Nothing<-function (obj, Z, PSI, mfExt, opz, return.all.sol = FALSE) {
useExp.k = TRUE
search.min<-function(h, psi, psi.old) { #, mfExt , X, y, w, offs
psi.ok<- psi*h + psi.old*(1-h)
PSI <- matrix(rep(psi.ok, rep(n, length(psi.ok))), ncol = length(psi.ok))
U1 <- (Z - PSI) * (Z > PSI)
#if (pow[1] != 1) U1 <- U1^pow[1]
for (i in 1:ncol(U1)) {
mfExt[nomiU[i]] <- U1[, i]
} else {
for (i in 1:ncol(U1)) {
mydesign$variables[nomiU[i]] <- U1[, i]
obj1 <- suppressWarnings(try(eval(call.noV, envir = mfExt), silent = TRUE))
L1 <- if (class(obj1)[1] == "try-error") L0 + 10
else eval(parse(text = fn.obj), list(x = obj1))
est.k <- function(x1, y1, L0) {
ax <- log(x1)
.x <- cbind(1, ax, ax^2)
b <- drop(solve(crossprod(.x), crossprod(.x, y1)))
const <- b[1] - L0
DD <- sqrt(b[2]^2 - 4 * const * b[3])
kk <- exp((-b[2] + DD)/(2 * b[3]))
dpmax <- function(x, y, pow = 1) {
if (pow == 1)
-(x > y)
else -pow * ((x - y) * (x > y))^(pow - 1)
in.psi <- function(LIM, PSI, = TRUE) {
a <- PSI[1, ] < LIM[1, ]
b <- PSI[1, ] > LIM[2, ]
is.ok <- !a & !b
if (
isOK <- all(is.ok) && all(!
far.psi<-function(Z, PSI,,, fc=.93) {
#check if psi are far from the boundaries ..s
# returns TRUE, if fine.
#id.far.ok<-sapply(unique(, function(.x) (table(rowSums(((Z>PSI)[,,drop=FALSE])))>=2)[-1]) #[-1] esclude lo zero, x<psi[1]
#id.far.ok<-sapply(unique(, function(.x) (tabulate(rowSums(((Z>PSI)[,,drop=FALSE]))+1)>=2)[-1]) #[-1] esclude lo zero, x<psi[1]
# se un psi assume l'estremo superiore "Z>PSI" non se ne accorge, mentre Z>=PSI, si.. Il contrario e' vero con estremo inf e Z>PSI
nj<-sapply(unique(, function(.x) { tabulate(rowSums((Z>PSI)[,,drop=FALSE])+1) }, simplify = FALSE)
for(i in 1:nSeg){
if(length(nj[[i]])!=npsij[i]+1) nj[[i]]<- tabulate(rowSums((Z>=PSI)[,,drop=FALSE])+1)
id.ok<-(nj[[i]] >= 2)
id.far.ok[[i]] <- id.ok[-length(id.ok)] & id.ok[-1] #esattamente uguale al numero di psi del gruppo i
ff[[i]]<-ifelse(diff(nj[[i]])>0, 1/fc, fc)
if(! {return(all(id.far.ok))
} else {
attr(id.far.ok,"factor") <- ff
#if( return(id.far.ok) else return(all(id.far.ok))
adj.psi <- function(psii, LIM) {
pmin(pmax(LIM[1, ], psii), LIM[2, ])
fn.costr <- function(n.psi, isLeft = 1, isInterc = 1) {
IU <- -diag(n.psi)
sumU <- diag(n.psi)
sumU[row(sumU) > col(sumU)] <- 1
if (isLeft) {
sumU <- cbind(1, sumU)
IU <- diag(c(1, -rep(1, n.psi)))
A <- rbind(IU, sumU)
if (isInterc) {
A <- rbind(0, A)
A <- cbind(c(1, rep(0, nrow(A) - 1)), A)
A <- cbind(A, matrix(0, nrow(A), n.psi))
vincoli <- FALSE
c1 <- apply((Z <= PSI), 2, all)
c2 <- apply((Z >= PSI), 2, all)
if (sum(c1 + c2) != 0 || + c2)))
stop("psi out of the range")
n <- nrow(Z)
#min.step <- opz$min.step
rangeZ <- apply(Z, 2, range)
alpha <- opz$alpha
limZ <- apply(Z, 2, quantile, names = FALSE, probs = c(alpha[1], alpha[2]))
digits <- opz$digits
pow <- opz$pow
nomiOK <- opz$nomiOK
toll <- opz$toll
hh <- opz$h
conv.psi <- opz$conv.psi
gap <- opz$gap
stop.if.error <- opz$stop.if.error
fix.npsi <- opz$fix.npsi <- opz$dev0
visual <- opz$visual <- opz$
it.max <- <- opz$it.max
psi <- PSI[1, ]
psi<-adj.psi(psi, limZ)
PSI<-matrix(psi,nrow=n, ncol=ncol(PSI), byrow=TRUE)
names(psi) <-
epsilon <- 10
dev.values <- psi.values <- NULL
it <- 0
epsilon <- 10
k.values <- dev.values <- NULL
psi.values <- list()
psi.values[[length(psi.values) + 1]] <- NA
nomiU <- opz$nomiU
nomiV <- opz$nomiV
call.ok <- opz$call.ok
call.noV <- opz$call.noV
toll <- opz$toll
mydesign<- opz$mydesign
if (!in.psi(limZ, PSI, FALSE))
stop("starting psi out of the range", call. = FALSE)
if (!far.psi(Z, PSI,, FALSE))
stop("psi starting values too close each other or at the boundaries. Please change them (e.g. set 'quant=TRUE'
in seg.control()), or decrease their number.", call. = FALSE)
n.psi1 <- ncol(Z)
if (is.null(opz$constr))
opz$constr <- 0
if ((opz$constr %in% 1:2) && class(obj)[1] == "rq") {
vincoli <- TRUE
call.ok$method <- "fnc"
call.ok$R <- quote(R)
call.ok$r <- quote(r)
call.noV$method <- "fnc"
call.noV$R <- quote(R.noV)
call.noV$r <- quote(r)
fn.obj <- opz$fn.obj
U <- ((Z - PSI) * (Z > PSI))
colnames(U) <- nomiU
#if (pow[1] != 1) U <- U^pow[1]
obj0 <- suppressWarnings(try(eval(call.noV, envir = mfExt), silent = TRUE))
if ("try-error" %in% class(obj0))
stop("The first fit with U variables does not work..",
call. = FALSE)
L0 <- eval(parse(text = fn.obj), list(x = obj0))
colnames(U) <- paste("U", 1:ncol(U), sep = "")
V <- -(Z > PSI)
colnames(V) <- paste("V", 1:ncol(V), sep = "")
obj <- obj0 #lm.wfit(x = cbind(XREG, U), y = y, w = w, offset = offs)
L1 <- L0 #sum(obj$residuals^2 * w)
obj$coefficients <- c(obj$coefficients, rep(0, ncol(V)))
#names(obj$coefficients) <- names.coef
obj$epsilon <- epsilon
obj$it <- it
obj <- list(obj = obj, it = it, psi = psi, psi.values = psi.values,
U = U, V = V, rangeZ = rangeZ, epsilon = epsilon, nomiOK = nomiOK, = L1, =,
id.warn = TRUE, nomiV = nomiV, nomiU = nomiU, mfExt = mfExt,
n.intDev0 <- nchar(strsplit(as.character(L0), "\\.")[[1]][1])
dev.values[length(dev.values) + 1] <- opz$dev0
dev.values[length(dev.values) + 1] <- L0
psi.values[[length(psi.values) + 1]] <- psi
if (visual) {
cat(paste("iter = ", sprintf("%2.0f", 0), " min.f = ",
sprintf(paste("%", n.intDev0 + 6, ".5f", sep = ""),
L0), " k = ", sprintf("%2.0f", NA), " n.psi = ",
formatC(length(unlist(psi)), digits = 0, format = "f"),
" ini.psi = ", paste(formatC(unlist(psi), digits = 3,
format = "f"), collapse = " "), sep = ""), "\n")
id.warn <- FALSE
id.psi.changed<-rep(FALSE, it.max)
tolOp <-if(is.null(opz$tol.opt)) seq(.001, .Machine$double.eps^0.25, l=it.max) else rep(opz$tol.opt, it.max)
while (abs(epsilon) > toll) {
it <- it + 1
n.psi0 <- n.psi1
n.psi1 <- ncol(Z)
if (n.psi1 != n.psi0) {
U <- ((Z - PSI) * (Z > PSI))
if (pow[1] != 1) U <- U^pow[1]
for (i in 1:ncol(U)) {
mfExt[nomiU[i]] <- U[, i]
obj0 <- suppressWarnings(try(eval(call.noV, envir = mfExt), silent = TRUE))
L0 <- eval(parse(text = fn.obj), list(x = obj0))
V <- dpmax(Z, PSI, pow = pow[2])
for (i in 1:n.psi1) {
mfExt[nomiU[i]] <- U[, i]
mfExt[nomiV[i]] <- V[, i]
} else {
for (i in 1:n.psi1) {
mydesign$variables[nomiU[i]] <- U[, i]
mydesign$variables[nomiV[i]] <- V[, i]
R <- fn.costr(ncol(U), 1, 1)
R.noV <- R[, -((ncol(R) - 1) + seq_len(ncol(U))), drop = FALSE]
r <- rep(0, nrow(R))
obj <- suppressWarnings(eval(call.ok, envir = mfExt))
beta.c <- unlist( unique(coef(obj)[nomiU]))
gamma.c <-unlist( unique(coef(obj)[nomiV]))
if (any(, gamma.c)))) {
if (fix.npsi) {
if (return.all.sol)
return(list(dev.values, psi.values))
else stop("breakpoint estimate too close or at the boundary causing NA estimates.. too many breakpoints being estimated?",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
id.coef.ok <- !
psi <- psi[id.coef.ok]
gamma.c <- gamma.c[id.coef.ok]
beta.c <- beta.c[id.coef.ok]
Z <- Z[, id.coef.ok, drop = FALSE]
rangeZ <- rangeZ[, id.coef.ok, drop = FALSE]
limZ <- limZ[, id.coef.ok, drop = FALSE]
nomiOK <- nomiOK[id.coef.ok] <-[id.coef.ok]
names(psi) <-
psi.old <- psi
psi <- psi.old + hh*gamma.c/beta.c
psi<- adj.psi(psi, limZ)
a<-optimize(search.min, c(0,1), psi=psi, psi.old=psi.old, tol=tolOp[it])
k.values[length(k.values) + 1] <- use.k <- a$minimum
L1<- a$objective
psi <- psi*use.k + psi.old* (1-use.k)
psi<- adj.psi(psi, limZ)
psi<-unlist(tapply(psi, opz$, sort), use.names =FALSE)
if (!is.null(digits)) psi <- round(psi, digits)
#PSI <- matrix(rep(psi, rep(n, length(psi))), ncol = length(psi))
PSI <- matrix(psi, ncol=length(psi), nrow=n, byrow = TRUE)
U <- (Z - PSI) * (Z > PSI)
#if (pow[1] != 1) U <- U^pow[1]
for(i in 1:ncol(U)) mfExt[nomiU[i]] <- U[, i]
} else {
for(i in 1:ncol(U)) mydesign$variables[nomiU[i]] <- U[, i]
# obj1 <- suppressWarnings(try(eval(call.noV, envir = mfExt), silent = TRUE))
# L1 <- if (class(obj1)[1] == "try-error")
# L0 + 10
# else eval(parse(text = fn.obj), list(x = obj1))
# use.k <- k <- 1
# L1.k <- NULL
# L1.k[length(L1.k) + 1] <- L1
# # while (L1 > L0) {
# # k <- k + 1
# # use.k <- if (useExp.k)
# # 2^(k - 1)
# # else k
# # psi <- psi.old + (gamma.c/beta.c)/(use.k * h)
# # if (!is.null(digits))
# # psi <- round(psi, digits)
# # PSI <- matrix(rep(psi, rep(n, length(psi))), ncol = length(psi))
# # U <- (Z - PSI) * (Z > PSI)
# # if (pow[1] != 1)
# # U <- U^pow[1]
# # if(is.null(opz$mydesign)){
# # for (i in 1:ncol(U)) mfExt[nomiU[i]] <- U[, i]
# # #obj1 <- suppressWarnings(try(eval(call.noV, envir = mfExt), silent = TRUE))
# # } else {
# # for (i in 1:ncol(U)) mydesign$variables[nomiU[i]] <- U[, i]
# # #obj1 <- suppressWarnings(try(eval(call.noV), silent = TRUE))
# # }
# # obj1 <- suppressWarnings(try(eval(call.noV, envir = mfExt), silent = TRUE))
# # L1 <- if (class(obj1)[1] == "try-error")
# # L0 + 10
# # else eval(parse(text = fn.obj), list(x = obj1))
# # L1.k[length(L1.k) + 1] <- L1
# # if (1/(use.k * h) < min.step) {
# # break
# # }
# # }
if (visual) {
cat(paste("iter = ", sprintf("%2.0f", it), " min.f = ",
sprintf(paste("%", n.intDev0 + 6, ".5f", sep = ""),
L1), " k = ", sprintf("%2.3f", use.k), " n.psi = ",
formatC(length(unlist(psi)), digits = 0, format = "f"),
" est.psi = ", paste(formatC(unlist(psi), digits = 3,
format = "f"), collapse = " "), sep = ""),
epsilon <- if (conv.psi)
max(abs((psi - psi.old)/psi.old))
else (L0 - L1)/(abs(L0) + 0.1)
L0 <- L1
k.values[length(k.values) + 1] <- use.k
psi.values[[length(psi.values) + 1]] <- psi
dev.values[length(dev.values) + 1] <- L0
id.psi.far <- far.psi(Z, PSI,, TRUE, fc=opz$fc) <- in.psi(limZ, PSI, TRUE)
id.psi.ok <- & id.psi.far
if (!all(id.psi.ok)) {
if (fix.npsi) {
#psi <- psi * ifelse(id.psi.far, 1, 0.9)
psi <- psi * ifelse(id.psi.far, 1, attr(id.psi.far, "factor"))
PSI <- matrix(rep(psi, rep(nrow(Z), length(psi))), ncol = length(psi))
else {
Z <- Z[, id.psi.ok, drop = FALSE]
PSI <- PSI[, id.psi.ok, drop = FALSE]
rangeZ <- rangeZ[, id.psi.ok, drop = FALSE]
limZ <- limZ[, id.psi.ok, drop = FALSE]
nomiOK <- nomiOK[id.psi.ok] <-[id.psi.ok]
psi.old <- psi.old[id.psi.ok]
psi <- psi[id.psi.ok]
names(psi) <-
if (ncol(PSI) <= 0) {
warning(paste("All breakpoints have been removed after",
it, "iterations.. returning 0"), call. = FALSE)
if (it >= it.max) {
id.warn <- TRUE
} #end while
if(id.psi.changed[length(id.psi.changed)]) warning(paste("Some psi (", (1:length(psi))[!id.psi.far],
") changed after the last iter.",sep=""), call. = FALSE)
if (id.warn) warning(paste("max number of iterations (", it, ") attained", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
attr(psi.values, "dev") <- dev.values
attr(psi.values, "k") <- k.values
psi <- unlist(tapply(psi,, sort))
names(psi) <-
names.coef <- names(coef(obj))
PSI.old <- PSI
PSI <- matrix(rep(psi, rep(nrow(Z), length(psi))), ncol = length(psi))
#if(sd(PSI-PSI.old)>0 || id.psi.changed[length(id.psi.changed)]){
U <- (Z - PSI) * (Z > PSI)
colnames(U) <- paste("U", 1:ncol(U), sep = "")
V <- -(Z > PSI)
colnames(V) <- paste("V", 1:ncol(V), sep = "")
for (i in 1:n.psi1) {
mfExt[nomiU[i]] <- U[, i]
mfExt[nomiV[i]] <- V[, i]
} else {
mydesign$variables[nomiU[i]] <- U[, i]
mydesign$variables[nomiV[i]] <- V[, i]
obj <- suppressWarnings(try(eval(call.noV, envir = mfExt), silent = TRUE))
L1 <- eval(parse(text = fn.obj), list(x = obj))
#} else {
# obj <- obj1
nomeCoef <- grep("coef", names(obj), value = TRUE)
nomeCoef <- grep("estimate", names(obj), value = TRUE)
if(length(nomeCoef)==0) stop("I can't extract the estimated coefficients")
if(is.list(obj[[nomeCoef]])) {
obj[[nomeCoef]][[1]] <- c(obj[[nomeCoef]][[1]], rep(0, ncol(V)))
names(obj[[nomeCoef]][[1]]) <- names.coef[1:length(obj[[nomeCoef]][[1]])]
} else {
nomiconV<- c( names(obj[[nomeCoef]]), sub("V", "psi", nomiV))
obj[[nomeCoef]] <- c(obj[[nomeCoef]], rep(0, ncol(V)))
#se i coeff includono un altro parametro (ed es., la varianza come per censReg), l'ordine deve essere
# rispettato.. mentre "names.coef"
#names(obj[[nomeCoef]]) <- names.coef
names(obj[[nomeCoef]]) <- nomiconV
obj$epsilon <- epsilon
obj$it <- it
obj <- list(obj = obj, it = it, psi = psi, psi.values = psi.values,
U = U, V = V, rangeZ = rangeZ, epsilon = epsilon, nomiOK = nomiOK, = L1, =,
id.warn = id.warn, nomiV = nomiV, nomiU = nomiU, mfExt = mfExt, mydesign=mydesign)
if (vincoli) {
obj$R <- R
obj$R.noV <- R.noV
obj$r <- r
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