
Defines functions w.tkrreplot rp.tkrreplot w.tkrplot .w.coords rp.tkrplot

Documented in rp.tkrplot rp.tkrreplot

rp.tkrplot <- function(panel, name, plotfun, action = NA, mousedrag = NA, mouseup = NA,
                       hscale = 1, vscale = 1, pos = NULL, foreground = NULL, background = NULL, 
                       margins=c(0, 0, 0, 0), parentname = deparse(substitute(panel)),
                       mar = par()$mar, ...) {
  if (!requireNamespace("tkrplot", quietly = TRUE)) stop("the tkrplot package is not available.") 
  panelname <- panel$panelname 
  name      <- deparse(substitute(name))

  if (is.null(pos) && length(list(...)) > 0) pos <- list(...)
  pf <- function() {
  	 panel <- rp.control.get(panelname)
  	 panel <- plotfun(panel)
  	 rp.control.put(panelname, panel)

  if (is.function(action))
     fa <- function(x, y) { 
        panel <- rp.control.get(panelname)
        panel <- action(panel, x ,y)
        rp.control.put(panelname, panel)
     fa <- NA
  if (is.function(mousedrag))
     fd <- function(x, y) { 
        panel <- rp.control.get(panelname)
        panel <- mousedrag(panel, x, y)
        rp.control.put(panelname, panel)
     fd <- NA
  if (is.function(mouseup))
     fu <- function(x, y) { 
        panel <- rp.control.get(panelname); 
        panel <- mouseup(panel, x ,y)
        rp.control.put(panelname, panel)
     fu <- NA

  if (rp.widget.exists(panelname, parentname))
     parent <- rp.widget.get(panelname, parentname) 
     parent <- panel
  if (is.list(pos) && !is.null(pos$grid))
     parent <- rp.widget.get(panelname, pos$grid)

  widget <- w.tkrplot(parent, plotfun = pf, action = fa, mousedrag = fd, mouseup = fu,
                      hscale, vscale, pos, foreground, background, margins, name, mar)
  rp.widget.put(panelname, name, widget)

  if (.rpenv$savepanel) rp.control.put(panelname, panel) # put the panel back into the environment

.w.tkrplot <- function (parent, fun, hscale = 1, vscale = 1, foreground = NULL, background = NULL, 
                        margins=c(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
  image <- paste("Rplot", .make.tkindex(), sep = "")
  handshakereverse(.my.tkdev, hscale, vscale)

  foreground <- handshake(tkimage.create, 'photo', file = foreground)
  w <- as.numeric(handshake(tcl, "image","width", foreground))
  h <- as.numeric(handshake(tcl, "image","height", foreground))
  pw <- par("pin")[1]; par(pin=c(pw,(h/w)*pw))


  handshake(.Tcl, paste("image create Rplot", image))

  lab <- handshake(tkcanvas, parent, width=w+margins[1]+margins[3], height=h+margins[2]+margins[4])
  handshake(tkcreate, lab, 'image', margins[1], margins[2], image=foreground, anchor="nw")
  lab$margins <- margins
  w.setbackground(lab, background)
  handshake(tkbind, lab, "<Destroy>", function() handshake(.Tcl, paste("image delete", image)))

  lab$image <- image; lab$fun <- fun; lab$hscale <- hscale; lab$vscale <- vscale
  lab$foreground <- foreground; lab$w <- w; lab$h <- h

.w.coords <- function(plot, x, y, parplt, parusr) {
  # convert the x,y clicked co-ordinates into values from the plot itself
  xClick <- x
  yClick <- y
  width  <- as.numeric(handshake(tclvalue, handshake(tkwinfo, "reqwidth",plot)))
  height <- as.numeric(handshake(tclvalue, handshake(tkwinfo, "reqheight",plot)))
  xMin <- parplt[1] * width; xMax <- parplt[2] * width
  yMin <- parplt[3] * height; yMax <- parplt[4] * height
  rangeX <- parusr[2] - parusr[1]
  rangeY <- parusr[4] - parusr[3]
  xClick <- as.numeric(xClick)+0.5
  yClick <- as.numeric(yClick)+0.5
  yClick <- height - yClick
  xPlotCoord <- parusr[1]+(xClick-xMin)*rangeX/(xMax-xMin)
  yPlotCoord <- parusr[3]+(yClick-yMin)*rangeY/(yMax-yMin)
  c(xPlotCoord, yPlotCoord, width, height, xClick, yClick)

w.tkrplot <- function(parent, plotfun, action = NA, mousedrag = NA, mouseup = NA,
                      hscale = 1, vscale = 1, pos = NULL, foreground = NULL, background = NULL,
                      margins=c(0, 0, 0, 0), name = paste("plot", .nc(), sep = ""), mar) {
  if (requireNamespace("tkrplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
    widget <- w.createwidget(parent, pos, NULL, tkrplottype = TRUE)
    widget$.type <- "tkrplot"
    plotter <- function() {
       par(mar = mar)
       assign(paste(name, ".plt", sep = ""), par('plt'), envir = .rpenv)
       assign(paste(name, ".usr", sep = ""), par('usr'), envir = .rpenv)
    if (is.null(foreground)) {
       widget$.widget <- handshake(tkrplot::tkrplot, parent$.handle, plotter,
                                   hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale)
       w.setbackground(widget$.widget, background)
    else {
       widget$.widget <- .w.tkrplot(parent$.handle, plotter, hscale = hscale, vscale = vscale, 
                             foreground = foreground, background = background,
                             margins = c(deparse(margins[1]), deparse(margins[2]),
    fdown <- function(x, y) {
       coords <- .w.coords(widget$.widget, x, y,
                           eval(parse(text = paste(name, ".plt", sep = "")), envir=.rpenv), 
                           eval(parse(text = paste(name, ".usr", sep = "")), envir=.rpenv)) 
      action(coords[1], coords[2]) 
    fdrag <- function(x, y) {
       coords <- .w.coords(widget$.widget, x, y,
                           eval(parse(text = paste(name, ".plt", sep = "")), envir = .rpenv), 
                           eval(parse(text = paste(name, ".usr", sep = "")), envir = .rpenv))
       mousedrag(coords[1], coords[2])
    fup <- function(x, y) {
       coords <- .w.coords(widget$.widget, x, y,
                           eval(parse(text = paste(name, ".plt", sep = "")), envir = .rpenv), 
                           eval(parse(text = paste(name, ".usr", sep = "")), envir = .rpenv))
       mouseup(coords[1], coords[2])

    if (is.function(action))    handshake(tkbind, widget$.widget, "<Button-1>", fdown)
    if (is.function(mousedrag)) handshake(tkbind, widget$.widget, "<B1-Motion>", fdrag)
    if (is.function(mouseup))   handshake(tkbind, widget$.widget, "<ButtonRelease-1>", fup)
    handshake(tkconfigure, widget$.widget, cursor = "hand2")
    w.appearancewidget(widget, NULL, NULL, NULL)
     widget <- warning("Package TkRplot is not installed.")

rp.tkrreplot <- function(panel, name) {
  # if (is.na(charmatch("window", panel$panelname))) # if the panelname is not set then
  if (!exists(panel$panelname, .rpenv, inherits = FALSE)) # if the panelname is not set then
     panelname <- deparse(substitute(panel)) # the panel name should be the panel deparse subst'ed
     panelname <- panel$panelname
  name <- deparse(substitute(name))
  img  <- rp.widget.get(panelname, name)
  handshake(tkrplot::tkrreplot, img$.widget)

w.tkrreplot <- function(img) {
  handshake(tkrplot::tkrreplot, img$.widget)

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rpanel documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:37 p.m.