
Defines functions center_z handle_glm_prior handle_theta_stap_prior check_theta_priors extract_stap_data get_weight_name weight_switch get_stap_name get_weight_code get_stap_code extract_crs_data .check_bef_data .handle_missing_stap .merge_data .get_crs_mat .get_crs_u

# Part of the rstap package for estimating model parameters
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# Center a matrix x and return extra stuff
# @param z A design matrix
center_z <- function(z) {
  z <- as.matrix(z)
  has_intercept <- if (ncol(z) == 0) 
    FALSE else grepl("(Intercept", colnames(z)[1L], fixed = TRUE)
  ztemp <- if (has_intercept) z[, -1L, drop=FALSE] else z
  if (has_intercept) {
    zbar <- colMeans(ztemp)
    ztemp <- sweep(ztemp, 2, zbar, FUN = "-")
  else zbar <- rep(0, ncol(ztemp))
  sel <- apply(ztemp, 2L, function(x) !all(x == 1) && length(unique(x)) < 2)
  if (any(sel)) {
    # drop any column of x with < 2 unique values (empty interaction levels)
    # exception is column of 1s isn't dropped 
    warning("Dropped empty interaction levels: ",
            paste(colnames(ztemp)[sel], collapse = ", "))
    ztemp <- ztemp[, !sel, drop = FALSE]
    zbar <- zbar[!sel]
  return(nlist(ztemp, zbar, has_intercept))

# Deal with priors
# @param prior A list
# @param nvars An integer indicating the number of variables
# @param default_scale Default value to use to scale if not specified by user
# @param link String naming the link function.
# @param ok_dists A list of admissible distributions.
handle_glm_prior <- function(prior, nvars, default_scale, link,
                             ok_dists = nlist("normal", student_t = "t", 
                                              "cauchy", "hs", "hs_plus", 
                                              "laplace", "lasso", "product_normal")) {
  if (!length(prior))
    return(list(prior_dist = 0L, prior_mean = as.array(rep(0, nvars)),
                prior_scale = as.array(rep(1, nvars)),
                prior_df = as.array(rep(1, nvars)), prior_dist_name = NA,
                global_prior_scale = 0, global_prior_df = 0,
                slab_df = 0, slab_scale = 0,
                prior_autoscale = FALSE))

  if (!is.list(prior)) 
    stop(sQuote(deparse(substitute(prior))), " should be a named list")
  prior_dist_name <- prior$dist
  prior_scale <- prior$scale
  prior_mean <- prior$location
  prior_df <- prior$df
  prior_mean[is.na(prior_mean)] <- 0
  prior_df[is.na(prior_df)] <- 1
  global_prior_scale <- 0
  global_prior_df <- 0
  slab_df <- 0
  slab_scale <- 0
  if (!prior_dist_name %in% unlist(ok_dists)) {
    stop("The prior distribution should be one of ",
         paste(names(ok_dists), collapse = ", "))
  } else if (prior_dist_name %in% 
             c("normal", "t", "cauchy", "laplace", "lasso", 
               "product_normal", 'lognormal')) {
    if (prior_dist_name == "normal") prior_dist <- 1L
    else if (prior_dist_name == "t") prior_dist <- 2L
    else if (prior_dist_name == "laplace") prior_dist <- 5L
    else if (prior_dist_name == "lasso") prior_dist <- 6L
    else if (prior_dist_name == "product_normal") prior_dist <- 7L
    else if(prior_dist_name == 'lognormal') prior_dist <- 8L
    prior_scale <- set_prior_scale(prior_scale, default = default_scale, 
                                   link = link)
  } else if (prior_dist_name %in% c("hs", "hs_plus")) {
    prior_dist <- ifelse(prior_dist_name == "hs", 3L, 4L)
    global_prior_scale <- prior$global_scale
    global_prior_df <- prior$global_df
    slab_df <- prior$slab_df
    slab_scale <- prior$slab_scale
  } else if (prior_dist_name %in% "exponential") {
    prior_dist <- 3L # only used for scale parameters so 3 not a conflict with 3 for hs
  prior_df <- maybe_broadcast(prior_df, nvars)
  prior_df <- as.array(pmin(.Machine$double.xmax, prior_df))
  prior_mean <- maybe_broadcast(prior_mean, nvars)
  prior_mean <- as.array(prior_mean)
  prior_scale <- maybe_broadcast(prior_scale, nvars)

        prior_autoscale = isTRUE(prior$autoscale))

# handles stap_theta priors
# @param prior A list
# @param nvars An integer indicating the number of variables
# @param link String naming the link function.
# @param ok_dists A list of admissible distributions.
handle_theta_stap_prior <- function(prior,ok_dists,stap_code,default_scale,coef_names){

            stop("We highly reccomend against using a flat prior",
                 "on the spatial-temporal scales, as it will make
                 sampling take a very long time")

        if (!is.list(prior) ) 
            stop(sQuote(deparse(substitute(prior))), " should be a list of lists")


        theta_s_dist <- rep(0,sum(stap_code==0) + sum(stap_code==2))
        theta_t_dist <- rep(0,sum(stap_code==1) + sum(stap_code==2))
        theta_s_scale <- rep(0,sum(stap_code==0) + sum(stap_code==2))
        theta_t_scale <- rep(0,sum(stap_code==1) + sum(stap_code==2))
        theta_s_mean <- rep(0,sum(stap_code==0) + sum(stap_code==2))
        theta_t_mean <- rep(0,sum(stap_code==1) + sum(stap_code==2))
        theta_s_df <- rep(0,sum(stap_code==0) + sum(stap_code==2))
        theta_t_df <- rep(0,sum(stap_code==1) + sum(stap_code==2))
        prior_theta <- list()

        for(i in 1:length(prior)){
            if(stap_code[i] %in% c(0,2)){
                prior_dist_name <- prior[[i]]$spatial$dist
                if(!prior_dist_name %in% unlist(ok_dists)){
                    stop("The prior distribution should be one of",
                         paste(names(ok_dists), collapse = ", "))
              } else if (prior_dist_name %in% 
                         c("normal", "t", "cauchy", "laplace", "lasso", 
                           "product_normal", 'lognormal')) {
                if (prior_dist_name == "normal") prior_dist <- 1L
                else if (prior_dist_name == "t") prior_dist <- 2L
                else if (prior_dist_name == "laplace") prior_dist <- 5L
                else if (prior_dist_name == "lasso") prior_dist <- 6L
                else if (prior_dist_name == "product_normal") prior_dist <- 7L
                else if(prior_dist_name == 'lognormal') prior_dist <- 8L
                theta_s_dist[i] <- prior_dist
                theta_s_scale[i] <- if(is.null(prior[[i]]$spatial$scale)) default_scale else prior[[i]]$spatial$scale
                theta_s_mean[i] <- if(is.na(prior[[i]]$spatial$location)) 0 else prior[[i]]$spatial$location
                theta_s_df[i] <- if(is.na(prior[[i]]$spatial$df)) 0 else prior[[i]]$spatial$df
            if(stap_code[i] %in% c(1,2)){
                prior_dist_name <- prior[[i]]$temporal$dist
                if(!prior_dist_name %in% unlist(ok_dists)){
                    stop("The prior distribution should be one of",
                         paste(names(ok_dists), collapse = ", "))
                } else if (prior_dist_name %in% 
                           c("normal", "t", "cauchy", "laplace", "lasso", 
                             "product_normal", 'lognormal')) {
                    if (prior_dist_name == "normal") prior_dist <- 1L
                    else if (prior_dist_name == "t") prior_dist <- 2L
                    else if (prior_dist_name == "laplace") prior_dist <- 5L
                    else if (prior_dist_name == "lasso") prior_dist <- 6L
                    else if (prior_dist_name == "product_normal") prior_dist <- 7L
                    else if(prior_dist_name == 'lognormal') prior_dist <- 8L
                    theta_t_dist[i] <- prior_dist
                theta_t_scale[i] <- if(is.null(prior[[i]]$temporal$scale)) default_scale else prior[[i]]$temporal$scale
                theta_t_mean[i] <- if(is.na(prior[[i]]$temporal$location)) 0 else prior[[i]]$temporal$location
                theta_t_df[i] <- if(is.na(prior[[i]]$temporal$df)) 0 else prior[[i]]$temporal$df
        if(any(stap_code %in% c(0,2))){
            prior_theta$theta_s_dist <- theta_s_dist
            prior_theta$theta_s_scale <- theta_s_scale
            prior_theta$theta_s_mean <- theta_s_mean
            prior_theta$theta_s_df <- theta_s_df
        if(any(stap_code %in% c(1,2))){
            prior_theta$theta_t_dist <- theta_t_dist
            prior_theta$theta_t_scale <- theta_t_scale
            prior_theta$theta_t_mean <- theta_t_mean
            prior_theta$theta_t_df <- theta_t_df

# checks theta prior if long list
# @param prior_list list of stap priors
# @param stap_code 
# @param coef_names
check_theta_priors <- function(prior_list,stap_code,coef_names){

    if(any( !(names(prior_list) %in% coef_names))  | length(stap_code) != length(prior_list)  )
        stop("if assigning any individual priors for spatial-temporal scales - ALL scales must be assigned an
             appropriately named prior")

    chck <- sapply(1:length(stap_code), function(x) switch(stap_code[x]+1, names(prior_list[[x]]) == "spatial",
                                                  names(prior_list[[x]]) == "temporal",
        stop("if assigning any individual priors for spatial-temporal scales -
             ALL scales must be assigned a prior and named appropriately")


# extract stap data from formula and create stapcov object 
# @param formula that designates model expression including stap covariates 
extract_stap_data <- function(formula){

    all_names <- all.names(formula)
    staps <- c("sap","tap","stap","sap_log","tap_log","stap_log")
    stap_covs <- all_names[which(all_names%in% staps) +1]
        stop("No stap covariates specified")
    stap_code <- get_stap_code(all_names,stap_covs)
    weight_code <- get_weight_code(all_names,stap_covs,stap_code)
    log_code <- sapply(all_names[which(all_names %in% staps)], function(x) grepl("_log",x))*1
    out <- lapply(1:length(stap_covs),function(x) list(covariate = stap_covs[x],
                                                    stap_type = get_stap_name(stap_code[x]),
                                                    stap_code = stap_code[x],
                                                    weight_function = get_weight_name(weight_code[x,]),
                                                    weight_code = weight_code[x,],
                                                    log_switch = log_code[x]))

get_weight_name <- function(code){
    list("spatial" = weight_switch(code[1]),
         "temporal" = weight_switch(code[2]))

weight_switch <- function(num){
    switch(num+1,"none", "erf","cerf","exp",'cexp',"wei","cwei")

get_stap_name <- function(code)

get_weight_code <- function(all_names, stap_covs, stap_code){
    w <- matrix(0,nrow = length(stap_covs),ncol=2)
    w_codes <- list("erf"=1,"cerf"=2,"exp"=3,"cexp"=4,"wei"=5,"cwei"=6)
    for(ix in 1:length(stap_covs)){
        temp <- all_names[which(all_names == stap_covs[ix])+1]
        if(stap_code[ix] %in% c(0,2)){
            if(temp %in% c("erf","cexp","cwei"))
                stop("erf,cwei and the complementary  exponential are reserved for temporal decay only")
            if(temp %in% c("cerf","exp","wei"))
                w[ix,1] <- w_codes[[temp]]
                w[ix,1] <- 2
        }else if(stap_code[ix] == 1){
            if(temp %in% c("cerf","exp","wei"))
                stop("cerf, wei and exponential functions  are reserved for spatial decay only")
            if(temp %in% c("erf","exp","cwei"))
                w[ix,2] <- w_codes[[temp]]
                w[ix,2] <- 1
        if(stap_code[ix] == 2){
            temp <- all_names[which(all_names == stap_covs[ix])+2]
            if(temp %in% c("erf","exp"))
               w[ix,2] <- w_codes[[temp]]
                w[ix,2] <- 1

# Get stap coding from formula
# @param  all_names character vector from calling all.names(formula)
# @param names of the stap covariates
# @return vector of length equal to number of staps + saps + taps
# with the appropriate coding for each appropriate predictor
get_stap_code <- function(all_names,stap_covs){
    staps <- list("sap"=0,"tap"=1,"stap"=2,
                  "sap_log" = 0, "tap_log" = 1, "stap_log" = 2)
    sapply(stap_covs,function(x) as.vector(staps[[all_names[which(all_names == x)-1]]]))

# extract crs data
# @param stap_data the stap data object extracted from \code{extract_stap_data}
# @param subject_data the subject_data data.frame
# @param distance_data the distance data.frame (optional)
# @param time_data the time data.frame (optional)
# @param id_key string of the id column(s) name to join on across subject, distance and time data. 
# @param max_distance  the maximum distance in distance_data
# @param max_time  the maximum distance in time_data 
# @return a list of the crs data for the spatial and/or temporal data as appropriate 
extract_crs_data <- function(stap_data, subject_data, distance_data, time_data, id_key, max_distance, max_time){

    dcol_ix <- validate_distancedata(distance_data,max_distance)
    tcol_ix <- validate_timedata(time_data)
    if(is.null(dcol_ix) & is.null(tcol_ix))
        stop("Neither distance_data, nor time_data submitted to function",",at least one is neccessary for rstap functions")
    if(is.null(max_distance) & !is.null(distance_data)) max_distance <- max(distance_data[,dcol_ix])
    if(is.null(max_time) & !is.null(time_data)) max_time <- max(time_data[,tcol_ix])

        stap_covs <- stap_data$covariates
        t_col_ics <- unlist(apply(time_data, 1, function(x) which( x %in% stap_covs)))
        stap_col <- colnames(time_data)[t_col_ics[1]]
        tcol <- colnames(time_data)[tcol_ix]
        tdata <- lapply(stap_covs, function(x) time_data[which(time_data[,stap_col] == x), ])
        tdata <- .handle_missing_stap(tdata,stap_covs)
        mtdata <- .merge_data(tdata, subject_data,id_key)
        M <- max(sapply(mtdata,nrow))
        t_mat <- .get_crs_mat(mtdata,tcol,M,stap_data$Q, stap_covs) 
        u_t <- .get_crs_u(mtdata,id_key,stap_col,stap_covs)

        return(list(d_mat = NA, t_mat = t_mat, u_s = NA, u_t = u_t,
                    max_distance = max_distance,
                    max_time = max_time))
     }else if(stap_data$d_only){
         stap_covs <- stap_data$covariates
         d_col_ics <- unlist(apply(distance_data, 1, function(x) which(x %in% stap_covs)))
        if(!all(d_col_ics)) stop("Stap - of any kind - covariates must all be in (only) one column
                                 of the distance dataframe as a character or factor variable.
                                 See '?stap_glm'")
        stap_col <- colnames(distance_data)[d_col_ics[1]]
        dcol <- colnames(distance_data)[dcol_ix]
        ddata <- lapply(stap_covs, function(x) distance_data[which((distance_data[,stap_col]==x &
                                                                       distance_data[,dcol]<= max_distance)),])
        ddata <- .handle_missing_stap(ddata,stap_covs,"distance")
        mddata <- .merge_data(ddata,subject_data,id_key)
        M <- max(sapply(mddata, nrow))
        d_mat <- .get_crs_mat(mddata, dcol, M,stap_data$Q, stap_covs)
        u_s <- .get_crs_u(mddata, id_key, stap_col, stap_covs)
        return(list(d_mat = d_mat, t_mat = NA,  u_s = u_s, u_t = NA,
                    max_distance = max_distance,
                    max_time = max_time))
    } else{
        sap_covs <- sap_covs(stap_data) 
        tap_covs <- tap_covs(stap_data)
        stap_covs <- stap_covs(stap_data)
        sap_stap <- union(sap_covs,stap_covs)
        tap_stap <- union(tap_covs,stap_covs)
        d_col_ics <- unlist(apply(distance_data, 1,
                                  function(x) which(x %in% sap_stap)))
        t_col_ics <- unlist(apply(time_data, 1,
                                  function(x) which(x %in% tap_stap)))
        if(!all(d_col_ics) && !all(t_col_ics) && !all(d_col_ics) && !all(t_col_ics))
            stop("Stap covariates - of any kind - must all be in (only) one column
                 of the distance dataframe as a character or factor variable. See '?stap_glm'",.call=F)
        stap_dcol <- colnames(distance_data)[d_col_ics[1]]
        stap_tcol <- colnames(time_data)[t_col_ics[1]]
        dcol <- colnames(distance_data)[dcol_ix]
        tcol <- colnames(time_data)[tcol_ix]

        ##ensure subjects that have zero exposure are included
        ddata <- lapply(sap_stap, function(x) distance_data[which((distance_data[,stap_dcol] == x &
                                                                                           distance_data[,dcol] <= max_distance)),])
        ddata <- .handle_missing_stap(ddata,sap_stap, "distance")

        tdata <- lapply(tap_stap, function(x) time_data[which(time_data[,stap_tcol] == x),])
        tdata <- .handle_missing_stap(tdata, tap_stap)


        mtdata <- .merge_data(tdata, subject_data, id_key)
        mddata <- .merge_data(ddata, subject_data,id_key) 
        M <-  max(sapply(mtdata,nrow))
        if(M != max(sapply(mddata,nrow)))
            stop("Something wrong please report bug")
        t_mat <-  .get_crs_mat(mtdata, tcol, M, stap_data$Q_t + stap_data$Q_st, tap_stap)
        u_t <- .get_crs_u(mtdata, id_key, stap_tcol, tap_stap)

        d_mat <- .get_crs_mat(mddata, dcol, M, stap_data$Q_s + stap_data$Q_st, sap_stap)
        u_s  <- .get_crs_u(mddata,id_key,stap_dcol,sap_stap)

        return(list(d_mat = d_mat, t_mat = t_mat, u_s = u_s, u_t = u_t, 
                    max_distance = max_distance, max_time = max_time))

.check_bef_data <- function(col_ics,distance=T){
        stop("No rows in ", if(distance) "distance" else "time", " data found with designated stap covariate", .call =F)
    else if(!all(col_ics)) 
        stop("Stap covariates must all be in (only) one column of the time/distance dataframe as a character or factor variable.
                                  See '?stap_glm'")
# handle missing stap
.handle_missing_stap <- function(data,stap_covs,type_of_data = "time"){
    else if(any(sapply(data, function(x) any(is.na(x)))))
        stop("No NA data values allowed in BEF time or distance data")
        missing <- stap_covs[which(sapply(data,nrow)==0)]
        stap_covs <- stap_covs[which(sapply(data,nrow)!=0)]
        warning(paste("The following stap covariates are not present in ", type_of_data, 
                      paste(missing, collapse = ", ")), 
                "These will be ommitted from the analysis")
        data <- lapply(data, function(x) if(nrow(x)!=0) x)
        data[sapply(data,is.null)] <- NULL

# Merge data with either subject id or subject and measure id
.merge_data <- function(list_data, subject_data, id_key){

        subj_id <- id_key[1]
        m_id <- id_key[2]
        merged_data <- lapply(list_data, function(y) 
            as.data.frame(dplyr::left_join(subject_data[,c(subj_id,m_id), drop = F],
                             y, by = c(eval(subj_id),eval(m_id)))))
        merged_data <- lapply(merged_data, function(y)
        lapply(list_data, function(y) as.data.frame(dplyr::left_join(subject_data[,id_key, drop = F],
                                                                   y, by = eval(id_key))))

# Get time or distance csr matrix from data
.get_crs_mat <- function(list_data, col_name, M, Q,labels){

    crs_mat <- lapply(list_data, function(x) x[!is.na(x[,col_name]),col_name])
    crs_mat <- matrix(Reduce(rbind, lapply(crs_mat,function(x) if(length(x)!=M) c(x,rep(0,M-length(x))) else x)),
                        nrow = Q, ncol = M)
    rownames(crs_mat) <- labels

.get_crs_u <- function(list_data,id_key,stap_col,stap_covs){

        id_data <- unique(list_data[[1]][,id_key])
        form <- as.formula(paste("~",paste(id_key,collapse = "+"),"+",stap_col))
        freq <- lapply(1:length(list_data), function(x) xtabs( form,
                                                              data = list_data[[x]],
                                                              addNA = TRUE)[,,stap_covs[x]])
        } else{
            freq <- lapply(1:length(list_data), function(x) xtabs(form,
                                                                   data = list_data[[x]],
                                                                   addNA = TRUE))
            for(i in 1:length(list_data)){
                freq[[i]] <- freq[[i]][,,which(dimnames(freq[[i]])[[3]] == stap_covs[i]),drop =F]
                # if(length)
        .merge_u_data <- function(id_data,freq_data,id_key){
            freq_data <- data.frame(freq_data)
            nms <- colnames(freq_data)[1:2]
            out <- merge(id_data,freq_data,by.x=id_key,by.y = nms,all.x = T)
            out <- out[order(out[,2],out[,1]),"Freq"]
        freq <- lapply(freq,function(x) .merge_u_data(id_data,x,id_key))
        u <- lapply(freq, function(x) cbind(
                                            is.na(dplyr::lag(cumsum(x))),0) +1,
        u <- abind::abind(u)
        dimnames(u) <- NULL
        freq <- lapply(1:length(list_data), function(x) xtabs( ~ get(id_key) + get(stap_col),
                                                              data = list_data[[x]], addNA = TRUE)[,stap_covs[x]])
        u <- lapply(freq, function(x) cbind(replace(dplyr::lag(cumsum(x)),
                                            is.na(dplyr::lag(cumsum(x))),0) +1,
        u <- abind::abind(u)
        dimnames(u) <- NULL

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rstap documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:21 p.m.