
Defines functions getObjName parseVar.mat parseDelimVec getUniqueVarName getSnpNames normVarNames check.subsetData.list getSubsetDataVars check.file.list checkTryError getInteractions debug.time changeLevels.var removeWhiteSpace checkDelimiter removeLeading0 orderVars replaceStr.list replaceStr.var parse.vec writeTable changeGenotypes changeAlleles getAllVars getFormulas applyFormulas changeStr.names getColsFromCharVec callOS mergeData rep_rows rep_mat rep_cols strataMatrix checkForConstantVar getVarNames.int getVarNames.snp renameVar subsetData.list subsetData.var initDataFrame makeVector closeFile extractByStr getTempfile update_snp.list sort2D genfile.vec genfile.list getCommandArg matchNames addInterVars getInheritanceVec writeVec writeVecToFile removeMiss.vars removeMiss changeStrata addIntercept blockDiag getColNumber matrixDivideVec matrixMultVec unfactor unfactor.all factorVars writeSnpLines removeOrKeepRows removeOrKeepCols checkForSep getVarNames getNames getIdsFromFile matrix2rda dat2rda getOrder createDummy getRead.n check.vec check.list.vec.char check.vec.char check.vec.num check.files check.temp.list check.locusMap.list check.pheno.list check.snp.list check.include.snps check.subject.list getListName default.list recode.geno getVecFromStr

# History  Mar 28 2008 Add option to createDummy
#                      Add getOrder function
#          Mar 31 2008 Change snpNames option. snpNames are added
#                      in check.snp.list
#          Apr 07 2008 Add getNames function.
#                      Check for file seperator in check list functions.
#          Apr 11 2008 Add function removeOrKeepCols
#          Apr 15 2008 Change to sas.list
#          Apr 16 2008 Add removeOrKeepRows function
#          Apr 17 2008 Change in default.list
#          Apr 25 2008 Add unfactor function
#          Apr 30 2008 Add getVarNames function
#          May 01 2008 Add factorVars function
#                      Allow logical vector in removeOrKeepRows
#          May 05 2008 Change getSnpNames to getIdsFromFile
#          May 06 2008 Change snp.col, chrm.col, and loc.col to
#                      snp.var, chrm.var, and loc.var
#          May 09 2008 Add getInheritanceVec function
#                      Add addInterVars function
#          May 13 2008 Add option to createDummy to keep the original
#                      factor variable in the returned data frame.
#          May 31 2008 Add function matchNames
#          Jun 07 2008 Unfactor factors in changeStrata
#          Jun 10 2008 Change inheritance to genetic.model
#          Jun 11 2008 Add checkList option to default.list function
#          Jun 13 2008 Add getCommandArg function
#          Jun 14 2008 Remove nvars in getVarNames
#          Jun 20 2008 Add function to define lists for genfile
#                      Make snp.list$in.miss and snp.list$heter.codes
#                      to be character vectors in sheck.snp.list
#                      Check if input list is NULL in default.list
#                      Fix bug in recode.geno
#          Jun 21 2008 Change createDummy to allow for input matrices
#                      Return a list with added variable names
#          Jun 25 2008 Make createDummy more efficient
#                      Add start.n to changeStrata
#                      Make removeMiss more general
#                      Add sort2D function
#          Jun 27 2008 Change createDummy function
#          Jun 27 2008 Use getColumns function
#          Jun 27 2008 Add update.snp.list function
#                      Add getTempfile
#          Jun 28 2008 Add function extractByStr
#          Jun 30 2008 Add function closeFile
#          Jul 02 2008 Add code for type 5 files in check.snp.list
#                      Allow for GLU formats
#                      Add makeVector function
#          Jul 06 2008 Add initDataFrame function
#          Jul 08 2008 Add functions for subsetting data
#          Jul 11 2008 Add renameVar function
#          Jul 15 2008 Make default delimiter in snp.list a tab
#          Jul 17 2008 Change addInterVars
#                      Add getVarNames.int
#          Jul 24 2008 Add getSNP.type2
#          Jul 30 2008 Change to checkForSep, check.snp.list, 
#                       check.locusMap.list
#          Aug 07 2008 Add checkForConstantVar function
#          Aug 11 2008 Add unfactor.all function
#          Aug 15 2008 Redo getSNPdata
#          Aug 18 2008 Add strataMatrix
#          Aug 19 2008 Add rep.rows, rep.cols, rep.mat
#          Oct 10 2008 Add recode.data function
#          Oct 11 2008 Fix bug in subsetData.var for vector value
#          Oct 21 2008 Fix bug in addInterVars
#          Oct 22 2008 Extend recode.data function
#                      Add mergeData function
#          Oct 29 2008 Make changeLevels.var more general
#          Oct 31 2008 Allow for user defined genotypes in recode.data
#          Nov 04 2008 Extend removeOrKeepRows for character rows
#          Nov 05 2008 Extend subsetData.var to return rows
#          Nov 06 2008 Change the functionality subsetData.list
#                      Extend subsetData.var for character vector values
#          Nov 12 2008 Add callOS function
#          Nov 26 2008 Add GetColsFromCharVec function
#          Nov 26 2008 Generalize removeMiss function
#          Dec 08 2008 Add orderGenotypes function
#          Dec 10 2008 Keep rownames in removeOrKeepCols/removeOrKeepRows
#                      Add changeStr.names function
#          Dec 11 2008 Add applyFormulas function
#                      Add removeMiss.vars function
#          Jan 08 2009 Add changeAlleles function
#          Jan 21 2009 Add addColumn function
#          Jan 30 2009 Update changeAlleles function.
#                      Add writeTable function
#          Jan 31 2009 Update subsetData.var for missing values
#          Feb 02 2009 Add getPartition function
#          Feb 04 2009 Add crossTab function
#          Feb 05 2009 Change in recode.geno to allow for determining the major
#                      and minor alleles from a subset. 
#          Feb 07 2009 Add mergePhenoGeno function
#          Feb 23 2009 Fix bug in subsetData.var with NAs
#          Feb 26 2009 Extend crossTab function
#          Mar 05 2009 Make addColumn more efficient
#          Mar 16 2009 Update crossTab for 1 variable
#                      Add parse.vec function
#          Mar 19 2009 Add error checks in subsetData.list
#          Mar 20 2009 Change to subsetData.list to return the rows
#          Mar 23 2009 Update sort2D for 1 NA row
#          Mar 24 2009 Add replaceStr.var
#          Mar 25 2009 Add warnings to addColumn function
#          Mar 27 2009 Add option returnRows to subsetData.list
#          Apr 01 2009 Add option for NAs in subsetData
#          Apr 07 2009 Fix bug in recode.geno
#          Apr 08 2009 Let file be a data frame in addColumn
#          Apr 14 2009 Generalize subsetData.list
#          May 07 2009 Add option to mergePhenoGeno to include original genotypes
#          May 07 2009 Change replaceStr.var function
#                      Combine addColumn and addCol2
#                      Remove addCol2 function
#          May 12 2009 Add function orderVars 
#          May 13 2009 Add option to addColumn to check for leading zeros
#                      in the id variables.
#          May 29 2009 Update removeOrKeepCols to print out cols not found
#          Jun 01 2009 Update addColumn
#          Jun 05 2009 Add getTopHits function
#          Jun 05 2009 Add option to addColumn for not replacing variables.
#                      Add function mergeTopHits
#          Jun 08 2009 Add getRank.file function
#          Jun 09 2009 Change in subsetData.var for a numeric variable
#          Jun 15 2009 Add option to extractByStr for efficiency
#          Jun 25 2009 Force input argument data to be a data frame in addColumn
#                      Create function addRow
#          Jul 02 2009 Return a matrix in addColumn if the input object is a matrix
#          Jul 02 2009 Add option to sort2D
#          Jul 10 2009 Fix bug in getVarNames with NULL input object
#          Jul 21 2009 Add option to removeOrKeepCols to not throw error
#                      when columns are not found
#                      Move out older code to wga_util2.R
#                      Add function to check the delimiter in a file
#          Jul 22 2009 Add flag to snp.list, pheno.list, etc to check if
#                      the check.xxx.list was called.
#                      Add name mergeDirFile to snp.list
#          Jul 24 2009 Add writeVec function
#          Aug 03 2009 Changes in check.pheno.list
#          Aug 04 2009 Add removeWhiteSpace function
#                      Move less used code to wga_util2.R
#          Aug 10 2009 Check snpNames.list in check.snp.list
#          Aug 10 2009 Add options to snp.list in check.snp.list
#                      Add option in extractByStr to keep or remove
#                      matched values
#          Aug 18 2009 Add debug.time function
#          Aug 19 2009 Update check.vec to return flag
#          Aug 27 2009 Add exclude option in crossTab
#          Sep 24 2009 Add function to compute all interactions
#                      between 2 sets of variables in a data frame
#          Oct 01 2009 Change var to "var" in checkForConstantVar function
#          Oct 16 2009 Set up changes for efficiency:
#                      check.snp.list
#                      check.pheno.list
#          Oct 16 2009 Return major/minor alleles in recode.geno
#          Oct 16 2009 Change in closeFile to check that the file exists
#                      before deleting it.
#          Oct 20 2009 Add fun option to unfactor.all
#          Oct 23 2009 Add function checkTryError
#          Oct 27 2009 Change else statement in getInheritanceVec
#          Oct 28 2009 Add option removeVars from checkForConstantVar
#          Oct 28 2009 Fix bug in checkForConstantVar
#          Nov 03 2009 Add column names in getColsFromCharVec
#          Nov 10 2009 Update genfile.list for functions
#          Nov 10 2009 Update crossTab so that snp.list can be NULL
#          Nov 12 2009 Fix bug in recode.geno when out.genotypes is NULL
#          Nov 12 2009 Check vars in addColumn
#          Nov 20 2009 NO CHANGE
#          Dec 10 2009 Fix bug in determining the major/minor alleles in recode.geno
#          Dec 17 2009 Add option to getVarNames.int for seperating 
#                       interaction terms      
#          Dec 22 2009 Initialize a1, a2 to NULL in recode.geno       
#          Dec 29 2009 Use getFileDelim in check.xxx.list 
#          Dec 30 2009 Add code for getting variables from formulas    
#                      Add miss option to removeMiss.vars      
#                      Set default value for in.miss in check.pheno.list 
#          Dec 31 2009 Add option to callOS
#          Jan 04 2010 Update applyFormulas
#          Jan 13 2010 Add function check.file.list
#          Jan 15 2010 Add check.subsetData.list, update check.file.list.
#                      Add getSubsetDataVars, check.subsetData.list
#          Jan 19 2010 Update check.pheno.list with check.file.list
#          Feb 01 2010 Set extended = FALSE in replaceStr.var
#          Mar 04 2010 Add normVarNames function
#          Mar 05 2010 Update getIdsFromFile to call loadData.table
#          Mar 14 2010 Check vector length in recode.geno
#          Mar 18 2010 Fix bug in genfile.list with an empty list
#          Apr 13 2010 Update mergePhenoGeno for imputed data
#          Apr 15 2010 Add allele option to mergePhenoGeno
#          Apr 27 2010 Add new pheno.list options for duplicated ids
#          May 04 2010 No changes
#          Jun 14 2010 Add return option to getColsFromCharVec
#          Jul 02 2010 Add option to return snp names in mergePhenoGeno
#                      Update writeTable function
#          Jul 22 2010 Update addColumn
#          Jan 04 2011 Update check.file.list with getFileHeader function
#          Jan 06 2011 Update extractByStr to allow for exact matching
#          Jan 12 2011 Remove extended option in grep, gsub
#          Jan 25 2011 Add changeGenotypes function
#                      Add getSnpNames function
#          Jan 31 2011 Allow snp.list and pheno.list to be file names instead of lists
#                      Remove all calls to getListName
#          Jul 12 2011 Add function to return a unique variable name
#          Dec 22 2011 Allow for genetic.model = 4 (heterozygous) in check.snp.list
#          Jan 13 2012 No change
#          Feb 09 2012 Add code in recode.geno to check heterozygous codes when more than 3 genotypes
#          Sep 07 2012 Update mergePhenoGeno for TPED files
#          Dec 04 2012 Add num.prefix option to mergePhenoGeno function
#          Jan 11 2013 Return alleles from mergePhenoGeno
#          Aug 29 2013 Update code for stream
#          Sep 26 2013 Add impute.cutoff and impute.method to snp.list
#          Oct 07 2013 Add function check.subject.list
#          Oct 09 2013 Add option in check.pheno.list to check that variables exist in data
#          Oct 14 2013 Add check.include.snps function
#          Oct 22 2013 Update genfile.list for a formula
#          Mar 07 2014 Add function parseDelimVec
#          Apr 07 2015 Add numeric option to parseDelimVec 
#          Apr 16 2015 Set snp.list$MAF = 0 in checl.snp.list
#          Jul 15 2015 Add parseVar.mat 
#          Mar 10 2016 Add function to parse SNP names
#          Apr 06 2016 Add format "dose" for expected dosages
#          Jul 01 2016 Add function getObjName

# Function to pull apart each string from the data object
getVecFromStr <- function(string, delimiter="|") {

  # string       String to break apart. No default
  # delimiter    Delimiter used in string. The default is "|". 

  strsplit(string, delimiter, fixed=TRUE)[[1]]

} # END: getVecFromStr

# Function to recode a vector of genotypes and missing values
recode.geno <- function(vec, in.miss=c("  "), out.miss=NA,
               out.genotypes=c(0,1,2), heter.codes=NULL, subset=NULL) {

  # vec           Input vector 
  #               No default.
  # in.miss       Vector of categories which denote missing values. 
  #               These categories will be changed to out.miss,
  #               if out.miss is not NULL.
  #               The default is "  "  (2 spaces)
  # out.miss      New category for missing values. Use NULL if you want to
  #               keep the original missing categories.
  #               The default is NA
  # out.genotypes Vector of length 3 containing the new genotypes,
  #               the first element is for the major homozygous
  #               genotype and the second element is for the 
  #               heterozygous genotype. 
  #               Use NULL for no recoding of the genotypes
  # heter.codes   Vector of codes used for the heterozygous genotype.
  #               If NULL, then it is assumed that the heterozygous 
  #               genotype is of the form "AB", "Aa", "CT", etc (a 2-character
  #               string with different characters... case sensitive!!!)
  #               The default is NULL.
  # subset        NULL or a logical vector of length length(vec) to be used
  #               in determining the major and minor homozygous genotypes.
  #               The default is NULL so that all (non-missing) elements
  #               of vec will be used. 

  # Get the rows that contain missing values
  # Do not change these values now, because we need to know the other codes.
  tempMiss <- vec %in% in.miss
  if (!is.null(out.miss)) {
    mFlag    <- 1
  } else {
    mFlag    <- 0

  # Determine if a subset is to be used
  subFlag <- !is.null(subset)
  if (subFlag) {
    if (!is.logical(subset)) stop("ERROR in recode.geno: subset is not a logical vector")
    if (length(subset) != length(vec)) stop("ERROR in recode.geno: length(subset) != length(vec)")
    if (!any(subset)) subFlag <- 0
    vec0 <- vec

  # Initialize
  index   <- Inf
  subSum  <- Inf
  alleles <- " | "
  hflag   <- 1
  a1      <- NULL
  a2      <- NULL

  if (!is.null(out.genotypes)) {

    # Watch out for heterozygous codes. If snp vector contains more than 1 distinct
    # heterozygous code, then make them consistent
    if (!is.null(heter.codes)) {
      temp <- vec %in% heter.codes
      if (any(temp)) {
        uht  <- unique(vec[temp]) 
        nuht <- length(uht)
        if (nuht > 1) vec[temp] <- uht[1] 

    # Get the frequency counts
    if (subFlag) {
      tab <- sort(table(vec[subset], exclude=in.miss), decreasing=TRUE)
    } else {
      tab <- sort(table(vec, exclude=in.miss), decreasing=TRUE)

    # Remove the missing values
    if (!is.null(in.miss)) {
      genos <- names(tab)
      tab   <- tab[!(genos %in% in.miss)]

    # Check for error
    if (length(tab) > 3) {
      stop("ERROR: in recode.geno")

    # Get the genotypes
    genos   <- names(tab)
    flag    <- 0
    flag2   <- 0
    minFlag <- 0
    hflag   <- !is.null(heter.codes)  

    # Get the ids for each genotype
    ids    <- list()
    index  <- 1
    if (subFlag) subSum <- sum(tempMiss)
    for (geno in genos) {
      ids[[index]] <- vec == geno
      if (subFlag) subSum <- subSum + sum(ids[[index]])
      index        <- index + 1   

    # tab is sorted in descending order
    index <- 1
    for (geno in genos) {

      # Determine if this genotype is heterozygous
      if (hflag) {
        heterFlag <- geno %in% heter.codes
      } else {
        a1        <- substr(geno, 1, 1)
        a2        <- substr(geno, 2, 2)
        heterFlag <- a1 != a2

      if (!heterFlag) {
        # Homozygous, but check if major homozygous has been assigned
        if (!flag) {
          vec[ids[[index]]] <- out.genotypes[1]
          flag <- 1
          hom1 <- a1
        } else {
          # Minor homozygous
          vec[ids[[index]]] <- out.genotypes[3]
          minFlag <- 1
          hom2    <- a1
      } else {
        # Heterozygous
        # Check for error 
        if (flag2) {
          stop("ERROR: in recode.geno, flag2=1")
        vec[ids[[index]]] <- out.genotypes[2]
        flag2 <- 1
        hetg  <- geno
      index <- index + 1

    } # END: for (geno in genos)

  } # END: if (!is.null(out.genotypes))

  # Change missing values
  if (mFlag) vec[tempMiss] <- out.miss

  # Get the major/minor alleles
  if (!hflag) {
    if (flag) {
      # Major
      if (minFlag) {
        # There was major and minor genotypes
        alleles <- paste(hom1, hom2, sep="|")
      } else if (flag2) {
        # Use heterozygous genotype
        a2 <- substr(hetg, 2, 2)
        if (hom1 != a2) {
          alleles <- paste(hom1, a2, sep="|")
        } else {
          a1 <- substr(hetg, 1, 1)
          alleles <- paste(hom1, a1, sep="|")
      } else {
        # Only major homozygous
        alleles <- paste(hom1, hom1, sep="|") 
    } else {
      # Only heterozygous genotype
      if (flag2) alleles <- hetg

  # Final error check if a subset was used
  if ((subFlag) && (index < 4) && (subSum < length(vec))) {
    temp <- as.numeric(!flag) + as.numeric(!flag2) + as.numeric(!minFlag)
    if (temp > 1) {
      # Use all elements
      temp <- recode.geno(vec0, in.miss=in.miss, out.miss=out.miss,
               out.genotypes=out.genotypes, heter.codes=heter.codes, subset=NULL)

    # Get the ids that were not mapped
    temp <- tempMiss
    for (i in 1:length(ids)) temp <- temp | ids[[i]]
    if (!minFlag) vec[!temp] <- out.genotypes[3]
    if (!flag2)   vec[!temp] <- out.genotypes[2]
    if (!flag)    vec[!temp] <- out.genotypes[1]

  list(vec=vec, alleles=alleles)

} # END: recode.geno

# Function to assign a default value to an element in a list
default.list <- function(inList, names, default, error=NULL,
                         checkList=NULL) {

  # inList      List
  # names       Vector of names of items in inList
  # default     List of default values to assign if a name is not found
  #             The order of default must be the same as in names.
  # error       Vector of TRUE/FALSE if it is an error not to have the
  #             name in the list. 
  #             The default is NULL
  # checkList   List of valid values for each name.
  #             Use NA to skip a list element.
  #             The default is NULL

  n1 <- length(names)
  n2 <- length(default)
  if (n1 != n2) stop("ERROR: in calling default.list")

  if (is.null(error)) {
    error <- rep(0, times=n1)
  } else if (n1 != length(error)) {
    stop("ERROR: in calling default.list")

  if (!is.null(checkList)) {
    if (n1 != length(checkList)) stop("ERROR: in calling default.list")
    checkFlag <- 1
  } else {
    checkFlag <- 0

  if (is.null(inList)) inList <- list()

  listNames <- names(inList)
  for (i in 1:n1) {
    if (!(names[i] %in% listNames)) {
      if (!error[i]) {
        inList[[names[i]]] <- default[[i]]
      } else {
        temp <- paste("ERROR: the name ", names[i], " was not found", sep="")
    } else if (checkFlag) {
      temp <- checkList[[i]]
      if (!all(is.na(temp))) {
        if (!all(inList[[names[i]]] %in% checkList[[i]])) {
          temp <- paste("ERROR: the name '", names[i], 
                      "' has an invalid value", sep="")


} # END: default.list

# Function to get a name from a list (without partial matching)
getListName <- function(inList, name) {

  if (name %in% names(inList)) {
  } else {

} # END: getListName

# Function to check the subject list
check.subject.list <- function(slist, format=NULL) {

  len   <- length(slist)
  if (!len) return(slist)

  if ((len == 1) && (is.character(slist))) {
    # Assume a file
    slist <- list(file=slist) 
  if (!is.list(slist)) return(slist)
  ff <- slist[["file", exact=TRUE]]  
  if (is.null(ff)) return(slist)

  # Check that the file exists
  if (check.files(ff)) stop("ERROR with subject.list")

  # If id.var is specified return
  id.var <- slist[["id.var", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(id.var)) return(slist)

  header <- slist[["header", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(header)) slist$header <- 0

  plink.format <- format %in% c("ped", "bed", "tped")

  # Get the number of columns
  row1 <- scan(ff, what="character", sep="", nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
  nc   <- length(row1)

  sep  <- slist[["delimiter", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(sep)) {
    if (nc == 1) {
      slist$delimiter <- "\n"
    } else if (plink.format) {
      slist$delimiter <- " "

  if (nc == 1) {
    slist$id.var <- -1
  } else {
    # More than 1 column
    if (plink.format) {
      slist$id.var <- 1:2    
    } else {
      slist$id.var <- 1

} # END: check.subject.list

# Function to check the included snps
check.include.snps <- function(slist, format=NULL) {

  len   <- length(slist)
  if (!len) return(slist)

  if ((len == 1) && (is.character(slist))) {
    # Check for a file
    if (file.exists(slist)) {
      slist <- list(file=slist)
    } else {
  if (!is.list(slist)) return(slist)
  ff <- slist[["file", exact=TRUE]]  
  if (is.null(ff)) return(slist)

  # Check that the file exists
  if (check.files(ff)) stop("ERROR with include.snps")

  # If id.var is specified return
  id.var <- slist[["id.var", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(id.var)) return(slist)

  header <- slist[["header", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(header)) slist$header <- 0

  plink.format <- format %in% c("ped", "bed", "tped")

  # Get the number of columns
  row1 <- scan(ff, what="character", sep="", nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
  nc   <- length(row1)

  sep  <- slist[["delimiter", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(sep)) {
    if (nc == 1) {
      slist$delimiter <- "\n"
    } else if (plink.format) {
      slist$delimiter <- " "

  if (nc == 1) {
    slist$id.var <- -1
  } else {
    # More than 1 column
    if (plink.format) {
      slist$id.var <- 2    
    } else {
      slist$id.var <- 1

} # END: check.include.snps

# Function to check snp.list
check.snp.list <- function(snp.list) {

  if (is.null(snp.list)) stop("ERROR: snp.list must be specified")
  if (is.character(snp.list)) snp.list <- list(file=snp.list)

  # Check the names in the list
  snp.list <- default.list(snp.list, 
        "read.n", "genetic.model", "stream", "recode",
        "alreadyChecked", "out.miss", "out.delimiter", "snpNames.keep", "GLU",
        "temp.dir", "id.str", "delete", "impute.method", "impute.cutoff", "PLINK",
        "glu.checked", "plink.checked", "MAF"), 
        list("ERROR", -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, NA, "\t", 1, "glu",
             getwd(), "", 1, 1, -1, "plink",
             0, 0, 0), 
            error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
         checkList=list(NA, NA, 0:4, 0:1, 0:1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
                        NA, NA, 0:1, 1:2, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA))

  if (snp.list$alreadyChecked == 1) return(snp.list)

  if (is.null(snp.list$PLINK)) snp.list$PLINK <- ""
  if (is.null(snp.list$GLU)) snp.list$GLU <- ""

  format <- snp.list[["format", exact=TRUE]]
  type   <- snp.list[["file.type", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(format)) {
    format <- tolower(removeWhiteSpace(format))
    if (format %in% "ldat") {
      snp.list$file.type <- 7
    } else if (format %in% "tped") {
      snp.list$file.type <- 12
    } else if (format %in% "impute") {
      snp.list$file.type <- 10
    } else {
      snp.list$file.type <- format

    snp.list$format <- format

  if (is.null(snp.list[["file.type", exact=TRUE]])) {
    snp.list$file.type <- getFileType(snp.list$file[1], default=7)
  type <- tolower(removeWhiteSpace(snp.list$file.type))
  if (type %in% c(2, 7, "ldat")) {
    snp.list$format <- "ldat"
  } else if (type %in% c(9, 10, "impute")) {
    snp.list$format <- "impute"
  } else if (type %in% c(11, 12, "tped")) {
    snp.list$format <- "tped"
  } else {
    snp.list$format <- type
  ntype <- as.numeric(type)
  if (!is.na(ntype)) type <- ntype
  snp.list$file.type <- type

  format <- snp.list$format
  if (format %in% c("bed", "ped", "tped")) {
    snp.list$plink.format <- 1
  } else {
    snp.list$plink.format <- 0
  plink.format <- snp.list$plink.format

  if (!nchar(snp.list$PLINK)) snp.list$use.PLINK <- 0
  if (!nchar(snp.list$GLU)) snp.list$use.GLU <- 0

  # Let PLINK have priority
  if (is.null(snp.list[["use.PLINK", exact=TRUE]])) {
    snp.list$use.PLINK <- 0
    gluFlag <- snp.list[["use.GLU", exact=TRUE]]
    if (is.null(gluFlag)) gluFlag <- 0
    if ((!gluFlag) && (plink.format) && (format != "tped")) {
      snp.list$use.PLINK <- 1

  if (is.null(snp.list[["use.GLU", exact=TRUE]])) {
    if ((is.na(as.numeric(snp.list$file.type))) && (!snp.list$use.PLINK)) {
      snp.list$use.GLU <- 1
    } else {
      snp.list$use.GLU <- 0

  id.sep <- snp.list[["id.sep", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(id.sep)) {
    id.sep <- ":"
    if (snp.list$use.PLINK) {
      id.sep <- " "
    } else if (snp.list$format %in% "mach") {
      id.sep <- "->"
    snp.list$id.sep <- id.sep

  # Check file vector
  nfiles <- length(snp.list$file)
  snp.list$dir <- checkForSep(snp.list[["dir", exact=TRUE]])
  temp <- paste(snp.list$dir, snp.list$file, sep="")
  if (check.files(temp)) stop("ERROR: in check.snp.list") 
  snp.list$file <- temp
  snp.list$dir <- ""

  if (is.null(snp.list[["delimiter", exact=TRUE]])) {
    if (snp.list$plink.format) {
      snp.list$delimiter <- " "
    } else if (!snp.list$use.GLU) {
      snp.list$delimiter <- getFileDelim(snp.list$file[1], type=snp.list$file.type, default="\t")

  if (is.null(snp.list[["in.miss", exact=TRUE]])) {
    if (snp.list$file.type %in% c(11, 12)) {
      snp.list$in.miss <- "0"
    } else {
      snp.list$in.miss <- "  "
  if (snp.list$file.type %in% c(11, 12)) {
    snp.list$out.delimiter <- "\t"

  # Check start.vec and stop.vec
  snp.list <- default.list(snp.list, c("start.vec", "stop.vec"), 
               list(rep(1, nfiles), rep(-1, nfiles)), error=c(0, 0))
  temp <- snp.list[["snpNames", exact=TRUE]]
  if (is.null(temp) && is.null(snp.list$snpNames.list)) {
    a1 <- check.vec.num(snp.list$start.vec, "snp.list$start.vec", len=nfiles)
    a2 <- check.vec.num(snp.list$stop.vec, "snp.list$stop.vec", len=nfiles)
    if (sum(a1+a2)) stop() 
  } else {
    snp.list$start.vec <- rep(1, times=nfiles)
    snp.list$stop.vec  <- rep(-1, times=nfiles)
  temp <- (snp.list$stop.vec == 1)
  #if (any(temp)) snp.list$stop.vec[temp] <- 2
  # Check for id variable for type 3 and 4
  if (snp.list$file.type %in% c(3, 4)) {
    #if (is.null(snp.list$id.var)) stop("snp.list$id.var is not specified")
    if (is.null(snp.list$id.var)) snp.list$id.var <- 1

  # Check for sas.list
  if (snp.list$file.type == 4) {
    if (is.null(snp.list$sas.list)) stop("snp.list$sas.list is not specified")

  # Check for zip file with type 5
  if (snp.list$file.type == 5) {
    if (is.null(snp.list$zipFile)) stop("snp.list$zipFile is not specified")

  # Check in.miss
  vec  <- as.character(snp.list$in.miss)
  temp <- is.na(vec)
  if (any(temp)) vec[temp] <- "NA"
  snp.list$in.miss <- vec

  # Check heter.codes
  vec <- snp.list$heter.codes
  if (!is.null(vec)) {
    vec <- as.character(vec)
    temp <- is.na(vec)
    if (any(temp)) vec[temp] <- "NA"
    snp.list$heter.codes <- vec

  # Check file.type
  temp <- snp.list$file.type
  if (is.numeric(temp)) {
    if (!(temp %in% 1:12)) {
      temp <- paste("ERROR:", temp, "is not a valid value for snp.list$file.type")
  } else {
    # GLU format
    if ((snp.list$stream == 0) && (snp.list$plink.format == 0)) {
      warning("Assuming snp.list$file.type is a GLU format.")
      snp.list$stream <- 1

  # Check stream and nfiles
  if ((snp.list$stream) && (nfiles > 1)) {
    snp.list$stream <- 0
    stop("ERROR: snp.list$stream = 1 and length(snp.list$file) > 1")

  # For file type 1, stream must be 0
  if (snp.list$file.type == 1) {
    #print("snp.list$stream is set to 0 for file.type = 1")
    snp.list$stream <- 0
  # Check snpNames.list
  temp <- snp.list[["snpNames.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) {
    temp <- default.list(temp, c("file", "file.type", "delimiter", "header", "method"),
                         list("ERROR", 3, "\n", 0, 2), error=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0))
    snp.list$snpNames.list <- temp

  if (snp.list$file.type %in% c(9, 10)) snp.list$out.delimiter <- "\t"

  # Subject list
  slist <- snp.list[["subject.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(slist)) {
    snp.list$subject.list <- check.subject.list(slist, format=snp.list$format)

  # Included snps
  slist <- snp.list[["include.snps", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(slist)) {
    snp.list$include.snps <- check.include.snps(slist, format=snp.list$format)

  snp.list$temp.dir <- checkForSep(snp.list$temp.dir)

  # If plink format, check for bim or map file
  format <- snp.list$format
  if ((snp.list$plink.format) && (format != "tped")) {
    bim.file <- snp.list[["PLINK.bim.file", exact=TRUE]]
    fam.file <- snp.list[["PLINK.fam.file", exact=TRUE]]
    map.file <- snp.list[["PLINK.map.file", exact=TRUE]]
    bim.flag <- !is.null(bim.file)
    fam.flag <- !is.null(fam.file)
    map.flag <- !is.null(map.file)
    if ((bim.flag) && (!file.exists(bim.file))) stop("ERROR: snp.list$PLINK.bim.file does not exist")
    if ((fam.flag) && (!file.exists(fam.file))) stop("ERROR: snp.list$PLINK.fam.file does not exist")
    if ((map.flag) && (!file.exists(map.file))) stop("ERROR: snp.list$PLINK.map.file does not exist")
    if (length(snp.list$file) == 1) {
      dir   <- dirname(snp.list$file)
      base  <- basename(snp.list$file)
      if (format == "bed") {
        bim <- paste(dir, "/", gsub(".bed", ".bim", base, fixed=TRUE), sep="")
        if ((!bim.flag) && (file.exists(bim))) snp.list$PLINK.bim.file <- bim 
      } else if (format == "ped") {
        map <- paste(dir, "/", gsub(".ped", ".map", base, fixed=TRUE), sep="")
        if ((!map.flag) && (file.exists(map))) snp.list$PLINK.map.file <- map 

  snp.list$alreadyChecked <- 1


} # END: check.snp.list

# Function to check pheno.list
check.pheno.list <- function(pheno.list) {

  if (is.null(pheno.list)) stop("ERROR: pheno.list must be specified")
  if (is.character(pheno.list)) pheno.list <- list(file=pheno.list, id.var="GWAS_ID", header=1)

  pheno.list <- default.list(pheno.list, 
   c("file", "id.var", "header", "remove.miss", "alreadyChecked", 
     "is.the.data", "in.miss", "orig.id.var", "unique.ids", "id.sep", "checkVars"),
        list("ERROR", "ERROR", 1, 0, 0, 
             0, c(NA, "NA", NaN, "NaN", "."), "origID5uh23gx25l6eq", 0, ":", 1), 
               error=c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

  if (pheno.list$alreadyChecked == 1) return(pheno.list)

  temp  <- getAllVars(pheno.list)
  if (pheno.list$checkVars == 0) temp <- NULL
  pheno.list <- check.file.list(pheno.list, op=list(exist=1, vars=temp))

  if (!(pheno.list$file.type %in% c(1, 3, 4, 6, 8)))
    stop("ERROR: pheno.list$file.type must be 1, 3, 4, 6 or 8")

  # Check for sas.list
  if (pheno.list$file.type %in% c(4)) {
    if (is.null(pheno.list$sas.list)) stop("pheno.list$sas.list is not specified")

  # Check for zip file with type 5
  if (pheno.list$file.type == 5) {
    if (is.null(pheno.list$zipFile)) stop("pheno.list$zipFile is not specified")

  # Check id names list
  temp <- pheno.list[["keep.ids.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) {
    pheno.list$keep.ids <- getIdsFromFile(temp, 
                           id.vec=pheno.list[["keep.ids", exact=TRUE]])
    pheno.list$keep.ids.list <- NULL

  # Check id names list
  temp <- pheno.list[["remove.ids.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) {
    pheno.list$remove.ids <- getIdsFromFile(temp, 
                           id.vec=pheno.list[["remove.ids", exact=TRUE]])
    pheno.list$remove.ids.list <- NULL

  temp <- pheno.list[["keep.vars", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) {
    temp2 <- pheno.list[["factor.vars", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(temp2)) {
      if (!all(temp2 %in% temp)) stop("ERROR in check.pheno.list: all factor.vars not in keep.vars")

  pheno.list$alreadyChecked <- 1


} # END: check.pheno.list

# Function to check locusMap.list
check.locusMap.list <- function(locusMap.list) {

  if (is.null(locusMap.list)) stop("ERROR: locusMap.list must be specified")

  locusMap.list <- default.list(locusMap.list, 
     c("file", "header", "snp.var","chrm.var", "loc.var", 
              list("ERROR", 0, "ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR", 0), 
              error=c(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0))

  if (locusMap.list$alreadyChecked == 1) return(locusMap.list)

  locusMap.list$dir <- checkForSep(locusMap.list[["dir", exact=TRUE]])
  temp <- paste(locusMap.list$dir, locusMap.list$file, sep="")
  if (check.files(temp)) stop("ERROR: in check.locusMap.list") 

  if (is.null(locusMap.list[["file.type", exact=TRUE]])) {
    locusMap.list$file.type <- getFileType(temp[1], default=3)
  if (is.null(locusMap.list[["delimiter", exact=TRUE]])) {
    locusMap.list$delimiter <- getFileDelim(temp[1], type=locusMap.list$file.type, default="")

  if (!(locusMap.list$file.type %in% c(1, 3, 4, 6, 8)))
    stop("ERROR: locusMap.list$file.type must be 1, 3, 4, 6 or 8")

  if (!locusMap.list$header) {
    a1 <- check.vec.num(locusMap.list$snp.var, "locusMap.list$snp.var", len=1)
    a2 <- check.vec.num(locusMap.list$chrm.var, "locusMap.list$chrm.var", len=1)
    a3 <- check.vec.num(locusMap.list$loc.var, "locusMap.list$loc.var", len=1)
    if (sum(a1+a2+a3)) stop() 
  } else {
    locusMap.list$header <- 1

  # Check for sas.list
  if (locusMap.list$file.type %in% c(4)) {
    if (is.null(locusMap.list$sas.list)) stop("locusMap.list$sas.list is not specified")

  locusMap.list$alreadyChecked <- 1


} # END: check.locusMap.list

# Function to check temp.list
check.temp.list <- function(temp.list) {

  if (is.null(temp.list)) temp.list <- list()

  temp.list <- default.list(temp.list, c("dir", "delete", "id", "alreadyChecked"),
                               list(" ", 1, 1, 0))

  if (temp.list$alreadyChecked == 1) return(temp.list)

  # Check the directory
  temp.list$dir <- checkForSep(temp.list$dir) 
  if (temp.list$dir != "") {
    warn <- getOption("warn")
    # Change the warn option so a warning turns to an error
    temp <- try(dir(temp.list$dir), silent=TRUE)
    if ("try-error" %in% class(temp)) {
      temp <- paste("ERROR: the directory ", temp.list$dir, " does not exist", sep="")

  temp.list$alreadyChecked <- 1


} # END: check.temp.list

# Function to check if a file exists
check.files <- function(files) {
  # files   Character vector of files
  temp <- !(file.exists(files))
  if (any(temp)) {
    ret <- 1
    files <- files[temp]
    for (file in files) print(paste("The file ", file, " does not exist", sep=""))
  } else {
    ret <- 0

} # END: check.files

# Function to check a numeric vector
check.vec.num <- function(vec, name, len=NULL, maxValue=NULL, 
                 minValue=NULL) {

  if (is.null(vec)) return(0)
  ret <- 0
  if (!is.numeric(vec)) {
    print(paste("ERROR: ", name, " must be of type numeric", sep=""))
    ret <- 1

  if (!is.null(len)) {
    if (length(vec) != len) {
      print(paste("ERROR: ", name, " must be of length ", len, sep=""))
      ret <- 1

  if (!is.null(maxValue)) {
    if (max(vec) > maxValue) {
      print(paste("ERROR: each element of ", name, " must <= ", maxValue, sep=""))
      ret <- 1

  if (!is.null(minValue)) {
    if (min(vec) < minValue) {
      print(paste("ERROR: each element of ", name, " must >= ", minValue, sep=""))
      ret <- 1


} # END: check.vec.num

# Function to check a character vector
check.vec.char <- function(vec, name, len=NULL, checkList=NULL) {

  if (is.null(vec)) return(0)
  ret <- 0
  if (!is.character(vec)) {
    print(paste("ERROR: ", name, " must be of type character", sep=""))
    ret <- 1

  if (!is.null(len)) {
    if (length(vec) != len) {
      print(paste("ERROR: ", name, " must be of length ", len, sep=""))
      ret <- 1

  if (!is.null(checkList)) {
    temp <- is.na(match(vec, checkList))
    if (sum(temp)) {
      ret  <- 1
      temp <- vec[temp]
      for (x in temp) {
        print(paste("ERROR: ", name, " contains the invalid element ", x, sep=""))


} # END: check.vec.char

# Function to check for character vectors is a list
check.list.vec.char <- function(inList, names=NULL) {

  # inList    List to check
  # names     Character vector of names to check. If NULL, then
  #           all names are checked
  #           The default is NULL
  if (is.null(names)) names <- names(inList)
  sum <- 0
  for (name in names) {
    if (!is.null(inList[[name]])) {
      sum <- sum + check.vec.char(inList[[name]], name)
  if (sum) stop()

} # END check.list.vec.char

# Function to check a vector
check.vec <- function(vec, name, opList) {

  opList <- default.list(opList, c("stopOnError"), list(1))

  if (is.numeric(vec)) {
    ret <- check.vec.num(vec, name, len=opList$len, 
            maxValue=opList$maxValue, minValue=opList$minValue)
  } else {
    ret <- check.vec.char(vec, name, len=opList$len, 
  if (ret) {
    if (opList$stopOnError) stop()

} # END: check.vec

# Function to get the (approximate) number of rows to read
getRead.n <- function(file, what="character") {

  fid  <- file(file, "r")
  temp <- scan(file=fid, what="character", sep="\n", nlines=1, quiet=TRUE)
  p1   <- seek(fid, where=0, origin="start")  
  temp <- scan(file=fid, what="character", sep="\n", nlines=2, quiet=TRUE)
  p2   <- seek(fid, where=0, origin="start")
  p3   <- seek(fid, where=0, origin="end")
  p3   <- seek(fid, where=0, origin="end")
  nrow <- p3/(p2-p1)

} # END: getRead.n

# Function to create dummy variables. The returned data object will
# have the original factor variables removed from it (see keep.factor)
# and new dummy variables added. For example if data[, "x1"] is a factor 
# with levels 0, 1, and 2, then the new variables will be "x1_1" and
# "x1_2", provided 0 is the baseline category.
# If you do not want to keep the baseline variable too, then set
#  baseline to a value that is not a level of the factor.
createDummy <- function(data, vars=NULL, baseline=-9999999, 
                         keep.factor=TRUE) {
  # data           Data frame, matrix, or vector
  # vars           Character vector of variable names or numeric vector
  #                of column numbers for  the factor variables that will be
  #                turned into dummy variables. If data is a vector, then
  #                vars does not have to be specified. 
  #                If NULL, then all the 
  #                factors will turn into dummy variables.
  #                The default is NULL.
  # baseline       Vector of baseline categories. The length of
  #                this vector must be equal to the length of vars or 
  #                the number of factors in data.
  #                The default is NULL.
  # keep.factor    Logical vector to keep the original factors in the 
  #                returned object. If NULL, then all factors are
  #                removed. The length of this vector must equal the
  #                length of vars or the number of factors. 
  #                The default is NULL.

  nv <- length(vars)
  if (length(baseline) != nv) baseline <- rep(baseline, nv)
  if (length(keep.factor) != nv) keep.factor <- rep(keep.factor, nv)

  # Check for vector and column names
  if (is.null(dim(data))) {
    dim(data) <- c(length(data), 1)
    vars      <- "VAR1"
  cnames <- colnames(data)
  nc     <- ncol(data)
  if (is.null(cnames)) {
    cnames <- paste("VAR", 1:nc, sep="")
    colnames(data) <- cnames

  # Check for numeric vector vars
  if (is.numeric(vars)) vars <- cnames[vars]

  # Get the variables to factor
  if (is.null(vars)) {
    for (i in nc) {
      if (is.factor(data[, i])) vars <- c(vars, cnames[i])
  } else {
    # Check the variable names
    temp <- check.vec.char(vars, "vars", len=NULL, checkList=colnames(data))
    if (temp) stop("ERROR in vars")
  nvar <- length(vars)
  if (!nvar) return(list(data=data))

  if (!is.null(baseline)) {
    if (length(baseline) != nvar) stop("ERROR: baseline is incorrect")
    baseFlag <- 1
  } else {
    baseFlag <- 0
  if (!is.null(keep.factor)) {
    if (length(keep.factor) != nvar) stop("ERROR: keep.factor is incorrect")
  } else {
    keep.factor <- rep(FALSE, times=nvar)

  # Initialize a list
  newVars   <- list()
  ret       <- data
  nr        <- nrow(data)
  addedCols <- NULL

  for (i in 1:nvar) {
    var <- vars[i]

    # Get the levels
    temp <- data[, var]
    if (!is.factor(temp)) temp <- factor(temp)
    levels  <- levels(temp)
    if (length(levels) == 1) {
      keep.factor[i] <- TRUE

    # Get the baseline category
    if (!baseFlag) {
      base <- levels[1]
    } else {
      base <- baseline[i]
    # Remove the baseline
    temp    <- !(levels == base) 
    levels  <- levels[temp]
    nlevels <- length(levels)
    # Initialize a dummy matrix
    temp           <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nr, ncol=nlevels)
    addedVars      <- paste(var, "_", levels, sep="")
    colnames(temp) <- addedVars

    # Add the new variables names to the return list
    newVars[[var]] <- addedVars

    # Get the binary values
    for (j in 1:nlevels) {
      temp[, j] <- as.numeric(data[, var] == levels[j])

    # Add the new variables
    addedCols <- cbind(addedCols, temp)  

  # Add the new variables
  ret <- cbind(ret, addedCols)

  # Free memory
  rm(data, addedCols)
  temp <- gc(verbose=FALSE)

  # Remove original factors
  if (sum(keep.factor) != nvar) {
    temp <- vars[!keep.factor]
    ret  <- removeOrKeepCols(ret, temp, which=-1)

  list(data=ret, newVars=newVars)

} # END: createDummy

# Function to match elements of 2 vectors
getOrder <- function(baseVec, newVec, removeMiss=0, errorIfMiss=1) {

  # baseVec        Baseline vector
  # newVec
  # removeMiss
  # errorIfMiss

  ret <- match(baseVec, newVec)
  if (errorIfMiss) {
    if (any(is.na(ret))) stop("ERROR: in matching vectors")
  if (removeMiss) ret <- ret[!is.na(ret)]


} # END: getOrder

# Function to read in files and save as an R object file
dat2rda <- function(infile, outfile) {
  dat <- readLines(infile)
  save(dat, file=outfile)

} # END: dat2rda

# Function to read in file (numeric matrix) and save as an R object file
matrix2rda <- function(infile, outfile, delimiter="\t", stopOnError=1) {
  tlist <- list(returnMatrix=1, include.row1=1, what=double(0),
                delimiter=delimiter, start.row=1, stop.row=-1)

  dat <- try(scanFile(infile, tlist), silent=TRUE)
  if ("try-error" %in% class(dat)) {
    temp <- paste("ERROR with file ", infile, sep="")
    if (stopOnError) stop(temp)
  save(dat, file=outfile)

} # END: matrix2rda

# Function to get all ids requested
getIdsFromFile <- function(file.list, id.vec=NULL) {

  if (!is.null(file.list)) {
    file.list <- check.file.list(file.list)
    file.list <- default.list(file.list, c("id.var"), list(1))
    if (file.list$id.var == -1) {
      fid  <- getFID(file.list$file, file.list)
      temp <- scan(file=file.list$file, what="character", 
      id.vec <- c(id.vec, temp) 
    } else {
      var    <- file.list$id.var
      temp   <- loadData.table(file.list)
      id.vec <- c(id.vec, makeVector(temp[, var]))
  id.vec <- unique(id.vec)
  id.vec <- removeWhiteSpace(id.vec)
  if (!length(id.vec)) stop(paste("No ids in file", file.list$file))


} # END: getIdsFromFile

# Function to return the names of a vector or array
getNames <- function(obj) {

  if (is.null(dim(obj))) {
    ret <- names(obj)
  } else {
    ret <- dimnames(obj)
    ret <- ret[[1]]

} # END: getNames

# Function to return or create variable names
getVarNames <- function(obj, prefix="VAR") {

  if (is.null(obj)) return(NULL)
  if (is.data.frame(obj)) return(colnames(obj))
  if (is.matrix(obj)) {
    ret <- colnames(obj)
    if (is.null(ret)) ret <- paste(prefix, 1:ncol(obj), sep="")
  ret <- names(obj)
  if (is.null(ret)) ret <- paste(prefix, 1:length(obj), sep="")

} # END: getVarNames

# Function to check if a directory ends with a slash.
# If not, then it will be added.
checkForSep <- function(dir) {

  if (is.null(dir)) return("")

  if (dir %in% c("", " ", "  ")) {
    dir <- paste(".", .Platform$file.sep, sep="")

  n <- nchar(dir)
  if (substring(dir, n, n) %in% c("\\", "/")) {
  } else {
    dir <- paste(dir, .Platform$file.sep, sep="")

} # END: checkForSep

# Function to remove columns or variables from a matrix or data frame
removeOrKeepCols <- function(x, vars, which=1, stopOnError=1) {

  # x      Matrix or data frame 
  # vars   Vector of variable names or column numbers.
  # which  1 or -1 to keep or remove cols
  #        The default is 1 
  # stopOnError  0 or 1 to call stop() if columns are not found

  n      <- dim(x)
  dfFlag <- is.data.frame(x)
  if (is.null(n)) stop("ERROR: x should be 2 dimensional")
  if (which != 1) which <- -1

  if (!is.numeric(vars)) {
    cols <- match(vars, colnames(x))
    temp <- is.na(cols)
    if (any(temp)) {
      if (stopOnError) {
        print("The above columns were not found in the data")
        stop("ERROR in removeOrKeepCols")
      cols <- cols[!temp]
      if (!length(cols)) {
        if (which == 1) {
        } else {
  } else {
    cols <- vars
  cols <- which*cols

  # Keep or remove columns
  ret <- x[, cols]
  # Check for NULL dimension
  if (is.null(dim(ret))) {
    dim(ret) <- c(n[1], length(ret)/n[1])
    if (dfFlag) ret <- data.frame(ret)
    cnames <- colnames(x)
    if (!is.null(cnames)) colnames(ret) <- cnames[cols]
    rownames(ret) <- rownames(x)


} # END: removeOrKeepCols

# Function to remove columns or variables from a matrix or data frame
removeOrKeepRows <- function(x, rows, which=1) {

  # x      Matrix or data frame 
  # rows   Vector of row numbers, character vector of row names,
  #        or logical vector.
  # which  1 or -1 to keep or remove rows
  #        The default is 1 

  n      <- dim(x)
  dfFlag <- is.data.frame(x)
  if (is.null(n)) stop("ERROR: x should be 2 dimensional")
  if (which != 1) which <- -1
  rnames <- rownames(x)

  if (is.logical(rows)) {
    if (length(rows) != n[1]) stop("ERROR with logical vector rows")
    if (which != 1) rows <- !rows
  } else if (is.character(rows)) {
    rows <- match(rows, rnames)
    if (any(is.na(rows))) stop("ERROR in removeOrKeepRows")
    rows <- which*rows
  } else {
    rows <- which*rows
  cnames <- colnames(x)

  # Keep or remove rows
  x <- x[rows, ]
  # Check for NULL dimension
  if (is.null(dim(x))) {
    dim(x) <- c(length(x)/n[2], n[2])
    if (dfFlag) x <- data.frame(x)
    if (!is.null(cnames)) colnames(x) <- cnames
    rownames(x) <- rnames[rows]


} # END: removeOrKeepRows

# Function to write snp rows to an open file
writeSnpLines <- function(snpNames, fid, snpData, nsub, orderFlag=0,
                    order=NULL, delimiter="|", sep="|") {

  # snpNames       Character vector of snps (no header)
  # fid            File connection
  # snpData        Character vector of the snp data
  # nsub           Number of subjects
  # orderFlag      0 or 1 if the subjects are already ordered
  #                0 = not ordered
  # order          Vector of integers for orderFlag = 1
  # delimiter      Input delimiter
  # sep            Output delimiter

  # Define a local function to search for character strings
  f1 <- function(str) {

    grep(str, snpData, value=FALSE)

  } # END: f1

  # Get the rows by searching for the snp names
  temp <- unlist(lapply(snpNames, f1))

  if (length(temp)) {
    snpData <- snpData[temp]
    nsnps   <- length(snpData)
  } else {

  nsubP1 <- nsub + 1
  ret    <- 0
  for (i in 1:nsnps) {
    temp  <- getVecFromStr(snpData[i], delimiter=delimiter)
    snp   <- temp[1]
    temp  <- temp[-1]
    if (!orderFlag) temp  <- temp[order]
    if (snp %in% snpNames) {
      write(c(snp, temp), file=fid, ncolumns=nsubP1, sep=sep)
      ret <- ret + 1


} # END: writeSnpLines

# Function to create factors in a data frame
factorVars <- function(data, vars) {

  # data    Data frame
  # vars    Vector of variables names or column numbers

  if (!is.data.frame(data)) stop("ERROR: data must be a data frame")
  if (is.numeric(vars)) vars <- colnames(data)[vars]

  for (var in vars) {
    data[, var] <- factor(data[, var])


} # END: factorVars

# Function to unfactor all columns ij a matrix or data frame
unfactor.all <- function(data, fun=NULL) {

  nc <- ncol(data)
  if (is.null(nc)) {
    nc <- 1
    dim(data) <- c(length(data), 1)
  for (i in 1:nc) data[, i] <- unfactor(data[, i], fun=fun)

} # END: unfactor.all

# Function to un-factor a factor
unfactor <- function(fac, fun=NULL) {

  # fac   Factor
  # fun   Function like as.character or as.numeric, etc

  if (is.factor(fac)) {
    ret <- levels(fac)[fac]
  } else {
    ret <- fac

  if (!is.null(fun)) ret <- fun(ret)


} # END: unfactor

# Function to multiply each row or column of a matrix by a vector
matrixMultVec <- function(mat, vec, by=2) {

  # by    1 or 2  1 = rows, 2 = columns
  d <- dim(mat)
  if (by == 1) {
    vec <- rep(vec, each=d[1])
  } else {
    vec <- rep(vec, times=d[2])

  dim(vec) <- d
  ret <- mat*vec

} # END: matrixMultVec

# Function to divide each row or column of a matrix by a vector
matrixDivideVec <- function(mat, vec, by=2) {

  # by    1 or 2  1 = rows, 2 = columns

  d <- dim(mat)
  if (by == 1) {
    vec <- rep(vec, each=d[1])
  } else {
    vec <- rep(vec, times=d[2])

  dim(vec) <- d

  ret <- mat/vec

} # END: matrixDivideVec

# Function to get the column number of a 1 for each row in a matrix
#  of dummy variables. The matrix must contain only one 1 in each row.
# If the matrix has a 1 in the (i,j)th element, then in the returned
# vector ret, ret[i] = j.
getColNumber <- function(mat) {

  nc  <- ncol(mat)
  nr  <- nrow(mat)
  ret <- rep(NA, times=nr)
  for (i in 1:nc) {
    temp      <- mat[, i] == 1
    ret[temp] <- i

} # END: getColNumber

# Function to return a block diagonal matrix
blockDiag <- function(mat.list) {
  # mat.list   List of matrices to form the block diagonal matrix

  # Get the dimensions of each matrix
  d <- matrix(unlist(lapply(mat.list, dim)), byrow=TRUE, ncol=2)

  # Initialize 
  ret  <- matrix(data=0, nrow=sum(d[,1]), ncol=sum(d[,2]))
  row0 <- 1
  row1 <- 0
  col0 <- 1
  col1 <- 0

  # Set each block
  for (i in 1:length(mat.list)) {
    row1 <- row1 + d[i,1]
    col1 <- col1 + d[i,2]
    ret[row0:row1, col0:col1] <- mat.list[[i]]
    row0 <- row1 + 1
    col0 <- col1 + 1


} # END: blockDiag

# Function to add intercept column to a matrix or vector
addIntercept <- function(x, nrow=NULL) {

  if (is.null(x)) {
    if (is.null(nrow)) stop("Cannot add intercept")
    ret <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow, ncol=1)
  } else {
    if (is.null(nrow)) nrow <- nrow(x)
    if (is.null(nrow)) nrow <- length(x)
    nc <- ncol(x)
    if (is.null(nc)) {
      nc     <- 1
      dim(x) <- c(nrow, nc)
    ret <- cbind(rep(1, times=nrow), x)  


} # END: addIntercept

# Function to use integers 1, ..., n for a categorical vector
changeStrata <- function(vec, start.n=1) {

  if (is.factor(vec)) vec <- unfactor(vec)
  uvec <- sort(unique(vec))
  ret  <- rep.int(0, times=length(vec))
  for (u in uvec) {
    ret[vec == u] <- start.n
    start.n <- start.n + 1


} # END: changeStrata

# Function to remove rows that contain at least 1 missing value from
#  a data frame or matrix or vector
removeMiss <- function(x, miss=NA) {
  # x
  # miss    Vector of missing values

  d <- dim(x)

  # For a vector
  if (is.null(d)) {
    flag   <- 1
    cnames <- names(x)
    cFlag  <- !is.null(cnames)
    d      <- c(length(x), 1)
    dim(x) <- d
  } else {
    flag  <- 0
    cFlag <- 0

  # Be careful for a data frame
  if (is.data.frame(x)) {
    temp <- matrix(data=TRUE, nrow=d[1], ncol=d[2])
    for (i in 1:d[2]) temp[, i] <- !(x[, i] %in% miss)
  } else {
    temp <- !(x %in% miss)
  if (cFlag) cnames <- cnames[temp]

  dim(temp) <- d
  temp <- rowSums(temp)
  temp <- temp == d[2]
  x    <- removeOrKeepRows(x, temp, which=1)
  if (flag) {
    dim(x) <- NULL
    if (cFlag) names(x) <- cnames

} # END: removeMiss

# Function to remove missing values of a data frame from
#  certain variables
removeMiss.vars <- function(x, vars=NULL, miss=NA) {

  if (is.null(vars)) {
    x <- removeMiss(x, miss=miss)

  temp <- rep(TRUE, times=nrow(x)) 
  for (var in vars) temp <- temp & !(x[, var] %in% miss)
  x <- removeOrKeepRows(x, temp, which=1)

} # END: removeMiss.vars

# Function to write a (named) vector to a file. For type 3 and close = 0,
#  the file conection is returned.
writeVecToFile <- function(vec, file, colnames=NULL, type=3, close=1,
                           sep=" ") {

  # vec
  # file
  # colnames
  # type        1 or 3  
  # close       0 or 1 (for type 3 only)

  if (type == 1) {
    if (!is.null(colnames)) names(vec) <- colnames
    save(vec, file=file)
  } else {
    fid <- file(file, "w")
    n   <- length(vec)
    if (!is.null(colnames)) write(colnames, file=fid, ncolumns=n, sep=sep)
    write(vec, file=fid, ncolumns=n, sep=sep)
    if (close) {
      fid <- 0

} # END: writeVecToFile 

# Function for writing vectors to files
writeVec <- function(vec, fileOrFID, colnames=NULL, isFID=0, sep="\t", 
                     close=1, type=3) {

  if (type == 1) {
    if (!is.null(colnames)) names(vec) <- colnames
    save(vec, file=fileOrFID)

  if (!isFID) fileOrFID <- file(fileOrFID, "w")
  if (!is.null(colnames)) {
    temp <- paste(colnames, collapse=sep, sep="")
    write(temp, file=fileOrFID, ncolumns=1)
  temp <- paste(vec, collapse=sep, sep="")
  write(temp, file=fileOrFID, ncolumns=1)
  if (close) {
    fileOrFID <- 0


} # END: writeVec

# Function to return the vector of genotypes for the different modes
#  of inheritance
getInheritanceVec <- function(which, recode=1) {

  # which   NULL, 0, 1, 2, 3
  #         0 = trend
  #         1 = dominant
  #         2 = recessive
  #         3 = factor
  if ((!is.null(recode)) && (!recode)) return(NULL)

  if ((is.null(which)) || (!which)) {
    return(c(0, 1, 2))
  } else if (which == 1) {
    return(c(0, 1, 1))
  } else if (which == 2) {
    return(c(0, 0, 1))
  } else {
    return(c(0, 1, 2))

} # END: getInheritanceVec

# Function to add interaction variables to a matrix or data frame
# Returns a list with the names data and newVars. newVars is a 
# character vector containing the variables added.
addInterVars <- function(data, vec, inter.vars, prefix="SNP") {

  # data           Data frame or matrix
  # vec            Numeric vector or factor for interactions
  #                If a matrix with more than 1 column, then
  #                it is assumed the columns are dummy variables
  # inter.vars     Matrix or data frame of variables that 
  #                will interact with var. These variables cannot
  #                be factors.
  # prefix         Variable prefix for interaction variables added
  #                The default is "SNP".

  cnames2 <- colnames(inter.vars) 
  if (is.null(cnames2)) cnames2 <- paste("V", 1:ncol(inter.vars), sep="")
  facFlag <- is.factor(vec)
  ncVec   <- ncol(vec)
  if (is.null(ncVec)) ncVec <- 0
  mFlag   <- ncVec > 1

  if (facFlag || mFlag) {
    newVars <- NULL
    if (facFlag) {
      vec <- data.frame(vec)
      colnames(vec) <- prefix
      vec <- createDummy(vec)$data
    cnames <- colnames(vec)
    #temp2  <- NULL

    for (i in 1:ncol(vec)) {
      temp   <- matrixMultVec(inter.vars, vec[, i], by=2)
      tnames <- paste(cnames[i], "_", cnames2, sep="")
      newVars <- c(newVars, tnames) 
      colnames(temp) <- tnames
      if (i == 1) {
        temp2 <- temp
      } else {
        temp2 <- cbind(temp2, temp)
    data <- cbind(data, temp2)
  } else {
    temp <- matrixMultVec(inter.vars, vec, by=2)
    newVars <- paste(prefix, "_", cnames2, sep="")
    colnames(temp) <- newVars
    data <- cbind(data, temp)
  list(data=data, newVars=newVars)

} # END: addInterVars

# Function to return variable names and positions from a vector
matchNames <- function(vec, name, exact=0) {

  # vec       Character vector to search from.
  # name      Character vector of names to search for.
  # exact     0 or 1 to perform exact matching
  #           The default is 0.

  names <- NULL
  pos   <- NULL

  if (exact) {
    temp <- match(name, vec)
    temp <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
    if (length(temp)) {
      names <- vec[temp]
      pos   <- temp
  } else {
    for (n in name) {
      temp <- grep(n, vec)
      if (length(temp)) {
        pos   <- c(pos, temp)
        names <- c(names, vec[temp])
    temp  <- !duplicated(pos)
    pos   <- pos[temp]
    names <- names[temp]

  list(names=names, pos=pos)  

} # END: matchNames

# Function to get an option from the command arguments
getCommandArg <- function(optName, fun=NULL) {
  # optName      Unique option name in the command arguements
  # fun          Function to apply

  # Get the vector of command arguments
  comArgs <- commandArgs()

  # Get the one that we need
  temp <- grep(optName, comArgs)

  if (length(temp) == 1) { 
    ret <- sub(optName, "", comArgs[temp])
    if (!is.null(fun)) ret <- fun(ret)
  } else {
    temp <- paste("ERROR with ", optName, " in commandArgs()", sep="")


} # END: getCommandArg

# Function to define list in swarm generator files
genfile.list <- function(inList, listName, fid) {

  # If the field is inList is a function or family,
  # put it in quotes and set the comment to "FUNCTION".

  names <- names(inList)
  llen  <- length(inList)
  if (is.null(names)) {
    flag  <- 1   
    names <- 1:llen
    str1  <- '[['
    str2  <- ']] <- '
  } else {
    flag <- 0
    str1 <- '[["'
    str2 <- '"]] <- '
  temp  <- paste("\n ", listName, " <- list() \n", sep="")
  cat(temp, file=fid)

  if (!llen) return(NULL)
  for (name in names) {
    temp <- inList[[name]]
    cmm  <- comment(temp)
    if (is.null(cmm)) cmm <- "NULL"

    # For a list
    if (is.list(temp)) {
      if (flag) {
        name2 <- paste("list", name, sep="")
      } else {
        name2 <- name
      genfile.list(temp, name2, fid)
      temp <- paste(listName, str1, name, str2, name2, ' \n', sep='')
      cat(temp, file=fid)

    # For a formula
    if ("formula" %in% class(temp)) {
      temp <- paste(as.character(temp), collapse="", sep="")
      temp <- paste(listName, str1, name, str2, temp, ' \n', sep='')
      cat(temp, file=fid)
    # For NULL
    if (is.null(temp)) {
      temp <- paste(listName, str1, name, str2, 'NULL \n', sep='')
      cat(temp, file=fid)

    if (length(temp) == 1) {
      if (is.character(temp)) { 
        if (cmm == "FUNCTION") {
          temp <- paste(listName, str1, name, str2, temp, ' \n', sep='')
        } else {
          temp <- paste(listName, str1, name, str2, '"', temp, '" \n', sep='')
      } else {
        temp <- paste(listName, str1, name, str2, temp, ' \n', sep='')
      cat(temp, file=fid) 
    } else {
      if (flag) {
        field <- paste(listName, "$", "'", name, "'", sep="")
      } else {
        field <- paste(listName, "$", name, sep="")
      genfile.vec(temp, field, fid)


} # END: genfile.list

# Function to define a vector in swarm generator files
genfile.vec <- function(vec, name, fid) {

  n       <- length(vec)
  vecType <- "character"
  cflag   <- 1
  if (is.numeric(vec)) {
    vecType <- "numeric"
    cflag   <- 0
  temp <- paste(name, " <- ", vecType, "(", n, ") \n", sep="")
  cat(temp, file=fid)
  k <- 1
  for (temp in vec) { 
    if (cflag) {
      temp <- paste(name, '[', k, '] <- "', temp, '" \n', sep='')
    } else {
      temp <- paste(name, '[', k, '] <- ', temp, ' \n', sep='')
    cat(temp, file=fid)
    k <- k + 1

} # END: genfile.vec

# Function to sort a matrix or data frame by a column
sort2D <- function(data, col, dec=FALSE, fun=NULL) {

  # data   Data frame or matrix
  # col    Column number or variable name to sort on
  # dec    0 or 1 for decreasing
  #        The default is 0
  # fun    Function to apply to col before sorting
  #        The default is NULL

  vec  <- makeVector(unfactor(data[, col]))
  if (!is.null(fun)) vec <- fun(vec)
  temp <- is.na(vec)
  keep <- removeOrKeepRows(data, temp, which=1)
  data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, temp, which=-1)
  temp <- sort(vec, decreasing=dec, index.return=TRUE)$ix
  data <- rbind(data[temp, ], keep)

} # END: sort2D

# Function to update snp.list
update_snp.list <- function(snp.list, where=0) {

  # where    Integer specifying where in the program

  if (where == 1) {
    stream <- snp.list[["stream", exact=TRUE]]
    type   <- snp.list[["file.type", exact=TRUE]]
    if (stream) {
      if (type != 2) {
        n <- length(snp.list[["file", exact=TRUE]])
        snp.list$start.vec <- rep(1, times=n)
        snp.list$stop.vec  <- rep(-1, times=n)

  temp <- snp.list[["snpNames.list", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) {
    snp.list$snpNames <- getIdsFromFile(temp, 
                           id.vec=snp.list[["snpNames", exact=TRUE]])
    snp.list$snpNames <- unique(snp.list$snpNames)
    snp.list$snpNames.list <- NULL

  temp <- snp.list[["snpNames", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(temp)) {
    #n <- length(snp.list$file)
    #snp.list$start.vec <- rep(1, times=n)
    #snp.list$stop.vec  <- rep(-1, times=n)


} # END: update_snp.list

# Function to return a temporary file name
getTempfile <- function(dir, prefix=NULL, ext=NULL) {

  pattern <- paste(prefix, collapse="", sep="")
  ret     <- tempfile(pattern=pattern, tmpdir="")
  ret     <- paste(dir, ret, ext, sep="") 


} # END: getTempfile

# Function to extract elements from a character vector
extractByStr <- function(dat, search, op=NULL) {

  # dat           Character vector to search in
  # search        Character vector for strings to search for in dat
  # op            List with names:
  #  include.row1 0 or 1
  #               The default is 1
  #  substr.vec   Vector of max length 2 for start and stop options
  #               in the substring function
  #               The default is NULL.
  #  keep         0 or 1 to remove or keep matched strings
  #               The default is 1
  #  exact        0 or 1 for exact matching
  #               The default is 0
  #  delimiter    Delimiter in dat (used for exact matching)
  #  removeWhiteSpace 0 or 1 for exact matching
  #                   The default is 0

  # Define a local function to search for character strings
  f1 <- function(str) {

    grep(str, dat, value=FALSE)

  } # END: f1

  op <- default.list(op, c("include.row1", "keep", "exact", "removeWhiteSpace"), 
             list(1, 1, 0, 0))

  sep <- op[["delimiter", exact=TRUE]]
  if ((is.null(sep)) && (op$exact)) sep <- getFileDelim(dat) 
  keep <- op$keep

  sub.vec <- op[["substr.vec", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(sub.vec)) {
    subFlag <- 1
    a       <- sub.vec[1]
    b       <- sub.vec[2]
    save    <- dat
    if (is.na(b)) b <- Inf
    dat     <- substr(dat, a, b)
  } else {
    subFlag <- 0

  # Get the rows by searching for the snp names
  rows <- unlist(lapply(search, f1))
  nr   <- length(rows)
  if (!nr) return(NULL)
  # Get a logical vector of rows to keep or drop
  temp <- (1:length(dat)) %in% rows
  n    <- length(temp)

  # For exact matching
  if ((op$exact) && (n > 1)) {
    id <- character(n)
    for (i in 2:n) {
      if (temp[i]) id[i] <- getVecFromStr(dat[i], delimiter=sep)[1] 
    if (op$removeWhiteSpace) {
      search <- removeWhiteSpace(search)
      id     <- removeWhiteSpace(id)
    temp <- temp & (id %in% search)

  if (keep == 0) temp <- !temp 

  # Add the first row if needed
  if (op$include.row1) {
    temp[1] <- TRUE
  } else {
    temp[1] <- FALSE

  # Get the subset
  if (subFlag) {
  } else {

} # END: extractByStr

# Function to close and delete a file
closeFile <- function(fid, file=NULL, delete=0) {

  ret <- 0
  if ((delete) && (!is.null(file))) {
    if (file.exists(file)) ret <- file.remove(file)

} # END: closeFile

# Function to create a vector from a matrix
makeVector <- function(x) {

  d <- dim(x)
  if (is.null(d)) return(x)

  nn <- NULL
  if (d[1] == 1) {
    nn <- colnames(x)
  } else if (d[2] == 1) {
    nn <- rownames(x)
  dim(x) <- NULL
  if (!is.null(nn)) names(x) <- nn
  if ((!is.vector(x)) && (is.list(x))) x <- unlist(x)
} # END: makeVector

# Function to initialize a data frame
initDataFrame <- function(nrow, columns, rownames=NULL, colnames=NULL,
                  initChar="", initNum=NA) {
  cc   <- character(nrow)
  nn   <- double(nrow)
  nn[] <- initNum
  cc[] <- initChar
  cc   <- data.frame(cc)
  nn   <- data.frame(nn)
  nc   <- length(columns)

  columns <- toupper(columns)
  if (columns[1] == "C") {
    data <- cc
  } else {
    data <- nn
  if (nc > 1) { 
    for (x in columns[-1]) {
      if (x == "C") {
        data <- cbind(data, cc)
      } else {
        data <- cbind(data, nn)
  data <- data.frame(data)
  if (!is.null(rownames)) rownames(data) <- rownames
  if (!is.null(colnames)) colnames(data) <- colnames

  for (i in 1:nc) {
    if (is.factor(data[, i])) data[, i] <- unfactor(data[, i])

} # END: initDataFrame

# Function to subset data by a single variable
subsetData.var <- function(data, var, operator, value, which=1, 
                           returnRows=0, na.value=FALSE) {

  # data
  # var
  # operator
  # value
  # which        1 or -1 to keep or drop
  #              The default is 1
  # returnRows   0 or 1
  #              The default is 0
  # na.value     TRUE or FALSE on what to do with NAs
  #              The default is FALSE

  lenv <- length(value)
  if (any(is.na(value))) {
    if (lenv > 1) stop("ERROR: IN subsetData.var: with NA in value")
    naFlag  <- 1
    numFlag <- 0
  } else {
    numFlag <- is.numeric(value)
    naFlag  <- 0

  # Be careful with a vector for value
  if (lenv > 1) {
    if (numFlag) {
      value <- paste(value, collapse=",", sep="")
      value <- paste("c(", value, ")", sep="")
    } else {
      # Change the operator
      if (operator == "%in%") {
        operator <- "=="
      } else { 
        stop("ERROR: value cannot be a character vector")

  if (naFlag) {
    temp <- ""
    if (operator == "!=") temp <- "!"  
    callStr <- paste("(", temp, "is.na(data[, var]))", sep=" ") 
  else if (numFlag) {
    callStr <- paste("(as.numeric(data[, var])", operator, value, ")", sep=" ") 
  } else {
    callStr <- ""
    for (i in 1:lenv) {
      temp <- paste('(data[, var] ', operator, ' "', value[i], '")', sep='')
      if (i < lenv) temp <- paste(temp, " | ", sep="")
      callStr <- paste(callStr, temp, sep="")

  rows <- eval(parse(text=callStr))
  rows[is.na(rows)] <- na.value
  if (returnRows) return(rows)

  data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, rows, which=which)

} # END: subsetData.var

# Function to subset data. Returns the subsetted data, or if op$which = 0,
#   returns the vector of TRUE/FALSE to subset
subsetData.list <- function(data, slist, returnRows=0) {

  # data
  # slist       List of sublists with names:
  #  var
  #  operator
  #  value
  #  which      1 or -1 to include or NOT within each list
  #             The default is 1
  #  logic.op   Logical operator 
  #             Only used starting from the second sublist
  #             The default is "&"
  #  na.value   TRUE or FALSE
  #             The default is FALSE
  #  last.which 1 or -1 If -1, the rows defined by all the sublists will
  #             be negated. The value for last.which in the last sublist
  #             is the only one applied.
  #             The default is 1.
  # returnRows  Set to 1 to return the logical vector of rows instead of
  #             the data.
  #             The default is 0

  n      <- length(slist)
  wvec   <- rep(9999, times=n)
  cnames <- colnames(data)
  cflag  <- !is.null(cnames)

  for (i in 1:n) {

    tlist    <- slist[[i]]
    if (!is.list(tlist)) stop("ERROR in subsetData.list: Input list is incorrect")
    tlist    <- default.list(tlist, 
                  c("var", "operator", "value", "which", "logic.op", "na.value", "last.which"), 
                  list("ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR", 1, "&", FALSE, 1), error=c(1,1,1,0,0,0,0))
    var      <- tlist[["var", exact=TRUE]]
    if ((cflag) && (is.character(var))) {
      if (!(var %in% cnames)) {
        temp <- paste("ERROR in subsetData.list: ", var, " not in data", sep="")
    operator <- tlist[["operator", exact=TRUE]]
    value    <- tlist[["value", exact=TRUE]]
    which    <- tlist[["which", exact=TRUE]]
    last     <- tlist[["last.which", exact=TRUE]]
    wvec[i]  <- which
    na.value <- tlist[["na.value", exact=TRUE]]
    temp     <- subsetData.var(data, var, operator, value, returnRows=1, na.value=na.value)
    if (which == -1) temp <- !temp
    if (i == 1) {
      rows <- temp
    } else {
      logic.op <- tlist[["logic.op", exact=TRUE]]
      callStr  <- paste("rows ", logic.op, " temp", sep="") 
      rows     <- eval(parse(text=callStr))      

  if (last == -1) rows <- !rows
  if (returnRows) return(rows)

  data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, rows, which=1)


} # END: subsetData.list

# Function to rename a variable on a matrix or data frame
renameVar <- function(data, old.var, new.var) {

  cnames <- colnames(data)
  i      <- match(old.var, cnames)
  if (is.na(i)) return(data)
  cnames[i] <- new.var
  colnames(data) <- cnames

} # renameVar

# Function to return a list of variable names for a SNP
getVarNames.snp <- function(prefix="SNP_", genetic.model=0) {

  # genetic.model = 3 is for factors, assuming 0 is the baseline
  if (genetic.model != 3) {
  } else {
    return(paste(prefix, 1:2, sep=""))

} # END: getVarNames.snp

# Function to return a list of variable names for interactions
getVarNames.int <- function(V, prefix="SNP_", genetic.model=0, sep="_") {

  # V   Matrix of interactions

  vnames <- getVarNames(V, prefix="V")

  # genetic.model = 3 is for factors, assuming 0 is the baseline
  if (genetic.model != 3) return(paste(prefix, sep, vnames, sep="")) 
  ret <- c(paste(prefix, 1, sep, vnames, sep=""),
           paste(prefix, 2, sep, vnames, sep=""))


} # END: getVarNames.int

# Function to check for a constant variable in a matrix or data frame
# Returns a list of the data with the constant variables removed, and
#  a vector of variable names removed
checkForConstantVar <- function(data, msg=1, removeVars=1) {

  # data
  # msg          0, 1, 2  0 = no message, 1 = warning, 2 = error
  # removeVars   0 or 1 to remove the constant variables from the
  #              data.
  #              The default is 1

  temp   <- apply(data, 2, "var", na.rm=TRUE)
  remove <- NULL
  temp2  <- temp == 0
  temp2[is.na(temp2)] <- FALSE
  ret    <- (1:length(temp))[temp2]

  if (length(ret)) {
    temp <- colnames(data)
    if (!is.null(temp)) {
      temp <- temp[ret]
    } else {
      temp <- ret
    remove <- temp
    if (removeVars) data <- removeOrKeepCols(data, remove, which=-1)    

    # Message
    temp <- paste(temp, collapse=",")
    if (msg == 1) {
      temp <- paste("WARNING: Variables ", temp, " are constant and have been removed from the data", sep="") 
    } else if (msg == 2) {
      temp <- paste("ERROR: Variables ", temp, " are constant", sep="") 

  list(data=data, remove=remove) 

} # END: checkForConstantVar

# Function to return a logical matrix from a stratification variable
strataMatrix <- function(strata) {

  # strata    Stratification vector

  strata <- unfactor(strata)
  nr     <- length(strata)
  us     <- unique(strata)
  nc     <- length(us)
  ret    <- matrix(data=FALSE, nrow=nr, ncol=nc)
  colnames(ret) <- us
  for (i in 1:nc) ret[, i] <- (strata == us[i])

} # END: strataMat

rep_cols <- function(vec, times) {
  # Function to replicate columns
  len      <- length(vec)
  dim(vec) <- c(len, 1)
  mat      <- rep(vec, times)
  dim(mat) <- c(len, times)
} # END: rep_cols

rep_mat <- function(scalar, nrow=NULL, ncol=NULL)
  mat      <- rep(scalar, each=nrow, times=ncol)
  dim(mat) <- c(nrow, ncol)

rep_rows <- function(vec, times) {
  # Function to replicate rows
  len      <- length(vec)
  dim(vec) <- c(1, len)
  mat      <- rep(vec, each=times)
  dim(mat) <- c(times, len)
} # END: rep_rows

# Function to merge 2 data frames 
mergeData <- function(base.data, new.data, new.vars, 
                      base.id="id", new.id="id") {

  # base.data   Data frame
  # new.data    Data frame
  # new.vars
  # base.id
  # new.id

  new.vars <- unique(new.vars)
  base.id  <- unique(base.id)
  new.id   <- unique(new.id)
  n.base   <- length(base.id)
  n.new    <- length(new.id)
  flag     <- 0

  if (n.base != n.new) stop("Number of id variables do not match")
  #if (nrow(new.data) != length(unique(new.data[, new.id]))) {
  #  stop("Ids not unique in new.data")
  if (nrow(base.data) != length(unique(base.data[, base.id]))) {
    flag <- 1
  if (n.base > 1) flag <- 1

  temp <- match(new.id, new.vars)
  if (!is.na(temp)) new.vars <- new.vars[-temp]
  temp <- new.vars %in% colnames(base.data)
  if (any(temp)) {
     new.vars2 <- c(new.vars[!temp], paste(new.vars[temp], "_2", sep=""))
  } else {
     new.vars2 <- new.vars

  # Add variables
  for (var in new.vars2) base.data[, var] <- NA
  nvars <- length(new.vars2)

  if (!flag) {
    rows <- base.data[, base.id] %in% new.data[, new.id]
    temp <- match(new.data[, new.id], base.data[, base.id])
    temp <- temp[!is.na(temp)]
    for (i in 1:nvars) {
      base.data[rows, new.vars2[i]] <- new.data[temp, new.vars[i]]
  } else {
    n <- nrow(base.data)
    for (i in 1:nrow(new.data)) {
      temp <- rep.int(TRUE, times=n)
      for (j in 1:n.base) {
        temp <- temp & (base.data[, base.id[j]] == new.data[i, new.id[j]])
      if (any(temp)) base.data[temp, new.vars2] <- new.data[i, new.vars]


} # END: mergeData

# Function to call the operating system
callOS <- function(command, intern=FALSE) {

  # Determine the platform
  os      <- .Platform$OS.type
  winFlag <- (os == "windows")

  if (winFlag) {
    ret <- shell(command, intern=intern)
  } else {
    ret <- system(command, intern=intern)

} # END: callOS

# Function to get columns from a character vector
getColsFromCharVec <- function(vec, cols, delimiter="\t", colNames=NULL,
                        fun=as.numeric, ret.type=3) {

  # vec
  # cols        Numeric or character vector of columns 
  # colNames    NULL or ordered vector of column names in vec
  #             if cols is character
  #             The default is NULL

  cnamesFlag <- !is.null(colNames)

  if (is.character(cols)) {
    cols <- match(cols, colNames)
  n <- length(vec)

  if (ret.type == 2) {
    ret <- vec
    for (i in 1:n) {
      temp   <- getVecFromStr(vec[i], delimiter=delimiter)
      ret[i] <- paste(temp[cols], collapse=delimiter, sep="")
  } else {
    if (n == 1) {
      temp <- getVecFromStr(vec, delimiter=delimiter)
      ret  <- fun(temp[cols])
      if (cnamesFlag) names(ret) <- colNames[cols] 
    } else {
      ret <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=n, ncol=length(cols))
      if (cnamesFlag) colnames(ret) <- colNames[cols] 
      for (i in 1:n) {
        temp     <- getVecFromStr(vec[i], delimiter=delimiter)
        ret[i, ] <- fun(temp[cols])


} # END: getColsFromCharVec 

# Function to search and replace strings within the names of an oject
changeStr.names <- function(obj, search, replace="") {

  # obj
  # search
  # replace

  d <- dim(obj)
  if (is.null(d)) {
    n <- names(obj)
    if (!is.null(n)) names(obj) <- gsub(search, replace, n, fixed=TRUE)
  } else {
    n <- colnames(obj)
    if (!is.null(n)) colnames(obj) <- gsub(search, replace, n, fixed=TRUE)
    n <- rownames(obj)
    if (!is.null(n)) rownames(obj) <- gsub(search, replace, n, fixed=TRUE)

} # END: changeStr.names

# Function to get the correct phenotype data when there are formulas
#  to be applied. The original phenotype data will be returned with
applyFormulas <- function(data, formulas, remove=NULL) {

  # data       Data frame
  # formulas   List of formulas with variables in the data frame

  flag   <- 0
  rflag  <- !is.null(remove)
  data2  <- data
  ids    <- 1:nrow(data2)
  rownames(data2) <- ids 
  for (i in 1:length(formulas)) {
    f <- formulas[[i]]
    if ("formula" %in% class(f)) {
      # Get the design matrix
      temp <- model.matrix(f, data=data2)
      ids  <- intersect(ids, rownames(temp))
      flag <- 1
      if (rflag) {
        temp <- removeMiss(data.frame(temp), miss=remove)
        ids  <- intersect(ids, rownames(temp))

  if (flag) data <- removeOrKeepRows(data, as.numeric(ids), which=1)

} # END: applyFormulas

# Function to return the formulas from a list
getFormulas <- function(inlist) {

  # inlist    List

  ret   <- list()
  index <- 1
  for (i in 1:length(inlist)) {
    if ("formula" %in% class(inlist[[i]])) {
      ret[[index]] <- inlist[[i]]
      index        <- index + 1

} # END: getFormulas

# Function to return the variables from a particular object
getAllVars <- function(obj, names=c("response.var", "main.vars", "int.vars",
                                    "strata.var", "start.var", "stop.var",
                                    "partition.var", "group.var", "id.var",
                                    "keep.vars", "remove.vars", "factor.vars")) {

  if (is.null(obj)) return(NULL)
  clss <- class(obj)

  # Character vector
  if ((is.vector(obj)) && ("character" %in% clss)) return(unique(obj))

  # Formula
  if ("formula" %in% clss) return(unique(all.vars(obj)))

  # List
  if ("list" %in% clss) {
    ret <- NULL
    if (is.null(names)) names <- 1:length(obj)
    for (nn in names) {
      obj.n <- obj[[nn, exact=TRUE]]
      if (is.null(obj.n)) next

      clss <- class(obj.n)      
      if ((is.vector(obj)) && ("character" %in% clss)) {
        ret <- c(ret, obj.n)
      } else if ("formula" %in% clss) {
        ret <- c(ret, all.vars(obj.n))
    slist <- obj[["subsetData", exact=TRUE]]
    if (!is.null(slist)) ret <- c(ret, getSubsetDataVars(slist))


  stop("ERROR in formulaVars: obj is of wrong type")

} # END: getAllVars

# Function to change the alleles in a data frame
changeAlleles <- function(data, alleleVars, rows=NULL, newVars=NULL) {

  # data
  # alleleVars
  # rows         Logical vector of length = nrow(data) or NULL
  #              The default is NULL, so that all rows will be changed
  # newVars      New variable names. If NULL, then allelVars will be used
  #              The order of newVars must match alleleVars.
  #              The default is NULL.

  if (is.null(rows)) rows <- rep(TRUE, times=nrow(data))
  if (is.null(newVars)) newVars <- alleleVars
  i <- 1
  for (var in alleleVars) {
    tempA <- (data[, var] == "A") & rows
    tempT <- (data[, var] == "T") & rows
    tempG <- (data[, var] == "G") & rows
    tempC <- (data[, var] == "C") & rows
    nv    <- newVars[i]
    data[tempA, nv] <- "T"
    data[tempT, nv] <- "A"
    data[tempG, nv] <- "C"
    data[tempC, nv] <- "G"
    i <- i + 1

} # END: changeAlleles

# Function to change the genotypes in a data frame
changeGenotypes <- function(data, genoVars, rows=NULL, newVars=NULL) {

  # data
  # genoVars     Must be coded as "AA", "GG", "CT" etc
  # rows         Logical vector of length = nrow(data) or NULL
  #              The default is NULL, so that all rows will be changed
  # newVars      New variable names. If NULL, then allelVars will be used
  #              The order of newVars must match alleleVars.
  #              The default is NULL.

  if (is.null(rows)) rows <- rep(TRUE, times=nrow(data))
  if (is.null(newVars)) newVars <- genoVars

  all  <- c("AA", "CC", "GG", "TT", 
           "AC", "CA", "AG", "GA", "AT", "TA",
           "CG", "GC", "CT", "TC",
           "GT", "TG")
  all2 <- c("TT", "GG", "CC", "AA", 
           "TG", "GT", "TC", "CT", "TA", "AT",
           "GC", "CG", "GA", "AG",
           "CA", "AC")

  index <- 1
  for (var in genoVars) {
    x     <- makeVector(data[, var])
    genos <- unique(x[rows])
    ngeno <- length(genos)
    temp  <- all %in% genos
    if (sum(temp) != ngeno) next
    a0    <- all[temp]
    a2    <- all2[temp]

    nv    <- newVars[index]
    for (i in 1:ngeno) {
      temp <- (x %in% a0[i]) & rows
      data[temp, nv] <- a2[i]
    index <- index + 1

} # END: changeGenotypes

# Function to write a table
writeTable <- function(x, outfile, delimiter="\t") {

  write.table(x, file=outfile, sep=delimiter, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

} # END: writeTable

# Function to parse a vector. Returns the string to evaluate.
parse.vec <- function(vec.len, vec.prefix="", vec.suffix="",
                      prefix="", suffix="", delimiter=", ") {

  # vec.len
  # vec.prefix    Constant string (for now)
  # vec.suffix    Constant string (for now)

  str <- prefix 
  for (j in 1:vec.len) {
    str <- paste(str, vec.prefix, j, vec.suffix, sep="")
    if (j < vec.len) str <- paste(str, delimiter, sep="")
  str <- paste(str, suffix, sep="")

} # END: parse.vec

# Function to replace strings in levels of a categorical variable
replaceStr.var <- function(data, var, str=" ", newStr="") {

  data[, var] <- gsub(str, newStr, data[, var], fixed=TRUE)


} # END: replaceStr.var

# Function to replace strings in a data frame
replaceStr.list <- function(data, varlist) {

  for (i in 1:length(varlist)) {
    tlist <- varlist[[i]]
    tlist <- default.list(tlist, c("var", "str", "newStr"),
                          list("ERROR", " ", ""), error=c(1, 0, 0))
    data[, tlist$var] <- gsub(tlist$str, tlist$newStr, data[, tlist$var], fixed=TRUE)

} # END: replaceStr.var

# Function to add columns to a data frame from another file or data frame

# Function to order columns in a matrix or data frame
orderVars <- function(data, order) {

  # data     matrix or data frame with column names
  # order    Character vector

  if (ncol(data) == 1) return(data)
  cnames <- colnames(data)
  temp   <- order %in% cnames
  order  <- order[temp]
  temp   <- !(cnames %in% order)
  if (any(temp)) order <- c(order, cnames[temp])
  data <- data[, order]

} # END: orderVars

# Function to remove leading zeros in character vectors
removeLeading0 <- function(vec) {

  # vec    Character vector

  if (is.numeric(vec)) return(vec)

  ret    <- vec
  numvec <- as.numeric(vec)
  temp   <- !is.na(numvec)
  if (any(temp)) ret[temp] <- as.character(numvec[temp])

} # END: removeLeading0

# Function to check that the specified delimiter at leasts exists in the first
#   row of the file.
checkDelimiter <- function(file.list) {

  file.list <- default.list(file.list, c("file", "file.type", "delimiter"),
                 list("ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR"), error=c(1, 1, 1))

  if (file.list$file.type == 1) return(1)

  # Open file
  fid <- getFID(file.list$file, file.list)

  # Read 1 row
  x <- scan(fid, what="character", nlines=1, sep="\n")

  ret <- grep(file.list$delimiter, x)
  if (!length(ret)) ret <- 0


} # END: checkDelimiter

# Function to remove leading/trailing white space
removeWhiteSpace <- function(str, leading=1, trailing=1) {

  if ((leading) && (trailing)) {
    ret <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", str, perl=TRUE)
  } else if (leading) {
    ret <- gsub("^\\s+", "", str, perl=TRUE)
  } else if (trailing) {
    ret <- gsub("\\s+$", "", str, perl=TRUE)
  } else {
    ret <- str


} # END: removeWhiteSpace

# Function for changing levels in a matrix or data frame
changeLevels.var <- function(data, var, old.levels, new.level,
                             new.var=NULL) {

  # data
  # var           Variable name or column number.
  #               Use NULL if data is a vector
  # old.levels    Current level(s) to change to new.level
  # new.level
  # new.var       New variable name or the old one if NULL
  # NA works with %in%

  if (is.null(dim(data))) {
    temp <- data %in% old.levels
    temp[is.na(temp)] <- FALSE
    data[temp] <- new.level
  } else {
    if (is.null(new.var)) new.var <- var
    temp <- data[, var] %in% old.levels
    temp[is.na(temp)] <- FALSE
    data[temp, new.var] <- new.level


} # END: changeLevels.var

# Function for debugging 
debug.time <- function(time0, str=NULL) {

  if (!is.null(time0)) print(proc.time()-time0)
  if (!is.null(str)) print(str)

} # END: debug.time

# Function to compute all interactions between 2 sets of vars
getInteractions <- function(data, vars1, vars2) {

  vars1 <- unique(vars1)
  vars2 <- unique(vars2)
  nv1   <- length(vars1)
  nv2   <- length(vars2)
  nv    <- nv1*nv2
  flip  <- 0
  if ((nv2 == 1) && (nv1 > 1)) {
    # Flip vars for efficiency
    temp  <- vars1
    vars1 <- vars2
    vars2 <- temp
    temp  <- nv1
    nv1   <- nv2
    nv2   <- temp
    flip  <- 1
  new     <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=nrow(data), ncol=nv)
  newVars <- character(nv)
  if ((nv1 == 1) && (nv2 == 1)) {
    new[, 1] <- makeVector(data[, vars1])*makeVector(data[, vars2])
    newVars  <- paste(vars1, ".", vars2, sep="") 
  } else {
    start <- 1
    stop  <- nv2
    for (i in 1:nv1) {
       new[, start:stop] <- matrixMultVec(as.matrix(data[, vars2]), 
                              makeVector(data[, vars1[i]]), by=2)
       if (flip) {
         newVars[start:stop] <- paste(vars2, ".", vars1[i], sep="")
       } else {
         newVars[start:stop] <- paste(vars1[i], ".", vars2, sep="")
       start <- stop + 1
       stop  <- stop + nv2

  colnames(new) <- newVars 
  data <- cbind(data, new) 
  list(data=data, newVars=newVars)

} # END: getInteractions

# Function to check for an error with try function
checkTryError <- function(obj, conv=1) {

  classObj <- class(obj)
  if ("try-error" %in% classObj) return(1)
  ret <- 0  

  # Check for convergence
  if (conv) {
    if ("glm" %in% classObj) {
      ret <- 1 - obj$converged
    } else if ("vglm" %in% classObj) {
      temp <- try(obj@criterion$loglikelihood, silent=TRUE)
      if ("try-error" %in% classObj) return(1)
      if ((!is.finite(temp)) || (is.null(temp))) ret <- 1
    } else if ("snp.logistic" %in% classObj) {
      if (is.null(obj$UML)) return(1)

} # END: checkTryError

# Function to check a list of type file.list
check.file.list <- function(flist, op=NULL) {

  # op          List with names 
  #  exist
  #  vars

  if (!is.list(flist)) flist <- list(file=flist)
  flist <- default.list(flist, c("file"), list("ERROR"), 
  if (is.null(flist[["file.type", exact=TRUE]])) {
    flist$file.type <- getFileType(flist$file)
  if (is.null(flist[["delimiter", exact=TRUE]])) {
    flist$delimiter <- getFileDelim(flist$file, type=flist$file.type)
  if (is.null(flist[["header", exact=TRUE]])) {
    flist$header <- getFileHeader(flist)
  op <- default.list(op, c("exist"), list(1)) 
  if (op$exist) {
    if (check.files(flist$file)) stop()
  slist <- op[["subsetData", exact=TRUE]]
  if (!is.null(slist)) {
    slist <- check.subsetData.list(slist) 
    svars <- getSubsetDataVars(slist) 
  } else {
    svars <- NULL
  vars <- op[["vars", exact=TRUE]]
  vars <- unique(c(vars, svars))
  if (!is.null(vars)) checkVars(flist, vars) 


} # END: check.file.list

# Function to return the variables in a list of type subsetData
getSubsetDataVars <- function(slist) {

  n   <- length(slist)
  ret <- character(n)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    ret[i] <- slist[[i]]$var


} # END: getSubsetDataVars

# Function to check a list of type subsetData
check.subsetData.list <- function(slist) {

  n <- length(slist)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    temp <- default.list(slist[[i]], c("var", "operator", "value"), 
                         list("ERROR", "ERROR", "ERROR"), error=c(1, 1, 1))


} # END: check.subsetData.list

# Function to normalize variable names
normVarNames <- function(cvec, op=NULL) {
  ret <- cvec
  ret <- gsub(">=", "_GTEQ_", ret, perl=TRUE)
  ret <- gsub("<=", "_LTEQ_", ret, perl=TRUE)
  ret <- gsub("==", "_EQ_", ret, perl=TRUE)
  ret <- gsub(">", "_GT_", ret, perl=TRUE)
  ret <- gsub("<", "_LT_", ret, perl=TRUE)
  ret <- gsub("%in%", "_IN_", ret, perl=TRUE)
  ret <- gsub("!=", "_NEQ_", ret, perl=TRUE)
  ret <- gsub(" ", ".", ret, perl=TRUE)

  str <- "[~`'!@#$%^&*()-+={}|\ ;<>?//]"
  ret <- gsub(str, "", ret, perl=TRUE)

} # END: normVarNames

# Function to get the SNP names from a matrix or data frame
getSnpNames <- function(obj, str="^rs[0-9]+$") {

  # obj    
  # str     PERL regular expression

  cnames <- colnames(obj)
  temp   <- grep(str, cnames, perl=TRUE)
  cnames <- cnames[temp]

} # END: getSnpNames

# Function to get a unique variable name
getUniqueVarName <- function(vec, alen=4, nlen=4) {

  vec1 <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o",
            "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z")
  vec2 <- 0:9

  while (1) {
    t1  <- paste(sample(vec1, alen, replace=TRUE), collapse="", sep="")
    t2  <- paste(sample(vec2, alen, replace=TRUE), collapse="", sep="")
    ret <- paste(t1, t2, sep="")
    if (!(ret %in% vec)) return(ret)

} # END: getUniqueVarName

# Function to break up character vector
parseDelimVec <- function(vec, sep, ncol, numeric=0) {

  if (numeric) {
    mat <- matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(vec, sep, fixed=TRUE))), byrow=TRUE, ncol=ncol)
  } else {
    mat <- matrix(unlist(strsplit(vec, sep, fixed=TRUE)), byrow=TRUE, ncol=ncol)

} # END: parseDelimVec

# Function to break up strings
parseVar.mat <- function(x, var, sep) {

  nr   <- nrow(x)
  temp <- grepl(sep, x[, var], fixed=TRUE)
  n    <- sum(temp)
  if (!n) return(x)
  x1 <- NULL
  x2 <- NULL
  if (n != nr) x1 <- x[!temp, , drop=FALSE] 
  x2 <- x[temp, , drop=FALSE]

  x     <- NULL
  uniq  <- unique(x2[, var]) 
  ulist <- strsplit(uniq, sep, fixed=TRUE)
  nu    <- length(ulist)
  max   <- 0
  for (i in 1:nu) max <- max(max, length(ulist[[i]]))
  print(paste("max = ", max))
  n2    <- nrow(x2)
  mat   <- matrix(data="", nrow=max*n2, ncol=ncol(x2))
  colnames(mat) <- colnames(x2)
  if (is.data.frame(x2)) mat <- as.data.frame(mat, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  b <- 0
  for (i in 1:nu) {
    u    <- uniq[i]
    temp <- x2[, var] %in% u
    mr   <- sum(temp)
    vec  <- ulist[[i]]
    mv   <- length(vec)

    for (v in vec) {
      a    <- b + 1
      b    <- a + mr - 1 
      rows <- a:b
      mat[rows, ]    <- x2[temp, , drop=FALSE]
      mat[rows, var] <- v 
  mat <- mat[1:b, , drop=FALSE]

  x <- rbind(x1, mat)


} # END: parseVar.mat

# Function to return the name of an object
getObjName <- function(v1) {


} # END: getObjName

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