
Defines functions print.ldiversity print.measure_risk ldiversityWORK ldiversity measure_riskWORK measure_risk

Documented in ldiversity measure_risk print.ldiversity print.measure_risk

#' Disclosure Risk for Categorical Variables
#' The function measures the disclosure risk for weighted or unweighted data.
#' It computes the individual risk (and household risk if reasonable) and the
#' global risk. It also computes a risk threshold based on a global risk value.
#' To be used when risk of disclosure for individuals within a family is
#' considered to be statistical independent.
#' Internally, function \emph{freqCalc()} and \emph{indivRisk} are used for
#' estimation.
#' Measuring individual risk: The individual risk approach based on so-called
#' super-population models. In such models population frequency counts are
#' modeled given a certain distribution.  The estimation procedure of sample
#' frequency counts given the population frequency counts is modeled by
#' assuming a negative binomial distribution. This is used for the estimation
#' of the individual risk. The extensive theory can be found in Skinner (1998),
#' the approximation formulas for the individual risk used is described in
#' Franconi and Polettini (2004).
#' Measuring hierarchical risk: If \dQuote{hid} - the index of variable holding
#' information on the hierarchical cluster structures (e.g., individuals that
#' are clustered in households) - is provided, the hierarchical risk is
#' additional estimated.  Note that the risk of re-identifying an individual
#' within a household may also affect the probability of disclosure of other
#' members in the same household. Thus, the household or cluster-structure of
#' the data must be taken into account when estimating disclosure risks. It is
#' commonly assumed that the risk of re-identification of a household is the
#' risk that at least one member of the household can be disclosed. Thus this
#' probability can be simply estimated from individual risks as 1 minus the
#' probability that no member of the household can be identified.
#' Global risk: The sum of the individual risks in the dataset gives the
#' expected number of re-identifications that serves as measure of the global
#' risk.
#' l-Diversity: If \dQuote{ldiv_index} is unequal to NULL, i.e. if the indices
#' of sensible variables are specified, various measures for l-diversity are
#' calculated. l-diverstiy is an extension of the well-known k-anonymity
#' approach where also the uniqueness in sensible variables for each pattern
#' spanned by the key variables are evaluated.
#' @rdname measure_risk
#' @param obj Object of class \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}}
#' @param x Output of measure_risk() or ldiversity()
#' @param ... see arguments below
#' \describe{
#' \item{data: }{Input data, a data.frame.}
#' \item{keyVars: }{names (or indices) of categorical key variables (for data-frame method)}
#' \item{w: }{name of variable containing sample weights}
#' \item{hid: }{name of the clustering variable, e.g. the household ID}
#' \item{max_global_risk: }{Maximal global risk for threshold computation}
#' \item{fast_hier: }{If TRUE a fast approximation is computed if household data are provided.}
#' }
#' @return A modified \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}} object or a list with the following elements:
#' \describe{
#' \item{global_risk_ER: }{expected number of re-identification.}
#' \item{global_risk: }{global risk (sum of indivdual risks).}
#' \item{global_risk_pct: }{global risk in percent.}
#' \item{Res: }{matrix with the risk, frequency in the sample and grossed-up frequency in the population (and the hierachical risk) for each observation.}
#' \item{global_threshold: }{for a given max_global_risk the threshold for the risk of observations.}
#' \item{max_global_risk: }{the input max_global_risk of the function.}
#' \item{hier_risk_ER: }{expected number of re-identification with household structure.}
#' \item{hier_risk: }{global risk with household structure (sum of indivdual risks).}
#' \item{hier_risk_pct: }{global risk with household structure in percent.}
#' \item{ldiverstiy: }{Matrix with Distinct_Ldiversity,
#' Entropy_Ldiversity and Recursive_Ldiversity for each sensitivity variable.}}
#' @author Alexander Kowarik, Bernhard Meindl, Matthias Templ, Bernd Prantner, minor parts of IHSN C++ source
#' @seealso \code{\link{freqCalc}}, \code{\link{indivRisk}}
#' @references Franconi, L. and Polettini, S. (2004) \emph{Individual risk
#' estimation in mu-Argus: a review}. Privacy in Statistical Databases, Lecture
#' Notes in Computer Science, 262--272. Springer
#' Machanavajjhala, A. and Kifer, D. and Gehrke, J. and Venkitasubramaniam, M.
#' (2007) \emph{l-Diversity: Privacy Beyond k-Anonymity}.  ACM Trans. Knowl.
#' Discov. Data, 1(1)
#' Templ, M. Statistical Disclosure Control for Microdata: Methods and Applications in R.
#' \emph{Springer International Publishing}, 287 pages, 2017. ISBN 978-3-319-50272-4.
#' \doi{10.1007/978-3-319-50272-4}.
#' #' Templ, M. and Kowarik, A. and Meindl, B.
#' Statistical Disclosure Control for Micro-Data Using the R Package sdcMicro.
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \strong{67} (4), 1--36, 2015. \doi{10.18637/jss.v067.i04}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## measure_risk with sdcMicro objects:
#' data(testdata)
#' \donttest{
#' sdc <- createSdcObj(testdata,
#'   keyVars=c('urbrur','roof','walls','water','electcon'),
#' numVars=c('expend','income','savings'), w='sampling_weight')
#' ## risk is already estimated and available in...
#' names(sdc@@risk)
#' ## measure risk on data frames or matrices:
#' res <- measure_risk(testdata,
#'   keyVars=c("urbrur","roof","walls","water","sex"))
#' print(res)
#' head(res$Res)
#' resw <- measure_risk(testdata,
#'   keyVars=c("urbrur","roof","walls","water","sex"),w="sampling_weight")
#' print(resw)
#' head(resw$Res)
#' res1 <- ldiversity(testdata,
#'   keyVars=c("urbrur","roof","walls","water","sex"),ldiv_index="electcon")
#' print(res1)
#' head(res1)
#' res2 <- ldiversity(testdata,
#'   keyVars=c("urbrur","roof","walls","water","sex"),ldiv_index=c("electcon","relat"))
#' print(res2)
#' head(res2)
#' # measure risk with household risk
#' resh <- measure_risk(testdata,
#'   keyVars=c("urbrur","roof","walls","water","sex"),w="sampling_weight",hid="ori_hid")
#' print(resh)
#' # change max_global_risk
#' rest <- measure_risk(testdata,
#'   keyVars=c("urbrur","roof","walls","water","sex"),
#'   w="sampling_weight",max_global_risk=0.0001)
#' print(rest)
#' ## for objects of class sdcMicro:
#' data(testdata2)
#' sdc <- createSdcObj(testdata2,
#'   keyVars=c('urbrur','roof','walls','water','electcon','relat','sex'),
#'   numVars=c('expend','income','savings'), w='sampling_weight')
#' ## -> when using `createSdcObj()`, the risks are already internally computed
#' ## and it is not required to explicitely run `sdc <- measure_risk(sdc)`
#' }
measure_risk <- function(obj, ...) {
  measure_riskX(obj=obj, ...)

setGeneric("measure_riskX", function(obj, ...) {

setMethod(f="measure_riskX", signature=c("sdcMicroObj"),
  definition=function(obj, ...) {
  origData <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="origData")

  manipData <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="manipKeyVars")
  keyVars <- c(1:length(manipData))
  w <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="weightVar")
  if (length(w) > 0) {
    manipData <- cbind(manipData, origData[, w])
    w <- length(manipData)
  } else w <- NULL
  hhId <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="hhId")
  if (length(hhId) > 0) {
    manipData <- cbind(manipData, origData[, hhId])
    hhId <- length(manipData)
  } else hhId <- NULL

  alpha <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="options")$alpha
  res <- measure_riskWORK(manipData, keyVars, w=w, hid=hhId, alpha=alpha, ...)
  risk <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="risk")
  risk$global <- list()
  risk$global$risk <- res$global_risk
  risk$global$risk_ER <- res$global_risk_ER
  risk$global$risk_pct <- res$global_risk_pct
  risk$global$threshold <- res$global_threshold
  risk$global$max_risk <- res$max_global_risk
  if ("hier_risk" %in% names(res)) {
    risk$global$hier_risk_ER <- res$hier_risk_ER
    risk$global$hier_risk <- res$hier_risk
    risk$global$hier_risk_pct <- res$hier_risk_pct
  risk$individual <- res$Res

  obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="risk", input=list(risk))

setMethod(f="measure_riskX", signature=c("data.frame"),
definition=function(obj, ...) {
  params <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(params$alpha)) {
    alpha <- params$alpha
  } else {
    alpha <- 1
  measure_riskWORK(data=obj, alpha=alpha, ...)

measure_riskWORK <- function(data, keyVars, w=NULL, missing=-999, hid=NULL, max_global_risk=0.01, fast_hier=TRUE, alpha) {
  if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
    data <- as.data.frame(data)

  variables <- keyVars
  weight_variable <- w
  if ((is.null(variables) | !all(variables %in% colnames(data))) && is.character(variables)) {
    stop("Please define valid key variables", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (is.numeric(variables)) {
    if (all(variables %in% c(1:ncol(data)))) {
      variables <- colnames(data)[variables]
    } else {
      stop("Please define valid key variables", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(weight_variable)) {
    if (!weight_variable %in% colnames(data) && is.character(weight_variable))
      stop("Weight variable not found!") else if (is.numeric(weight_variable)) {
      if (weight_variable %in% c(1:ncol(data)))
        weight_variable <- colnames(data)[weight_variable] else stop("Weight variable not found!")
  TFcharacter <- lapply(data[, keyVars, drop=FALSE], class) %in% "character"
  if (any(TFcharacter)) {
    for (kvi in which(TFcharacter)) {
      data[, keyVars[kvi]] <- as.factor(data[, keyVars[kvi]])

  f <- freqCalc(data, keyVars=keyVars, w=w, alpha=alpha)
  ir <- indivRisk(f, survey=!is.null(w))
  Res <- matrix(NA, ncol=3, nrow=nrow(data))
  Res[, 1] <- ir$rk
  Res[, 2] <- ir$fk
  Res[, 3] <- f$Fk

  weighted <- 0
  if (!is.null(weight_variable)) {
    weighted <- 1
  n_key_vars <- length(variables)
  dataX <- data[, c(variables), drop=FALSE]
  for (i in 1:ncol(dataX)) {
    if (!is.numeric(dataX[, i])) {
      dataX[, i] <- as.numeric(dataX[, i])
  if (weighted == 1) {
    dataX <- cbind(dataX, data[, weight_variable])
  dataX <- as.matrix(dataX)
  ind <- do.call(order, data.frame(dataX))
  dataX <- dataX[ind, , drop=FALSE]
  ind <- order(c(1:nrow(dataX))[ind])
  res <- list()
  res$Res <- Res
  colnames(res$Res) <- c("risk", "fk", "Fk")
  res$global_risk_ER <- sum(ir$rk, na.rm=TRUE)
  res$global_risk <- res$global_risk_ER/nrow(res$Res)
  res$global_risk_pct <- res$global_risk * 100

  ind <- order(res$Res[, 1], decreasing=TRUE)
  if (max_global_risk >= 1 || max_global_risk <= 0) {
    stop("max_global_risk argument must be between 0 and 1!")
  resth <- measure_threshold(res$Res[ind, 1], max_global_risk)
  if (is.na(resth$global_threshold_unsafe) || is.na(resth$global_threshold_safe) || is.na(resth$global_threshold)) {
    res[["global_threshold"]] <- NA
  } else if (resth$global_threshold_unsafe == resth$global_threshold && resth$global_threshold_safe ==
    res[["global_threshold"]] <- NA else res[["global_threshold"]] <- resth$global_threshold
  res[["max_global_risk"]] <- max_global_risk
  class(res) <- "measure_risk"
  if (!is.null(hid)) {
    ind <- order(data[, hid])
    dataX <- cbind(data[, hid], res$Res[, 1])[ind, ]
    ind <- order(c(1:nrow(dataX))[ind])
    for (i in 1:ncol(dataX)) {
      if (!is.numeric(dataX[, i]))
        dataX[, i] <- as.numeric(dataX[, i])
    dataX <- as.matrix(dataX)
    maxHH <- max(table(dataX[, 1]), na.rm=TRUE)
    if (fast_hier) {
      # warning('The households are too large for a fast computation of the hierachical risk.\n
      # (Use the parameter forceHier to perform the computation anyway)')
      reshier <- by(dataX[, 2], dataX[, 1], function(x) 1 - prod(1 - x), simplify=TRUE)
      reshier <- data.frame(cbind(reshier, unique(dataX[, 1])))
      colnames(reshier)=c("reshier", "hhid")
      dataX <- data.frame(dataX[, 1])
      datX <- merge(dataX, reshier, all.x=TRUE)

      res$Res <- cbind(res$Res, datX$reshier[ind])
      res[["hier_risk_ER"]] <- sum(res$Res[, 4], na.rm=TRUE)
      res[["hier_risk"]] <- sum(res$Res[, 4], na.rm=TRUE)/nrow(res$Res)
      res[["hier_risk_pct"]] <- res[["hier_risk"]] * 100
    } else {
      resh <- measure_hierachical(dataX)
      resh$Res <- resh$Res[ind]
      res$Res <- cbind(res$Res, resh$Res)
      res[["hier_risk_ER"]] <- resh[["hier_risk_ER"]]
      res[["hier_risk"]] <- resh[["hier_risk"]]
      res[["hier_risk_pct"]] <- resh[["hier_risk_pct"]]
    colnames(res$Res) <- c("risk", "fk", "Fk", "hier_risk")

#' @rdname measure_risk
#' @export
#' @param missing a integer value to be used as missing value in the C++ routine
#' @param ldiv_index indices (or names) of the variables used for l-diversity
#' @param l_recurs_c l-Diversity Constant
ldiversity <- function(obj, ldiv_index=NULL, l_recurs_c=2, missing=-999, ...) {
  ldiversityX(obj=obj, ldiv_index=ldiv_index, l_recurs_c=l_recurs_c, missing=missing, ...)

setGeneric("ldiversityX", function(obj, ldiv_index=NULL, l_recurs_c=2, missing=-999, ...) {

setMethod(f="ldiversityX", signature=c("sdcMicroObj"),
definition=function(obj, ldiv_index=NULL, l_recurs_c=2, missing=-999) {
  o <- obj@origData
  k <- obj@manipKeyVars
  n <- obj@manipNumVars
  s <- obj@manipStrataVar
  ldiv_index <- ldiv_index
  if ( is.null(ldiv_index) ) {
    sensVar <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, "sensibleVar")
    if ( is.null(sensVar) ) {
      err <- paste0("You need to specify argument 'sensibleVar' in 'createSdcObj()'")
      err <- paste0(err, " or specify it directly (argument 'ldiv_index') so that the")
      err <- paste0(err, " ldiversity risk-measure can be calculated!\n")
    } else{
      ldiv_index <- sensVar
  if (!is.null(k))
    o[, colnames(k)] <- k
  if (!is.null(n))
    o[, colnames(n)] <- n
  if (!is.null(s))
    o$sdcGUI_strataVar <- s
  kV <- colnames(obj@origData)[get.sdcMicroObj(obj, "keyVars")]
  obj@risk$ldiversity <- ldiversityWORK(
    data = o,
    keyVars = kV,
    l_recurs_c = l_recurs_c,
    ldiv_index = ldiv_index,
    missing = missing

setMethod(f="ldiversityX", signature=c("data.frame"),
definition=function(obj, keyVars, ldiv_index, l_recurs_c=2, missing=-999) {
    data = obj,
    keyVars = keyVars,
    ldiv_index = ldiv_index,
    l_recurs_c = l_recurs_c,
    missing = missing

ldiversityWORK <- function(data, keyVars, ldiv_index, missing=-999, l_recurs_c=2) {
  variables <- keyVars
  if ((is.null(variables) || !all(variables %in% colnames(data))) && is.character(variables)) {
    stop("Please define valid key variables", call. = FALSE)
  } else if (is.numeric(variables)) {
    if (all(variables %in% c(1:ncol(data)))) {
      variables <- colnames(data)[variables]
    } else {
      stop("Please define valid key variables", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(ldiv_index)) {
    if (is.numeric(ldiv_index)) {
      ldiv_var <- colnames(data)[ldiv_index]
      ldiv_index <- length(variables) + 1:length(ldiv_index)
    } else if (is.character(ldiv_index)) {
      ldiv_var <- ldiv_index
      ldiv_index <- length(variables) + 1:length(ldiv_index)
    if (any(ldiv_var %in% variables))
      stop("Sensitivity variable should not be a keyVariable")
  } else ldiv_var <- character(0)

  n_key_vars <- length(variables)
  dataX <- data[, c(variables, ldiv_var), drop=FALSE]
  for (i in 1:ncol(dataX)) {
    if (!is.numeric(dataX[, i]))
      dataX[, i] <- as.numeric(unlist(dataX[, i]))
  dataX <- as.matrix(dataX)
  ind <- do.call(order, data.frame(dataX))
  dataX <- dataX[ind, , drop=FALSE]
  ind <- order(c(1:nrow(dataX))[ind])
  if (is.null(ldiv_index))
  if (length(ldiv_index) > 5)
    stop("Maximal number of sensitivity variables is 5")
  res <- measure_risk_cpp(dataX, 0, n_key_vars, l_recurs_c, ldiv_index, missing)
  res$Fk <- res$Res[, 3]
  res$Res <- res$Res[ind, ]
  if (all(ldiv_index != -99)) {
    res$Mat_Risk <- res$Mat_Risk[ind, ]
    names(res)[names(res) == "Mat_Risk"] <- "ldiversity"
    colnames(res$ldiversity) <- c(paste(rep(ldiv_var, each=3), rep(c("Distinct_Ldiversity",
      "Entropy_Ldiversity", "Recursive_Ldiversity"), length(ldiv_index)), sep="_"),
      "MultiEntropy_Ldiversity", "MultiRecursive_Ldiversity")
  } else {
    res <- res[names(res) != "Mat_Risk"]
  ind <- order(res$Res[, 1], decreasing=TRUE)
  res <- res$ldiversity
  class(res) <- "ldiversity"

#' Print method for objects of class measure_risk
#' Prints a 'measure_risk'-object
#' @rdname measure_risk
#' @return Prints risk-information into the console
#' @keywords print
#' @method print measure_risk
#' @export
print.measure_risk <- function(x, ...) {
  s <- sum(x$Res[, 1] > median(x$Res[, 1]) + 3 * mad(x$Res[, 1]) & x$Res[, 1] > 0.1)
  message(paste(s, "obs. with higher risk as the main part\n"))
  message("Expected no. of re-identifications:\n", round(x$global_risk_ER, 2), "")
  message("(", round(x$global_risk_pct, 2), "%)\n")
  if (is.na(x$global_threshold))
    x$global_threshold <- Inf
  message("Threshold:", round(x$global_threshold, 2), "\n (for maximal global risk", round(x$max_global_risk,
    2), ")\n")
  if ("hier_risk_ER" %in% names(x)) {
    if (!is.na(x$hier_risk_ER)) {
      message("Hierarchical risk \n")
      message("Expected no. of re-identifications:\n", round(x$hier_risk_ER, 2), "")
      message("(", round(x$hier_risk_pct, 2), "% )\n")
    } else {
      message("Hierarchical risk not available\n")

#' Print method for objects from class ldiversity
#' Prints a 'ldiversity'-object
#' @rdname measure_risk
#' @return Information on L-Diversity Measures in the console
#' @seealso \code{\link{measure_risk}}
#' @keywords print
#' @method print ldiversity
#' @export
print.ldiversity <- function(x, ...) {
  message("L-Diversity Measures \n")
  print(summary(x[, grep("_Distinct_Ldiversity", colnames(x))]))

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