
Defines functions rp.radiogroup w.radiogroup

Documented in rp.radiogroup

w.radiogroup <- function(parent, title, vals, labels, initval = vals[1], action = I, pos = NULL,
                         foreground = NULL, background = "white", font = NULL) {
  widget       <- w.createwidget(parent, pos, background, title)
  widget$.type <- "radiogroup"
  widget$.var  <- handshake(tclVar, initval)
  widget$.cb   <- list()
  # cb is used so that same disposal method can be used for both radiogroup and checkgroup

  for (i in (1:length(labels))) {
    f  <- function(...) action(handshake(tclvalue, widget$.var))
    rb <- w.createwidget(widget, 
        width=as.integer(handshake(.Tcl, paste('font measure systemfont "', labels[[i]], '"', sep="") )),
        # 06/08 Offset of 2 is needed for unknown reasons - note 1 does not work
        height=2+as.integer(handshake(.Tcl, 'font metrics systemfont -linespace'))        
      ), background)
    rb$.type = "radiobutton"
    rb$.widget <- handshake(tkradiobutton, widget$.handle, command=f, text = labels[[i]],
                            variable = widget$.var)
    handshake(tkconfigure, rb$.widget, variable = widget$.var, value = vals[[i]])    
    w.appearancewidget(rb, font, foreground, background)    
    widget$.cb[i] <- list(rb)

rp.radiogroup <- function(panel, variable, vals, labels = NULL, initval = vals[1],
      pos = NULL, title = deparse(substitute(variable)), 
      action = I, foreground = NULL, background = NULL, font = NULL, 
      parentname = deparse(substitute(panel)), name = paste("radiogroup", .nc(), sep = ""), ...) {

  # The following line appears to be redundant, but is not. There is a problem with 
  # deparse substitute and rtcltk where the wrong value is taken into tcltk. Printing 
  # or assigning the title gets round this problem.
  title <- paste(title)

  if (!exists(panel$panelname, .rpenv, inherits = FALSE)) # if the panelname is not set then
    panelname = deparse(substitute(panel)) # the panel name should be the panel deparse subst'ed
  # 13/03/2012 these lines are not commented out in previous version
  #    panel <- rp.control.get(panelname, panel) # now get the panel
  #    panel$panelname = panelname # now set the panelname properly
  #    assign(panelname, panel, envir=.rpenv) # now send back the panel
    panelname = panel$panelname 
  # 13/03/2012 these lines are not commented out in previous version
  #    panel <- rp.control.get(panelname, panel) # now get the panel
# vals is not presently in use
  if (is.null(labels)) labels <- vals   

  varname <- deparse(substitute(variable))
  if (!rp.isnull(panelname, varname))
     variable <- rp.var.get(panelname, varname)
  else {
     variable <- initval
     rp.var.put(panelname, varname, variable)
# This is commented out but shows an interesting avenue - this returns the altered panel back to the calling environment.
# This was developed to deal with the rp.do problem - that it uses a local/global copy of panel and not the true version
# actually stored in .rpenv - this has been changed so that rp.do uses the .rpenv copy of the panel, not the global/local
# copy.
#    paa <- eval(parse(text=panelname), envir=.rpenv); 
#    assign(panelname, paa, envir=parent.frame()) 

  if (is.null(pos) & length(list(...)) > 0) pos <- list(...)
  if (is.null(labels)) labels <- varname
  f <- function(val) {
    rp.var.put(panelname, varname, val)
    panel <- rp.control.get(panelname)
    panel <- action(panel)
    rp.control.put(panelname, panel)
  if (rp.widget.exists(panelname, parentname))
     parent <- rp.widget.get(panelname, parentname)
     parent <- panel
  if (is.list(pos)) { if (!is.null(pos$grid)) { parent <- rp.widget.get(panelname, pos$grid) } }
  widget <- w.radiogroup(parent, title, vals, labels, initval = variable, action=f,
                         pos, foreground, background, font)

  rp.widget.put(panelname, name, widget)
  if (.rpenv$savepanel) rp.control.put(panelname, panel) # put the panel back into the environment

Try the rpanel package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rpanel documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:37 p.m.