
# Part of the rstanarm package for estimating model parameters
# Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017 Trustees of Columbia University
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

SEED <- 123
ITER <- 100

if (!exists("example_model")) {
  example_model <- run_example_model()

# Error messages ----------------------------------------------------------
test_that("posterior_predict does not error if model fit using optimization", {
  fit1 <- stan_glm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars, algorithm = "optimizing",
                   seed = SEED, refresh = 0)
test_that("posterior_predict errors if NAs in newdata", {
  nd <- model.frame(example_model)
  nd$period[1] <- NA
  expect_error(posterior_predict(example_model, newdata = nd),
               regexp = "NAs are not allowed in 'newdata'")
  expect_error(posterior_linpred(example_model, newdata = nd),
               regexp = "NAs are not allowed in 'newdata'")
test_that("posterior_predict errors if draws > posterior sample size", {
  expect_error(posterior_predict(example_model, draws = 1e6),
               regexp = "'draws' should be <= posterior sample size")

# VB ----------------------------------------------------------------------
context("posterior_predict ok for vb")
test_that("silent for vb", {
  SW(fit1 <- stan_glm(mpg ~ wt + cyl + am, data = mtcars, algorithm = "meanfield",
                   refresh = 0))
  SW(fit2 <- update(fit1, algorithm = "fullrank", refresh = 0))

# MCMC --------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("edge cases for posterior_predict work correctly", {
  dims <- c(nrow(as.matrix(example_model)), nrow(lme4::cbpp))
  expect_identical(posterior_predict(example_model, re.form = NA, seed = SEED),
                   posterior_predict(example_model, re.form = ~0, seed = SEED))
  expect_identical(posterior_linpred(example_model, re.form = NA),
                   posterior_linpred(example_model, re.form = ~0))
  expect_identical(posterior_predict(example_model, seed = SEED),
                   posterior_predict(example_model, newdata = lme4::cbpp, seed = SEED))
                   posterior_linpred(example_model, newdata = lme4::cbpp))
  expect_error(posterior_predict(example_model, re.form = ~1))
  expect_error(posterior_predict(example_model, re.form = ~(1|foo)))
  expect_error(posterior_linpred(example_model, re.form = ~1))
  expect_error(posterior_linpred(example_model, re.form = ~(1|foo)))

test_that("lme4 tests work similarly", {
  # loosely following predict tests from lme4

  sfit <- example_model
  nd <- lme4::cbpp

  p1 <- posterior_predict(sfit, seed = SEED)
  p1b <- posterior_predict(sfit, newdata = nd, seed = SEED)
  expect_equal(p1, p1b)

  p2 <- posterior_predict(sfit, re.form = NA, seed = SEED)
  expect_equal(ncol(p2), nrow(nd))

  nd2 <- with(nd, expand.grid(period = unique(period),
                              herd = unique(herd),
                              size = 20))
  nd2$incidence <- 0

  p3 <- posterior_predict(sfit, nd2, seed = SEED)
  p4 <- expect_silent(posterior_predict(sfit, nd2, re.form = NA, seed = SEED))
  p5 <- posterior_predict(sfit, nd2, re.form = ~(1|herd), seed = SEED)
  expect_equal(p3, p5)

  # new levels
  nd3 <- rbind(nd2, data.frame(period = as.character(1:4),
                               herd = rep("new",4),
                               size = 20, incidence = 0))

  p6 <- posterior_predict(sfit, nd3, allow.new.levels = TRUE, seed = SEED)
  expect_equal(colMeans(p3), colMeans(p6[, 1:ncol(p3)]), tol = 0.05)
  expect_equal(apply(p3, 2, sd), apply(p6[, 1:ncol(p3)], 2, sd), tol = 0.05)

  # multiple groups
  lfit <- lmer(diameter ~ (1|plate) + (1|sample), Penicillin)
  SW(sfit <- stan_lmer(diameter ~ (1|plate) + (1|sample), data = Penicillin,
                    iter = 400, chains = CHAINS, seed = SEED, refresh = 0))

  nd <- with(Penicillin, expand.grid(plate=unique(plate), sample=unique(sample)))
  p1 <- posterior_predict(sfit, re.form = NA, seed = SEED)
  p2 <- posterior_predict(sfit, nd, seed = SEED)
  p3 <- posterior_predict(sfit, nd, re.form = NA, seed = SEED)
  p4 <- posterior_predict(sfit, nd, re.form=~(1|plate)+(~1|sample), seed = SEED)
  p4b <- posterior_predict(sfit, nd, re.form=~(1|sample)+(~1|plate), seed = SEED)
  p5 <- posterior_predict(sfit, nd, re.form=~(1|plate), seed = SEED)

# spaces in factor levels -------------------------------------------------
context("posterior_linpred/predict with spaces in factor levels")

test_that("posterior_linpred not sensitive to spaces in factor levels", {
  df <- data.frame(
    y = rnorm(10),
    fac_nospace = gl(2, 5, labels = c("levelone", "leveltwo")),
    char_nospace = rep(c("levelone", "leveltwo"), each = 5),
    fac_space = gl(2, 5, labels = c("level one", "level two")),
    char_space = rep(c("level one", "level two"), each = 5),
    fac_mix = gl(2, 5, labels = c("level one", "leveltwo")),
    char_mix = rep(c("level one", "leveltwo"), each = 5),
    int = rep(1:2, each = 5)
    fit1 <- stan_lmer(y ~ (1 | fac_nospace), data = df, seed = 123,
                      chains = 2, iter = 25, refresh = 0)
    fit2 <- update(fit1, formula. = . ~ (1 | char_nospace))
    fit3 <- update(fit1, formula. = . ~ (1 | fac_space))
    fit4 <- update(fit1, formula. = . ~ (1 | char_space))
    fit5 <- update(fit1, formula. = . ~ (1 | fac_mix))
    fit6 <- update(fit1, formula. = . ~ (1 | char_mix))
    fit7 <- update(fit1, formula. = . ~ (1 | int))

  # not adding a new level
  nd1 <- df[c(1, 10), ]
  ans1 <- posterior_linpred(fit1, newdata = nd1)
  expect_equal(ans1, posterior_linpred(fit2, newdata = nd1))
  expect_equal(ans1, posterior_linpred(fit3, newdata = nd1))
  expect_equal(ans1, posterior_linpred(fit4, newdata = nd1))
  expect_equal(ans1, posterior_linpred(fit5, newdata = nd1))
  expect_equal(ans1, posterior_linpred(fit6, newdata = nd1))
  expect_equal(ans1, posterior_linpred(fit7, newdata = nd1))

  # adding new levels
  nd2 <- data.frame(
    fac_nospace = gl(4, 1, labels = c("levelone", "leveltwo", "levelthree", "levelfour")),
    char_nospace = c("levelone", "leveltwo", "levelthree", "levelfour"),
    fac_space = gl(4, 1, labels = c("level one", "level two", "level three", "level four")),
    char_space = c("level one", "level two", "level three", "level four"),
    fac_mix = gl(4, 1, labels = c("level one", "leveltwo", "level three", "levelfour")),
    char_mix = c("level one", "leveltwo", "level three", "levelfour"),
    int = 1:4
  ans2 <- posterior_linpred(fit1, newdata = nd2)
  # should be same as ans1 except for cols 3:4 with new levels
  expect_equal(ans2[, 1:2], ans1, check.attributes = FALSE)
  expect_equal(ans2, posterior_linpred(fit2, newdata = nd2))
  expect_equal(ans2, posterior_linpred(fit3, newdata = nd2))
  expect_equal(ans2, posterior_linpred(fit4, newdata = nd2))
  expect_equal(ans2, posterior_linpred(fit5, newdata = nd2))
  expect_equal(ans2, posterior_linpred(fit6, newdata = nd2))
  expect_equal(ans2, posterior_linpred(fit7, newdata = nd2))

test_that("posterior_linpred with spaces in factor levels ok with complicated formula", {
  d <- mtcars
  d$cyl_fac <- factor(d$cyl, labels = c("cyl 4", "cyl 6", "cyl 8"))
  d$gear_fac <- factor(d$gear, labels = c("gear 3", "gear 4", "gear 5"))

    fit1 <- stan_lmer(mpg ~ (1 + wt|cyl/gear), data = d,
                      iter = 50, chains = 1, seed = 123, refresh = 0)
    fit2 <- update(fit1, formula. = . ~ (1 + wt|cyl_fac/gear_fac))
  expect_equal(posterior_linpred(fit1), posterior_linpred(fit2))

  # no new levels, all orig levels present in newdata
  nd1 <- data.frame(wt = 2, cyl = d$cyl, gear = d$gear)
  nd2 <- data.frame(wt = 2, cyl_fac = d$cyl_fac, gear_fac = d$gear_fac)
  expect_equal(posterior_linpred(fit1, newdata = nd1),
               posterior_linpred(fit2, newdata = nd2))

  # no new levels, subset of orig levels present in newdata
  nd3 <- data.frame(wt = 2, cyl = 4, gear = 3)
  nd4 <- data.frame(wt = 2, cyl_fac = "cyl 4", gear_fac = factor(3, labels = "gear 3"))
  expect_equal(posterior_linpred(fit1, newdata = nd3),
               posterior_linpred(fit2, newdata = nd4))

  # with new levels
  nd5 <- data.frame(wt = 2, cyl = 98, gear = 99)
  nd6 <- data.frame(wt = 2, cyl_fac = "new cyl", gear_fac = "new gear")
  expect_equal(posterior_linpred(fit1, newdata = nd5),
               posterior_linpred(fit2, newdata = nd6))

test_that("posterior_predict/epred with newdata works for intercept only model", {
  SW(fit_intercept <- stan_glm(mpg ~ 1, data = mtcars, refresh = 0, iter = 50, chains = 1))

  nd0 <- data.frame()
  nd1 <- data.frame(row.names = 1)
  nd2 <- data.frame(row.names = 1:2)
  expect_equal(ncol(posterior_predict(fit_intercept, newdata = nd1)), 1)
  expect_equal(ncol(posterior_predict(fit_intercept, newdata = nd2)), 2)
  expect_error(posterior_predict(fit_intercept, data.frame()), "must have more than 0 rows")

  expect_equal(ncol(posterior_epred(fit_intercept, newdata = nd1)), 1)
  expect_equal(ncol(posterior_epred(fit_intercept, newdata = nd2)), 2)
  expect_error(posterior_epred(fit_intercept, data.frame()), "must have more than 0 rows")

test_that("posterior_predict can handle empty interaction levels", {
  d1 <- expand.grid(group1 = c("A", "B"), group2 = c("a", "b", "c"))[1:5,]
  d1$y <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
  SW(fit <- rstanarm::stan_glm(y ~ group1:group2, data = d1, family = "binomial",
                               refresh = 0, iter = 20, chains = 1))
  expect_silent(ppd <- posterior_predict(fit))
  expect_equal(dim(ppd), c(10, 5))

  # make sure it can handle this in newdata even if not a problem in original data
  d2 <- expand.grid(group1 = c("A", "B"), group2 = c("a", "b", "c"))[1:6,]
  d2$y <- c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)
  SW(fit <- rstanarm::stan_glm(y ~ group1:group2, data = d2, family = "binomial",
                               refresh = 0, iter = 20, chains = 1))
  expect_silent(posterior_predict(fit, newdata = d1))

  # make sure it doesn't drop repeated rows in newdata
  nd <- data.frame(group1 = c("A", "A"), group2 = c("a", "a"))
  expect_silent(ppd <- posterior_predict(fit, newdata = nd))
  expect_equal(ncol(ppd), nrow(nd))
  expect_silent(ppd <- posterior_predict(fit, newdata = nd[1, ]))
  expect_equal(ncol(ppd), 1)

# helper functions --------------------------------------------------------
context("posterior_predict helper functions")
test_that("pp_binomial_trials works", {
  ppbt <- rstanarm:::pp_binomial_trials

  # binomial
  expect_equal(ppbt(example_model), cbpp$size)
  expect_equal(ppbt(example_model, newdata = cbpp[1:5, ]), cbpp[1:5, "size"])

  # bernoulli
  SW(fit <- stan_glm(I(mpg > 25) ~ wt, data = mtcars, family = binomial,
                     iter = ITER, refresh = 0, chains = CHAINS,
                     seed = SEED))
  expect_equal(ppbt(fit), rep(1, nrow(mtcars)))
  # expect_equal(ppbt(fit, newdata = mtcars[1:5, ]), rep(1, 5))

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rstanarm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:51 a.m.