## The S3 version
LdaPP <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("LdaPP")
LdaPP.formula <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, ...)
m <- = FALSE)
m$... <- NULL
m[[1]] <-"model.frame")
m <- eval.parent(m)
Terms <- attr(m, "terms")
grouping <- model.response(m)
x <- model.matrix(Terms, m)
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x), nomatch=0)
if(xint > 0)
x <- x[, -xint, drop=FALSE]
res <- LdaPP.default(x, grouping, ...)
## res$terms <- Terms
## fix up call to refer to the generic, but leave arg name as 'formula'
cl <-
cl[[1]] <-"LdaPP")
res@call <- cl
## res$contrasts <- attr(x, "contrasts")
## res$xlevels <- .getXlevels(Terms, m)
## res$na.action <- attr(m, "na.action")
LdaPP.default <- function(x,
prior = proportions,
tol = 1.0e-4,
method = c("huber", "mad", "sest", "class"),
optim = FALSE,
trace=FALSE, ...)
stop("x is not a matrix")
method <- match.arg(method)
xcall <-
x <- as.matrix(x)
n <- nrow(x)
p <- ncol(x)
if(length(grouping) == 1) {
## this is the number of groups and the groups are of equal size
ng = grouping
ni = n/ng
if(ng*ni < n)
stop("nrow(x) is not divisible by the number of groups")
grouping <- rep(0,0)
for(i in 1:ng)
grouping <- c(grouping, rep(i,ni))
}else if(length(grouping) > 1 && length(grouping) < n) {
## grouping contains a vector with the group sizes
ng <- length(grouping)
if(sum(grouping) != n)
stop("nrow(x) is not equal to n1+n2+...+nn")
gx <- rep(0,0)
for(i in 1:ng)
gx <- c(gx, rep(i,grouping[i]))
grouping <- gx
if(n != length(grouping))
stop("nrow(x) and length(grouping) are different")
g <- as.factor(grouping)
lev <- lev1 <- levels(g)
counts <- as.vector(table(g))
if(!missing(prior)) {
if(any(prior < 0) || round(sum(prior), 5) != 1)
stop("invalid prior")
if(length(prior) != nlevels(g))
stop("prior is of incorrect length")
prior <- prior[counts > 0]
if(any(counts == 0)) {
warning(paste("group(s)", paste(lev[counts == 0], collapse=" "),"are empty"))
lev1 <- lev[counts > 0]
g <- factor(g, levels=lev1)
counts <- as.vector(table(g))
proportions <- counts/n
ng <- length(proportions)
names(g) <- NULL
names(prior) <- levels(g)
mrob <- if(method == "huber") .mrob.huber
else if(method == "mad") .mrob.mad
else if(method == "sest") .mrob.s
else if(method == "class")
## We have only two groups!
n1 <- counts[1]
n2 <- counts[2]
## a1 <- (n1-1)/(n-2)
a1 <- n1/n
a2 <- 1 - a1
raw.ldf <- ldf <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=p)
raw.ldfconst <- ldfconst <- rep(0,2)
alpha <- .projpp(x, grp=g, a1, a2, mrob)
dx <- .det.a0(alpha, x, grp=g, a1=a1, a2=a2, mrob=mrob, prior=prior)
raw.ldf[1,] <- dx$alpha
raw.ldfconst[1] <- dx$alpha0
ldf <- raw.ldf
ldfconst <- raw.ldfconst
sol.1 <- optim(dx$alpha, .auxPP, x=x, grp=g, a1=a1, a2=a2, mrob=mrob)
if(sol.1$convergence != 0)
sol.1 <- optim(sol.1$par, .auxPP, x=x, grp=g, a1=a1, a2=a2, mrob=mrob)
dx <- .det.a0(sol.1$par, x, grp=g, a1=a1, a2=a2, mrob=mrob, prior=prior)
ldf[1,] <- dx$alpha
ldfconst[1] <- dx$alpha0
return (new("LdaPP", call=xcall, prior=prior, counts=counts,
raw.ldf=raw.ldf, raw.ldfconst=raw.ldfconst,
ldf=ldf, ldfconst=ldfconst,
method=method, X=x, grp=g))
.projpp <- function(x, grp, a1, a2, mrob)
lev <- levels(grp)
counts <- as.vector(table(grp))
p <- ncol(x)
n1 <- counts[1]
n2 <- counts[2]
X1 <- x[grp == lev[1],]
X2 <- x[grp == lev[2],]
inull <- 0
dmax <- 0
alpha <- NULL
imax <- 0
jmax <- 0
for(i in 1:n1)
for(j in 1:n2)
aux <- sqrt(sum((X1[i,] - X2[j,])**2))
dx <- (X1[i,] - X2[j,])/aux
px1 <- as.vector(t(X1%*%dx))
px2 <- as.vector(t(X2%*%dx))
m1 <- mrob(px1)
m2 <- mrob(px2)
if(is.null(m1$mu) | is.null(m1$s) | is.null(m2$mu) | is.null(m2$s))
inull <- inull + 1
if(inull > 10)
stop("Too many unsuccessful S-estimations!")
xdist <- (m1$mu - m2$mu)**2/(m1$s**2*a1 + m2$s**2*a2)
if(xdist > dmax)
dmax <- xdist
alpha <- dx
imax <- i
jmax <- j
.det.a0 <- function(alpha, x, grp, a1, a2, mrob, prior)
lev <- levels(grp)
counts <- as.vector(table(grp))
p <- ncol(x)
n1 <- counts[1]
n2 <- counts[2]
n <- n1 + n2
alpha <- alpha/sqrt(sum(alpha**2))
px <- as.vector(t(x%*%alpha))
m1 <- mrob(px[grp == lev[1]])
m2 <- mrob(px[grp == lev[2]])
if(m1$mu < m2$mu)
alpha <- -1*alpha
m1$mu <- -1*m1$mu
m2$mu <- -1*m2$mu
alpha0 <- -((m1$mu + m2$mu)/2 + log(prior[2]/prior[1])/(m1$mu - m2$mu)*(a1*m1$s**2 + a2*m2$s**2))
names(alpha0) <- NULL
list(alpha=alpha, alpha0=alpha0)
## A function to be maximized by Nelder and Mead algorithm in optim(),
## with first argument the vector of parameters over which
## maximization is to take place. It returns a scalar result.
## The initial values are from the projection algorithm
.auxPP <- function(alpha, x, grp, a1, a2, mrob)
lev <- levels(grp)
counts <- as.vector(table(grp))
p <- ncol(x)
n1 <- counts[1]
n2 <- counts[2]
n <- n1 + n2
px <- as.vector(t(x%*%alpha))
m1 <- mrob(px[grp == lev[1]])
m2 <- mrob(px[grp == lev[2]])
ret <- -(m1$mu - m2$mu)**2/(m1$s**2*a1 + m2$s**2*a2)
ret <- NA
if(length(ret) == 0)
cat("\nERROR: length of distance for 'optim' equal to 0: ", ret, "\n")
ret <- NA
} <- function(y)
list(mu=mean(y, na.rm=TRUE), s=sd(y, na.rm=TRUE))
.mrob.mad <- function(y)
list(mu=median(y, na.rm=TRUE), s=mad(y, na.rm=TRUE))
.mrob.s <- function(y)
aux <- lmrob(y ~ 1)
mu <- aux$init.S$coef
names(mu) <- NULL
s <- aux$init.S$scale
## mm=CovSest(as.matrix(y))
## list(mu=mm@center, s=mm@cov[1,1])
list(mu=mu, s=s)
.mrob.huber <- function(y, k1=1.5, k2=2, tol=1e-06, iter=8)
if(any(i <-
y <- y[!i]
n <- length(y)
## replicate the huberM() function from robustbase and add an
## iter parameter to be able to reproduce Ana's results
# mx1 <- huberM(y, k=k1, tol=tol)
mx1 <- .huberM(y, k=k1, tol=tol, iter=iter)
k <- k2
mu <- median(y)
s0 <- mx1$s
th <- 2 * pnorm(k) - 1
beta <- th + k^2 * (1 - th) - 2 * k * dnorm(k)
it <- 0:0
it <- it + 1:1
yy <- pmin(pmax(mu - k * s0, y), mu + k * s0)
ss <- sum((yy - mu)^2)/n
s1 <- sqrt(ss/beta)
## if(abs(s0-s1) < tol || (iter > 0 & it > iter))
if(it > iter)
s0 <- s1
list(mu=mx1$mu, s=s0, it1=mx1$it, it2=it)
## This is from robustbase - I added 'iter' parameter,
## only to be able to reproduce exactly na Pires' LdaPP
## FIXME: remove later
.huberM <- function (x, k = 1.5, weights = NULL, tol = 1e-06, mu = if (is.null(weights)) median(x) else wgt.himedian(x,
weights), s = if (is.null(weights)) mad(x, center = mu) else wgt.himedian(abs(x -
mu), weights), warn0scale = getOption("verbose"), iter=8)
if (any(i <- {
x <- x[!i]
if (!is.null(weights))
weights <- weights[!i]
n <- length(x)
sum.w <- if (!is.null(weights)) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(weights), weights >= 0, length(weights) ==
else n
it <- 0:0
if (sum.w == 0)
return(list(mu = NA, s = NA, it = it))
if (s <= 0) {
if (s < 0)
stop("negative scale 's'")
if (warn0scale && n > 1)
warning("scale 's' is zero -- returning initial 'mu'")
else {
wsum <- if (is.null(weights))
else function(u) sum(u * weights)
repeat {
it <- it + 1:1
y <- pmin(pmax(mu - k * s, x), mu + k * s)
mu1 <- wsum(y)/sum.w
## if (abs(mu - mu1) < tol * s)
if (it > iter)
mu <- mu1
list(mu = mu, s = s, it = it)
## Predict method for LdaPP - additional parameter raw=FALSE.
## If set to TRUE, the prediction will be done using the raw estimates
## (obtained by the first approximation algorithm).
setMethod("predict", "LdaPP", function(object, newdata, raw=FALSE){
ct <- FALSE
newdata <- object@X # use the training sample
ct <- TRUE # perform cross-validation
x <- as.matrix(newdata)
if(length(object@center)>0 & ncol(x) != ncol(object@center) | ncol(x) != ncol(object@ldf))
stop("wrong number of variables")
ldf <- if(raw) object@raw.ldf else object@ldf
ldfconst <- if(raw) object@raw.ldfconst else object@ldfconst
ret <- .mypredictLda(object@prior, levels(object@grp), ldf, ldfconst, x)
ret@ct <- mtxconfusion(object@grp, ret@classification)
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