
### R code from vignette source 'sads_intro.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: R setup
options(width=60, continue=" ")

### code chunk number 2: installation (eval = FALSE)
## install.packages('sads')

### code chunk number 3: load-sads

### code chunk number 4: install-dev-version (eval = FALSE)
## library(devtools)
## install_github(repo = 'piLaboratory/sads', ref= 'dev', build_vignettes = TRUE)

### code chunk number 5: load-sads-package

### code chunk number 6: Loading datasets
data(moths)# William's moth data used by Fisher et al (1943)
data(ARN82.eB.apr77)# Arntz et al. benthos data
data(birds)# Bird census used by Preston (1948)

### code chunk number 7: Tabulating species in octaves
(moths.oc <- octav(moths))
(arn.oc <- octav(ARN82.eB.apr77))

### code chunk number 8: Ploting-octaves

### code chunk number 9: Biomass-octave-plot

### code chunk number 10: octaves-relative-frequencies
plot(moths.oc, prop = TRUE, border=NA, col=NA)
lines(octav(birds), mid = FALSE, prop = TRUE, col="red")
lines(octav(moths), mid = FALSE, prop = TRUE)
legend("topright", c("Preston's birds", "Fisher's moths"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1, bty="n")

### code chunk number 11: Rank-abundance tables
head(moths.rad <- rad(moths))
head(arn.rad <- rad(ARN82.eB.apr77))

### code chunk number 12: radplot1
plot(moths.rad, ylab="Number of individuals")

### code chunk number 13: radplots
plot(arn.rad, ylab="Biomass")

### code chunk number 14: rads-relative-abundances
plot(moths.rad, prop = TRUE, type="n")
lines(rad(birds), prop = TRUE, col="red")
lines(rad(moths), prop = TRUE)
legend("topright", c("Preston's birds", "Fisher's moths"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1, bty="n")

### code chunk number 15: Fitting a log-series model
( <- fitsad(moths,'ls'))

### code chunk number 16: Operations on fitsad object

### code chunk number 17: Profiling and intervals
################################################### <- profile(
likelregions( #likelihood intervals

### code chunk number 18: Ploting-profiles
plotprofmle( log-likelihood profile
plot( z-transformed profile

### code chunk number 19: Plot-of-predicted-values

### code chunk number 20: Fitting two other models
( <- fitsad(x=moths, sad="poilog"))#default is zero-truncated
(moths.ln <- fitsad(x=moths, sad="lnorm", trunc=0.5)) # lognormal truncated at 0.5

### code chunk number 21: Model selection table
AICtab(,, moths.ln, base=TRUE)

### code chunk number 22: Predicted values for octaves
head( <- octavpred(
head( <- octavpred(
head(moths.ln.oc <- octavpred(moths.ln))

### code chunk number 23: Octaves-plot
lines(, col="blue")
lines(, col="red")
lines(moths.ln.oc, col="green")
       c("Logseries", "Poisson-lognormal", "Truncated lognormal"), 
       lty=1, col=c("blue","red", "green"))

### code chunk number 24: Predicted values - radplots
head( <- radpred( 
head( <- radpred(
head(moths.ln.rad <- radpred(moths.ln))

### code chunk number 25: Rad-plots
lines(, col="blue")
lines(, col="red")
lines(moths.ln.rad, col="green")
       c("Logseries", "Poisson-lognormal", "Truncated lognormal"), 
       lty=1, col=c("blue","red", "green"))

### code chunk number 26: grasslands dataset

### code chunk number 27: grasslands breakpoints
(grass.brk <- c(0,1,3,5,seq(15,100, by=10),100) )

### code chunk number 28: grasslands histogram
 grass.h <- hist(grasslands$mids, breaks = grass.brk, plot = FALSE)

### code chunk number 29: grasslands histogram data
 data.frame(midpoint = grass.h$mids, N.spp = grass.h$counts) 

### code chunk number 30: grasslands model fit
grass.e <- fitsadC(grass.h, 'exp') # Exponential
grass.g <- fitsadC(grass.h, 'gamma') # Pareto
grass.l <- fitsadC(grass.h, 'lnorm') # Log-normal
grass.p <- fitsadC(grass.h, 'pareto') # Pareto
grass.w <- fitsadC(grass.h, 'weibull') # Weibull

### code chunk number 31: grasslands model selection
AICctab(grass.e, grass.g, grass.l,
        grass.p, grass.w,
        weights = TRUE, base = TRUE)

### code chunk number 32: grasslands_hist_plot
plot(grass.h, main = "", xlab = "Abundance class")

### code chunk number 33: grasslands coverpred
## Predicted by each model
grass.e.p <- coverpred(grass.e)
grass.g.p <- coverpred(grass.g)
grass.l.p <- coverpred(grass.l)
grass.p.p <- coverpred(grass.p)
grass.w.p <- coverpred(grass.w)

### code chunk number 34: grasslands_coverpred_plot
## Plot
plot(grass.h, main = "", xlab = "Abundance class", xlim = c(0,40))
## Adds predicted points
points(grass.e.p, col = 1)
points(grass.g.p, col = 2)
points(grass.l.p, col = 3)
points(grass.p.p, col = 4)
points(grass.w.p, col = 5)
       legend = c("Exponential", "Gamma", "Log-normal", "Pareto", "Weibull"),
       col = 1:5, bty = "n", 
       lty = 1 , pch = 1)

### code chunk number 35: rsad-example1
set.seed(42)# fix random seed to make example reproducible
(samp1 <- rsad(S = 10, frac = 0.1, sad = "lnorm", 
               coef=list(meanlog = 3, sdlog = 1.5),
               zeroes=TRUE, ssize = 2))

### code chunk number 36: rsad-example2
(samp2 <- rsad(S = 100, frac=0.1, sad="lnorm", 
               list(meanlog=5, sdlog=2)))

### code chunk number 37: rsad-poilog-fit
( <- fitsad(samp2, "poilog"))
## checking correspondence of parameter mu
coef([1] - log(0.1)

### code chunk number 38: rsad-repeated-samples
results <- matrix(nrow=75,ncol=2)
for(i in 1:75){
    x <- rsad(S = 100, frac=0.1, sad="lnorm", 
              list(meanlog=5, sdlog=2))
    y <- fitsad(x, "poilog")
    results[i,] <- coef(y)
results[,1] <- results[,1]-log(0.1)

### code chunk number 39: rsads_bias
##Mean of estimates
## relative bias

### code chunk number 40: rsads_bias
##Mean of estimates
## relative precision

### code chunk number 41: rsads-bias-plots
plot(density(results[,1]), main=expression(paste("Density of ",mu)))
abline(v=c(mean(results[,1]),5), col=2:3)
plot(density(results[,2]), main=expression(paste("Density of ",sigma)))
abline(v=c(mean(results[,2]), 2), col=2:3)

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sads documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:18 p.m.