
Defines functions handle_glm_prior center_x drop_empty_levels

# Part of the rstanarm package for estimating model parameters
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Trustees of Columbia University
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# drop any column of x with < 2 unique values (empty interaction levels)
# exception is column of 1s isn't dropped 
# @param x A design matrix
# @param xbar Optionally a vector of column means for compatibility with center_x(). 
# @param warn Should warning be thrown if columns are dropped? 
# @return A list with updated x and xbar.
drop_empty_levels <- function(x, xbar = NULL, warn = TRUE) {
  sel <- apply(x, 2L, function(w) length(w) > 1 && !all(w == 1) && length(unique(w)) < 2)
  if (any(sel)) {
    dropped_cols <- colnames(x)[sel]
    if (warn) {
      warning("Dropped empty interaction levels: ", paste(dropped_cols, collapse = ", "), 
              call. = FALSE)
    x <- x[, !sel, drop = FALSE]
    xbar <- xbar[!sel]
  } else {
    dropped_cols <- NULL
  nlist(x, xbar, dropped_cols)

# Center a matrix x and return extra stuff
# @param x A design matrix
# @param sparse A flag indicating whether x is to be treated as sparse
center_x <- function(x, sparse) {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  has_intercept <- if (ncol(x) == 0) 
    FALSE else grepl("(Intercept", colnames(x)[1L], fixed = TRUE)
  xtemp <- if (has_intercept) x[, -1L, drop=FALSE] else x
  if (has_intercept && !sparse) {
    xbar <- colMeans(xtemp)
    xtemp <- sweep(xtemp, 2, xbar, FUN = "-")
  } else {
    xbar <- rep(0, ncol(xtemp))
  dropped <- drop_empty_levels(xtemp, xbar)
  nlist(xtemp = dropped$x, 
        xbar = dropped$xbar, 
        dropped_cols = dropped$dropped_cols)

# Deal with priors
# @param prior A list
# @param nvars An integer indicating the number of variables
# @param default_scale Default value to use to scale if not specified by user
# @param link String naming the link function.
# @param ok_dists A list of admissible distributions.
handle_glm_prior <- function(prior, nvars, default_scale, link,
                             ok_dists = nlist("normal", student_t = "t", 
                                              "cauchy", "hs", "hs_plus", 
                                              "laplace", "lasso", "product_normal")) {
  if (!length(prior))
    return(list(prior_dist = 0L, prior_mean = as.array(rep(0, nvars)),
                prior_scale = as.array(rep(1, nvars)),
                prior_df = as.array(rep(1, nvars)), prior_dist_name = NA,
                global_prior_scale = 0, global_prior_df = 0,
                slab_df = 0, slab_scale = 0,
                prior_autoscale = FALSE))

  if (!is.list(prior)) 
    stop(sQuote(deparse(substitute(prior))), " should be a named list")
  prior_dist_name <- prior$dist
  prior_scale <- prior$scale
  prior_mean <- prior$location
  prior_df <- prior$df
  prior_mean[is.na(prior_mean)] <- 0
  prior_df[is.na(prior_df)] <- 1
  global_prior_scale <- 0
  global_prior_df <- 0
  slab_df <- 0
  slab_scale <- 0
  if (!prior_dist_name %in% unlist(ok_dists)) {
    stop("The prior distribution should be one of ",
         paste(names(ok_dists), collapse = ", "))
  } else if (prior_dist_name %in% 
             c("normal", "t", "cauchy", "laplace", "lasso", "product_normal")) {
    if (prior_dist_name == "normal") prior_dist <- 1L
    else if (prior_dist_name == "t") prior_dist <- 2L
    else if (prior_dist_name == "laplace") prior_dist <- 5L
    else if (prior_dist_name == "lasso") prior_dist <- 6L
    else if (prior_dist_name == "product_normal") prior_dist <- 7L
    prior_scale <- set_prior_scale(prior_scale, default = default_scale, 
                                   link = link)
  } else if (prior_dist_name %in% c("hs", "hs_plus")) {
    prior_dist <- ifelse(prior_dist_name == "hs", 3L, 4L)
    global_prior_scale <- prior$global_scale
    global_prior_df <- prior$global_df
    slab_df <- prior$slab_df
    slab_scale <- prior$slab_scale
  } else if (prior_dist_name %in% "exponential") {
    prior_dist <- 3L # only used for scale parameters so 3 not a conflict with 3 for hs
  prior_df <- maybe_broadcast(prior_df, nvars)
  prior_df <- as.array(pmin(.Machine$double.xmax, prior_df))
  prior_mean <- maybe_broadcast(prior_mean, nvars)
  prior_mean <- as.array(prior_mean)
  prior_scale <- maybe_broadcast(prior_scale, nvars)

        prior_autoscale = isTRUE(prior$autoscale))

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rstanarm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:51 a.m.