
Defines functions .p .flist.stanmvreg .cnms.stanmvreg .stanmvreg_check nobs.stanmvreg model.frame.stanmvreg family.stanmvreg sigma.stanmvreg ranef.stanmvreg ngrps.stanmvreg fixef.stanmvreg update.stanjm update.stanmvreg terms.stanmvreg se.stanmvreg residuals.stanmvreg fitted.stanmvreg coef.stanmvreg

Documented in coef.stanmvreg family.stanmvreg fitted.stanmvreg fixef.stanmvreg model.frame.stanmvreg ngrps.stanmvreg nobs.stanmvreg ranef.stanmvreg residuals.stanmvreg se.stanmvreg sigma.stanmvreg terms.stanmvreg update.stanjm update.stanmvreg

# Part of the rstanarm package for estimating model parameters
# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Trustees of Columbia University
# Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Sam Brilleman
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#' Methods for stanmvreg objects
#' S3 methods for \link[=stanreg-objects]{stanmvreg} objects. There are also 
#' several methods (listed in \strong{See Also}, below) with their own
#' individual help pages. 
#' The main difference between these methods and the 
#' \link[=stanreg-methods]{stanreg} methods is that the methods described here
#' generally include an additional argument \code{m} which allows the user to
#' specify which submodel they wish to return the result for. If the argument
#' \code{m} is set to \code{NULL} then the result will generally be a named list
#' with each element of the list containing the result for one of the submodels.
#' @name stanmvreg-methods
#' @templateVar stanmvregArg object,x
#' @templateVar mArg m
#' @template args-stanmvreg-object
#' @template args-m
#' @template args-remove-stub
#' @param ... Ignored, except by the \code{update} method. See
#'   \code{\link{update}}.
#' @details Most of these methods are similar to the methods defined for objects
#'   of class 'lm', 'glm', 'glmer', etc. However there are a few exceptions:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{coef}}{
#' Medians are used for point estimates. See the \emph{Point estimates} section
#' in \code{\link{print.stanmvreg}} for more details. \code{coef} returns a list 
#' equal to the length of the number of submodels. The first
#' elements of the list are the coefficients from each of the fitted longitudinal
#' submodels and are the same layout as those returned by \code{coef} method of the
#' \pkg{lme4} package, that is, the sum of the random and fixed effects coefficients 
#' for each explanatory variable for each level of each grouping factor. The final
#' element of the returned list is a vector of fixed effect coefficients from the
#' event submodel. 
#' }
#' \item{\code{se}}{
#' The \code{se} function returns standard errors based on 
#' \code{\link{mad}}. See the \emph{Uncertainty estimates} section in
#' \code{\link{print.stanmvreg}} for more details.
#' }
#' \item{\code{confint}}{
#' Not supplied, since the \code{\link{posterior_interval}} function should 
#' be used instead to compute Bayesian uncertainty intervals.
#' }
#' \item{\code{residuals}}{
#' Residuals are \emph{always} of type \code{"response"} (not \code{"deviance"}
#' residuals or any other type).
#' }
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#'  \item The \code{\link[=print.stanmvreg]{print}},
#'    \code{\link[=summary.stanmvreg]{summary}}, and \code{\link{prior_summary}} 
#'    methods for \code{stanmvreg} objects for information on the fitted model.
#'  \item The \code{\link[=plot.stanreg]{plot}} method to plot estimates and
#'    diagnostics.
#'  \item The \code{\link{pp_check}} method for graphical posterior predictive
#'    checking of the longitudinal or glmer submodels.
#'  \item The \code{\link{ps_check}} method for graphical posterior predictive
#'    checking of the event submodel.
#'  \item The \code{\link{posterior_traj}} for predictions for the longitudinal
#'    submodel (for models estimated using \code{\link{stan_jm}}), as well as
#'    it's associated \code{\link[=plot.predict.stanjm]{plot}} method.
#'  \item The \code{\link{posterior_survfit}} for predictions for the event
#'    submodel, including so-called "dynamic" predictions (for models estimated 
#'    using \code{\link{stan_jm}}), as well as
#'    it's associated \code{\link[=plot.survfit.stanjm]{plot}} method.
#'  \item The \code{\link{posterior_predict}} for predictions for the glmer
#'    submodel (for models estimated using \code{\link{stan_mvmer}}).
#'  \item The \code{\link{posterior_interval}} for uncertainty intervals for 
#'    model parameters.
#'  \item The \code{\link[=loo.stanreg]{loo}}, 
#'    and \code{\link[=log_lik.stanmvreg]{log_lik}} methods for leave-one-out 
#'    model comparison, and computing the log-likelihood of (possibly new) data.
#'  \item The \code{\link[=as.matrix.stanreg]{as.matrix}}, \code{as.data.frame}, 
#'    and \code{as.array} methods to access posterior draws.
#' } 
#' Other S3 methods for stanmvreg objects, which have separate documentation, 
#' including \code{\link{print.stanmvreg}}, and \code{\link{summary.stanmvreg}}.
#' Also \code{\link{posterior_interval}} for an alternative to \code{confint}, 
#' and \code{posterior_predict}, \code{posterior_traj} and 
#' \code{posterior_survfit} for predictions based on the fitted joint model.

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
coef.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, ...) {
  M <- get_M(object)
  if (length(list(...))) 
    warning("Arguments named \"", paste(names(list(...)), collapse = ", "), 
            "\" ignored.", call. = FALSE)
  fef <- lapply(fixef(object), function(x) data.frame(rbind(x), check.names = FALSE))
  ref <- ranef(object)
  refnames <- lapply(ref, function(x) unlist(lapply(x, colnames)))
  missnames <- lapply(1:M, function(m) setdiff(refnames[[m]], names(fef[[m]])))
  nmiss <- sapply(missnames, length)
  if (any(nmiss > 0)) for (x in 1:M) {
    if (nmiss[x] > 0) {
      fillvars <- setNames(data.frame(rbind(rep(0, nmiss[x]))), missnames[[x]])
      fef[[x]] <- cbind(fillvars, fef[[x]])
  val <- lapply(1:M, function(m) 
    lapply(ref[[m]], function(x) fef[[m]][rep.int(1L, nrow(x)), , drop = FALSE]))
  for (x in 1:M) {  # loop over number of markers
    for (i in seq(a = val[[x]])) {  # loop over number of grouping factors
      refi <- ref[[x]][[i]]
      row.names(val[[x]][[i]]) <- row.names(refi)
      nmsi <- colnames(refi)
      if (!all(nmsi %in% names(fef[[x]]))) 
        stop("Unable to align random and fixed effects.", call. = FALSE)
      for (nm in nmsi) 
        val[[x]][[i]][[nm]] <- val[[x]][[i]][[nm]] + refi[, nm]
  val <- lapply(val, function(x) structure(x, class = "coef.mer"))
  if (is.jm(object))
    val <- c(val, list(fixef(object)$Event))        
  if (is.null(m)) list_nms(val, M, stub = get_stub(object)) else val[[m]]       

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
fitted.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, ...)  {
  stop("Not currently implemented.")
  M <- get_M(object)
  stub <- get_stub(object)
  if (is.null(m)) 
    list_nms(object$fitted.values, M, stub = stub) else object$fitted.values[[m]]

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export 
residuals.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, ...) {
  stop("Not currently implemented.")
  M <- get_M(object)
  stub <- get_stub(object)
  if (is.null(m)) 
    list_nms(object$residuals, M, stub = stub) else object$residuals[[m]]

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
se.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, ...) {
  stop("Not currently implemented.")
  M <- get_M(object)
  stub <- get_stub(object)
  if (is.null(m)) list_nms(object$ses, M, stub = stub) else object$ses[[m]]

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
#' @param fixed.only A logical specifying whether to only retain the fixed effect
#'   part of the longitudinal submodel formulas
#' @param random.only A logical specifying whether to only retain the random effect
#'   part of the longitudinal submodel formulas  
formula.stanmvreg <- function (x, fixed.only = FALSE, random.only = FALSE, m = NULL, ...) {
  if (missing(fixed.only) && random.only) 
    fixed.only <- FALSE
  if (fixed.only && random.only) 
    stop("'fixed.only' and 'random.only' can't both be TRUE.", call. = FALSE)
  M <- get_M(x)
  form <- x$formula
  if (is.null(form))
    stop2("Could not find formula in stanmvreg object.")
  if (fixed.only) {
    for (i in 1:M)
      form[[i]][[length(form[[i]])]] <- lme4::nobars(form[[i]][[length(form[[i]])]])
  if (random.only) {
    for (i in 1:M)
      form[[i]] <- justRE(form[[i]], response = TRUE)
  if (is.null(m)) return(list_nms(form, M, stub = get_stub(x))) else return(form[[m]])

#' terms method for stanmvreg objects
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @templateVar mArg m
#' @template args-m
#' @param x,fixed.only,random.only,... See lme4:::terms.merMod.
terms.stanmvreg <- function(x, fixed.only = TRUE, random.only = FALSE, m = NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.stanmvreg(x))
  if (missing(fixed.only) && random.only) 
    fixed.only <- FALSE
  if (fixed.only && random.only) 
    stop("'fixed.only' and 'random.only' can't both be TRUE.", call. = FALSE)
  Terms <- list()
  if (is.mvmer(x)) {
    M <- get_M(x)
    mvmer_terms <- fetch(x$glmod, "terms")
    if (fixed.only) {
      Terms <- lapply(seq(M), function(i) {
        fe_form <- formula.stanmvreg(x, fixed.only = TRUE, m = i)
        tt <- terms.formula(fe_form)
        attr(tt, "predvars") <- attr(mvmer_terms[[i]], "predvars.fixed")
    } else if (random.only) {
      Terms <- lapply(seq(M), function(i) {
        re_form <- formula.stanmvreg(x, random.only = TRUE, m = i) 
        tt <- terms.formula(lme4::subbars(re_form))
        attr(tt, "predvars") <- attr(mvmer_terms[[i]], "predvars.random")
    } else {
      Terms[1:M] <- mvmer_terms
    Terms <- list_nms(Terms, M, stub = get_stub(x))
  if (is.surv(x)) {
    Terms$Event <- terms(x$terms$Event)
  if (is.null(m)) Terms else Terms[[m]]

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
#' @method update stanmvreg
#' @param formula. An updated formula for the model. For a multivariate model  
#'   \code{formula.} should be a list of formulas, as described for the 
#'   \code{formula} argument in \code{\link{stan_mvmer}}.
#' @param evaluate See \code{\link[stats]{update}}.
update.stanmvreg <- function(object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE) {
  call <- getCall(object)
  M <- get_M(object)
  if (is.null(call)) 
    stop2("'object' does not contain a 'call' component.")
  extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
  fm <- formula(object)
  if (!missing(formula.)) {
    if (M > 1) {
      if (!is.list(formula.))
        stop2("To update the formula for a multivariate model ",
              "'formula.' should be a list of formula objects. Use ",
              "'~ .' if you do not wish to alter the formula for one or ",
              "more of the submodels.")
      if (length(formula.) != M)
        stop2(paste0("The list provided in 'formula.' appears to be the ",
                     "incorrect length; should be length ", M))     
    } else {
      if (!is.list(formula.)) 
        formula. <- list(formula.)
    if (length(formula.) != M)
      stop2("The length of 'formula.' must be equal to the number of ",
            "glmer submodels in the original model, which was ", M, ".")
    fm_mvmer <- lapply(1:M, function(m) 
      update.formula(fm[[m]], formula.[[m]]))
    names(fm_mvmer) <- NULL
    fm_mvmer <- as.call(c(quote(list), fm_mvmer))
    call$formula <- fm_mvmer
  if (length(extras)) {
    existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
    for (a in names(extras)[existing]) 
      call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
    if (any(!existing)) {
      call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
      call <- as.call(call)
  if (!evaluate) 
  # do this like lme4 update.merMod instead of update.default
  ff <- environment(formula(object))
  pf <- parent.frame()
  sf <- sys.frames()[[1L]]
  tryCatch(eval(call, envir = ff),
           error = function(e) {
             tryCatch(eval(call, envir = sf),
                      error = function(e) {
                        eval(call, pf)

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
#' @method update stanjm
#' @param formulaLong.,formulaEvent. An updated formula for the longitudinal
#'   or event submodel, when \code{object} was estimated using 
#'   \code{\link{stan_jm}}. For a multivariate joint model \code{formulaLong.} 
#'   should be a list of formulas, as described for the \code{formulaLong}
#'   argument in \code{\link{stan_jm}}.
update.stanjm <- function(object, formulaLong., formulaEvent., ..., evaluate = TRUE) {
  call <- getCall(object)
  M <- get_M(object)
  if (is.null(call)) 
    stop2("'object' does not contain a 'call' component.")
  if ("formula." %in% names(list(...)))
    stop2("'formula.' should not be specified for joint models. ",
          "Specify 'formulaLong.' and 'formulaEvent' instead.")
  extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
  fm <- formula(object)
  if (!missing(formulaLong.)) {
    if (!is.jm(object))
      stop("'formulaLong.' should only be specified for joint models estimated ",
           "using stan_jm. Specify 'formula.' instead.")
    if (M > 1) {
      if (!is.list(formulaLong.))
        stop("To update the formula for a multivariate joint model ",
             "'formulaLong.' should be a list of formula objects. Use ",
             "'~ .' if you do not wish to alter the formula for one or ",
             "more of the longitudinal submodels.", call. = FALSE)
      if (length(formulaLong.) != M)
        stop(paste0("The list provided in 'formulaLong.' appears to be the ",
                    "incorrect length; should be length ", M), call. = FALSE)     
    } else {
      if (!is.list(formulaLong.)) 
        formulaLong. <- list(formulaLong.)
    if (length(formulaLong.) != M)
      stop2("The length of 'formulaLong.' must be equal to the number of ",
            "longitudinal submodels in the original model, which was ", M, ".")
    fm_long <- lapply(1:M, function(m) 
      update.formula(fm[[m]], formulaLong.[[m]]))
    names(fm_long) <- NULL
    fm_long <- as.call(c(quote(list), fm_long))
    call$formulaLong <- fm_long
  if (!missing(formulaEvent.)) {
    if (!is.jm(object))
      stop("'formulaEvent.' should only be specified for joint models estimated ",
           "using stan_jm.")
    call$formulaEvent <- update.formula(fm[[length(fm)]], formulaEvent.)  
  if (length(extras)) {
    existing <- !is.na(match(names(extras), names(call)))
    for (a in names(extras)[existing]) 
      call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
    if (any(!existing)) {
      call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
      call <- as.call(call)
  if (!evaluate) 
  # do this like lme4 update.merMod instead of update.default
  ff <- environment(formula(object))
  pf <- parent.frame()
  sf <- sys.frames()[[1L]]
  tryCatch(eval(call, envir = ff),
           error = function(e) {
             tryCatch(eval(call, envir = sf),
                      error = function(e) {
                        eval(call, pf)

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
#' @export fixef
#' @importFrom lme4 fixef
fixef.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, remove_stub = TRUE, ...) {
  M <- get_M(object)
  coefs <- object$coefficients
  coefs <- lapply(coefs, function(x) x[b_names(names(x), invert = TRUE)])
  if (remove_stub) {
    for (i in 1:length(coefs)) names(coefs[[i]]) <- rm_stub(names(coefs[[i]]))
  if (is.null(m)) list_nms(coefs, M, stub = get_stub(object)) else coefs[[m]]

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
#' @export ngrps
#' @importFrom lme4 ngrps
ngrps.stanmvreg <- function(object, ...) {

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
#' @export ranef
#' @importFrom lme4 ranef
ranef.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, ...) {
  M <- get_M(object)
  stub <- get_stub(object)
  all_names <- if (used.optimizing(object))
    rownames(object$stan_summary) else object$stanfit@sim$fnames_oi
  ans_list <- lapply(1:M, function(x) { 
    sel <- b_names_M(all_names, x, stub = stub)
    ans <- object$stan_summary[sel, select_median(object$algorithm)]
    # avoid returning the extra levels that were included
    ans <- ans[!grepl("_NEW_", names(ans), fixed = TRUE)]
    fl <- .flist(object, m = x) 
    levs <- lapply(fl, levels)
    asgn <- attr(fl, "assign")
    cnms <- .cnms(object, m = x) 
    nc <- vapply(cnms, length, 1L)
    nb <- nc * vapply(levs, length, 1L)[asgn]
    nbseq <- rep.int(seq_along(nb), nb)
    ml <- split(ans, nbseq)
    for (i in seq_along(ml)) {
      ml[[i]] <- matrix(ml[[i]], ncol = nc[i], byrow = TRUE, 
                        dimnames = list(NULL, cnms[[i]]))
    ans <- lapply(seq_along(fl), function(i) {
      data.frame(do.call(cbind, ml[asgn == i]), row.names = levs[[i]], 
                 check.names = FALSE)
    names(ans) <- names(fl)
    class(ans) <- c("ranef.mer")
  if (is.null(m)) list_nms(ans_list, M, stub = get_stub(object)) else ans_list[[m]]

#' @rdname stanmvreg-methods
#' @export
#' @export sigma
#' @rawNamespace if(getRversion()>='3.3.0') importFrom(stats, sigma) else
#'   importFrom(lme4,sigma)
sigma.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, ...) {
  stub <- get_stub(object)
  if (is.null(m)) {
    nms <- paste0("^", stub, "[1-9]\\|sigma")
  } else if (is.numeric(m)) {
    nms <- paste0("^", stub, m, "\\|sigma")
  } else if (is.character(m)) {
    nms <- paste0(m, "\\|sigma")
  } else {
    stop("Invalid 'm' argument.")
  sel <- sapply(nms, grep, rownames(object$stan_summary), value = TRUE)
  if (!length(sel)) 
  sigma <- object$stan_summary[sel, select_median(object$algorithm)]
  new_nms <- gsub("\\|sigma", "", sel)
  names(sigma) <- new_nms

# Exported but doc kept internal ----------------------------------------------

#' family method for stanmvreg objects
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @templateVar mArg m
#' @template args-m
#' @param object,... See \code{\link[stats]{family}}.
family.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, ...) {
  M <- get_M(object)
  stub <- get_stub(object)
  if (!is.null(m)) object$family[[m]] else 
    list_nms(object$family, M , stub = stub)

#' model.frame method for stanmvreg objects
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @templateVar mArg m
#' @template args-m
#' @param formula,... See \code{\link[stats]{model.frame}}.
#' @param fixed.only See \code{\link[lme4:merMod-class]{model.frame.merMod}}.
model.frame.stanmvreg <- function(formula, fixed.only = FALSE, m = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.stanmvreg(formula)) {
    M <- get_M(formula)
    fr <- fetch(formula$glmod, "model_frame")
    if (fixed.only) {
      fr <- lapply(seq(M), function(i) {
        ff <- formula(formula, fixed.only = TRUE, m = i)
        vars <- rownames(attr(terms.formula(ff), "factors"))
    fr$Event <- formula$survmod$model_frame
    if (is.null(m)) 
      return(list_nms(fr, M, stub = get_stub(formula))) else return(fr[[m]])

#' @rdname stanreg-methods
#' @export 
nobs.stanmvreg <- function(object, ...) {
  nrow(model.frame(object, m = 1))

# internal ----------------------------------------------------------------

.stanmvreg_check <- function(object) {
  if (!is.stanmvreg(object))
    stop("This method is for stanmvreg objects only.", call. = FALSE)
.cnms.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, remove_stub = FALSE, ...) {
  cnms <- if (is.null(m)) object$cnms else object$glmod[[m]]$reTrms$cnms
  if (remove_stub) lapply(cnms, rm_stub) else cnms
.flist.stanmvreg <- function(object, m = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(m)) {
    stop("'m = NULL' cannot currently be handled by .flist.stanmvreg method.")
  } else as.list(fetch(object$glmod, "reTrms", "flist")[[m]])
.p <- function(object) {
  sapply(object$cnms, length)

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