
Defines functions recordSwap.default recordSwap.sdcMicroObj recordSwap

Documented in recordSwap recordSwap.default recordSwap.sdcMicroObj

#' Targeted Record Swapping
#' Applies targeted record swapping on micro data considering the identification
#' risk of each record as well the geographic topology.
#' @details The procedure accepts a `data.frame` or `data.table`
#' containing all necessary information for the record swapping, e.g
#' parameter `hid`, `similar`, `hierarchy`, etc ...
#' First, the micro data in `data` is ordered by `hid` and the identification
#' risk is calculated for each record in each hierarchy level. As of right
#' now only counts is used as identification risk and the inverse of counts
#' is used as sampling probability.
#' NOTE: It will be possible to supply an identification risk for each record
#' and hierarchy level which will be passed down to the C++-function. This
#' is however not fully implemented.
#' With the parameter `k_anonymity` a k-anonymity rule is applied to define
#' risky households in each hierarchy level. A household is set to risky
#' if counts < k_anonymity in any hierarchy level and the household needs
#' to be swapped across this hierarchy level.
#' For instance, having a geographic hierarchy of NUTS1 > NUTS2 > NUTS3 the
#' counts are calculated for each geographic variable and defined
#' `risk_variables`. If the counts for a record falls below `k_anonymity`
#' for hierarchy county (NUTS1, NUTS2, ...) then this record needs to be swapped 
#' across counties.
#' Setting `k_anonymity = 0` disables this feature and no risky households
#' are defined.
#' After that the targeted record swapping is applied, starting from the highest
#' to the lowest hierarchy level and cycling through all possible geographic
#' areas at each hierarchy level, e.g every county, every municipality in
#' every county, etc, ...
#' At each geographic area, a set of values is created for records to be
#' swapped. In all but the lowest hierarchy level, this is ONLY made out
#' of all records which do not fulfil the k-anonymity and have not already
#' been swapped. Those records are swapped with records not belonging to
#' the same geographic area, which have not already been swapped beforehand.
#' Swapping refers to the interchange of geographic variables defined in
#' `hierarchy`. When a record is swapped all other records containing the
#' same `hid` are swapped as well.
#' At the lowest hierarchy level in every geographic area, the set of records to
#' be swapped is made up of all records which do not fulfil the k-anonymity
#' as well as the remaining number of records such that the proportion of
#' swapped records of the geographic area is in coherence with the `swaprate`.
#' If due to the k-anonymity condition, more records have already been swapped
#' in this geographic area then only the records which do not fulfil the
#' k-anonymity are swapped.
#' Using the parameter `similar` one can define similarity profiles.
#' `similar` needs to be a list of vectors with each list entry containing
#' column indices of `data`. These entries are used when searching for donor
#' households, meaning that for a specific record the set of all donor
#' records is made out of records which have the same values in
#' `similar[[1]]`. It is however important to note, that these variables
#' can only be variables related to households (not persons!). If no suitable
#' donor can be found the next similarity profile is used, `similar[[2]]` and
#' the set of all donors is then made up out of all records which have the
#' same values in the column indices in `similar[[2]]`. This procedure
#' continues until a donor record was found or all the similarity profiles
#' have been used.
#' `swaprate` sets the swaprate of households to be swapped, where a single
#' swap counts for swapping 2 households, the sampled household and the
#' corresponding donor. Prior to the procedure, the swaprate is applied on
#' the lowest hierarchy level, to determine the target number of swapped
#' households in each of the lowest hierarchies. If the target numbers of a
#' decimal point they will randomly be rounded up or down such that the
#' number of households swapped in total is in coherence to the swaprate.
#' @param data must be either a micro data set in the form of a
#' `data.table` or `data.frame`, or an `sdcObject`, see
#' \link[sdcMicro]{createSdcObj}.
#' @param hid column index or column name in `data` which refers
#' to the household identifier.
#' @param hierarchy column indices or column names of variables in
#' `data` which refer to the geographic hierarchy in the micro data
#' set. For instance county > municipality > district.
#' @param similar vector or list of integer vectors or column names
#' containing similarity profiles, see details for more explanations.
#' @param swaprate double between 0 and 1 defining the proportion of
#' households which should be swapped, see details for more explanations
#' @param risk either column indices or column names in `data` or
#' `data.table`, `data.frame` or `matrix` indicating risk of each record
#' at each hierarchy level. If `risk`-matrix is supplied to swapping procedure
#' will not use the k-anonymity rule but the values found in this matrix
#' for swapping.
#' When using the risk parameter is expected to have assigned a maximum value     
#' in a household for each member of the household. If this condition is not      
#' satisfied, the risk parameter is automatically adjusted to comply with this    
#' condition.
#' If risk parameter is provided then k-anonymity rule is suppressed.
#' @param risk_threshold single numeric value indicating when a household is
#' considered "high risk", e.g. when this household must be swapped. Is only
#' used when `risk` is not `NULL`.
#' Risk threshold indicates households that have to be swapped, but be aware      
#' that households with risk lower than threshold, but with still high enough      
#' risk may be swapped as well. Only households with risk set to 0 are not swapped.                                                   
#' Risk and risk threshold must be equal or bigger then 0.  
#' @param k_anonymity integer defining the threshold of high risk households
#' (counts<k) for using k-anonymity rule
#' @param risk_variables column indices or column names of variables in `data`
#' which will be considered for estimating the risk. Only used when k-anonymity
#' rule is applied.
#' @param carry_along integer vector indicating additional variables to swap
#' besides to hierarchy variables. These variables do not interfere with the
#' procedure of finding a record to swap with or calculating risk. This
#' parameter is only used at the end of the procedure when swapping the
#' hierarchies. We note that the variables to be used as `carry_along` should
#' be at household level. In case it is detected that they are at individual
#' level (different values within `hid`), a warning is given.
#' @param return_swapped_id, boolean if `TRUE` the output includes an
#' additional column showing the `hid` with which a record was swapped with.
#' The new column will have the name `paste0(hid,"_swapped")`.
#' @param log_file_name character, path for writing a log file. The log
#' file contains a list of household IDs (`hid`) which could not have been
#' swapped and is only created if any such households exist.
#' @param seed integer defining the seed for the random number generator, for
#' reproducibility. if `NULL` a random seed will be set using `sample(1e5,1)`.
#' @param ... parameters passed to `recordSwap.default()`
#' @author Johannes Gussenbauer
#' @return `data.table` with swapped records.
#' @examples
#' # generate 10000 dummy households
#' library(data.table)
#' seed <- 2021
#' set.seed(seed)
#' nhid <- 10000
#' \donttest{
#' dat <- sdcMicro::createDat(nhid)
#' # define paramters for swapping
#' k_anonymity <- 1
#' swaprate <- .05 # 5%
#' similar <- list(c("hsize"))
#' hier <- c("nuts1", "nuts2")
#' risk_variables <- c("ageGroup", "national")
#' hid <- "hid"
#' ## apply record swapping
#' #dat_s <- recordSwap(
#' #  data = dat,
#' #  hid = hid,
#' #  hierarchy = hier,
#' #  similar = similar,
#' #  swaprate = swaprate,
#' #  k_anonymity = k_anonymity,
#' #  risk_variables = risk_variables,
#' #  carry_along = NULL,
#' #  return_swapped_id = TRUE,
#' #  seed = seed
#' #)
#' #
#' ## number of swapped households
#' #dat_s[hid != hid_swapped, uniqueN(hid)]
#' #
#' ## hierarchies are not consistently swapped
#' #dat_s[hid != hid_swapped, .(nuts1, nuts2, nuts3, lau2)]
#' #
#' ## use parameter carry_along
#' #dat_s <- recordSwap(
#' #   data = dat,
#' #   hid = hid,
#' #  hierarchy = hier,
#' #  similar = similar,
#' #  swaprate = swaprate,
#' #  k_anonymity = k_anonymity,
#' #  risk_variables = risk_variables,
#' #  carry_along = c("nuts3", "lau2"),
#' #  return_swapped_id = TRUE,
#' #  seed = seed)
#' #
#' #dat_s[hid != hid_swapped, .(nuts1, nuts2, nuts3, lau2)]
#' }
#' @export
recordSwap <- function(data,...){

#' @rdname recordSwap
#' @export
recordSwap.sdcMicroObj <- function(data, ...){

  hid <- hierarchy <- similar <- similar <- swaprate <-
  risk <- risk_threshold <- k_anonymity <-  risk_variables <-
  carry_along <- return_swapped_id <- seed <- log_file_name <- NULL

  ellipsis <- list(...)

  # get inputs from recordSwap.default
  rsArgs <- formals(recordSwap.default)
  rsArgs$data <- rsArgs$`...` <- NULL

  # gett parameters from ..., sdcObject and default values
  fun_params <- names(rsArgs)
  fun_values <- lapply(fun_params,function(z,ell,sdcObj,default){
  names(fun_values) <- fun_params
  expr_values <- paste(fun_params,"<-",paste0("fun_values[['",fun_params,"']]"))
  eval(parse(text = paste(expr_values)))

  # get data
  data <- data@origData

  # run record swaping default
  data <- recordSwap.default(data=data, hid=hid, hierarchy = hierarchy,
                     similar = similar, swaprate = swaprate, risk = risk,
                     risk_threshold = risk_threshold, k_anonymity = k_anonymity,
                     risk_variables = risk_variables, carry_along = carry_along,
                     return_swapped_id = return_swapped_id,
                     log_file_name = log_file_name,
                     seed = seed)

#' @rdname recordSwap
#' @export
recordSwap.default <- function(data, hid, hierarchy, similar,
                       swaprate=0.05, risk=NULL, risk_threshold=0,
                       k_anonymity=3, risk_variables=NULL,
                       carry_along = NULL,
                       return_swapped_id = FALSE,
                       log_file_name = "TRS_logfile.txt",
                       seed = NULL, ...){

  helpVariableforMergingAfterTRS <- . <- hid_help <- NULL

  # check data
    stop("data is missing, data must be either a data.table, data.frame")
    stop("data must be either a data.table, data.frame")

  data <- as.data.table(data)
  cnames <- copy(colnames(data))

  # # check inputs

  # check mandatory parameters
  if(any(missing("hid"), missing("hierarchy"),missing("similar"))){
    stop("One of mandatory parameters (hid, hierarchy, similar) is missing.")
  # check hid
  hid <- checkIndexString(hid,cnames,matchLength = 1)

  # check hierarchy
  hierarchy <- checkIndexString(hierarchy,cnames,minLength = 1)

  # check similar
    similar <- list(similar)
  similar <- lapply(similar,checkIndexString,cnames=cnames,minLength = 1)

  # check risk_variables
  if(is.null(risk) & is.null(risk_variables)){
    stop("risk_variables are missing for calculation of k-anonymity rule.")
    risk_variables <- checkIndexString(risk_variables,cnames,minLength = 1)
  } else {
    risk_variables <- 0

  # check carry_along
  carry_along <- checkIndexString(carry_along,cnames,minLength = 0)
  carry_along <- carry_along[!carry_along%in%hierarchy] # otherwise they are swapped twice
  # check return_swapped_id and use with carry_along if TRUE
  if(!is.logical(return_swapped_id) | length(return_swapped_id)!=1){
    stop("return_swapped_id must be logical of length 1")

    orig_id <- cnames[hid+1]
    swapped_id <- paste0(orig_id,"_swapped")
    cnames <- copy(colnames(data))

    swapped_id <- checkIndexString(swapped_id,cnames,
                                   matchLength = 1)
    carry_along <- c(carry_along,swapped_id)

  # check that carry_along-variables are at household level
  .chk_hhlevel <- function(data, hid, idx, action = "warning") {
    # hid and idx are c-level indices (starting at 0!)
    N <- NULL
    vhid <- names(data)[hid + 1]
    vidx <- names(data)[idx + 1]
    agg <- data[, .(N = length(unique(get(vidx)))), by = vhid]
    agg <- agg[N != 1]
    if (nrow(agg) > 0) {
      msg <- paste(
        "Variable", shQuote(vidx),
        "(used in `carry_along`) is not at household-level",
        "which might lead to unexpected results."
      if (action == "message") {
      } else if (action == "warning") {
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  if (length(carry_along) > 0) {
    for (i in carry_along) {
      .chk_hhlevel(data = data, hid = hid, idx = i, action = "warning")

  # check k_anonymity
    stop("k_anonymity must be a positiv single integer!")

  # check risk_threshold
    stop("risk_threshold must be a positiv numeric value!")

  # check swaprate
    stop("swaprate must be a single number between 0 and 1!")

  # check risk
    risk <- data.table()
    risk_threshold <- 0
    if(any(length(risk) == nrow(data),is.list(risk))){
      stop("If risk is not a vector containing column indices or column names in data then risk must be either a data.table, data.frame or matrix!")
      stop("risk and hierarchy need to address the same number of columns!")
    risk <- checkIndexString(risk,cnames,minLength = 1)
    risk <- data[,c(risk+1)]
      stop("If risk is not a vector containing column indices or column names in data then risk must be either a data.table, data.frame or matrix!")

      stop("number of columns in risk does not match number of hierarchies!")

  cnamesrisk <- copy(colnames(risk))
  risk <- data.table(risk)

      message("risk does not contain column names; the first column in risk will be used for the first hierarchy level, e.g ",cnames[hierarchy[1]+1]," and so on.")
        stop("the columnnames of risk do not appear in data")

    if(any(risk<0)||any(!unlist(lapply(risk, is.numeric)))
      stop("risk must contain positive real values only!")
    # Check the values of risk variable if they need adjustment for recordSwap_cpp()
    # This check if risk values in each household are unique and if not then assign 
    # every member of the household the highest value in the household.
    risk_variables_names <- copy(colnames(risk))
      expr = risk[,lapply(.SD,
                            if( (length(unique(z)) > 1)) {stop()} else {0}
                          }), # error when value not equal 0
                  by=.(hid_help)], # calculate if each household have unique values
      error  = function(e){ 
        message("risk was adjusted in order to give each household member the maximum household risk value")
             by=.(hid_help)] # assign to each household its max value

  # check seed
  # if(is.character(seed)){
  #   stop("seed must be a single positive integer!")
  # }
  if(is.null(seed) | any(is.na(seed))){
    seed <- sample(1e5,1)
    stop("seed must be a single positive integer!")

  # setup data and inputs for c++ function

  # order data
  # take sub data
  sim_vars <- sort(unique(unlist(similar)))
  original_cols <- unique(c(hid,hierarchy,risk_variables,sim_vars,carry_along))
  select_cols <- unique(c(original_cols+1,ncol(data)))
  data_sw <- copy(data[,.SD,.SDcols=c(select_cols)])
  cnames_sw <- colnames(data_sw) # save column names for later use
  # remove columns from original data except help variable for merging
  drop_cols <- cnames_sw[-length(cnames_sw)]

  # remap column indices
  hid <- which(hid %in% original_cols)-1
  hierarchy <- sapply(hierarchy,function(z){
    which(original_cols %in% z) -1

    # remap all similarity variables
    similar <- lapply(similar,function(z){
        which(original_cols %in% z) -1
    risk_variables <- sapply(risk_variables,function(z){
      which(original_cols %in% z) -1
    carry_along <- sapply(carry_along,function(z){
      which(original_cols %in% z) -1

  # check if any non numeric values are present in data
    stop("Columns specified in hid, hierarchy, similar and carry_along must contain only integer values at this point")

  # check if any values with NA values are present in data
  NAOccured <- apply(data_sw,2,function(z){any(is.na(z))})
    stop("data must contain only integer values. \nColumn(s)\n    ",paste( names(which(NAOccured)),collapse=", "),"\ncontain(s) NA values")

  # check if any values with decimal values are present in data
  decOccured <- apply(data_sw,2,function(z){any((z%%1)!=0)})
    decOccured <- names(decOccured)[decOccured]
    stop("data must contain only integer values.\nColumn(s)\n    ",paste(decOccured,collapse=", "),"\ncontain(s) decimal numbers")

  # transpose data for cpp function
  data_sw <- transpose(data_sw)

  # transpose risk
    risk <- transpose(risk)
    risk <- numeric(0)
  # risk <- numeric(0) # drop this if risk was tested enough

  # take time before starting swapping
  start_time <- Sys.time()

  data_sw <- recordSwap_cpp(data=data_sw, similar_cpp=similar, hierarchy=hierarchy,
                            risk_variables=risk_variables, hid=hid, k_anonymity=k_anonymity,
                            risk_threshold=risk_threshold, risk=risk,
                            carry_along = carry_along,
                            log_file_name = log_file_name,

  # check if swapping was successful
  if(file.exists(log_file_name) && file.mtime(log_file_name)>start_time){
    message("Donor household was not found in ",length(readLines(log_file_name))-2," case(s).\nSee ",log_file_name," for a detailed list")
    message("Recordswapping was successful!\n")

  data_sw <- transpose(data_sw)


# helpfunction to check if inputs are correct

# check if integer or string and if length is appropriate
checkInteger <- function(x){

# check length and type and convert to integer position for c++ function
checkIndexString <- function(x=NULL,cnames,matchLength=NULL,minLength=NULL){

  # return numeric(0) of input is null
  if(is.null(x) & (is.null(minLength)||minLength==0)){

  varName <- deparse(substitute(x))

      stop(varName," must be an integer (column index) or character (column name) of length ",matchLength)
      stop(varName," must contain integers (column indices) or characters (~column names) of data")

  # check when string that names are in cnames
      stop("Column name(s) in ",varName," are not found in data")
    # initialize index
    x <- match(x,cnames)

  # check that index does not
  # - exceed number of column of data
  # x must be integer from this point onwards
    stop("Column index in ",varName," exceeds number of columns in data")
    stop("Index in ",varName," does contain zero.\nIndexing in R starts with 1!")
    stop("Column indices cannot be negative")

  # indices start with 0 for c++ routine
  x <- x-1

# helpfunctino to get paramete values from ..., sdcObject and default values
getVar <- function(ell,sdcObj,default,variable){

  in_ell <- ell[[variable]]
    in_sdcObj <- sdcObj@hhId
  }else if(variable=="risk_variables"){
    in_sdcObj <- sdcObj@keyVars
    in_sdcObj <- sdcObj@options[[variable]]

  null_ell <- is.null(in_ell)
  null_sdcObj <- is.null(in_sdcObj)

  if(null_ell & null_sdcObj){
        stop("argument `",variable,"` is missing, with no default\n Alternatively one can specifcy `",variable,"` through the parameter `keyVars` in `createSdcObj()`")
      }else if(variable=="hid"){
        stop("argument `",variable,"` is missing, with no default\n Alternatively one can specifcy `",variable,"` through the parameter `hhId` in `createSdcObj()`")
        stop("argument `",variable,"` is missing, with no default\n Alternatively one can specifcy `",variable,"` through the parameter `options` in `createSdcObj()`")
      # set default value for variable
      take_value <- default[[variable]]

  if(!null_ell & !null_sdcObj){
    warning("argument `",variable,"` defined in function call and in `data`: taking value from function call")
    take_value <- in_ell

    take_value <- in_ell
  }else if(!null_sdcObj){
    take_value <- in_sdcObj

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