
Defines functions fit_rtmpt

Documented in fit_rtmpt

#' Posterior sample, diagnostics and some optional stuff for RT-MPT models
#' Given model and data, this function calls an altered version of the C++ program by Klauer and Kellen (2018) to sample from
#'   the posterior distribution via a Metropolis-Gibbs sampler and storing it in an mcmc.list called \code{samples}. 
#'   Posterior predictive checks developed by Klauer (2010), deviance information criterion (DIC; Spiegelhalter et al., 2002),
#'   99\% and 95\% highest density intervals (HDI) together with the median will be provided for the main parameters in a list 
#'   called \code{diags}. Optionally, the \code{indices} widely applicable information criterion (WAIC; Watanabe, 2010; Vehtari et al., 2017) and 
#'   leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO; Vehtari et al., 2017) can be saved. Additionally the log-likelihood (\code{LogLik}) can also be stored. 
#'   Some specifications of the function call are also saved in \code{specs}.
#' @param model A list of the class \code{rtmpt_model}.
#' @param data Optimally, a list of class \code{rtmpt_data}. Also possible is a \code{data.frame} or a 
#'   path to the text file. Both, \code{data.frame} and the text file must contain the column names "subj", 
#'   "group", "tree", "cat", and "rt" preferably but not necessarily in this order. The values of the latter must 
#'   be in milliseconds. It is always advised to use \code{\link{to_rtmpt_data}} first, which gives back an \code{rtmpt_data} list
#'   with informations about the changes in the data, that were needed.
#' @param n.chains Number of chains to use. Default is 4. Must be larger than 1 and smaller or equal to 16.
#' @param n.iter Number of samples per chain. Default is 5000.
#' @param n.burnin Number of warm-up samples. Default is 200.
#' @param n.thin Thinning factor. Default is 1.
#' @param Rhat_max Maximal Potential scale reduction factor: A lower threshold that needs to be reached before the actual sampling starts. Default is 1.05
#' @param Irep Every \code{Irep} samples an interim state with the current maximal potential scale reduction
#'   factor is shown. Default is 1000. The following statements must hold true for \code{Irep}:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{n.burnin} is smaller than or equal to \code{Irep},
#'     \item \code{Irep} is a multiple of \code{n.thin} and
#'     \item \code{n.iter} is a multiple of \code{Irep / n.thin}.
#'   }
#' @param prior_params Named list with prior parameters. All parameters have default values, that lead to uninformative priors. Vectors are not allowed.
#'   Allowed parameters are:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{mean_of_exp_mu_beta}: This is the a priori expected exponential rate (\code{E(exp(beta)) = E(lambda)}) and 
#'           \code{1/mean_of_exp_mu_beta} is the a priori expected process time (\code{1/E(exp(beta)) = E(tau)}). The default
#'           mean is set to \code{10}, such that the expected a priori process time is \code{0.1} seconds.
#'     \item \code{var_of_exp_mu_beta}: The a priori group-specific variance of the exponential rates. Since
#'           \code{exp(mu_beta)} is Gamma distributed, the rate of the distribution is just mean divided by variance and
#'           the shape is the mean times the rate. The default is set to \code{100}.
#'     \item \code{mean_of_mu_gamma}: This is the a priori expected \emph{mean parameter} of the encoding and response execution times,
#'           which follow a normal distribution truncated from below at zero, so \code{E(mu_gamma) < E(gamma)}. The default is \code{0}.
#'     \item \code{var_of_mu_gamma}: The a priori group-specific variance of the \emph{mean parameter}. Its default is \code{10}.
#'     \item \code{mean_of_omega_sqr}: This is the a priori expected residual variance (\code{E(omega^2)}). Its distribution
#'           differs from the one used in the paper. Here it is a Gamma distribution instead of an improper one. The default
#'           is \code{0.005}.
#'     \item \code{var_of_omega_sqr}: The a priori variance of the residual variance (\code{Var(omega^2)}). The default is
#'           \code{0.01}. The default of the mean and variance is equivalent to a shape and rate of \code{0.0025} and 
#'           \code{0.5}, respectivly.
#'     \item \code{df_of_sigma_sqr}: A priori degrees of freedom for the individual variance of the response executions. The
#'           individual variance has a scaled inverse chi-squared prior with \code{df_of_sigma_sqr} degrees of freedom and
#'           \code{omega^2} as scale. \code{2} is the default and it should be an integer.
#'     \item \code{sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA}: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the process 
#'           related parameters is an identity matrix \code{S=I}. \code{sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA} is a scaling factor, that scales this 
#'           matrix (\code{S=sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA*I}). Its default is \code{1}.
#'     \item \code{sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA}: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the encoding and
#'           motor execution parameters is an identity matrix \code{S=I}. \code{sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA} is a scaling factor, that scales 
#'           this matrix (\code{S=sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA*I}). Its default is \code{1}.
#'     \item \code{prec_epsilon}: This is epsilon in the paper. It is the precision of mu_alpha and all xi (scaling parameter
#'           in the scaled inverse Wishart distribution). Its default is also \code{1}.
#'     \item \code{add_df_to_invWish}: If \code{P} is the number of parameters or rather the size of the scale matrix used in the (scaled)
#'           inverse Wishart distribution then \code{add_df_to_invWish} is the number of degrees of freedom that can be added to it. So
#'           \code{DF = P + add_df_to_invWish}. The default for \code{add_df_to_invWish} is \code{1}, such that the correlations are uniformly 
#'           distributed within \code{[-1, 1]}.
#'   }
#' @param indices Model selection indices. If set to \code{TRUE} the log-likelihood for each iteration and trial will be stored temporarily
#'   and with that the WAIC and LOO will be calculated via the \code{loo} package. If you want to have this log-likelihood matrix stored in the
#'   output of this function, you can set \code{save_log_lik} to \code{TRUE}. The default for \code{indices} is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param save_log_lik If set to \code{TRUE} and \code{indices = TRUE} the log-likelihood matrix for each iteration and trial will
#'   be saved in the output as a matrix. Its default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param old_label If set to \code{TRUE} the old labels of "subj" and "group" of the data will be used in the elements of the output list. Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A list of the class \code{rtmpt_fit} containing 
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{samples}: the posterior samples as an \code{mcmc.list} object,
#'     \item \code{diags}: some diagnostics like deviance information criterion, posterior predictive checks for the frequencies and latencies, 
#'                         potential scale reduction factors, and also the 99\% and 95\% HDIs and medians for the group-level parameters,
#'     \item \code{specs}: some model specifications like the model, arguments of the model call, and information about the data transformation,
#'     \item \code{indices} (optional): if enabled, WAIC and LOO,
#'     \item \code{LogLik} (optional): if enabled, the log-likelihood matrix used for WAIC and LOO. 
#'     \item \code{summary} includes posterior mean and median of the main parameters.
#'   }
#' @references
#' Hartmann, R., Johannsen, L., & Klauer, K. C. (2020). rtmpt: An R package for fitting response-time extended multinomial processing tree models. 
#'   \emph{Behavior Research Methods, 52}(3), 1313–1338. 
#' Hartmann, R., & Klauer, K. C. (2020). Extending RT-MPTs to enable equal process times. \emph{Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 96}, 102340.
#' Klauer, K. C. (2010). Hierarchical multinomial processing tree models: A latent-trait approach. \emph{Psychometrika, 75(1)}, 70-98.
#' Klauer, K. C., & Kellen, D. (2018). RT-MPTs: Process models for response-time distributions based on multinomial processing trees with 
#'   applications to recognition memory. \emph{Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 82}, 111-130.
#' Spiegelhalter, D. J., Best, N. G., Carlin, B. P., & Van Der Linde, A. (2002). Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit. 
#'   \emph{Journal of the royal statistical society: Series b (statistical methodology), 64(4)}, 583-639.
#' Vehtari, A., Gelman, A., & Gabry, J. (2017). Practical Bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC. 
#'   \emph{Statistics and Computing, 27(5)}, 1413-1432.
#' Watanabe, S. (2010). Asymptotic equivalence of Bayes cross validation and widely applicable information criterion in singular learning theory. 
#'   \emph{Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11(Dec)}, 3571-3594.
#' @examples 
#' ####################################################################################
#' # Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
#' # The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each response.
#' ####################################################################################
#' mdl_2HTM <- "
#' # targets
#' do+(1-do)*g
#' (1-do)*(1-g)
#' # lures
#' (1-dn)*g
#' dn+(1-dn)*(1-g)
#' # do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess
#' "
#' model <- to_rtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)
#' data_file <- system.file("extdata/data.txt", package="rtmpt")
#' data <- read.table(file = data_file, header = TRUE)
#' data_list <- to_rtmpt_data(raw_data = data, model = model)
#' \donttest{
#' # This might take some time
#' rtmpt_out <- fit_rtmpt(model = model, data = data_list, Rhat_max = 1.1)
#' rtmpt_out
#' }
#' # Type ?SimData for another working example.
#' @author Raphael Hartmann
#' @useDynLib "rtmpt", .registration=TRUE
#' @export
#' @importFrom coda as.mcmc as.mcmc.list "varnames<-" gelman.diag
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table fread
#' @importFrom loo loo waic relative_eff
#' @importFrom methods as callGeneric new
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
#' @importFrom stringr str_split str_detect str_c str_replace
#' @importFrom methods is
fit_rtmpt <- function(model, 
                      n.chains = 4, 
                      n.iter = 5000, 
                      n.burnin = 200, 
                      n.thin = 1,
                      Rhat_max = 1.05, 
                      Irep = 1000, 
                      prior_params = NULL,
                      indices = FALSE, 
                      save_log_lik = FALSE,
                      old_label = FALSE) {
  # internal argument name changes
  Nchains <- n.chains
  Nsamples <- n.iter
  Nwarmup <- n.burnin
  thin <- n.thin

  # some controls
  model_elmnts <- c("lines", "params", "responses")
  if (!is.list(model)) stop("\"model\" must be a list.")
  if (!all(model_elmnts  %in% names(model))) stop("\"model\" must contain \"", model_elmnts[which(!(model_elmnts %in% names(model)))[1]], "\".")
  if (Nchains < 2 || Nchains > 16) stop("\"n.chains\" must be larger than 1 and lower or equal to 16.")
  if (Irep < 1) stop("\"Irep\" must be larger than or equal to one.")
  if (thin < 1) stop("\"n.thin\" must be larger than or equal to one.")
  if (Irep %% thin != 0) stop("\"Irep\" must be a multiple of \"n.thin\".")
  if (Nsamples %% (Irep/thin) != 0) stop("\"n.iter\" must be a multiple of \"Irep\" / \"n.thin\".")
  if (Nsamples < Irep/thin) stop("\"n.iter\" must be greater or equal to \"Irep\" / \"n.thin\" = ", Irep*thin, ".")
  if (Nwarmup > Irep) stop("\"n.burnin\" must be smaller than or equal to \"Irep\".")
  if (Rhat_max < 1) stop("\"Rhat_max\" must be larger than or equal to one.")
  if (!is.logical(indices)) stop("\"indices\" must either be TRUE or FALSE.")
  # if (!is.logical(bridge)) stop("\"bridge\" must either be TRUE or FALSE.")
  bridge = FALSE
  if (!is.logical(save_log_lik)) stop("\"save_log_lik\" must either be TRUE or FALSE.")
  if (!is.logical(old_label)) stop("\"old_label\" must either be TRUE or FALSE.")
  if (!is.null(prior_params) && !is.list(prior_params)) stop("\"prior_params\" must be a list.")

  # prepare data
  keep_data_path <- FALSE
  if (is.data.frame(data)) {
    temp_data <- to_rtmpt_data(data, model)
    data_frame <- temp_data$data
  	if("transformation" %in% names(temp_data)) {
  	  transformation <- temp_data$transformation
	  } else transformation <- list()
  } else if (is.character(data)) {
    temp_data <- to_rtmpt_data(read.table(file = data, header = TRUE), model)
    data_frame <- temp_data$data
  	if("transformation" %in% names(temp_data)) {
  	  transformation <- temp_data$transformation
  	} else transformation <- list()
    keep_data_path <- TRUE
  } else if (inherits(data, "rtmpt_data")) {
    data_frame <- data$data
  	if("transformation" %in% names(data)) {
  	  transformation <- data$transformation
  	} else transformation <- list()
  data_elmnts <- c("subj", "group", "tree", "cat", "rt")
  if (!all(data_elmnts %in% names(data_frame))) stop("\"data\" must contain \"", data_elmnts[which(!(data_elmnts %in% names(data_frame)))[1]], "\".")
  if (!all(data_elmnts == names(data_frame))) {
    df <- data_frame
    data_frame <- df[,match(data_elmnts, names(data_frame))]
  if (any(is.na(data_frame)) || min(data_frame) < 0) stop("All values in \"data\" need to be larger than or equal to zero and must not be NA.")
  if (max(data_frame[,1]+1) != length(unique(data_frame[,1]))) stop("\"max(data$subj+1)\" must equal \"length(unique(data$subj))\". You might want to use to_rtmpt_data().")
  if (max(data_frame[,2]+1) != length(unique(data_frame[,2]))) stop("\"max(data$group+1)\" must equal \"length(unique(data$group))\". You might want to use to_rtmpt_data().")
  if (max(data_frame[,3]+1) != length(unique(data_frame[,3]))) stop("\"max(data$tree+1)\" must equal \"length(unique(data$tree))\". You might want to use to_rtmpt_data().")
  if (max(data_frame[,4]+1) != length(unique(data_frame[,4]))) stop("\"max(data$cat+1)\" must equal \"length(unique(data$cat))\". You might want to use to_rtmpt_data().")
  temp_dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", tempdir())
  data_path <- gsub("\\\\", "/", tempfile(pattern = "rtmpt_data", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".txt"))
  #data_path <- paste0(temp_dir, "/rtmpt_data.txt")
  write.table(x = data_frame, file = data_path, sep = " ", 
              row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
  diag_path <- gsub("\\\\", "/", tempfile(pattern = "diagnosis", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".out"))
  #diag_path = paste0(temp_dir, "/diagnosis.out")
  chains_path <- gsub("\\\\", "/", tempfile(pattern = "chains_raw", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".out"))
  #chains_path = paste0(temp_dir, "/chains_raw.out")
  loglik_path <- gsub("\\\\", "/", tempfile(pattern = "log_likelihood", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".out"))
  #loglik_path = paste0(temp_dir, "/log_likelihood")
  mdl_txt <- gsub("\\\\", "/", tempfile(pattern = "model", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".txt"))
  #mdl_txt <- paste0(directory, "/model.txt")
  mdl_info <- gsub("\\\\", "/", tempfile(pattern = "model", tmpdir = tempdir(), fileext = ".info"))
  #mdl_info <- paste0(directory, "/model.info")
  # produce infofile
  infofile <- try(get_infofile(model, mdl_txt = mdl_txt, mdl_info = mdl_info))
  if(is(infofile, "try-error")) stop("problem with S4 routines in makin infofile.\n")
  # # functions to use
  # varnames <- function(infofile) {
  #   varstring <- system(paste("gawk 'END {print}' ", infofile), intern = TRUE)
  #   var_char <- strsplit(varstring, "\\s+")[[1]]
  #   return(var_char)
  # }
  # var_char <- varnames(infofile = infofile)
  # if (!all(var_char == names(model$params$probs))) stop("Fatal error: Wrong order of parameters in model file.")
  # prior parameters
  prior_names <- c("mean_of_exp_mu_beta", "var_of_exp_mu_beta", "mean_of_mu_gamma", "var_of_mu_gamma",
                   "mean_of_omega_sqr", "var_of_omega_sqr", "sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA", "sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA",
                   "df_of_sigma_sqr", "prec_epsilon", "add_df_to_invWish")
  if (is.null(prior_params)) prior_params <- list()
  if (!("mean_of_exp_mu_beta" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$mean_of_exp_mu_beta <- 10
  if (!("var_of_exp_mu_beta" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$var_of_exp_mu_beta <- 100
  if (!("mean_of_mu_gamma" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$mean_of_mu_gamma <- 0
  if (!("var_of_mu_gamma" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$var_of_mu_gamma <- 10
  if (!("mean_of_omega_sqr" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$mean_of_omega_sqr <- 0.005
  if (!("var_of_omega_sqr" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$var_of_omega_sqr <- 0.01
  if (!("df_of_sigma_sqr" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$df_of_sigma_sqr <- 2
  if (!("sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA <- 1
  if (!("sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA <- 1
  if (!("prec_epsilon" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$prec_epsilon <- 1
  if (!("add_df_to_invWish" %in% names(prior_params))) prior_params$add_df_to_invWish <- 1
  if (prior_params$add_df_to_invWish %% 1 != 0) stop("\"add_df_to_invWish\" must be an integer!")
  if (!all(names(prior_params) %in% prior_names)) {
    ind <- which(!(names(prior_params) %in% prior_names))
    stop("The following \"prior_params\" are not valid parameters: ", paste0(names(prior_params)[ind], sep = " "))
  # prior transformation
  rate_exp_mu_beta <- prior_params$mean_of_exp_mu_beta / prior_params$var_of_exp_mu_beta
  shape_exp_mu_beta <- prior_params$mean_of_exp_mu_beta * rate_exp_mu_beta
  rate_omega_sqr <- prior_params$mean_of_omega_sqr / prior_params$var_of_omega_sqr
  shape_omega_sqr <- prior_params$mean_of_omega_sqr * rate_omega_sqr
  add_df_invWish <- prior_params$add_df_to_invWish - 1

  # process names and number of precesses in total
  proc_names <- names(model$params$probs)
  nprocs <- length(proc_names)
  # prepare arguments for RTMPT
  CHAR <- c(Data = data_path, 
            Model = infofile, 
            Raus = chains_path, 
            Diagnostics = diag_path,
            loglike = loglik_path)
  REAL <- c(Rhat_max)
  REAL2 <- sapply(X = model$params$probs, FUN = function(x) {ifelse(is.na(x) | x %in% proc_names, -1, x)})  # constants in probs

  INTEGER <- c(NoThr = Nchains, 
               BurnIn = Nwarmup, 
               Thin = thin, 
               SampSize = Nchains*Nsamples,
               Irep = Irep,
               nKERN = dim(model$responses)[1], 
               nRESP = length(unique(model$responses$MAP)))
  INTEGER2 <- model$responses$MAP  # cat2resp
  BOOL1 <- sapply(X = model$params[["taus"]]["minus",], FUN = function(x) {ifelse(is.na(x) | x %in% proc_names, 1, 0)})  # tau minus
  BOOL2 <- sapply(X = model$params[["taus"]]["plus",], FUN = function(x) {ifelse(is.na(x) | x %in% proc_names, 1, 0)})  # tau plus
  BOOL3 <- c(loglik = indices, bridge = FALSE)#bridge)
  REAL3 <- c(prior_params$df_of_sigma_sqr, 
  INTEGER3 <- add_df_invWish

  F2K <- integer(3*nprocs)
  for(i in 1:nprocs) {
    theta <- model$params$probs[i]
    F2K[i] <- ifelse(theta %in% proc_names, which(proc_names==as.character(theta)), 
                     ifelse(is.na(theta), i, -1))
    tauminus <- model$params[["taus"]]["minus", i]
    F2K[i+nprocs] <- ifelse(tauminus %in% proc_names, nprocs + which(proc_names==as.character(tauminus)), 
                            ifelse(BOOL1[i], nprocs + i, -1))
    tauplus <- model$params[["taus"]]["plus", i]
    F2K[i+2*nprocs] <- ifelse(tauplus %in% proc_names, 2*nprocs + which(proc_names==as.character(tauplus)), 
                              ifelse(BOOL2[i], 2*nprocs + i, -1))
  INTEGER5 <- unique(F2K[F2K != -1])-1

  K2F <- integer(3*nprocs)
  cntk2f <- 1
  for(i in 1:(3*nprocs)) {
    tmp <- NULL
    if (i <= nprocs) {
      tmp <- model$params$probs[i]
    } else if (i <= 2*nprocs) {
      tmp <- model$params[["taus"]]["minus", i-nprocs]
    } else {tmp <- model$params[["taus"]]["plus", i-2*nprocs]}
    if(is.na(tmp)) {
      K2F[i] <- cntk2f
      cntk2f <- cntk2f + 1
    } else if(tmp == 0 | (tmp < 1 & tmp > 0)) {
      K2F[i] <- -1
    } else if(tmp %in% proc_names) {
      K2F[i] <- K2F[which(proc_names == as.character(tmp)) + (i>nprocs)*nprocs + (i>2*nprocs)*nprocs]
  INTEGER4 <- K2F-1*(K2F!=-1)
  # call C++ function RTMPT
  out <- .Call("rtmpt_fit", 

  # get data information
  data_info <- list(Nsubj = length(unique(data_frame[,1])), 
                    Ngroups = length(unique(data_frame[,2])), 
                    Nprobs = sum(is.na(model$params$probs)), 
                    Nminus = sum(is.na(model$params$taus[1,])), 
                    Nplus = sum(is.na(model$params$taus[2,])), 
                    Nresps = length(unique(model$responses$MAP)), 
                    # epsilon = 1,
                    probs_string = names(model$params$probs[which(is.na(model$params$probs))]), 
                    minus_string = names(model$params$probs[which(is.na(model$params$taus[1,]))]),
                    plus_string = names(model$params$probs[which(is.na(model$params$taus[2,]))]),
                    transformation = transformation)

  # prepare output list
  rtmpt <- list()
  rtmpt$samples <- make_mcmc_list(file = out$pars_samples, infofile = infofile, 
                                  Nchains = Nchains, Nsamples = Nsamples, 
                                  data_info = data_info, keep = old_label)
  out$pars_samples <- NULL
  # diagnostics
  rtmpt$diags <- get_diags(diag_file = diag_path, data_info = data_info, keep = old_label)
  if (file.exists(diag_path)) file.remove(diag_path)
  rtmpt$diags$R_hat <- gelman.diag(rtmpt$samples, multivariate = FALSE)
  # rtmpt$diags$R_hat_multivariate <- data.frame(SIGMA = NA, GAMMA = NA)
  # cntr <- 0
  # Nprocesses <- data_info$Ngroups * (data_info$Nprobs + data_info$Nminus + data_info$Nplus)
  # NSIGMA <- Nprocesses / data_info$Ngroups 
  # NSIGMA <- NSIGMA * (NSIGMA+1) / 2
  # Nab_primes <- Nprocesses / data_info$Ngroups * data_info$Nsubj
  # Ngamma <- data_info$Ngroups * data_info$Nresps
  # NGAMMA <- Ngamma / data_info$Ngroups
  # NGAMMA <- NGAMMA * (NGAMMA+1) / 2
  # Ng_primes <- Ngamma / data_info$Ngroups * data_info$Nsubj
  # rtmpt$diags$R_hat_multivariate$processes <- gelman.diag(rtmpt$samples[,(cntr+1):(cntr+Nprocesses)])$mpsrf
  # cntr <- cntr+Nprocesses
  # rtmpt$diags$R_hat_multivariate$SIGMA <- gelman.diag(rtmpt$samples[,(cntr+1):(cntr+NSIGMA)])$mpsrf
  # cntr <- cntr+NSIGMA
  # rtmpt$diags$R_hat_multivariate$alpha_beta_primes <- gelman.diag(rtmpt$samples[,(cntr+1):(cntr+Nab_primes)])$mpsrf
  # cntr <- cntr+Nab_primes
  # rtmpt$diags$R_hat_multivariate$gamma <- gelman.diag(rtmpt$samples[,(cntr+1):(cntr+Ngamma)])$mpsrf
  # cntr <- cntr+Ngamma+1
  # rtmpt$diags$R_hat_multivariate$GAMMA <- gelman.diag(rtmpt$samples[,(cntr+1):(cntr+NGAMMA)])$mpsrf
  # cntr <- cntr+NGAMMA
  # rtmpt$diags$R_hat_multivariate$gamma_primes <- gelman.diag(rtmpt$samples[,(cntr+1):(cntr+Ng_primes)])$mpsrf
  # specs
  infos <- readinfofile(infofile)
  rtmpt$specs <- list(model = model, n.chains = Nchains, n.iter = Nsamples, n.burnin = Nwarmup, n.thin = thin, 
                      n.groups = data_info$Ngroups, n.subj = data_info$Nsubj, Irep = Irep, Rhat_max = Rhat_max, 
                      prior_params = prior_params, infolist = infos, call = match.call(), 
					  n.groups = max(data_frame[,2]+1))
  if(exists("transformation")) {
    rtmpt$specs$transformation <- transformation
  # # bridge sampling
  # if (bridge) {
  #   start <- 1
  #   end <- Nsamples
  #   npar <- dim(out$pars_bridge)[2]
  #   data_list <- list(ConstProb = REAL2, dat_mod = CHAR[1:2],
  #                     numbers = INTEGER[6:7], CatToResp = INTEGER2,
  #                     tau_minus = BOOL1, tau_plus = BOOL2)
  #   # generate MCMC-list for coda
  #   dt <- as.data.table(out$pars_bridge)
  #   out$pars_bridge <- NULL
  #   vec <- vector("list",Nchains)
  #   for (i in 1:Nchains) {
  #     vec[[i]] <- dt[(i-1)*end + start:end]
  #     vec[[i]] <- as.mcmc(vec[[i]],start=start,end=end,thin=1)
  #   }
  #   bridge_samples <- as.mcmc.list(vec,start=start,end=end,thin=1)
  #   rm(vec, dt)
  #   if (file.exists("./raus_bridge")) file.remove("./raus_bridge")
  #   bounds <- lower_upper(data_info)
  #   lb <- bounds$lower
  #   ub <- bounds$upper
  #   names(lb) <- names(ub) <- paste0("V", 1:length(lb))
  #   rtmpt$logml <- try(bridge_sampler(samples = bridge_samples[,-npar],
  #                                 log_posterior = unnorm_logpost, data = data_list, lb = lb, ub = ub,
  #                                 repetitions = 1, param_types = rep("real", (npar-1)),
  #                                 method = "normal", cores = 1, use_neff = TRUE, packages = NULL,
  #                                 varlist = NULL, envir = .GlobalEnv, rcppFile = NULL,
  #                                 maxiter = 1000, silent = FALSE, verbose = FALSE))
  # }

  # WAIC & LOO
  if (file.exists(loglik_path)) {
    if (indices) {
      temp <- get_indices(loglik_path, Nchains, Nsamples)
      rtmpt$indices <- list(WAIC = temp$WAIC, LOO = temp$LOO)
      if (save_log_lik) rtmpt$LogLik <- temp$LogLik
  # remove data file
  if (!keep_data_path && file.exists(data_path)) file.remove(data_path)
  # remove info file and chains
  if (file.exists(infofile)) file.remove(infofile)
  if (file.exists(chains_path)) file.remove(chains_path)
  # summary
  rtmpt$summary <- writeSummaryRTMPT(rtmpt, keep = old_label)
  # output
  class(rtmpt) <- "rtmpt_fit"

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rtmpt documentation built on April 10, 2022, 5:05 p.m.