatesRecalculated) {
            result$maxInformation <- as.integer(maxInformation)
            result$.setParameterType("maxInformation", C_PARAM_USER_DEFINED)
            if (!is.null(informationEpsilon) && !is.na(informationEpsilon)) {
                result$informationEpsilon <- informationEpsilon
                result$.setParameterType("informationEpsilon", C_PARAM_USER_DEFINED)

    if (!is.null(result) && !is.null(repeatedPValues)) {
        result$repeatedPValues <- repeatedPValues

    if (design$kMax > 1 && .isTrialDesignInverseNormalOrGroupSequential(design) &&
            design$typeOfDesign %in% c(C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_AS_USER, C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_NO_EARLY_EFFICACY)) {
        indices <- design$userAlphaSpending == 0
        if (.isEnrichmentDataset(dataInput) || .isMultiArmDataset(dataInput)) {
            result$repeatedConfidenceIntervalLowerBounds[, indices] <- NA_real_
            result$repeatedConfidenceIntervalUpperBounds[, indices] <- NA_real_
            result$repeatedPValues[, indices] <- NA_real_
        } else {
            result$repeatedConfidenceIntervalLowerBounds[indices] <- NA_real_
            result$repeatedConfidenceIntervalUpperBounds[indices] <- NA_real_
            result$repeatedPValues[indices] <- NA_real_

    options("rpact.analyis.repeated.p.values.warnings.enabled" = "TRUE")


#' @title
#' Get Stage Results
#' @description
#' Returns summary statistics and p-values for a given data set and a given design.
#' @inheritParams param_design
#' @inheritParams param_dataInput
#' @inheritParams param_stage
#' @param ... Further (optional) arguments to be passed:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{thetaH0}}{The null hypothesis value,
#'       default is \code{0} for the normal and the binary case (testing means and rates, respectively),
#'       it is \code{1} for the survival case (testing the hazard ratio).\cr\cr
#'       For non-inferiority designs, \code{thetaH0} is the non-inferiority bound.
#'       That is, in case of (one-sided) testing of
#'       \itemize{
#'         \item \emph{means}: a value \code{!= 0}
#'             (or a value \code{!= 1} for testing the mean ratio) can be specified.
#'         \item \emph{rates}: a value \code{!= 0}
#'             (or a value \code{!= 1} for testing the risk ratio \code{pi1 / pi2}) can be specified.
#'         \item \emph{survival data}: a bound for testing H0:
#'             \code{hazard ratio = thetaH0 != 1} can be specified.
#'       }
#'       For testing a rate in one sample, a value \code{thetaH0} in (0, 1) has to be specified for
#'       defining the null hypothesis H0: \code{pi = thetaH0}.}
#'   \item{\code{normalApproximation}}{The
#'       type of computation of the p-values. Default is \code{FALSE} for
#'       testing means (i.e., the t test is used) and \code{TRUE} for testing rates and the hazard ratio.
#'       For testing rates, if \code{normalApproximation = FALSE} is specified, the binomial test
#'       (one sample) or the exact test of Fisher (two samples) is used for calculating the p-values.
#'       In the survival setting, \code{normalApproximation = FALSE} has no effect.}
#'   \item{\code{equalVariances}}{The type of t test. For testing means in two treatment groups, either
#'       the t test assuming that the variances are equal or the t test without assuming this,
#'       i.e., the test of Welch-Satterthwaite is calculated, default is \code{TRUE}.}
#'   \item{\code{directionUpper}}{The direction of one-sided testing.
#'       Default is \code{TRUE} which means that larger values of the
#'       test statistics yield smaller p-values.}
#'   \item{\code{intersectionTest}}{Defines the multiple test for the intersection
#'       hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses when testing multiple hypotheses.
#'       Five options are available in multi-arm designs: \code{"Dunnett"}, \code{"Bonferroni"}, \code{"Simes"},
#'       \code{"Sidak"}, and \code{"Hierarchical"}, default is \code{"Dunnett"}.
#'       Four options are available in population enrichment designs: \code{"SpiessensDebois"} (one subset only),
#'       \code{"Bonferroni"}, \code{"Simes"}, and \code{"Sidak"}, default is \code{"Simes"}.}
#'   \item{\code{varianceOption}}{Defines the way to calculate the variance in multiple treatment arms (> 2)
#'   	 or population enrichment designs for testing means. For multiple arms, three options are available:
#'       \code{"overallPooled"}, \code{"pairwisePooled"}, and \code{"notPooled"}, default is \code{"overallPooled"}.
#'       For enrichment designs, the options are: \code{"pooled"}, \code{"pooledFromFull"} (one subset only),
#'       and \code{"notPooled"}, default is \code{"pooled"}.}
#'   \item{\code{stratifiedAnalysis}}{For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen.
#'     For testing means and rates, also a non-stratified analysis based on overall data can be performed.
#'     For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible (see Brannath et al., 2009), default is \code{TRUE}.}
#' }
#' @details
#' Calculates and returns the stage results of the specified design and data input at the specified stage.
#' @return Returns a \code{\link{StageResults}} object.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link[=names.StageResults]{names}} to obtain the field names,
#'   \item \code{\link[=print.FieldSet]{print()}} to print the object,
#'   \item \code{\link[=summary.ParameterSet]{summary()}} to display a summary of the object,
#'   \item \code{\link[=plot.StageResults]{plot()}} to plot the object,
#'   \item \code{\link[=as.data.frame.StageResults]{as.data.frame()}} to coerce the object to a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}},
#'   \item \code{\link[=as.matrix.FieldSet]{as.matrix()}} to coerce the object to a \code{\link[base]{matrix}}.
#' }
#' @template how_to_get_help_for_generics
#' @family analysis functions
#' @template examples_get_stage_results
#' @export
getStageResults <- function(design, dataInput, ..., stage = NA_integer_) {
    designAndDataInput <- .getDesignAndDataInput(design = design, dataInput = dataInput, ...)
    design <- designAndDataInput$design
    dataInput <- designAndDataInput$dataInput

    if (.isEnrichmentDataset(dataInput)) {
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, stage = stage, ...
    } else if (.isMultiArmDataset(dataInput)) {
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, stage = stage, ...
    } else {
        stage <- .getStageFromOptionalArguments(..., dataInput = dataInput, design = design, stage = stage)
        .assertIsValidDataInput(dataInput = dataInput, design = design, stage = stage)

        if (dataInput$isDatasetMeans()) {
                design = design, dataInput = dataInput, stage = stage,
                userFunctionCallEnabled = TRUE, ...

        if (dataInput$isDatasetRates()) {
                design = design, dataInput = dataInput, stage = stage,
                userFunctionCallEnabled = TRUE, ...

        if (dataInput$isDatasetSurvival()) {
                design = design, dataInput = dataInput, stage = stage,
                userFunctionCallEnabled = TRUE, ...

    stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "'dataInput' type '", .getClassName(dataInput), "' is not supported")

.getStageFromOptionalArguments <- function(..., dataInput, design, showWarnings = FALSE) {

    stage <- .getOptionalArgument("stage", ...)
    if (!is.null(stage) && !is.na(stage)) {
        .assertIsValidStage(stage, design$kMax)
        if (showWarnings) {
            if (stage > dataInput$getNumberOfStages()) {
                warning("'stage' (", stage, ") will be ignored because 'dataInput' ",
                    "has only ", dataInput$getNumberOfStages(), " stages defined",
                    call. = FALSE


    stage <- dataInput$getNumberOfStages()
    stage <- min(stage, design$kMax)
    stage <- as.integer(stage)
    .assertIsValidStage(stage, design$kMax)

#' @title
#' Get Test Actions
#' @description
#' Returns test actions.
#' @inheritParams param_stageResults
#' @param ... Only available for backward compatibility.
#' @details
#' Returns the test actions of the specified design and stage results at the specified stage.
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[base]{character}} vector of length \code{kMax}
#' Returns a \code{\link[base]{numeric}} vector of length \code{kMax}containing the test actions of each stage.
#' @family analysis functions
#' @template examples_get_test_actions
#' @export
getTestActions <- function(stageResults, ...) {
    .warnInCaseOfUnknownArguments(functionName = "getTestActions", ...)

    stageResults <- .getStageResultsObject(stageResults, functionName = "getTestActions", ...)
    design <- stageResults$.design

    testActions <- rep(NA_character_, design$kMax)
    if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
        for (k in 1:stageResults$stage) {
            if (design$sided == 1) {
                if (k < design$kMax) {
                    if (stageResults$combInverseNormal[k] > design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject and stop"
                    } else if (stageResults$combInverseNormal[k] < design$futilityBounds[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "accept and stop"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "continue"
                } else {
                    if (stageResults$combInverseNormal[k] > design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "accept"
            if (design$sided == 2) {
                if (k < design$kMax) {
                    if (abs(stageResults$combInverseNormal[k]) > design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject and stop"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "continue"
                } else {
                    if (abs(stageResults$combInverseNormal[k]) > design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "accept"
    } else if (.isTrialDesignGroupSequential(design)) {
        for (k in 1:stageResults$stage) {
            if (design$sided == 1) {
                if (k < design$kMax) {
                    if (.getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) > design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject and stop"
                    } else if (.getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) < design$futilityBounds[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "accept and stop"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "continue"
                } else {
                    if (.getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) > design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "accept"
            if (design$sided == 2) {
                if (k < design$kMax) {
                    if (abs(.getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k])) > design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject and stop"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "continue"
                } else {
                    if (abs(.getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k])) > design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "accept"
    } else if (.isTrialDesignFisher(design)) {
        for (k in 1:stageResults$stage) {
            if (design$sided == 1) {
                if (k < design$kMax) {
                    if (stageResults$combFisher[k] < design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject and stop"
                    } else if (stageResults$pValues[k] > design$alpha0Vec[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "accept and stop"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "continue"
                } else {
                    if (stageResults$combFisher[k] < design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "accept"
            if (design$sided == 2) {
                if (k < design$kMax) {
                    if (min(stageResults$combFisher[k], 1 - stageResults$combFisher[k]) < design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject and stop"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "continue"
                } else {
                    if (min(stageResults$combFisher[k], 1 - stageResults$combFisher[k]) < design$criticalValues[k]) {
                        testActions[k] <- "reject"
                    } else {
                        testActions[k] <- "accept"

#' @title
#' Get Repeated Confidence Intervals
#' @description
#' Calculates and returns the lower and upper limit of the repeated confidence intervals of the trial.
#' @inheritParams param_design
#' @inheritParams param_dataInput
#' @inheritParams param_directionUpper
#' @inheritParams param_tolerance
#' @inheritParams param_stage
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to methods (cf., separate functions in "See Also" below), e.g.,
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{normalApproximation}}{The type of computation of the p-values. Default is \code{FALSE} for
#'       testing means (i.e., the t test is used) and \code{TRUE} for testing rates and the hazard ratio.
#'       For testing rates, if \code{normalApproximation = FALSE} is specified, the binomial test
#'       (one sample) or the exact test of Fisher (two samples) is used for calculating the p-values.
#'       In the survival setting, \code{normalApproximation = FALSE} has no effect.}
#'   \item{\code{equalVariances}}{The type of t test. For testing means in two treatment groups, either
#'       the t test assuming that the variances are equal or the t test without assuming this,
#'       i.e., the test of Welch-Satterthwaite is calculated, default is \code{TRUE}.}
#'   \item{\code{intersectionTest}}{Defines the multiple test for the intersection
#'       hypotheses in the closed system of hypotheses when testing multiple hypotheses.
#'       Five options are available in multi-arm designs: \code{"Dunnett"}, \code{"Bonferroni"}, \code{"Simes"},
#'       \code{"Sidak"}, and \code{"Hierarchical"}, default is \code{"Dunnett"}.
#'       Four options are available in population enrichment designs: \code{"SpiessensDebois"} (one subset only),
#'       \code{"Bonferroni"}, \code{"Simes"}, and \code{"Sidak"}, default is \code{"Simes"}.}
#'   \item{\code{varianceOption}}{Defines the way to calculate the variance in multiple treatment arms (> 2)
#'   	 or population enrichment designs for testing means. For multiple arms, three options are available:
#'       \code{"overallPooled"}, \code{"pairwisePooled"}, and \code{"notPooled"}, default is \code{"overallPooled"}.
#'       For enrichment designs, the options are: \code{"pooled"}, \code{"pooledFromFull"} (one subset only),
#'       and \code{"notPooled"}, default is \code{"pooled"}.}
#'   \item{\code{stratifiedAnalysis}}{For enrichment designs, typically a stratified analysis should be chosen.
#'     For testing means and rates, also a non-stratified analysis based on overall data can be performed.
#'     For survival data, only a stratified analysis is possible (see Brannath et al., 2009), default is \code{TRUE}.}
#' }
#' @details
#' The repeated confidence interval at a given stage of the trial contains the
#' parameter values that are not rejected using the specified sequential design.
#' It can be calculated at each stage of the trial and can thus be used as a monitoring tool.
#' The repeated confidence intervals are provided up to the specified stage.
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[base]{matrix}} with \code{2} rows
#' and \code{kMax} columns containing the lower RCI limits in the first row and
#' the upper RCI limits in the second row, where each column represents a stage.
#' @family analysis functions
#' @template examples_get_repeated_confidence_intervals
#' @export
getRepeatedConfidenceIntervals <- function(design, dataInput, ...,
        directionUpper = TRUE, # C_DIRECTION_UPPER_DEFAULT
        tolerance = 1e-06, # C_ANALYSIS_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT
        stage = NA_integer_) {

    designAndDataInput <- .getDesignAndDataInput(design = design, dataInput = dataInput, ...)
    design <- designAndDataInput$design
    dataInput <- designAndDataInput$dataInput

    if (.isEnrichmentDataset(dataInput)) {
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, stage = stage, ...

    if (.isMultiArmDataset(dataInput)) {
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, stage = stage, ...

    stage <- .getStageFromOptionalArguments(..., dataInput = dataInput, design = design, stage = stage)
    .assertIsValidDataInput(dataInput = dataInput, design = design, stage = stage)

    if (dataInput$isDatasetMeans()) {
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, directionUpper = directionUpper,
            tolerance = tolerance, stage = stage, ...

    if (dataInput$isDatasetRates()) {
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, directionUpper = directionUpper,
            tolerance = tolerance, stage = stage, ...

    if (dataInput$isDatasetSurvival()) {
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, directionUpper = directionUpper,
            tolerance = tolerance, stage = stage, ...

    stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "'dataInput' type '", .getClassName(dataInput), "' is not implemented yet")

.getStageResultsObject <- function(stageResults, ..., functionName) {
    if (missing(stageResults)) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_MISSING_ARGUMENT, "'stageResults' must be defined")

    .stopInCaseOfIllegalStageDefinition(stageResults, ...)

    args <- list(...)
    if (.isTrialDesign(stageResults)) {
        if (length(args) == 0) {
            stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_MISSING_ARGUMENT, "'stageResults' must be defined")

        stageResults <- args[[1]]
            "The separate specification of the design in ", functionName, "() is deprecated ",
            "because the 'stageResults' object contains the design already"

    if (.isDataset(stageResults)) {
        stageResults <- getStageResults(dataInput = stageResults, ...)

    if (!.isStageResults(stageResults)) {
        for (arg in args) {
            if (.isStageResults(arg)) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_MISSING_ARGUMENT, "'stageResults' must be defined")


#' @title
#' Get Conditional Power
#' @description
#' Calculates and returns the conditional power.
#' @inheritParams param_stageResults
#' @inheritParams param_nPlanned
#' @inheritParams param_allocationRatioPlanned
#' @param ... Further (optional) arguments to be passed:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{thetaH1} and \code{stDevH1} (or \code{assumedStDev} / \code{assumedStDevs}),
#' 		 \code{pi1}, \code{pi2}, or \code{piTreatments}, \code{piControl(s)}}{
#'       The assumed effect size, standard deviation or rates to calculate the conditional power if \code{nPlanned}
#' 		 is specified. For survival designs, \code{thetaH1} refers to the hazard ratio.
#' 		 For one-armed trials with binary outcome, only \code{pi1} can be specified, for two-armed trials with binary outcome,
#' 		 \code{pi1} and \code{pi2} can be specified referring to the assumed treatment and control rate, respectively.
#' 		 In multi-armed or enrichment designs, you can
#'   	 specify a value or a vector with elements referring to the treatment arms or the sub-populations,
#'   	 respectively. For testing rates, the parameters to be specified are \code{piTreatments} and \code{piControl} (multi-arm
#'   	 designs) and \code{piTreatments} and \code{piControls} (enrichment designs).\cr
#'   	 If not specified, the conditional power is calculated under the assumption of observed effect sizes,
#'   	 standard deviations, rates, or hazard ratios.}
#'   \item{\code{iterations}}{Iterations for simulating the power for Fisher's combination test.
#'       If the power for more than one remaining stages is to be determined for
#'       Fisher's combination test, it is estimated via simulation with specified \cr
#'       \code{iterations}, the default is \code{1000}.}
#'   \item{\code{seed}}{Seed for simulating the conditional power for Fisher's combination test.
#'       See above, default is a random seed.}
#' }
#' @details
#' The conditional power is calculated if the planned sample size for the subsequent stages is specified.\cr
#' For testing rates in a two-armed trial, pi1 and pi2 typically refer to the rates in the treatment
#' and the control group, respectively. This is not mandatory, however, and so pi1 and pi2 can be interchanged.
#' In many-to-one multi-armed trials, piTreatments and piControl refer to the rates in the treatment arms and
#' the one control arm, and so they cannot be interchanged. piTreatments and piControls in enrichment designs
#' can principally be interchanged, but we use the plural form to indicate that the rates can be differently
#' specified for the sub-populations.
#' For Fisher's combination test, the conditional power for more than one remaining stages is
#' estimated via simulation.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[=plot.StageResults]{plot.StageResults()}} or \code{\link[=plot.AnalysisResults]{plot.AnalysisResults()}}
#' for plotting the conditional power.
#' @return Returns a \code{\link{ConditionalPowerResults}} object.
#' The following generics (R generic functions) are available for this result object:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link[=names.FieldSet]{names()}} to obtain the field names,
#'   \item \code{\link[=print.FieldSet]{print()}} to print the object,
#'   \item \code{\link[=summary.ParameterSet]{summary()}} to display a summary of the object,
#'   \item \code{\link[=plot.ParameterSet]{plot()}} to plot the object,
#'   \item \code{\link[=as.data.frame.ParameterSet]{as.data.frame()}} to coerce the object to a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}},
#'   \item \code{\link[=as.matrix.FieldSet]{as.matrix()}} to coerce the object to a \code{\link[base]{matrix}}.
#' }
#' @template how_to_get_help_for_generics
#' @family analysis functions
#' @template examples_get_conditional_power
#' @export
getConditionalPower <- function(stageResults, ..., nPlanned,
        allocationRatioPlanned = 1 # C_ALLOCATION_RATIO_DEFAULT
        ) {
    # .stopInCaseOfIllegalStageDefinition(stageResults, ...)
    stageResults <- .getStageResultsObject(stageResults = stageResults, functionName = "getConditionalPower", ...)
    .assertIsValidAllocationRatioPlanned(allocationRatioPlanned, stageResults$.dataInput$getNumberOfGroups())

    conditionalPower <- NULL
    if (.isEnrichmentStageResults(stageResults)) {
        conditionalPower <- .getConditionalPowerEnrichment(
            stageResults = stageResults,
            nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...
    } else if (.isMultiArmStageResults(stageResults)) {
        conditionalPower <- .getConditionalPowerMultiArm(
            stageResults = stageResults,
            nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...
    } else {
        if (stageResults$isDatasetMeans()) {
            conditionalPower <- .getConditionalPowerMeans(
                stageResults = stageResults,
                nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...
        } else if (stageResults$isDatasetRates()) {
            conditionalPower <- .getConditionalPowerRates(
                stageResults = stageResults,
                nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...
        } else if (stageResults$isDatasetSurvival()) {
            conditionalPower <- .getConditionalPowerSurvival(
                stageResults = stageResults,
                nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...
    if (!is.null(conditionalPower)) {
        addPlotData <- .getOptionalArgument("addPlotData", ...)
        if (!is.null(addPlotData) && isTRUE(addPlotData)) {
            conditionalPower$.plotData <- .getConditionalPowerPlot(
                stageResults = stageResults, nPlanned = nPlanned,
                allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...

        conditionalPower$.setParameterType("nPlanned", C_PARAM_USER_DEFINED)
            ifelse(allocationRatioPlanned == C_ALLOCATION_RATIO_DEFAULT,

    } else {
            C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "'dataInput' type '",
            .getClassName(stageResults$.dataInput), "' is not implemented yet"

.getConditionalPowerPlot <- function(...,
        stageResults, nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_) {
    if (.isMultiArmStageResults(stageResults)) {
            stageResults = stageResults,
            nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...

    if (.isEnrichmentStageResults(stageResults)) {
            stageResults = stageResults,
            nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...


    stage <- stageResults$stage
    if (stage == stageResults$.design$kMax && length(nPlanned) > 0) {
        stage <- stageResults$.design$kMax - 1

    .assertIsValidNPlanned(nPlanned, stageResults$.design$kMax, stage)
    if (is.na(allocationRatioPlanned)) {
        allocationRatioPlanned <- C_ALLOCATION_RATIO_DEFAULT

    if (stageResults$isDatasetMeans()) {
            stageResults = stageResults,
            stage = stage, nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...

    if (stageResults$isDatasetRates()) {
            stageResults = stageResults,
            stage = stage, nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...

    if (stageResults$isDatasetSurvival()) {
            stageResults = stageResults,
            stage = stage, nPlanned = nPlanned, allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned, ...

        C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "'dataInput' type '",
        .getClassName(stageResults$.dataInput), "' is not implemented yet"

#' @title
#' Get Repeated P Values
#' @description
#' Calculates the repeated p-values for a given test results.
#' @inheritParams param_stageResults
#' @inheritParams param_tolerance
#' @inheritParams param_three_dots
#' @details
#' The repeated p-value at a given stage of the trial is defined as the smallest
#' significance level under which at given test design the test results
#' obtain rejection of the null hypothesis. It can be calculated at each
#' stage of the trial and can thus be used as a monitoring tool.
#' The repeated p-values are provided up to the specified stage.
#' In multi-arm trials, the repeated p-values are defined separately for each
#' treatment comparison within the closed testing procedure.
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[base]{numeric}} vector of length \code{kMax} or in case of multi-arm stage results
#' a \code{\link[base]{matrix}} (each column represents a stage, each row a comparison)
#' containing the repeated p values.
#' @family analysis functions
#' @template examples_get_repeated_p_values
#' @export
getRepeatedPValues <- function(stageResults, ...,
        tolerance = 1e-06 # C_ANALYSIS_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT
        ) {
    stageResults <- .getStageResultsObject(stageResults, functionName = "getRepeatedPValues", ...)

    if (.isEnrichmentStageResults(stageResults)) {
        return(.getRepeatedPValuesEnrichment(stageResults = stageResults, tolerance = tolerance, ...))

    if (.isMultiArmStageResults(stageResults)) {
        return(.getRepeatedPValuesMultiArm(stageResults = stageResults, tolerance = tolerance, ...))

    design <- stageResults$.design

    if (design$kMax == 1) {
        return(ifelse(design$sided == 1, stageResults$pValues[1],
            2 * min(stageResults$pValues[1], 1 - stageResults$pValues[1])

    if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormalOrGroupSequential(design) &&
            design$typeOfDesign %in% c(C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_AS_USER, C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_WT_OPTIMUM)) {
        showWarnings <- as.logical(getOption("rpact.analyis.repeated.p.values.warnings.enabled", "TRUE"))
        if (showWarnings) {
            warning("Repeated p-values not available for 'typeOfDesign' = '",
                design$typeOfDesign, "'",
                call. = FALSE
        return(rep(NA_real_, design$kMax))

    if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
            stageResults = stageResults, tolerance = tolerance, ...

    if (.isTrialDesignGroupSequential(design)) {
            stageResults = stageResults, tolerance = tolerance, ...

    if (.isTrialDesignFisher(design)) {
        if (design$method == C_FISHER_METHOD_USER_DEFINED_ALPHA) {
            warning("Repeated p-values not available for 'method' = '",
                call. = FALSE
            return(rep(NA_real_, design$kMax))

            stageResults = stageResults, tolerance = tolerance, ...

    .stopWithWrongDesignMessage(design, inclusiveConditionalDunnett = FALSE)

# Get final p-value based on inverse normal method
.getFinalPValueInverseNormalOrGroupSequential <- function(stageResults) {
    design <- stageResults$.design

    if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
        stageInverseNormalOrGroupSequential <- .getStageInverseNormal(
            design = design,
            stageResults = stageResults, stage = stageResults$stage
    } else {
        stageInverseNormalOrGroupSequential <- .getStageGroupSeq(
            design = design,
            stageResults = stageResults, stage = stageResults$stage
    finalStage <- min(stageInverseNormalOrGroupSequential, design$kMax)

    # Early stopping or at end of study
    if (stageInverseNormalOrGroupSequential < design$kMax || stageResults$stage == design$kMax) {
        if (stageInverseNormalOrGroupSequential == 1) {
            pFinal <- stageResults$pValues[1]
        } else {
            if (design$bindingFutility) {
                if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
                    decisionMatrix <- matrix(
                            design$futilityBounds[1:(finalStage - 1)], C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT,
                            c(design$criticalValues[1:(finalStage - 1)], stageResults$combInverseNormal[finalStage])
                        nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE
                } else {
                    decisionMatrix <- matrix(
                            design$futilityBounds[1:(finalStage - 1)], C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT,
                            c(design$criticalValues[1:(finalStage - 1)], .getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[finalStage]))
                        nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE
            } else {
                if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
                    decisionMatrix <- matrix(
                            rep(C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT, finalStage),
                            c(design$criticalValues[1:(finalStage - 1)], stageResults$combInverseNormal[finalStage])
                        nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE
                } else {
                    decisionMatrix <- matrix(
                            rep(C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT, finalStage),
                            c(design$criticalValues[1:(finalStage - 1)], .getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[finalStage]))
                        nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE

            probs <- .getGroupSequentialProbabilities(
                decisionMatrix = decisionMatrix,
                informationRates = design$informationRates[1:finalStage]
            pFinal <- sum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ])

            if (design$sided == 2) {
                if (stageInverseNormalOrGroupSequential == 1) {
                    pFinalOtherDirection <- 1 - stageResults$pValues[1]
                } else {
                    if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
                        decisionMatrix <- matrix(
                                rep(C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT, finalStage),
                                c(design$criticalValues[1:(finalStage - 1)], -stageResults$combInverseNormal[finalStage])
                            nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE
                    } else {
                        decisionMatrix <- matrix(
                                rep(C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT, finalStage),
                                    design$criticalValues[1:(finalStage - 1)],
                            nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE
                    probs <- .getGroupSequentialProbabilities(
                        decisionMatrix = decisionMatrix,
                        informationRates = design$informationRates[1:finalStage]

                    pFinalOtherDirection <- sum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ])

                pFinal <- 2 * min(pFinal, pFinalOtherDirection)

        return(list(finalStage = finalStage, pFinal = pFinal))

    return(list(finalStage = NA_integer_, pFinal = NA_real_))

.setWeightsToStageResults <- function(design, stageResults) {
    if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
        stageResults$weightsInverseNormal <- .getWeightsInverseNormal(design)
        stageResults$.setParameterType("weightsInverseNormal", C_PARAM_GENERATED)
    } else if (.isTrialDesignFisher(design)) {
        stageResults$weightsFisher <- .getWeightsFisher(design)
        stageResults$.setParameterType("weightsFisher", C_PARAM_GENERATED)

# Returns the weights for inverse normal statistic
.getWeightsInverseNormal <- function(design) {
    if (design$kMax == 1) {

    weights <- rep(NA, design$kMax)
    weights[1] <- sqrt(design$informationRates[1])
    weights[2:design$kMax] <- sqrt(design$informationRates[2:design$kMax] -
        design$informationRates[1:(design$kMax - 1)])

# Returns the weights for Fisher's combination test statistic
.getWeightsFisher <- function(design) {
    if (design$kMax == 1) {

    weights <- rep(NA, design$kMax)
    weights[1] <- 1
    weights[2:design$kMax] <- sqrt((design$informationRates[2:design$kMax] -
        design$informationRates[1:(design$kMax - 1)]) / design$informationRates[1])

# Returns the stage when using the inverse normal combination test
.getStageInverseNormal <- function(..., design, stageResults, stage) {
    for (k in 1:stage) {
        if (stageResults$combInverseNormal[k] >= design$criticalValues[k]) {
        if (design$sided == 2) {
            if (stageResults$combInverseNormal[k] <= -design$criticalValues[k]) {

        if (design$bindingFutility && k < design$kMax && stageResults$combInverseNormal[k] <=
                design$futilityBounds[k]) {

    # no early stopping
    return(as.integer(stage + design$kMax))

# Returns the stage when using the group sequential test
.getStageGroupSeq <- function(..., design, stageResults, stage) {
    for (k in 1:stage) {
        if (.getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) >= design$criticalValues[k]) {

        if (design$sided == 2) {
            if (.getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) <= -design$criticalValues[k]) {

        if (design$bindingFutility && k < design$kMax &&
                .getQNorm(max(1e-8, 1 - stageResults$overallPValues[k])) <= design$futilityBounds[k]) {

    # no early stopping
    return(as.integer(stage + design$kMax))

# Returns the stage when using Fisher's combination test
.getStageFisher <- function(..., design, stageResults, stage) {
    for (k in 1:stage) {
        if (stageResults$combFisher[k] <= design$criticalValues[k]) {
        if (design$sided == 2) {
            if (1 - stageResults$combFisher[k] <= design$criticalValues[k]) {

        if (design$bindingFutility && k < design$kMax && stageResults$pValues[k] >= design$alpha0Vec[k]) {

    # no early stopping
    return(as.integer(stage + design$kMax))

# @title
# q function
# @description
# Function for calculating the final p-value for two-stage design with Fisher's combination test
# and its use for calculating confidence intervals, see Wassmer & Brannath, p. 192 and Brannath et al. (2002), p. 241.
# Formula generalized for arbitrary weight in combination test.
.getQFunctionResult <- function(..., design, stageResults, theta, infRate) {
    alpha1 <- design$criticalValues[1]
    alpha0 <- design$alpha0Vec[1]
    if (!design$bindingFutility || (design$sided == 2)) {
        alpha0 <- 1
    weightForFisher <- stageResults$weightsFisher[2]

    if (theta != 0) {
        alpha1Adj <- ifelse(alpha1 <= 0, 0,
            1 - stats::pnorm(.getOneMinusQNorm(alpha1) - theta / stageResults$overallStDevs[1] * infRate[1])
    } else {
        alpha1Adj <- alpha1

    if (is.na(alpha1Adj)) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "failed to calculate 'alpha1Adj'")

    if (theta != 0) {
        alpha0Adj <- ifelse(alpha0 >= 1, 1,
            1 - stats::pnorm(.getOneMinusQNorm(alpha0) - theta / stageResults$overallStDevs[1] * infRate[1])
    } else {
        alpha0Adj <- alpha0

    if (is.na(alpha0Adj)) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "failed to calculate 'alpha0Adj'")

    if (stageResults$pValues[1] <= alpha1Adj || stageResults$pValues[1] >= alpha0Adj) {

    if (weightForFisher == 1) {
        return(max(alpha1Adj, stageResults$pValues[1] * stageResults$pValues[2]) + stageResults$pValues[1] *
            stageResults$pValues[2] * (log(alpha0Adj) - log(max(
                stageResults$pValues[1] * stageResults$pValues[2]

    return(max(alpha1Adj, stageResults$pValues[1] * stageResults$pValues[2]^weightForFisher) +
        weightForFisher / (weightForFisher - 1) * stageResults$pValues[1]^(1 / weightForFisher) *
            stageResults$pValues[2] * (alpha0Adj^(1 - 1 / weightForFisher) -
                max(alpha1Adj, stageResults$pValues[1] * stageResults$pValues[2]^weightForFisher)^(1 - 1 /

# Get final p-value based on Fisher combination test
.getFinalPValueFisher <- function(stageResults) {
    design <- stageResults$.design
    stageFisher <- .getStageFisher(design = design, stageResults = stageResults, stage = stageResults$stage)
    finalStage <- min(stageFisher, design$kMax)

    # Early stopping or at end of study
    if (stageFisher < design$kMax || stageResults$stage == design$kMax) {
        if (stageFisher == 1) {
            pFinal <- stageResults$pValues[1]
        } else {
            if (design$kMax > 2) {
                    "Final p-value cannot be calculated for kMax = ", design$kMax, " ",
                    "because the function for Fisher's design is implemented only for kMax <= 2"
                return(list(finalStage = NA_integer_, pFinal = NA_real_))

            # Final p-value for kMax = 2
            pFinal <- .getQFunctionResult(
                design = design, stageResults = stageResults,
                theta = 0, infRate = 0

        if (design$sided == 2) {
            if (stageFisher == 1) {
                pFinalOtherDirection <- 1 - stageResults$pValues[1]
            } else {
                stageResults$pValues <- 1 - stageResults$pValues
                pFinalOtherDirection <- .getQFunctionResult(
                    design = design, stageResults = stageResults,
                    theta = 0, infRate = 0
                stageResults$pValues <- 1 - stageResults$pValues

            # Final p-value for kMax = 2
            pFinal <- 2 * min(pFinal, pFinalOtherDirection)

        return(list(finalStage = finalStage, pFinal = pFinal))

    return(list(finalStage = NA_integer_, pFinal = NA_real_))

#' @title
#' Get Final P Value
#' @description
#' Returns the final p-value for given stage results.
#' @inheritParams param_stageResults
#' @param ... Only available for backward compatibility.
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[base]{list}} containing
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{finalStage},
#'   \item \code{pFinal}.
#' }
#' @details
#' The calculation of the final p-value is based on the stage-wise ordering of the sample space.
#' This enables the calculation for both the non-adaptive and the adaptive case.
#' For Fisher's combination test, it is available for \code{kMax = 2} only.
#' @family analysis functions
#' @template examples_get_final_p_value
#' @export
getFinalPValue <- function(stageResults, ...) {
    stageResults <- .getStageResultsObject(stageResults, functionName = "getFinalPValue", ...)


    if (stageResults$.design$kMax == 1) {
        warning("Final p-value is not available for fixed designs", call. = FALSE)
        return(list(finalStage = NA_integer_, pFinal = NA_real_))

    finalPValue <- NULL
    if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormalOrGroupSequential(stageResults$.design)) {
        finalPValue <- .getFinalPValueInverseNormalOrGroupSequential(stageResults)
    } else if (.isTrialDesignFisher(stageResults$.design)) {
        finalPValue <- .getFinalPValueFisher(stageResults)

    if (is.null(finalPValue)) {
            inclusiveConditionalDunnett = .isMultiArmStageResults(stageResults)

    if (stageResults$.design$kMax > 1 && is.na(finalPValue$finalStage) &&
            (length(finalPValue$pFinal) == 0 || all(is.na(finalPValue$pFinal)))) {
        if (.getOptionalArgument("showWarnings", optionalArgumentDefaultValue = TRUE, ...)) {
            warning("Final p-value not calculated because final stage not reached", call. = FALSE)


.getVectorWithFinalValueAtFinalStage <- function(..., kMax, finalValue, finalStage) {
    v <- rep(NA_real_, kMax)
    if (is.null(finalValue) || is.na(finalValue) ||
            is.null(finalStage) || is.na(finalStage) ||
            finalStage < 1 || finalStage > kMax) {

    v[finalStage] <- finalValue

#' @title
#' Get Final Confidence Interval
#' @description
#' Returns the final confidence interval for the parameter of interest.
#' It is based on the prototype case, i.e., the test for testing a mean for
#' normally distributed variables.
#' @inheritParams param_design
#' @inheritParams param_dataInput
#' @inheritParams param_thetaH0
#' @inheritParams param_directionUpper
#' @inheritParams param_tolerance
#' @inheritParams param_stage
#' @param ... Further (optional) arguments to be passed:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{normalApproximation}}{
#'       The type of computation of the p-values. Default is \code{FALSE} for
#'       testing means (i.e., the t test is used) and TRUE for testing rates and the hazard ratio.
#'       For testing rates, if \code{normalApproximation = FALSE} is specified, the binomial test
#'       (one sample) or the exact test of Fisher (two samples) is used for calculating the p-values.
#'       In the survival setting, \code{normalApproximation = FALSE} has no effect.}
#'   \item{\code{equalVariances}}{The type of t test. For testing means in two treatment groups, either
#'       the t test assuming that the variances are equal or the t test without assuming this,
#'       i.e., the test of Welch-Satterthwaite is calculated, default is \code{TRUE}.}
#' }
#' @details
#' Depending on \code{design} and \code{dataInput} the final confidence interval and median unbiased estimate
#' that is based on the stage-wise ordering of the sample space will be calculated and returned.
#' Additionally, a non-standardized ("general") version is provided,
#' the estimated standard deviation must be used to obtain
#' the confidence interval for the parameter of interest.
#' For the inverse normal combination test design with more than two
#' stages, a warning informs that the validity of the confidence interval is theoretically shown only if
#' no sample size change was performed.
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[base]{list}} containing
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{finalStage},
#'   \item \code{medianUnbiased},
#'   \item \code{finalConfidenceInterval},
#'   \item \code{medianUnbiasedGeneral}, and
#'   \item \code{finalConfidenceIntervalGeneral}.
#' }
#' @family analysis functions
#' @template examples_get_final_confidence_interval
#' @export
getFinalConfidenceInterval <- function(design, dataInput, ...,
        directionUpper = TRUE, # C_DIRECTION_UPPER_DEFAULT
        thetaH0 = NA_real_,
        tolerance = 1e-06, # C_ANALYSIS_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT
        stage = NA_integer_) {

    designAndDataInput <- .getDesignAndDataInput(design = design, dataInput = dataInput, ...)
    design <- designAndDataInput$design
    dataInput <- designAndDataInput$dataInput

    stage <- .getStageFromOptionalArguments(..., dataInput = dataInput, design = design, stage = stage)
    .assertIsValidDataInput(dataInput = dataInput, design = design, stage = stage)


    if (design$kMax == 1) {
        warning("Final confidence interval is not available for fixed designs", call. = FALSE)

    if (design$kMax > 1 && design$bindingFutility) {
        warning("Two-sided final confidence bounds are not appropriate, ",
            "use one-sided version (i.e., one bound) only",
            call. = FALSE

    finalConfidenceInterval <- NULL
    if (dataInput$isDatasetMeans()) {
        finalConfidenceInterval <- .getFinalConfidenceIntervalMeans(
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, directionUpper = directionUpper,
            thetaH0 = thetaH0, tolerance = tolerance, stage = stage, ...
    } else if (dataInput$isDatasetRates()) {
        finalConfidenceInterval <- .getFinalConfidenceIntervalRates(
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, directionUpper = directionUpper,
            thetaH0 = thetaH0, tolerance = tolerance, stage = stage, ...
    } else if (dataInput$isDatasetSurvival()) {
        finalConfidenceInterval <- .getFinalConfidenceIntervalSurvival(
            design = design, dataInput = dataInput, directionUpper = directionUpper,
            thetaH0 = thetaH0, tolerance = tolerance, stage = stage

    if (is.null(finalConfidenceInterval)) {
        stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT, "'dataInput' type '", .getClassName(dataInput), "' is not implemented yet")

    if (design$kMax > 1 && is.na(finalConfidenceInterval$finalStage) &&
            (length(finalConfidenceInterval$finalConfidenceInterval) == 0 ||
                all(is.na(finalConfidenceInterval$finalConfidenceInterval)))) {
        warning("Final confidence interval not calculated because final stage not reached", call. = FALSE)


# Get repeated p-values based on group sequential test
.getRepeatedPValuesGroupSequential <- function(..., stageResults, tolerance = C_ANALYSIS_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT) {
    .warnInCaseOfUnknownArguments(functionName = ".getRepeatedPValuesGroupSequential", ...)

    design <- stageResults$.design

    repeatedPValues <- rep(NA_real_, design$kMax)
    if (design$typeOfDesign == C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_HP && stageResults$stage == design$kMax) {
        if (!is.na(stageResults$overallPValues[design$kMax]) &&
                .getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[design$kMax]) == Inf) {
            repeatedPValues[design$kMax] <- tolerance
        } else {
            startTime <- Sys.time()
            lower <- .getDesignGroupSequential(
                kMax = design$kMax,
                sided = design$sided,
                informationRates = design$informationRates,
                typeOfDesign = C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_HP,
                futilityBounds = design$futilityBounds,
                bindingFutility = design$bindingFutility
            )$alphaSpent[design$kMax - 1] + tolerance
            upper <- 0.5
            repeatedPValues[design$kMax] <- .getOneDimensionalRootBisectionMethod(
                fun = function(level) {
                    y <- .getDesignGroupSequential(
                        kMax = design$kMax, alpha = level,
                        sided = design$sided,
                        informationRates = design$informationRates,
                        typeOfDesign = C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_HP,
                        futilityBounds = design$futilityBounds,
                        bindingFutility = design$bindingFutility
                    if (design$sided == 2) {
                        return(y$criticalValues[design$kMax] -

                    return(y$criticalValues[design$kMax] -
                }, lower = lower, upper = upper,
                tolerance = tolerance, direction = -1,
                acceptResultsOutOfTolerance = TRUE, suppressWarnings = TRUE,
                callingFunctionInformation = ".getRepeatedPValuesGroupSequential"
            .logProgress("Repeated p-values for final stage calculated", startTime = startTime)
    } else {
        typeOfDesign <- design$typeOfDesign
        deltaWT <- design$deltaWT
        typeBetaSpending <- design$typeBetaSpending

        if (!design$bindingFutility) {
            if (design$typeOfDesign == C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_PT) {
                typeOfDesign <- C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_WT
                deltaWT <- design$deltaPT1
            if (design$typeBetaSpending != "none") {
                typeBetaSpending <- "none"
        } else if ((design$typeOfDesign == C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_PT) || (design$typeBetaSpending != "none")) {
            message("Calculation of repeated p-values might take a while for binding case, please wait...")

        for (k in 1:stageResults$stage) {
            if (!is.na(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) && .getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) == Inf) {
                repeatedPValues[k] <- tolerance
            } else {
                startTime <- Sys.time()
                upper <- 0.5
                repeatedPValues[k] <- .getOneDimensionalRootBisectionMethod(
                    fun = function(level) {
                        y <- .getDesignGroupSequential(
                            kMax = design$kMax, alpha = level,
                            sided = design$sided,
                            informationRates = design$informationRates,
                            typeOfDesign = typeOfDesign,
                            typeBetaSpending = typeBetaSpending,
                            gammaB = design$gammaB,
                            deltaWT = deltaWT,
                            deltaPT0 = design$deltaPT0,
                            deltaPT1 = design$deltaPT1,
                            beta = design$beta,
                            gammaA = design$gammaA,
                            futilityBounds = design$futilityBounds,
                            bindingFutility = design$bindingFutility
                        if (design$sided == 2) {
                            return(y$criticalValues[k] - abs(.getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k])))

                        return(y$criticalValues[k] - .getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]))
                    }, lower = tolerance, upper = upper,
                    tolerance = tolerance, direction = -1,
                    acceptResultsOutOfTolerance = TRUE, suppressWarnings = TRUE,
                    callingFunctionInformation = ".getRepeatedPValuesGroupSequential"
                .logProgress("Repeated p-values of stage %s calculated", startTime = startTime, k)


# Get repeated p-values based on inverse normal method
.getRepeatedPValuesInverseNormal <- function(..., stageResults, tolerance = C_ANALYSIS_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT) {
    design <- stageResults$.design
    .warnInCaseOfUnknownArguments(functionName = ".getRepeatedPValuesInverseNormal", ...)

    repeatedPValues <- rep(NA_real_, design$kMax)

    if (design$typeOfDesign == C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_HP && stageResults$stage == design$kMax) {
        if (!is.na(stageResults$combInverseNormal[design$kMax]) &&
                stageResults$combInverseNormal[design$kMax] == Inf) {
            repeatedPValues[design$kMax] <- tolerance
        } else {
            startTime <- Sys.time()
            lower <- .getDesignGroupSequential(
                kMax = design$kMax,
                sided = design$sided,
                informationRates = design$informationRates,
                typeOfDesign = C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_HP,
                futilityBounds = design$futilityBounds,
                bindingFutility = design$bindingFutility
            )$alphaSpent[design$kMax - 1] + tolerance
            upper <- 0.5
            repeatedPValues[design$kMax] <- .getOneDimensionalRootBisectionMethod(
                fun = function(level) {
                    y <- .getDesignGroupSequential(
                        kMax = design$kMax,
                        alpha = level,
                        sided = design$sided,
                        informationRates = design$informationRates,
                        typeOfDesign = C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_HP,
                        futilityBounds = design$futilityBounds,
                        bindingFutility = design$bindingFutility
                    if (design$sided == 2) {
                        return(y$criticalValues[design$kMax] -

                    return(y$criticalValues[design$kMax] - stageResults$combInverseNormal[design$kMax])
                }, lower = lower, upper = upper,
                tolerance = tolerance, direction = -1,
                acceptResultsOutOfTolerance = TRUE, suppressWarnings = TRUE,
                callingFunctionInformation = ".getRepeatedPValuesInverseNormal"
            .logProgress("Repeated p-values for final stage calculated", startTime = startTime)
    } else {
        typeOfDesign <- design$typeOfDesign
        deltaWT <- design$deltaWT
        typeBetaSpending <- design$typeBetaSpending

        if (!design$bindingFutility) {
            if (design$typeOfDesign == C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_PT) {
                typeOfDesign <- C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_WT
                deltaWT <- design$deltaPT1
            if (design$typeBetaSpending != "none") {
                typeBetaSpending <- "none"
        } else if ((design$typeOfDesign == C_TYPE_OF_DESIGN_PT) || (design$typeBetaSpending != "none")) {
            message("Calculation of repeated p-values might take a while for binding case, please wait...")

        for (k in 1:stageResults$stage) {
            if (!is.na(stageResults$combInverseNormal[k]) && (stageResults$combInverseNormal[k] == Inf)) {
                repeatedPValues[k] <- tolerance
            } else {
                startTime <- Sys.time()
                upper <- 0.5
                repeatedPValues[k] <- .getOneDimensionalRootBisectionMethod(
                    fun = function(level) {
                        y <- .getDesignGroupSequential(
                            kMax = design$kMax,
                            alpha = level,
                            sided = design$sided,
                            informationRates = design$informationRates,
                            typeOfDesign = typeOfDesign,
                            typeBetaSpending = typeBetaSpending,
                            gammaB = design$gammaB,
                            deltaWT = deltaWT,
                            deltaPT0 = design$deltaPT0,
                            deltaPT1 = design$deltaPT1,
                            beta = design$beta,
                            gammaA = design$gammaA,
                            futilityBounds = design$futilityBounds,
                            bindingFutility = design$bindingFutility
                        if (design$sided == 2) {
                            return(y$criticalValues[k] - abs(stageResults$combInverseNormal[k]))

                        return(y$criticalValues[k] - stageResults$combInverseNormal[k])
                    }, lower = tolerance, upper = upper,
                    tolerance = tolerance, direction = -1,
                    acceptResultsOutOfTolerance = TRUE, suppressWarnings = TRUE,
                    callingFunctionInformation = ".getRepeatedPValuesInverseNormal"
                .logProgress("Repeated p-values of stage %s calculated", startTime = startTime, k)


# Get repeated p-values based on Fisher combination test
.getRepeatedPValuesFisher <- function(..., stageResults, tolerance = C_ANALYSIS_TOLERANCE_DEFAULT) {
    .warnInCaseOfUnknownArguments(functionName = ".getRepeatedPValuesFisher", ...)

    design <- stageResults$.design

    repeatedPValues <- rep(NA_real_, design$kMax)
    for (k in 1:stageResults$stage) {
        if (!is.na(stageResults$combFisher[k]) && (stageResults$combFisher[k] == 0)) {
            repeatedPValues[k] <- tolerance
        } else {
            startTime <- Sys.time()
            repeatedPValues[k] <- .getOneDimensionalRootBisectionMethod(
                fun = function(level) {
                    y <- .getDesignFisher(
                        kMax = design$kMax,
                        alpha = level,
                        sided = design$sided,
                        informationRates = design$informationRates,
                        alpha0Vec = design$alpha0Vec,
                        bindingFutility = design$bindingFutility,
                        method = design$method
                    if (design$sided == 2) {
                        combFisherNegStagek <- prod((1 -
                        return(y$criticalValues[k] - min(stageResults$combFisher[k], combFisherNegStagek))
                    return(y$criticalValues[k] - stageResults$combFisher[k])
                lower = tolerance, upper = 0.5, tolerance = tolerance, direction = 1,
                acceptResultsOutOfTolerance = TRUE, suppressWarnings = TRUE,
                callingFunctionInformation = ".getRepeatedPValuesFisher"
            .logProgress("Repeated p-values of stage %s calculated", startTime = startTime, k)


.getRejectValueConditionalPowerFisher <- function(..., kMax, alpha0Vec,
        criticalValues, weightsFisher, pValues, currentKMax, thetaH1, stage, nPlanned) {
    pValues <- c(pValues[1:stage], 1 - stats::pnorm(stats::rnorm(
        kMax - stage,
        thetaH1 * sqrt(nPlanned[(stage + 1):currentKMax])
    for (j in 1:currentKMax) {
        reject <- .getRejectValueFisherForOneStage(
            kMax = currentKMax,
            alpha0Vec = alpha0Vec, criticalValues = criticalValues,
            weightsFisher = weightsFisher, stage = j, pValues = pValues
        if (reject >= 0) {

.getRejectValueFisherForOneStage <- function(..., kMax, alpha0Vec, criticalValues, weightsFisher, stage, pValues) {
    if (stage < kMax && pValues[stage] >= alpha0Vec[stage]) {

    p <- prod(pValues[1:stage]^weightsFisher[1:stage])
    if (is.na(p)) {
            C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "calculation of 'p' failed for stage ", stage,
            " ('pValues' = ", .arrayToString(pValues), ", 'weightsFisher' = ", .arrayToString(weightsFisher), ")"
    if (is.na(criticalValues[stage])) {
            C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "no critical value available for stage ", stage,
            " ('criticalValues' = ", .arrayToString(criticalValues), ")"

    if (p < criticalValues[stage]) {


.getRejectValueCrpFisher <- function(..., kMax, alpha0Vec, criticalValues, weightsFisher, k, stageResults) {
    pValues <- c(stageResults$pValues[1:k], stats::runif(kMax - k))
    for (stage in 1:kMax) {
        reject <- .getRejectValueFisherForOneStage(
            kMax = kMax, alpha0Vec = alpha0Vec,
            criticalValues = criticalValues, weightsFisher = weightsFisher, stage = stage,
            pValues = pValues
        if (reject >= 0) {

# Get CRP based on inverse normal or group sequential method
.getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesInverseNormalorGroupSequential <- function(..., stageResults) {
        functionName =
        ignore = c("design"), ...

    design <- stageResults$.design

    criticalValues <- design$criticalValues
    informationRates <- design$informationRates
    weights <- stageResults$weightsInverseNormal
    futilityBounds <- design$futilityBounds

    kMax <- design$kMax
    conditionalRejectionProbabilities <- rep(NA_real_, kMax)
    if (kMax == 1) {

    for (k in 1:min(kMax - 1, stageResults$stage)) {
        if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
            # Shifted decision region for use in getGroupSeqProbs
            shiftedDecision <- criticalValues[(k + 1):kMax] * sqrt(sum(weights[1:k]^2) +
                cumsum(weights[(k + 1):kMax]^2)) / sqrt(cumsum(weights[(k + 1):kMax]^2)) -
                as.vector(weights[1:k] %*% .getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$pValues[1:k])) /
                    sqrt(cumsum(weights[(k + 1):kMax]^2))

            if (k == kMax - 1) {
                shiftedFutilityBounds <- c()
            } else {
                shiftedFutilityBounds <- futilityBounds[(k + 1):(kMax - 1)] *
                    sqrt(sum(weights[1:k]^2) + cumsum(weights[(k + 1):(kMax - 1)]^2)) /
                    sqrt(cumsum(weights[(k + 1):(kMax - 1)]^2)) -
                    as.vector(weights[1:k] %*% .getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$pValues[1:k])) /
                        sqrt(cumsum(weights[(k + 1):(kMax - 1)]^2))
        } else {
            # Shifted decision region for use in getGroupSeqProbs
            shiftedDecision <- criticalValues[(k + 1):kMax] *
                sqrt(sum(weights[1:k]^2) + cumsum(weights[(k + 1):kMax]^2)) /
                sqrt(cumsum(weights[(k + 1):kMax]^2)) -
                .getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) * sqrt(sum(weights[1:k]^2)) /
                    sqrt(cumsum(weights[(k + 1):kMax]^2))

            if (k == kMax - 1) {
                shiftedFutilityBounds <- c()
            } else {
                shiftedFutilityBounds <- futilityBounds[(k + 1):(kMax - 1)] *
                    sqrt(sum(weights[1:k]^2) + cumsum(weights[(k + 1):(kMax - 1)]^2)) /
                    sqrt(cumsum(weights[(k + 1):(kMax - 1)]^2)) -
                    .getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) * sqrt(sum(weights[1:k]^2)) /
                        sqrt(cumsum(weights[(k + 1):(kMax - 1)]^2))

        # Scaled information for use in getGroupSeqProbs
        scaledInformation <- (informationRates[(k + 1):kMax] - informationRates[k]) /
            (1 - informationRates[k])

        if (design$sided == 2) {
            decisionMatrix <- matrix(c(-shiftedDecision, shiftedDecision), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)
            probs <- .getGroupSequentialProbabilities(decisionMatrix = decisionMatrix, informationRates = scaledInformation)
            crp <- sum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ] + probs[1, ])
        } else {
            if (design$bindingFutility) {
                decisionMatrix <- matrix(c(shiftedFutilityBounds, C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT, shiftedDecision),
                    nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE
            } else {
                decisionMatrix <- matrix(c(rep(C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT, kMax - k), shiftedDecision),
                    nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE
            probs <- .getGroupSequentialProbabilities(
                decisionMatrix = decisionMatrix,
                informationRates = scaledInformation
            crp <- sum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ])
        conditionalRejectionProbabilities[k] <- crp

    if (design$bindingFutility) {
        for (k in 1:min(kMax - 1, stageResults$stage)) {
            if (!is.na(futilityBounds[k])) {
                if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
                    if (stageResults$combInverseNormal[k] <= futilityBounds[k]) {
                        conditionalRejectionProbabilities[k:stageResults$stage] <- 0
                } else {
                    if (.getOneMinusQNorm(stageResults$overallPValues[k]) <= futilityBounds[k]) {
                        conditionalRejectionProbabilities[k:stageResults$stage] <- 0


# Get CRP based on Fisher combination test
.getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesFisher <- function(..., stageResults) {
        functionName =
            ".getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesFisher", ignore = c("stage", "design"), ...

    design <- stageResults$.design

    kMax <- design$kMax
    if (kMax == 1) {

    criticalValues <- design$criticalValues
    weights <- stageResults$weightsFisher
    if (design$bindingFutility) {
        alpha0Vec <- design$alpha0Vec
    } else {
        alpha0Vec <- rep(1, kMax - 1)

    conditionalRejectionProbabilities <- rep(NA_real_, kMax)
    for (k in (1:min(kMax - 1, stageResults$stage))) {
        if (prod(stageResults$pValues[1:k]^weights[1:k]) <= criticalValues[k]) {
            conditionalRejectionProbabilities[k] <- 1
        } else {
            if (k < kMax - 1) {
                conditionalRejectionProbabilities[k] <- .getFisherCombinationSize(
                    kMax - k,
                    alpha0Vec[(k + 1):(kMax - 1)], (criticalValues[(k + 1):kMax] /
                        prod(stageResults$pValues[1:k]^weights[1:k]))^(1 / weights[k + 1]),
                    weights[(k + 2):kMax] / weights[k + 1]
            } else {
                conditionalRejectionProbabilities[k] <- (criticalValues[kMax] /
                    prod(stageResults$pValues[1:k]^weights[1:k]))^(1 / weights[kMax])

    if (design$bindingFutility) {
        for (k in (1:min(kMax - 1, stageResults$stage))) {
            if (stageResults$pValues[k] > alpha0Vec[k]) {
                conditionalRejectionProbabilities[k:stageResults$stage] <- 0

    conditionalRejectionProbabilities[conditionalRejectionProbabilities >= 1] <- 1
    conditionalRejectionProbabilities[conditionalRejectionProbabilities < 0] <- NA_real_

# Get CRP based on Fisher combination test, tested through simulation
.getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesFisherSimulated <- function(...,
        stageResults, iterations = 0, seed = NA_real_) {
        functionName =
            ".getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesFisherSimulated", ignore = c("design", "simulateCRP"), ...

    design <- stageResults$.design
    .assertIsValidIterationsAndSeed(iterations, seed)

    criticalValues <- design$criticalValues
    alpha0Vec <- design$alpha0Vec
    weightsFisher <- stageResults$weightsFisher

    kMax <- design$kMax
    crpFisherSimulated <- rep(NA_real_, kMax)
    if (iterations > 0) {
        seed <- .setSeed(seed)
        if (kMax >= 2) {
            for (k in 1:min(kMax - 1, stageResults$stage)) {
                reject <- 0
                for (i in 1:iterations) {
                    reject <- reject + .getRejectValueCrpFisher(
                        kMax = kMax,
                        alpha0Vec = alpha0Vec, criticalValues = criticalValues,
                        weightsFisher = weightsFisher, k = k, stageResults = stageResults
                crpFisherSimulated[k] <- reject / iterations
        } else {
            warning("Simulation of CRP Fisher stopped: 'kMax' must be >= 2", call. = FALSE)

        crpFisherSimulated = crpFisherSimulated,
        iterations = iterations,
        seed = seed

#' @title
#' Get Conditional Rejection Probabilities
#' @description
#' Calculates the conditional rejection probabilities (CRP) for given test results.
#' @inheritParams param_stageResults
#' @param ... Further (optional) arguments to be passed:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{iterations}}{Iterations for simulating the conditional
#'       rejection probabilities for Fisher's combination test.
#'       For checking purposes, it can be estimated via simulation with
#'       specified \code{iterations}.}
#'   \item{\code{seed}}{Seed for simulating the conditional rejection probabilities
#'       for Fisher's combination test. See above, default is a random seed.}
#' }
#' @details
#' The conditional rejection probability is the probability, under H0, to reject H0
#' in one of the subsequent (remaining) stages.
#' The probability is calculated using the specified design. For testing rates and the
#' survival design, the normal approximation is used, i.e., it is calculated with the
#' use of the prototype case testing a mean for normally distributed data with known variance.
#' The conditional rejection probabilities are provided up to the specified stage.
#' For Fisher's combination test, you can check the validity of the CRP calculation via simulation.
#' @return Returns a \code{\link[base]{numeric}} vector of length \code{kMax} or in case of multi-arm stage results
#' a \code{\link[base]{matrix}} (each column represents a stage, each row a comparison)
#' containing the conditional rejection probabilities.
#' @family analysis functions
#' @template examples_get_conditional_rejection_probabilities
#' @export
getConditionalRejectionProbabilities <- function(stageResults, ...) {
    stageResults <- .getStageResultsObject(stageResults,
        functionName = "getConditionalRejectionProbabilities", ...

    if (.isEnrichmentStageResults(stageResults)) {
        return(.getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesEnrichment(stageResults = stageResults, ...))

    if (.isMultiArmStageResults(stageResults)) {
        return(.getConditionalRejectionProbabilitiesMultiArm(stageResults = stageResults, ...))


    if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormalOrGroupSequential(stageResults$.design)) {
            stageResults = stageResults, ...

    if (.isTrialDesignFisher(stageResults$.design)) {
        simulateCRP <- .getOptionalArgument("simulateCRP", ...)
        if (!is.null(simulateCRP) && isTRUE(simulateCRP)) {
            iterations <- .getOptionalArgument("iterations", ...)
            if (!is.null(iterations) && iterations > 0) {
                    stageResults = stageResults, ...
            stageResults = stageResults, ...

        inclusiveConditionalDunnett = .isMultiArmStageResults(stageResults)

.getDecisionMatrixRoot <- function(..., design, stage, stageResults, tolerance, firstParameterName,
        case = c("finalConfidenceIntervalGeneralLower", "finalConfidenceIntervalGeneralUpper", "medianUnbiasedGeneral")) {
    case <- match.arg(case)
    firstValue <- stageResults[[firstParameterName]][stage]
    if (.isTrialDesignGroupSequential(design)) {
        firstValue <- .getOneMinusQNorm(firstValue)

    if (firstValue >= 8) {

    result <- .getOneDimensionalRoot(
        function(theta) {
            if (design$bindingFutility) {
                row1part1 <- design$futilityBounds[1:(stage - 1)]
            } else {
                row1part1 <- rep(C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT, stage - 1)
            row1part2 <- C_FUTILITY_BOUNDS_DEFAULT
            row2part1 <- design$criticalValues[1:(stage - 1)]
            row2part2 <- firstValue

            if (.isTrialDesignGroupSequential(design)) {
                if (stageResults$isDatasetSurvival()) {
                    row1part3 <- theta * sqrt(design$informationRates[1:stage] /
                        design$informationRates[stage]) *
                } else {
                    if (stageResults$isOneSampleDataset()) {
                        row1part3 <- theta * sqrt(design$informationRates[1:stage] /
                            design$informationRates[stage]) *

                    if (stageResults$isTwoSampleDataset()) {
                        row1part3 <- theta * sqrt(design$informationRates[1:stage] /
                            design$informationRates[stage]) /
                            sqrt(1 / stageResults$overallSampleSizes1[stage] + 1 /

            if (.isTrialDesignInverseNormal(design)) {
                if (stageResults$isDatasetSurvival()) {
                    events <- stageResults$getDataInput()$getEventsUpTo(stage)
                    adjInfRate <- cumsum(stageResults$weightsInverseNormal[1:stage] * sqrt(events[1:stage])) /
                } else {
                    if (stageResults$isOneSampleDataset()) {
                        sampleSizes <- stageResults$getDataInput()$getSampleSizesUpTo(stage)
                        adjInfRate <- cumsum(stageResults$weightsInverseNormal[1:stage] *
                            sqrt(sampleSizes[1:stage])) /

                    if (stageResults$isTwoSampleDataset()) {
                        sampleSizes1 <- stageResults$getDataInput()$getSampleSizesUpTo(stage, 1)
                        sampleSizes2 <- stageResults$getDataInput()$getSampleSizesUpTo(stage, 2)
                        adjInfRate <- cumsum(stageResults$weightsInverseNormal[1:stage] /
                            sqrt(1 / sampleSizes1[1:stage] + 1 / sampleSizes2[1:stage])) /
                row1part3 <- theta * adjInfRate
            row2part3 <- row1part3

            row1 <- c(row1part1, row1part2) - row1part3
            row2 <- c(row2part1, row2part2) - row2part3

            decisionMatrix <- matrix(c(row1, row2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)

            probs <- .getGroupSequentialProbabilities(
                decisionMatrix = decisionMatrix,
                informationRates = design$informationRates[1:stage]

            if (case == "finalConfidenceIntervalGeneralLower") {
                return(sum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ]) - design$alpha / design$sided)
            } else if (case == "finalConfidenceIntervalGeneralUpper") {
                return(1 - sum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ]) - design$alpha / design$sided)
            } else if (case == "medianUnbiasedGeneral") {
                return(sum(probs[3, ] - probs[2, ]) - 0.50)
            } else {
                stop(C_EXCEPTION_TYPE_RUNTIME_ISSUE, "'case' = '", case, "' is not implemented")
        lower = -8,
        upper = 8,
        tolerance = tolerance,
        callingFunctionInformation = ".getDecisionMatrixRoot"

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