
Defines functions DEN

Documented in DEN

#' Greedy method for estimating a sparse solution
#' The sparse gradient dynamic elastic net calculates controls based on a first optimization with gradient descent. IT should 
#' result in a sparse vector of hidden inputs. These hidden inputs try to minimize the discrepancy between a given model and the taken measurements.
#' This algorithm uses a greedy approach to calculate the hidden inputs. Starting with a first estimation of the hidden inputs
#' the algorithm tries to optimize set of hidden inputs based on the area under the curve from the first run. The algorithm stops 
#' if a set of hidden gives a lower cost than a set with additional hidden inputs. 
#' For a complete example of the usage take a look into the vignette of the package.
#' @param odeModel a object of class \code{\link{odeModel}} from the package seeds. The class saves the details of an experiment for easier manipulation and analysis. 
#' @param alphaStep      the starting stepsize for the gradient descent
#'                a fitting stepsize will be calculated based on a backtracking line search
#'                if the algorithm converges to slow use a bigger stepsize
#' @param alpha1         L1-norm parameter of the dynamic elastic net approach, is set to zero for this algorithm
#' @param alpha2         L2-norm parameter of the dynamic elastic net approach
#'                used for regulation purposes
#' @param x0             initial state of the ODE system. Can be supplied with  the odeModel class.
#' @param optW           a vector that indicates for which knots of the network a input should be calculated. The default is all nodes.
#' @param measFunc       a R-Function that is used for measurement of the states if the system is not completely
#'                measurable; an empty argument will result in the assumption that all states of the system are
#'                measurable. Can be supplied by the odeModel parameter.
#' @param measData       a table that contains the measurements of the experiment. Used to calculate the needed inputs. Can be supplied with  the odeModel class.
#' @param parameters      vector or named vector that contains the parameters of the ODE equation. Can be supplied with  the odeModel class.
#' @param modelFunc      a R-Function that states the ODE system for which the hidden inputs should be calculated. Can be supplied with  the odeModel class.
#' @param greedyLogical         a boolean that states if the greedy approach should be used;if set to FALSE the algorithm
#'                will only use perform a calculation of the inputs for all knots without a sparse solution
#' @param plotEstimates  boolean that indicated if the current estimate should be plotted.
#' @param Beta          scaling parameter for the backtracking to approximate the stepsize of the gradient descent. Is set to  0.8
#'                 if no value is given to the function
#' @param sd      Standard deviation of the measurement. Is used to weight the errors of the estimates in the cost function. Optional parameter. Can be supplied with  the odeModel class. Should contain the time in the first column
#' @param conjGrad Boolean that indicates the usage of conjugate gradient method over the normal steepest descent. Defaults to true if not specified.
#' @param cString Optional parameter: A string that represents constants, can be used to calculate a hidden input for a component that gradient is zero.
#' @param systemInput A dataset that describes the external input of the system. The time steps should be given in the first column for the interpolation.
#' @param epsilon parameter that defines the stopping criteria for the algorithm, in this case percent change in cost function J[w]
#' @param nnStates A bit vector indicating the states that should be non negative. Default behaviour will calculate positive and negative states. Can be supplied with  the odeModel class.
#' @param verbose Boolean indicating if an output in the console should be created to display the gradient descent steps
#' @return returns a list of results objects. The default plot function can be used to plot the results.
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' data(uvbModel)
#' results <- DEN(odeModel = uvbModel, alphaStep = 500, alpha2 = 0.0001,
#'                 epsilon = 0.2, plotEstimates = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
DEN <- function(odeModel, alphaStep, Beta, alpha1, alpha2, x0, optW, measFunc, measData, sd, epsilon,
                           parameters, systemInput, modelFunc, greedyLogical, plotEstimates, conjGrad, cString, nnStates, verbose) {
  if (missing(verbose)) {
    verbose <- FALSE

  #### new object implementation ####
  if (!missing(odeModel)) {
    modelFunc <- odeModel@func
    parameters <- odeModel@parms
    systemInput <- odeModel@input
    if (sum(colSums(systemInput)) == 0) {
      systemInput <- NULL
    measFunc <- odeModel@measFunc
    x0 <- odeModel@y
    measData <- odeModel@meas
    sd <- odeModel@sd

  if ("u" %in% names(parameters)) {
    stop('Variable name u is reserved for the inputs of a system')

  if (missing(systemInput)) {
    systemInput <- NULL

  if (missing(epsilon)) {
    epsilon <- 0.25

  if (missing(sd) || nrow(sd) == 0) {
    sd <- NULL

  if (missing(cString)) {
    cString <- NULL

  if (missing(greedyLogical)) {
    greedyLogical <- TRUE

  if (missing(plotEstimates)) {
    plotEstimates <- FALSE

  if (missing(alpha1)) {
    alpha1 <- 0

  if (missing(alpha2)) {
    alpha2 <- 0.01

  if (missing(alphaStep)) {
    alphaStep <- 100

  if (missing(Beta)) {
    Beta <- 0.8

  if (missing(parameters)) {
    parameters <- c()

  if (missing(nnStates)) {
    nnStates <- rep(0, length(x0))

  checkSkalar <- function(argSkalar) {
    if (length(argSkalar) > 1) {
      argName <- toString(deparse(substitute(argSkalar)))
      errortext <- ' has to be a skalar not a vector'
      stop(paste0(argName, errortext))

  if (missing(conjGrad)) {
    conjGrad <- T


  checkFunctions <- function(argFunc) {
    if (class(argFunc) != "function") {
      argName <- toString(deparse(substitute(argFunc)))
      errorText <- ' has to be a function that can be used with deSolve. Type ??deSolve for examples and documentation.'
      stop(paste0(argName, errorText))


  checkLogical <- function(argLog) {
    if (!is.logical(argLog)) {
      argName <- toString(deparse(substitute(argLog)))
      errorText <- ' has to be a logical.'
      stop(paste0(argName, errorText))


  if (missing(optW)) {
    optW <- rep(1, length(x0))

  checkDimensions <- function() {
    if (length(x0) != length(optW)) {
      stop('The vectors x0 and optW must have the same length')


  #### Creation of C-files for use with deSolve ####
  # extract the equations of the model and save them in an odeEq object
  odeEq <- new("odeEquations")
  odeEq <- createModelEqClass(odeEq, modelFunc)
  odeEq <- setMeassureFunc(odeEq, measFunc)

  numInputs = length(x0) + 1

  # the model equations will be written wo a C file
  createCFile(parameters = parameters, inputs = numInputs, Eq = odeEq, nnStates = nnStates)

  odeEq <- isDynElaNet(odeEq)
  odeEq <- calculateCostate(odeEq)


  # check the operating system
  #   Windows uses Rtools for compilation
  #   Unix systems should be distributed with a C compiler
  if (grepl("Rtools", Sys.getenv('PATH')) || (.Platform$OS.type != "windows")) {

    if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
      message('Using compiled code for more speed.')
    } else {
      message('Rtools found. Using compiled code for more performance.\n')

    temp_compiled_model <- compileModel()
  } else {
    message('No installation of Rtools detected using the normal solver.\n')
  iter <- (sum(optW))

  results <- optimal_control_gradient_descent(alphaStep = alphaStep, armijoBeta = Beta, x0 = x0, optW = optW, eps = epsilon,
                             measFunc = measFunc, measData = measData, SD = sd,
                             alpha1 = alpha1, alpha2 = alpha2, constStr = cString,
                             parameters = parameters, modelFunc = modelFunc, plotEsti = plotEstimates,
                             modelInput = systemInput, conjGrad = conjGrad, nnStates = nnStates, verbose = verbose)

  resAlg <- list()
  if (!greedyLogical || (sum(optW) == 1)) {
    resAlg[[1]] <- results
    i = 2
  } else {

    orgOptW <- optW <- results$optW
    orgAUC <- results$AUC
    optWs <- list()
    costError <- cbind(rep(0, length(optW)), rep(0, length(optW)))
    colnames(costError) <- c('sum(MSE)', 'cost')

    for (i in 1:(iter - 1)) {
      if (verbose) {
        cat('selection done: starting new optimization\n')
        cat('optimizing states:\n')
        cat(which(optW > 0))
      optWs[[i]] <- optW
      resAlg[[i]] <- optimal_control_gradient_descent(alphaStep = alphaStep, armijoBeta = Beta, alpha1 = alpha1, alpha2 = alpha2, x0 = x0, optW = optW, eps = epsilon,
                                   measFunc = measFunc, measData = measData, SD = sd, modelInput = systemInput, constStr = cString,
                                   parameters = parameters, modelFunc = modelFunc, origAUC = orgAUC, plotEsti = plotEstimates, conjGrad = conjGrad, nnStates = nnStates, verbose = verbose)

      costError[i,] = c(mean(resAlg[[i]]$rmse), resAlg[[i]]$J)

      # use best fit inteads last iteration
      if (i > 1 && (costError[i, 1] > costError[i - 1, 1])) {
        message('hidden inputs on knots:')
        message(paste(which(optWs[[i - 1]] %in% 1), collapse = " "))

      if (sum(colSums(resAlg[[i]]$w[, -1])) == 0) {
        orgAUC[which(optW > 0)] = 0
        optW <- resAlg[[i]]$optW - optW
      } else {
        optW <- resAlg[[i]]$optW


    # unload the dynamic linked shared object library
    # has to be unleaded to makes changes
    if (grepl("Rtools", Sys.getenv('PATH')) || (.Platform$OS.type != "windows")) {

    if ((length(resAlg) == (iter - 1))) {
      costError <- costError[, 2]
      costError <- costError[costError > 0]
      i <- which(costError == min(costError))
      if (verbose) {
        cat('Best solution for the given Problem.\n Returning solution with best fit\n')
      message('Best solution in interation: ', i)
      resAlg$optimalSol <- i
      resAlg$measurements <- measData
      i = i + 1
    } else {
      resAlg$optimalSol <- i - 1
      resAlg$measurements <- measData


  res <- list()
  resLength <- i - 1

  #### reformating and return####
  for (i in 1:resLength) {

    states <- as.data.frame(resAlg[[i]]$x[])
    colnames(states)[1] <- "t"
    stateUnsc <- states
    stateUnsc[, 2:ncol(stateUnsc)] = NaN

    hiddenInp <- as.data.frame(resAlg[[i]]$w)
    colnames(hiddenInp)[1] <- "t"
    hiddenInpUnsc <- hiddenInp
    hiddenInpUnsc[, 2:ncol(hiddenInpUnsc)] = NaN

    outputMeas <- as.data.frame(resAlg[[i]]$y)
    outPutUnsc <- outputMeas
    outPutUnsc[, 2:ncol(outPutUnsc)] = NaN

    if (is.null(sd)) {
      emptyStd <- matrix(rep(0, length(measData[, -1, drop = FALSE])), ncol = ncol(measData[, -1, drop = FALSE]))
      dataError <- data.frame(t = measData[, 1], emptyStd)
      colnames(dataError) <- c("t", paste0('y', 1:(ncol(emptyStd))))
    } else {
      dataError <- cbind(t = measData[, 1], sd[,-1])
      colnames(dataError) <- c("t", paste0('y', 1:(ncol(sd)-1)))

    colnames(measData) <- c("t", paste0('y', 1:(ncol(measData[, -1, drop = FALSE]))))

    nomStates <- as.data.frame(resAlg[[i]]$nomX)
    colnames(nomStates)[1] = "t"

    res[[i]] <- resultsSeeds(stateNominal = nomStates,
                      stateEstimates = states,
                      stateUnscertainLower = stateUnsc,
                      stateUnscertainUpper = stateUnsc,
                      hiddenInputEstimates = hiddenInp,
                      hiddenInputUncertainLower = hiddenInpUnsc,
                      hiddenInputUncertainUpper = hiddenInpUnsc,
                      outputEstimates = outputMeas,
                      outputEstimatesUncLower = outPutUnsc,
                      outputEstimatesUncUpper = outPutUnsc,
                      Data = measData,
                      DataError = as.data.frame(dataError)




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seeds documentation built on July 14, 2020, 1:07 a.m.