
Defines functions plotN

Documented in plotN

plotN <- function(model, what="d", swap=FALSE, years=NULL, ages=NULL, axes=TRUE,
                  same.limits=TRUE, div=1, log=FALSE, base=10, main="", xlab="",
                  ylab="", cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1, cex.axis=0.8, cex.strip=0.8,
                  col.strip="gray95", strip=strip.custom(bg=col.strip),
                  las=(what=="b"), tck=c(1,what=="b")/2, tick.number=10,
                  lty.grid=3, col.grid="white", pch=16, cex.points=1,
                  col.points="black", ratio.bars=3, col.bars="gray", plot=TRUE,
  ## 1  Define functions
  panel.bar <- function(x, y, ...)  # barplot of N in one or more panel
    panel.abline(h=pretty(y,tick.number), lty=lty.grid, col=col.grid)
    panel.barchart(x, y, ...)
  panel.bubble <- function(x, y, ...)  # bubble plot N in one panel
    panel.abline(v=pretty(x,tick.number), h=pretty(y,tick.number), lty=lty.grid,
    panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)

  ## 2  Parse args
  what <- match.arg(what, c("d","i","l","r","p","b"))
  x <- if(class(model)=="scape") model$N else model  # allow data frame
  relation <- if(same.limits) "same" else "free"
  las <- as.numeric(las)

  ## 3  Prepare data (extract, rearrange, filter, transform)
  x <- aggregate(list(N=x$N), list(Year=x$Year,Age=x$Age), sum)
  x$Year <- as.integer(as.character(x$Year))
  x$Age <- as.integer(as.character(x$Age))
    years <- unique(x$Year)
    ages <- unique(x$Age)
  ok.years <- x$Year %in% years
  if(!any(ok.years)) stop("please check if the 'years' argument is correct")
  ok.ages <- x$Age %in% ages
  if(!any(ok.ages)) stop("please check if the 'ages' argument is correct")
  x <- x[ok.years & ok.ages,]
  x$N <- x$N / div
    x$N <- log(x$N, base)

  ## 4  Prepare plot (set pars, vectorize args, create list args)
  main <- rep(main, length.out=2)
  xlab <- rep(xlab, length.out=2)
  ylab <- rep(ylab, length.out=2)
  las <- rep(las, length.out=2)
  mymain <- list(label=main[1], cex=cex.main)
  myxlab <- list(label=xlab[1], cex=cex.lab)
  myylab <- list(label=ylab[1], cex=cex.lab)
  myrot <- switch(as.character(las[1]),
  myscales <- c(list(draw=axes,relation=relation,cex=cex.axis,tck=tck,
                     tick.number=tick.number), myrot)
  mystrip <- strip.custom(bg=col.strip)
  mytext <- list(cex=cex.strip)

  ## 5  Create trellis object
  printed <- FALSE
  fixed.ylim <- FALSE
  if(what == "d")
  {  # recursive flow: plotN("i",plot=F) -> print -> plotN("r",plot=F) -> print
    if(class(model) != "scape")
      stop("default plot(what=\"d\") requires that 'model' is a scape object")
    graph <- plotN(model, what="i", years=years, ages=ages, axes=axes,
                   relation=relation, div=div, log=log, base=base, main=main,
                   xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, cex.main=cex.main, cex.lab=cex.lab,
                   cex.strip=cex.strip, col.grid=col.grid, cex.axis=cex.axis,
                   las=las, tck=tck, tick.number=tick.number, lty.grid=lty.grid,
                   cex.points=cex.points, col.points=col.points,
                   ratio.bars=ratio.bars, col.bars=col.bars, plot=FALSE, ...)
    print(graph, split=c(1,1,1,2), more=TRUE)
    graph <- plotN(model, what="r", years=years, ages=ages, axes=axes,
                   relation=relation, div=div, log=log, base=base, main=main,
                   xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, cex.main=cex.main, cex.lab=cex.lab,
                   cex.strip=cex.strip, col.grid=col.grid, cex.axis=cex.axis,
                   las=las, tck=tck, tick.number=tick.number, lty.grid=lty.grid,
                   cex.points=cex.points, col.points=col.points,
                   ratio.bars=ratio.bars, col.bars=col.bars, plot=FALSE, ...)
    print(graph, split=c(1,2,1,2))
    printed <- TRUE
  if(what == "i")
    x <- x[x$Year==min(x$Year),]
    graph <- xyplot(N~Age|"Initial population", data=x, panel=panel.bar,
                    horizontal=FALSE, main=mymain, xlab=myxlab, ylab=myylab,
                    scales=myscales, strip=strip, par.strip.text=mytext,
                    box.ratio=ratio.bars, col=col.bars, ...)
    if(!("xlim" %in% names(as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1])))
      graph$x.limits <- c(min(x$Age)-0.5, max(x$Age)+0.5)
  if(what == "l")
    x <- x[x$Year==max(x$Year),]
    graph <- xyplot(N~Age|factor(Year), data=x, panel=panel.bar,
                    horizontal=FALSE, main=mymain, xlab=myxlab, ylab=myylab,
                    scales=myscales, strip=strip, par.strip.text=mytext,
                    box.ratio=ratio.bars, col=col.bars, ...)
    if(!("xlim" %in% names(as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1])))
      graph$x.limits <- c(min(x$Age)-0.5, max(x$Age)+0.5)
  if(what == "r")  # Year-min(x$Age) aligns cohorts
    x <- x[x$Age==min(x$Age),]
    mymain <- list(label=main[2], cex=cex.main)
    myxlab <- list(label=xlab[2], cex=cex.lab)
    myylab <- list(label=ylab[2], cex=cex.lab)
    myrot <- switch(as.character(las[2]),
    mytitle <- paste("Cohorts (age ", min(x$Age), ")", sep="")
    graph <- xyplot(N~Year-min(x$Age)|mytitle, data=x, panel=panel.bar,
                    horizontal=FALSE, main=mymain, xlab=myxlab, ylab=myylab,
                    scales=myscales, strip=strip, par.strip.text=mytext,
                    box.ratio=ratio.bars, col=col.bars, ...)
    if(!("xlim" %in% names(as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1])))
      graph$x.limits <- c(min(x$Year-min(x$Age))-0.5,
  if(what == "p")
    myformula <- if(!swap) N~Age|factor(Year) else N~Year|factor(Age)
    graph <- xyplot(myformula, data=x, panel=panel.bar, horizontal=FALSE,
                    as.table=TRUE, main=mymain, xlab=myxlab, ylab=myylab,
                    scales=myscales, strip=strip, par.strip.text=mytext,
                    box.ratio=ratio.bars, col=col.bars, ...)
  if(what == "b")
    myformula <- if(!swap) Year~Age else Age~Year
    graph <- xyplot(myformula, data=x, panel=panel.bubble, main=mymain,
                    xlab=myxlab, ylab=myylab, scales=myscales, pch=pch,
                    cex=cex.points*sqrt(x$N/mean(x$N)), col=col.points, ...)
    graph$y.limits <- rev(graph$y.limits)
    fixed.ylim <- TRUE
  if(!log && !fixed.ylim)  # leave ylim alone if log-transformed or bubble plot
  {  # set lower ylim to 0
    if(is.list(graph$y.limits))  # multi-panel plot
      graph$y.limits <- lapply(graph$y.limits, function(y){y[1]<-0;y})
    else  # single-panel plot
      graph$y.limits[1] <- 0

  ## 6  Finish

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scape documentation built on Nov. 23, 2020, 5:08 p.m.