
Defines functions print.objectiveFIML summary.objectiveFIML BIC.objectiveFIML CAIC.objectiveFIML AICc.objectiveFIML AIC.objectiveFIML deviance.objectiveFIML standardizedResiduals.objectiveFIML normalizedResiduals.objectiveFIML residuals.objectiveFIML objectiveFIML2

Documented in AICc.objectiveFIML AIC.objectiveFIML BIC.objectiveFIML CAIC.objectiveFIML deviance.objectiveFIML objectiveFIML2 print.objectiveFIML summary.objectiveFIML

# last modified 2012-10-25 by J. Fox

## this is the straightforward approach summing over observations:
# objectiveFIML2 <- function(gradient=FALSE){
#   result <- list(
#     objective = function(par, model.description){
#       with(model.description, {
#         A <- P <- matrix(0, m, m)
#         val <- ifelse (fixed, ram[,5], par[sel.free])
#         A[arrows.1] <- val[one.head]
#         P[arrows.2t] <- P[arrows.2] <- val[!one.head]
#         I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m) - A)
#         C <- J %*% I.Ainv %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J)
#         f <- 0
#         log.2pi <- log(2*pi)
#         for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
#           sel <- valid[i, ]
#           x <- data[i, sel]
#           CC <- C[sel, sel]
#           f <- f + log(det(CC)) + as.vector(x %*% solve(CC) %*% x) + log.2pi*(sum(sel))
#         }
#         f <- f/N
#         attributes(f) <- list(C=C, A=A, P=P)
#         f
#       })
#     }
#   )
#   class(result) <- "semObjective"
#   result
# }

## this avoids duplication by using the svd for the inverse and determinant but is actually slower in R
# objectiveFIML2 <- function(gradient=FALSE){
#   result <- list(
#     objective = function(par, model.description){
#       with(model.description, {
#         A <- P <- matrix(0, m, m)
#         val <- ifelse (fixed, ram[,5], par[sel.free])
#         A[arrows.1] <- val[one.head]
#         P[arrows.2t] <- P[arrows.2] <- val[!one.head]
#         I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m) - A)
#         C <- J %*% I.Ainv %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J)
#         f <- 0
#         log.2pi <- log(2*pi)
#         for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
#           sel <- valid[i, ]
#           x <- data[i, sel]
#           CC <- C[sel, sel]
#           svdCC <-svd(CC)
#           f <- f + log(prod(svdCC$d)) + as.vector(x %*% svdCC$v %*% diag(1/svdCC$d) %*% t(svdCC$u) %*% x) + log.2pi*(sum(sel))
#         }
#         f <- f/N
#         attributes(f) <- list(C=C, A=A, P=P)
#         f
#       })
#     }
#   )
#   class(result) <- "semObjective"
#   result
# }

## this caches results for distinct valid-data patterns but still sums over observations:
# objectiveFIML2 <- function(gradient=FALSE){
#   result <- list(
#     objective = function(par, model.description){
#       with(model.description, {
#         A <- P <- matrix(0, m, m)
#         val <- ifelse (fixed, ram[,5], par[sel.free])
#         A[arrows.1] <- val[one.head]
#         P[arrows.2t] <- P[arrows.2] <- val[!one.head]
#         I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m) - A)
#         C <- J %*% I.Ainv %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J)
#         f <- 0
#         log.2pi <- log(2*pi)
#         CC <- vector(length(unique.patterns), mode="list")
#         names(CC) <- unique.patterns
#         log.det.plus <- CC
#         for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
#           sel <- valid[i, ]
#           if (is.null(log.det.plus[[valid.pattern[i]]])){
#             log.det.plus[[valid.pattern[i]]] <- log(det(C[sel, sel])) + log.2pi*(sum(sel))
#             CC[[valid.pattern[i]]] <- solve(C[sel, sel])
#           }
#           x <- data[i, sel]
#           f <- f + as.vector(x %*% CC[[valid.pattern[i]]] %*% x) + log.det.plus[[valid.pattern[i]]]
#         }
#         f <- f/N
#         attributes(f) <- list(C=C, A=A, P=P)
#         f
#       })
#     }
#   )
#   class(result) <- "semObjective"
#   result
# }

## this sums over distinct valid data patterns rather than observations:
objectiveFIML2 <- function(gradient=TRUE, hessian=FALSE){

## the following two functions are commented since right now we require the package matriccalc when loading sem.		
#				commutation <- function( m, n )
#				{
						# this function return a permutation matrix T_(m, n) which
						# have the following definition:
						# T_(m, n)vec(A) = vec(A^T)
						# where A is a m-by-n matrix.
						# T_(m, n) is an orthogonal matrix. T_(m, n)=T(n, m)^T
						# Magnus,  J. R. and H. Neudecker (1979). The commutation matrix: some properties and applica- tions,  The Annals of Statistics,  7(2),  381-394.
						# a square mn-by-mn matrix partioned into mn submatrices of n-by-m such that the i, jth matrix has a 1 in its j, ith position,  others are zeros. 

#						p <- m * n
#						C <- matrix( 0, nrow=p, ncol=p )
#						r <- 0
#						for ( i in 1:m ) {
#								c <- i # the ith row submatrix
#								for ( j in 1:n ) { # the ith row,  jth column submatrix
#										r <- r + 1 
#										C[r,c] <- 1  # the (j, i) enttry
#										c <- c + m # for the next submatrix
#								}
#						}
#						return( C )
#				}

#				vec <- function( x )
#				{
            ## a matrix (m, n) to a vec matrix  (1*(m*n))
#						return( t( t( as.vector( x ) ) ) )
#				}

				extendMatrix <- function(selA, sel)
						nsel <- length(sel);
						A <- matrix(data=0, nrow=nsel, ncol=nsel);
						B <- matrix(data=0, nrow=nsel, ncol=ncol(selA));
						iselA <- 1
						#extend row
						for(i in (1:nsel)) {
										B[i, ] = selA[iselA, ];
										iselA <- iselA + 1;
						#extend column
						iselA <- 1;
						for(i in (1:nsel))
										A[, i]=B[, iselA];
										iselA <- iselA + 1;

				result <- list(
											 objective = function(par, model.description){
													 with(model.description, {
																A <- P <- matrix(0, m, m)
													 val <- ifelse (fixed, ram[,5], par[sel.free])
													 A[arrows.1] <- val[one.head]
													 P[arrows.2t] <- P[arrows.2] <- val[!one.head]
													 I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m) - A)
													 C <- J %*% I.Ainv %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J)
													 f <- 0
													 grad <- NULL

													 dfdC <- matrix(data=0.0, nrow=nrow(C), ncol=ncol(C))

													 log.2pi <- log(2*pi)
													 n.pat <- nrow(valid.data.patterns)
													 for (i in 1:n.pat){
															 sel <- valid.data.patterns[i, ]
															 X <- data[pattern.number == i, sel, drop=FALSE]
															 Ci <- C[sel, sel]
															 Cinv <- solve(Ci)
															 # note: in the matrix product X %*% solve(C[sel, sel]) %*% t(X))
															 #       only the trace is required and so it isn't necessary to form the whole product
															 #	 f <- f + sum(diag(X %*% Cinv %*% t(X))) + nrow(X)*(log.2pi + log(det(Ci)))
															 for (j in 1:nrow(X)){
																	 f <- f + as.vector(X[j, ] %*% Cinv %*% X[j, ])
															 f <- f + nrow(X)*(log.2pi + log(det(Ci)))

																	 dfdCi <- nrow(X)*t(vec(t(Cinv))) - t(vec(t(X))) %*% (X %x% diag(nrow(Cinv))) %*% (t(Cinv) %x% Cinv)
																	 dfdCiExtend <- extendMatrix(matrix(dfdCi, nrow(Cinv), ncol(Cinv)), sel);
																	 dfdC <- dfdC + dfdCiExtend;
													 f <- f/N
															 dfdC <- t(vec(dfdC/N))   #dfdC is a 1*(n^2) matrix.

															 dCdP <- (J %*% I.Ainv) %x% (J %*% I.Ainv)

															 B <- J %*% I.Ainv
															 dBdA <- (diag(m) %x% J) %*% (t(I.Ainv) %x% I.Ainv)
															 Tmn <- commutation.matrix(nrow(B),ncol(B))
															 dCdA <- (((B %*% t(P)) %x% diag(nrow(B)) )+(diag(nrow(B)) %x% B) %*% Tmn %*% (P %x% diag(nrow(B)))) %*% dBdA
															 dfdP <- t(vec(correct)) * (dfdC %*% dCdP)
															 dfdA <- dfdC %*% dCdA

															 grad <- rep(0,t)
															 myarrows.1.free <- rep(0,nrow(arrows.1.free))
															 myarrows.2.free <- rep(0,nrow(arrows.2.free))

															 for(i in 1:nrow(arrows.1.free)) myarrows.1.free[i] <- (arrows.1.free[i,][2]-1)*m+arrows.1.free[i,][1]
															 for(i in 1:nrow(arrows.2.free)) myarrows.2.free[i] <- (arrows.2.free[i,][2]-1)*m+arrows.2.free[i,][1]

															 grad[sort(unique.free.1)] <- tapply(t(dfdA)[myarrows.1.free],ram[ram[,1]==1 & ram[,4]!=0, 4], sum)
															 grad[sort(unique.free.2)] <- tapply(t(dfdP)[myarrows.2.free],ram[ram[,1]==2 & ram[,4]!=0, 4], sum)

													 attributes(f) <- list(C=C, A=A, P=P, gradient=grad)
				if (gradient)
						result$gradient <- function(par, model.description){
								with(model.description, {
										 A <- P <- matrix(0, m, m)
								val <- ifelse (fixed, ram[,5], par[sel.free])
								A[arrows.1] <- val[one.head]
								P[arrows.2t] <- P[arrows.2] <- val[!one.head]
								I.Ainv <- solve(diag(m) - A)
								C <- J %*% I.Ainv %*% P %*% t(I.Ainv) %*% t(J)

								dfdC <- matrix(data=0.0, nrow=nrow(C), ncol=ncol(C))

								n.pat <- nrow(valid.data.patterns)
								for (i in 1:n.pat){
										sel <- valid.data.patterns[i, ]
										X <- data[pattern.number == i, sel, drop=FALSE]
										Ci <- C[sel, sel]
										Cinv <- solve(Ci)

										dfdCi <- nrow(X)*t(vec(t(Cinv))) - t(vec(t(X))) %*% (X %x% diag(nrow(Cinv))) %*% (t(Cinv) %x% Cinv)
										dfdCiExtend <- extendMatrix(matrix(dfdCi, nrow(Cinv), ncol(Cinv)), sel);
										dfdC <- dfdC + dfdCiExtend;


								dfdC <- t(vec(dfdC/N))   #dfdC is a 1*(n^2) matrix.

								dCdP <- (J %*% I.Ainv) %x% (J %*% I.Ainv)

								B <- J %*% I.Ainv
								dBdA <- (diag(nrow(A)) %x% J) %*% (t(I.Ainv) %x% I.Ainv)
								Tmn <- commutation.matrix(nrow(B),ncol(B))
								dCdA <- (((B %*% t(P)) %x% diag(nrow(B)) )+(diag(nrow(B)) %x% B) %*% Tmn %*% (P %x% diag(nrow(B)))) %*% dBdA
								dfdP <- dfdC %*% dCdP
								dfdA <- dfdC %*% dCdA

								grad <- rep(0,t)
								myarrows.1.free <- rep(0,nrow(arrows.1.free))
								myarrows.2.free <- rep(0,nrow(arrows.2.free))

								for(i in 1:nrow(arrows.1.free)) myarrows.1.free[i] <- (arrows.1.free[i,][2]-1)*9+arrows.1.free[i,][1]
								for(i in 1:nrow(arrows.2.free)) myarrows.2.free[i] <- (arrows.2.free[i,][2]-1)*9+arrows.2.free[i,][1]

								grad[sort(unique.free.1)] <- tapply(t(dfdA)[myarrows.1.free],ram[ram[,1]==1 & ram[,4]!=0, 4], sum)
								grad[sort(unique.free.2)] <- tapply(t(dfdP)[myarrows.2.free],ram[ram[,1]==2 & ram[,4]!=0, 4], sum)

								attributes(grad) <- list(C=C, A=A, P=P, gradient=grad)

				class(result) <- "semObjective"

#logLik2.objectiveFIML <- function(object, saturated=FALSE, intercept="Intercept", iterlim=1000, ...){
#    logLikSaturated <- function(object, iterlim, ...){
#        objective <- function(par){
#            C <- matrix(0, n, n)
#            C[posn.intercept, posn.intercept] <- 1
#            C[tri] <- par
#            C <- C + t(C) - diag(diag(C))
#            f <- 0
#            for (i in 1:n.pat){
#                sel <- valid.data.patterns[i, ]
#                X <- data[pattern.number == i, sel, drop=FALSE]
#                f <- f + sum(diag(X %*% solve(C[sel, sel]) %*% t(X))) + nrow(X)*(log.2pi + log(det(C[sel, sel])))
#            }
#            f
#        }
#        data <- object$data
#        valid <- !is.na(data)
#        valid.pattern <- apply(valid, 1, function(row) paste(row, collapse="."))
#        unique.patterns <- unique(valid.pattern)
#        pattern.number <- apply(outer(valid.pattern, unique.patterns, `==`), 1, which)
#        valid.data.patterns <- t(sapply(strsplit(unique.patterns, "\\."), as.logical))
#        n.pat <- nrow(valid.data.patterns) 
#        log.2pi <- log(2*pi)
#        n <- ncol(data)
#        N <- nrow(data)
#        C <- object$C
#        tri <- lower.tri(C, diag=TRUE)
#        posn.intercept <- which(rownames(C) == intercept)
#        tri[posn.intercept, posn.intercept] <- FALSE
#        start <- C[tri]
#        opt <- options(warn=-1)
#        on.exit(options(opt))
#        res <- nlm(objective, start, iterlim=iterlim)
#        logL <- - res$minimum/2
#        C <- matrix(0, n, n)
#        C[tri] <- res$estimate
#        C <- C + t(C) - diag(diag(C))
#        C[posn.intercept, posn.intercept] <- 1
#        list(logL=logL, C=C, code=res$code)
#    }
#    if (saturated) {
#        res <- logLikSaturated(object, iterlim=iterlim)
#        if (res$code > 3) warning("nlm return code = ", res$code)
#        logL <- res$logL
#        attr(logL, "C") <- res$C
#        return(logL)
#    }
#    else return(- object$criterion*object$N/2)

residuals.objectiveFIML <- function(object, S, ...){
    if (missing(S)) S <- attr(logLik(object, saturated=TRUE), "C")
    S - object$C

normalizedResiduals.objectiveFIML <- function(object, S, ...){
    if (missing(S)) S <- attr(logLik(object, saturated=TRUE), "C")
    res <- residuals(object, S=S)
    N <- object$N - (!object$raw)
    C <- object$C
    c <- diag(C)
    res/sqrt((outer(c, c) + C^2)/N)

standardizedResiduals.objectiveFIML <- function(object, S, ...){
    if (missing(S)) S <- attr(logLik(object, saturated=TRUE), "C")
    res <- residuals(object, S=S)
    s <- diag(S)
    res/sqrt(outer(s, s))

deviance.objectiveFIML <- function(object, saturated.logLik, ...){
    if (missing(saturated.logLik)) saturated.logLik <- logLik(object, saturated=TRUE)
    2*(as.vector(saturated.logLik) - logLik(object))

AIC.objectiveFIML <- function(object, saturated.logLik, ..., k) {
    if (missing(saturated.logLik)) saturated.logLik <- logLik(object, saturated=TRUE)
    deviance(object, saturated.logLik) + 2*object$t

AICc.objectiveFIML <- function(object, saturated.logLik, ...) {
    if (missing(saturated.logLik)) saturated.logLik <- logLik(object, saturated=TRUE)
    deviance(object, saturated.logLik) + 2*object$t*(object$t + 1)/(object$N - object$t - 1)

CAIC.objectiveFIML <- function(object, saturated.logLik, ...) {
    props <- semProps(object)
    if (missing(saturated.logLik)) saturated.logLik <- logLik(object, saturated=TRUE)
    deviance(object, saturated.logLik) - props$df*(1 + log(object$N))

BIC.objectiveFIML <- function(object, saturated.logLik, ...) {
    n <- object$n
    n.fix <- object$n.fix
    N <- object$N
    t <- object$t
    df <- n*(n + 1)/2 - t - n.fix*(n.fix + 1)/2
    if (missing(saturated.logLik)) saturated.logLik <- logLik(object, saturated=TRUE)
    #    deviance(object, saturated.logLik) + object$t*log(object$N)
    deviance(object, saturated.logLik) - df*log(N)

summary.objectiveFIML <- function(object, digits=getOption("digits"), conf.level=.90,
                                  fit.indices=c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC", "CAIC"),
                                  saturated=FALSE, intercept="Intercept", saturated.logLik, ...) {
    fit.indices <- if (missing(fit.indices)){
        if (is.null(opt <- getOption("fit.indices"))) c("AIC", "BIC") else opt
    else match.arg(fit.indices, several.ok=TRUE)
    vcov <- vcov(object, robust=FALSE, analytic=FALSE)
    if (any(is.na(vcov))) stop("coefficient covariances cannot be computed")
    if (missing(saturated.logLik)) saturated.logLik <- if (saturated) 
        logLik(object, saturated=TRUE, intercept=intercept) else NULL
    S <- attr(saturated.logLik, "C")
    norm.res <- if (saturated) normalizedResiduals(object, S) else NA
    se <- sqrt(diag(vcov))
    z <- object$coeff/se
    n.fix <- object$n.fix
    n <- object$n
    t <- object$t
    C <- object$C
    N <- object$N
    df <- n*(n + 1)/2 - t - n.fix*(n.fix + 1)/2
    if (saturated){
        invC <- solve(C)
        CSC <- invC %*% (S - C)
        CSC <- CSC %*% CSC
        CS <- invC %*% S
        CS <- CS %*% CS
        chisq <- 2*(saturated.logLik - logLik(object))
        logLik <- NULL
    else {
        chisq <- NULL
        logLik <- logLik(object)
    Rsq <- RMSEA.U <- RMSEA.L <- RMSEA <- NFI <- NNFI <- CFI <- AGFI <- SRMR <- NA
    RMSEA <- c(RMSEA, RMSEA.L, RMSEA.U, conf.level)
    if (!is.null(object$coeff)){
        var.names <- rownames(object$A)
        ram <- object$ram[object$par.posn, , drop=FALSE]
        par.code <- paste(var.names[ram[,2]], c('<---', '<-->')[ram[,1]],
        coeff <- data.frame(object$coeff, se, z, 2*pnorm(abs(z), lower.tail=FALSE), par.code)
        names(coeff) <- c("Estimate", "Std Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)", " ")
        row.names(coeff) <- names(object$coeff)
    else coeff <- NULL
        AIC <- if ("AIC" %in% fit.indices) AIC(object, saturated.logLik=saturated.logLik) else NA
        AICc <- if ("AICc" %in% fit.indices) AICc(object, saturated.logLik=saturated.logLik) else NA
        BIC <- if ("BIC" %in% fit.indices) BIC(object, saturated.logLik=saturated.logLik) else NA
        CAIC <- if ("CAIC" %in% fit.indices)  CAIC(object, saturated.logLik=saturated.logLik) else NA
        #         SRMR <- if ("SRMR" %in% fit.indices  && !object$raw) sqrt(sum(standardizedResiduals(object, S=S)^2 * 
        #             upper.tri(diag(n), diag=TRUE))/(n*(n + 1)/2)) else NA
    else AIC <- AICc <- BIC <- CAIC <- NA
    #   if (robust) { 
    #     chisq.adjusted <- object$adj.obj$chisq.scaled
    #     chisqNull.adjusted <- chisqNull/object$adj.obj$c 
    #     NFI.adjusted <- (chisqNull.adjusted - chisq)/chisqNull.adjusted
    #     NNFI.adjusted <- (chisqNull.adjusted/dfNull - chisq.adjusted/df)/(chisqNull.adjusted/dfNull - 1)
    #     L1 <- max(chisq.adjusted - df, 0)
    #     L0 <- max(L1, chisqNull.adjusted - dfNull)
    #     CFI.adjusted <- 1 - L1/L0
    #   }
    #   else{
    chisq.adjusted <- chisqNull.adjusted <- NFI.adjusted <- NNFI.adjusted <- CFI.adjusted <- NULL
    #   }
    ans <- list(chisq=chisq, logLik=logLik, df=df, chisqNull=chisqNull, dfNull=NA,
                AIC=AIC, AICc=AICc, CAIC=CAIC, Rsq=Rsq,
                chisq.adjusted=chisq.adjusted, chisqNull.adjusted=chisqNull.adjusted, NFI.adjusted=NFI.adjusted,
                NNFI.adjusted=NNFI.adjusted, CFI.adjusted=CFI.adjusted,
                norm.res=norm.res, coeff=coeff, digits=digits, 
                iterations=object$iterations, aliased=object$aliased, raw=object$raw,
                robust=FALSE, robust.vcov=NULL, adj.obj=NULL)
    class(ans) <- "summary.objectiveML"

print.objectiveFIML <- function(x, saturated=FALSE, ...) {
    n <- x$n
    t <- x$t
    n.fix <- x$n.fix
    df <- n*(n + 1)/2 - t - n.fix*(n.fix + 1)/2
    if (saturated){
        cat("\n Model Chisquare = ", 2*(logLik(x, saturated=TRUE) - logLik(x)), 
            "  Df = ", df, "\n\n")
        cat("\n Model log-likelihood = ", logLik(x), "  Df = ", df, "\n\n")
    if (!is.null(x$coef)){
        if (!is.na(x$iterations)) cat("\n Iterations = ", x$iterations, "\n")
        if (!is.null(x$aliased)) cat("\n Aliased parameters:", x$aliased, "\n")

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