
## Started 2021-01-30, 2021-05-18, 2021-05-28


## to avoid ASAN/UBSAN errors on CRAN, following advice of Kevin Ushey
## e.g. https://github.com/RcppCore/RcppParallel/issues/169
Sys.setenv(RCPP_PARALLEL_BACKEND = "tinythread")

# create small working datasets
suppressWarnings(smallCH <- join(subset(ovenCHp, sessions = 1:3, traps = 1:20, 
    dropnullocc = FALSE)))
nonspatialCH <- reduce(ovenCH, outputdetector = 'nonspatial', verify = FALSE)
msk <- make.mask(traps(smallCH), buffer = 200, nx = 20, type = 'trapbuffer')

argssecr <- list(capthist = smallCH, mask = msk, detectfn = 'HHN',
    start = list(lambda0 = 0.037, sigma = 65.3),
    details = list(LLonly = TRUE, fastproximity = FALSE))

test_that("correct likelihood (multi-session CL)", {
    argssecr$CL <- TRUE
    LL <- do.call(secr.fit, argssecr)[1]
    expect_equal(LL, -301.1396, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("correct likelihood (multi-session CL fastproximity)", {
    argssecr$CL <- TRUE
    argssecr$details$fastproximity <- TRUE
    LL <- do.call(secr.fit, argssecr)[1]
    expect_equal(LL, -109.61114, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("correct likelihood (single session 'single')", {
    args <- list(capthist = captdata, buffer = 100, detectfn = 'HN',
        start = list(D = 5.4798, g0 = 0.2732, sigma = 29.3658),
        details = list(LLonly = TRUE))
    # 'multi' likelihood used for single-catch traps
    expect_warning(LL <- do.call(secr.fit, args)[1])  
    expect_equal(LL, -759.02575, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)

## Check bug fixes 2021 onwards

## make.capthist bug reported by Richard Glennie 2021-01-30
test_that("correct rejection of duplicates at exclusive detectors", {
    captures <- data.frame(session = c(1, 1, 1), 
        ID = c(1, 11, 1), 
        occasion = c(12, 2, 2),
        trap = c("A1", "A2", "A2"))
    traps <- make.grid(detector = "multi")
    expect_equal(nrow(make.capthist(captures, traps)), 2)

## Multi-polygon bug 2021-05-18

datadir <- system.file("extdata", package = "secr")
polyexample1 <- read.traps(file = paste0(datadir, '/polygonexample1.txt'), 
    detector = 'polygon')
polygonCH <- sim.capthist(polyexample1, popn = list(D = 1, buffer = 200),
    detectfn = 'HHN', detectpar = list(lambda0 = 5, sigma = 50),
    noccasions = 1, seed = 123)

test_that("simulated polygon data have correct RPSV", {
    rpsv <- RPSV(polygonCH, CC = TRUE)
    expect_equal(rpsv, 45.16401, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("correct likelihood (multi-detector polygon data)", {
    args <- list(capthist = polygonCH, buffer = 200, detectfn = 'HHN',
        start = list(D=1, lambda0=5, sigma = 50), verify = FALSE, 
        details = list(LLonly = TRUE))
    LL <- do.call(secr.fit, args)[1]
    expect_equal(LL, -2026.92169, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)

## join nonspatial bug 2021-05-28

nonspatialCH <- reduce(ovenCH, outputdetector = 'nonspatial', verify = FALSE)
test_that("join works on nonspatial data", {
    sumcapt <- sum(join(nonspatialCH))
    expect_equal(sumcapt, 190, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)

## pmix bug 2022-01-16

# reported Rebecca Johanna on secrgroup Jan 2022
# after adjusting code in generalsecrloglik.R and fastsecrloglik.R 
# to match secr 3.2

# extended test 2022-10-25 to fix when one level missing (Mathias Tobler)

msk2 <- make.mask(traps(ovenCH[[1]]), buffer = 200, nx = 20, type = 'trapbuffer')
args <- list(
    mask     = msk2, 
    detectfn = 'HN',
    CL       = TRUE, 
    start    = c(-3.5387, 4.1798, 0.3418, 0.1656),
    model    = sigma~h2, 
    hcov     = 'Sex', 
    details  = list(LLonly = TRUE))

args$capthist = subset(ovenCH, sessions=1:2)
LL1 <- do.call(secr.fit, args)[1]
covariates(args$capthist[[2]])$Sex[covariates(args$capthist[[2]])$Sex == 'F'] <- NA
LL2 <- do.call(secr.fit, args)[1]

args$capthist <-subset(ovenCHp, sessions=1:2)
LL3 <- do.call(secr.fit, args)[1]
covariates(args$capthist[[2]])$Sex[covariates(args$capthist[[2]])$Sex == 'F'] <- NA
LL4 <- do.call(secr.fit, args)[1]

test_that("correct likelihood (hcov, pmix with knownclass, multi)", {
    expect_equal(LL1, -393.62886, tolerance = 1e-4, 
        check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("correct likelihood (hcov, pmix with knownclass, fastproximity)", {
    expect_equal(LL3, -260.04119 , tolerance = 1e-4, 
        check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("correct likelihood (hcov, pmix with knownclass, missing one level, multi)", {
    expect_equal(LL2, -379.08746, tolerance = 1e-4, 
        check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that("correct likelihood (hcov, pmix with knownclass, missing one level, fastproximity)", {
    expect_equal(LL4, -245.68867, tolerance = 1e-4, 
        check.attributes = FALSE)


## ignoreusage bug 2022-01-22

test_that("correct likelihood (fastproximity, usage, ignoreusage)", {
    CH <- ovenCHp[[1]]
    usage(traps(CH)) <- matrix(1, 44, 9) ## or CH <- secr:::uniformusage(CH)
    msk <- make.mask(traps(CH), buffer = 200, nx = 20, type = 'trapbuffer')
    argssecr <- list(capthist = CH, mask = msk, detectfn = 'HHN',
        start = list(lambda0 = 0.037, sigma = 65.3), CL = TRUE,
        details = list(LLonly = TRUE, fastproximity = TRUE, ignoreusage = FALSE))
    # usage uniform 1.0
    LL1 <- do.call(secr.fit, argssecr)[1]
    # usage alternate nets 1.0, 0.5 
    usage(traps(argssecr$capthist))[] <- c(1,0.5)  
    LL2 <- do.call(secr.fit, argssecr)[1]
    # ignore varying usage
    argssecr$details$ignoreusage <- TRUE
    LL3 <- do.call(secr.fit, argssecr)[1]
    expect_equal(LL1, -110.5090678, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)
    expect_equal(LL2, -116.2598708, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)
    # secr 4.5.1
    # expect_equal(LL3, -1e+10, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)
    # secr >=4.5.2
    expect_equal(LL3, LL1, tolerance = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE)

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secr documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 1:07 a.m.